import { AugmentationNames } from "./Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames"; import { SkillNames } from "./Bladeburner/data/SkillNames"; import { Skills } from "./Bladeburner/Skills"; import { CONSTANTS } from "./Constants"; import { Industries } from "./Corporation/IndustryData"; import { Exploit } from "./Exploits/Exploit"; import { Factions } from "./Faction/Factions"; import { AllGangs } from "./Gang/AllGangs"; import { GangConstants } from "./Gang/data/Constants"; import { HacknetNodeConstants, HacknetServerConstants } from "./Hacknet/data/Constants"; import { hasHacknetServers } from "./Hacknet/HacknetHelpers"; import { HacknetNode } from "./Hacknet/HacknetNode"; import { HacknetServer } from "./Hacknet/HacknetServer"; import { CityName } from "./Locations/data/CityNames"; import { Player } from "./Player"; import { Programs } from "./Programs/Programs"; import { isScriptFilename } from "./Script/isScriptFilename"; import { Script } from "./Script/Script"; import { GetAllServers, GetServer } from "./Server/AllServers"; import { SpecialServers } from "./Server/data/SpecialServers"; import { Server } from "./Server/Server"; import { Router } from "./ui/GameRoot"; import { Page } from "./ui/Router"; import { removeLeadingSlash } from "./Terminal/DirectoryHelpers"; import { Terminal } from "./Terminal"; import { SnackbarEvents } from "./ui/React/Snackbar"; import { IMap } from "./types"; interface Achievement { ID: string; Condition: () => boolean; } function bitNodeFinishedState(): boolean { const wd = GetServer(SpecialServers.WorldDaemon); if (!(wd instanceof Server)) return false; if (wd.backdoorInstalled) return true; return Player.bladeburner !== null && Player.bladeburner.blackops.hasOwnProperty("Operation Daedalus"); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function sfAchievement(): Achievement[] { const achs: Achievement[] = []; for (let i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { for (let j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { achs.push({ ID: `SF${i}.${j}`, Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(i) >= j, }); } } return achs; } const achievements: Achievement[] = [ { ID: "CYBERSEC", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("CyberSec") }, { ID: "NITESEC", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("NiteSec") }, { ID: "THE_BLACK_HAND", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("The Black Hand") }, { ID: "BITRUNNERS", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("BitRunners") }, { ID: "THE_COVENANT", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("The Covenant") }, { ID: "DAEDALUS", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Daedalus") }, { ID: "ILLUMINATI", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Illuminati") }, { ID: "BRUTESSH.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, { ID: "FTPCRACK.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, { ID: "RELAYSMTP.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, { ID: "HTTPWORM.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, { ID: "SQLINJECT.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, { ID: "FORMULAS.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, { ID: "SF1.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(1) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF2.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(2) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF3.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(3) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF4.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(4) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF5.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(5) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF6.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(6) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF7.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(7) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF8.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(8) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF9.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(9) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF10.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(10) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF11.