import { NetscriptContext } from "./APIWrapper"; import { WorkerScript } from "./WorkerScript"; import { GetAllServers, GetServer } from "../Server/AllServers"; import { Player } from "../Player"; import { ScriptDeath } from "./ScriptDeath"; import { numeralWrapper } from "../ui/numeralFormat"; import { ScriptArg } from "./ScriptArg"; import { CityName } from "../Locations/data/CityNames"; import { BasicHGWOptions } from "src/ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions"; import { Server } from "../Server/Server"; import { calculateHackingChance, calculateHackingExpGain, calculateHackingTime, calculatePercentMoneyHacked, } from "../Hacking"; import { netscriptCanHack } from "../Hacking/netscriptCanHack"; import { convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString } from "../utils/StringHelperFunctions"; import { BitNodeMultipliers } from "../BitNode/BitNodeMultipliers"; import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants"; import { influenceStockThroughServerHack } from "../StockMarket/PlayerInfluencing"; import { IPort, NetscriptPort } from "../NetscriptPort"; import { NetscriptPorts } from "../NetscriptWorker"; import { IPlayer } from "../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { FormulaGang } from "../Gang/formulas/formulas"; import { GangMember } from "../Gang/GangMember"; import { GangMemberTask } from "../Gang/GangMemberTask"; import { RunningScript } from "../Script/RunningScript"; import { toNative } from "../NetscriptFunctions/toNative"; import { ScriptIdentifier } from "./ScriptIdentifier"; import { findRunningScript, findRunningScriptByPid } from "../Script/ScriptHelpers"; import { RunningScript as IRunningScript } from "../ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions"; import { arrayToString } from "../utils/helpers/arrayToString"; import { HacknetServer } from "../Hacknet/HacknetServer"; import { BaseServer } from "../Server/BaseServer"; export const helpers = { string, number, scriptArgs, argsToString, makeBasicErrorMsg, makeRuntimeErrorMsg, resolveNetscriptRequestedThreads, checkEnvFlags, checkSingularityAccess, netscriptDelay, updateDynamicRam, city, getServer, scriptIdentifier, hack, getValidPort, player, server, gang, gangMember, gangTask, log, getFunctionNames, getRunningScript, getRunningScriptByArgs, getCannotFindRunningScriptErrorMessage, createPublicRunningScript, failOnHacknetServer, }; const userFriendlyString = (v: unknown): string => { const clip = (s: string): string => { if (s.length > 15) return s.slice(0, 12) + "..."; return s; }; if (typeof v === "number") return String(v); if (typeof v === "string") { if (v === "") return "empty string"; return `'${clip(v)}'`; } const json = JSON.stringify(v); if (!json) return "???"; return `'${clip(json)}'`; }; const debugType = (v: unknown): string => { if (v === null) return `Is null.`; if (v === undefined) return "Is undefined."; if (typeof v === "function") return "Is a function."; return `Is of type '${typeof v}', value: ${userFriendlyString(v)}`; }; /** Convert a provided value v for argument argName to string. If it wasn't originally a string or number, throw. */ function string(ctx: NetscriptContext, argName: string, v: unknown): string { if (typeof v === "string") return v; if (typeof v === "number") return v + ""; // cast to string; throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `'${argName}' should be a string. ${debugType(v)}`); } /** Convert provided value v for argument argName to number. Throw if could not convert to a non-NaN number. */ function number(ctx: NetscriptContext, argName: string, v: unknown): number { if (typeof v === "string") { const x = parseFloat(v); if (!isNaN(x)) return x; // otherwise it wasn't even a string representing a number. } else if (typeof v === "number") { if (isNaN(v)) throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `'${argName}' is NaN.`); return v; } throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `'${argName}' should be a number. ${debugType(v)}`); } /** Returns args back if it is a ScriptArg[]. Throws an error if it is not. */ function scriptArgs(ctx: NetscriptContext, args: unknown) { if (!isScriptArgs(args)) throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, "'args' is not an array of script args"); return args; } /** Convert multiple arguments for tprint or print into a single string. */ function argsToString(args: unknown[]): string { let out = ""; for (let arg of args) { if (arg === null) { out += "null"; continue; } if (arg === undefined) { out += "undefined"; continue; } arg = toNative(arg); out += typeof arg === "object" ? JSON.stringify(arg) : `${arg}`; } return