var sprintf = require('sprintf-js').sprintf, vsprintf = require('sprintf-js').vsprintf import {updateActiveScriptsItems} from "./ActiveScriptsUI"; import { Augmentation } from "./Augmentation/Augmentation"; import { Augmentations } from "./Augmentation/Augmentations"; import { augmentationExists, installAugmentations } from "./Augmentation/AugmentationHelpers"; import { AugmentationNames } from "./Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames"; import { BitNodeMultipliers } from "./BitNode/BitNodeMultipliers"; import { findCrime } from "./Crime/CrimeHelpers"; import {Bladeburner} from "./Bladeburner"; import {Company} from "./Company/Company"; import {Companies, companyExists} from "./Company/Companies"; import {CompanyPosition} from "./Company/CompanyPosition"; import {CompanyPositions} from "./Company/CompanyPositions"; import {CONSTANTS} from "./Constants"; import { DarkWebItems } from "./DarkWeb/DarkWebItems"; import {calculateHackingChance, calculateHackingExpGain, calculatePercentMoneyHacked, calculateHackingTime, calculateGrowTime, calculateWeakenTime} from "./Hacking"; import {AllGangs} from "./Gang"; import { Faction } from "./Faction/Faction"; import { Factions, factionExists } from "./Faction/Factions"; import { joinFaction, purchaseAugmentation } from "./Faction/FactionHelpers"; import { FactionWorkType } from "./Faction/FactionWorkTypeEnum"; import { getCostOfNextHacknetNode, purchaseHacknet } from "./Hacknet/HacknetNode"; import {Locations} from "./Locations"; import { Message } from "./Message/Message"; import { Messages } from "./Message/MessageHelpers"; import {inMission} from "./Missions"; import {Player} from "./Player"; import { Programs } from "./Programs/Programs"; import { Script } from "./Script/Script"; import { findRunningScript } from "./Script/ScriptHelpers"; import { isScriptFilename } from "./Script/ScriptHelpersTS"; import { AllServers, AddToAllServers } from "./Server/AllServers"; import { Server } from "./Server/Server"; import { GetServerByHostname, getServer, getServerOnNetwork, numCycleForGrowth, processSingleServerGrowth } from "./Server/ServerHelpers"; import { getPurchaseServerCost, getPurchaseServerLimit, getPurchaseServerMaxRam } from "./Server/ServerPurchases"; import {Settings} from "./Settings/Settings"; import {SpecialServerIps} from "./Server/SpecialServerIps"; import {Stock} from "./StockMarket/Stock"; import {StockMarket, StockSymbols, SymbolToStockMap, initStockMarket, initSymbolToStockMap, buyStock, sellStock, updateStockPlayerPosition, shortStock, sellShort, OrderTypes, PositionTypes, placeOrder, cancelOrder} from "./StockMarket/StockMarket"; import { getStockmarket4SDataCost, getStockMarket4STixApiCost } from "./StockMarket/StockMarketCosts"; import { SourceFileFlags } from "./SourceFile/SourceFileFlags" import {TextFile, getTextFile, createTextFile} from "./TextFile"; import {unknownBladeburnerActionErrorMessage, unknownBladeburnerExceptionMessage, checkBladeburnerAccess} from "./NetscriptBladeburner"; import * as nsGang from "./NetscriptGang"; import {WorkerScript, workerScripts, killWorkerScript, NetscriptPorts} from "./NetscriptWorker"; import {makeRuntimeRejectMsg, netscriptDelay, runScriptFromScript} from "./NetscriptEvaluator"; import {NetscriptPort} from "./NetscriptPort"; import { SleeveTaskType } from "./PersonObjects/Sleeve/SleeveTaskTypesEnum" import {Page, routing} from "./ui/navigationTracking"; import {numeralWrapper} from "./ui/numeralFormat"; import {post} from "./ui/postToTerminal"; import { setTimeoutRef } from "./utils/SetTimeoutRef"; import { is2DArray } from "./utils/helpers/is2DArray"; import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../utils/DialogBox"; import {isPowerOfTwo} from "../utils/helpers/isPowerOfTwo"; import {arrayToString} from "../utils/helpers/arrayToString"; import {createRandomIp} from "../utils/IPAddress"; import {formatNumber, isHTML} from "../utils/StringHelperFunctions"; import {isString} from "../utils/helpers/isString"; import { createElement } from "../utils/uiHelpers/createElement"; import { createPopup } from "../utils/uiHelpers/createPopup"; import { removeElementById } from "../utils/uiHelpers/removeElementById"; var hasCorporationSF = false, //Source-File 3 hasSingularitySF = false, //Source-File 4 hasAISF = false, //Source-File 5 hasBladeburnerSF = false, //Source-File 6 hasBladeburner2079SF = false, //Source-File 7 hasWallStreetSF = false, //Source-File 8 hasBn11SF = false; //Source-File 11 var singularitySFLvl=1, wallStreetSFLvl=1; var possibleLogs = { ALL: true, scan: true, hack: true, sleep: true, disableLog: true, enableLog: true, grow: true, weaken: true, nuke: true, brutessh: true, ftpcrack: true, relaysmtp: true, httpworm: true, sqlinject: true, run:true, exec:true, spawn: true, kill: true, killall: true, scp: true, getHackingLevel: true, getServerMoneyAvailable: true, getServerSecurityLevel: true, getServerBaseSecurityLevel: true, getServerMinSecurityLevel: true, getServerRequiredHackingLevel: true, getServerMaxMoney: true, getServerGrowth: true, getServerNumPortsRequired: true, getServerRam: true, // TIX API buyStock: true, sellStock: true, shortStock: true, sellShort: true, purchase4SMarketData: true, purchase4SMarketDataTixApi: true, // Singularity Functions purchaseServer: true, deleteServer: true, universityCourse: true, gymWorkout: true, travelToCity: true, purchaseTor: true, purchaseProgram: true, stopAction: true, upgradeHomeRam: true, workForCompany: true, applyToCompany: true, joinFaction: true, workForFaction: true, donateToFaction: true, createProgram: true, commitCrime: true, // Bladeburner API startAction: true, upgradeSkill: true, setTeamSize: true, joinBladeburnerFaction: true, // Gang API recruitMember: true, setMemberTask: true, purchaseEquipment: true, setTerritoryWarfare: true, } //Used to check and set flags for every Source File, despite the name of the function function initSingularitySFFlags() { for (var i = 0; i < Player.sourceFiles.length; ++i) { if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === 3) {hasCorporationSF = true;} if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === 4) { hasSingularitySF = true; singularitySFLvl = Player.sourceFiles[i].lvl; } if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === 5) {hasAISF = true;} if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === 6) {hasBladeburnerSF = true;} if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === 7) {hasBladeburner2079SF = true;} if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === 8) { hasWallStreetSF = true; wallStreetSFLvl = Player.sourceFiles[i].lvl; } if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === 11) {hasBn11SF = true;} } } function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) { var updateDynamicRam = function(fnName, ramCost) { if (workerScript.dynamicLoadedFns[fnName]) {return;} workerScript.dynamicLoadedFns[fnName] = true; const threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads; if (typeof threads !== 'number') { console.warn(`WorkerScript detected NaN for threadcount for ${} on ${workerScript.serverIp}`); threads = 1; } workerScript.dynamicRamUsage += (ramCost * threads); if (workerScript.dynamicRamUsage > 1.01 * workerScript.ramUsage) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Dynamic RAM usage calculated to be greater than initial RAM usage on fn: " + fnName + ". This is probably because you somehow circumvented the static RAM " + "calculation.

Please don't do that :(

" + "Dynamic RAM Usage: " + workerScript.dynamicRamUsage + "
" + "Static RAM Usage: " + workerScript.ramUsage); } }; var updateStaticRam = function(fnName, ramCost) { if (workerScript.loadedFns[fnName]) { return 0; } else { workerScript.loadedFns[fnName] = true; return ramCost; } }; /** * Gets the Server for a specific hostname/ip, throwing an error * if the server doesn't exist. * @param {string} Hostname or IP of the server * @returns {Server} The specified Server */ var safeGetServer = function(ip, callingFnName="") { var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, `Invalid IP or hostname passed into ${callingFnName}() function`); } return server; } // Utility function to get Hacknet Node object var getHacknetNode = function(i) { if (isNaN(i)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid index specified for Hacknet Node: " + i); } if (i < 0 || i >= Player.hacknetNodes.length) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Index specified for Hacknet Node is out-of-bounds: " + i); } return Player.hacknetNodes[i]; }; var getCodingContract = function(fn, ip) { var server = safeGetServer(ip, "getCodingContract"); return server.getContract(fn); } return { hacknet : { numNodes : function() { return Player.hacknetNodes.length; }, purchaseNode : function() { return purchaseHacknet(); }, getPurchaseNodeCost : function() { return getCostOfNextHacknetNode(); }, getNodeStats : function(i) { var node = getHacknetNode(i); return { name:, level: node.level, ram: node.ram, cores: node.cores, production: node.moneyGainRatePerSecond, timeOnline: node.onlineTimeSeconds, totalProduction: node.totalMoneyGenerated, }; }, upgradeLevel : function(i, n) { var node = getHacknetNode(i); return node.purchaseLevelUpgrade(n, Player); }, upgradeRam : function(i, n) { var node = getHacknetNode(i); return node.purchaseRamUpgrade(n, Player); }, upgradeCore : function(i, n) { var node = getHacknetNode(i); return node.purchaseCoreUpgrade(n, Player); }, getLevelUpgradeCost : function(i, n) { var node = getHacknetNode(i); return node.calculateLevelUpgradeCost(n, Player); }, getRamUpgradeCost : function(i, n) { var node = getHacknetNode(i); return node.calculateRamUpgradeCost(n, Player); }, getCoreUpgradeCost : function(i, n) { var node = getHacknetNode(i); return node.calculateCoreUpgradeCost(n, Player); } }, sprintf : sprintf, vsprintf: vsprintf, scan : function(ip=workerScript.serverIp, hostnames=true){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("scan", CONSTANTS.ScriptScanRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("scan", CONSTANTS.ScriptScanRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, 'Invalid IP or hostname passed into scan() command'); } var out = []; for (var i = 0; i < server.serversOnNetwork.length; i++) { var entry; if (hostnames) { entry = getServerOnNetwork(server, i).hostname; } else { entry = getServerOnNetwork(server, i).ip; } if (entry == null) { continue; } out.push(entry); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scan == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log('scan() returned ' + server.serversOnNetwork.length + ' connections for ' + server.hostname); } return out; }, hack : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("hack", CONSTANTS.ScriptHackRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("hack", CONSTANTS.ScriptHackRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Hack() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads; if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;} var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("hack() error. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip + ". Stopping..."); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "hack() error. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip + ". Stopping..."); } //Calculate the hacking time var hackingTime = calculateHackingTime(server); //This is in seconds //No root access or skill level too low if (server.hasAdminRights == false) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); } if (server.requiredHackingSkill > Player.hacking_skill) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user's hacking skill is not high enough"); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user's hacking skill is not high enough"); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to hack " + ip + " in " + hackingTime.toFixed(3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")"); } return netscriptDelay(hackingTime * 1000, workerScript).then(function() { if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} var hackChance = calculateHackingChance(server); var rand = Math.random(); var expGainedOnSuccess = calculateHackingExpGain(server) * threads; var expGainedOnFailure = (expGainedOnSuccess / 4); if (rand < hackChance) { //Success! const percentHacked = calculatePercentMoneyHacked(server); let maxThreadNeeded = Math.ceil(1/percentHacked*(server.moneyAvailable/server.moneyMax)); if (isNaN(maxThreadNeeded)) { //Server has a 'max money' of 0 (probably). //We'll set this to an arbitrarily large value maxThreadNeeded = 1e6; } let moneyGained = Math.floor(server.moneyAvailable * percentHacked) * threads; //Over-the-top safety checks if (moneyGained <= 0) { moneyGained = 0; expGainedOnSuccess = expGainedOnFailure; } if (moneyGained > server.moneyAvailable) {moneyGained = server.moneyAvailable;} server.moneyAvailable -= moneyGained; if (server.moneyAvailable < 0) {server.moneyAvailable = 0;} Player.gainMoney(moneyGained); workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += moneyGained; Player.scriptProdSinceLastAug += moneyGained; Player.recordMoneySource(moneyGained, "hacking"); workerScript.scriptRef.recordHack(server.ip, moneyGained, threads); Player.gainHackingExp(expGainedOnSuccess); workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGainedOnSuccess; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Script SUCCESSFULLY hacked " + server.hostname + " for $" + formatNumber(moneyGained, 2) + " and " + formatNumber(expGainedOnSuccess, 4) + " exp (t=" + threads + ")"); } server.fortify(CONSTANTS.ServerFortifyAmount * Math.min(threads, maxThreadNeeded)); return Promise.resolve(moneyGained); } else { //Player only gains 25% exp for failure? Player.gainHackingExp(expGainedOnFailure); workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGainedOnFailure; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Script FAILED to hack " + server.hostname + ". Gained " + formatNumber(expGainedOnFailure, 4) + " exp (t=" + threads + ")"); } return Promise.resolve(0); } }); }, hackAnalyzeThreads : function(ip, hackAmount) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("hackAnalyzeThreads", CONSTANTS.ScriptHackAnalyzeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("hackAnalyzeThreads", CONSTANTS.ScriptHackAnalyzeRamCost); // Check argument validity const server = safeGetServer(ip, 'hackAnalyzeThreads'); if (isNaN(hackAmount)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, `Invalid growth argument passed into hackAnalyzeThreads: ${hackAmount}. Must be numeric`); } if (hackAmount < 0 || hackAmount > server.moneyAvailable) { return -1; } const percentHacked = calculatePercentMoneyHacked(server); return hackAmount / Math.floor(server.moneyAvailable * percentHacked); }, hackAnalyzePercent : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("hackAnalyzePercent", CONSTANTS.ScriptHackAnalyzeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("hackAnalyzePercent", CONSTANTS.ScriptHackAnalyzeRamCost); const server = safeGetServer(ip, 'hackAnalyzePercent'); return calculatePercentMoneyHacked(server) * 100; }, hackChance : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("hackChance", CONSTANTS.ScriptHackAnalyzeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("hackChance", CONSTANTS.ScriptHackAnalyzeRamCost); const server = safeGetServer(ip, 'hackChance'); return calculateHackingChance(server); }, sleep : function(time){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (time === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "sleep() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sleep == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sleeping for " + time + " milliseconds"); } return netscriptDelay(time, workerScript).then(function() { return Promise.resolve(true); }); }, grow : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("grow", CONSTANTS.ScriptGrowRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("grow", CONSTANTS.ScriptGrowRamCost); var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads; if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;} if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "grow() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot grow(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot grow(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } //No root access or skill level too low if (server.hasAdminRights == false) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot grow this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot grow this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); } var growTime = calculateGrowTime(server); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.grow == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executing grow() on server " + server.hostname + " in " + formatNumber(growTime, 3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")"); } return netscriptDelay(growTime * 1000, workerScript).then(function() { if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} const moneyBefore = server.moneyAvailable <= 0 ? 1 : server.moneyAvailable; server.moneyAvailable += (1 * threads); //It can be grown even if it has no money var growthPercentage = processSingleServerGrowth(server, 450 * threads, Player); const moneyAfter = server.moneyAvailable; workerScript.scriptRef.recordGrow(server.ip, threads); var expGain = calculateHackingExpGain(server) * threads; if (growthPercentage == 1) { expGain = 0; } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.grow == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Available money on " + server.hostname + " grown by " + formatNumber((moneyAfter/moneyBefore)*100 - 100, 6) + "%. Gained " + formatNumber(expGain, 4) + " hacking exp (t=" + threads +")"); } workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGain; Player.gainHackingExp(expGain); return Promise.resolve(moneyAfter/moneyBefore); }); }, growthAnalyze : function(ip, growth) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("growthAnalyze", CONSTANTS.ScriptGrowthAnalyzeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("growthAnalyze", CONSTANTS.ScriptGrowthAnalyzeRamCost); // Check argument validity const server = safeGetServer(ip, 'growthAnalyze'); if (isNaN(growth)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, `Invalid growth argument passed into growthAnalyze: ${growth}. Must be numeric`); } return numCycleForGrowth(server, Number(growth), Player); }, weaken : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("weaken", CONSTANTS.ScriptWeakenRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("weaken", CONSTANTS.ScriptWeakenRamCost); var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads; if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;} if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "weaken() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot weaken(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot weaken(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } //No root access or skill level too low if (server.hasAdminRights == false) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot weaken this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot weaken this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); } var weakenTime = calculateWeakenTime(server); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.weaken == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executing weaken() on server " + server.hostname + " in " + formatNumber(weakenTime, 3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")"); } return netscriptDelay(weakenTime * 1000, workerScript).then(function() { if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} server.weaken(CONSTANTS.ServerWeakenAmount * threads); workerScript.scriptRef.recordWeaken(server.ip, threads); var expGain = calculateHackingExpGain(server) * threads; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.weaken == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Server security level on " + server.hostname + " weakened to " + server.hackDifficulty + ". Gained " + formatNumber(expGain, 4) + " hacking exp (t=" + threads + ")"); } workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGain; Player.gainHackingExp(expGain); return