import { INetscriptHelper } from "./INetscriptHelper"; import { WorkerScript } from "../Netscript/WorkerScript"; import { IPlayer } from "../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { purchaseAugmentation, joinFaction } from "../Faction/FactionHelpers"; import { startWorkerScript } from "../NetscriptWorker"; import { Augmentation } from "../Augmentation/Augmentation"; import { Augmentations } from "../Augmentation/Augmentations"; import { augmentationExists, installAugmentations } from "../Augmentation/AugmentationHelpers"; import { prestigeAugmentation } from "../Prestige"; import { AugmentationNames } from "../Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames"; import { killWorkerScript } from "../Netscript/killWorkerScript"; import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants"; import { isString } from "../utils/helpers/isString"; import { getRamCost } from "../Netscript/RamCostGenerator"; import { RunningScript } from "../Script/RunningScript"; import { Singularity as ISingularity } from "../ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions"; import { findCrime } from "../Crime/CrimeHelpers"; import { CompanyPosition } from "../Company/CompanyPosition"; import { CompanyPositions } from "../Company/CompanyPositions"; import { DarkWebItems } from "../DarkWeb/DarkWebItems"; import { AllGangs } from "../Gang/AllGangs"; import { CityName } from "../Locations/data/CityNames"; import { LocationName } from "../Locations/data/LocationNames"; import { Router } from "../ui/GameRoot"; import { SpecialServers } from "../Server/data/SpecialServers"; import { Page } from "../ui/Router"; import { Locations } from "../Locations/Locations"; import { GetServer, AddToAllServers, createUniqueRandomIp } from "../Server/AllServers"; import { Programs } from "../Programs/Programs"; import { numeralWrapper } from "../ui/numeralFormat"; import { BitNodeMultipliers } from "../BitNode/BitNodeMultipliers"; import { Company } from "../Company/Company"; import { Companies } from "../Company/Companies"; import { Factions, factionExists } from "../Faction/Factions"; import { Faction } from "../Faction/Faction"; import { netscriptDelay } from "../NetscriptEvaluator"; import { convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString } from "../utils/StringHelperFunctions"; import { getServerOnNetwork, safetlyCreateUniqueServer } from "../Server/ServerHelpers"; import { Terminal } from "../Terminal"; import { calculateHackingTime } from "../Hacking"; import { Server } from "../Server/Server"; import { netscriptCanHack } from "../Hacking/netscriptCanHack"; import { FactionInfos } from "../Faction/FactionInfo"; export function NetscriptSingularity( player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript, helper: INetscriptHelper, ): ISingularity { const getAugmentation = function (func: any, name: any): Augmentation { if (!augmentationExists(name)) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(func, `Invalid augmentation: '${name}'`); } return Augmentations[name]; }; const getFaction = function (func: any, name: any): Faction { if (!factionExists(name)) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(func, `Invalid faction name: '${name}`); } return Factions[name]; }; const getCompany = function (func: any, name: any): Company { const company = Companies[name]; if (company == null || !(company instanceof Company)) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(func, `Invalid company name: '${name}'`); } return company; }; const runAfterReset = function (cbScript = null): void { //Run a script after reset if (cbScript && isString(cbScript)) { const home = player.getHomeComputer(); for (const script of home.scripts) { if (script.filename === cbScript) { const ramUsage = script.ramUsage; const ramAvailable = home.maxRam - home.ramUsed; if (ramUsage > ramAvailable) { return; // Not enough RAM } const runningScriptObj = new RunningScript(script, []); // No args runningScriptObj.threads = 1; // Only 1 thread startWorkerScript(player, runningScriptObj, home); } } } }; return { getOwnedAugmentations: function (purchased: any = false): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getOwnedAugmentations", getRamCost(player, "getOwnedAugmentations")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getOwnedAugmentations"); const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < player.augmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(player.augmentations[i].name); } if (purchased) { for (let i = 0; i < player.queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(player.queuedAugmentations[i].name); } } return res; }, getAugmentationsFromFaction: function (facname: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationsFromFaction", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationsFromFaction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationsFromFaction"); const faction = getFaction("getAugmentationsFromFaction", facname); // If player has a gang with this faction, return all augmentations. if (player.hasGangWith(facname)) { const res = []; for (const augName of Object.keys(Augmentations)) { if (augName === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) continue; if (augName === AugmentationNames.TheRedPill && player.bitNodeN !