import { Message } from "./Message"; import { Augmentations } from "../Augmentation/Augmentations"; import { AugmentationNames } from "../Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames"; import { Programs } from "../Programs/Programs"; import { Player } from "../Player"; import { redPillFlag } from "../RedPill"; import { GetServer } from "../Server/AllServers"; import { Settings } from "../Settings/Settings"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../ui/React/DialogBox"; import { Reviver } from "../utils/JSONReviver"; //Sends message to player, including a pop up function sendMessage(msg: Message, forced = false): void { msg.recvd = true; if (forced || !Settings.SuppressMessages) { showMessage(msg); } addMessageToServer(msg, "home"); } function showMessage(msg: Message): void { const txt = "Message received from unknown sender:

" + "" + msg.msg + "

" + "This message was saved as " + msg.filename + " onto your home computer."; dialogBoxCreate(txt); } //Adds a message to a server function addMessageToServer(msg: Message, serverHostname: string): void { const server = GetServer(serverHostname); if (server == null) { console.warn(`Could not find server ${serverHostname}`); return; } for (let i = 0; i < server.messages.length; ++i) { const other = server.messages[i]; if (typeof other === "string") continue; if (msg.filename === other.filename) { return; //Already exists } } server.messages.push(msg); } //Checks if any of the 'timed' messages should be sent function checkForMessagesToSend(): void { if (redPillFlag) return; const jumper0 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper0]; const jumper1 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper1]; const jumper2 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper2]; const jumper3 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper3]; const jumper4 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper4]; const cybersecTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.CyberSecTest]; const nitesecTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.NiteSecTest]; const bitrunnersTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.BitRunnersTest]; const redpill = Messages[MessageFilenames.RedPill]; let redpillOwned = false; if (Augmentations[AugmentationNames.TheRedPill].owned) { redpillOwned = true; } if (redpill && redpillOwned && Player.sourceFiles.length === 0 && !redPillFlag) { sendMessage(redpill, true); } else if (redpill && redpillOwned) { //If player has already destroyed a BitNode, message is not forced if (!redPillFlag) { sendMessage(redpill); } } else if (jumper0 && !jumper0.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 25) { sendMessage(jumper0); const flightName =; const homeComp = Player.getHomeComputer(); if (!homeComp.programs.includes(flightName)) { homeComp.programs.push(flightName); } } else if (jumper1 && !jumper1.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 40) { sendMessage(jumper1); } else if (cybersecTest && !cybersecTest.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 50) { sendMessage(cybersecTest); } else if (jumper2 && !jumper2.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 175) { sendMessage(jumper2); } else if (nitesecTest && !nitesecTest.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 200) { sendMessage(nitesecTest); } else if (jumper3 && !jumper3.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 350) { sendMessage(jumper3); } else if (jumper4 && !jumper4.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 490) { sendMessage(jumper4); } else if (bitrunnersTest && !bitrunnersTest.recvd && Player.hacking_skill >= 500) { sendMessage(bitrunnersTest); } } function AddToAllMessages(msg: Message): void { Messages[msg.filename] = msg; } let Messages: { [key: string]: Message | undefined } = {}; function loadMessages(saveString: string): void { Messages = JSON.parse(saveString, Reviver); } const MessageFilenames = { Jumper0: "j0.msg", Jumper1: "j1.msg", Jumper2: "j2.msg", Jumper3: "j3.msg", Jumper4: "j4.msg", CyberSecTest: "csec-test.msg", NiteSecTest: "nitesec-test.msg", BitRunnersTest: "19dfj3l1nd.msg", RedPill: "icarus.msg", }; function initMessages(): void { //Reset Messages = {}; //jump3R Messages AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.Jumper0, "I know you can sense it. I know you're searching for it. " + "It's why you spend night after " + "night at your computer.

It's real, I've seen it. And I can " + "help you find it. But not right now. You're not ready yet.

" + "Use this program to track your progress

" + "The fl1ght.exe program was added to your home computer

" + "-jump3R", ), ); AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.Jumper1, "Soon you will be contacted by a hacking group known as CyberSec. " + "They can help you with your search.

" + "You should join them, garner their favor, and " + "exploit them for their Augmentations. But do not trust them. " + "They are not what they seem. No one is.

" + "-jump3R", ), ); AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.Jumper2, "Do not try to save the world. There is no world to save. If " + "you want to find the truth, worry only about yourself. Ethics and " + "morals will get you killed.

Watch out for a hacking group known as NiteSec." + "

-jump3R", ), ); AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.Jumper3, "You must learn to walk before you can run. And you must " + "run before you can fly. Look for the black hand.

" + "I.I.I.I

-jump3R", ), ); AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.Jumper4, "To find what you are searching for, you must understand the bits. " + "The bits are all around us. The runners will help you.

" + "-jump3R", ), ); //Messages from hacking factions AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.CyberSecTest, "We've been watching you. Your skills are very impressive. But you're wasting " + "your talents. If you join us, you can put your skills to good use and change " + "the world for the better. If you join us, we can unlock your full potential.

" + "But first, you must pass our test. Find and install the backdoor on our server.

" + "-CyberSec", ), ); AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.NiteSecTest, "People say that the corrupted governments and corporations rule the world. " + "Yes, maybe they do. But do you know who everyone really fears? People " + "like us. Because they can't hide from us. Because they can't fight shadows " + "and ideas with bullets.

" + "Join us, and people will fear you, too.

" + "Find and install the backdoor on our server. Then, we will contact you again." + "

-NiteSec", ), ); AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.BitRunnersTest, "We know what you are doing. We know what drives you. We know " + "what you are looking for.

" + "We can help you find the answers.

" + "run4theh111z", ), ); AddToAllMessages( new Message( MessageFilenames.RedPill, "@)(#V%*N)@(#*)*C)@#%*)*V)@#(*%V@)(#VN%*)@#(*%
" + ")@B(*#%)@)M#B*%V)____FIND___#$@)#%(B*)@#(*%B)
" + "@_#(%_@#M(BDSPOMB__THE-CAVE_#)$(*@#$)@#BNBEGB
" + "DFLSMFVMV)#@($*)@#*$MV)@#(*$V)M#(*$)M@(#*VM$)", ), ); } export { Messages, checkForMessagesToSend, sendMessage, showMessage, loadMessages, initMessages, Message };