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(11) >= 1 }, { ID: "SF12.1", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(12) >= 1 }, { ID: "MONEY_1Q", Condition: () => >= 1e18, }, { ID: "MONEY_M1B", Condition: () => <= -1e9, }, { ID: "INSTALL_1", Condition: () => Player.augmentations.length >= 1, }, { ID: "INSTALL_100", Condition: () => Player.augmentations.length >= 100, }, { ID: "QUEUE_40", Condition: () => Player.queuedAugmentations.length >= 40, }, { ID: "HACKING_100000", Condition: () => Player.hacking >= 100000, }, { ID: "COMBAT_3000", Condition: () => Player.strength >= 3000 && Player.defense >= 3000 && Player.dexterity >= 3000 && Player.agility >= 3000, }, { ID: "NEUROFLUX_255", Condition: () => Player.augmentations.some((a) => === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor && a.level >= 255), }, { ID: "NS2", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().scripts.some((s) => s.filename.endsWith(".js") || s.filename.endsWith(".ns")), }, { ID: "FROZE", Condition: () => location.href.includes("noScripts") }, { ID: "RUNNING_SCRIPTS_1000", Condition: () => { let running = 0; for (const s of GetAllServers()) { running += s.runningScripts.length; } return running >= 1000; }, }, { ID: "DRAIN_SERVER", Condition: () => { for (const s of GetAllServers()) { if (s instanceof Server) { if (s.moneyMax > 0 && s.moneyAvailable === 0) return true; } } return false; }, }, { ID: "MAX_RAM", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().maxRam === CONSTANTS.HomeComputerMaxRam }, { ID: "MAX_CORES", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().cpuCores === 8 }, { ID: "SCRIPTS_30", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().scripts.length >= 30 }, { ID: "KARMA_1000000", Condition: () => Player.karma <= -1e6 }, { ID: "STOCK_1q", Condition: () => Player.moneySourceB.stock >= 1e15 }, { ID: "DISCOUNT", Condition: () => { const p = GetServer("powerhouse-fitness"); if (!(p instanceof Server)) return false; return p.backdoorInstalled; }, }, { ID: "SCRIPT_32GB", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().scripts.some((s) => s.ramUsage >= 32) }, { ID: "FIRST_HACKNET_NODE", Condition: () => !hasHacknetServers(Player) && Player.hacknetNodes.length > 0 }, { ID: "30_HACKNET_NODE", Condition: () => !hasHacknetServers(Player) && Player.hacknetNodes.length >= 30, }, { ID: "MAX_HACKNET_NODE", Condition: () => { if (hasHacknetServers(Player)) return false; for (const h of Player.hacknetNodes) { if (!(h instanceof HacknetNode)) return false; if ( h.ram === HacknetNodeConstants.MaxRam && h.cores === HacknetNodeConstants.MaxCores && h.level === HacknetNodeConstants.MaxLevel ) return true; } return false; }, }, { ID: "HACKNET_NODE_10M", Condition: () => !hasHacknetServers(Player) && Player.moneySourceB.hacknet >= 10e6 }, { ID: "REPUTATION_10M", Condition: () => Object.values(Factions).some((f) => f.playerReputation >= 10e6) }, { ID: "DONATION", Condition: () => Object.values(Factions).some((f) => f.favor >= 150) }, { ID: "TRAVEL", Condition: () => !== CityName.Sector12 }, { ID: "WORKOUT", Condition: () => [ CONSTANTS.ClassGymStrength, CONSTANTS.ClassGymDefense, CONSTANTS.ClassGymDexterity, CONSTANTS.ClassGymAgility, ].includes(Player.className), }, { ID: "TOR", Condition: () => Player.hasTorRouter() }, { ID: "HOSPITALIZED", Condition: () => Player.moneySourceB.hospitalization !== 0 }, { ID: "GANG", Condition: () => Player.gang !== null }, { ID: "FULL_GANG", Condition: () => Player.gang !== null && Player.gang.members.length === GangConstants.MaximumGangMembers, }, { ID: "GANG_TERRITORY", Condition: () => Player.gang !== null && AllGangs[Player.gang.facName].territory >= 0.999, }, { ID: "GANG_MEMBER_POWER", Condition: () => Player.gang !== null && Player.gang.members.some( (m) => m.hack >= 10000 || m.str >= 10000 || m.def >= 10000 || m.dex >= 10000 || m.agi >= 10000 || m.cha >= 10000, ), }, { ID: "CORPORATION", Condition: () => Player.corporation !== null }, { ID: "CORPORATION_BRIBE", Condition: () => Player.corporation !== null && Player.corporation.unlockUpgrades[6] === 1, }, { ID: "CORPORATION_PROD_1000", Condition: () => Player.corporation !== null && Player.corporation.divisions.some((d) => d.prodMult >= 1000), }, { ID: "CORPORATION_EMPLOYEE_3000", Condition: () => { if (Player.corporation === null) return false; for (const d of Player.corporation.divisions) { for (const o of Object.values(d.offices)) { if (o === 0) continue; if (o.employees.length > 3000) return true; } } return false; }, }, { ID: "CORPORATION_REAL_ESTATE", Condition: () => Player.corporation !== null && Player.corporation.divisions.some((d) => d.type === Industries.RealEstate), }, { ID: "INTELLIGENCE_255", Condition: () => Player.intelligence >= 255 }, { ID: "BLADEBURNER_DIVISION", Condition: () => Player.bladeburner !== null }, { ID: "BLADEBURNER_OVERCLOCK", Condition: () => Player.bladeburner !== null && Player.bladeburner.skills[SkillNames.Overclock] === Skills[SkillNames.Overclock].maxLvl, }, { ID: "BLADEBURNER_UNSPENT_100000", Condition: () => Player.bladeburner !