== 2) continue; const aug = Augmentations[augName]; if (!aug.isSpecial) { res.push(augName); } } return res; } return faction.augmentations.slice(); }, getAugmentationCost: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationCost", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationCost")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationCost"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationCost", name); return [aug.baseRepRequirement, aug.baseCost]; }, getAugmentationPrereq: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationPrereq", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationPrereq")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationPrereq"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationPrereq", name); return aug.prereqs.slice(); }, getAugmentationPrice: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationPrice", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationPrice")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationPrice"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationPrice", name); return aug.baseCost; }, getAugmentationRepReq: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationRepReq", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationRepReq")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationRepReq"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationRepReq", name); return aug.baseRepRequirement; }, getAugmentationStats: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationStats", getRamCost(player, "getAugmentationStats")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getAugmentationStats"); const aug = getAugmentation("getAugmentationStats", name); return Object.assign({}, aug.mults); }, purchaseAugmentation: function (faction: any, name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("purchaseAugmentation", getRamCost(player, "purchaseAugmentation")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("purchaseAugmentation"); const fac = getFaction("purchaseAugmentation", faction); const aug = getAugmentation("purchaseAugmentation", name); let augs = []; if (player.hasGangWith(faction)) { for (const augName of Object.keys(Augmentations)) { const aug = Augmentations[augName]; if ( augName === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor || (augName === AugmentationNames.TheRedPill && player.bitNodeN !== 2) || // Special augs (i.e. Bladeburner augs) aug.isSpecial || // Exclusive augs (i.e. QLink) (aug.factions.length <= 1 && !fac.augmentations.includes(augName) && player.bitNodeN !== 2) ) continue; augs.push(augName); } } else { augs = fac.augmentations; } if (!augs.includes(name)) { workerScript.log( "purchaseAugmentation", () => `Faction '${faction}' does not have the '${name}' augmentation.`, ); return false; } const isNeuroflux = === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor; if (!isNeuroflux) { for (let j = 0; j < player.queuedAugmentations.length; ++j) { if (player.queuedAugmentations[j].name === { workerScript.log("purchaseAugmentation", () => `You already have the '${name}' augmentation.`); return false; } } for (let j = 0; j < player.augmentations.length; ++j) { if (player.augmentations[j].name === { workerScript.log("purchaseAugmentation", () => `You already have the '${name}' augmentation.`); return false; } } } if (fac.playerReputation < aug.baseRepRequirement) { workerScript.log("purchaseAugmentation", () => `You do not have enough reputation with '${}'.`); return false; } const res = purchaseAugmentation(aug, fac, true); workerScript.log("purchaseAugmentation", () => res); if (isString(res) && res.startsWith("You purchased")) { player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 10); return true; } else { return false; } }, softReset: function (cbScript: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("softReset", getRamCost(player, "softReset")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("softReset"); workerScript.log("softReset", () => "Soft resetting. This will cause this script to be killed"); setTimeout(() => { prestigeAugmentation(); runAfterReset(cbScript); }, 0); // Prevent workerScript from "finishing execution naturally" workerScript.running = false; killWorkerScript(workerScript); }, installAugmentations: function (cbScript: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("installAugmentations", getRamCost(player, "installAugmentations")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("installAugmentations"); if (player.queuedAugmentations.length === 0) { workerScript.log("installAugmentations", () => "You do not have any Augmentations to be installed."); return false; } player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 10); workerScript.log( "installAugmentations", () => "Installing Augmentations. This will cause this script to be killed", ); setTimeout(() => { installAugmentations(); runAfterReset(cbScript); }, 0); workerScript.running = false; // Prevent workerScript from "finishing execution naturally" killWorkerScript(workerScript); }, goToLocation: function (locationName: any): boolean { helper.updateDynamicRam("goToLocation", getRamCost(player, "goToLocation")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("goToLocation"); const location = Object.values(Locations).find((l) => === locationName); if (!location) { workerScript.log("goToLocation", () => `No location named ${locationName}`); return false; } if ( !