Netscript Miscellaneous


Netscript supports comments using the same syntax as Javascript comments. Comments are not evaluated as code, and can be used to document and/or explain code:

//This is a comment and will not get executed even though its in the code
/* Multi
 * line
 * comment */
print("This code will actually get executed");

Javascript Math Module

The Javascript Math Module is supported in Netscript and is used in the same way:

numThreads = Math.floor(getServerRam("foodnstuff")[1] / 3.4);

Javascript Date Module

The Javascript Date Module is supported in Netscript. However, since the 'new' operator does not work in Netscript, only the Date module's static functions can be used:

  • now()
  • UTC()
  • Parse()
  • Maybe some others I don't know about


time =;