import React from "react"; import { Reviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON, IReviverValue } from "../utils/JSONReviver"; import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants"; import { LocationName } from "../Locations/data/LocationNames"; import { numeralWrapper } from "../ui/numeralFormat"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../ui/React/DialogBox"; import { Money } from "../ui/React/Money"; import { convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString } from "../utils/StringHelperFunctions"; import { Player } from "../Player"; import { calculateClassEarnings as calculateClassEarningsRate } from "./formulas/Class"; import { Work, WorkType } from "./Work"; import { applyWorkStats, newWorkStats, sumWorkStats, WorkStats } from "./WorkStats"; export enum ClassType { StudyComputerScience = "STUDYCOMPUTERSCIENCE", DataStructures = "DATASTRUCTURES", Networks = "NETWORKS", Algorithms = "ALGORITHMS", Management = "MANAGEMENT", Leadership = "LEADERSHIP", GymStrength = "GYMSTRENGTH", GymDefense = "GYMDEFENSE", GymDexterity = "GYMDEXTERITY", GymAgility = "GYMAGILITY", } export interface Class { youAreCurrently: string; type: ClassType; earnings: WorkStats; } export const Classes: Record = { [ClassType.StudyComputerScience]: { youAreCurrently: "studying Computer Science", type: ClassType.StudyComputerScience, earnings: newWorkStats({ hackExp: 0.5, intExp: 0.01 }), }, [ClassType.DataStructures]: { youAreCurrently: "taking a Data Structures course", type: ClassType.DataStructures, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -40, hackExp: 1, intExp: 0.01, }), }, [ClassType.Networks]: { youAreCurrently: "taking a Networks course", type: ClassType.Networks, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -80, hackExp: 2, intExp: 0.01, }), }, [ClassType.Algorithms]: { youAreCurrently: "taking an Algorithms course", type: ClassType.Algorithms, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -320, hackExp: 4, intExp: 0.01, }), }, [ClassType.Management]: { youAreCurrently: "taking a Management course", type: ClassType.Management, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -160, chaExp: 2, intExp: 0.01, }), }, [ClassType.Leadership]: { youAreCurrently: "taking a Leadership course", type: ClassType.Leadership, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -320, chaExp: 4, intExp: 0.01, }), }, [ClassType.GymStrength]: { youAreCurrently: "training your strength at a gym", type: ClassType.GymStrength, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -120, strExp: 1, }), }, [ClassType.GymDefense]: { youAreCurrently: "training your defense at a gym", type: ClassType.GymDefense, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -120, defExp: 1, }), }, [ClassType.GymDexterity]: { youAreCurrently: "training your dexterity at a gym", type: ClassType.GymDexterity, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -120, dexExp: 1, }), }, [ClassType.GymAgility]: { youAreCurrently: "training your agility at a gym", type: ClassType.GymAgility, earnings: newWorkStats({ money: -120, agiExp: 1, }), }, }; interface ClassWorkParams { classType: ClassType; location: LocationName; singularity: boolean; } export const isClassWork = (w: Work | null): w is ClassWork => w !== null && w.type === WorkType.CLASS; export class ClassWork extends Work { classType: ClassType; location: LocationName; earnings = newWorkStats(); constructor(params?: ClassWorkParams) { super(WorkType.CLASS, params?.singularity ?? true); this.classType = params?.classType ?? ClassType.StudyComputerScience; this.location = params?.location ?? LocationName.Sector12RothmanUniversity; } isGym(): boolean { return [ClassType.GymAgility, ClassType.GymDefense, ClassType.GymDexterity, ClassType.GymStrength].includes( this.classType, ); } getClass(): Class { return Classes[this.classType]; } calculateRates(): WorkStats { return calculateClassEarningsRate(Player, this.classType, this.location); } process(cycles: number): boolean { this.cyclesWorked += cycles; const rate = this.calculateRates(); const earnings = applyWorkStats(Player, rate, cycles, "class"); this.earnings = sumWorkStats(this.earnings, earnings); return false; } finish(): void { if (!this.singularity) { dialogBoxCreate( <> After {this.getClass().youAreCurrently} for{" "} {convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(this.cyclesWorked * CONSTANTS._idleSpeed)},
you spent a total of .

You earned a total of:
{numeralWrapper.formatExp(this.earnings.hackExp)} hacking exp
{numeralWrapper.formatExp(this.earnings.strExp)} strength exp
{numeralWrapper.formatExp(this.earnings.defExp)} defense exp
{numeralWrapper.formatExp(this.earnings.dexExp)} dexterity exp
{numeralWrapper.formatExp(this.earnings.agiExp)} agility exp
{numeralWrapper.formatExp(this.earnings.chaExp)} charisma exp
, ); } } APICopy(): Record { return { type: this.type, cyclesWorked: this.cyclesWorked, classType: this.classType, location: this.location, }; } /** Serialize the current object to a JSON save state. */ toJSON(): IReviverValue { return Generic_toJSON("ClassWork", this); } /** Initializes a ClassWork object from a JSON save state. */ static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): ClassWork { return Generic_fromJSON(ClassWork,; } } Reviver.constructors.ClassWork = ClassWork;