import { Player } from "@player"; import { PositiveInteger, isPositiveInteger } from "../types"; import { formatShares } from "../ui/formatNumber"; import { Corporation } from "./Corporation"; import { CorpUpgrade } from "./data/CorporationUpgrades"; import * as corpConstants from "./data/Constants"; export function costOfCreatingCorporation(restart: boolean): number { if (restart && !Player.corporation?.seedFunded) { return 50e9; } return 150e9; } export function calculateUpgradeCost(corporation: Corporation, upgrade: CorpUpgrade, amount: PositiveInteger): number { const priceMult = upgrade.priceMult; const level = corporation.upgrades[].level; const baseCost = upgrade.basePrice * Math.pow(priceMult, level); const cost = (baseCost * (1 - Math.pow(priceMult, amount))) / (1 - priceMult); return cost; } export function calculateOfficeSizeUpgradeCost(currentSize: number, sizeIncrease: PositiveInteger): number { if (sizeIncrease <= 0) throw new Error("Invalid value for sizeIncrease argument! Must be at least 0!"); const baseCostDivisor = 0.09; const baseCostMultiplier = 1 + baseCostDivisor; const currentSizeFactor = baseCostMultiplier ** (currentSize / 3); const sizeIncreaseFactor = baseCostMultiplier ** (sizeIncrease / 3) - 1; return (corpConstants.officeInitialCost / baseCostDivisor) * currentSizeFactor * sizeIncreaseFactor; } export function calculateMaxAffordableUpgrade(corp: Corporation, upgrade: CorpUpgrade): 0 | PositiveInteger { const Lvl = corp.upgrades[].level; const Multi = upgrade.priceMult; const Base = upgrade.basePrice; /* Let's calculate X - affordable upgrade count using the formula in `calculateUpgradeCost`: Base * Multi^Lvl * (1 - Multi^X) / (1 - Multi) <= FUNDS (1 - Multi^X) >= FUNDS / Base / Multi^Lvl * (1 - Multi) Multi^X >= 1 - FUNDS / Base / Multi^Lvl * (1 - Multi) X <= ln(1 - FUNDS / Base / Multi^Lvl * (1 - Multi)) / ln(Multi) */ const maxAffordableUpgrades = Math.floor( Math.log(1 - (corp.funds / Base / Math.pow(Multi, Lvl)) * (1 - Multi)) / Math.log(Multi), ); const sanitizedValue = maxAffordableUpgrades >= 0 ? maxAffordableUpgrades : 0; return sanitizedValue as PositiveInteger | 0; } /** Returns a string representing the reason a share sale should fail, or empty string if there is no issue. */ export function sellSharesFailureReason(corp: Corporation, numShares: number): string { if (!isPositiveInteger(numShares)) return "Number of shares must be a positive integer."; else if (numShares > corp.numShares) return "You do not have that many shares to sell."; else if (numShares === corp.numShares) return "You cannot sell all your shares."; else if (numShares > 1e14) return `Cannot sell more than ${formatShares(1e14)} shares at a time.`; else if (!corp.public) return "Cannot sell shares before going public."; else if (corp.shareSaleCooldown) return `Cannot sell shares for another ${corp.convertCooldownToString(corp.shareSaleCooldown)}.`; return ""; } /** Returns a string representing the reason a share buyback should fail, or empty string if there is no issue. */ export function buybackSharesFailureReason(corp: Corporation, numShares: number): string { if (!isPositiveInteger(numShares)) return "Number of shares must be a positive integer."; if (numShares > corp.issuedShares) return "Not enough shares are available for buyback."; if (numShares > 1e14) return `Cannot buy more than ${formatShares(1e14)} shares at a time.`; if (!corp.public) return "Cannot buy back shares before going public."; const [cost] = corp.calculateShareBuyback(numShares); if ( < cost) return "You cannot afford that many shares."; return ""; } /** Returns a string representing the reason issuing new shares should fail, or empty string if there is no issue. */ export function issueNewSharesFailureReason(corp: Corporation, numShares: number): string { if (!isPositiveInteger(numShares)) return "Number of shares must be a positive integer."; if (numShares % 10e6 !== 0) return "Number of shares must be a multiple of 10 million."; if (!corp.public) return "Cannot issue new shares before going public."; const maxNewShares = corp.calculateMaxNewShares(); if (numShares > maxNewShares) return `Number of shares cannot exceed ${maxNewShares} (20% of total shares).`; const cooldown = corp.issueNewSharesCooldown; if (cooldown > 0) return `Cannot issue new shares for another ${corp.convertCooldownToString(cooldown)}.`; return ""; }