import { Script } from "./Script"; import { RamCalculationErrorCode } from "./RamCalculationErrorCodes"; import { calculateRamUsage } from "./RamCalculations"; import { isScriptFilename } from "./ScriptHelpersTS"; import {CONSTANTS} from "../Constants"; import {Engine} from "../engine"; import { parseFconfSettings } from "../Fconf/Fconf"; import { FconfSettings } from "../Fconf/FconfSettings"; import { iTutorialSteps, iTutorialNextStep, ITutorial } from "../InteractiveTutorial"; import { Player } from "../Player"; import { AceEditor } from "../ScriptEditor/Ace"; import { CodeMirrorEditor } from "../ScriptEditor/CodeMirror"; import { AllServers } from "../Server/AllServers"; import { processSingleServerGrowth } from "../Server/ServerHelpers"; import { Settings } from "../Settings/Settings"; import { EditorSetting } from "../Settings/SettingEnums"; import { isValidFilePath } from "../Terminal/DirectoryHelpers"; import { TextFile } from "../TextFile"; import { Page, routing } from "../ui/navigationTracking"; import { numeralWrapper } from "../ui/numeralFormat"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../../utils/DialogBox"; import { Reviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON } from "../../utils/JSONReviver"; import { compareArrays } from "../../utils/helpers/compareArrays"; import { createElement } from "../../utils/uiHelpers/createElement"; var scriptEditorRamCheck = null, scriptEditorRamText = null; export function scriptEditorInit() { // Wrapper container that holds all the buttons below the script editor const wrapper = document.getElementById("script-editor-buttons-wrapper"); if (wrapper == null) { console.error("Could not find 'script-editor-buttons-wrapper'"); return false; } // Beautify button const beautifyButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", display: "inline-block", innerText: "Beautify", clickListener:()=>{ let editor = getCurrentEditor(); if (editor != null) { editor.beautifyScript(); } return false; } }); // Text that displays RAM calculation scriptEditorRamText = createElement("p", { display:"inline-block", margin:"10px", id:"script-editor-status-text" }); // Label for checkbox (defined below) const checkboxLabel = createElement("label", { for:"script-editor-ram-check", margin:"4px", marginTop: "8px", innerText:"Dynamic RAM Usage Checker", color:"white", tooltip:"Enable/Disable the dynamic RAM Usage display. You may " + "want to disable it for very long scripts because there may be " + "performance issues" }); // Checkbox for enabling/disabling dynamic RAM calculation scriptEditorRamCheck = createElement("input", { type:"checkbox", name:"script-editor-ram-check", id:"script-editor-ram-check", margin:"4px", marginTop: "8px", }); scriptEditorRamCheck.checked = true; // Link to Netscript documentation const documentationButton = createElement("a", { class: "std-button", display: "inline-block", href:"", innerText:"Netscript Documentation", target:"_blank", }); // Save and Close button const closeButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", display: "inline-block", innerText: "Save & Close (Ctrl/Cmd + b)", clickListener:()=>{ saveAndCloseScriptEditor(); return false; } }); // Add all buttons to the UI wrapper.appendChild(beautifyButton); wrapper.appendChild(closeButton); wrapper.appendChild(scriptEditorRamText); wrapper.appendChild(scriptEditorRamCheck); wrapper.appendChild(checkboxLabel); wrapper.appendChild(documentationButton); // Initialize editors const initParams = { saveAndCloseFn: saveAndCloseScriptEditor, quitFn: Engine.loadTerminalContent, } AceEditor.init(initParams); CodeMirrorEditor.init(initParams); // Setup the selector for which Editor to use const editorSelector = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-editor"); if (editorSelector == null) { console.error(`Could not find DOM Element for editor selector (id=script-editor-option-editor)`); return false; } for (let i = 0; i < editorSelector.options.length; ++i) { if (editorSelector.options[i].value === Settings.Editor) { editorSelector.selectedIndex = i; break; } } editorSelector.onchange = () => { const opt = editorSelector.value; switch (opt) { case EditorSetting.Ace: { const codeMirrorCode = CodeMirrorEditor.getCode(); const codeMirrorFn = CodeMirrorEditor.getFilename(); AceEditor.create(); CodeMirrorEditor.setInvisible(); AceEditor.openScript(codeMirrorFn, codeMirrorCode); break; } case EditorSetting.CodeMirror: { const aceCode = AceEditor.getCode(); const aceFn = AceEditor.getFilename(); CodeMirrorEditor.create(); AceEditor.setInvisible(); CodeMirrorEditor.openScript(aceFn, aceCode); break; } default: console.error(`Unrecognized Editor Setting: ${opt}`); return; } Settings.Editor = opt; } editorSelector.onchange(); // Trigger the onchange event handler } export function getCurrentEditor() { switch (Settings.Editor) { case EditorSetting.Ace: return AceEditor; case EditorSetting.CodeMirror: return CodeMirrorEditor; default: throw new Error(`Invalid Editor Setting: ${Settings.Editor}`); return null; } } //Updates RAM usage in script export async function updateScriptEditorContent() { var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value; if (scriptEditorRamCheck == null || !scriptEditorRamCheck.checked || !isScriptFilename(filename)) { scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "N/A"; return; } let code; try { code = getCurrentEditor().getCode(); } catch(e) { scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: ERROR"; return; } var codeCopy = code.repeat(1); var ramUsage = await calculateRamUsage(codeCopy, Player.getCurrentServer().scripts); if (ramUsage > 0) { scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: " + numeralWrapper.formatRAM(ramUsage); } else { switch (ramUsage) { case RamCalculationErrorCode.ImportError: scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: Import Error"; break; case RamCalculationErrorCode.URLImportError: scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: HTTP Import Error"; break; case RamCalculationErrorCode.SyntaxError: default: scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: Syntax Error"; break; } } } //Define key commands in script editor (ctrl o to save + close, etc.) $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (Settings.DisableHotkeys === true) {return;} if (routing.isOn(Page.ScriptEditor)) { //Ctrl + b if (e.keyCode == 66 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); saveAndCloseScriptEditor(); } } }); function saveAndCloseScriptEditor() { var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value; let code; try { code = getCurrentEditor().getCode(); } catch(e) { dialogBoxCreate("Something went wrong when trying to save (getCurrentEditor().getCode()). Please report to game developer with details"); return; } if (ITutorial.isRunning && ITutorial.currStep === iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript) { //Make sure filename + code properly follow tutorial if (filename !