[Home](./index.md) > [bitburner](./bitburner.md) > [Bladeburner](./bitburner.bladeburner.md) > [getActionRepGain](./bitburner.bladeburner.getactionrepgain.md) ## Bladeburner.getActionRepGain() method Get the reputation gain of an action. Signature: ```typescript getActionRepGain(type: string, name: string, level: number): number; ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | type | string | Type of action. | | name | string | Name of action. Must be an exact match. | | level | number | Optional action level at which to calculate the gain | Returns: number Average Bladeburner reputation gain for successfully completing the specified action. ## Remarks RAM cost: 4 GB Returns the average Bladeburner reputation gain for successfully completing the specified action. Note that this value is an ‘average’ and the real reputation gain may vary slightly from this value.