out; } /** Creates an error message string containing hostname, scriptname, and the error message msg */ function makeBasicErrorMsg(workerScript: WorkerScript, msg: string): string { for (const scriptUrl of workerScript.scriptRef.dependencies) { msg = msg.replace(new RegExp(scriptUrl.url, "g"), scriptUrl.filename); } return msg; } /** Creates an error message string with a stack trace. */ function makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx: NetscriptContext, msg: string): string { const errstack = new Error().stack; if (errstack === undefined) throw new Error("how did we not throw an error?"); const stack = errstack.split("\n").slice(1); const ws = ctx.workerScript; const caller = ctx.functionPath; const scripts = ws.getServer().scripts; const userstack = []; for (const stackline of stack) { let filename; for (const script of scripts) { if (script.filename && stackline.includes(script.filename)) { filename = script.filename; } for (const dependency of script.dependencies) { if (stackline.includes(dependency.filename)) { filename = dependency.filename; } } } if (!filename) continue; interface ILine { line: string; func: string; } function parseChromeStackline(line: string): ILine | null { const lineRe = /.*:(\d+):\d+.*/; const funcRe = /.*at (.+) \(.*/; const lineMatch = line.match(lineRe); const funcMatch = line.match(funcRe); if (lineMatch && funcMatch) { return { line: lineMatch[1], func: funcMatch[1] }; } return null; } let call = { line: "-1", func: "unknown" }; const chromeCall = parseChromeStackline(stackline); if (chromeCall) { call = chromeCall; } function parseFirefoxStackline(line: string): ILine | null { const lineRe = /.*:(\d+):\d+$/; const lineMatch = line.match(lineRe); const lio = line.lastIndexOf("@"); if (lineMatch && lio !== -1) { return { line: lineMatch[1], func: line.slice(0, lio) }; } return null; } const firefoxCall = parseFirefoxStackline(stackline); if (firefoxCall) { call = firefoxCall; } userstack.push(`${filename}:L${call.line}@${call.func}`); } log(ctx, () => msg); let rejectMsg = `${caller}: ${msg}`; if (userstack.length !== 0) rejectMsg += `

")}`; return makeBasicErrorMsg(ws, rejectMsg); } /** Validate requested number of threads for h/g/w options */ function resolveNetscriptRequestedThreads(ctx: NetscriptContext, requestedThreads?: number): number { const threads = ctx.workerScript.scriptRef.threads; if (!requestedThreads) { return isNaN(threads) || threads < 1 ? 1 : threads; } const requestedThreadsAsInt = requestedThreads | 0; if (isNaN(requestedThreads) || requestedThreadsAsInt < 1) { throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg( ctx, `Invalid thread count passed to ${ctx.function}: ${requestedThreads}. Threads must be a positive number.`, ); } if (requestedThreadsAsInt > threads) { throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg( ctx, `Too many threads requested by ${ctx.function}. Requested: ${requestedThreads}. Has: ${threads}.`, ); } return requestedThreadsAsInt; } /** Validate singularity access by throwing an error if the player does not have access. */ function checkSingularityAccess(ctx: NetscriptContext): void { if (Player.bitNodeN !== 4 && Player.sourceFileLvl(4) === 0) { throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg( ctx, `This singularity function requires Source-File 4 to run. A power up you obtain later in the game. It will be very obvious when and how you can obtain it.`, ); } } /** Create an error if a script is dead or if concurrent ns function calls are made */ function checkEnvFlags(ctx: NetscriptContext): void { const ws = ctx.workerScript; if (ws.env.stopFlag) { log(ctx, () => "Failed to run due to script being killed."); throw new ScriptDeath(ws); } if (ws.env.runningFn && ctx.function !== "asleep") { //This one has no error message so it will not create a dialog if (ws.delayReject) ws.delayReject(new ScriptDeath(ws)); ws.errorMessage = makeBasicErrorMsg( ws, `Concurrent calls to Netscript functions are not allowed! Did you forget to await hack(), grow(), or some other promise-returning function? Currently running: ${ws.env.runningFn} tried to run: ${ctx.function}`, ); throw new ScriptDeath(ws); } } /** Set a timeout for performing a task, mark the script as busy in the meantime. */ function netscriptDelay(ctx: NetscriptContext, time: number): Promise { const ws = ctx.workerScript; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { ws.delay = window.setTimeout(() => { ws.delay = null; ws.delayReject = undefined; ws.env.runningFn = ""; if (ws.env.stopFlag) reject(new ScriptDeath(ws)); else resolve(); }, time); ws.delayReject = reject; ws.env.runningFn = ctx.function; }); } /** Adds to dynamic ram cost when calling new ns functions from a script */ function updateDynamicRam(ctx: NetscriptContext, ramCost: number): void { const ws = ctx.workerScript; const fnName = ctx.function; if (ws.dynamicLoadedFns[fnName]) return; ws.dynamicLoadedFns[fnName] = true; let threads = ws.scriptRef.threads; if (typeof threads !