Promise.resolve(CONSTANTS.ServerWeakenAmount * threads); }); }, print : function(args){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (args === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "print() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } workerScript.scriptRef.log(args.toString()); }, tprint : function(args) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (args === undefined || args == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "tprint() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var x = args.toString(); post(workerScript.scriptRef.filename + ": " + args.toString()); }, clearLog : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} workerScript.scriptRef.clearLog(); }, disableLog : function(fn) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if(possibleLogs[fn]===undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument to disableLog: "+fn); } workerScript.disableLogs[fn] = true; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.disableLog == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Disabled logging for " + fn); } }, enableLog : function(fn) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if(possibleLogs[fn]===undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument to enableLog: "+fn); } delete workerScript.disableLogs[fn]; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.enableLog == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Enabled logging for " + fn); } }, isLogEnabled : function(fn) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (possibleLogs[fn] === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument to isLogEnabled: " + fn); } return workerScript.disableLogs[fn] ? false : true; }, getScriptLogs : function(fn, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (fn != null && typeof fn === 'string') { // Get Logs of another script if (ip == null) { ip = workerScript.serverIp; } const server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.log(`getScriptLogs() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: ${ip}`); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, `getScriptLogs() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: ${ip}`); } let argsForTarget = []; for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForTarget.push(arguments[i]); } const runningScriptObj = findRunningScript(fn, argsForTarget, server); if (runningScriptObj == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(`getScriptLogs() failed. No such script ${fn} on ${server.hostname} with args: ${arrayToString(argsForTarget)}`); return ""; } return runningScriptObj.logs.slice(); } return workerScript.scriptRef.logs.slice(); }, nuke : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("nuke", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("nuke", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call nuke(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot call nuke(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!Player.hasProgram( { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You do not have the NUKE.exe virus!"); } if (server.openPortCount < server.numOpenPortsRequired) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Not enough ports opened to use NUKE.exe virus"); } if (server.hasAdminRights) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.nuke == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Already have root access to " + server.hostname); } } else { server.hasAdminRights = true; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.nuke == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed NUKE.exe virus on " + server.hostname + " to gain root access"); } } return true; }, brutessh : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("brutessh", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("brutessh", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call brutessh(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot call brutessh(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!Player.hasProgram( { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You do not have the BruteSSH.exe program!"); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You do not have the BruteSSH.exe program!"); } if (!server.sshPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.brutessh == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed BruteSSH.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SSH port (22)"); } server.sshPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.brutessh == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("SSH Port (22) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, ftpcrack : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("ftpcrack", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("ftpcrack", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call ftpcrack(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot call ftpcrack(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!Player.hasProgram( { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You do not have the FTPCrack.exe program!"); } if (!server.ftpPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.ftpcrack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed FTPCrack.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open FTP port (21)"); } server.ftpPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.ftpcrack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("FTP Port (21) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, relaysmtp : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("relaysmtp", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("relaysmtp", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call relaysmtp(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot call relaysmtp(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!Player.hasProgram( { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You do not have the relaySMTP.exe program!"); } if (!server.smtpPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.relaysmtp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed relaySMTP.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SMTP port (25)"); } server.smtpPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.relaysmtp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("SMTP Port (25) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, httpworm : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("httpworm", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("httpworm", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call httpworm(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot call httpworm(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!Player.hasProgram( { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You do not have the HTTPWorm.exe program!"); } if (!server.httpPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.httpworm == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed HTTPWorm.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open HTTP port (80)"); } server.httpPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.httpworm == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("HTTP Port (80) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, sqlinject : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("sqlinject", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("sqlinject", CONSTANTS.ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call sqlinject(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot call sqlinject(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!Player.hasProgram( { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You do not have the SQLInject.exe program!"); } if (!server.sqlPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sqlinject == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed SQLInject.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SQL port (1433)"); } server.sqlPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sqlinject == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("SQL Port (1433) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, run : function(scriptname,threads = 1){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("run", CONSTANTS.ScriptRunRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("run", CONSTANTS.ScriptRunRamCost); if (scriptname === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "run() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: run(scriptname, [numThreads], [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 0) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument for thread count passed into run(). Must be numeric and greater than 0"); } var argsForNewScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForNewScript.push(arguments[i]); } var scriptServer = getServer(workerScript.serverIp); if (scriptServer == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev"); } return runScriptFromScript(scriptServer, scriptname, argsForNewScript, workerScript, threads); }, exec : function(scriptname,ip,threads = 1) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("exec", CONSTANTS.ScriptExecRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("exec", CONSTANTS.ScriptExecRamCost); if (scriptname === undefined || ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "exec() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: exec(scriptname, server, [numThreads], [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 0) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument for thread count passed into exec(). Must be numeric and greater than 0"); } var argsForNewScript = []; for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForNewScript.push(arguments[i]); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid hostname/ip passed into exec() command: " + ip); } return runScriptFromScript(server, scriptname, argsForNewScript, workerScript, threads); }, spawn : function(scriptname, threads) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("spawn", CONSTANTS.ScriptSpawnRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("spawn", CONSTANTS.ScriptSpawnRamCost); if (scriptname == null || threads == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid scriptname or numThreads argument passed to spawn()"); } setTimeoutRef(() => { if (scriptname === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "spawn() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: spawn(scriptname, numThreads, [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 0) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument for thread count passed into run(). Must be numeric and greater than 0"); } var argsForNewScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForNewScript.push(arguments[i]); } var scriptServer = getServer(workerScript.serverIp); if (scriptServer == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev"); } return runScriptFromScript(scriptServer, scriptname, argsForNewScript, workerScript, threads); }, 20e3); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.spawn == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("spawn() will execute " + scriptname + " in 20 seconds"); } NetscriptFunctions(workerScript).exit(); }, kill : function(filename, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("kill", CONSTANTS.ScriptKillRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("kill", CONSTANTS.ScriptKillRamCost); if (filename === undefined || ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "kill() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: kill(scriptname, server, [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "kill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } var argsForKillTarget = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForKillTarget.push(arguments[i]); } var runningScriptObj = findRunningScript(filename, argsForKillTarget, server); if (runningScriptObj == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. No such script "+ filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + arrayToString(argsForKillTarget)); return false; } var res = killWorkerScript(runningScriptObj, server.ip); if (res) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.kill == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Killing " + filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + arrayToString(argsForKillTarget) + ". May take up to a few minutes for the scripts to die..."); } return true; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.kill == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. No such script "+ filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + arrayToString(argsForKillTarget)); } return false; } }, killall : function(ip=workerScript.serverIp){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("killall", CONSTANTS.ScriptKillRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("killall", CONSTANTS.ScriptKillRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "killall() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("killall() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "killall() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } var scriptsRunning = (server.runningScripts.length > 0); for (var i = server.runningScripts.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { killWorkerScript(server.runningScripts[i], server.ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.killall == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("killall(): Killing all scripts on " + server.hostname + ". May take a few minutes for the scripts to die"); } return scriptsRunning; }, exit : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} var server = getServer(workerScript.serverIp); if (server == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in exit(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } if (killWorkerScript(workerScript.scriptRef, server.ip)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Exiting..."); } else { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Exit failed(). This is a bug please contact game developer"); } }, scp : function(scriptname, ip1, ip2) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("scp", CONSTANTS.ScriptScpRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("scp", CONSTANTS.ScriptScpRamCost); if (arguments.length !== 2 && arguments.length !== 3) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments"); } if (scriptname && scriptname.constructor === Array) { //Recursively call scp on all elements of array var res = false; scriptname.forEach(function(script) { if (NetscriptFunctions(workerScript).scp(script, ip1, ip2)) { res = true; }; }); return res; } if (!scriptname.endsWith(".lit") && !isScriptFilename(scriptname) && !scriptname.endsWith("txt")) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() does not work with this file type. It only works for .script, .lit, and .txt files"); } var destServer, currServ; if (ip2 != null) { // 3 Argument version: scriptname, source, destination if (scriptname === undefined || ip1 === undefined || ip2 === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments"); } destServer = getServer(ip2); if (destServer == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, `ERROR: Invalid hostname/ip passed into scp() command: ${ip2}`); } currServ = getServer(ip1); if (currServ == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, `ERROR: Invalid hostname/ip passed into scp() command: ${ip1}`); } } else if (ip1 != null) { // 2 Argument version: scriptname, destination if (scriptname === undefined || ip1 === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments"); } destServer = getServer(ip1); if (destServer == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, `ERROR: Invalid hostname/ip passed into scp() command: ${ip1}`); } currServ = getServer(workerScript.serverIp); if (currServ == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Could not find server ip for this script. This is a bug please contact game developer"); } } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments"); } //Scp for lit files if (scriptname.endsWith(".lit")) { var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) { if (!(currServ.messages[i] instanceof Message) && currServ.messages[i] == scriptname) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed"); return false; } for (var i = 0; i < destServer.messages.length; ++i) { if (destServer.messages[i] === scriptname) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; //Already exists } } destServer.messages.push(scriptname); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; } //Scp for text files if (scriptname.endsWith(".txt")) { var found = false, txtFile; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (currServ.textFiles[i].fn === scriptname) { found = true; txtFile = currServ.textFiles[i]; break; } } if (!found) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed"); return false; } for (var i = 0; i < destServer.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (destServer.textFiles[i].fn === scriptname) { //Overwrite destServer.textFiles[i].text = txtFile.text; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; } } var newFile = new TextFile(txtFile.fn, txtFile.text); destServer.textFiles.push(newFile); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; } //Scp for script files var sourceScript = null; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { if (scriptname == currServ.scripts[i].filename) { sourceScript = currServ.scripts[i]; break; } } if (sourceScript == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed"); return false; } //Overwrite script if it already exists for (var i = 0; i < destServer.scripts.length; ++i) { if (scriptname == destServer.scripts[i].filename) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("WARNING: " + scriptname + " already exists on " + destServer.hostname + " and it will be overwritten."); workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " overwritten on " + destServer.hostname); } var oldScript = destServer.scripts[i]; oldScript.code = sourceScript.code; oldScript.ramUsage = sourceScript.ramUsage; oldScript.module = ""; return true; } } //Create new script if it does not already exist var newScript = new Script(); newScript.filename = scriptname; newScript.code = sourceScript.code; newScript.ramUsage = sourceScript.ramUsage; newScript.server = destServer.ip; destServer.scripts.push(newScript); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; }, ls : function(ip, grep) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("ls", CONSTANTS.ScriptScanRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("ls", CONSTANTS.ScriptScanRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ls() failed because of invalid arguments. Usage: ls(ip/hostname, [grep filter])"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ls() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ls() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } //Get the grep filter, if one exists var filter = false; if (arguments.length >= 2) { filter = grep.toString(); } var allFiles = []; for (var i = 0; i < server.programs.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (server.programs[i].includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.programs[i]); } } else { allFiles.push(server.programs[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (server.scripts[i].filename.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.scripts[i].filename); } } else { allFiles.push(server.scripts[i].filename); } } for (var i = 0; i < server.messages.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (server.messages[i] instanceof Message) { if (server.messages[i].filename.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.messages[i].filename); } } else if (server.messages[i].includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.messages[i]); } } else { if (server.messages[i] instanceof Message) { allFiles.push(server.messages[i].filename); } else { allFiles.push(server.messages[i]); } } } for (var i = 0; i < server.textFiles.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (server.textFiles[i].fn.