== { workerScript.log("goToLocation", () => `No location named ${locationName} in ${}`); return false; } Router.toLocation(location); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain / 50000); return true; }, universityCourse: function (universityName: any, className: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("universityCourse", getRamCost(player, "universityCourse")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("universityCourse"); const wasFocusing = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("universityCourse", () => txt); } let costMult, expMult; switch (universityName.toLowerCase()) { case LocationName.AevumSummitUniversity.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Aevum) { workerScript.log( "universityCourse", () => `You cannot study at 'Summit University' because you are not in '${CityName.Aevum}'.`, ); return false; } player.gotoLocation(LocationName.AevumSummitUniversity); costMult = 4; expMult = 3; break; case LocationName.Sector12RothmanUniversity.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Sector12) { workerScript.log( "universityCourse", () => `You cannot study at 'Rothman University' because you are not in '${CityName.Sector12}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.Sector12RothmanUniversity; costMult = 3; expMult = 2; break; case LocationName.VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Volhaven) { workerScript.log( "universityCourse", () => `You cannot study at 'ZB Institute of Technology' because you are not in '${CityName.Volhaven}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology; costMult = 5; expMult = 4; break; default: workerScript.log("universityCourse", () => `Invalid university name: '${universityName}'.`); return false; } let task = ""; switch (className.toLowerCase()) { case "Study Computer Science".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassStudyComputerScience; break; case "Data Structures".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassDataStructures; break; case "Networks".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassNetworks; break; case "Algorithms".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassAlgorithms; break; case "Management".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassManagement; break; case "Leadership".toLowerCase(): task = CONSTANTS.ClassLeadership; break; default: workerScript.log("universityCourse", () => `Invalid class name: ${className}.`); return false; } player.startClass(costMult, expMult, task); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("universityCourse", () => `Started ${task} at ${universityName}`); return true; }, gymWorkout: function (gymName: any, stat: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("gymWorkout", getRamCost(player, "gymWorkout")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("gymWorkout"); const wasFocusing = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("gymWorkout", () => txt); } let costMult, expMult; switch (gymName.toLowerCase()) { case LocationName.AevumCrushFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Aevum) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.AevumCrushFitnessGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Aevum}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.AevumCrushFitnessGym; costMult = 3; expMult = 2; break; case LocationName.AevumSnapFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Aevum) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.AevumSnapFitnessGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Aevum}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.AevumSnapFitnessGym; costMult = 10; expMult = 5; break; case LocationName.Sector12IronGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Sector12) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.Sector12IronGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Sector12}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.Sector12IronGym; costMult = 1; expMult = 1; break; case LocationName.Sector12PowerhouseGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Sector12) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.Sector12PowerhouseGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Sector12}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.Sector12PowerhouseGym; costMult = 20; expMult = 10; break; case LocationName.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if ( != CityName.Volhaven) { workerScript.log( "gymWorkout", () => `You cannot workout at '${LocationName.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym}' because you are not in '${CityName.Volhaven}'.`, ); return false; } player.location = LocationName.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym; costMult = 7; expMult = 4; break; default: workerScript.log("gymWorkout", () => `Invalid gym name: ${gymName}. gymWorkout() failed`); return false; } switch (stat.toLowerCase()) { case "strength".toLowerCase(): case "str".toLowerCase(): player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymStrength); break; case "defense".toLowerCase(): case "def".toLowerCase(): player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymDefense); break; case "dexterity".toLowerCase(): case "dex".toLowerCase(): player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymDexterity); break; case "agility".toLowerCase(): case "agi".toLowerCase(): player.startClass(costMult, expMult, CONSTANTS.ClassGymAgility); break; default: workerScript.log("gymWorkout", () => `Invalid stat: ${stat}.