== null && Player.bladeburner.skillPoints >= 100000, }, { ID: "4S", Condition: () => Player.has4SData }, { ID: "FIRST_HACKNET_SERVER", Condition: () => hasHacknetServers(Player) && Player.hacknetNodes.length > 0 }, { ID: "ALL_HACKNET_SERVER", Condition: () => hasHacknetServers(Player) && Player.hacknetNodes.length === HacknetServerConstants.MaxServers, }, { ID: "MAX_HACKNET_SERVER", Condition: () => { if (!hasHacknetServers(Player)) return false; for (const h of Player.hacknetNodes) { if (typeof h !== "string") return false; const hs = GetServer(h); if (!(hs instanceof HacknetServer)) return false; if ( hs.maxRam === HacknetServerConstants.MaxRam && hs.cores === HacknetServerConstants.MaxCores && hs.level === HacknetServerConstants.MaxLevel && hs.cache === HacknetServerConstants.MaxCache ) return true; } return false; }, }, { ID: "HACKNET_SERVER_1B", Condition: () => hasHacknetServers(Player) && Player.moneySourceB.hacknet >= 1e9 }, { ID: "MAX_CACHE", Condition: () => hasHacknetServers(Player) && Player.hashManager.hashes === Player.hashManager.capacity, }, { ID: "SLEEVE_8", Condition: () => Player.sleeves.length === 8, }, { ID: "FAST_BN", Condition: () => bitNodeFinishedState() && Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode < 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2, }, { ID: "INDECISIVE", Condition: (function () { let c = 0; setInterval(() => { if ( === Page.BitVerse) { c++; } else { c = 0; } }, 60 * 1000); return () => c > 60; })(), }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN1", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 1 && bitNodeFinishedState() && Player.getHomeComputer().maxRam <= 128 && Player.getHomeComputer().cpuCores === 1, }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN2", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 2 && bitNodeFinishedState() && Player.gang === null, }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN3", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 3 && bitNodeFinishedState() && Player.corporation === null, }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN6", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 6 && bitNodeFinishedState() && Player.bladeburner === null, }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN7", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 7 && bitNodeFinishedState() && Player.bladeburner === null, }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN8", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 8 && bitNodeFinishedState() && !Player.has4SData && !Player.has4SDataTixApi, }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN9", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 9 && bitNodeFinishedState() && Player.moneySourceB.hacknet === 0 && Player.moneySourceB.hacknet_expenses === 0, }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN10", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 10 && bitNodeFinishedState() && !Player.sleeves.some( (s) => s.augmentations.length > 0 || s.hacking_exp > 0 || s.strength_exp > 0 || s.defense_exp > 0 || s.agility_exp > 0 || s.dexterity_exp > 0 || s.charisma_exp > 0, ), }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN12", Condition: () => Player.sourceFileLvl(12) >= 50 }, { ID: "CHALLENGE_BN13", Condition: () => Player.bitNodeN === 13 && bitNodeFinishedState() && !Player.augmentations.some((a) => === AugmentationNames.StaneksGift1), }, { ID: "BYPASS", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.Bypass) }, { ID: "PROTOTYPETAMPERING", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.PrototypeTampering) }, { ID: "UNCLICKABLE", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.Unclickable) }, { ID: "UNDOCUMENTEDFUNCTIONCALL", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.UndocumentedFunctionCall) }, { ID: "TIMECOMPRESSION", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.TimeCompression) }, { ID: "REALITYALTERATION", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.RealityAlteration) }, { ID: "N00DLES", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.N00dles) }, { ID: "EDITSAVEFILE", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.EditSaveFile) }, { ID: "DEVMENU", Condition: () => Player.exploits.includes(Exploit.YoureNotMeantToAccessThis) }, { ID: "UNACHIEVABLE", // Hey Players! Yes, you're supposed to modify this to get the achievement! Condition: () => false, }, // Steam has a limit of 100 achievement. So these were planned but commented for now. // { ID: "ECORP", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("ECorp") }, // { ID: "MEGACORP", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("MegaCorp") }, // { ID: "BACHMAN_&_ASSOCIATES", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Bachman & Associates") }, // { ID: "BLADE_INDUSTRIES", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Blade Industries") }, // { ID: "NWO", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("NWO") }, // { ID: "CLARKE_INCORPORATED", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Clarke Incorporated") }, // { ID: "OMNITEK_INCORPORATED", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("OmniTek Incorporated") }, // { ID: "FOUR_SIGMA", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Four Sigma") }, // { ID: "KUAIGONG_INTERNATIONAL", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("KuaiGong International") }, // { ID: "FULCRUM_SECRET_TECHNOLOGIES", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Fulcrum Secret Technologies") }, // { ID: "AEVUM", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Aevum") }, // { ID: "CHONGQING", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Chongqing") }, // { ID: "ISHIMA", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Ishima") }, // { ID: "NEW_TOKYO", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("New Tokyo") }, // { ID: "SECTOR-12", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Sector-12") }, // { ID: "VOLHAVEN", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Volhaven") }, // { ID: "SPEAKERS_FOR_THE_DEAD", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Speakers for the Dead") }, // { ID: "THE_DARK_ARMY", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("The Dark Army") }, // { ID: "THE_SYNDICATE", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("The Syndicate") }, // { ID: "SILHOUETTE", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Silhouette") }, // { ID: "TETRADS", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Tetrads") }, // { ID: "SLUM_SNAKES", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Slum Snakes") }, // { ID: "NETBURNERS", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Netburners") }, // { ID: "TIAN_DI_HUI", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Tian Di Hui") }, // { ID: "BLADEBURNERS", Condition: () => Player.factions.includes("Bladeburners") }, // { ID: "DEEPSCANV1.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, // { ID: "DEEPSCANV2.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, // { // ID: "SERVERPROFILER.EXE", // Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes(, // }, // { ID: "AUTOLINK.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, // { ID: "FLIGHT.EXE", Condition: () => Player.getHomeComputer().programs.includes( }, ]; function setAchievements(achs: string[]): void { (document as any).achievements = achs; } function calculateAchievements(): void { setAchievements(achievements.filter((a) => a.Condition()).map((a) => a.ID)); } export function initElectron(): void { const userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (userAgent.indexOf(" electron/") > -1) { // Electron-specific code setAchievements([]); initWebserver(); setInterval(calculateAchievements, 5000); initAppNotifier(); } } function initWebserver(): void { (document as any).saveFile = function (filename: string, code: string): string { filename = filename.replace(/\/\/+/g, "/"); filename = removeLeadingSlash(filename); if (filename.includes("/")) { filename = "/" + removeLeadingSlash(filename); } code = Buffer.from(code, "base64").toString(); const home = GetServer("home"); if (home === null) return "'home' server not found."; if (isScriptFilename(filename)) { //If the current script already exists on the server, overwrite it for (let i = 0; i < home.scripts.length; i++) { if (filename == home.scripts[i].filename) { home.scripts[i].saveScript(Player, filename, code, "home", home.scripts); return "written"; } } //If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one const script = new Script(); script.saveScript(Player, filename, code, "home", home.scripts); home.scripts.push(script); return "written"; } return "not a script file"; }; } // Expose certain alert functions to allow the wrapper to sends message to the game function initAppNotifier(): void { const funcs = { terminal: (message: string, type?: string) => { const typesFn: IMap<(s: string) => void> = { info:, warn: Terminal.warn, error: Terminal.error, success: Terminal.success, }; let fn; if (type) fn = typesFn[type]; if (!fn) fn = Terminal.print; fn.bind(Terminal)(message); }, toast: (message: string, type: "info" | "success" | "warning" | "error", duration = 2000) => SnackbarEvents.emit(message, type, duration), }; // Will be consumud by the electron wrapper. // @ts-ignore window.appNotifier = funcs; }