{ "name": "mathjax", "version": "3.2.0", "description": "Beautiful and accessible math in all browsers. MathJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all browsers. This package includes the packaged components (install mathjax-full to get the source code).", "keywords": [ "math", "svg", "mathml", "tex", "latex", "asciimath", "browser", "node" ], "devDependencies": { "mathjax-full": "3.2.0" }, "maintainers": [ "MathJax Consortium <info@mathjax.org> (http://www.mathjax.org)" ], "bugs": { "url": "http://github.com/mathjax/MathJax/issues" }, "license": "Apache-2.0", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git://github.com/mathjax/MathJax.git" }, "main": "es5/node-main.js", "files": [ "/es5" ], "scripts": { "test": "echo 'No tests defined'", "clean": "npm run --silent clean:es5 && npm run --silent clean:node", "clean:es5": "rm -rf es5", "clean:node": "rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json", "message": "echo \"$(tput setaf 4)${npm_package_config_message}$(tput setaf 0)\" && echo", "line": "echo '--------------------------------------------'", "title": "npm run --silent line && npm run --silent message --mathjax:message=\"${npm_package_config_title}\"", "preinstall:mj3": "npm run --silent title --mathjax:title='Installing MathJax...'", "install:mj3": "npm install", "preinstall:mj3-deps": "npm run --silent message --mathjax:message='Installing MathJax Dependencies...'", "install:mj3-deps": "cd node_modules/mathjax-full && npm install", "install:all": "npm run --silent install:mj3 && npm run --silent install:mj3-deps", "precompile": "npm run --silent title --mathjax:title='Compiling MathJax...'", "compile": "cd node_modules/mathjax-full && npm run --silent compile", "precomponents": "npm run --silent title --mathjax:title='Building MathJax Components...'", "components": "cd node_modules/mathjax-full && npm run --silent make-components", "premove": "npm run --silent title --mathjax:title='Moving MathJax Components...'", "move": "npm run --silent clean:es5 && mv node_modules/mathjax-full/es5 .", "premake-es5": "npm run --silent clean:node", "make-es5": "npm run --silent install:all && npm run --silent compile && npm run --silent components && npm run --silent move", "postmake-es5": "npm run --silent title --mathjax:title='Cleaning Up...' && npm run --silent clean:node", "preget-es5": "npm run --silent clean:node", "get-es5": "npm run --silent install:mj3 && npm run --silent move", "postget-es5": "npm run --silent title --mathjax:title='Cleaning Up...' && npm run --silent clean:node" } }