import {BitNodeMultipliers} from "../src/BitNode.js"; import {CONSTANTS} from "../src/Constants.js"; import {Factions, Faction} from "../src/Faction.js"; import {Player} from "../src/Player.js"; import {dialogBoxCreate} from "./DialogBox.js"; import {clearEventListeners} from "./HelperFunctions.js"; import {formatNumber} from "./StringHelperFunctions.js"; /* InfiltrationBox.js */ function infiltrationBoxClose() { var box = document.getElementById("infiltration-box-container"); = "none"; } function infiltrationBoxOpen() { var box = document.getElementById("infiltration-box-container"); = "block"; } function infiltrationSetText(txt) { var textBox = document.getElementById("infiltration-box-text"); textBox.innerHTML = txt; } //ram argument is in GB function infiltrationBoxCreate(inst) { //Gain exp Player.gainHackingExp(inst.hackingExpGained); Player.gainStrengthExp(inst.strExpGained); Player.gainDefenseExp(inst.defExpGained); Player.gainDexterityExp(inst.dexExpGained); Player.gainAgilityExp(inst.agiExpGained); Player.gainCharismaExp(inst.chaExpGained); Player.gainIntelligenceExp(inst.intExpGained); var totalValue = 0; for (var i = 0; i < inst.secretsStolen.length; ++i) { totalValue += inst.secretsStolen[i]; } if (totalValue == 0) { dialogBoxCreate("You successfully escaped the facility but you did not steal " + "anything of worth when infiltrating.<br><br>" + "You gained:<br>" + formatNumber(inst.hackingExpGained, 3) + " hacking exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.strExpGained, 3) + " str exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.defExpGained, 3) + " def exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.dexExpGained, 3) + " dex exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.agiExpGained, 3) + " agi exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.chaExpGained, 3) + " cha exp<br>"); return; } var facValue = totalValue * Player.faction_rep_mult * CONSTANTS.InfiltrationRepValue * BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep; var moneyValue = totalValue * CONSTANTS.InfiltrationMoneyValue * BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney; infiltrationSetText("You can sell the classified documents and secrets " + "you stole from " + inst.companyName + " for $" + formatNumber(moneyValue, 2) + " on the black market or you can give it " + "to a faction to gain " + formatNumber(facValue, 3) + " reputation with " + "that faction."); var selector = document.getElementById("infiltration-faction-select"); selector.innerHTML = ""; for (var i = 0; i < Player.factions.length; ++i) { selector.innerHTML += "<option value='" + Player.factions[i] + "'>" + Player.factions[i] + "</option>"; } var sellButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-box-sell"); setTimeout(function() { sellButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.gainMoney(moneyValue); dialogBoxCreate("You sold the classified information you stole from " + inst.companyName + " for $" + moneyValue + " on the black market!<br><br>" + "You gained:<br>" + formatNumber(inst.hackingExpGained, 3) + " hacking exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.strExpGained, 3) + " str exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.defExpGained, 3) + " def exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.dexExpGained, 3) + " dex exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.agiExpGained, 3) + " agi exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.chaExpGained, 3) + " cha exp<br>"); infiltrationBoxClose(); return false; }); }, 750); var factionButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-box-faction"); setTimeout(function() { factionButton.addEventListener("click", function() { var facName = selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value; var faction = Factions[facName]; if (faction == null) { dialogBoxCreate("Error finding faction. This is a bug please report to developer"); return false; } faction.playerReputation += facValue; dialogBoxCreate("You gave the classified information you stole from " + inst.companyName + " to " + facName + " and gained " + formatNumber(facValue, 3) + " reputation with the faction. <br><br>" + "You gained:<br>" + formatNumber(inst.hackingExpGained, 3) + " hacking exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.strExpGained, 3) + " str exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.defExpGained, 3) + " def exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.dexExpGained, 3) + " dex exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.agiExpGained, 3) + " agi exp<br>" + formatNumber(inst.chaExpGained, 3) + " cha exp<br>"); infiltrationBoxClose(); return false; }); }, 750); infiltrationBoxOpen(); } export {infiltrationBoxCreate};