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.textFiles[i].fn); } } else { allFiles.push(server.textFiles[i].fn); } } for (var i = 0; i < server.contracts.length; ++i) { if (filter) { if (server.contracts[i].fn.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.contracts[i].fn); } } else { allFiles.push(server.contracts[i].fn); } } //Sort the files alphabetically then print each allFiles.sort(); return allFiles; }, ps : function(ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("ps", CONSTANTS.ScriptScanRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("ps", CONSTANTS.ScriptScanRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null){ workerScript.scriptRef.log("ps() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ps() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } const processes = []; for (const i in server.runningScripts) { const script = server.runningScripts[i]; processes.push({filename:script.filename, threads: script.threads, args: script.args.slice()}) } return processes; }, hasRootAccess : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("hasRootAccess", CONSTANTS.ScriptHasRootAccessRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("hasRootAccess", CONSTANTS.ScriptHasRootAccessRamCost); if (ip===undefined){ throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "hasRootAccess() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null){ workerScript.scriptRef.log("hasRootAccess() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "hasRootAccess() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } return server.hasAdminRights; }, getIp : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getIp", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHostnameRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getIp", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHostnameRamCost); var scriptServer = getServer(workerScript.serverIp); if (scriptServer == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev"); } return scriptServer.ip; }, getHostname : function(){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHostname", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHostnameRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHostname", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHostnameRamCost); var scriptServer = getServer(workerScript.serverIp); if (scriptServer == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev"); } return scriptServer.hostname; }, getHackingLevel : function(){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHackingLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackingLevelRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHackingLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackingLevelRamCost); Player.updateSkillLevels(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getHackingLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getHackingLevel() returned " + Player.hacking_skill); } return Player.hacking_skill; }, getHackingMultipliers : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHackingMultipliers", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHackingMultipliers", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); return { chance: Player.hacking_chance_mult, speed: Player.hacking_speed_mult, money: Player.hacking_money_mult, growth: Player.hacking_grow_mult, }; }, getHacknetMultipliers : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHacknetMultipliers", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHacknetMultipliers", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); return { production: Player.hacknet_node_money_mult, purchaseCost: Player.hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult, ramCost: Player.hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult, coreCost: Player.hacknet_node_core_cost_mult, levelCost: Player.hacknet_node_level_cost_mult, }; }, getBitNodeMultipliers: function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getBitNodeMultipliers", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getBitNodeMultipliers", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); if (!hasAISF) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getBitNodeMultipliers(). It requires Source-File 5 to run."); } let copy = Object.assign({}, BitNodeMultipliers); return copy; }, getServerMoneyAvailable : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerMoneyAvailable", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerMoneyAvailable", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerMoneyAvailable() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (server.hostname == "home") { //Return player's money if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMoneyAvailable == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable('home') returned player's money: $" + formatNumber(, 2)); } return; } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMoneyAvailable == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable() returned " + formatNumber(server.moneyAvailable, 2) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.moneyAvailable; }, getServerSecurityLevel : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerSecurityLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerSecurityLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerSecurityLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerSecurityLevel() returned " + formatNumber(server.hackDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.hackDifficulty; }, getServerBaseSecurityLevel : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerBaseSecurityLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerBaseSecurityLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerBaseSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerBaseSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerBaseSecurityLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerBaseSecurityLevel() returned " + formatNumber(server.baseDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.baseDifficulty; }, getServerMinSecurityLevel : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerMinSecurityLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerMinSecurityLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMinSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerMinSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMinSecurityLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMinSecurityLevel() returned " + formatNumber(server.minDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.minDifficulty; }, getServerRequiredHackingLevel : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerRequiredHackingLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerRequiredHackingLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRequiredHackingLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerRequiredHackingLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerRequiredHackingLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRequiredHackingLevel returned " + formatNumber(server.requiredHackingSkill, 0) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.requiredHackingSkill; }, getServerMaxMoney : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerMaxMoney", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerMaxMoney", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMaxMoney() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerMaxMoney() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMaxMoney == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMaxMoney() returned " + formatNumber(server.moneyMax, 0) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.moneyMax; }, getServerGrowth : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerGrowth", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerGrowth", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerGrowth() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerGrowth() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerGrowth == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerGrowth() returned " + formatNumber(server.serverGrowth, 0) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.serverGrowth; }, getServerNumPortsRequired : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerNumPortsRequired", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerNumPortsRequired", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerNumPortsRequired() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerNumPortsRequired() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerNumPortsRequired == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerNumPortsRequired() returned " + formatNumber(server.numOpenPortsRequired, 0) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.numOpenPortsRequired; }, getServerRam : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerRam", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerRam", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getServerRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerRam == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRam() returned [" + formatNumber(server.maxRam, 2) + "GB, " + formatNumber(server.ramUsed, 2) + "GB]"); } return [server.maxRam, server.ramUsed]; }, serverExists : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("serverExists", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("serverExists", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerRamCost); return (getServer(ip) !== null); }, fileExists : function(filename,ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("fileExists", CONSTANTS.ScriptFileExistsRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("fileExists", CONSTANTS.ScriptFileExistsRamCost); if (filename === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "fileExists() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: fileExists(scriptname, [server])"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("fileExists() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "fileExists() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (filename == server.scripts[i].filename) { return true; } } for (var i = 0; i < server.programs.length; ++i) { if (filename.toLowerCase() == server.programs[i].toLowerCase()) { return true; } } for (var i = 0; i < server.messages.length; ++i) { if (!(server.messages[i] instanceof Message) && filename.toLowerCase() === server.messages[i]) { return true; } } var txtFile = getTextFile(filename, server); if (txtFile != null) { return true; } return false; }, isRunning : function(filename,ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("isRunning", CONSTANTS.ScriptIsRunningRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("isRunning", CONSTANTS.ScriptIsRunningRamCost); if (filename === undefined || ip === undefined) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "isRunning() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: isRunning(scriptname, server, [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("isRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "isRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } var argsForTargetScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForTargetScript.push(arguments[i]); } return (findRunningScript(filename, argsForTargetScript, server) != null); }, getStockSymbols : function(){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStockSymbols", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStockSymbols", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockSymbols()"); } return Object.values(StockSymbols); }, getStockPrice : function(symbol) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStockPrice", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStockPrice", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockPrice()"); } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockPrice()"); } return parseFloat(stock.price.toFixed(3)); }, getStockPosition : function(symbol) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStockPosition", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStockPosition", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockPosition()"); } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockPosition()"); } return [stock.playerShares, stock.playerAvgPx, stock.playerShortShares, stock.playerAvgShortPx]; }, getStockMaxShares : function(symbol) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStockMaxShares", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStockMaxShares", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockMaxShares()"); } const stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockMaxShares()"); } return stock.maxShares; }, buyStock : function(symbol, shares) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("buyStock", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("buyStock", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use buyStock()"); } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into buyStock()"); } if (shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid 'shares' argument passed to buyStock()"); return 0; } shares = Math.round(shares); if (shares === 0) {return 0;} // Does player have enough money? var totalPrice = stock.price * shares; if ( + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + formatNumber(shares, 0) + " shares of " + symbol + ". Need $" + formatNumber(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, 2).toString()); return 0; } // Would this purchase exceed the maximum number of shares? if (shares + stock.playerShares + stock.playerShortShares > stock.maxShares) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(`You cannot purchase this many shares. ${stock.symbol} has a maximum of ` + `${stock.maxShares} shares.`); return 0; } var origTotal = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx; Player.loseMoney(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission); var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice; stock.playerShares += shares; stock.playerAvgPx = newTotal / stock.playerShares; if (routing.isOn(Page.StockMarket)) { updateStockPlayerPosition(stock); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.buyStock == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Bought " + formatNumber(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" + formatNumber(stock.price, 2) + " per share"); } return stock.price; }, sellStock : function(symbol, shares) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("sellStock", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("sellStock", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use sellStock()"); } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into sellStock()"); } if (shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid 'shares' argument passed to sellStock()"); return 0; } shares = Math.round(shares); if (shares > stock.playerShares) {shares = stock.playerShares;} if (shares === 0) {return 0;} var gains = stock.price * shares - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission; Player.gainMoney(gains); //Calculate net profit and add to script stats var netProfit = ((stock.price - stock.playerAvgPx) * shares) - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission; if (isNaN(netProfit)) {netProfit = 0;} workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += netProfit; Player.scriptProdSinceLastAug += netProfit; Player.recordMoneySource(netProfit, "stock"); stock.playerShares -= shares; if (stock.playerShares == 0) { stock.playerAvgPx = 0; } if (routing.isOn(Page.StockMarket)) { updateStockPlayerPosition(stock); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sellStock == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sold " + formatNumber(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" + formatNumber(stock.price, 2) + " per share. Gained " + "$" + formatNumber(gains, 2)); } return stock.price; }, shortStock(symbol, shares) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("shortStock", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("shortStock", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use shortStock()"); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use shortStock(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Level 2 of Source-File 8"); } } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into shortStock()"); } var res = shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript); return res ? stock.price : 0; }, sellShort(symbol, shares) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("sellShort", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("sellShort", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use sellShort()"); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use sellShort(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Level 2 of Source-File 8"); } } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into sellShort()"); } var res = sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript); return res ? stock.price : 0; }, placeOrder(symbol, shares, price, type, pos) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("placeOrder", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("placeOrder", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use placeOrder()"); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use placeOrder(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or have Level 3 of Source-File 8"); } } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into placeOrder()"); } var orderType, orderPos; type = type.toLowerCase(); if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("buy")) { orderType = OrderTypes.LimitBuy; } else if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("sell")) { orderType = OrderTypes.LimitSell; } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("buy")) { orderType = OrderTypes.StopBuy; } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("sell")) { orderType = OrderTypes.StopSell; } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Order Type passed into placeOrder()"); } pos = pos.toLowerCase(); if (pos.includes("l")) { orderPos = PositionTypes.Long; } else if (pos.includes('s')) { orderPos = PositionTypes.Short; } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Position Type passed into placeOrder()"); } return placeOrder(stock, shares, price, orderType, orderPos, workerScript); }, cancelOrder(symbol, shares, price, type, pos) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("cancelOrder", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("cancelOrder", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use cancelOrder()"); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use cancelOrder(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or have Level 3 of Source-File 8"); } } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into cancelOrder()"); } if (isNaN(shares) || isNaN(price)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid shares or price argument passed into cancelOrder(). Must be numeric"); } var orderType, orderPos; type = type.toLowerCase(); if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("buy")) { orderType = OrderTypes.LimitBuy; } else if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("sell")) { orderType = OrderTypes.LimitSell; } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("buy")) { orderType = OrderTypes.StopBuy; } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("sell")) { orderType = OrderTypes.StopSell; } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Order Type passed into placeOrder()"); } pos = pos.toLowerCase(); if (pos.includes("l")) { orderPos = PositionTypes.Long; } else if (pos.includes('s')) { orderPos = PositionTypes.Short; } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Position Type passed into placeOrder()"); } var params = { stock: stock, shares: shares, price: price, type: orderType, pos: orderPos }; return cancelOrder(params, workerScript); }, getOrders : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getOrders", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getOrders", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getOrders()"); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use getOrders(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or have Level 3 of Source-File 8"); } } const orders = {}; const stockMarketOrders = StockMarket["Orders"]; for (let symbol in stockMarketOrders) { const orderBook = stockMarketOrders[symbol]; if (orderBook.constructor === Array && orderBook.length > 0) { orders[symbol] = []; for (let i = 0; i < orderBook.length; ++i) { orders[symbol].push({ shares: orderBook[i].shares, price: orderBook[i].price, type: orderBook[i].type, position: orderBook[i].pos, }); } } } return orders; }, getStockVolatility : function(symbol) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStockVolatility", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStockVolatility", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.has4SDataTixApi) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have 4S Market Data TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockVolatility()"); } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockVolatility()"); } return / 100; //Convert from percentage to decimal }, getStockForecast : function(symbol) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStockForecast", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStockForecast", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.has4SDataTixApi) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have 4S Market Data TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockForecast()"); } var stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockForecast()"); } var forecast = 50; stock.b ? forecast += stock.otlkMag : forecast -= stock.otlkMag; return forecast / 100; //Convert from percentage to decimal }, purchase4SMarketData : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchase4SMarketData", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchase4SMarketData", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use purchase4SMarketData()"); } if (Player.has4SData) { if (workerScript.shouldLog("purchase4SMarketData")) { workerScript.log("Already purchased 4S Market Data"); } return true; } if ( { if (workerScript.shouldLog("purchase4SMarketData")) { workerScript.log("Failed to purchase 4S Market Data - Not enough money"); } return false; } Player.has4SData = true; Player.loseMoney(getStockMarket4SDataCost()); if (workerScript.shouldLog("purchase4SMarketData")) { workerScript.log("Purchased 4S Market Data"); } return true; }, purchase4SMarketDataTixApi : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchase4SMarketDataTixApi", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchase4SMarketDataTixApi", CONSTANTS.ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!Player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use purchase4SMarketDataTixApi()"); } if (Player.has4SDataTixApi) { if (workerScript.shouldLog("purchase4SMarketDataTixApi")) { workerScript.log("Already purchased 4S Market Data TIX API"); } return true; } if ( { if (workerScript.shouldLog("purchase4SMarketDataTixApi")) { workerScript.log("Failed to purchase 4S Market Data TIX API - Not enough money"); } return false; } Player.has4SDataTixApi = true; Player.loseMoney(getStockMarket4STixApiCost()); if (workerScript.shouldLog("purchase4SMarketDataTixApi")) { workerScript.log("Purchased 4S Market Data TIX API"); } return true; }, getPurchasedServerLimit : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getPurchasedServerLimit", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetPurchasedServerLimit); } updateDynamicRam("getPurchasedServerLimit", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetPurchasedServerLimit); return getPurchaseServerLimit(); }, getPurchasedServerMaxRam: function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getPurchasedServerMaxRam", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetPurchasedServerMaxRam); } updateDynamicRam("getPurchasedServerMaxRam", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetPurchasedServerMaxRam); return getPurchaseServerMaxRam(); }, getPurchasedServerCost: function(ram) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getPurchasedServerCost", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetPurchaseServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getPurchasedServerCost", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetPurchaseServerRamCost); const cost = getPurchaseServerCost(ram); if (cost === Infinity) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: 'getPurchasedServerCost()' failed due to an invalid 'ram' argument"); return Infinity; } return cost; }, purchaseServer : function(hostname, ram) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseServer", CONSTANTS.ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseServer", CONSTANTS.ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); var hostnameStr = String(hostname); hostnameStr = hostnameStr.replace(/\s+/g, ''); if (hostnameStr == "") { workerScript.log("ERROR: Passed empty string for hostname argument of purchaseServer()"); return ""; } if (Player.purchasedServers.length >= getPurchaseServerLimit()) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: You have reached the maximum limit of ${getPurchaseServerLimit()} servers. You cannot purchase any more.`); return ""; } const cost = getPurchaseServerCost(ram); if (cost === Infinity) { workerScript.log("ERROR: 'purchaseServer()' failed due to an invalid 'ram' argument"); return Infinity; } if ( { workerScript.log("ERROR: Not enough money to purchase server. Need $" + formatNumber(cost, 2)); return ""; } var newServ = new Server({ ip: createRandomIp(), hostname: hostnameStr, organizationName: "", isConnectedTo: false, adminRights: true, purchasedByPlayer: true, maxRam: ram, }); AddToAllServers(newServ); Player.purchasedServers.push(newServ.ip); var homeComputer = Player.getHomeComputer(); homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.push(newServ.ip); newServ.serversOnNetwork.push(homeComputer.ip); Player.loseMoney(cost); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseServer == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Purchased new server with hostname " + newServ.hostname + " for $" + formatNumber(cost, 2)); } return newServ.hostname; }, deleteServer : function(hostname) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("deleteServer", CONSTANTS.ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("deleteServer", CONSTANTS.ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); var hostnameStr = String(hostname); hostnameStr = hostnameStr.replace(/\s\s+/g, ''); var server = GetServerByHostname(hostnameStr); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Could not find server with hostname " + hostnameStr + ". deleteServer() failed"); return false; } if (!server.purchasedByPlayer || server.hostname === "home") { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Server " + server.hostname + " is not a purchased server. " + "Cannot be deleted. deleteServer() failed"); return false; } var ip = server.ip; //Can't delete server you're currently connected to if (server.isConnectedTo) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: deleteServer() failed because you are currently connected to the server you are trying to delete"); return false; } //A server cannot delete itself if (ip === workerScript.serverIp) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot call deleteServer() on self. deleteServer() failed"); return false; } //Delete all scripts running on server if (server.runningScripts.length > 0) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot delete server " + server.hostname + " because it still has scripts running."); return false; } //Delete from player's purchasedServers array var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < Player.purchasedServers.length; ++i) { if (ip == Player.purchasedServers[i]) { found = true; Player.purchasedServers.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (!found) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Could not identify server " + server.hostname + "as a purchased server. This is likely a bug please contact game dev"); return false; } //Delete from all servers delete AllServers[ip]; //Delete from home computer found = false; var homeComputer = Player.getHomeComputer(); for (var i = 0; i < homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.length; ++i) { if (ip == homeComputer.serversOnNetwork[i]) { homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.splice(i, 1); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.deleteServer == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Deleted server " + hostnameStr); } return true; } } //Wasn't found on home computer workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Could not find server " + server.hostname + "as a purchased server. This is likely a bug please contact game dev"); return false; }, getPurchasedServers : function(hostname=true) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getPurchasedServers", CONSTANTS.ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getPurchasedServers", CONSTANTS.ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); var res = []; Player.purchasedServers.forEach(function(ip) { if (hostname) { var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find server in getPurchasedServers(). This is a bug please report to game dev"); } res.push(server.hostname); } else { res.push(ip); } }); return res; }, write : function(port, data="", mode="a") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("write", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("write", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (!isNaN(port)) { //Write to port //Port 1-10 port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Trying to write to invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid."); } var port = NetscriptPorts[port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof NetscriptPort)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port.write(data); } else if (isString(port)) { //Write to script or text file var fn = port; var server = workerScript.getServer(); if (server == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in write(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } if (isScriptFilename(fn)) { //Write to script let script = workerScript.getScriptOnServer(fn); if (script == null) { //Create a new script script = new Script(fn, data, server.ip); server.scripts.push(script); return true; } mode === "w" ? script.code = data : script.code += data; script.updateRamUsage(); } else { //Write to text file let txtFile = getTextFile(fn, server); if (txtFile == null) { txtFile = createTextFile(fn, data, server); return true; } if (mode === "w") { txtFile.write(data); } else { txtFile.append(data); } } return true; } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for write: " + port); } }, tryWrite : function(port, data="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("tryWrite", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("tryWrite", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (!isNaN(port)) { port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: tryWrite() called on invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid."); } var port = NetscriptPorts[port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof NetscriptPort)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port.tryWrite(data); } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for tryWrite: " + port); } }, read : function(port) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("read", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("read", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (!isNaN(port)) { //Read from port //Port 1-10 port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Trying to read from invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid."); } var port = NetscriptPorts[port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof NetscriptPort)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return; } else if (isString(port)) { //Read from script or text file let fn = port; let server = getServer(workerScript.serverIp); if (server == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in read(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } if (isScriptFilename(fn)) { //Read from script let script = workerScript.getScriptOnServer(fn); if (script == null) { return ""; } return script.code; } else { //Read from text file let txtFile = getTextFile(fn, server); if (txtFile !== null) { return txtFile.text; } else { return ""; } } } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for read(): " + port); } }, peek : function(port) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("peek", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("peek", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (isNaN(port)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: peek() called with invalid argument. Must be a port number between 1 and " + CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts); } port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: peek() called with invalid argument. Must be a port number between 1 and " + CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts); } var port = NetscriptPorts[port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof NetscriptPort)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port.peek(); }, clear : function(port) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("clear", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("clear", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (!isNaN(port)) { //Clear port port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Trying to clear invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid"); } var port = NetscriptPorts[port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof NetscriptPort)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port.clear(); } else if (isString(port)) { //Clear text file var fn = port; var server = getServer(workerScript.serverIp); if (server == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in clear(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } var txtFile = getTextFile(fn, server); if (txtFile != null) { txtFile.write(""); } } else { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for clear(): " + port); } return 0; }, getPortHandle : function(port) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getPortHandle", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost * 10); } updateDynamicRam("getPortHandle", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost * 10); if (isNaN(port)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid argument passed into getPortHandle(). Must be an integer between 1 and " + CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts); } port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: getPortHandle() called with invalid port number: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid"); } var port = NetscriptPorts[port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof NetscriptPort)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port; }, rm : function(fn, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("rm", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("rm", CONSTANTS.ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (ip == null || ip === "") { ip = workerScript.serverIp; } var s = getServer(ip); if (s == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, `Invalid server specified for rm(): ${ip}`); } if (fn.endsWith(".exe")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.programs.length; ++i) { if (s.programs[i] === fn) { s.programs.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } else if (isScriptFilename(fn)) { for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; ++i) { if (s.scripts[i].filename === fn) { //Check that the script isnt currently running for (var j = 0; j < s.runningScripts.length; ++j) { if (s.runningScripts[j].filename === fn) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot delete a script that is currently running!"); return false; } } s.scripts.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } else if (fn.endsWith(".lit")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.messages.length; ++i) { var f = s.messages[i]; if (!(f instanceof Message) && isString(f) && f === fn) { s.messages.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } else if (fn.endsWith(".txt")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (s.textFiles[i].fn === fn) { s.textFiles.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } else if (fn.endsWith(".cct")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.contracts.length; ++i) { if (s.contracts[i].fn === fn) { s.contracts.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, scriptRunning : function(scriptname, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("scriptRunning", CONSTANTS.ScriptArbScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("scriptRunning", CONSTANTS.ScriptArbScriptRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("scriptRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "scriptRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) { if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == scriptname) { return true; } } return false; }, scriptKill : function(scriptname, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("scriptKill", CONSTANTS.ScriptArbScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("scriptKill", CONSTANTS.ScriptArbScriptRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("scriptKill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "scriptKill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } var suc = false; for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) { if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == scriptname) { killWorkerScript(server.runningScripts[i], server.ip); suc = true; } } return suc; }, getScriptName : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} return; }, getScriptRam : function (scriptname, ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getScriptRam", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getScriptRam", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetScriptRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getScriptRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (server.scripts[i].filename == scriptname) { return server.scripts[i].ramUsage; } } return 0; }, getHackTime : function(ip, hack, int) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHackTime", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHackTime", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getHackTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getHackTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } return calculateHackingTime(server, hack, int); //Returns seconds }, getGrowTime : function(ip, hack, int) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getGrowTime", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getGrowTime", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getGrowTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getGrowTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } return calculateGrowTime(server, hack, int); //Returns seconds }, getWeakenTime : function(ip, hack, int) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getWeakenTime", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getWeakenTime", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getWeakenTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getWeakenTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } return calculateWeakenTime(server, hack, int); //Returns seconds }, getScriptIncome : function(scriptname, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getScriptIncome", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getScriptIncome", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetScriptRamCost); if (arguments.length === 0) { //Get total script income var res = []; res.push(updateActiveScriptsItems()); res.push(Player.scriptProdSinceLastAug / (Player.playtimeSinceLastAug/1000)); return res; } else { //Get income for a particular script var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptIncome() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getScriptIncome() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip); } var argsForScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForScript.push(arguments[i]); } var runningScriptObj = findRunningScript(scriptname, argsForScript, server); if (runningScriptObj == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptIncome() failed. No such script "+ scriptname + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + arrayToString(argsForScript)); return -1; } return runningScriptObj.onlineMoneyMade / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime; } }, getScriptExpGain : function(scriptname, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getScriptExpGain", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getScriptExpGain", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetScriptRamCost); if (arguments.length === 0) { var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; ++i) { total += (workerScripts[i].scriptRef.onlineExpGained / workerScripts[i].scriptRef.onlineRunningTime); } return total; } else { //Get income for a particular script var server = getServer(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptExpGain() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getScriptExpGain() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip); } var argsForScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForScript.push(arguments[i]); } var runningScriptObj = findRunningScript(scriptname, argsForScript, server); if (runningScriptObj == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptExpGain() failed. No such script "+ scriptname + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + arrayToString(argsForScript)); return -1; } return runningScriptObj.onlineExpGained / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime; } }, nFormat : function(n, format) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return 0; } if (isNaN(n) || isNaN(parseFloat(n)) || typeof format !