import {addActiveScriptsItem, deleteActiveScriptsItem, updateActiveScriptsItems} from "./ActiveScriptsUI"; import {CONSTANTS} from "./Constants"; import {Engine} from "./engine"; import {Environment} from "./NetscriptEnvironment"; import {evaluate, isScriptErrorMessage, makeRuntimeRejectMsg, killNetscriptDelay} from "./NetscriptEvaluator"; import {executeJSScript} from "./NetscriptJSEvaluator"; import {NetscriptPort} from "./NetscriptPort"; import {AllServers} from "./Server"; import {Settings} from "./Settings"; import {parse} from "../utils/acorn"; import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../utils/DialogBox"; import {compareArrays, printArray} from "../utils/HelperFunctions"; function WorkerScript(runningScriptObj) { = runningScriptObj.filename; this.running = false; this.serverIp = null; this.code = runningScriptObj.scriptRef.code; this.env = new Environment(this); this.env.set("args", runningScriptObj.args.slice()); this.output = ""; this.ramUsage = 0; this.scriptRef = runningScriptObj; this.errorMessage = ""; this.args = runningScriptObj.args.slice(); this.delay = null; this.fnWorker = null; //Workerscript for a function call this.checkingRam = false; this.loadedFns = {}; //Stores names of fns that are "loaded" by this script, thus using RAM. Used for static RAM evaluation this.disableLogs = {}; //Stores names of fns that should have logs disabled //Properties used for dynamic RAM evaluation this.dynamicRamUsage = 1.4; this.dynamicLoadedFns = {}; } //Returns the server on which the workerScript is running WorkerScript.prototype.getServer = function() { return AllServers[this.serverIp]; } //Returns the Script object for the underlying script WorkerScript.prototype.getScript = function() { let server = this.getServer(); for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (server.scripts[i].filename === { return server.scripts[i]; } } console.log("ERROR: Failed to find underlying Script object in WorkerScript.getScript(). This probably means somethings wrong"); return null; } WorkerScript.prototype.shouldLog = function(fn) { return (this.disableLogs.ALL == null && this.disableLogs[fn] == null); } WorkerScript.prototype.log = function(txt) { this.scriptRef.log(txt); } //Array containing all scripts that are running across all servers, to easily run them all let workerScripts = []; var NetscriptPorts = []; for (var i = 0; i < CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts; ++i) { NetscriptPorts.push(new NetscriptPort()); } function prestigeWorkerScripts() { for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; ++i) { deleteActiveScriptsItem(workerScripts[i]); workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true; } updateActiveScriptsItems(5000); //Force UI to update workerScripts.length = 0; } // JS script promises need a little massaging to have the same guarantees as netscript // promises. This does said massaging and kicks the script off. It returns a promise // that resolves or rejects when the corresponding worker script is done. function startJsScript(workerScript) { workerScript.running = true; // The name of the currently running netscript function, to prevent concurrent // calls to hack, grow, etc. let runningFn = null; // We need to go through the environment and wrap each function in such a way that it // can be called at most once at a time. This will prevent situations where multiple // hack promises are outstanding, for example. function wrap(propName, f) { // This function unfortunately cannot be an async function, because we don't // know if the original one was, and there's no way to tell. return function (...args) { // Wrap every netscript function with a check for the stop flag. // This prevents cases where we never stop because we are only calling // netscript functions that don't check this. // This is not a problem for legacy Netscript because it also checks the // stop flag in the evaluator. if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {throw workerScript;} if (propName === "sleep") return f(...args); // OK for multiple simultaneous calls to sleep. const msg = "Concurrent calls to Netscript functions not allowed! " + "Did you forget to await hack(), grow(), or some other " + "promise-returning function? (Currently running: %s tried to run: %s)" if (runningFn) { workerScript.errorMessage = makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, sprintf(msg, runningFn, propName), null) throw workerScript; } runningFn = propName; let result = f(...args); if (result && result.finally !== undefined) { return result.finally(function () { runningFn = null; }); } else { runningFn = null; return result; } } }; for (let prop in workerScript.env.vars) { if (typeof workerScript.env.vars[prop] !== "function") continue; workerScript.env.vars[prop] = wrap(prop, workerScript.env.vars[prop]); } // Note: the environment that we pass to the JS script only needs to contain the functions visible // to that script, which env.vars does at this point. return executeJSScript(workerScript.getServer().scripts, workerScript).then(function (mainReturnValue) { if (mainReturnValue === undefined) return workerScript; return [mainReturnValue, workerScript]; }).catch(e => { if (e instanceof Error) { workerScript.errorMessage = makeRuntimeRejectMsg( workerScript, e.message + (e.stack && ("\nstack:\n" + e.stack.toString()) || "")); throw workerScript; } else if (isScriptErrorMessage(e)) { workerScript.errorMessage = e; throw workerScript; } throw e; // Don't know what to do with it, let's rethrow. }); } //Loop through workerScripts and run every script that is not currently running function runScriptsLoop() { var scriptDeleted = false; //Delete any scripts that finished or have been killed. Loop backwards bc removing items screws up indexing for (var i = workerScripts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (workerScripts[i].running == false && workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag == true) { scriptDeleted = true; //Delete script from the runningScripts array on its host serverIp var ip = workerScripts[i].serverIp; var name = workerScripts[i].name; //Free RAM AllServers[ip].ramUsed -= workerScripts[i].ramUsage; //Delete script from Active Scripts deleteActiveScriptsItem(workerScripts[i]); for (var j = 0; j < AllServers[ip].runningScripts.length; j++) { if (AllServers[ip].runningScripts[j].filename == name && compareArrays(AllServers[ip].runningScripts[j].args, workerScripts[i].args)) { AllServers[ip].runningScripts.splice(j, 1); break; } } //Delete script from workerScripts workerScripts.splice(i, 1); } } if (scriptDeleted) {updateActiveScriptsItems();} //Force Update //Run any scripts that haven't been started for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; i++) { //If it isn't running, start the script if (workerScripts[i].running == false && workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag == false) { let p = null; // p is the script's result promise. if (workerScripts[i].name.endsWith("") || workerScripts[i].name.endsWith(".ns")) { p = startJsScript(workerScripts[i]); } else { try { var ast = parse(workerScripts[i].code, {sourceType:"module"}); //console.log(ast); } catch (e) { console.log("Error parsing script: " + workerScripts[i].name); dialogBoxCreate("Syntax ERROR in " + workerScripts[i].name + ":
" + e); workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true; continue; } workerScripts[i].running = true; p = evaluate(ast, workerScripts[i]); } //Once the code finishes (either resolved or rejected, doesnt matter), set its //running status to false p.then(function(w) { console.log("Stopping script " + + " because it finished running naturally"); w.running = false; w.env.stopFlag = true; w.scriptRef.log("Script finished running"); }).catch(function(w) { if (w instanceof Error) { dialogBoxCreate("Script runtime unknown error. This is a bug please contact game developer"); console.log("ERROR: Evaluating workerscript returns an Error. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN: " + w.toString()); return; } else if (w.constructor === Array && w.length === 2 && w[0] === "RETURNSTATEMENT") { //Script ends with a return statement console.log("Script returning with value: " + w[1]); //TODO maybe do something with this in the future return; } else if (w instanceof WorkerScript) { if (isScriptErrorMessage(w.errorMessage)) { var errorTextArray = w.errorMessage.split("|"); if (errorTextArray.length != 4) { console.log("ERROR: Something wrong with Error text in evaluator..."); console.log("Error text: " + errorText); return; } var serverIp = errorTextArray[1]; var scriptName = errorTextArray[2]; var errorMsg = errorTextArray[3]; dialogBoxCreate("Script runtime error:
Server Ip: " + serverIp + "
Script name: " + scriptName + "
Args:" + printArray(w.args) + "
" + errorMsg); w.scriptRef.log("Script crashed with runtime error"); } else { w.scriptRef.log("Script killed"); } w.running = false; w.env.stopFlag = true; } else if (isScriptErrorMessage(w)) { dialogBoxCreate("Script runtime unknown error. This is a bug please contact game developer"); console.log("ERROR: Evaluating workerscript returns only error message rather than WorkerScript object. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN: " + w.toString()); return; } else { dialogBoxCreate("An unknown script died for an unknown reason. This is a bug please contact game dev"); console.log(w); } }); } } setTimeout(runScriptsLoop, 6000); } //Queues a script to be killed by settings its stop flag to true. Then, the code will reject //all of its promises recursively, and when it does so it will no longer be running. //The runScriptsLoop() will then delete the script from worker scripts function killWorkerScript(runningScriptObj, serverIp) { for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; i++) { if (workerScripts[i].name == runningScriptObj.filename && workerScripts[i].serverIp == serverIp && compareArrays(workerScripts[i].args, runningScriptObj.args)) { workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true; killNetscriptDelay(workerScripts[i]); //Recursively kill all functions var curr = workerScripts[i]; while (curr.fnWorker) { curr.fnWorker.env.stopFlag = true; killNetscriptDelay(curr.fnWorker); curr = curr.fnWorker; } return true; } } return false; } //Queues a script to be run function addWorkerScript(runningScriptObj, server) { var filename = runningScriptObj.filename; //Update server's ram usage var threads = 1; if (runningScriptObj.threads && !isNaN(runningScriptObj.threads)) { threads = runningScriptObj.threads; } else { runningScriptObj.threads = 1; } var ramUsage = runningScriptObj.scriptRef.ramUsage * threads * Math.pow(CONSTANTS.MultithreadingRAMCost, threads-1); var ramAvailable = server.maxRam - server.ramUsed; if (ramUsage > ramAvailable) { dialogBoxCreate("Not enough RAM to run script " + runningScriptObj.filename + " with args " + printArray(runningScriptObj.args) + ". This likely occurred because you re-loaded " + "the game and the script's RAM usage increased (either because of an update to the game or " + "your changes to the script.)"); return; } server.ramUsed += ramUsage; //Create the WorkerScript var s = new WorkerScript(runningScriptObj); s.serverIp = server.ip; s.ramUsage = ramUsage; //Add the WorkerScript to the Active Scripts list addActiveScriptsItem(s); //Add the WorkerScript workerScripts.push(s); return; } //Updates the online running time stat of all running scripts function updateOnlineScriptTimes(numCycles = 1) { var time = (numCycles * Engine._idleSpeed) / 1000; //seconds for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; ++i) { workerScripts[i].scriptRef.onlineRunningTime += time; } } export {WorkerScript, workerScripts, NetscriptPorts, runScriptsLoop, killWorkerScript, addWorkerScript, updateOnlineScriptTimes, prestigeWorkerScripts};