import { Theme } from "@mui/material/styles"; import createStyles from "@mui/styles/createStyles"; import makeStyles from "@mui/styles/makeStyles"; import { toString } from "lodash"; import React from "react"; import { IPlayer } from "../../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { BaseServer } from "../../Server/BaseServer"; import { evaluateDirectoryPath, getFirstParentDirectory, isValidDirectoryPath } from "../DirectoryHelpers"; import { IRouter } from "../../ui/Router"; import { ITerminal } from "../ITerminal"; import * as libarg from "arg" export function ls( terminal: ITerminal, router: IRouter, player: IPlayer, server: BaseServer, args: (string | number | boolean)[], ): void { let flags; try { flags = libarg({ '-l': Boolean, '--grep': String, '-g': '--grep', }, { argv: args } ) } catch (e) { // catch passing only -g / --grep with no string to use as the search incorrectUsage() return; } const filter = flags['--grep'] const numArgs = args.length; function incorrectUsage(): void { terminal.error("Incorrect usage of ls command. Usage: ls [dir] [-l] [-g, --grep pattern]"); } if (numArgs > 4) { return incorrectUsage(); } // Directory path let prefix = terminal.cwd(); if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) { prefix += "/"; } // If first arg doesn't contain a - it must be the file/folder const dir = (args[0] && typeof args[0] == "string" && !args[0].startsWith("-")) ? args[0] : "" const newPath = evaluateDirectoryPath(dir + "", terminal.cwd()); prefix = newPath || ""; if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) { prefix += "/"; } if (!isValidDirectoryPath(prefix)) { return incorrectUsage(); } // Root directory, which is the same as no 'prefix' at all if (prefix === "/") { prefix = ""; } // Display all programs and scripts const allPrograms: string[] = []; const allScripts: string[] = []; const allTextFiles: string[] = []; const allContracts: string[] = []; const allMessages: string[] = []; const folders: string[] = []; function handleFn(fn: string, dest: string[]): void { let parsedFn = fn; if (prefix) { if (!fn.startsWith(prefix)) { return; } else { parsedFn = fn.slice(prefix.length, fn.length); } } if (filter && !parsedFn.includes(filter)) { return; } // If the fn includes a forward slash, it must be in a subdirectory. // Therefore, we only list the "first" directory in its path if (parsedFn.includes("/")) { const firstParentDir = getFirstParentDirectory(parsedFn); if (filter && !firstParentDir.includes(filter)) { return; } if (!folders.includes(firstParentDir)) { folders.push(firstParentDir); } return; } dest.push(parsedFn); } // Get all of the programs and scripts on the machine into one temporary array const s = player.getCurrentServer(); for (const program of s.programs) handleFn(program, allPrograms); for (const script of s.scripts) handleFn(script.filename, allScripts); for (const txt of s.textFiles) handleFn(txt.fn, allTextFiles); for (const contract of s.contracts) handleFn(contract.fn, allContracts); for (const msgOrLit of s.messages) handleFn(msgOrLit, allMessages); // Sort the files/folders alphabetically then print each allPrograms.sort(); allScripts.sort(); allTextFiles.sort(); allContracts.sort(); allMessages.sort(); folders.sort(); interface ClickableScriptRowProps { row: string; prefix: string; hostname: string; } function ClickableScriptRow({ row, prefix, hostname }: ClickableScriptRowProps): React.ReactElement { const classes = makeStyles((theme: Theme) => createStyles({ scriptLinksWrap: { display: "inline-flex", color: theme.palette.warning.main, }, scriptLink: { cursor: "pointer", textDecorationLine: "underline", paddingRight: "1.15em", "&:last-child": { padding: 0 }, }, }), )(); const rowSplit = row.split("~"); let rowSplitArray = => [x.trim(), x.replace(x.trim(), "")]); rowSplitArray = rowSplitArray.filter((x) => !!x[0]); function onScriptLinkClick(filename: string): void { if (player.getCurrentServer().hostname !== hostname) { return terminal.error(`File is not on this server, connect to ${hostname} and try again`); } if (filename.startsWith("/")) filename = filename.slice(1); const filepath = terminal.getFilepath(`${prefix}${filename}`); const code = toString(terminal.getScript(player, filepath)?.code); router.toScriptEditor({ [filepath]: code }); } return ( { => ( onScriptLinkClick(rowItem[0])}> {rowItem[0]} {rowItem[1]} ))} ); } function postSegments(segments: string[], flags: any, style?: any, linked?: boolean): void { const maxLength = Math.max( => s.length)) + 1; const filesPerRow = flags["-l"] === true ? 1 : Math.ceil(80 / maxLength); for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { let row = ""; for (let col = 0; col < filesPerRow; col++) { if (!(i < segments.length)) break; row += segments[i]; row += " ".repeat(maxLength * (col + 1) - row.length); if(linked) { row += "~"; } i++; } i--; if (!style) { terminal.print(row); } else if (linked) { terminal.printRaw(); } else { terminal.printRaw({row}); } } } const groups = [ { segments: folders, style: { color: "cyan" } }, { segments: allMessages }, { segments: allTextFiles }, { segments: allPrograms }, { segments: allContracts }, { segments: allScripts, style: { color: "yellow", fontStyle: "bold" }, linked: true }, ].filter((g) => g.segments.length > 0); for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { postSegments(groups[i].segments, flags, groups[i].style, groups[i].linked); } }