import {parse, Node} from "../utils/acorn"; import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../utils/DialogBox"; var FconfSettings = { ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS: false, ENABLE_TIMESTAMPS: false, MAIN_MENU_STYLE: "default", THEME_BACKGROUND_COLOR: "#000000", THEME_FONT_COLOR: "#66ff33", THEME_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR: "#ffffff", THEME_PROMPT_COLOR: "#f92672", WRAP_INPUT: false, } var FconfComments = { ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS: "Improved Bash emulation mode. Setting this to 1 enables several\n" + "new Terminal shortcuts and features that more closely resemble\n" + "a real Bash-style shell. Note that when this mode is enabled,\n" + "the default browser shortcuts are overriden by the new Bash\n" + "shortcuts.\n\n" + "To see a full list of the Terminal shortcuts that this enables, see:\n" + "", ENABLE_TIMESTAMPS: "Terminal commands and log entries will be timestamped. The timestamp\n" + "will have the format: M/D h:m", MAIN_MENU_STYLE: "Customize the main navigation menu on the left-hand side. Current options:\n\n" + "default, classic", THEME_BACKGROUND_COLOR: "Sets the background color for not only the Terminal, but also for\n" + "most of the game's UI.\n\n" + "The color must be specified as a pound sign (#) followed by a \n" + "3-digit or 6-digit hex color code (e.g. #123456). Default color: #000000", THEME_FONT_COLOR: "Sets the font color for not only the Terminal, but also for\n" + "most of the game's UI.\n\n" + "The color must be specified as a pound sign (#) followed by a \n" + "3-digit or 6-digit hex color code (e.g. #123456). Default color: #66ff33", THEME_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR: "Sets the highlight color for not only the Terminal, but also for \n" + "most of the game's UI.\n\n" + "The color must be specified as a pound sign (#) followed by a \n" + "3-digit or 6-digit hex color code (e.g. #123456). Default color: #ffffff", THEME_PROMPT_COLOR: "Sets the prompt color in the Terminal\n\n" + "The color must be specified as a pound sign (#) followed by a \n" + "3-digit or 6-digit hex color code (e.g. #123456). Default color: #f92672", WRAP_INPUT: "Wrap Terminal Input. If this is enabled, then when a Terminal command is\n" + "too long and overflows, then it will wrap to the next line instead of\n" + "side-scrolling\n\n" + "Note that after you enable/disable this, you'll have to run a command\n" + "before its effect takes place.", } const MainMenuStyleOptions = ["default", "classic"]; //Parse Fconf settings from the config text //Throws an exception if parsing fails function parseFconfSettings(config) { var ast = parse(config, {sourceType:"module"}); var queue = []; queue.push(ast); while (queue.length != 0) { var exp = queue.shift(); switch (exp.type) { case "BlockStatement": case "Program": for (var i = 0; i < exp.body.length; ++i) { if (exp.body[i] instanceof Node) { queue.push(exp.body[i]); } } break; case "AssignmentExpression": var setting, value; if (exp.left != null && != null) { setting =; } else { break; } if (exp.right != null && exp.right.raw != null) { value = exp.right.raw; } else { break; } parseFconfSetting(setting, value); break; default: break; } for (var prop in exp) { if (exp.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (exp[prop] instanceof Node) { queue.push(exp[prop]); } } } } setTheme(); setMainMenuStyle(); } function parseFconfSetting(setting, value) { setting = String(setting); value = String(value); if (setting == null || value == null || FconfSettings[setting] == null) { console.log("WARNING: Invalid .fconf setting: " + setting); return; } function sanitizeString(value) { value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value.startsWith('"')) { value = value.slice(1); } if (value.endsWith('"')) { value = value.slice(0, -1); } return value; } switch(setting) { case "ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS": case "ENABLE_TIMESTAMPS": case "WRAP_INPUT": // Need to convert entered value to boolean/strings accordingly var value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value === "1" || value === "true" || value === "y") { value = true; } else { value = false; } FconfSettings[setting] = value; break; case "MAIN_MENU_STYLE": var value = sanitizeString(value); if (MainMenuStyleOptions.includes(value)) { FconfSettings[setting] = value; } else { dialogBoxCreate(`Invalid option specified for ${setting}. Options: ${MainMenuStyleOptions.toString()}`); } break; case "THEME_BACKGROUND_COLOR": case "THEME_FONT_COLOR": case "THEME_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR": case "THEME_PROMPT_COLOR": var value = sanitizeString(value); if ((/(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(value))) { FconfSettings[setting] = value; } else { dialogBoxCreate(`Invalid color specified for ${setting}. Must be a hex color code preceded by a pound (#)`); } break; default: break; } } //Create the .fconf file text from the settings function createFconf() { var res = ""; for (var setting in FconfSettings) { if (FconfSettings.hasOwnProperty(setting)) { //Setting comments (description) var comment = FconfComments[setting]; if (comment == null) {continue;} var comment = comment.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < comment.length; ++i) { res += ("//" + comment[i] + "\n"); } var value = 0; if (FconfSettings[setting] === true) { value = "1"; } else if (FconfSettings[setting] === false) { value = "0"; } else { value = '"' + String(FconfSettings[setting]) + '"'; } res += (`${setting} = ${value}\n\n`); } } return res; } function loadFconf(saveString) { let tempFconfSettings = JSON.parse(saveString); for (var setting in tempFconfSettings) { if (tempFconfSettings.hasOwnProperty(setting)) { FconfSettings[setting] = tempFconfSettings[setting]; } } // Initialize themes/styles after loading setTheme(); setMainMenuStyle(); } function setTheme() { if (FconfSettings.THEME_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR == null || FconfSettings.THEME_FONT_COLOR == null || FconfSettings.THEME_BACKGROUND_COLOR == null || FconfSettings.THEME_PROMPT_COLOR == null) { console.log("ERROR: Cannot find Theme Settings"); return; } if (/^#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?$/i.test(FconfSettings.THEME_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR) && /^#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?$/i.test(FconfSettings.THEME_FONT_COLOR) && /^#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?$/i.test(FconfSettings.THEME_BACKGROUND_COLOR) && /^#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?$/i.test(FconfSettings.THEME_PROMPT_COLOR)) {'--my-highlight-color', FconfSettings.THEME_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR);'--my-font-color', FconfSettings.THEME_FONT_COLOR);'--my-background-color', FconfSettings.THEME_BACKGROUND_COLOR);'--my-prompt-color', FconfSettings.THEME_PROMPT_COLOR); } } function setMainMenuStyle() { const mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu"); const hackingMenuHdr = document.getElementById("hacking-menu-header"); const characterMenuHdr = document.getElementById("character-menu-header"); const worldMenuHdr = document.getElementById("world-menu-header"); const helpMenuHdr = document.getElementById("help-menu-header"); function removeAllAccordionHeaderClasses() { hackingMenuHdr.classList.remove("mainmenu-accordion-header", "mainmenu-accordion-header-classic"); characterMenuHdr.classList.remove("mainmenu-accordion-header", "mainmenu-accordion-header-classic"); worldMenuHdr.classList.remove("mainmenu-accordion-header", "mainmenu-accordion-header-classic"); helpMenuHdr.classList.remove("mainmenu-accordion-header", "mainmenu-accordion-header-classic"); } function addClassToAllAccordionHeaders(clsName) { hackingMenuHdr.classList.add(clsName); characterMenuHdr.classList.add(clsName); worldMenuHdr.classList.add(clsName); helpMenuHdr.classList.add(clsName); } if (FconfSettings["MAIN_MENU_STYLE"] === "default") { removeAllAccordionHeaderClasses(); mainMenu.classList.remove("classic"); addClassToAllAccordionHeaders("mainmenu-accordion-header"); } else if (FconfSettings["MAIN_MENU_STYLE"] === "classic") { removeAllAccordionHeaderClasses(); mainMenu.classList.add("classic"); addClassToAllAccordionHeaders("mainmenu-accordion-header-classic"); } else { return; } // Click each header twice to reset lol;;;;;;;; } export {FconfSettings, createFconf, parseFconfSettings, loadFconf}