== "string") { return ""; } return numeralWrapper.format(parseFloat(n), format); }, getTimeSinceLastAug : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getTimeSinceLastAug", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getTimeSinceLastAug", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); return Player.playtimeSinceLastAug; }, prompt : function(txt) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (!isString(txt)) {txt = String(txt);} // The id for this popup will consist of the first 20 characters of the prompt string.. // Thats hopefully good enough to be unique const popupId = `prompt-popup-${txt.slice(0, 20)}`; const textElement = createElement("p", { innerHTML: txt }); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const yesBtn = createElement("button", { class: "popup-box-button", innerText: "Yes", clickListener: () => { removeElementById(popupId); resolve(true); }, }); const noBtn = createElement("button", { class: "popup-box-button", innerText: "No", clickListener: () => { removeElementById(popupId); resolve(false); }, }); createPopup(popupId, [textElement, yesBtn, noBtn]); }); }, wget : async function(url, target, ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return 0; } if (!isScriptFilename(target) && !target.endsWith(".txt")) { workerSript.log(`ERROR: wget() failed because of an invalid target file: ${target}. Target file must be a script or text file`); return Promise.resolve(false); } var s = safeGetServer(ip, "wget"); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { $.get(url, function(data) { let res; if (isScriptFilename(target)) { res = s.writeToScriptFile(target, data); } else { res = s.writeToTextFile(target, data); } if (!res.success) { workerScript.log("ERROR: wget() failed"); return resolve(false); } if (res.overwritten) { workerScript.log(`wget() successfully retrieved content and overwrote ${target} on ${ip}`); return resolve(true); } workerScript.log(`wget successfully retrieved content to new file ${target} on ${ip}`); return resolve(true); }, 'text').fail(function(e) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: wget() failed: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); return resolve(false) }); }); }, getFavorToDonate: function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getFavorToDonate", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetFavorToDonate); } updateDynamicRam("getFavorToDonate", CONSTANTS.ScriptGetFavorToDonate); return Math.floor(CONSTANTS.BaseFavorToDonate * BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction); }, /* Singularity Functions */ universityCourse : function(universityName, className) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("universityCourse", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("universityCourse", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run universityCourse(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (inMission) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: universityCourse() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (Player.isWorking) { var txt = Player.singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.universityCourse == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } var costMult, expMult; switch(universityName.toLowerCase()) { case Locations.AevumSummitUniversity.toLowerCase(): if ( != Locations.Aevum) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at Summit University because you are not in Aevum. universityCourse() failed"); return false; } Player.location = Locations.AevumSummitUniversity; costMult = 4; expMult = 3; break; case Locations.Sector12RothmanUniversity.toLowerCase(): if ( != Locations.Sector12) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at Rothman University because you are not in Sector-12. universityCourse() failed"); return false; } Player.location = Locations.Sector12RothmanUniversity; costMult = 3; expMult = 2; break; case Locations.VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology.toLowerCase(): if ( != Locations.Volhaven) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at ZB Institute of Technology because you are not in Volhaven. universityCourse() failed"); return false; } Player.location = Locations.VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology; costMult = 5; expMult = 4; break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid university name: " + universityName + ". universityCourse() failed"); return false; } var task; switch(className.toLowerCase()) { case "Study Computer Science".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassStudyComputerScience; break; case "Data Structures".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassDataStructures; break; case "Networks".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassNetworks; break; case "Algorithms".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassAlgorithms; break; case "Management".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassManagement; break; case "Leadership".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassLeadership; break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid class name: " + className + ". universityCourse() failed"); return false; } Player.startClass(costMult, expMult, task); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.universityCourse == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started " + task + " at " + universityName); } return true; }, gymWorkout : function(gymName, stat) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("gymWorkout", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("gymWorkout", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run gymWorkout(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (inMission) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: gymWorkout() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (Player.isWorking) { var txt = Player.singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.gymWorkout == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } var costMult, expMult; switch(gymName.toLowerCase()) { case Locations.AevumCrushFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != Locations.Aevum) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Crush Fitness because you are not in Aevum. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } Player.location = Locations.AevumCrushFitnessGym; costMult = 3; expMult = 2; break; case Locations.AevumSnapFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != Locations.Aevum) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Snap Fitness because you are not in Aevum. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } Player.location = Locations.AevumSnapFitnessGym; costMult = 10; expMult = 5; break; case Locations.Sector12IronGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != Locations.Sector12) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Iron Gym because you are not in Sector-12. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } Player.location = Locations.Sector12IronGym; costMult = 1; expMult = 1; break; case Locations.Sector12PowerhouseGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != Locations.Sector12) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Powerhouse Gym because you are not in Sector-12. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } Player.location = Locations.Sector12PowerhouseGym; costMult = 20; expMult = 10; break; case Locations.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != Locations.Volhaven) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Millenium Fitness Gym because you are not in Volhaven. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } Player.location = Locations.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym; costMult = 7; expMult = 4; break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid gym name: " + gymName + ". gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } switch(stat.toLowerCase()) { case "strength".toLowerCase(): case "str".toLowerCase(): Player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymStrength); break; case "defense".toLowerCase(): case "def".toLowerCase(): Player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymDefense); break; case "dexterity".toLowerCase(): case "dex".toLowerCase(): Player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymDexterity); break; case "agility".toLowerCase(): case "agi".toLowerCase(): Player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymAgility); break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid stat: " + stat + ". gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.gymWorkout == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started training " + stat + " at " + gymName); } return true; }, travelToCity(cityname) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("travelToCity", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("travelToCity", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run travelToCity(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } switch(cityname) { case Locations.Aevum: case Locations.Chongqing: case Locations.Sector12: case Locations.NewTokyo: case Locations.Ishima: case Locations.Volhaven: if( { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: not enough money to travel with travelToCity()."); throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: not enough money to travel with travelToCity()."); } Player.loseMoney(CONSTANTS.TravelCost); = cityname; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.travelToCity == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Traveled to " + cityname); } return true; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid city name passed into travelToCity()."); return false; } }, purchaseTor() { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseTor", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseTor", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseTor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (SpecialServerIps["Darkweb Server"] != null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You already have a TOR router! purchaseTor() failed"); return false; } if ( { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot afford to purchase a Tor router. purchaseTor() failed"); return false; } Player.loseMoney(CONSTANTS.TorRouterCost); var darkweb = new Server({ ip:createRandomIp(), hostname:"darkweb", organizationName:"", isConnectedTo:false, adminRights:false, purchasedByPlayer:false, maxRam:1 }); AddToAllServers(darkweb); SpecialServerIps.addIp("Darkweb Server", darkweb.ip); const purchaseTor = document.getElementById("location-purchase-tor"); purchaseTor.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-bought"); purchaseTor.innerHTML = "TOR Router - Purchased"; Player.getHomeComputer().serversOnNetwork.push(darkweb.ip); darkweb.serversOnNetwork.push(Player.getHomeComputer().ip); Player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseTor == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased a Tor router!"); } return true; }, purchaseProgram(programName) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseProgram", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseProgram", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseProgram(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (SpecialServerIps["Darkweb Server"] == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You do not have the TOR router. purchaseProgram() failed."); return false; } programName = programName.toLowerCase(); let item = null; for(const key in DarkWebItems) { const i = DarkWebItems[key]; if(i.program.toLowerCase() == programName) { item = i; } } if(item == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid program name passed into purchaseProgram()."); return false; } if( { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + item.program); return false; } if(Player.hasProgram(item.program)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log('You already have the '+item.program+' program'); return true; } Player.loseMoney(item.price); Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(item.program); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the "+item.program+" program. The new program can be found on your home computer."); } return true; }, getStats : function() { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStats", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStats", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getStats(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return {}; } } return { hacking: Player.hacking_skill, strength: Player.strength, defense: Player.defense, dexterity: Player.dexterity, agility: Player.agility, charisma: Player.charisma, intelligence: Player.intelligence } }, getCharacterInformation : function() { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCharacterInformation", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCharacterInformation", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getCharacterInformation(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return {}; } } return { bitnode: Player.bitNodeN, city:, factions: Player.factions.slice(), hp: Player.hp, jobs: Object.keys(, jobTitles: Object.values(, maxHp: Player.max_hp, mult: { agility: Player.agility_mult, agilityExp: Player.agility_exp_mult, companyRep: Player.company_rep_mult, crimeMoney: Player.crime_money_mult, crimeSuccess: Player.crime_success_mult, defense: Player.defense_mult, defenseExp: Player.defense_exp_mult, dexterity: Player.dexterity_mult, dexterityExp: Player.dexterity_exp_mult, factionRep: Player.faction_rep_mult, hacking: Player.hacking_mult, hackingExp: Player.hacking_exp_mult, strength: Player.strength_mult, strengthExp: Player.strength_exp_mult, workMoney: Player.work_money_mult, }, timeWorked: Player.timeWorked, tor: SpecialServerIps.hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server"), workHackExpGain: Player.workHackExpGained, workStrExpGain: Player.workStrExpGained, workDefExpGain: Player.workDefExpGained, workDexExpGain: Player.workDexExpGained, workAgiExpGain: Player.workAgiExpGained, workChaExpGain: Player.workChaExpGained, workRepGain: Player.workRepGained, workMoneyGain: Player.workMoneyGained, }; }, isBusy : function() { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("isBusy", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("isBusy", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run isBusy(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return; } } return Player.isWorking; }, stopAction : function() { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 2; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("stopAction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("stopAction", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run stopAction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (Player.isWorking) { var txt = Player.singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.stopAction == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } return true; } return false; }, upgradeHomeRam : function() { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("upgradeHomeRam", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("upgradeHomeRam", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run upgradeHomeRam(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } // Check if we're at max RAM const homeComputer = Player.getHomeComputer(); if (homeComputer.maxRam >= CONSTANTS.HomeComputerMaxRam) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: upgradeHomeRam() failed because your home computer is at max RAM`); return false; } const cost = Player.getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); if ( { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: upgradeHomeRam() failed because you don't have enough money"); return false; } homeComputer.maxRam *= 2; Player.loseMoney(cost); Player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.upgradeHomeRam == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Purchased additional RAM for home computer! It now has " + homeComputer.maxRam + "GB of RAM."); } return true; }, getUpgradeHomeRamCost : function() { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 2; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getUpgradeHomeRamCost", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getUpgradeHomeRamCost", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getUpgradeHomeRamCost(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } return Player.getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); }, workForCompany : function(companyName) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("workForCompany", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("workForCompany", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run workForCompany(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } // Sanitize input if (companyName == null) { companyName = Player.companyName; } // Make sure its a valid company if (companyName == null || companyName === "" || !(Companies[companyName] instanceof Company)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(`ERROR: workForCompany() failed because of an invalid company specified: ${companyName}`); return false; } // Make sure player is actually employed at the comapny if (!Object.keys( { workerScript.scriptRef.log(`ERROR: workForCompany() failed because you do not have a job at ${companyName}`); return false; } // Cant work while in a mission if (inMission) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForCompany() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return false; } // Check to make sure company position data is valid const companyPositionName =[companyName]; const companyPosition = CompanyPositions[companyPositionName]; if (companyPositionName === "" || !