import { Player } from "./Player"; import { isScriptFilename } from "./Script/isScriptFilename"; import { Script } from "./Script/Script"; import { removeLeadingSlash } from "./Terminal/DirectoryHelpers"; import { Terminal } from "./Terminal"; import { SnackbarEvents } from "./ui/React/Snackbar"; import { IMap } from "./types"; import { GetServer } from "./Server/AllServers"; export function initElectron(): void { const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (userAgent.indexOf(" electron/") > -1) { // Electron-specific code (document as any).achievements = []; initWebserver(); initAppNotifier(); } } function initWebserver(): void { (document as any).saveFile = function (filename: string, code: string): string { filename = filename.replace(/\/\/+/g, "/"); filename = removeLeadingSlash(filename); if (filename.includes("/")) { filename = "/" + removeLeadingSlash(filename); } code = Buffer.from(code, "base64").toString(); const home = GetServer("home"); if (home === null) return "'home' server not found."; if (isScriptFilename(filename)) { //If the current script already exists on the server, overwrite it for (let i = 0; i < home.scripts.length; i++) { if (filename == home.scripts[i].filename) { home.scripts[i].saveScript(Player, filename, code, "home", home.scripts); return "written"; } } //If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one const script = new Script(); script.saveScript(Player, filename, code, "home", home.scripts); home.scripts.push(script); return "written"; } return "not a script file"; }; } // Expose certain alert functions to allow the wrapper to sends message to the game function initAppNotifier(): void { const funcs = { terminal: (message: string, type?: string) => { const typesFn: IMap<(s: string) => void> = { info:, warn: Terminal.warn, error: Terminal.error, success: Terminal.success, }; let fn; if (type) fn = typesFn[type]; if (!fn) fn = Terminal.print; fn.bind(Terminal)(message); }, toast: (message: string, type: "info" | "success" | "warning" | "error", duration = 2000) => SnackbarEvents.emit(message, type, duration), }; // Will be consumud by the electron wrapper. // @ts-ignore window.appNotifier = funcs; }