/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading /******/ function webpackJsonpCallback(data) { /******/ var chunkIds = data[0]; /******/ var moreModules = data[1]; /******/ var executeModules = data[2]; /******/ /******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object, /******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback /******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = []; /******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) { /******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i]; /******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) { /******/ resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]); /******/ } /******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0; /******/ } /******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) { /******/ if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(moreModules, moduleId)) { /******/ modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId]; /******/ } /******/ } /******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(data); /******/ /******/ while(resolves.length) { /******/ resolves.shift()(); /******/ } /******/ /******/ // add entry modules from loaded chunk to deferred list /******/ deferredModules.push.apply(deferredModules, executeModules || []); /******/ /******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready /******/ return checkDeferredModules(); /******/ }; /******/ function checkDeferredModules() { /******/ var result; /******/ for(var i = 0; i < deferredModules.length; i++) { /******/ var deferredModule = deferredModules[i]; /******/ var fulfilled = true; /******/ for(var j = 1; j < deferredModule.length; j++) { /******/ var depId = deferredModule[j]; /******/ if(installedChunks[depId] !== 0) fulfilled = false; /******/ } /******/ if(fulfilled) { /******/ deferredModules.splice(i--, 1); /******/ result = __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = deferredModule[0]); /******/ } /******/ } /******/ return result; /******/ } /******/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks /******/ // undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched /******/ // Promise = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded /******/ var installedChunks = { /******/ 2: 0 /******/ }; /******/ /******/ var deferredModules = []; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // create a fake namespace object /******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it /******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns /******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object /******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require /******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) { /******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value); /******/ if(mode & 8) return value; /******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value; /******/ var ns = Object.create(null); /******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns); /******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value }); /******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key)); /******/ return ns; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ var jsonpArray = window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []; /******/ var oldJsonpFunction = jsonpArray.push.bind(jsonpArray); /******/ jsonpArray.push = webpackJsonpCallback; /******/ jsonpArray = jsonpArray.slice(); /******/ for(var i = 0; i < jsonpArray.length; i++) webpackJsonpCallback(jsonpArray[i]); /******/ var parentJsonpFunction = oldJsonpFunction; /******/ /******/ /******/ // add entry module to deferred list /******/ deferredModules.push([6,0]); /******/ // run deferred modules when ready /******/ return checkDeferredModules(); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /*!***********************!*\ !*** ./src/Player.js ***! \***********************/ /*! exports provided: Player, loadPlayer */ /*! exports used: Player, loadPlayer */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Player; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return loadPlayer; }); /* harmony import */ var _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Augmentations */ 18); /* harmony import */ var _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode */ 16); /* harmony import */ var _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Company */ 11); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CompanyManagement */ 49); /* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram */ 21); /* harmony import */ var _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Crimes */ 31); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction */ 12); /* harmony import */ var _Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Gang */ 40); /* harmony import */ var _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location */ 4); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptFunctions */ 34); /* harmony import */ var _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SpecialServerIps */ 19); /* harmony import */ var _SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SourceFile */ 47); /* harmony import */ var decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! decimal.js */ 26); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners */ 13); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/IPAddress */ 17); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! numeral/min/numeral.min */ 15); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__); function PlayerObject() { //Skills and stats this.hacking_skill = 1; //Combat stats this.hp = 10; this.max_hp = 10; this.strength = 1; //Damage dealt this.defense = 1; //Damage received this.dexterity = 1; //Accuracy this.agility = 1; //Dodge % //Labor stats this.charisma = 1; //Special stats this.intelligence = 0; //Hacking multipliers this.hacking_chance_mult = 1; this.hacking_speed_mult = 1; this.hacking_money_mult = 1; this.hacking_grow_mult = 1; //Experience and multipliers this.hacking_exp = 0; this.strength_exp = 0; this.defense_exp = 0; this.dexterity_exp = 0; this.agility_exp = 0; this.charisma_exp = 0; this.intelligence_exp= 0; this.hacking_mult = 1; this.strength_mult = 1; this.defense_mult = 1; this.dexterity_mult = 1; this.agility_mult = 1; this.charisma_mult = 1; this.hacking_exp_mult = 1; this.strength_exp_mult = 1; this.defense_exp_mult = 1; this.dexterity_exp_mult = 1; this.agility_exp_mult = 1; this.charisma_exp_mult = 1; this.company_rep_mult = 1; this.faction_rep_mult = 1; //Money this.money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](1000); this.total_money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](0); //Total money ever earned in this "simulation" this.lifetime_money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](0); //Total money ever earned //IP Address of Starting (home) computer this.homeComputer = ""; //Location information this.city = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12; this.location = ""; //Company Information this.companyName = ""; //Name of Company, equivalent to an object from Locations this.companyPosition = ""; //CompanyPosition object //Servers this.currentServer = ""; //IP address of Server currently being accessed through terminal this.purchasedServers = []; //IP Addresses of purchased servers this.hacknetNodes = []; this.hacknetNodeWrappers = []; this.totalHacknetNodeProduction = 0; //Factions this.factions = []; //Names of all factions player has joined this.factionInvitations = []; //Outstanding faction invitations //Augmentations this.queuedAugmentations = []; this.augmentations = []; this.sourceFiles = []; //Crime statistics this.numPeopleKilled = 0; this.karma = 0; this.crime_money_mult = 1; this.crime_success_mult = 1; //Flag to let the engine know the player is starting an action // Current actions: hack, analyze this.startAction = false; this.actionTime = 0; //Flags/variables for working (Company, Faction, Creating Program, Taking Class) this.isWorking = false; this.workType = ""; this.currentWorkFactionName = ""; this.currentWorkFactionDescription = ""; this.workHackExpGainRate = 0; this.workStrExpGainRate = 0; this.workDefExpGainRate = 0; this.workDexExpGainRate = 0; this.workAgiExpGainRate = 0; this.workChaExpGainRate = 0; this.workRepGainRate = 0; this.workMoneyGainRate = 0; this.workMoneyLossRate = 0; this.workHackExpGained = 0; this.workStrExpGained = 0; this.workDefExpGained = 0; this.workDexExpGained = 0; this.workAgiExpGained = 0; this.workChaExpGained = 0; this.workRepGained = 0; this.workMoneyGained = 0; this.createProgramName = ""; this.createProgramReqLvl = 0; this.className = ""; this.crimeType = ""; this.timeWorked = 0; //in ms this.timeWorkedCreateProgram = 0; this.timeNeededToCompleteWork = 0; this.work_money_mult = 1; //Hacknet Node multipliers this.hacknet_node_money_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_core_cost_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_level_cost_mult = 1; //Stock Market this.hasWseAccount = false; this.hasTixApiAccess = false; //Gang this.gang = 0; //Corporation this.corporation = 0; //Bladeburner this.bladeburner = 0; this.bladeburner_max_stamina_mult = 1; this.bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult = 1; this.bladeburner_analysis_mult = 1; //Field Analysis Only this.bladeburner_success_chance_mult = 1; //bitnode this.bitNodeN = 1; //Flags for determining whether certain "thresholds" have been achieved this.firstFacInvRecvd = false; this.firstAugPurchased = false; this.firstJobRecvd = false; this.firstTimeTraveled = false; this.firstProgramAvailable = false; //Used to store the last update time. this.lastUpdate = 0; this.totalPlaytime = 0; this.playtimeSinceLastAug = 0; this.playtimeSinceLastBitnode = 0; //Production since last Augmentation installation this.scriptProdSinceLastAug = 0; this.stockProdSinceLastAug = 0; this.crimeProdSinceLastAug = 0; this.jobProdSinceLastAug = 0; }; PlayerObject.prototype.init = function() { /* Initialize Player's home computer */ var t_homeComp = new _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* Server */ "d"]({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"home", organizationName:"Home PC", isConnectedTo:true, adminRights:true, purchasedByPlayer:true, maxRam:8 }); this.homeComputer = t_homeComp.ip; this.currentServer = t_homeComp.ip; Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* AddToAllServers */ "a"])(t_homeComp); this.getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Programs */ "a"].NukeProgram.name); } PlayerObject.prototype.prestigeAugmentation = function() { var homeComp = this.getHomeComputer(); this.currentServer = homeComp.ip; this.homeComputer = homeComp.ip; this.numPeopleKilled = 0; this.karma = 0; //Reset stats this.hacking_skill = 1; this.strength = 1; this.defense = 1; this.dexterity = 1; this.agility = 1; this.charisma = 1; this.hacking_exp = 0; this.strength_exp = 0; this.defense_exp = 0; this.dexterity_exp = 0; this.agility_exp = 0; this.charisma_exp = 0; this.money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](1000); this.city = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12; this.location = ""; this.companyName = ""; this.companyPosition = ""; this.purchasedServers = []; this.factions = []; this.factionInvitations = []; this.queuedAugmentations = []; this.startAction = false; this.actionTime = 0; this.isWorking = false; this.currentWorkFactionName = ""; this.currentWorkFactionDescription = ""; this.createProgramName = ""; this.className = ""; this.crimeType = ""; this.workHackExpGainRate = 0; this.workStrExpGainRate = 0; this.workDefExpGainRate = 0; this.workDexExpGainRate = 0; this.workAgiExpGainRate = 0; this.workChaExpGainRate = 0; this.workRepGainRate = 0; this.workMoneyGainRate = 0; this.workHackExpGained = 0; this.workStrExpGained = 0; this.workDefExpGained = 0; this.workDexExpGained = 0; this.workAgiExpGained = 0; this.workChaExpGained = 0; this.workRepGained = 0; this.workMoneyGained = 0; this.timeWorked = 0; this.lastUpdate = new Date().getTime(); this.playtimeSinceLastAug = 0; this.scriptProdSinceLastAug = 0; this.hacknetNodes.length = 0; this.totalHacknetNodeProduction = 0; //Re-calculate skills and reset HP this.updateSkillLevels(); this.hp = this.max_hp; } PlayerObject.prototype.prestigeSourceFile = function() { var homeComp = this.getHomeComputer(); this.currentServer = homeComp.ip; this.homeComputer = homeComp.ip; this.numPeopleKilled = 0; this.karma = 0; //Reset stats this.hacking_skill = 1; this.strength = 1; this.defense = 1; this.dexterity = 1; this.agility = 1; this.charisma = 1; this.hacking_exp = 0; this.strength_exp = 0; this.defense_exp = 0; this.dexterity_exp = 0; this.agility_exp = 0; this.charisma_exp = 0; this.money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](1000); this.city = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12; this.location = ""; this.companyName = ""; this.companyPosition = ""; this.purchasedServers = []; this.factions = []; this.factionInvitations = []; this.queuedAugmentations = []; this.augmentations = []; this.startAction = false; this.actionTime = 0; this.isWorking = false; this.currentWorkFactionName = ""; this.currentWorkFactionDescription = ""; this.createProgramName = ""; this.className = ""; this.crimeType = ""; this.workHackExpGainRate = 0; this.workStrExpGainRate = 0; this.workDefExpGainRate = 0; this.workDexExpGainRate = 0; this.workAgiExpGainRate = 0; this.workChaExpGainRate = 0; this.workRepGainRate = 0; this.workMoneyGainRate = 0; this.workHackExpGained = 0; this.workStrExpGained = 0; this.workDefExpGained = 0; this.workDexExpGained = 0; this.workAgiExpGained = 0; this.workChaExpGained = 0; this.workRepGained = 0; this.workMoneyGained = 0; this.timeWorked = 0; this.lastUpdate = new Date().getTime(); this.hacknetNodes.length = 0; this.totalHacknetNodeProduction = 0; //Gang this.gang = null; Object(_Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* resetGangs */ "f"])(); //Reset Stock market this.hasWseAccount = false; this.hasTixApiAccess = false; //BitNode 3: Corporatocracy if (this.bitNodeN === 3) {this.money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](150e9);} this.corporation = 0; this.playtimeSinceLastAug = 0; this.playtimeSinceLastBitnode = 0; this.scriptProdSinceLastAug = 0; this.updateSkillLevels(); this.hp = this.max_hp; } PlayerObject.prototype.getCurrentServer = function() { return _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* AllServers */ "b"][this.currentServer]; } PlayerObject.prototype.getHomeComputer = function() { return _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* AllServers */ "b"][this.homeComputer]; } PlayerObject.prototype.getUpgradeHomeRamCost = function() { //Calculate how many times ram has been upgraded (doubled) const currentRam = Player.getHomeComputer().maxRam; const numUpgrades = Math.log2(currentRam); //Calculate cost //Have cost increase by some percentage each time RAM has been upgraded const mult = Math.pow(1.58, numUpgrades); var cost = currentRam * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHome * mult; return cost; } PlayerObject.prototype.receiveInvite = function(factionName) { if(this.factionInvitations.includes(factionName) || this.factions.includes(factionName)) { return; } this.firstFacInvRecvd = true; this.factionInvitations.push(factionName); } //Calculates skill level based on experience. The same formula will be used for every skill PlayerObject.prototype.calculateSkill = function(exp, mult=1) { return Math.max(Math.floor(mult*(32 * Math.log(exp + 534.5) - 200)), 1); } PlayerObject.prototype.updateSkillLevels = function() { this.hacking_skill = Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.calculateSkill(this.hacking_exp, this.hacking_mult) * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].HackingLevelMultiplier)); this.strength = this.calculateSkill(this.strength_exp, this.strength_mult); this.defense = this.calculateSkill(this.defense_exp, this.defense_mult); this.dexterity = this.calculateSkill(this.dexterity_exp, this.dexterity_mult); this.agility = this.calculateSkill(this.agility_exp, this.agility_mult); this.charisma = this.calculateSkill(this.charisma_exp, this.charisma_mult); if (this.intelligence > 0) { this.intelligence = Math.floor(this.calculateSkill(this.intelligence_exp)); } else { this.intelligence = 0; } var ratio = this.hp / this.max_hp; this.max_hp = Math.floor(10 + this.defense / 10); Player.hp = Math.round(this.max_hp * ratio); } PlayerObject.prototype.resetMultipliers = function() { this.hacking_chance_mult = 1; this.hacking_speed_mult = 1; this.hacking_money_mult = 1; this.hacking_grow_mult = 1; this.hacking_mult = 1; this.strength_mult = 1; this.defense_mult = 1; this.dexterity_mult = 1; this.agility_mult = 1; this.charisma_mult = 1; this.hacking_exp_mult = 1; this.strength_exp_mult = 1; this.defense_exp_mult = 1; this.dexterity_exp_mult = 1; this.agility_exp_mult = 1; this.charisma_exp_mult = 1; this.company_rep_mult = 1; this.faction_rep_mult = 1; this.crime_money_mult = 1; this.crime_success_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_money_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_core_cost_mult = 1; this.hacknet_node_level_cost_mult = 1; this.work_money_mult = 1; this.bladeburner_max_stamina_mult = 1; this.bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult = 1; this.bladeburner_analysis_mult = 1; this.bladeburner_success_chance_mult = 1; } //Calculates the chance of hacking a server //The formula is: // (2 * hacking_chance_multiplier * hacking_skill - requiredLevel) 100 - difficulty // ----------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------- // (2 * hacking_chance_multiplier * hacking_skill) 100 PlayerObject.prototype.calculateHackingChance = function() { var difficultyMult = (100 - this.getCurrentServer().hackDifficulty) / 100; var skillMult = (1.75 * this.hacking_skill) + (0.2 * this.intelligence); var skillChance = (skillMult - this.getCurrentServer().requiredHackingSkill) / skillMult; var chance = skillChance * difficultyMult * this.hacking_chance_mult; if (chance > 1) {return 1;} if (chance < 0) {return 0;} return chance; } //Calculate the time it takes to hack a server in seconds. Returns the time //The formula is: // (2.5 * requiredLevel * difficulty + 200) // ----------------------------------- * hacking_speed_multiplier // hacking_skill + 100 PlayerObject.prototype.calculateHackingTime = function() { var difficultyMult = this.getCurrentServer().requiredHackingSkill * this.getCurrentServer().hackDifficulty; var skillFactor = (2.5 * difficultyMult + 200) / (this.hacking_skill + 100 + (0.1 * this.intelligence)); return 5 * skillFactor / this.hacking_speed_mult; } //Calculates the PERCENTAGE of a server's money that the player will hack from the server if successful //The formula is: // (hacking_skill - (requiredLevel-1)) 100 - difficulty // --------------------------------------* ----------------------- * hacking_money_multiplier // hacking_skill 100 PlayerObject.prototype.calculatePercentMoneyHacked = function() { var difficultyMult = (100 - this.getCurrentServer().hackDifficulty) / 100; var skillMult = (this.hacking_skill - (this.getCurrentServer().requiredHackingSkill - 1)) / this.hacking_skill; var percentMoneyHacked = difficultyMult * skillMult * this.hacking_money_mult / 240; console.log("Percent money hacked calculated to be: " + percentMoneyHacked); if (percentMoneyHacked < 0) {return 0;} if (percentMoneyHacked > 1) {return 1;} return percentMoneyHacked * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ManualHackMoney; } //Returns how much EXP the player gains on a successful hack //The formula is: // difficulty * requiredLevel * hacking_multiplier PlayerObject.prototype.calculateExpGain = function() { var s = this.getCurrentServer(); if (s.baseDifficulty == null) { s.baseDifficulty = s.hackDifficulty; } return (s.baseDifficulty * this.hacking_exp_mult * 0.3 + 3) * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].HackExpGain; } //Hack/Analyze a server. Return the amount of time the hack will take. This lets the Terminal object know how long to disable itself for //This assumes that the server being hacked is not purchased by the player, that the player's hacking skill is greater than the //required hacking skill and that the player has admin rights. PlayerObject.prototype.hack = function() { this.actionTime = this.calculateHackingTime(); console.log("Hacking time: " + this.actionTime); this.startAction = true; //Set the startAction flag so the engine starts the hacking process } PlayerObject.prototype.analyze = function() { this.actionTime = 1; this.startAction = true; } PlayerObject.prototype.hasProgram = function(programName) { var home = Player.getHomeComputer(); for (var i = 0; i < home.programs.length; ++i) { if (programName.toLowerCase() == home.programs[i].toLowerCase()) {return true;} } return false; } PlayerObject.prototype.setMoney = function(money) { if (isNaN(money)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into Player.setMoney()"); return; } this.money = money; } PlayerObject.prototype.gainMoney = function(money) { if (isNaN(money)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into Player.gainMoney()"); return; } this.money = this.money.plus(money); this.total_money = this.total_money.plus(money); this.lifetime_money = this.lifetime_money.plus(money); } PlayerObject.prototype.loseMoney = function(money) { if (isNaN(money)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into Player.loseMoney()"); return; } this.money = this.money.minus(money); } PlayerObject.prototype.gainHackingExp = function(exp) { if (isNaN(exp)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into Player.gainHackingExp()"); return; } this.hacking_exp += exp; if(this.hacking_exp < 0) { this.hacking_exp = 0; } } PlayerObject.prototype.gainStrengthExp = function(exp) { if (isNaN(exp)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into Player.gainStrengthExp()"); return; } this.strength_exp += exp; if(this.strength_exp < 0) { this.strength_exp = 0; } } PlayerObject.prototype.gainDefenseExp = function(exp) { if (isNaN(exp)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into player.gainDefenseExp()"); return; } this.defense_exp += exp; if(this.defense_exp < 0) { this.defense_exp = 0; } } PlayerObject.prototype.gainDexterityExp = function(exp) { if (isNaN(exp)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into Player.gainDexterityExp()"); return; } this.dexterity_exp += exp; if(this.dexterity_exp < 0) { this.dexterity_exp = 0; } } PlayerObject.prototype.gainAgilityExp = function(exp) { if (isNaN(exp)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into Player.gainAgilityExp()"); return; } this.agility_exp += exp; if(this.agility_exp < 0) { this.agility_exp = 0; } } PlayerObject.prototype.gainCharismaExp = function(exp) { if (isNaN(exp)) { console.log("ERR: NaN passed into Player.gainCharismaExp()"); return; } this.charisma_exp += exp; if(this.charisma_exp < 0) { this.charisma_exp = 0; } } PlayerObject.prototype.gainIntelligenceExp = function(exp) { if (isNaN(exp)) { console.log("ERROR: NaN passed into Player.gainIntelligenceExp()"); return; } if (_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* hasAISF */ "b"] || this.intelligence > 0) { this.intelligence_exp += exp; } else { console.log("Not gaining intelligence experience bc it hasn't been unlocked yet"); } } //Given a string expression like "str" or "strength", returns the given stat PlayerObject.prototype.queryStatFromString = function(str) { var tempStr = str.toLowerCase(); if (tempStr.includes("hack")) {return Player.hacking_skill;} if (tempStr.includes("str")) {return Player.strength;} if (tempStr.includes("def")) {return Player.defense;} if (tempStr.includes("dex")) {return Player.dexterity;} if (tempStr.includes("agi")) {return Player.agility;} if (tempStr.includes("cha")) {return Player.charisma;} if (tempStr.includes("int")) {return Player.intelligence;} } /******* Working functions *******/ PlayerObject.prototype.resetWorkStatus = function() { this.workHackExpGainRate = 0; this.workStrExpGainRate = 0; this.workDefExpGainRate = 0; this.workDexExpGainRate = 0; this.workAgiExpGainRate = 0; this.workChaExpGainRate = 0; this.workRepGainRate = 0; this.workMoneyGainRate = 0; this.workHackExpGained = 0; this.workStrExpGained = 0; this.workDefExpGained = 0; this.workDexExpGained = 0; this.workAgiExpGained = 0; this.workChaExpGained = 0; this.workRepGained = 0; this.workMoneyGained = 0; this.timeWorked = 0; this.timeWorkedCreateProgram = 0; this.currentWorkFactionName = ""; this.currentWorkFactionDescription = ""; this.createProgramName = ""; this.className = ""; document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text").innerHTML = ""; } PlayerObject.prototype.gainWorkExp = function() { this.gainHackingExp(this.workHackExpGained); this.gainStrengthExp(this.workStrExpGained); this.gainDefenseExp(this.workDefExpGained); this.gainDexterityExp(this.workDexExpGained); this.gainAgilityExp(this.workAgiExpGained); this.gainCharismaExp(this.workChaExpGained); } /* Working for Company */ PlayerObject.prototype.finishWork = function(cancelled, sing=false) { //Since the work was cancelled early, player only gains half of what they've earned so far if (cancelled) { this.workRepGained /= 2; } this.gainWorkExp(); var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; company.playerReputation += (this.workRepGained); this.gainMoney(this.workMoneyGained); this.updateSkillLevels(); var txt = "You earned a total of:
" + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + "
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " reputation for the company
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma exp
"; if (cancelled) { txt = "You worked a short shift of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + "

" + "Since you cancelled your work early, you only gained half of the reputation you earned.

" + txt; } else { txt = "You worked a full shift of 8 hours!

" + txt; } if (!sing) {Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt);} var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); mainMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; this.isWorking = false; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); if (sing) { var res = "You worked a short shift of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + " and " + "earned $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + ", " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " reputation, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility exp, and " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma exp."; this.resetWorkStatus(); return res; } this.resetWorkStatus(); } PlayerObject.prototype.startWork = function() { this.resetWorkStatus(); this.isWorking = true; this.workType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCompany; this.workHackExpGainRate = this.getWorkHackExpGain(); this.workStrExpGainRate = this.getWorkStrExpGain(); this.workDefExpGainRate = this.getWorkDefExpGain(); this.workDexExpGainRate = this.getWorkDexExpGain(); this.workAgiExpGainRate = this.getWorkAgiExpGain(); this.workChaExpGainRate = this.getWorkChaExpGain(); this.workRepGainRate = this.getWorkRepGain(); this.workMoneyGainRate = this.getWorkMoneyGain(); this.timeNeededToCompleteWork = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer8Hours; //Remove all old event listeners from Cancel button var newCancelButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["clearEventListeners"])("work-in-progress-cancel-button"); newCancelButton.innerHTML = "Cancel Work"; newCancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.finishWork(true); return false; }); //Display Work In Progress Screen _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadWorkInProgressContent(); } PlayerObject.prototype.work = function(numCycles) { this.workRepGainRate = this.getWorkRepGain(); this.workHackExpGained += this.workHackExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workStrExpGained += this.workStrExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workDefExpGained += this.workDefExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workDexExpGained += this.workDexExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workAgiExpGained += this.workAgiExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workChaExpGained += this.workChaExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workRepGained += this.workRepGainRate * numCycles; this.workMoneyGained += this.workMoneyGainRate * numCycles; var cyclesPerSec = 1000 / _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed; this.timeWorked += _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles; //If timeWorked == 8 hours, then finish. You can only gain 8 hours worth of exp and money if (this.timeWorked >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer8Hours) { var maxCycles = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].GameCyclesPer8Hours; this.workHackExpGained = this.workHackExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workStrExpGained = this.workStrExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workDefExpGained = this.workDefExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workDexExpGained = this.workDexExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workAgiExpGained = this.workAgiExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workChaExpGained = this.workChaExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workRepGained = this.workRepGainRate * maxCycles; this.workMoneyGained = this.workMoneyGainRate * maxCycles; this.finishWork(false); return; } var comp = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName], companyRep = "0"; if (comp == null || !(comp instanceof _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Company */ "b"])) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find Company: " + this.companyName); } else { companyRep = comp.playerReputation; } var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text"); txt.innerHTML = "You are currently working as a " + this.companyPosition.positionName + " at " + this.companyName + " (Current Company Reputation: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(companyRep, 0) + ")

" + "You have been working for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + "

" + "You have earned:

" + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + " ($" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 2) + " / sec)

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) reputation for this company

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) hacking exp

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) strength exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) defense exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) dexterity exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) agility exp

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) charisma exp

" + "You will automatically finish after working for 8 hours. You can cancel earlier if you wish, " + "but you will only gain half of the reputation you've earned so far." } PlayerObject.prototype.startWorkPartTime = function() { this.resetWorkStatus(); this.isWorking = true; this.workType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime; this.workHackExpGainRate = this.getWorkHackExpGain(); this.workStrExpGainRate = this.getWorkStrExpGain(); this.workDefExpGainRate = this.getWorkDefExpGain(); this.workDexExpGainRate = this.getWorkDexExpGain(); this.workAgiExpGainRate = this.getWorkAgiExpGain(); this.workChaExpGainRate = this.getWorkChaExpGain(); this.workRepGainRate = this.getWorkRepGain(); this.workMoneyGainRate = this.getWorkMoneyGain(); this.timeNeededToCompleteWork = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer8Hours; var newCancelButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["clearEventListeners"])("work-in-progress-cancel-button"); newCancelButton.innerHTML = "Stop Working"; newCancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.finishWorkPartTime(); return false; }); //Display Work In Progress Screen _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadWorkInProgressContent(); } PlayerObject.prototype.workPartTime = function(numCycles) { this.workRepGainRate = this.getWorkRepGain(); this.workHackExpGained += this.workHackExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workStrExpGained += this.workStrExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workDefExpGained += this.workDefExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workDexExpGained += this.workDexExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workAgiExpGained += this.workAgiExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workChaExpGained += this.workChaExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workRepGained += this.workRepGainRate * numCycles; this.workMoneyGained += this.workMoneyGainRate * numCycles; var cyclesPerSec = 1000 / _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed; this.timeWorked += _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles; //If timeWorked == 8 hours, then finish. You can only gain 8 hours worth of exp and money if (this.timeWorked >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer8Hours) { var maxCycles = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].GameCyclesPer8Hours; this.workHackExpGained = this.workHackExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workStrExpGained = this.workStrExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workDefExpGained = this.workDefExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workDexExpGained = this.workDexExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workAgiExpGained = this.workAgiExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workChaExpGained = this.workChaExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workRepGained = this.workRepGainRate * maxCycles; this.workMoneyGained = this.workMoneyGainRate * maxCycles; this.finishWorkPartTime(); return; } var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text"); txt.innerHTML = "You are currently working as a " + this.companyPosition.positionName + " at " + Player.companyName + "

" + "You have been working for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + "

" + "You have earned:

" + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + " ($" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 2) + " / sec)

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) reputation for this company

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) hacking exp

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) strength exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) defense exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) dexterity exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) agility exp

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) charisma exp

" + "You will automatically finish after working for 8 hours. You can cancel earlier if you wish,
" + "and there will be no penalty because this is a part-time job."; } PlayerObject.prototype.finishWorkPartTime = function(sing=false) { this.gainWorkExp(); var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; company.playerReputation += (this.workRepGained); this.gainMoney(this.workMoneyGained); this.updateSkillLevels(); var txt = "You earned a total of:
" + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + "
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " reputation for the company
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma exp
"; txt = "You worked for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + "

" + txt; if (!sing) {Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt);} var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); mainMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; this.isWorking = false; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); if (sing) { var res = "You worked for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + " and " + "earned a total of " + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + ", " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " reputation, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility exp, and " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma exp"; this.resetWorkStatus(); return res; } this.resetWorkStatus(); } /* Working for Faction */ PlayerObject.prototype.finishFactionWork = function(cancelled, sing=false) { this.gainWorkExp(); var faction = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"][this.currentWorkFactionName]; faction.playerReputation += (this.workRepGained); this.gainMoney(this.workMoneyGained); this.updateSkillLevels(); var txt = "You worked for your faction " + faction.name + " for a total of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + "

" + "You earned a total of:
" + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + "
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " reputation for the faction
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma exp
"; if (!sing) {Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt);} var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); mainMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; this.isWorking = false; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadFactionContent(); Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* displayFactionContent */ "c"])(faction.name); if (sing) { var res="You worked for your faction " + faction.name + " for a total of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + ". " + "You earned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " rep, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " str exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " def exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dex exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agi exp, and " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " cha exp."; this.resetWorkStatus(); return res; } this.resetWorkStatus(); } PlayerObject.prototype.startFactionWork = function(faction) { //Update reputation gain rate to account for faction favor var favorMult = 1 + (faction.favor / 100); if (isNaN(favorMult)) {favorMult = 1;} this.workRepGainRate *= favorMult; this.workRepGainRate *= _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkRepGain; this.isWorking = true; this.workType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeFaction; this.currentWorkFactionName = faction.name; this.timeNeededToCompleteWork = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer20Hours; var cancelButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["clearEventListeners"])("work-in-progress-cancel-button"); cancelButton.innerHTML = "Stop Faction Work"; cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.finishFactionWork(true); return false; }); //Display Work In Progress Screen _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadWorkInProgressContent(); } PlayerObject.prototype.startFactionHackWork = function(faction) { this.resetWorkStatus(); this.workHackExpGainRate = .15 * this.hacking_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workRepGainRate = this.workRepGainRate = (this.hacking_skill + this.intelligence) / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel * this.faction_rep_mult; this.factionWorkType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionWorkHacking; this.currentWorkFactionDescription = "carrying out hacking contracts"; this.startFactionWork(faction); } PlayerObject.prototype.startFactionFieldWork = function(faction) { this.resetWorkStatus(); this.workHackExpGainRate = .1 * this.hacking_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workStrExpGainRate = .1 * this.strength_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workDefExpGainRate = .1 * this.defense_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workDexExpGainRate = .1 * this.dexterity_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workAgiExpGainRate = .1 * this.agility_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workChaExpGainRate = .1 * this.charisma_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workRepGainRate = this.getFactionFieldWorkRepGain(); this.factionWorkType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionWorkField; this.currentWorkFactionDescription = "carrying out field missions" this.startFactionWork(faction); } PlayerObject.prototype.startFactionSecurityWork = function(faction) { this.resetWorkStatus(); this.workHackExpGainRate = 0.05 * this.hacking_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workStrExpGainRate = 0.15 * this.strength_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workDefExpGainRate = 0.15 * this.defense_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workDexExpGainRate = 0.15 * this.dexterity_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workAgiExpGainRate = 0.15 * this.agility_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workChaExpGainRate = 0.00 * this.charisma_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkExpGain; this.workRepGainRate = this.getFactionSecurityWorkRepGain(); this.factionWorkType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionWorkSecurity; this.currentWorkFactionDescription = "performing security detail" this.startFactionWork(faction); } PlayerObject.prototype.workForFaction = function(numCycles) { var faction = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"][this.currentWorkFactionName]; //Constantly update the rep gain rate switch (this.factionWorkType) { case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionWorkHacking: this.workRepGainRate = (this.hacking_skill + this.intelligence) / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel * this.faction_rep_mult; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionWorkField: this.workRepGainRate = this.getFactionFieldWorkRepGain(); break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionWorkSecurity: this.workRepGainRate = this.getFactionSecurityWorkRepGain(); break; default: break; } //Update reputation gain rate to account for faction favor var favorMult = 1 + (faction.favor / 100); if (isNaN(favorMult)) {favorMult = 1;} this.workRepGainRate *= favorMult; this.workRepGainRate *= _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionWorkRepGain; this.workHackExpGained += this.workHackExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workStrExpGained += this.workStrExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workDefExpGained += this.workDefExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workDexExpGained += this.workDexExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workAgiExpGained += this.workAgiExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workChaExpGained += this.workChaExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workRepGained += this.workRepGainRate * numCycles; this.workMoneyGained += this.workMoneyGainRate * numCycles; var cyclesPerSec = 1000 / _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed; this.timeWorked += _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles; //If timeWorked == 20 hours, then finish. You can only work for the faction for 20 hours if (this.timeWorked >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer20Hours) { var maxCycles = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].GameCyclesPer20Hours; this.timeWorked = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer20Hours; this.workHackExpGained = this.workHackExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workStrExpGained = this.workStrExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workDefExpGained = this.workDefExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workDexExpGained = this.workDexExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workAgiExpGained = this.workAgiExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workChaExpGained = this.workChaExpGainRate * maxCycles; this.workRepGained = this.workRepGainRate * maxCycles; this.workMoneyGained = this.workMoneyGainRate * maxCycles; this.finishFactionWork(false); } var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text"); txt.innerHTML = "You are currently " + this.currentWorkFactionDescription + " for your faction " + faction.name + " (Current Faction Reputation: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(faction.playerReputation, 0) + "). " + "You have been doing this for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + "

" + "You have earned:

" + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 2) + " / sec)

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workRepGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) reputation for this faction

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) hacking exp

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) strength exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) defense exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) dexterity exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) agility exp

" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) charisma exp

" + "You will automatically finish after working for 20 hours. You can cancel earlier if you wish.
" + "There is no penalty for cancelling earlier."; } //Money gained per game cycle PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkMoneyGain = function() { var bn11Mult = 1; var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; if (_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* hasBn11SF */ "d"]) { bn11Mult = 1 + (company.favor / 100); } return this.companyPosition.baseSalary * company.salaryMultiplier * this.work_money_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CompanyWorkMoney * bn11Mult; } //Hack exp gained per game cycle PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkHackExpGain = function() { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; return this.companyPosition.hackingExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.hacking_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CompanyWorkExpGain; } //Str exp gained per game cycle PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkStrExpGain = function() { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; return this.companyPosition.strengthExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.strength_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CompanyWorkExpGain; } //Def exp gained per game cycle PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkDefExpGain = function() { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; return this.companyPosition.defenseExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.defense_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CompanyWorkExpGain; } //Dex exp gained per game cycle PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkDexExpGain = function() { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; return this.companyPosition.dexterityExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.dexterity_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CompanyWorkExpGain; } //Agi exp gained per game cycle PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkAgiExpGain = function() { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; return this.companyPosition.agilityExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.agility_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CompanyWorkExpGain; } //Charisma exp gained per game cycle PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkChaExpGain = function() { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; return this.companyPosition.charismaExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.charisma_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CompanyWorkExpGain; } //Reputation gained per game cycle PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkRepGain = function() { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; var jobPerformance = this.companyPosition.calculateJobPerformance(this.hacking_skill, this.strength, this.defense, this.dexterity, this.agility, this.charisma); //Intelligence provides a flat bonus to job performance jobPerformance += (this.intelligence / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel); //Update reputation gain rate to account for company favor var favorMult = 1 + (company.favor / 100); if (isNaN(favorMult)) {favorMult = 1;} return jobPerformance * this.company_rep_mult * favorMult; } PlayerObject.prototype.getFactionSecurityWorkRepGain = function() { var t = 0.9 * (this.hacking_skill / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.strength / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.defense / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.dexterity / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.agility / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel) / 4.5; return t * this.faction_rep_mult; } PlayerObject.prototype.getFactionFieldWorkRepGain = function() { var t = 0.9 * (this.hacking_skill / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.strength / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.defense / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.dexterity / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.agility / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.charisma / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel + this.intelligence / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel) / 5.5; return t * this.faction_rep_mult; } /* Creating a Program */ PlayerObject.prototype.startCreateProgramWork = function(programName, time, reqLevel) { this.resetWorkStatus(); this.isWorking = true; this.workType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCreateProgram; //Time needed to complete work affected by hacking skill (linearly based on //ratio of (your skill - required level) to MAX skill) //var timeMultiplier = (CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel - (this.hacking_skill - reqLevel)) / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel; //if (timeMultiplier > 1) {timeMultiplier = 1;} //if (timeMultiplier < 0.01) {timeMultiplier = 0.01;} this.createProgramReqLvl = reqLevel; this.timeNeededToCompleteWork = time; //Check for incomplete program for (var i = 0; i < this.getHomeComputer().programs.length; ++i) { var programFile = this.getHomeComputer().programs[i]; if (programFile.startsWith(programName) && programFile.endsWith("%-INC")) { var res = programFile.split("-"); if (res.length != 3) {break;} var percComplete = Number(res[1].slice(0, -1)); if (isNaN(percComplete) || percComplete < 0 || percComplete >= 100) {break;} this.timeWorkedCreateProgram = percComplete / 100 * this.timeNeededToCompleteWork; this.getHomeComputer().programs.splice(i, 1); } } this.createProgramName = programName; var cancelButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["clearEventListeners"])("work-in-progress-cancel-button"); cancelButton.innerHTML = "Cancel work on creating program"; cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.finishCreateProgramWork(true); return false; }); //Display Work In Progress Screen _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadWorkInProgressContent(); } PlayerObject.prototype.createProgramWork = function(numCycles) { //Higher hacking skill will allow you to create programs faster var reqLvl = this.createProgramReqLvl; var skillMult = (this.hacking_skill / reqLvl); //This should always be greater than 1; skillMult = 1 + ((skillMult - 1) / 5); //The divider constant can be adjusted as necessary //Skill multiplier directly applied to "time worked" this.timeWorked += (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles); this.timeWorkedCreateProgram += (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles * skillMult); var programName = this.createProgramName; if (this.timeWorkedCreateProgram >= this.timeNeededToCompleteWork) { this.finishCreateProgramWork(false); } var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text"); txt.innerHTML = "You are currently working on coding " + programName + ".