== "foodnstuff.script") { dialogBoxCreate("Leave the script name as 'foodnstuff'!"); return; } code = code.replace(/\s/g, ""); if (code.indexOf("while(true){hack('foodnstuff');}") == -1) { dialogBoxCreate("Please copy and paste the code from the tutorial!"); return; } //Save the script let s = Player.getCurrentServer(); for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; i++) { if (filename == s.scripts[i].filename) { s.scripts[i].saveScript(getCurrentEditor().getCode(), Player.currentServer, Player.getCurrentServer().scripts); Engine.loadTerminalContent(); return iTutorialNextStep(); } } // If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one let script = new Script(); script.saveScript(getCurrentEditor().getCode(), Player.currentServer, Player.getCurrentServer().scripts); s.scripts.push(script); return iTutorialNextStep(); } if (filename == "") { dialogBoxCreate("You must specify a filename!"); return; } if (filename !== ".fconf" && !isValidFilePath(filename)) { dialogBoxCreate("Script filename can contain only alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores"); return; } var s = Player.getCurrentServer(); if (filename === ".fconf") { try { parseFconfSettings(code); } catch(e) { dialogBoxCreate(`Invalid .fconf file: ${e}`); return; } } else if (isScriptFilename(filename)) { //If the current script already exists on the server, overwrite it for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; i++) { if (filename == s.scripts[i].filename) { s.scripts[i].saveScript(getCurrentEditor().getCode(), Player.currentServer, Player.getCurrentServer().scripts); Engine.loadTerminalContent(); return; } } //If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one const script = new Script(); script.saveScript(getCurrentEditor().getCode(), Player.currentServer, Player.getCurrentServer().scripts); s.scripts.push(script); } else if (filename.endsWith(".txt")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (s.textFiles[i].fn === filename) { s.textFiles[i].write(code); Engine.loadTerminalContent(); return; } } var textFile = new TextFile(filename, code); s.textFiles.push(textFile); } else { dialogBoxCreate("Invalid filename. Must be either a script (.script) or " + " or text file (.txt)") return; } Engine.loadTerminalContent(); } export function scriptCalculateOfflineProduction(runningScriptObj) { //The Player object stores the last update time from when we were online var thisUpdate = new Date().getTime(); var lastUpdate = Player.lastUpdate; var timePassed = (thisUpdate - lastUpdate) / 1000; //Seconds //Calculate the "confidence" rating of the script's true production. This is based //entirely off of time. We will arbitrarily say that if a script has been running for //4 hours (14400 sec) then we are completely confident in its ability var confidence = (runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime) / 14400; if (confidence >= 1) {confidence = 1;} //Data map: [MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken] // Grow for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] == null) {continue;} var serv = AllServers[ip]; if (serv == null) {continue;} var timesGrown = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed); runningScriptObj.log("Called grow() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesGrown + " times while offline"); var growth = processSingleServerGrowth(serv, timesGrown, Player); runningScriptObj.log(serv.hostname + " grown by " + numeralWrapper.format(growth * 100 - 100, '0.000000%') + " from grow() calls made while offline"); } } // Money from hacking var totalOfflineProduction = 0; for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] == null) {continue;} var serv = AllServers[ip]; if (serv == null) {continue;} var production = 0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed; production *= confidence; if (production > serv.moneyAvailable) { production = serv.moneyAvailable; } totalOfflineProduction += production; Player.gainMoney(production); Player.recordMoneySource(production, "hacking"); runningScriptObj.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " generated $" + production + " while offline by hacking " + serv.hostname); serv.moneyAvailable -= production; if (serv.moneyAvailable < 0) {serv.moneyAvailable = 0;} if (isNaN(serv.moneyAvailable)) {serv.moneyAvailable = 0;} } } // Offline EXP gain // A script's offline production will always be at most half of its online production. var expGain = 0.5 * (runningScriptObj.onlineExpGained / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime) * timePassed; expGain *= confidence; Player.gainHackingExp(expGain); // Update script stats runningScriptObj.offlineMoneyMade += totalOfflineProduction; runningScriptObj.offlineRunningTime += timePassed; runningScriptObj.offlineExpGained += expGain; // Fortify a server's security based on how many times it was hacked for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] == null) {continue;} var serv = AllServers[ip]; if (serv == null) {continue;} var timesHacked = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed); runningScriptObj.log("Hacked " + serv.hostname + " " + timesHacked + " times while offline"); serv.fortify(CONSTANTS.ServerFortifyAmount * timesHacked); } } // Weaken for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] == null) {continue;} var serv = AllServers[ip]; if (serv == null) {continue;} var timesWeakened = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed); runningScriptObj.log("Called weaken() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesWeakened + " times while offline"); serv.weaken(CONSTANTS.ServerWeakenAmount * timesWeakened); } } return totalOfflineProduction; } //Returns a RunningScript object matching the filename and arguments on the //designated server, and false otherwise export function findRunningScript(filename, args, server) { for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) { if (server.runningScripts[i].filename === filename && compareArrays(server.runningScripts[i].args, args)) { return server.runningScripts[i]; } } return null; }