== "number") { console.warn(`WorkerScript detected NaN for threadcount for ${} on ${ws.hostname}`); threads = 1; } ws.dynamicRamUsage += ramCost; if (ws.dynamicRamUsage > 1.01 * ws.ramUsage) { log(ctx, () => "Insufficient static ram available."); ws.errorMessage = makeBasicErrorMsg( ws, `Dynamic RAM usage calculated to be greater than initial RAM usage on fn: ${fnName}. This is probably because you somehow circumvented the static RAM calculation. Threads: ${threads} Dynamic RAM Usage: ${numeralWrapper.formatRAM(ws.dynamicRamUsage)} Static RAM Usage: ${numeralWrapper.formatRAM(ws.ramUsage)} One of these could be the reason: * Using eval() to get a reference to a ns function   const myScan = eval('ns.scan'); * Using map access to do the same   const myScan = ns['scan']; Sorry :(`, ); throw new ScriptDeath(ws); } } /** Validates the input v as being a CityName. Throws an error if it is not. */ function city(ctx: NetscriptContext, argName: string, v: unknown): CityName { if (typeof v !== "string") throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `${argName} should be a city name.`); const s = v as CityName; if (!Object.values(CityName).includes(s)) throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `${argName} should be a city name.`); return s; } function scriptIdentifier( ctx: NetscriptContext, scriptID: unknown, _hostname: unknown, _args: unknown, ): ScriptIdentifier { const ws = ctx.workerScript; // Provide the pid for the current script if no identifier provided if (scriptID === undefined) return; if (typeof scriptID === "number") return scriptID; if (typeof scriptID === "string") { const hostname = _hostname === undefined ? ctx.workerScript.hostname : string(ctx, "hostname", _hostname); const args = _args === undefined ? [] : scriptArgs(ctx, _args); return { scriptname: scriptID, hostname, args, }; } throw new Error("not implemented"); } /** * Gets the Server for a specific hostname/ip, throwing an error * if the server doesn't exist. * @param {NetscriptContext} ctx - Context from which getServer is being called. For logging purposes. * @param {string} hostname - Hostname of the server * @returns {BaseServer} The specified server as a BaseServer */ function getServer(ctx: NetscriptContext, hostname: string) { const server = GetServer(hostname); if (server == null) { const str = hostname === "" ? "'' (empty string)" : "'" + hostname + "'"; throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `Invalid hostname: ${str}`); } return server; } function isScriptArgs(args: unknown): args is ScriptArg[] { const isScriptArg = (arg: unknown) => typeof arg === "string" || typeof arg === "number" || typeof arg === "boolean"; return Array.isArray(args) && args.every(isScriptArg); } async function hack( ctx: NetscriptContext, hostname: string, manual: boolean, { threads: requestedThreads, stock }: BasicHGWOptions = {}, ): Promise { const ws = ctx.workerScript; const threads = helpers.resolveNetscriptRequestedThreads(ctx, requestedThreads); const server = getServer(ctx, hostname); if (!(server instanceof Server)) { throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, "Cannot be executed on this server."); } // Calculate the hacking time const hackingTime = calculateHackingTime(server, Player); // This is in seconds // No root access or skill level too low const canHack = netscriptCanHack(server, Player); if (!canHack.res) { throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, canHack.msg || ""); } log( ctx, () => `Executing on '${server.hostname}' in ${convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString( hackingTime * 1000, true, )} (t=${numeralWrapper.formatThreads(threads)})`, ); return helpers.netscriptDelay(ctx, hackingTime * 1000).then(function () { const hackChance = calculateHackingChance(server, Player); const rand = Math.random(); let expGainedOnSuccess = calculateHackingExpGain(server, Player) * threads; const expGainedOnFailure = expGainedOnSuccess / 4; if (rand < hackChance) { // Success! const percentHacked = calculatePercentMoneyHacked(server, Player); let maxThreadNeeded = Math.ceil(1 / percentHacked); if (isNaN(maxThreadNeeded)) { // Server has a 'max money' of 0 (probably). We'll set this to an arbitrarily large value maxThreadNeeded = 1e6; } let moneyDrained = Math.floor(server.moneyAvailable * percentHacked) * threads; // Over-the-top safety checks if (moneyDrained <= 0) { moneyDrained = 0; expGainedOnSuccess = expGainedOnFailure; } if (moneyDrained > server.moneyAvailable) { moneyDrained = server.moneyAvailable; } server.moneyAvailable -= moneyDrained; if (server.moneyAvailable < 0) { server.moneyAvailable = 0; } let moneyGained = moneyDrained * BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoneyGain; if (manual) { moneyGained = moneyDrained * BitNodeMultipliers.ManualHackMoney; } Player.gainMoney(moneyGained, "hacking"); ws.