" + "You have been working for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + "

" + "The program is " + (this.timeWorkedCreateProgram / this.timeNeededToCompleteWork * 100).toFixed(2) + "% complete.
" + "If you cancel, your work will be saved and you can come back to complete the program later."; } PlayerObject.prototype.finishCreateProgramWork = function(cancelled, sing=false) { var programName = this.createProgramName; if (cancelled === false) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You've finished creating " + programName + "!
" + "The new program can be found on your home computer."); this.getHomeComputer().programs.push(programName); } else { var perc = (Math.floor(this.timeWorkedCreateProgram / this.timeNeededToCompleteWork * 10000)/100).toString(); var incompleteName = programName + "-" + perc + "%-INC"; this.getHomeComputer().programs.push(incompleteName); } if (!cancelled) { this.gainIntelligenceExp(this.createProgramReqLvl / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceProgramBaseExpGain); } var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); mainMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; this.isWorking = false; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent(); this.resetWorkStatus(); } /* Studying/Taking Classes */ PlayerObject.prototype.startClass = function(costMult, expMult, className) { this.resetWorkStatus(); this.isWorking = true; this.workType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeStudyClass; this.className = className; var gameCPS = 1000 / _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed; //Base exp gains per second var baseStudyComputerScienceExp = 0.5; var baseDataStructuresExp = 1; var baseNetworksExp = 2; var baseAlgorithmsExp = 4; var baseManagementExp = 2; var baseLeadershipExp = 4; var baseGymExp = 1; //Find cost and exp gain per game cycle var cost = 0; var hackExp = 0, strExp = 0, defExp = 0, dexExp = 0, agiExp = 0, chaExp = 0; switch (className) { case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassStudyComputerScience: hackExp = baseStudyComputerScienceExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassDataStructures: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassDataStructuresBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; hackExp = baseDataStructuresExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassNetworks: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassNetworksBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; hackExp = baseNetworksExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassAlgorithms: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; hackExp = baseAlgorithmsExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassManagement: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassManagementBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; chaExp = baseManagementExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassLeadership: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassLeadershipBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; chaExp = baseLeadershipExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymStrength: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; strExp = baseGymExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymDefense: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; defExp = baseGymExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymDexterity: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; dexExp = baseGymExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymAgility: cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS; agiExp = baseGymExp * expMult / gameCPS; break; default: throw new Error("ERR: Invalid/unrecognized class name"); return; } this.workMoneyLossRate = cost; this.workHackExpGainRate = hackExp * this.hacking_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ClassGymExpGain; this.workStrExpGainRate = strExp * this.strength_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ClassGymExpGain;; this.workDefExpGainRate = defExp * this.defense_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ClassGymExpGain;; this.workDexExpGainRate = dexExp * this.dexterity_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ClassGymExpGain;; this.workAgiExpGainRate = agiExp * this.agility_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ClassGymExpGain;; this.workChaExpGainRate = chaExp * this.charisma_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ClassGymExpGain;; var cancelButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["clearEventListeners"])("work-in-progress-cancel-button"); if (className == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymStrength || className == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymDefense || className == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymDexterity || className == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymAgility) { cancelButton.innerHTML = "Stop training at gym"; } else { cancelButton.innerHTML = "Stop taking course"; } cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.finishClass(); return false; }); //Display Work In Progress Screen _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadWorkInProgressContent(); } PlayerObject.prototype.takeClass = function(numCycles) { this.timeWorked += _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles; var className = this.className; this.workHackExpGained += this.workHackExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workStrExpGained += this.workStrExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workDefExpGained += this.workDefExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workDexExpGained += this.workDexExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workAgiExpGained += this.workAgiExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workChaExpGained += this.workChaExpGainRate * numCycles; this.workRepGained += this.workRepGainRate * numCycles; this.workMoneyGained += this.workMoneyGainRate * numCycles; this.workMoneyGained -= this.workMoneyLossRate * numCycles; var cyclesPerSec = 1000 / _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed; var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text"); txt.innerHTML = "You have been " + className + " for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + "

" + "This has cost you:
" + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + " ($" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyLossRate * cyclesPerSec, 2) + " / sec)

" + "You have gained:
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) hacking exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) strength exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) defense exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) dexterity exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) agility exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec, 4) + " / sec) charisma exp
" + "You may cancel at any time"; } //The 'sing' argument defines whether or not this function was called //through a Singularity Netscript function PlayerObject.prototype.finishClass = function(sing=false) { this.gainWorkExp(); this.gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceClassBaseExpGain * Math.round(this.timeWorked / 1000)); if (this.workMoneyGained > 0) { throw new Error("ERR: Somehow gained money while taking class"); } this.loseMoney(this.workMoneyGained * -1); this.updateSkillLevels(); var txt = "After " + this.className + " for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + ",
" + "you spent a total of $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained * -1, 2) + ".

