import { Player } from "@player"; import { CrimeType } from "@enums"; import { constructorsForReviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON, IReviverValue } from "../utils/JSONReviver"; import { Crime } from "../Crime/Crime"; import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants"; import { determineCrimeSuccess } from "../Crime/CrimeHelpers"; import { Crimes } from "../Crime/Crimes"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../ui/React/DialogBox"; import { Work, WorkType } from "./Work"; import { scaleWorkStats, WorkStats } from "./WorkStats"; import { calculateCrimeWorkStats } from "./Formulas"; import { getEnumHelper } from "../utils/EnumHelper"; interface CrimeWorkParams { crimeType: CrimeType; singularity: boolean; } export const isCrimeWork = (w: Work | null): w is CrimeWork => w !== null && w.type === WorkType.CRIME; export class CrimeWork extends Work { crimeType: CrimeType; unitCompleted: number; constructor(params?: CrimeWorkParams) { super(WorkType.CRIME, params?.singularity ?? true); this.crimeType = params?.crimeType ?? CrimeType.shoplift; this.unitCompleted = 0; } getCrime(): Crime { return Crimes[this.crimeType]; } process(cycles = 1): boolean { this.cyclesWorked += cycles; const time = Object.values(Crimes).find((c) => c.type === this.crimeType)?.time ?? 0; this.unitCompleted += CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle * cycles; while (this.unitCompleted >= time) { this.commit(); this.unitCompleted -= time; } return false; } earnings(): WorkStats { return calculateCrimeWorkStats(Player, this.getCrime()); } commit(): void { const crime = this.getCrime(); if (crime == null) { dialogBoxCreate( `ERR: Unrecognized crime type (${this.crimeType}). This is probably a bug please contact the developer`, ); return; } const focusBonus = Player.focusPenalty(); // exp times 2 because were trying to maintain the same numbers as before the conversion // Technically the definition of Crimes should have the success numbers and failure should divide by 4 let gains = scaleWorkStats(this.earnings(), focusBonus, false); let karma = crime.karma; const success = determineCrimeSuccess(crime.type); if (success) { Player.gainMoney(, "crime"); Player.numPeopleKilled += crime.kills; Player.gainIntelligenceExp(gains.intExp); } else { gains = scaleWorkStats(gains, 0.25); karma /= 4; } Player.gainHackingExp(gains.hackExp); Player.gainStrengthExp(gains.strExp); Player.gainDefenseExp(gains.defExp); Player.gainDexterityExp(gains.dexExp); Player.gainAgilityExp(gains.agiExp); Player.gainCharismaExp(gains.chaExp); Player.karma -= karma * focusBonus; } finish(): void { /** nothing to do */ } APICopy() { return { type: WorkType.CRIME as const, cyclesWorked: this.cyclesWorked, crimeType: this.crimeType, }; } /** Serialize the current object to a JSON save state. */ toJSON(): IReviverValue { return Generic_toJSON("CrimeWork", this); } /** Initializes a CrimeWork object from a JSON save state. */ static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): CrimeWork { const crimeWork = Generic_fromJSON(CrimeWork,; crimeWork.crimeType = getEnumHelper("CrimeType").getMember(crimeWork.crimeType, { alwaysMatch: true }); return crimeWork; } } constructorsForReviver.CrimeWork = CrimeWork;