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += moneyGained; Player.scriptProdSinceLastAug += moneyGained; ws.scriptRef.recordHack(server.hostname, moneyGained, threads); Player.gainHackingExp(expGainedOnSuccess); if (manual) Player.gainIntelligenceExp(0.005); ws.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGainedOnSuccess; log( ctx, () => `Successfully hacked '${server.hostname}' for ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney( moneyGained, )} and ${numeralWrapper.formatExp(expGainedOnSuccess)} exp (t=${numeralWrapper.formatThreads(threads)})`, ); server.fortify(CONSTANTS.ServerFortifyAmount * Math.min(threads, maxThreadNeeded)); if (stock) { influenceStockThroughServerHack(server, moneyDrained); } if (manual) { server.backdoorInstalled = true; } return Promise.resolve(moneyGained); } else { // Player only gains 25% exp for failure? Player.gainHackingExp(expGainedOnFailure); ws.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGainedOnFailure; log( ctx, () => `Failed to hack '${server.hostname}'. Gained ${numeralWrapper.formatExp( expGainedOnFailure, )} exp (t=${numeralWrapper.formatThreads(threads)})`, ); return Promise.resolve(0); } }); } function getValidPort(ctx: NetscriptContext, port: number): IPort { if (isNaN(port)) { throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg( ctx, `Invalid argument. Must be a port number between 1 and ${CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts}, is ${port}`, ); } port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts) { throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg( ctx, `Trying to use an invalid port: ${port}. Only ports 1-${CONSTANTS.NumNetscriptPorts} are valid.`, ); } let iport = NetscriptPorts.get(port); if (!iport) { iport = NetscriptPort(); NetscriptPorts.set(port, iport); } return iport; } function player(ctx: NetscriptContext, p: unknown): IPlayer { const fakePlayer = { hp: undefined, mults: undefined, numPeopleKilled: undefined, money: undefined, city: undefined, location: undefined, bitNodeN: undefined, totalPlaytime: undefined, playtimeSinceLastAug: undefined, playtimeSinceLastBitnode: undefined, jobs: undefined, factions: undefined, tor: undefined, inBladeburner: undefined, hasCorporation: undefined, entropy: undefined, }; if (!roughlyIs(fakePlayer, p)) throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `player should be a Player.`); return p as IPlayer; } function server(ctx: NetscriptContext, s: unknown): Server { const fakeServer = { cpuCores: undefined, ftpPortOpen: undefined, hasAdminRights: undefined, hostname: undefined, httpPortOpen: undefined, ip: undefined, isConnectedTo: undefined, maxRam: undefined, organizationName: undefined, ramUsed: undefined, smtpPortOpen: undefined, sqlPortOpen: undefined, sshPortOpen: undefined, purchasedByPlayer: undefined, backdoorInstalled: undefined, baseDifficulty: undefined, hackDifficulty: undefined, minDifficulty: undefined, moneyAvailable: undefined, moneyMax: undefined, numOpenPortsRequired: undefined, openPortCount: undefined, requiredHackingSkill: undefined, serverGrowth: undefined, }; if (!roughlyIs(fakeServer, s)) throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `server should be a Server.`); return s as Server; } function roughlyIs(expect: object, actual: unknown): boolean { if (typeof actual !== "object" || actual == null) return false; const expects = Object.keys(expect); const actuals = Object.keys(actual); for (const expect of expects) if (!actuals.includes(expect)) { return false; } return true; } function gang(ctx: NetscriptContext, g: unknown): FormulaGang { if (!roughlyIs({ respect: 0, territory: 0, wantedLevel: 0 }, g)) throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `gang should be a Gang.`); return g as FormulaGang; } function gangMember(ctx: NetscriptContext, m: unknown): GangMember { if (!roughlyIs(new GangMember(), m)) throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `member should be a GangMember.