`); return false; } if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("gymWorkout", () => `Started training ${stat} at ${gymName}`); return true; }, travelToCity: function (cityname: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("travelToCity", getRamCost(player, "travelToCity")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("travelToCity"); switch (cityname) { case CityName.Aevum: case CityName.Chongqing: case CityName.Sector12: case CityName.NewTokyo: case CityName.Ishima: case CityName.Volhaven: if ( < CONSTANTS.TravelCost) { workerScript.log("travelToCity", () => "Not enough money to travel."); return false; } player.loseMoney(CONSTANTS.TravelCost, "other"); = cityname; workerScript.log("travelToCity", () => `Traveled to ${cityname}`); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain / 50000); return true; default: throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("travelToCity", `Invalid city name: '${cityname}'.`); } }, purchaseTor: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("purchaseTor", getRamCost(player, "purchaseTor")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("purchaseTor"); if (player.hasTorRouter()) { workerScript.log("purchaseTor", () => "You already have a TOR router!"); return true; } if ( < CONSTANTS.TorRouterCost) { workerScript.log("purchaseTor", () => "You cannot afford to purchase a Tor router."); return false; } player.loseMoney(CONSTANTS.TorRouterCost, "other"); const darkweb = safetlyCreateUniqueServer({ ip: createUniqueRandomIp(), hostname: "darkweb", organizationName: "", isConnectedTo: false, adminRights: false, purchasedByPlayer: false, maxRam: 1, }); AddToAllServers(darkweb); player.getHomeComputer().serversOnNetwork.push(darkweb.hostname); darkweb.serversOnNetwork.push(player.getHomeComputer().hostname); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain / 500); workerScript.log("purchaseTor", () => "You have purchased a Tor router!"); return true; }, purchaseProgram: function (programName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("purchaseProgram", getRamCost(player, "purchaseProgram")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("purchaseProgram"); if (!player.hasTorRouter()) { workerScript.log("purchaseProgram", () => "You do not have the TOR router."); return false; } programName = programName.toLowerCase(); const item = Object.values(DarkWebItems).find((i) => i.program.toLowerCase() === programName); if (item == null) { workerScript.log("purchaseProgram", () => `Invalid program name: '${programName}.`); return false; } if ( < item.price) { workerScript.log( "purchaseProgram", () => `Not enough money to purchase '${item.program}'. Need ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(item.price)}`, ); return false; } if (player.hasProgram(item.program)) { workerScript.log("purchaseProgram", () => `You already have the '${item.program}' program`); return true; } player.loseMoney(item.price, "other"); player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(item.program); workerScript.log( "purchaseProgram", () => `You have purchased the '${item.program}' program. The new program can be found on your home computer.`, ); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain / 5000); return true; }, getCurrentServer: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCurrentServer", getRamCost(player, "getCurrentServer")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCurrentServer"); return player.getCurrentServer().hostname; }, connect: function (hostname: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("connect", getRamCost(player, "connect")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("connect"); if (!hostname) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("connect", `Invalid hostname: '${hostname}'`); } const target = GetServer(hostname); if (target == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("connect", `Invalid hostname: '${hostname}'`); } if (hostname === "home") { player.getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = false; player.currentServer = player.getHomeComputer().hostname; player.getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = true; Terminal.setcwd("/"); return true; } const server = player.getCurrentServer(); for (let i = 0; i < server.serversOnNetwork.length; i++) { const other = getServerOnNetwork(server, i); if (other === null) continue; if (other.hostname == hostname) { player.getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = false; player.currentServer = target.hostname; player.getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = true; Terminal.setcwd("/"); return true; } } return false; }, manualHack: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("manualHack", getRamCost(player, "manualHack")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("manualHack"); const server = player.getCurrentServer(); return helper.hack(server.hostname, true); }, installBackdoor: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("installBackdoor", getRamCost(player, "installBackdoor")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("installBackdoor"); const baseserver = player.getCurrentServer(); if (!