import { Player } from "@player"; import { CorpResearchName, CorpSmartSupplyOption } from "@nsdefs"; import { MaterialInfo } from "./MaterialInfo"; import { Corporation } from "./Corporation"; import { IndustryResearchTrees, IndustriesData } from "./data/IndustryData"; import { Division } from "./Division"; import * as corpConstants from "./data/Constants"; import { OfficeSpace } from "./OfficeSpace"; import { Material } from "./Material"; import { Product } from "./Product"; import { Warehouse } from "./Warehouse"; import { IndustryType } from "@enums"; import { ResearchMap } from "./ResearchMap"; import { isRelevantMaterial } from "./ui/Helpers"; import { CityName } from "@enums"; import { getRandomInt } from "../utils/helpers/getRandomInt"; import { getRecordValues } from "../Types/Record"; import { sellSharesFailureReason, buybackSharesFailureReason, issueNewSharesFailureReason } from "./helpers"; export function NewDivision(corporation: Corporation, industry: IndustryType, name: string): void { if (corporation.divisions.size >= corporation.maxDivisions) throw new Error(`Cannot expand into ${industry} industry, too many divisions!`); if (corporation.divisions.has(name)) throw new Error(`Division name ${name} is already in use!`); // "Overview" is forbidden as a division name, see CorporationRoot.tsx for why this would cause issues. if (name === "Overview") throw new Error(`"Overview" is a forbidden division name.`); const data = IndustriesData[industry]; if (!data) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: '${industry}'`); const cost = data.startingCost; if (corporation.funds < cost) { throw new Error("Not enough money to create a new division in this industry"); } else if (name === "") { throw new Error("New division must have a name!"); } else { corporation.loseFunds(cost, "division"); corporation.divisions.set( name, new Division({ corp: corporation, name: name, type: industry, }), ); } } export function removeDivision(corporation: Corporation, name: string): number { const division = corporation.divisions.get(name); if (!division) throw new Error("There is no division called " + name); const price = division.calculateRecoupableValue(); corporation.divisions.delete(name); // We also need to remove any exports that were pointing to the old division for (const otherDivision of corporation.divisions.values()) { for (const warehouse of getRecordValues(otherDivision.warehouses)) { for (const material of getRecordValues(warehouse.materials)) { // Work backwards through exports array so splicing doesn't affect the loop for (let i = material.exports.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (material.exports[i].division === name) material.exports.splice(i, 1); } } } } corporation.gainFunds(price, "division"); return price; } export function purchaseOffice(corporation: Corporation, division: Division, city: CityName): void { if (corporation.funds < corpConstants.officeInitialCost) { throw new Error("You don't have enough company funds to open a new office!"); } if (division.offices[city]) { throw new Error(`You have already expanded into ${city} for ${}`); } corporation.loseFunds(corpConstants.officeInitialCost, "division"); division.offices[city] = new OfficeSpace({ city: city, size: corpConstants.officeInitialSize, }); } export function IssueDividends(corporation: Corporation, rate: number): void { if (isNaN(rate) || rate < 0 || rate > corpConstants.dividendMaxRate) { throw new Error(`Invalid value. Must be an number between 0 and ${corpConstants.dividendMaxRate}`); } corporation.dividendRate = rate; } export function GoPublic(corporation: Corporation, numShares: number): void { const ceoOwnership = (corporation.numShares - numShares) / corporation.totalShares; const initialSharePrice = corporation.getTargetSharePrice(ceoOwnership); if (isNaN(numShares) || numShares < 0) { throw new Error("Invalid value for number of issued shares"); } if (numShares > corporation.numShares) { throw new Error("You don't have that many shares to issue!"); } corporation.public = true; corporation.sharePrice = initialSharePrice; corporation.issuedShares += numShares; corporation.numShares -= numShares; corporation.gainFunds(numShares * initialSharePrice, "public equity"); } export function IssueNewShares( corporation: Corporation, amount: number, ): [profit: number, amount: number, privateShares: number] { const failureReason = issueNewSharesFailureReason(corporation, amount); if (failureReason) throw new Error(failureReason); const ceoOwnership = corporation.numShares / (corporation.totalShares + amount); const newSharePrice = corporation.getTargetSharePrice(ceoOwnership); const profit = (amount * (corporation.sharePrice + newSharePrice)) / 2; const cooldownMultiplier = corporation.totalShares / corpConstants.initialShares; corporation.issueNewSharesCooldown = corpConstants.issueNewSharesCooldown * cooldownMultiplier; const privateOwnedRatio = corporation.investorShares / corporation.totalShares; const maxPrivateShares = Math.round((amount / 2) * privateOwnedRatio); const privateShares = Math.round(getRandomInt(0, maxPrivateShares) / 10e6) * 10e6; corporation.issuedShares += amount - privateShares; corporation.investorShares += privateShares; corporation.totalShares += amount; corporation.gainFunds(profit, "public equity"); // Set sharePrice directly because all formulas will be based on stale cycleValuation data corporation.sharePrice = newSharePrice; return [profit, amount, privateShares]; } export function AcceptInvestmentOffer(corporation: Corporation): void { if ( corporation.fundingRound >= corpConstants.fundingRoundShares.length || corporation.fundingRound >= corpConstants.fundingRoundMultiplier.length || corporation.public ) { throw new Error("No more investment offers are available."); } const val = corporation.valuation; const percShares = corpConstants.fundingRoundShares[corporation.fundingRound]; const roundMultiplier = corpConstants.fundingRoundMultiplier[corporation.fundingRound]; const funding = val * percShares * roundMultiplier; const investShares = Math.floor(corpConstants.initialShares * percShares); corporation.fundingRound++; corporation.gainFunds(funding, "private equity"); corporation.numShares -= investShares; corporation.investorShares += investShares; } export function SellMaterial(material: Material, amount: string, price: string): void { if (price === "") price = "0"; if (amount === "") amount = "0"; let cost = price.replace(/\s+/g, ""); cost = cost.replace(/[^-()\d/*+.MPe]/g, ""); //Sanitize cost let temp = cost.replace(/MP/, "1.234e5"); try { if (temp.includes("MP")) throw "Only one reference to MP is allowed in sell price."; temp = eval(temp); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Invalid value or expression for sell price field: " + e); } if (temp == null || isNaN(parseFloat(temp))) { throw new Error("Invalid value or expression for sell price field"); } if (cost.includes("MP")) { material.desiredSellPrice = cost; //Dynamically evaluated } else { material.desiredSellPrice = temp; } //Parse quantity amount = amount.toUpperCase(); if (amount.includes("MAX") || amount.includes("PROD") || amount.includes("INV")) { let q = amount.replace(/\s+/g, ""); q = q.replace(/[^-()\d/*+.MAXPRODINV]/g, ""); let tempQty = q.replace(/MAX/g, material.maxSellPerCycle.toString()); tempQty = tempQty.replace(/PROD/g, material.productionAmount.toString()); tempQty = tempQty.replace(/INV/g, material.productionAmount.toString()); try { tempQty = eval(tempQty); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Invalid value or expression for sell quantity field: " + e); } if (tempQty == null || isNaN(parseFloat(tempQty))) { throw new Error("Invalid value or expression for sell quantity field"); } material.desiredSellAmount = q; //Use sanitized input } else if (isNaN(parseFloat(amount)) || parseFloat(amount) < 0) { throw new Error("Invalid value for sell quantity field! Must be numeric or 'PROD' or 'MAX'"); } else { let q = parseFloat(amount); if (isNaN(q)) { q = 0; } material.desiredSellAmount = q; } } export function SellProduct(product: Product, city: CityName, amt: string, price: string, all: boolean): void { //Parse price // initliaze newPrice with oldPrice as default let newPrice = product.cityData[city].desiredSellPrice; if (price.includes("MP")) { //Dynamically evaluated quantity. First test to make sure its valid //Sanitize input, then replace dynamic variables with arbitrary numbers price = price.replace(/\s+/g, ""); price = price.replace(/[^-()\d/*+.MPe]/g, ""); let temp = price.replace(/MP/, "1.234e5"); try { if (temp.includes("MP")) throw "Only one reference to MP is allowed in sell price."; temp = eval(temp); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Invalid value or expression for sell price field: " + e); } if (temp == null || isNaN(parseFloat(temp))) { throw new Error("Invalid value or expression for sell price field."); } newPrice = price; //Use sanitized price } else { const cost = parseFloat(price); if (isNaN(cost)) { throw new Error("Invalid value for sell price field"); } newPrice = cost; } // Parse quantity amt = amt.toUpperCase(); //initialize newAmount with old as default let newAmount = product.cityData[city].desiredSellAmount; if (amt.includes("MAX") || amt.includes("PROD") || amt.includes("INV")) { //Dynamically evaluated quantity. First test to make sure its valid let qty = amt.replace(/\s+/g, ""); qty = qty.replace(/[^-()\d/*+.MAXPRODINV]/g, ""); let temp = qty.replace(/MAX/g, product.maxSellAmount.toString()); temp = temp.replace(/PROD/g, product.cityData[city].productionAmount.toString()); temp = temp.replace(/INV/g, product.cityData[city].stored.toString()); try { temp = eval(temp); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Invalid value or expression for sell quantity field: " + e); } if (temp == null || isNaN(parseFloat(temp))) { throw new Error("Invalid value or expression for sell quantity field"); } newAmount = qty; //Use sanitized input } else if (isNaN(parseFloat(amt)) || parseFloat(amt) < 0) { throw new Error("Invalid value for sell quantity field! Must be numeric or 'PROD' or 'MAX'"); } else { let qty = parseFloat(amt); if (isNaN(qty)) { qty = 0; } newAmount = qty; } //apply new price and amount to all or just current if (all) { for (const cityName of Object.values(CityName)) { product.cityData[cityName].desiredSellAmount = newAmount; product.cityData[cityName].desiredSellPrice = newPrice; } } else { product.cityData[city].desiredSellAmount = newAmount; product.cityData[city].desiredSellPrice = newPrice; } } export function SetSmartSupply(warehouse: Warehouse, smartSupply: boolean): void { warehouse.smartSupplyEnabled = smartSupply; } export function SetSmartSupplyOption(warehouse: Warehouse, material: Material, useOption: CorpSmartSupplyOption): void { warehouse.smartSupplyOptions[] = useOption; } export function BuyMaterial(division: Division, material: Material, amt: number): void { if (!isRelevantMaterial(, division)) { throw new Error(`${} is not a relevant material for industry ${division.type}`); } if (isNaN(amt) || amt < 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid amount '${amt}' to buy material '${}'`); } material.buyAmount = amt; } export function BulkPurchase( corp: Corporation, division: Division, warehouse: Warehouse, material: Material, amt: number, ): void { if (!isRelevantMaterial(, division)) { throw new Error(`${} is not a relevant material for industry ${division.type}`); } const matSize = MaterialInfo[].size; const maxAmount = (warehouse.size - warehouse.sizeUsed) / matSize; if (isNaN(amt) || amt < 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid input amount`); } if (amt > maxAmount) { throw new Error(`You do not have enough warehouse size to fit this purchase`); } const cost = amt * material.marketPrice; if (corp.funds >= cost) { corp.loseFunds(cost, "materials"); material.stored += amt; warehouse.sizeUsed = warehouse.sizeUsed + amt * matSize; } else { throw new Error(`You cannot afford this purchase.`); } } export function SellShares(corporation: Corporation, numShares: number): number { const failureReason = sellSharesFailureReason(corporation, numShares); if (failureReason) throw new Error(failureReason); const [profit, newSharePrice, newSharesUntilUpdate] = corporation.calculateShareSale(numShares); corporation.numShares -= numShares; corporation.issuedShares += numShares; corporation.sharePrice = newSharePrice; corporation.shareSalesUntilPriceUpdate = newSharesUntilUpdate; corporation.shareSaleCooldown = corpConstants.sellSharesCooldown; Player.gainMoney(profit, "corporation"); return profit; } export function BuyBackShares(corporation: Corporation, numShares: number): boolean { const failureReason = buybackSharesFailureReason(corporation, numShares); if (failureReason) throw new Error(failureReason); const [cost, newSharePrice, newSharesUntilUpdate] = corporation.calculateShareBuyback(numShares); corporation.numShares += numShares; corporation.issuedShares -= numShares; corporation.sharePrice = newSharePrice; corporation.shareSalesUntilPriceUpdate = newSharesUntilUpdate; Player.loseMoney(cost, "corporation"); return true; } export function UpgradeOfficeSize(corp: Corporation, office: OfficeSpace, size: number): void { const initialPriceMult = Math.round(office.size / corpConstants.officeInitialSize); const costMultiplier = 1.09; // Calculate cost to upgrade size by 15 employees let mult = 0; for (let i = 0; i < size / corpConstants.officeInitialSize; ++i) { mult += Math.pow(costMultiplier, initialPriceMult + i); } const cost = corpConstants.officeInitialCost * mult; if (corp.funds < cost) return; office.size += size; corp.loseFunds(cost, "office"); } export function BuyTea(corp: Corporation, office: OfficeSpace): boolean { const cost = office.getTeaCost(); if (corp.funds < cost || !office.setTea()) return false; corp.loseFunds(cost, "tea"); return true; } export function ThrowParty(corp: Corporation, office: OfficeSpace, costPerEmployee: number): number { const mult = 1 + costPerEmployee / 10e6; const cost = costPerEmployee * office.numEmployees; if (corp.funds < cost) { return 0; } if (!office.setParty(mult)) { return 0; } corp.loseFunds(cost, "parties"); return mult; } export function purchaseWarehouse(corp: Corporation, division: Division, city: CityName): void { if (corp.funds < corpConstants.warehouseInitialCost) return; if (division.warehouses[city]) return; corp.loseFunds(corpConstants.warehouseInitialCost, "division"); division.warehouses[city] = new Warehouse({ division: division, loc: city, size: corpConstants.warehouseInitialSize, }); } export function UpgradeWarehouseCost(warehouse: Warehouse, amt: number): number { return Array.from(Array(amt).keys()).reduce( (acc, index) => acc + corpConstants.warehouseSizeUpgradeCostBase * Math.pow(1.07, warehouse.level + 1 + index), 0, ); } export function UpgradeWarehouse(corp: Corporation, division: Division, warehouse: Warehouse, amt = 1): void { const sizeUpgradeCost = UpgradeWarehouseCost(warehouse, amt); if (corp.funds < sizeUpgradeCost) return; warehouse.level += amt; warehouse.updateSize(corp, division); corp.loseFunds(sizeUpgradeCost, "warehouse"); } export function HireAdVert(corp: Corporation, division: Division): void { const cost = division.getAdVertCost(); if (corp.funds < cost) return; corp.loseFunds(cost, "advert"); division.applyAdVert(corp); } export function MakeProduct( corp: Corporation, division: Division, city: CityName, productName: string, designInvest: number, marketingInvest: number, ): void { // For invalid investment inputs, just use 0 if (isNaN(designInvest) || designInvest < 0) designInvest = 0; if (isNaN(marketingInvest) || marketingInvest < 0) marketingInvest = 0; if (!division.offices[city]) { throw new Error(`Cannot develop a product in a city without an office!`); } if (productName == null || productName === "") { throw new Error("You must specify a name for your product!"); } if (!division.makesProducts) { throw new Error("You cannot create products for this industry!"); } if (corp.funds < designInvest + marketingInvest) { throw new Error("You don't have enough company funds to make this large of an investment"); } if (division.products.size >= division.maxProducts) { throw new Error(`You are already at the max products (${division.maxProducts}) for division: ${}!`); } const product = new Product({ name: productName.replace(/[<>]/g, "").trim(), //Sanitize for HTMl elements? createCity: city, designInvestment: designInvest, advertisingInvestment: marketingInvest, }); if (division.products.has( { throw new Error(`You already have a product with this name!