" + "You earned a total of:
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility exp
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma exp
"; if (!sing) {Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt);} var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); mainMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; this.isWorking = false; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); if (sing) { var res="After " + this.className + " for " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeWorked) + ", " + "you spent a total of $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained * -1, 2) + ". " + "You earned a total of: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 3) + " hacking exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 3) + " strength exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 3) + " defense exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 3) + " dexterity exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 3) + " agility exp, and " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 3) + " charisma exp"; this.resetWorkStatus(); return res; } this.resetWorkStatus(); } //The EXP and $ gains are hardcoded. Time is in ms PlayerObject.prototype.startCrime = function(hackExp, strExp, defExp, dexExp, agiExp, chaExp, money, time, singParams=null) { this.resetWorkStatus(); this.isWorking = true; this.workType = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCrime; if (singParams && singParams.workerscript) { this.committingCrimeThruSingFn = true; this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript = singParams.workerscript; } this.workHackExpGained = hackExp * this.hacking_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CrimeExpGain; this.workStrExpGained = strExp * this.strength_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CrimeExpGain; this.workDefExpGained = defExp * this.defense_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CrimeExpGain; this.workDexExpGained = dexExp * this.dexterity_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CrimeExpGain; this.workAgiExpGained = agiExp * this.agility_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CrimeExpGain; this.workChaExpGained = chaExp * this.charisma_exp_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CrimeExpGain; this.workMoneyGained = money * this.crime_money_mult * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].CrimeMoney; this.timeNeededToCompleteWork = time; //Remove all old event listeners from Cancel button var newCancelButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["clearEventListeners"])("work-in-progress-cancel-button") newCancelButton.innerHTML = "Cancel crime" newCancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.finishCrime(true); return false; }); //Display Work In Progress Screen _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadWorkInProgressContent(); } PlayerObject.prototype.commitCrime = function (numCycles) { this.timeWorked += _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles; if (this.timeWorked >= this.timeNeededToCompleteWork) {this.finishCrime(false); return;} var percent = Math.round(this.timeWorked / this.timeNeededToCompleteWork * 100); var numBars = Math.round(percent / 5); if (numBars < 0) {numBars = 0;} if (numBars > 20) {numBars = 20;} var progressBar = "[" + Array(numBars+1).join("|") + Array(20 - numBars + 1).join(" ") + "]"; var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text"); txt.innerHTML = "You are attempting to " + this.crimeType + ".
" + "Time remaining: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(this.timeNeededToCompleteWork - this.timeWorked) + "
" + progressBar.replace( / /g, " " ); } PlayerObject.prototype.finishCrime = function(cancelled) { //Determine crime success/failure if (!cancelled) { var statusText = ""; //TODO, unique message for each crime when you succeed if (Object(_Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* determineCrimeSuccess */ "b"])(this.crimeType, this.workMoneyGained)) { //Handle Karma and crime statistics let crime = null; for(const i in _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Crimes */ "a"]) { if(_Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Crimes */ "a"][i].type == this.crimeType) { crime = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Crimes */ "a"][i]; break; } } if(crime == null) { console.log(this.crimeType); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERR: Unrecognized crime type. This is probably a bug please contact the developer"); } this.karma -= crime.karma; this.numPeopleKilled += crime.kills; if(crime.intelligence_exp > 0) { this.gainIntelligenceExp(crime.intelligence_exp); } //On a crime success, gain 2x exp this.workHackExpGained *= 2; this.workStrExpGained *= 2; this.workDefExpGained *= 2; this.workDexExpGained *= 2; this.workAgiExpGained *= 2; this.workChaExpGained *= 2; if (this.committingCrimeThruSingFn) { if(this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript.disableLogs.commitCrime == null) { this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript.scriptRef.log("Crime successful! Gained " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20___default()(this.workMoneyGained).format("$0.000a") + ", " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 3) + " hack exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 3) + " str exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 3) + " def exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 3) + " dex exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 3) + " agi exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 3) + " cha exp."); } } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Crime successful!

" + "You gained:
"+ "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workMoneyGained, 2) + "
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma experience"); } } else { //Exp halved on failure this.workHackExpGained /= 2; this.workStrExpGained /= 2; this.workDefExpGained /= 2; this.workDexExpGained /= 2; this.workAgiExpGained /= 2; this.workChaExpGained /= 2; if (this.committingCrimeThruSingFn) { if(this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript.disableLogs.commitCrime == null) { this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript.scriptRef.log("Crime failed! Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 3) + " hack exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 3) + " str exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 3) + " def exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 3) + " dex exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 3) + " agi exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 3) + " cha exp."); } } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Crime failed!

