import React from "react"; import { Work, WorkType } from "./Work"; import { Reviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON, IReviverValue } from "../utils/JSONReviver"; import { IPlayer } from "../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { FactionNames } from "../Faction/data/FactionNames"; import { Factions } from "../Faction/Factions"; import { Faction } from "../Faction/Faction"; import { applyWorkStats, WorkStats } from "./WorkStats"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../ui/React/DialogBox"; import { Reputation } from "../ui/React/Reputation"; import { getFactionFieldWorkRepGain, getFactionSecurityWorkRepGain, getHackingWorkRepGain, } from "../PersonObjects/formulas/reputation"; import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants"; import { AugmentationNames } from "../Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames"; import { calculateFactionExp } from "./formulas/Faction"; import { FactionWorkType } from "./data/FactionWorkType"; interface FactionWorkParams { singularity: boolean; factionWorkType: FactionWorkType; faction: string; } export const isFactionWork = (w: Work | null): w is FactionWork => w !== null && w.type === WorkType.FACTION; export class FactionWork extends Work { factionWorkType: FactionWorkType; factionName: string; constructor(params?: FactionWorkParams) { super(WorkType.FACTION, params?.singularity ?? true); this.factionWorkType = params?.factionWorkType ?? FactionWorkType.HACKING; this.factionName = params?.faction ?? FactionNames.Sector12; } getFaction(): Faction { const f = Factions[this.factionName]; if (!f) throw new Error(`Faction work started with invalid / unknown faction: '${this.factionName}'`); return f; } getReputationRate(player: IPlayer): number { const faction = this.getFaction(); const repFormulas = { [FactionWorkType.HACKING]: getHackingWorkRepGain, [FactionWorkType.FIELD]: getFactionFieldWorkRepGain, [FactionWorkType.SECURITY]: getFactionSecurityWorkRepGain, }; const rep = repFormulas[this.factionWorkType](player, faction); let focusBonus = 1; if (!player.hasAugmentation(AugmentationNames.NeuroreceptorManager)) { focusBonus = player.focus ? 1 : CONSTANTS.BaseFocusBonus; } return rep * focusBonus; } getExpRates(player: IPlayer): WorkStats { return calculateFactionExp(player, this.factionWorkType); } process(player: IPlayer, cycles: number): boolean { this.cyclesWorked += cycles; this.getFaction().playerReputation += this.getReputationRate(player) * cycles; const rate = this.getExpRates(player); applyWorkStats(player, rate, cycles, "class"); return false; } finish(): void { if (!this.singularity) { dialogBoxCreate( <> You worked for {this.getFaction().name}.
They now have a total of reputation. , ); } } APICopy(): Record { return { type: this.type, cyclesWorked: this.cyclesWorked, factionWorkType: this.factionWorkType, factionName: this.factionName, }; } /** * Serialize the current object to a JSON save state. */ toJSON(): IReviverValue { return Generic_toJSON("FactionWork", this); } /** * Initiatizes a FactionWork object from a JSON save state. */ static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): FactionWork { return Generic_fromJSON(FactionWork,; } } Reviver.constructors.FactionWork = FactionWork;