(baseserver instanceof Server)) { workerScript.log("installBackdoor", () => "cannot backdoor this kind of server"); return Promise.resolve(); } const server = baseserver as Server; const installTime = (calculateHackingTime(server, player) / 4) * 1000; // No root access or skill level too low const canHack = netscriptCanHack(server, player); if (!canHack.res) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("installBackdoor", canHack.msg || ""); } workerScript.log( "installBackdoor", () => `Installing backdoor on '${server.hostname}' in ${convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(installTime, true)}`, ); return netscriptDelay(installTime, workerScript).then(function () { workerScript.log("installBackdoor", () => `Successfully installed backdoor on '${server.hostname}'`); server.backdoorInstalled = true; if (SpecialServers.WorldDaemon === server.hostname) { Router.toBitVerse(false, false); } return Promise.resolve(); }); }, isFocused: function (): boolean { helper.updateDynamicRam("isFocused", getRamCost(player, "isFocused")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("isFocused"); return player.focus; }, setFocus: function (afocus: any): boolean { const focus = helper.boolean(afocus); helper.updateDynamicRam("setFocus", getRamCost(player, "setFocus")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("setFocus"); if (!player.isWorking) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("setFocus", "Not currently working"); } if ( !( player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeFaction || player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCompany || player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCompanyPartTime || player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCreateProgram || player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeStudyClass ) ) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("setFocus", "Cannot change focus for current job"); } if (!player.focus && focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); return true; } else if (player.focus && !focus) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); return true; } return false; }, getStats: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getStats", getRamCost(player, "getStats")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getStats"); workerScript.log("getStats", () => `getStats is deprecated, please use getplayer`); return { hacking: player.hacking, strength: player.strength, defense: player.defense, dexterity: player.dexterity, agility: player.agility, charisma: player.charisma, intelligence: player.intelligence, }; }, getCharacterInformation: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCharacterInformation", getRamCost(player, "getCharacterInformation")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCharacterInformation"); workerScript.log("getCharacterInformation", () => `getCharacterInformation is deprecated, please use getplayer`); return { bitnode: player.bitNodeN, city:, factions: player.factions.slice(), hp: player.hp, jobs: Object.keys(, jobTitles: Object.values(, maxHp: player.max_hp, mult: { agility: player.agility_mult, agilityExp: player.agility_exp_mult, companyRep: player.company_rep_mult, crimeMoney: player.crime_money_mult, crimeSuccess: player.crime_success_mult, defense: player.defense_mult, defenseExp: player.defense_exp_mult, dexterity: player.dexterity_mult, dexterityExp: player.dexterity_exp_mult, factionRep: player.faction_rep_mult, hacking: player.hacking_mult, hackingExp: player.hacking_exp_mult, strength: player.strength_mult, strengthExp: player.strength_exp_mult, workMoney: player.work_money_mult, }, timeWorked: player.timeWorked, tor: player.hasTorRouter(), workHackExpGain: player.workHackExpGained, workStrExpGain: player.workStrExpGained, workDefExpGain: player.workDefExpGained, workDexExpGain: player.workDexExpGained, workAgiExpGain: player.workAgiExpGained, workChaExpGain: player.workChaExpGained, workRepGain: player.workRepGained, workMoneyGain: player.workMoneyGained, hackingExp: player.hacking_exp, strengthExp: player.strength_exp, defenseExp: player.defense_exp, dexterityExp: player.dexterity_exp, agilityExp: player.agility_exp, charismaExp: player.charisma_exp, }; }, hospitalize: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("hospitalize", getRamCost(player, "hospitalize")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("hospitalize"); if (player.isWorking || === Page.Infiltration || === Page.BitVerse) { workerScript.log("hospitalize", () => "Cannot go to the hospital because the player is busy."); return; } return player.hospitalize(); }, isBusy: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("isBusy", getRamCost(player, "isBusy")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("isBusy"); return player.isWorking || === Page.Infiltration || === Page.BitVerse; }, stopAction: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("stopAction", getRamCost(player, "stopAction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("stopAction"); if (player.isWorking) { if (player.focus) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("stopAction", () => txt); return true; } return false; }, upgradeHomeCores: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("upgradeHomeCores", getRamCost(player, "upgradeHomeCores")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("upgradeHomeCores"); // Check if we're at max cores const homeComputer = player.getHomeComputer(); if (homeComputer.cpuCores >= 8) { workerScript.log("upgradeHomeCores", () => `Your home computer is at max cores.`); return false; } const cost = player.getUpgradeHomeCoresCost(); if ( < cost) { workerScript.log( "upgradeHomeCores", () => `You don't have enough money. Need ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(cost)}`, ); return false; } homeComputer.cpuCores += 1; player.loseMoney(cost, "servers"); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 2); workerScript.log( "upgradeHomeCores", () => `Purchased an additional core for home computer! It now has ${homeComputer.cpuCores} cores.