//Max level for any skill. Determined by max numerical value in javascript and the skill level
//formula in Player.js
MaxSkillLevel: 1025,
//How much reputation is needed to join a megacorporation's faction
CorpFactionRepRequirement: 250000,
//Time (ms) it takes to run one operation in Netscript.
CodeInstructionRunTime: 1500,
//Time (seconds) it takes to run one operation in Netscript OFFLINE
CodeOfflineExecutionTime: 10,
//Text that is displayed when the 'help' command is ran in Terminal
HelpText: "analyze Get statistics and information about current machine
" +
"clear Clear all text on the terminal
" +
"cls See 'clear' command
" +
"connect [ip/hostname] Connects to the machine given by its IP or hostname
" +
"free Check the machine's memory usage
" +
"hack Hack the current machine
" +
"help Display this list
" +
"hostname Displays the hostname of the machine
" +
"ifconfig Displays the IP address of the machine
" +
"kill [script name] Stops a script that is running
" +
"ls Displays all programs and scripts on the machine
" +
"nano [script name] Text editor - Open up and edit a script
" +
"netstat Displays all available network connections
" +
"ps Display all scripts that are currently running
" +
"rm Delete a script/program from the machine. (WARNING: Permanent)
" +
"run [script/program] Execute a program or a script
" +
"scan See 'netstat' command
" +
"telnet [ip/hostname] See 'connect' command
" +
"top Display all running scripts and their RAM usage