import { CorpMaterialName } from "@nsdefs"; import { Generic_fromJSON, Generic_toJSON, IReviverValue, Reviver } from "../utils/JSONReviver"; import { materialNames } from "./data/Constants"; import { Export } from "./Export"; import { MaterialInfo } from "./MaterialInfo"; interface IConstructorParams { name: CorpMaterialName; } export class Material { // Name of material name: CorpMaterialName; // Amount of material owned qty = 0; // Material's "quality". Unbounded qlt = 0; // How much demand the Material has in the market, and the range of possible // values for this "demand" dmd = 0; dmdR: number[] = [0, 0]; // How much competition there is for this Material in the market, and the range // of possible values for this "competition" cmp = 0; cmpR: number[] = [0, 0]; // Maximum volatility of this Materials stats mv = 0; // Markup. Determines how high of a price you can charge on the material // compared to the market price without suffering loss in # of sales // Quality is divided by this to determine markup limits // e,g, If mku is 10 and quality is 100 then you can markup prices by 100/10 = 10 mku = 0; // How much of this material is being bought, sold, imported and produced every second buy = 0; sll = 0; prd = 0; imp = 0; // Exports of this material to another warehouse/industry exp: Export[] = []; // Total amount of this material exported in the last cycle totalExp = 0; // Cost / sec to buy this material. AKA Market Price bCost = 0; // Cost / sec to sell this material sCost: string | number = 0; // Flags to keep track of whether production and/or sale of this material is limited // [Whether production/sale is limited, limit amount] prdman: [boolean, number] = [false, 0]; // Production sllman: [boolean, string | number] = [false, 0]; // Sale // Flags that signal whether automatic sale pricing through Market TA is enabled marketTa1 = false; marketTa2 = false; marketTa2Price = 0; // Determines the maximum amount of this material that can be sold in one market cycle maxsll = 0; constructor(params?: IConstructorParams) { = params?.name ?? materialNames[0]; this.dmd = MaterialInfo[].demandBase; this.dmdR = MaterialInfo[].demandRange; this.cmp = MaterialInfo[].competitionBase; this.cmpR = MaterialInfo[].competitionRange; this.bCost = MaterialInfo[].baseCost; = MaterialInfo[].maxVolatility; this.mku = MaterialInfo[].baseMarkup; } getMarkupLimit(): number { return this.qlt / this.mku; } // Process change in demand, competition, and buy cost of this material processMarket(): void { // The price will change in accordance with demand and competition. // e.g. If demand goes up, then so does price. If competition goes up, price goes down const priceVolatility: number = (Math.random() * / 300; const priceChange: number = 1 + priceVolatility; //This 1st random check determines whether competition increases or decreases const compVolatility: number = (Math.random() * / 100; const compChange: number = 1 + compVolatility; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { this.cmp *= compChange; if (this.cmp > this.cmpR[1]) { this.cmp = this.cmpR[1]; } this.bCost *= 1 / priceChange; // Competition increases, so price goes down } else { this.cmp *= 1 / compChange; if (this.cmp < this.cmpR[0]) { this.cmp = this.cmpR[0]; } this.bCost *= priceChange; // Competition decreases, so price goes up } // This 2nd random check determines whether demand increases or decreases const dmdVolatility: number = (Math.random() * / 100; const dmdChange: number = 1 + dmdVolatility; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { this.dmd *= dmdChange; if (this.dmd > this.dmdR[1]) { this.dmd = this.dmdR[1]; } this.bCost *= priceChange; // Demand increases, so price goes up } else { this.dmd *= 1 / dmdChange; if (this.dmd < this.dmdR[0]) { this.dmd = this.dmdR[0]; } this.bCost *= 1 / priceChange; } } // Serialize the current object to a JSON save state. toJSON(): IReviverValue { return Generic_toJSON("Material", this); } // Initializes a Material object from a JSON save state. static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): Material { // Gracefully load save files from when Scientific Research was considered a Material (pre 2.2). if ( === "Scientific Research") return; return Generic_fromJSON(Material,; } } Reviver.constructors.Material = Material;