`, ); return true; }, getUpgradeHomeCoresCost: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getUpgradeHomeCoresCost", getRamCost(player, "getUpgradeHomeCoresCost")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getUpgradeHomeCoresCost"); return player.getUpgradeHomeCoresCost(); }, upgradeHomeRam: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("upgradeHomeRam", getRamCost(player, "upgradeHomeRam")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("upgradeHomeRam"); // Check if we're at max RAM const homeComputer = player.getHomeComputer(); if (homeComputer.maxRam >= CONSTANTS.HomeComputerMaxRam) { workerScript.log("upgradeHomeRam", () => `Your home computer is at max RAM.`); return false; } const cost = player.getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); if ( < cost) { workerScript.log( "upgradeHomeRam", () => `You don't have enough money. Need ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(cost)}`, ); return false; } homeComputer.maxRam *= 2; player.loseMoney(cost, "servers"); player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 2); workerScript.log( "upgradeHomeRam", () => `Purchased additional RAM for home computer! It now has ${numeralWrapper.formatRAM( homeComputer.maxRam, )} of RAM.`, ); return true; }, getUpgradeHomeRamCost: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getUpgradeHomeRamCost", getRamCost(player, "getUpgradeHomeRamCost")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getUpgradeHomeRamCost"); return player.getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); }, workForCompany: function (companyName: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("workForCompany", getRamCost(player, "workForCompany")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("workForCompany"); // Sanitize input if (companyName == null) { companyName = player.companyName; } // Make sure its a valid company if (companyName == null || companyName === "" || !(Companies[companyName] instanceof Company)) { workerScript.log("workForCompany", () => `Invalid company: '${companyName}'`); return false; } // Make sure player is actually employed at the comapny if (!Object.keys( { workerScript.log("workForCompany", () => `You do not have a job at '${companyName}'`); return false; } // Check to make sure company position data is valid const companyPositionName =[companyName]; const companyPosition = CompanyPositions[companyPositionName]; if (companyPositionName === "" || !(companyPosition instanceof CompanyPosition)) { workerScript.log("workForCompany", () => "You do not have a job"); return false; } const wasFocused = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("workForCompany", () => txt); } if (companyPosition.isPartTimeJob()) { player.startWorkPartTime(companyName); } else { player.startWork(companyName); } if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocused) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log( "workForCompany", () => `Began working at '${player.companyName}' as a '${companyPositionName}'`, ); return true; }, applyToCompany: function (companyName: any, field: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("applyToCompany", getRamCost(player, "applyToCompany")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("applyToCompany"); getCompany("applyToCompany", companyName); player.location = companyName; let res; switch (field.toLowerCase()) { case "software": res = player.applyForSoftwareJob(true); break; case "software consultant": res = player.applyForSoftwareConsultantJob(true); break; case "it": res = player.applyForItJob(true); break; case "security engineer": res = player.applyForSecurityEngineerJob(true); break; case "network engineer": res = player.applyForNetworkEngineerJob(true); break; case "business": res = player.applyForBusinessJob(true); break; case "business consultant": res = player.applyForBusinessConsultantJob(true); break; case "security": res = player.applyForSecurityJob(true); break; case "agent": res = player.applyForAgentJob(true); break; case "employee": res = player.applyForEmployeeJob(true); break; case "part-time employee": res = player.applyForPartTimeEmployeeJob(true); break; case "waiter": res = player.applyForWaiterJob(true); break; case "part-time waiter": res = player.applyForPartTimeWaiterJob(true); break; default: workerScript.log("applyToCompany", () => `Invalid job: '${field}'.`); return false; } // TODO // The player object's applyForJob function can return string with special error messages // if (isString(res)) { // workerScript.log("applyToCompany",()=> res); // return false; // } if (res) { workerScript.log( "applyToCompany", () => `You were offered a new job at '${companyName}' as a '${[companyName]}'`, ); } else { workerScript.log( "applyToCompany", () => `You failed to get a new job/promotion at '${companyName}' in the '${field}' field.