[Home](./index.md) > [bitburner](./bitburner.md) > [TIX](./bitburner.tix.md) ## TIX interface Stock market API Signature: ```typescript export interface TIX ``` ## Methods | Method | Description | | --- | --- | | [buyShort(sym, shares)](./bitburner.tix.buyshort.md) | Short stocks. | | [buyStock(sym, shares)](./bitburner.tix.buystock.md) | Buy stocks. | | [cancelOrder(sym, shares, price, type, pos)](./bitburner.tix.cancelorder.md) | Cancel order for stocks. | | [getAskPrice(sym)](./bitburner.tix.getaskprice.md) | Returns the ask price of that stock. | | [getBidPrice(sym)](./bitburner.tix.getbidprice.md) | Returns the bid price of that stock. | | [getForecast(sym)](./bitburner.tix.getforecast.md) | Returns the probability that the specified stock’s price will increase (as opposed to decrease) during the next tick. | | [getMaxShares(sym)](./bitburner.tix.getmaxshares.md) | Returns the maximum number of shares of a stock. | | [getOrders()](./bitburner.tix.getorders.md) | Returns your order book for the stock market. | | [getPosition(sym)](./bitburner.tix.getposition.md) | Returns the player’s position in a stock. | | [getPrice(sym)](./bitburner.tix.getprice.md) | Returns the price of a stock | | [getPurchaseCost(sym, shares, posType)](./bitburner.tix.getpurchasecost.md) | Calculates cost of buying stocks. | | [getSaleGain(sym, shares, posType)](./bitburner.tix.getsalegain.md) | Calculate profit of selling stocks. | | [getSymbols()](./bitburner.tix.getsymbols.md) | Returns an array of the symbols of the tradable stocks | | [getVolatility(sym)](./bitburner.tix.getvolatility.md) | Returns the volatility of the specified stock. | | [has4SData()](./bitburner.tix.has4sdata.md) | Returns true if the player has access to the 4S Data | | [has4SDataTIXAPI()](./bitburner.tix.has4sdatatixapi.md) | Returns true if the player has access to the 4SData TIX API | | [hasTIXAPIAccess()](./bitburner.tix.hastixapiaccess.md) | Returns true if the player has access to the TIX API | | [hasWSEAccount()](./bitburner.tix.haswseaccount.md) | Returns true if the player has access to a WSE Account | | [placeOrder(sym, shares, price, type, pos)](./bitburner.tix.placeorder.md) | Place order for stocks. | | [purchase4SMarketData()](./bitburner.tix.purchase4smarketdata.md) | Purchase 4S Market Data Access. | | [purchase4SMarketDataTixApi()](./bitburner.tix.purchase4smarketdatatixapi.md) | Purchase 4S Market Data TIX API Access. | | [purchaseTixApi()](./bitburner.tix.purchasetixapi.md) | Purchase TIX API Access | | [purchaseWseAccount()](./bitburner.tix.purchasewseaccount.md) | Purchase WSE Account. | | [sellShort(sym, shares)](./bitburner.tix.sellshort.md) | Sell short stock. | | [sellStock(sym, shares)](./bitburner.tix.sellstock.md) | Sell stocks. |