`); return m as GangMember; } function gangTask(ctx: NetscriptContext, t: unknown): GangMemberTask { if (!roughlyIs(new GangMemberTask("", "", false, false, { hackWeight: 100 }), t)) throw makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `task should be a GangMemberTask.`); return t as GangMemberTask; } function log(ctx: NetscriptContext, message: () => string) { ctx.workerScript.log(ctx.functionPath, message); } /** * Searches for and returns the RunningScript object for the specified script. * If the 'fn' argument is not specified, this returns the current RunningScript. * @param {string} fn - Filename of script * @param {string} hostname - Hostname/ip of the server on which the script resides * @param {any[]} scriptArgs - Running script's arguments * @returns {RunningScript} * Running script identified by the parameters, or null if no such script * exists, or the current running script if the first argument 'fn' * is not specified. */ function getRunningScriptByArgs( ctx: NetscriptContext, fn: string, hostname: string, scriptArgs: ScriptArg[], ): RunningScript | null { if (!Array.isArray(scriptArgs)) { throw helpers.makeBasicErrorMsg( ctx.workerScript, `Invalid scriptArgs argument passed into getRunningScript() from ${ctx.function}(). ` + `This is probably a bug. Please report to game developer`, ); } if (fn != null && typeof fn === "string") { // Get Logs of another script if (hostname == null) { hostname = ctx.workerScript.hostname; } const server = helpers.getServer(ctx, hostname); return findRunningScript(fn, scriptArgs, server); } // If no arguments are specified, return the current RunningScript return ctx.workerScript.scriptRef; } /** Provides an array of all function names on a nested object */ function getFunctionNames(obj: object, prefix: string): string[] { const functionNames: string[] = []; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (key === "args") { continue; } else if (typeof value == "function") { functionNames.push(prefix + key); } else if (typeof value == "object") { functionNames.push(...getFunctionNames(value, key + ".")); } } return functionNames; } function getRunningScriptByPid(pid: number): RunningScript | null { for (const server of GetAllServers()) { const runningScript = findRunningScriptByPid(pid, server); if (runningScript) return runningScript; } return null; } function getRunningScript(ctx: NetscriptContext, ident: ScriptIdentifier): RunningScript | null { if (typeof ident === "number") { return getRunningScriptByPid(ident); } else { return getRunningScriptByArgs(ctx, ident.scriptname, ident.hostname, ident.args); } } /** * Helper function for getting the error log message when the user specifies * a nonexistent running script * @param {string} fn - Filename of script * @param {string} hostname - Hostname/ip of the server on which the script resides * @param {any[]} scriptArgs - Running script's arguments * @returns {string} Error message to print to logs */ function getCannotFindRunningScriptErrorMessage(ident: ScriptIdentifier): string { if (typeof ident === "number") return `Cannot find running script with pid: ${ident}`; return `Cannot find running script ${ident.scriptname} on server ${ident.hostname} with args: ${arrayToString( ident.args, )}`; } /** * Sanitizes a `RunningScript` to remove sensitive information, making it suitable for * return through an NS function. * @see NS.getRecentScripts * @see NS.getRunningScript * @param runningScript Existing, internal RunningScript * @returns A sanitized, NS-facing copy of the RunningScript */ function createPublicRunningScript(runningScript: RunningScript): IRunningScript { return { args: runningScript.args.slice(), filename: runningScript.filename, logs: runningScript.logs.slice(), offlineExpGained: runningScript.offlineExpGained, offlineMoneyMade: runningScript.offlineMoneyMade, offlineRunningTime: runningScript.offlineRunningTime, onlineExpGained: runningScript.onlineExpGained, onlineMoneyMade: runningScript.onlineMoneyMade, onlineRunningTime: runningScript.onlineRunningTime, pid:, ramUsage: runningScript.ramUsage, server: runningScript.server, threads: runningScript.threads, }; } /** * Used to fail a function if the function's target is a Hacknet Server. * This is used for functions that should run on normal Servers, but not Hacknet Servers * @param {Server} server - Target server * @param {string} callingFn - Name of calling function. For logging purposes * @returns {boolean} True if the server is a Hacknet Server, false otherwise */ function failOnHacknetServer(ctx: NetscriptContext, server: BaseServer, callingFn = ""): boolean { if (server instanceof HacknetServer) { ctx.workerScript.log(callingFn, () => `Does not work on Hacknet Servers`); return true; } else { return false; } }