attempt() Netscript Function

.. js:function:: attempt(answer, filename[, hostname=current hostname[, opts={}]])

    :RAM cost: 10 GB
    :param answer: Solution for the contract
    :param string filename: Filename of the contract
    :param string hostname: Hostname of the server containing the contract.
                               Optional. Defaults to current server if not provided
    :param object opts: Optional parameters for configuring function behavior. Properties:

        * returnReward (*boolean*) If truthy, then the function will return a string
          that states the contract's reward when it is successfully solved.
    :returns: ``true`` if the solution was correct. If the :code:`returnReward`
              option is configured, then the function will instead return a
              string. If the contract is successfully solved, the string will
              contain a description of the contract's reward. Otherwise, it will
              be an empty string.

    Attempts to solve the Coding Contract with the provided solution.


    .. code-block:: javascript

        codingcontract.attempt("myanswer!", "contract-123.cct", "home");