`, ); } return res; }, getCompanyRep: function (companyName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCompanyRep", getRamCost(player, "getCompanyRep")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCompanyRep"); const company = getCompany("getCompanyRep", companyName); return company.playerReputation; }, getCompanyFavor: function (companyName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCompanyFavor", getRamCost(player, "getCompanyFavor")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCompanyFavor"); const company = getCompany("getCompanyFavor", companyName); return company.favor; }, getCompanyFavorGain: function (companyName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCompanyFavorGain", getRamCost(player, "getCompanyFavorGain")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCompanyFavorGain"); const company = getCompany("getCompanyFavorGain", companyName); return company.getFavorGain(); }, checkFactionInvitations: function (): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("checkFactionInvitations", getRamCost(player, "checkFactionInvitations")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("checkFactionInvitations"); // Make a copy of player.factionInvitations return player.factionInvitations.slice(); }, joinFaction: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("joinFaction", getRamCost(player, "joinFaction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("joinFaction"); getFaction("joinFaction", name); if (!player.factionInvitations.includes(name)) { workerScript.log("joinFaction", () => `You have not been invited by faction '${name}'`); return false; } const fac = Factions[name]; joinFaction(fac); // Update Faction Invitation list to account for joined + banned factions for (let i = 0; i < player.factionInvitations.length; ++i) { if (player.factionInvitations[i] == name || Factions[player.factionInvitations[i]].isBanned) { player.factionInvitations.splice(i, 1); i--; } } player.gainIntelligenceExp(CONSTANTS.IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain * 5); workerScript.log("joinFaction", () => `Joined the '${name}' faction.`); return true; }, workForFaction: function (name: any, type: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("workForFaction", getRamCost(player, "workForFaction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("workForFaction"); getFaction("workForFaction", name); // if the player is in a gang and the target faction is any of the gang faction, fail if (player.inGang() && AllGangs[name] !== undefined) { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Faction '${name}' does not offer work at the moment.`); return false; } if (!player.factions.includes(name)) { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `You are not a member of '${name}'`); return false; } const wasFocusing = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => txt); } const fac = Factions[name]; // Arrays listing factions that allow each time of work switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "hacking": case "hacking contracts": case "hackingcontracts": if (!FactionInfos[].offerHackingWork) { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Faction '${}' do not need help with hacking contracts.`); return false; } player.startFactionHackWork(fac); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Started carrying out hacking contracts for '${}'`); return true; case "field": case "fieldwork": case "field work": if (!FactionInfos[].offerFieldWork) { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Faction '${}' do not need help with field missions.`); return false; } player.startFactionFieldWork(fac); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Started carrying out field missions for '${}'`); return true; case "security": case "securitywork": case "security work": if (!FactionInfos[].offerSecurityWork) { workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Faction '${}' do not need help with security work.`); return false; } player.startFactionSecurityWork(fac); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Started carrying out security work for '${}'`); return true; default: workerScript.log("workForFaction", () => `Invalid work type: '${type}`); } return true; }, getFactionRep: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getFactionRep", getRamCost(player, "getFactionRep")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getFactionRep"); const faction = getFaction("getFactionRep", name); return faction.playerReputation; }, getFactionFavor: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getFactionFavor", getRamCost(player, "getFactionFavor")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getFactionFavor"); const faction = getFaction("getFactionFavor", name); return faction.favor; }, getFactionFavorGain: function (name: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getFactionFavorGain", getRamCost(player, "getFactionFavorGain")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getFactionFavorGain"); const faction = getFaction("getFactionFavorGain", name); return faction.getFavorGain(); }, donateToFaction: function (name: any, amt: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("donateToFaction", getRamCost(player, "donateToFaction")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("donateToFaction"); const faction = getFaction("donateToFaction", name); if (!player.factions.includes( { workerScript.log("donateToFaction", () => `You can't donate to '${name}' because you aren't a member`); return false; } if (player.inGang() && === player.getGangFaction().name) { workerScript.log("donateToFaction", () => `You can't donate to '${name}' because youre managing a gang for it`); return false; } if (typeof amt !== "number" || amt <= 0 || isNaN(amt)) { workerScript.log("donateToFaction", () => `Invalid donation amount: '${amt}'.