`); } corp.loseFunds(designInvest + marketingInvest, "product development"); division.products.set(, product); } export function Research(researchingDivision: Division, researchName: CorpResearchName): void { const corp = Player.corporation; if (!corp) return; const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[researchingDivision.type]; if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`No research tree for industry '${researchingDivision.type}'`); const research = ResearchMap[researchName]; const researchNode = researchTree.findNode(researchName); const researchPreReq = researchNode?.parent?.researchName; //Check to see if the research request has any pre-reqs that need to be researched first. if (researchPreReq) { if (!researchingDivision.researched?.has(researchPreReq)) { throw new Error( `Division ${} requires ${researchPreReq} before researching ${}`, ); } } if (researchingDivision.researched.has(researchName)) return; if (researchingDivision.researchPoints < research.cost) { throw new Error(`You do not have enough Scientific Research for ${}`); } researchingDivision.researchPoints -= research.cost; // Get the Node from the Research Tree and set its 'researched' property researchTree.research(researchName); // All divisions of the same type as the researching division get the new research. for (const division of corp.divisions.values()) { if (division.type !== researchingDivision.type) continue; division.researched.add(researchName); // Handle researches that need to have their effects manually applied here. // Warehouse size needs to be updated here because it is not recalculated during normal processing. if (researchName == "Drones - Transport") { for (const warehouse of getRecordValues(division.warehouses)) { warehouse.updateSize(corp, division); } } } } /** Set a new export for a material. Throw on any invalid input. */ export function ExportMaterial( targetDivision: Division, targetCity: CityName, material: Material, amount: string, ): void { if (!isRelevantMaterial(, targetDivision)) { throw new Error(`You cannot export material: ${} to division: ${}!`); } if (!targetDivision.warehouses[targetCity]) { throw new Error(`Cannot export to ${targetCity} in division ${} because there is no warehouse.`); } if (material === targetDivision.warehouses[targetCity]?.materials[]) { throw new Error(`Source and target division/city cannot be the same.`); } for (const existingExport of material.exports) { if (existingExport.division === && === targetCity) { throw new Error(`Tried to initialize an export to a duplicate warehouse. Target warehouse (division / city): ${existingExport.division} / ${} Existing export amount: ${existingExport.amount} Attempted export amount: ${amount}`); } } // Perform sanitization and tests let sanitizedAmt = amount.replace(/\s+/g, "").toUpperCase(); sanitizedAmt = sanitizedAmt.replace(/[^-()\d/*+.MAXEPRODINV]/g, ""); for (const testReplacement of ["(1.23)", "(-1.23)"]) { const replaced = sanitizedAmt.replace(/(MAX|IPROD|EPROD|IINV|EINV)/g, testReplacement); let evaluated, error; try { evaluated = eval(replaced); } catch (e) { error = e; } if (!error && isNaN(evaluated)) error = "evaluated value is NaN"; if (error) { throw new Error(`Error while trying to set the exported amount of ${}. Error occurred while testing keyword replacement with ${testReplacement}. Your input: ${amount} Sanitized input: ${sanitizedAmt} Input after replacement: ${replaced} Evaluated value: ${evaluated} Error encountered: ${error}`); } } const exportObj = { division:, city: targetCity, amount: sanitizedAmt }; material.exports.push(exportObj); } export function CancelExportMaterial(divisionName: string, cityName: CityName, material: Material): void { const index = material.exports.findIndex((exp) => exp.division === divisionName && === cityName); if (index === -1) return; material.exports.splice(index, 1); } export function LimitProductProduction(product: Product, cityName: CityName, quantity: number): void { if (quantity < 0 || isNaN(quantity)) { product.cityData[cityName].productionLimit = null; } else { product.cityData[cityName].productionLimit = quantity; } } export function LimitMaterialProduction(material: Material, quantity: number): void { if (quantity < 0 || isNaN(quantity)) { material.productionLimit = null; } else { material.productionLimit = quantity; } } export function SetMaterialMarketTA1(material: Material, on: boolean): void { material.marketTa1 = on; } export function SetMaterialMarketTA2(material: Material, on: boolean): void { material.marketTa2 = on; } export function SetProductMarketTA1(product: Product, on: boolean): void { product.marketTa1 = on; } export function SetProductMarketTA2(product: Product, on: boolean): void { product.marketTa2 = on; }