[Home](./index.md) > [bitburner](./bitburner.md) > [Singularity](./bitburner.singularity.md) > [b1tflum3](./bitburner.singularity.b1tflum3.md) ## Singularity.b1tflum3() method b1t\_flum3 into a different BN. **Signature:** ```typescript b1tflum3(nextBN: number, callbackScript?: string, bitNodeOptions?: BitNodeOptions): void; ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | nextBN | number | BN number to jump to | | callbackScript | string | _(Optional)_ Name of the script to launch in the next BN. | | bitNodeOptions | [BitNodeOptions](./bitburner.bitnodeoptions.md) | _(Optional)_ BitNode options for the next BN. | **Returns:** void ## Remarks RAM cost: 16 GB \* 16/4/1