`); return false; } if ( < amt) { workerScript.log( "donateToFaction", () => `You do not have enough money to donate ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(amt)} to '${name}'`, ); return false; } const repNeededToDonate = Math.floor(CONSTANTS.BaseFavorToDonate * BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction); if (faction.favor < repNeededToDonate) { workerScript.log( "donateToFaction", () => `You do not have enough favor to donate to this faction. Have ${faction.favor}, need ${repNeededToDonate}`, ); return false; } const repGain = (amt / CONSTANTS.DonateMoneyToRepDivisor) * player.faction_rep_mult; faction.playerReputation += repGain; player.loseMoney(amt, "other"); workerScript.log( "donateToFaction", () => `${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(amt)} donated to '${name}' for ${numeralWrapper.formatReputation( repGain, )} reputation`, ); return true; }, createProgram: function (name: any, focus = true): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("createProgram", getRamCost(player, "createProgram")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("createProgram"); const wasFocusing = player.focus; if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("createProgram", () => txt); } name = name.toLowerCase(); const p = Object.values(Programs).find((p) => === name); if (p == null) { workerScript.log("createProgram", () => `The specified program does not exist: '${name}`); return false; } if (player.hasProgram( { workerScript.log("createProgram", () => `You already have the '${}' program`); return false; } const create = p.create; if (create === null) { workerScript.log("createProgram", () => `You cannot create the '${}' program`); return false; } if (!create.req(player)) { workerScript.log( "createProgram", () => `Hacking level is too low to create '${}' (level ${create.level} req)`, ); return false; } player.startCreateProgramWork(, create.time, create.level); if (focus) { player.startFocusing(); Router.toWork(); } else if (wasFocusing) { player.stopFocusing(); Router.toTerminal(); } workerScript.log("createProgram", () => `Began creating program: '${name}'`); return true; }, commitCrime: function (crimeRoughName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("commitCrime", getRamCost(player, "commitCrime")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("commitCrime"); if (player.isWorking) { const txt = player.singularityStopWork(); workerScript.log("commitCrime", () => txt); } // Set Location to slums player.gotoLocation(LocationName.Slums); const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if (crime == null) { // couldn't find crime throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("commitCrime", `Invalid crime: '${crimeRoughName}'`); } workerScript.log("commitCrime", () => `Attempting to commit ${}...`); return crime.commit(Router, player, 1, workerScript); }, getCrimeChance: function (crimeRoughName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCrimeChance", getRamCost(player, "getCrimeChance")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCrimeChance"); const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if (crime == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("getCrimeChance", `Invalid crime: ${crimeRoughName}`); } return crime.successRate(player); }, getCrimeStats: function (crimeRoughName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getCrimeStats", getRamCost(player, "getCrimeStats")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getCrimeStats"); const crime = findCrime(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if (crime == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("getCrimeStats", `Invalid crime: ${crimeRoughName}`); } return Object.assign({}, crime); }, getDarkwebPrograms: function (): string[] { helper.updateDynamicRam("getDarkwebPrograms", getRamCost(player, "getDarkwebPrograms")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getDarkwebPrograms"); // If we don't have Tor, log it and return [] (empty list) if (!player.hasTorRouter()) { workerScript.log("getDarkwebPrograms", () => "You do not have the TOR router."); return []; } return Object.values(DarkWebItems).map((p) => p.program); }, getDarkwebProgramCost: function (programName: any): any { helper.updateDynamicRam("getDarkwebProgramCost", getRamCost(player, "getDarkwebProgramCost")); helper.checkSingularityAccess("getDarkwebProgramCost"); // If we don't have Tor, log it and return -1 if (!player.hasTorRouter()) { workerScript.log("getDarkwebProgramCost", () => "You do not have the TOR router."); // returning -1 rather than throwing an error to be consistent with purchaseProgram // which returns false if tor has return -1; } programName = programName.toLowerCase(); const item = Object.values(DarkWebItems).find((i) => i.program.toLowerCase() === programName); // If the program doesn't exist, throw an error. The reasoning here is that the 99% case is that // the player will be using this in automation scripts, and if they're asking for a program that // doesn't exist, it's the first time they've run the script. So throw an error to let them know // that they need to fix it. if (item == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg( "getDarkwebProgramCost", `No such exploit ('${programName}') found on the darkweb! ` + `\nThis function is not case-sensitive. Did you perhaps forget .exe at the end?`, ); } if (player.hasProgram(item.program)) { workerScript.log("getDarkwebProgramCost", () => `You already have the '${item.program}' program`); return 0; } return item.price; }, }; }