(companyPosition instanceof CompanyPosition)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForCompany() failed because you do not have a job"); return false; } if (Player.isWorking) { var txt = Player.singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForCompany == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } if (companyPosition.isPartTimeJob()) { Player.startWorkPartTime(companyName); } else { Player.startWork(companyName); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForCompany == null) { workerScript.log(`Began working at ${Player.companyName} as a ${companyPositionName}`); } return true; }, applyToCompany : function(companyName, field) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("applyToCompany", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("applyToCompany", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run applyToCompany(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } if (!companyExists(companyName)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: applyToCompany() failed because specified company " + companyName + " does not exist."); return false; } Player.location = companyName; var res; switch (field.toLowerCase()) { case "software": res = Player.applyForSoftwareJob(true); break; case "software consultant": res = Player.applyForSoftwareConsultantJob(true); break; case "it": res = Player.applyForItJob(true); break; case "security engineer": res = Player.applyForSecurityEngineerJob(true); break; case "network engineer": res = Player.applyForNetworkEngineerJob(true); break; case "business": res = Player.applyForBusinessJob(true); break; case "business consultant": res = Player.applyForBusinessConsultantJob(true); break; case "security": res = Player.applyForSecurityJob(true); break; case "agent": res = Player.applyForAgentJob(true); break; case "employee": res = Player.applyForEmployeeJob(true); break; case "part-time employee": res = Player.applyForPartTimeEmployeeJob(true); break; case "waiter": res = Player.applyForWaiterJob(true); break; case "part-time waiter": res = Player.applyForPartTimeWaiterJob(true); break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid job passed into applyToCompany: " + field + ". applyToCompany() failed"); return false; } //The Player object's applyForJob function can return string with special error messages if (isString(res)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(res); return false; } if (res) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.applyToCompany == null) { workerScript.log(`You were offered a new job at ${companyName} as a ${[companyName]}`); } } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.applyToCompany == null) { workerScript.log(`You failed to get a new job/promotion at ${companyName} in the ${field} field.`); } } return res; }, getCompanyRep : function(companyName) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 2; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCompanyRep", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCompanyRep", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getCompanyRep(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } var company = Companies[companyName]; if (company == null || !(company instanceof Company)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid companyName passed into getCompanyRep(): " + companyName); return -1; } return company.playerReputation; }, getCompanyFavor : function(companyName) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCompanyFavor", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCompanyFavor", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getCompanyFavor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } var company = Companies[companyName]; if (company == null || !(company instanceof Company)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid companyName passed into getCompanyFavor(): " + companyName); return -1; } return company.favor; }, getCompanyFavorGain : function(companyName) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCompanyFavorGain", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCompanyFavorGain", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getCompanyFavorGain(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return -1; } } var company = Companies[companyName]; if (company == null || !(company instanceof Company)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid companyName passed into getCompanyFavorGain(): " + companyName); return -1; } return company.getFavorGain()[0]; }, checkFactionInvitations : function() { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("checkFactionInvitations", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("checkFactionInvitations", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run checkFactionInvitations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } //Make a copy of Player.factionInvitations return Player.factionInvitations.slice(); }, joinFaction : function(name) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("joinFaction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("joinFaction", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run joinFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } if (!factionExists(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in joinFaction() does not exist."); return false; } if (!Player.factionInvitations.includes(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot join " + name + " Faction because you have not been invited. joinFaction() failed"); return false; } var fac = Factions[name]; joinFaction(fac); //Update Faction Invitation list to account for joined + banned factions for (var i = 0; i < Player.factionInvitations.length; ++i) { if (Player.factionInvitations[i] == name || Factions[Player.factionInvitations[i]].isBanned) { Player.factionInvitations.splice(i, 1); i--; } } Player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.joinFaction == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Joined the " + name + " faction."); } return true; }, workForFaction : function(name, type) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("workForFaction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("workForFaction", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run workForFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } // if the player is in a gang and the target faction is any of the gang faction, fail if(Player.inGang() && AllGangs[name] !== undefined) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in workForFaction() does not offer work at the moment."); return; } if (inMission) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForFaction() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (!factionExists(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in workForFaction() does not exist."); return false; } if (!Player.factions.includes(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForFaction() failed because you are not a member of " + name); return false; } if (Player.isWorking) { var txt = Player.singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForFaction == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } var fac = Factions[name]; //Arrays listing factions that allow each time of work var hackAvailable = ["Illuminati", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "NiteSec", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum", "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Silhouette", "Netburners", "Tian Di Hui", "CyberSec"]; var fdWkAvailable = ["Illuminati", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International", "The Black Hand", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum", "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Silhouette", "Tetrads", "Slum Snakes"]; var scWkAvailable = ["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum", "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead", "The Syndicate", "Tetrads", "Slum Snakes", "Tian Di Hui"]; switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "hacking": case "hacking contracts": case "hackingcontracts": if (!hackAvailable.includes( { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot carry out hacking contracts for " + + ". workForFaction() failed"); return false; } Player.startFactionHackWork(fac); workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started carrying out hacking contracts for " +; return true; case "field": case "fieldwork": case "field work": if (!fdWkAvailable.includes( { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot carry out field missions for " + + ". workForFaction() failed"); return false; } Player.startFactionFieldWork(fac); workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started carrying out field missions for " +; return true; case "security": case "securitywork": case "security work": if (!scWkAvailable.includes( { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot serve as security detail for " + + ". workForFaction() failed"); return false; } Player.startFactionSecurityWork(fac); workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started serving as security details for " +; return true; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid work type passed into workForFaction(): " + type); } return true; }, getFactionRep : function(name) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getFactionRep", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getFactionRep", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getFactionRep(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return -1; } } if (!factionExists(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in getFactionRep() does not exist."); return -1; } return Factions[name].playerReputation; }, getFactionFavor : function(name) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getFactionFavor", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getFactionFavor", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getFactionFavor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return -1; } } if (!factionExists(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in getFactionFavor() does not exist."); return -1; } return Factions[name].favor; }, getFactionFavorGain: function(name) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getFactionFavorGain", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getFactionFavorGain", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getFactionFavorGain(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return -1; } } if (!factionExists(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in getFactionFavorGain() does not exist."); return -1; } return Factions[name].getFavorGain()[0]; }, donateToFaction : function(name, amt) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("donateToFaction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("donateToFaction", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run donateToFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return; } } if (!factionExists(name)) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: Faction specified in donateToFaction() does not exist: ${name}`); return false; } if (typeof amt !== 'number' || amt <= 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: Invalid donation amount specified in donateToFaction(): ${amt}. Must be numeric and positive`); return false; } if ( { workerScript.log(`ERROR: You do not have enough money to donate $${amt} to ${name}`); return false; } var repNeededToDonate = Math.round(CONSTANTS.BaseFavorToDonate * BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction); if (Factions[name].favor < repNeededToDonate) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: You do not have enough favor to donate to this faction. Have ${Factions[name].favor}, need ${repNeededToDonate}`); return false; } var repGain = amt / CONSTANTS.DonateMoneyToRepDivisor * Player.faction_rep_mult; Factions[name].playerReputation += repGain; Player.loseMoney(amt); if (workerScript.shouldLog("donateToFaction")) { workerScript.log(`$${amt} donated to ${name} for ${repGain} reputation`); } return true; }, createProgram : function(name) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("createProgram", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("createProgram", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run createProgram(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } if (inMission) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (Player.isWorking) { var txt = Player.singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.createProgram == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } name = name.toLowerCase(); let p = null; for (const key in Programs) { if(Programs[key].name.toLowerCase() == name) { p = Programs[key]; } } if (p == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because the specified program does not exist: " + name); return false; } if (Player.hasProgram( { workerScript.scriptRef.log('ERROR: createProgram() failed because you already have the ' + + ' program'); return false; } if (!p.create.req(Player)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create " + + " (level " + p.create.level + " req)"); return false } Player.startCreateProgramWork(, p.create.time, p.create.level); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.createProgram == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Began creating program: " + name); } return true; }, commitCrime : function(crimeRoughName) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("commitCrime", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("commitCrime", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run commitCrime(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return; } } if (inMission) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: commitCrime() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (Player.isWorking) { var txt = Player.singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.commitCrime == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } //Set Location to slums switch( { case Locations.Aevum: Player.location = Locations.AevumSlums; break; case Locations.Chongqing: Player.location = Locations.ChongqingSlums; break; case Locations.Sector12: Player.location = Locations.Sector12Slums; break; case Locations.NewTokyo: Player.location = Locations.NewTokyoSlums; break; case Locations.Ishima: Player.location = Locations.IshimaSlums; break; case Locations.Volhaven: Player.location = Locations.VolhavenSlums; break; default: console.log("Invalid value"); } const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if(crime == null) { // couldn't find crime throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid crime passed into commitCrime(): " + crimeRoughName); } if(workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.commitCrime == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to commit crime: ""..."); } return crime.commit(Player, 1, {workerscript: workerScript}); }, getCrimeChance : function(crimeRoughName) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCrimeChance", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCrimeChance", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getCrimeChance(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return; } } const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if(crime == null) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid crime passed into getCrimeChance(): " + crime); } return crime.successRate(Player); }, getOwnedAugmentations : function(purchased=false) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getOwnedAugmentations", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getOwnedAugmentations", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getOwnedAugmentations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return []; } } var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < Player.augmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(Player.augmentations[i].name); } if (purchased) { for (var i = 0; i < Player.queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(Player.queuedAugmentations[i].name); } } return res; }, getOwnedSourceFiles : function() { let ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getOwnedSourceFiles", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getOwnedSourceFiles", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getOwnedSourceFiles(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return []; } } let res = []; for (let i = 0; i < Player.sourceFiles.length; ++i) { res.push({n: Player.sourceFiles[i].n, lvl: Player.sourceFiles[i].lvl}); } return res; }, getAugmentationsFromFaction : function(facname) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getAugmentationsFromFaction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationsFromFaction", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getAugmentationsFromFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return []; } } if (!factionExists(facname)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: getAugmentationsFromFaction() failed. Invalid faction name passed in (this is case-sensitive): " + facname); return []; } var fac = Factions[facname]; var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < fac.augmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(fac.augmentations[i]); } return res; }, getAugmentationPrereq : function(name) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getAugmentationPrereq", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationPrereq", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getAugmentationPrereq(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } if (!augmentationExists(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: getAugmentationPrereq() failed. Invalid Augmentation name passed in (note: this is case-sensitive): " + name); return []; } var aug = Augmentations[name]; return aug.prereqs.slice(); }, getAugmentationCost : function(name) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getAugmentationCost", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationCost", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getAugmentationCost(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } if (!augmentationExists(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: getAugmentationCost() failed. Invalid Augmentation name passed in (note: this is case-sensitive): " + name); return [-1, -1]; } var aug = Augmentations[name]; return [aug.baseRepRequirement, aug.baseCost]; }, purchaseAugmentation : function(faction, name) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseAugmentation", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseAugmentation", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseAugmentation(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } var fac = Factions[faction]; if (fac == null || !(fac instanceof Faction)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because of invalid faction name: " + faction); return false; } if (!fac.augmentations.includes(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because the faction " + faction + " does not contain the " + name + " augmentation"); return false; } var aug = Augmentations[name]; if (aug == null || !