import { CityName, CorpEmployeeJob } from "@enums"; import * as corpConstants from "./data/Constants"; import { Generic_fromJSON, Generic_toJSON, IReviverValue, constructorsForReviver } from "../utils/JSONReviver"; import { Division } from "./Division"; import { Corporation } from "./Corporation"; import { getRandomInt } from "../utils/helpers/getRandomInt"; import { createEnumKeyedRecord, getRecordKeys } from "../Types/Record"; interface IParams { city: CityName; size: number; } export class OfficeSpace { city = CityName.Sector12; size = 1; maxEnergy = 100; maxMorale = 100; avgEnergy = 75; avgMorale = 75; avgIntelligence = 75; avgCharisma = 75; avgCreativity = 75; avgEfficiency = 75; totalExperience = 0; numEmployees = 0; totalSalary = 0; autoTea = false; autoParty = false; teaPending = false; partyMult = 1; employeeProductionByJob = { total: 0, ...createEnumKeyedRecord(CorpEmployeeJob, () => 0) }; employeeJobs = createEnumKeyedRecord(CorpEmployeeJob, () => 0); employeeNextJobs = createEnumKeyedRecord(CorpEmployeeJob, () => 0); constructor(params: IParams | null = null) { if (!params) return; =; this.size = params.size; } atCapacity(): boolean { return this.numEmployees >= this.size; } process(marketCycles = 1, corporation: Corporation, industry: Division): number { // HRBuddy AutoRecruitment and Interning if (industry.hasResearch("HRBuddy-Recruitment") && !this.atCapacity()) { this.hireRandomEmployee( industry.hasResearch("HRBuddy-Training") ? CorpEmployeeJob.Intern : CorpEmployeeJob.Unassigned, ); } // Update employee jobs and job counts for (const [pos, jobCount] of Object.entries(this.employeeNextJobs) as [CorpEmployeeJob, number][]) { this.employeeJobs[pos] = jobCount; } // Process Office properties this.maxEnergy = 100; this.maxMorale = 100; if (industry.hasResearch("Go-Juice")) this.maxEnergy += 10; if (industry.hasResearch("")) this.maxMorale += 10; if (industry.hasResearch("AutoBrew")) this.autoTea = true; if (industry.hasResearch("AutoPartyManager")) this.autoParty = true; if (this.numEmployees > 0) { /** Multiplier for employee morale/energy based on company performance */ let perfMult = 1.002; if (this.numEmployees >= 9) { perfMult = Math.pow( 1 + 0.002 * Math.min(1 / 9, this.employeeJobs.Intern / this.numEmployees - 1 / 9) * 9 - (corporation.funds < 0 && industry.lastCycleRevenue < industry.lastCycleExpenses ? 0.001 : 0), marketCycles, ); } // Flat reduction per cycle. // This does not cause a noticable decrease (it's only -.001% per cycle). const reduction = 0.002 * marketCycles; if (this.autoTea) { this.avgEnergy = this.maxEnergy; } else { // Tea gives a flat +2 to energy this.avgEnergy = (this.avgEnergy - reduction * Math.random()) * perfMult + (this.teaPending ? 2 : 0); } if (this.autoParty) { this.avgMorale = this.maxMorale; } else { // Each 5% multiplier gives an extra flat +1 to morale to make recovering from low morale easier. const increase = this.partyMult > 1 ? (this.partyMult - 1) * 10 : 0; this.avgMorale = ((this.avgMorale - reduction * Math.random()) * perfMult + increase) * this.partyMult; } this.avgEnergy = Math.max(Math.min(this.avgEnergy, this.maxEnergy), corpConstants.minEmployeeDecay); this.avgMorale = Math.max(Math.min(this.avgMorale, this.maxMorale), corpConstants.minEmployeeDecay); this.teaPending = false; this.partyMult = 1; } // Get experience increase; unassigned employees do not contribute, interning employees contribute 10x this.totalExperience += 0.0015 * marketCycles * (this.numEmployees - this.employeeJobs[CorpEmployeeJob.Unassigned] + this.employeeJobs[CorpEmployeeJob.Intern] * 9); this.calculateEmployeeProductivity(corporation, industry); if (this.numEmployees === 0) { this.totalSalary = 0; } else { this.totalSalary = corpConstants.employeeSalaryMultiplier * marketCycles * this.numEmployees * (this.avgIntelligence + this.avgCharisma + this.totalExperience / this.numEmployees + this.avgCreativity + this.avgEfficiency); } return this.totalSalary; } calculateEmployeeProductivity(corporation: Corporation, industry: Division): void { const effCre = this.avgCreativity * corporation.getEmployeeCreMultiplier() * industry.getEmployeeCreMultiplier(), effCha = this.avgCharisma * corporation.getEmployeeChaMult() * industry.getEmployeeChaMultiplier(), effInt = this.avgIntelligence * corporation.getEmployeeIntMult() * industry.getEmployeeIntMultiplier(), effEff = this.avgEfficiency * corporation.getEmployeeEffMult() * industry.getEmployeeEffMultiplier(); const prodBase = this.avgMorale * this.avgEnergy * 1e-4; let total = 0; const exp = this.totalExperience / this.numEmployees || 0; for (const name of getRecordKeys(this.employeeProductionByJob)) { let prodMult = 0; switch (name) { case CorpEmployeeJob.Operations: prodMult = 0.6 * effInt + 0.1 * effCha + exp + 0.5 * effCre + effEff; break; case CorpEmployeeJob.Engineer: prodMult = effInt + 0.1 * effCha + 1.5 * exp + effEff; break; case CorpEmployeeJob.Business: prodMult = 0.4 * effInt + effCha + 0.5 * exp; break; case CorpEmployeeJob.Management: prodMult = 2 * effCha + exp + 0.2 * effCre + 0.7 * effEff; break; case CorpEmployeeJob.RandD: prodMult = 1.5 * effInt + 0.8 * exp + effCre + 0.5 * effEff; break; case CorpEmployeeJob.Unassigned: case CorpEmployeeJob.Intern: case "total": continue; default: console.error(`Invalid employee position: ${name}`); break; } this.employeeProductionByJob[name] = this.employeeJobs[name] * prodMult * prodBase; total += this.employeeProductionByJob[name]; } = total; } hireRandomEmployee(position: CorpEmployeeJob): boolean { if (this.atCapacity()) return false; if (document.getElementById("cmpy-mgmt-hire-employee-popup") != null) return false; ++this.numEmployees; ++this.employeeJobs[position]; ++this.employeeNextJobs[position]; this.totalExperience += getRandomInt(50, 100); this.avgMorale = (this.avgMorale * this.numEmployees + getRandomInt(50, 100)) / (this.numEmployees + 1); this.avgEnergy = (this.avgEnergy * this.numEmployees + getRandomInt(50, 100)) / (this.numEmployees + 1); this.avgIntelligence = (this.avgIntelligence * this.numEmployees + getRandomInt(50, 100)) / (this.numEmployees + 1); this.avgCharisma = (this.avgCharisma * this.numEmployees + getRandomInt(50, 100)) / (this.numEmployees + 1); this.avgCreativity = (this.avgCreativity * this.numEmployees + getRandomInt(50, 100)) / (this.numEmployees + 1); this.avgEfficiency = (this.avgEfficiency * this.numEmployees + getRandomInt(50, 100)) / (this.numEmployees + 1); return true; } autoAssignJob(job: CorpEmployeeJob, target: number): boolean { if (job === CorpEmployeeJob.Unassigned) { throw new Error("internal autoAssignJob function called with EmployeePositions.Unassigned"); } const diff = target - this.employeeNextJobs[job]; if (diff === 0) return true; // We are already at the desired number else if (diff <= this.employeeNextJobs[CorpEmployeeJob.Unassigned]) { // This covers both a negative diff (reducing the amount of employees in position) and a positive (increasing and using up unassigned employees) this.employeeNextJobs[CorpEmployeeJob.Unassigned] -= diff; this.employeeNextJobs[job] = target; return true; } return false; } getTeaCost(): number { return corpConstants.teaCostPerEmployee * this.numEmployees; } setTea(): boolean { if (!this.teaPending && !this.autoTea && this.numEmployees > 0) { this.teaPending = true; return true; } return false; } setParty(mult: number): boolean { if (mult > 1 && this.partyMult === 1 && !this.autoParty && this.numEmployees > 0) { this.partyMult = mult; return true; } return false; } toJSON(): IReviverValue { return Generic_toJSON("OfficeSpace", this); } static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): OfficeSpace { return Generic_fromJSON(OfficeSpace,; } } constructorsForReviver.OfficeSpace = OfficeSpace;