[Home](./index.md) > [bitburner](./bitburner.md) > [Sleeve](./bitburner.sleeve.md) > [setToBladeburnerAction](./bitburner.sleeve.settobladeburneraction.md) ## Sleeve.setToBladeburnerAction() method Set a sleeve to perform bladeburner actions. **Signature:** ```typescript setToBladeburnerAction(sleeveNumber: number, action: string, contract?: string): boolean; ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | sleeveNumber | number | Index of the sleeve to workout at the gym. | | action | string | Name of the action to be performed. | | contract | string | _(Optional)_ Name of the contract if applicable. | **Returns:** boolean True if the sleeve started working out, false otherwise. ## Remarks RAM cost: 4 GB Return a boolean indicating whether or not the sleeve started working out.