(aug instanceof Augmentation)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because of invalid augmentation name: " + name); return false; } var isNeuroflux = false; if ( === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) { isNeuroflux = true; } if (!isNeuroflux) { for (var j = 0; j < Player.queuedAugmentations.length; ++j) { if (Player.queuedAugmentations[j].name === { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you already have " + name); return false; } } for (var j = 0; j < Player.augmentations.length; ++j) { if (Player.augmentations[j].name === { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you already have " + name); return false; } } } if (fac.playerReputation < aug.baseRepRequirement) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you do not have enough reputation with " +; return false; } var res = purchaseAugmentation(aug, fac, true); workerScript.scriptRef.log(res); if (isString(res) && res.startsWith("You purchased")) { Player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); return true; } else { return false; } }, installAugmentations : function(cbScript) { var ramCost = CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= CONSTANTS.ScriptSingularityFnRamMult;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("installAugmentations", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("installAugmentations", ramCost); if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run installAugmentations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } if (Player.queuedAugmentations.length === 0) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: installAugmentations() failed because you do not have any Augmentations to be installed"); return false; } Player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); workerScript.scriptRef.log("Installing Augmentations. This will cause this script to be killed"); installAugmentations(cbScript); return true; }, // Gang API gang : { getMemberNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getMemberNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 4); } updateDynamicRam("getMemberNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 4); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getMemberNames"); try { const names = []; for (const member of Player.gang.members) { names.push(; } return names; } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getMemberNames", e)); } }, getGangInformation : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getGangInformation", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getGangInformation", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getGangInformation"); try { return { faction: Player.gang.facName, isHacking: Player.gang.isHackingGang, moneyGainRate: Player.gang.moneyGainRate, power: Player.gang.getPower(), respect: Player.gang.respect, respectGainRate: Player.gang.respectGainRate, territory: Player.gang.getTerritory(), territoryClashChance: Player.gang.territoryClashChance, territoryWarfareEngaged: Player.gang.territoryWarfareEngaged, wantedLevel: Player.gang.wanted, wantedLevelGainRate: Player.gang.wantedGainRate, } } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getGangInformation", e)); } }, getOtherGangInformation : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getOtherGangInformation", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getOtherGangInformation", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getOtherGangInformation"); try { return Object.assign(AllGangs); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getOtherGangInformation", e)); } }, getMemberInformation : function(name) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getMemberInformation", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getMemberInformation", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getMemberInformation"); try { for (const member of Player.gang.members) { if ( === name) { return { agility: member.agi, agilityEquipMult: member.agi_mult, agilityAscensionMult: member.agi_asc_mult, augmentations: member.augmentations.slice(), charisma: member.cha, charismaEquipMult: member.cha_mult, charismaAscensionMult: member.cha_asc_mult, defense: member.def, defenseEquipMult: member.def_mult, defenseAscensionMult: member.def_asc_mult, dexterity: member.dex, dexterityEquipMult: member.dex_mult, dexterityAscensionMult: member.dex_asc_mult, equipment: member.upgrades.slice(), hacking: member.hack, hackingEquipMult: member.hack_mult, hackingAscensionMult: member.hack_asc_mult, strength: member.str, strengthEquipMult: member.str_mult, strengthAscensionMult: member.str_asc_mult, task: member.task, } } } workerScript.log(`Invalid argument passed to gang.getMemberInformation(). No gang member could be found with name ${name}`); return {}; // Member could not be found } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getMemberInformation", e)); } }, canRecruitMember : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("canRecruitMember", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 4); } updateDynamicRam("canRecruitMember", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 4); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "canRecruitMember"); try { return Player.gang.canRecruitMember(); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("canRecruitMember", e)); } }, recruitMember : function(name) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("recruitMember", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("recruitMember", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "recruitMember"); try { const res = Player.gang.recruitMember(name); if (workerScript.shouldLog("recruitMember")) { if (res) { workerScript.log(`Successfully recruited Gang Member ${name}`); } else { workerScript.log(`Failed to recruit Gang Member ${name}`); } } return res; } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("recruitMember", e)); } }, getTaskNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getTaskNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 4); } updateDynamicRam("getTaskNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 4); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getTaskNames"); try { const tasks = Player.gang.getAllTaskNames(); tasks.unshift("Unassigned"); return tasks; } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getTaskNames", e)); } }, setMemberTask : function(memberName, taskName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setMemberTask", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("setMemberTask", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "setMemberTask"); try { for (const member of Player.gang.members) { if ( === memberName) { const res = member.assignToTask(taskName); if (workerScript.shouldLog("setMemberTask")) { if (res) { workerScript.log(`Successfully assigned Gang Member ${memberName} to ${taskName} task`); } else { workerScript.log(`Failed to assign Gang Member ${memberName} to ${taskName} task. ${memberName} is now Unassigned`); } } return res; } } workerScript.log(`Invalid argument passed to gang.setMemberTask(). No gang member could be found with name ${memberName}`); return false; } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("setMemberTask", e)); } }, getEquipmentNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getEquipmentNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 4); } updateDynamicRam("getEquipmentNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 4); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getEquipmentNames"); try { return Player.gang.getAllUpgradeNames(); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getEquipmentNames", e)); } }, getEquipmentCost : function(equipName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getEquipmentCost", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getEquipmentCost", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getEquipmentCost"); try { return Player.gang.getUpgradeCost(equipName); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getEquipmentCost", e)); } }, getEquipmentType : function(equipName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getEquipmentType", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getEquipmentType", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getEquipmentType"); try { return Player.gang.getUpgradeType(equipName); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getEquipmentType", e)); } }, purchaseEquipment : function(memberName, equipName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseEquipment", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseEquipment", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "purchaseEquipment"); try { for (const member of Player.gang.members) { if ( === memberName) { const res = member.buyUpgrade(equipName, Player, Player.gang); if (workerScript.shouldLog("purchaseEquipment")) { if (res) { workerScript.log(`Purchased ${equipName} for Gang member ${memberName}`); } else { workerScript.log(`Failed to purchase ${equipName} for Gang member ${memberName}`); } } return res; } } workerScript.log(`Invalid argument passed to gang.purchaseEquipment(). No gang member could be found with name ${memberName}`); return false; } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("purchaseEquipment", e)); } }, ascendMember : function(name) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("ascendMember", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("ascendMember", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "ascendMember"); try { for (const member of Player.gang.members) { if ( === name) { return Player.gang.ascendMember(member, workerScript); } } workerScript.log(`Invalid argument passed to gang.ascendMember(). No gang member could be found with name ${name}`); return false; } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("ascendMember", e)); } }, setTerritoryWarfare : function(engage) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setTerritoryWarfare", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("setTerritoryWarfare", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost / 2); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "setTerritoryWarfare"); try { if (engage) { Player.gang.territoryWarfareEngaged = true; if (workerScript.shouldLog("setTerritoryWarfare")) { workerScript.log("Engaging in Gang Territory Warfare"); } } else { Player.gang.territoryWarfareEngaged = false; if (workerScript.shouldLog("setTerritoryWarfare")) { workerScript.log("Disengaging in Gang Territory Warfare"); } } } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("setTerritoryWarfare", e)); } }, getChanceToWinClash : function(otherGang) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getChanceToWinClash", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getChanceToWinClash", CONSTANTS.ScriptGangApiBaseRamCost); nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getChanceToWinClash"); try { if (AllGangs[otherGang] == null) { workerScript.log(`Invalid gang specified in gang.getChanceToWinClash() : ${otherGang}`); return 0; } const playerPower = AllGangs[Player.gang.facName].power; const otherPower = AllGangs[otherGang].power; return playerPower / (otherPower + playerPower); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getChanceToWinClash", e)); } }, getBonusTime : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return 0; } nsGang.checkGangApiAccess(workerScript, "getBonusTime"); try { return Math.round(Player.gang.storedCycles / 5); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, nsGang.unknownGangApiExceptionMessage("getBonusTime", e)); } }, }, // end gang namespace // Bladeburner API bladeburner : { getContractNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getContractNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getContractNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.getContractNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getContractNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getOperationNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getOperationNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getOperationNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.getOperationNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getOperationNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getBlackOpNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getBlackOpNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getBlackOpNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.getBlackOpNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getBlackOpNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getBlackOpRank : function(name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getBlackOpRank", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getBlackOpRank", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 2); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { const actionId = Player.bladeburner.getActionIdFromTypeAndName('blackops', name) if (!actionId) { return -1; } const actionObj = Player.bladeburner.getActionObject(actionId); if (!actionObj) { return -1; } return actionObj.reqdRank; } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getBlackOpRank() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getGeneralActionNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getGeneralActionNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getGeneralActionNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.getGeneralActionNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getGeneralActionNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getSkillNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getSkillNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getSkillNames", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.getSkillNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getSkillNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, startAction : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("startAction", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("startAction", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.startActionNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.startAction() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "startAction() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, stopBladeburnerAction : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("stopBladeburnerAction", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("stopBladeburnerAction", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 2); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.resetAction(); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "stopBladeburnerAction() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCurrentAction : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCurrentAction", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 4); } updateDynamicRam("getCurrentAction", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 4); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.getTypeAndNameFromActionId(Player.bladeburner.action); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getCurrentAction() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getActionTime : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionTime", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionTime", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getActionTimeNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getActionTime() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getActionTime() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getActionEstimatedSuccessChance : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionEstimatedSuccessChance", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionEstimatedSuccessChance", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getActionEstimatedSuccessChanceNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getActionEstimatedSuccessChance() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getActionRepGain: function(type="", name="", level) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionRepGain", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionRepGain", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); checkBladeburnerAccess(workerScript, "getActionRepGain"); try { var errorLogText = unknownBladeburnerActionErrorMessage("getActionAutolevel", type, name); const actionId = Player.bladeburner.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } const actionObj = Player.bladeburner.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } var rewardMultiplier; if (level == null || isNaN(level)) { rewardMultiplier = Math.pow(actionObj.rewardFac, actionObj.level - 1); } else { rewardMultiplier = Math.pow(actionObj.rewardFac, level - 1); } return actionObj.rankGain * rewardMultiplier * BitNodeMultipliers.BladeburnerRank; } catch(err) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, unknownBladeburnerExceptionMessage("getActionAutolevel", err)); } }, getActionCountRemaining : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionCountRemaining", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionCountRemaining", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getActionCountRemainingNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getActionCountRemaining() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getActionCountRemaining() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getActionMaxLevel: function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionMaxLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionMaxLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); checkBladeburnerAccess(workerScript, "getActionMaxLevel"); try { var errorLogText = unknownBladeburnerActionErrorMessage("getActionMaxLevel", type, name); const actionId = Player.bladeburner.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } const actionObj = Player.bladeburner.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } return actionObj.maxLevel; } catch(err) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, unknownBladeburnerExceptionMessage("getActionMaxLevel", err)); } }, getActionCurrentLevel: function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionCurrentLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionCurrentLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); checkBladeburnerAccess(workerScript, "getActionCurrentLevel"); try { var errorLogText = unknownBladeburnerActionErrorMessage("getActionCurrentLevel", type, name); const actionId = Player.bladeburner.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } const actionObj = Player.bladeburner.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } return actionObj.level; } catch(err) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, unknownBladeburnerExceptionMessage("getActionCurrentLevel", err)); } }, getActionAutolevel: function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionAutolevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionAutolevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); checkBladeburnerAccess(workerScript, "getActionAutolevel"); try { var errorLogText = unknownBladeburnerActionErrorMessage("getActionAutolevel", type, name); const actionId = Player.bladeburner.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return false; } const actionObj = Player.bladeburner.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return false; } return actionObj.autoLevel; } catch(err) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, unknownBladeburnerExceptionMessage("getActionAutolevel", err)); } }, setActionAutolevel: function(type="", name="", autoLevel=true) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setActionAutolevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("setActionAutolevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); checkBladeburnerAccess(workerScript, "setActionAutolevel"); try { var errorLogText = unknownBladeburnerActionErrorMessage("setActionAutolevel", type, name); const actionId = Player.bladeburner.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return; } const actionObj = Player.bladeburner.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return; } actionObj.autoLevel = autoLevel; } catch(err) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, unknownBladeburnerExceptionMessage("setActionAutolevel", err)); } }, setActionLevel: function(type="", name="", level=1) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setActionLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("setActionLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); checkBladeburnerAccess(workerScript, "setActionLevel"); try { var errorLogText = unknownBladeburnerActionErrorMessage("setActionLevel", type, name); const actionId = Player.bladeburner.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return; } const actionObj = Player.bladeburner.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return; } if(level > actionObj.maxLevel) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: bladeburner.${setActionLevel}() failed because level exceeds max level for given action.`); return; } if(level < 1) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: bladeburner.${setActionLevel}() failed because level is below 1.`); return; } actionObj.level = level; } catch(err) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, unknownBladeburnerExceptionMessage("setActionLevel", err)); } }, getRank : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getRank", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getRank", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.rank; } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getRank() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getSkillPoints : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getSkillPoints", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getSkillPoints", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.skillPoints; } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getSkillPoints() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getSkillLevel : function(skillName="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getSkillLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getSkillLevel", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getSkillLevelNetscriptFn(skillName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getSkillLevel() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getSkillLevel() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getSkillUpgradeCost : function(skillName="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getSkillUpgradeCost", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getSkillUpgradeCost", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getSkillUpgradeCostNetscriptFn(skillName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getSkillUpgradeCost() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getSkillUpgradeCost() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, upgradeSkill : function(skillName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("upgradeSkill", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("upgradeSkill", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.upgradeSkillNetscriptFn(skillName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.upgradeSkill() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "upgradeSkill() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getTeamSize : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getTeamSize", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getTeamSize", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getTeamSizeNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getTeamSize() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getTeamSize() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, setTeamSize : function(type="", name="", size) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setTeamSize", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("setTeamSize", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.setTeamSizeNetscriptFn(type, name, size, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.setTeamSize() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "setTeamSize() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCityEstimatedPopulation : function(cityName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCityEstimatedPopulation", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCityEstimatedPopulation", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getCityEstimatedPopulationNetscriptFn(cityName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getCityEstimatedPopulation() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getCityEstimatedPopulation() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCityEstimatedCommunities : function(cityName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCityEstimatedCommunities", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCityEstimatedCommunities", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getCityEstimatedCommunitiesNetscriptFn(cityName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getCityEstimatedCommunities() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getCityEstimatedCommunities() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCityChaos : function(cityName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCityChaos", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCityChaos", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.getCityChaosNetscriptFn(cityName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getCityChaos() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getCityChaos() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCity : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCity", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCity", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return; } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getCity() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getCity() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, switchCity : function(cityName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("switchCity", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("switchCity", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return Player.bladeburner.switchCityNetscriptFn(cityName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bladeburner.switchCity() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "switchCity() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getStamina : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStamina", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStamina", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return [Player.bladeburner.stamina, Player.bladeburner.maxStamina]; } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getStamina() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, joinBladeburnerFaction : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("joinBladeburnerFaction", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("joinBladeburnerFaction", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner && (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Player.bladeburner.joinBladeburnerFactionNetscriptFn(workerScript); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "joinBladeburnerFaction() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, joinBladeburnerDivision : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("joinBladeburnerDivision", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("joinBladeburnerDivision", CONSTANTS.ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if ((Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { if (Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner) { return true; //Already member } else if (Player.strength >= 100 && Player.defense >= 100 && Player.dexterity >= 100 && Player.agility >= 100) { Player.bladeburner = new Bladeburner({new:true}); workerScript.log("You have been accepted into the Bladeburner division"); return true; } else { workerScript.log("You do not meet the requirements for joining the Bladeburner division"); return false; } } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "joinBladeburnerDivision() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getBonusTime : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if ((Player.bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return Math.round(Player.bladeburner.storedCycles / 5); } throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getBonusTime() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); } }, // End Bladeburner codingcontract : { attempt : function(answer, fn, ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("attempt", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("attempt", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost); const contract = getCodingContract(fn, ip); if (contract == null) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: codingcontract.getData() failed because it could find the specified contract ${fn} on server ${ip}`); return false; } // Convert answer to string. If the answer is a 2D array, then we have to // manually add brackets for the inner arrays if (is2DArray(answer)) { let answerComponents = []; for (let i = 0; i < answer.length; ++i) { answerComponents.push(["[", answer[i].toString(), "]"].join("")); } answer = answerComponents.join(","); } else { answer = String(answer); } const serv = safeGetServer(ip, "codingcontract.attempt()"); if (contract.isSolution(answer)) { const reward = Player.gainCodingContractReward(contract.reward, contract.getDifficulty()); workerScript.log(`Successfully completed Coding Contract ${fn}. Reward: ${reward}`); serv.removeContract(fn); return true; } else { ++contract.tries; if (contract.tries >= contract.getMaxNumTries()) { workerScript.log(`Coding Contract ${fn} failed. Contract is now self-destructing`); serv.removeContract(fn); } else { workerScript.log(`Coding Contract ${fn} failed. ${contract.getMaxNumTries() - contract.tries} attempts remaining`); } return false; } }, getContractType : function(fn, ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getContractType", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getContractType", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost / 2); let contract = getCodingContract(fn, ip); if (contract == null) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: codingcontract.getData() failed because it could find the specified contract ${fn} on server ${ip}`); return null; } return contract.getType(); }, getData : function(fn, ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getData", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getData", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost / 2); let contract = getCodingContract(fn, ip); if (contract == null) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: codingcontract.getData() failed because it could find the specified contract ${fn} on server ${ip}`); return null; } let data = contract.getData(); if (data.constructor === Array) { // For two dimensional arrays, we have to copy the internal arrays using // slice() as well. As of right now, no contract has arrays that have // more than two dimensions const copy = data.slice(); for (let i = 0; i < copy.length; ++i) { if (data[i].constructor === Array) { copy[i] = data[i].slice(); } } return copy; } else { return data; } }, getDescription : function(fn, ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getDescription", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getDescription", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost / 2); var contract = getCodingContract(fn, ip); if (contract == null) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: codingcontract.getDescription() failed because it could find the specified contract ${fn} on server ${ip}`); return ""; } return contract.getDescription(); }, getNumTriesRemaining : function(fn, ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getNumTriesRemaining", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("getNumTriesRemaining", CONSTANTS.ScriptCodingContractBaseRamCost / 2); var contract = getCodingContract(fn, ip); if (contract == null) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: codingcontract.getNumTriesRemaining() failed because it could find the specified contract ${fn} on server ${ip}`); return -1; } return contract.getMaxNumTries() - contract.tries; }, }, // End coding contracts sleeve : { getNumSleeves : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getNumSleeves", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getNumSleeves() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("getNumSleeves", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); return Player.sleeves.length; }, setToShockRecovery : function(sleeveNumber=0) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setToShockRecovery", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "setToShockRecovery() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("setToShockRecovery", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToShockRecovery(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } return Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber].shockRecovery(Player); }, setToSynchronize : function(sleeveNumber=0) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setToSynchronize", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "setToSynchronize() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("setToSynchronize", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToSynchronize(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } return Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber].synchronize(Player); }, setToCommitCrime : function(sleeveNumber=0, crimeName="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setToCommitCrime", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "setToCommitCrime() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("setToCommitCrime", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToCommitCrime(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } return Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber].commitCrime(Player, crimeName); }, setToUniversityCourse : function(sleeveNumber=0, universityName="", className="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setToUniversityCourse", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "setToUniversityCourse() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("setToUniversityCourse", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToUniversityCourse(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } return Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber].takeUniversityCourse(Player, universityName, className); }, travel : function(sleeveNumber=0, cityName="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("travel", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "travel() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("travel", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR:${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } return Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber].travel(Player, cityName); }, setToCompanyWork : function(sleeveNumber=0, companyName="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setToCompanyWork", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "setToCompanyWork() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("setToCompanyWork", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToCompanyWork(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } // Cannot work at the same company that another sleeve is working at for (let i = 0; i < Player.sleeves.length; ++i) { if (i === sleeveNumber) { continue; } const other = Player.sleeves[i]; if (other.currentTask === SleeveTaskType.Company && other.currentTaskLocation === companyName) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToCompanyWork() failed for Sleeve ${sleeveNumber} because Sleeve ${i} is doing the same task`); return false; } } return Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber].workForCompany(Player, companyName); }, setToFactionWork : function(sleeveNumber=0, factionName="", workType="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setToFactionWork", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "setToFactionWork() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("setToFactionWork", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToFactionWork(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } // Cannot work at the same faction that another sleeve is working at for (let i = 0; i < Player.sleeves.length; ++i) { if (i === sleeveNumber) { continue; } const other = Player.sleeves[i]; if (other.currentTask === SleeveTaskType.Faction && other.currentTaskLocation === factionName) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToFactionWork() failed for Sleeve ${sleeveNumber} because Sleeve ${i} is doing the same task`); return false; } } return Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber].workForFaction(Player, factionName, workType); }, setToGymWorkout : function(sleeveNumber=0, gymName="", stat="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setToGymWorkout", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "setToGymWorkout() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("setToGymWorkout", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.setToGymWorkout(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } return Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber].workoutAtGym(Player, gymName, stat); }, getSleeveStats : function(sleeveNumber=0) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("workoutAtGym", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getStats() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("workoutAtGym", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.workoutAtGym(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } const sl = Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber]; return { shock: 100 - sl.shock, sync: sl.sync, hacking_skill: sl.hacking_skill, strength: sl.strength, defense: sl.defense, dexterity: sl.dexterity, agility: sl.agility, charisma: sl.charisma, }; }, getTask : function(sleeveNumber=0) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getTask", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getTask() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("getTask", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.getTask(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } const sl = Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber]; return { task: SleeveTaskType[sl.currentTask], crime: sl.crimeType, location: sl.currentTaskLocation, gymStatType: sl.gymStatType, factionWorkType: FactionWorkType[sl.factionWorkType], }; }, getInformation : function(sleeveNumber=0) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getInformation", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); } if (Player.bitNodeN !== 10 && !SourceFileFlags[10]) { throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "getInformation() failed because you do not currently have access to the Sleeve API. This is either because you are not in BitNode-10 or because you do not have Source-File 10"); } updateDynamicRam("getInformation", CONSTANTS.ScriptSleeveBaseRamCost); if (sleeveNumber >= Player.sleeves.length || sleeveNumber < 0) { workerScript.log(`ERROR: sleeve.getInformation(${sleeveNumber}) failed because it is an invalid sleeve number.`); return false; } const sl = Player.sleeves[sleeveNumber]; return { city:, hp: sl.hp, jobs: Object.keys(, // technically sleeves have the same jobs as the player. jobTitle: Object.values(, maxHp: sl.max_hp, tor: SpecialServerIps.hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server"), // There's no reason not to give that infomation here as well. Worst case scenario it isn't used. mult: { agility: sl.agility_mult, agilityExp: sl.agility_exp_mult, companyRep: sl.company_rep_mult, crimeMoney: sl.crime_money_mult, crimeSuccess: sl.crime_success_mult, defense: sl.defense_mult, defenseExp: sl.defense_exp_mult, dexterity: sl.dexterity_mult, dexterityExp: sl.dexterity_exp_mult, factionRep: sl.faction_rep_mult, hacking: sl.hacking_mult, hackingExp: sl.hacking_exp_mult, strength: sl.strength_mult, strengthExp: sl.strength_exp_mult, workMoney: sl.work_money_mult, }, timeWorked: sl.currentTaskTime, earningsForSleeves : { workHackExpGain: sl.earningsForSleeves.hack, workStrExpGain: sl.earningsForSleeves.str, workDefExpGain: sl.earningsForSleeves.def, workDexExpGain: sl.earningsForSleeves.dex, workAgiExpGain: sl.earningsForSleeves.agi, workChaExpGain: sl.earningsForSleeves.cha, workMoneyGain:, }, earningsForPlayer : { workHackExpGain: sl.earningsForPlayer.hack, workStrExpGain: sl.earningsForPlayer.str, workDefExpGain: sl.earningsForPlayer.def, workDexExpGain: sl.earningsForPlayer.dex, workAgiExpGain: sl.earningsForPlayer.agi, workChaExpGain: sl.earningsForPlayer.cha, workMoneyGain:, }, earningsForTask : { workHackExpGain: sl.earningsForTask.hack, workStrExpGain: sl.earningsForTask.str, workDefExpGain: sl.earningsForTask.def, workDexExpGain: sl.earningsForTask.dex, workAgiExpGain: sl.earningsForTask.agi, workChaExpGain: sl.earningsForTask.cha, workMoneyGain:, }, workRepGain: sl.getRepGain(), } }, } // End sleeve } //End return } //End NetscriptFunction() export {NetscriptFunctions, initSingularitySFFlags, hasSingularitySF, hasBn11SF, hasWallStreetSF, wallStreetSFLvl, hasCorporationSF, hasAISF, hasBladeburnerSF};