" + "You gained:
"+ Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility experience
" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma experience"); } } this.gainWorkExp(); } this.committingCrimeThruSingFn = false; this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript = null; var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); mainMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; this.isWorking = false; this.resetWorkStatus(); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); } //Cancels the player's current "work" assignment and gives the proper rewards //Used only for Singularity functions, so no popups are created PlayerObject.prototype.singularityStopWork = function() { if (!this.isWorking) {return "";} var res; //Earnings text for work switch (this.workType) { case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeStudyClass: res = this.finishClass(true); break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCompany: res = this.finishWork(true, true); break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime: res = this.finishWorkPartTime(true); break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeFaction: res = this.finishFactionWork(true, true); break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCreateProgram: res = this.finishCreateProgramWork(true, true); break; case _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCrime: res = this.finishCrime(true); break; default: console.log("ERROR: Unrecognized work type"); return ""; } return res; } //Returns true if hospitalized, false otherwise PlayerObject.prototype.takeDamage = function(amt) { this.hp -= amt; if (this.hp <= 0) { this.hospitalize(); return true; } else { return false; } } PlayerObject.prototype.hospitalize = function() { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You were in critical condition! You were taken to the hospital where " + "luckily they were able to save your life. You were charged $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["formatNumber"])(this.max_hp * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HospitalCostPerHp, 2)); this.loseMoney(this.max_hp * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HospitalCostPerHp); this.hp = this.max_hp; } /********* Company job application **********/ //Determines the job that the Player should get (if any) at the current company //The 'sing' argument designates whether or not this is being called from //the applyToCompany() Netscript Singularity function PlayerObject.prototype.applyForJob = function(entryPosType, sing=false) { var currCompany = ""; if (this.companyName != "") { currCompany = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; } var currPositionName = ""; if (this.companyPosition != "") { currPositionName = this.companyPosition.positionName; } var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.location]; //Company being applied to if (sing && !(company instanceof _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Company */ "b"])) { return "ERROR: Invalid company name: " + this.location + ". applyToCompany() failed"; } var pos = entryPosType; if (!this.isQualified(company, pos)) { var reqText = Object(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* getJobRequirementText */ "f"])(company, pos); if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position
" + reqText); return; } while (true) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].Debug) {console.log("Determining qualification for next Company Position");} var newPos = Object(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* getNextCompanyPosition */ "g"])(pos); if (newPos == null) {break;} //Check if this company has this position if (company.hasPosition(newPos)) { if (!this.isQualified(company, newPos)) { //If player not qualified for next job, break loop so player will be given current job break; } pos = newPos; } else { break; } } //Check if the determined job is the same as the player's current job if (currCompany != "") { if (currCompany.companyName == company.companyName && pos.positionName == currPositionName) { var nextPos = Object(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* getNextCompanyPosition */ "g"])(pos); if (nextPos == null) { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You are already at the highest position for your field! No promotion available"); } else if (company.hasPosition(nextPos)) { if (sing) {return false;} var reqText = Object(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* getJobRequirementText */ "f"])(company, nextPos); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unfortunately, you do not qualify for a promotion
" + reqText); } else { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You are already at the highest position for your field! No promotion available"); } return; //Same job, do nothing } } //Lose reputation from a Company if you are leaving it for another job var leaveCompany = false; var oldCompanyName = ""; if (currCompany != "") { if (currCompany.companyName != company.companyName) { leaveCompany = true; oldCompanyName = currCompany.companyName; company.playerReputation -= 1000; if (company.playerReputation < 0) {company.playerReputation = 0;} } } this.companyName = company.companyName; this.companyPosition = pos; if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) { this.firstJobRecvd = true; document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); } if (leaveCompany) { if (sing) {return true;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Congratulations! You were offered a new job at " + this.companyName + " as a " + pos.positionName + "!
" + "You lost 1000 reputation at your old company " + oldCompanyName + " because you left."); } else { if (sing) {return true;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Congratulations! You were offered a new job at " + this.companyName + " as a " + pos.positionName + "!"); } _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); } //Returns your next position at a company given the field (software, business, etc.) PlayerObject.prototype.getNextCompanyPosition = function(company, entryPosType) { var currCompany = null; if (this.companyName != "") { currCompany = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; } //Not employed at this company, so return the entry position if (currCompany == null || (currCompany.companyName != company.companyName)) { return entryPosType; } //If the entry pos type and the player's current position have the same type, //return the player's "nextCompanyPosition". Otherwise return the entryposType //Employed at this company, so just return the next position if it exists. if ((this.companyPosition.isSoftwareJob() && entryPosType.isSoftwareJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isITJob() && entryPosType.isITJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isBusinessJob() && entryPosType.isBusinessJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isSecurityEngineerJob() && entryPosType.isSecurityEngineerJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isNetworkEngineerJob() && entryPosType.isNetworkEngineerJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isSecurityJob() && entryPosType.isSecurityJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isAgentJob() && entryPosType.isAgentJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isSoftwareConsultantJob() && entryPosType.isSoftwareConsultantJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isBusinessConsultantJob() && entryPosType.isBusinessConsultantJob()) || (this.companyPosition.isPartTimeJob() && entryPosType.isPartTimeJob())) { return Object(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* getNextCompanyPosition */ "g"])(this.companyPosition); } return entryPosType; } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForSoftwareJob = function(sing=false) { return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SoftwareIntern, sing); } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForSoftwareConsultantJob = function(sing=false) { return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SoftwareConsultant, sing); } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForItJob = function(sing=false) { return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].ITIntern, sing); } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForSecurityEngineerJob = function(sing=false) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.location]; //Company being applied to if (this.isQualified(company, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SecurityEngineer)) { return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SecurityEngineer, sing); } else { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position"); } } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForNetworkEngineerJob = function(sing=false) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.location]; //Company being applied to if (this.isQualified(company, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].NetworkEngineer)) { return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].NetworkEngineer, sing); } else { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position"); } } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForBusinessJob = function(sing=false) { return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].BusinessIntern, sing); } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForBusinessConsultantJob = function(sing=false) { return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].BusinessConsultant, sing); } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForSecurityJob = function(sing=false) { //TODO If case for POlice departments return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SecurityGuard, sing); } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForAgentJob = function(sing=false) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.location]; //Company being applied to if (this.isQualified(company, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].FieldAgent)) { return this.applyForJob(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].FieldAgent, sing); } else { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position"); } } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForEmployeeJob = function(sing=false) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.location]; //Company being applied to if (this.isQualified(company, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].Employee)) { if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) { this.firstJobRecvd = true; document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); } this.companyName = company.companyName; this.companyPosition = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].Employee; if (sing) {return true;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Congratulations, you are now employed at " + this.companyName); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); } else { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position"); } } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForPartTimeEmployeeJob = function(sing=false) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.location]; //Company being applied to if (this.isQualified(company, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].PartTimeEmployee)) { if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) { this.firstJobRecvd = true; document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); } this.companyName = company.companyName; this.companyPosition = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].PartTimeEmployee; if (sing) {return true;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Congratulations, you are now employed part-time at " + this.companyName); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); } else { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position"); } } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForWaiterJob = function(sing=false) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.location]; //Company being applied to if (this.isQualified(company, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].Waiter)) { if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) { this.firstJobRecvd = true; document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); } this.companyName = company.companyName; this.companyPosition = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].Waiter; if (sing) {return true;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Congratulations, you are now employed as a waiter at " + this.companyName); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); } else { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position"); } } PlayerObject.prototype.applyForPartTimeWaiterJob = function(sing=false) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.location]; //Company being applied to if (this.isQualified(company, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].PartTimeWaiter)) { if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) { this.firstJobRecvd = true; document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); } this.companyName = company.companyName; this.companyPosition = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].PartTimeWaiter; if (sing) {return true;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Congratulations, you are now employed as a part-time waiter at " + this.companyName); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); } else { if (sing) {return false;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position"); } } //Checks if the Player is qualified for a certain position PlayerObject.prototype.isQualified = function(company, position) { var offset = company.jobStatReqOffset; var reqHacking = position.requiredHacking > 0 ? position.requiredHacking+offset : 0; var reqStrength = position.requiredStrength > 0 ? position.requiredStrength+offset : 0; var reqDefense = position.requiredDefense > 0 ? position.requiredDefense+offset : 0; var reqDexterity = position.requiredDexterity > 0 ? position.requiredDexterity+offset : 0; var reqAgility = position.requiredDexterity > 0 ? position.requiredDexterity+offset : 0; var reqCharisma = position.requiredCharisma > 0 ? position.requiredCharisma+offset : 0; if (this.hacking_skill >= reqHacking && this.strength >= reqStrength && this.defense >= reqDefense && this.dexterity >= reqDexterity && this.agility >= reqAgility && this.charisma >= reqCharisma && company.playerReputation >= position.requiredReputation) { return true; } return false; } /********** Reapplying Augmentations and Source File ***********/ PlayerObject.prototype.reapplyAllAugmentations = function(resetMultipliers=true) { console.log("Re-applying augmentations"); if (resetMultipliers) { this.resetMultipliers(); } for (let i = 0; i < this.augmentations.length; ++i) { //Compatibility with new version if (this.augmentations[i].name === "HacknetNode NIC Architecture Neural-Upload") { this.augmentations[i].name = "Hacknet Node NIC Architecture Neural-Upload"; } var augName = this.augmentations[i].name; var aug = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][augName]; if (aug == null) { console.log("WARNING: Invalid augmentation name"); continue; } aug.owned = true; if (aug.name == _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor) { for (let j = 0; j < aug.level; ++j) { Object(_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* applyAugmentation */ "e"])(this.augmentations[i], true); } continue; } Object(_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* applyAugmentation */ "e"])(this.augmentations[i], true); } } PlayerObject.prototype.reapplyAllSourceFiles = function() { console.log("Re-applying source files"); //Will always be called after reapplyAllAugmentations() so multipliers do not have to be reset //this.resetMultipliers(); for (let i = 0; i < this.sourceFiles.length; ++i) { var srcFileKey = "SourceFile" + this.sourceFiles[i].n; var sourceFileObject = _SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* SourceFiles */ "b"][srcFileKey]; if (sourceFileObject == null) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid source file number: " + this.sourceFiles[i].n); continue; } Object(_SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* applySourceFile */ "c"])(this.sourceFiles[i]); } } /*************** Check for Faction Invitations *************/ //This function sets the requirements to join a Faction. It checks whether the Player meets //those requirements and will return an array of all factions that the Player should //receive an invitation to PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() { let invitedFactions = []; //Array which will hold all Factions th eplayer should be invited to var numAugmentations = this.augmentations.length; var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Companies */ "a"][this.companyName]; var companyRep = 0; if (company != null) { companyRep = company.playerReputation; } //Illuminati var illuminatiFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Illuminati"]; if (!illuminatiFac.isBanned && !illuminatiFac.isMember && !illuminatiFac.alreadyInvited && numAugmentations >= 30 && this.money.gte(150000000000) && this.hacking_skill >= 1500 && this.strength >= 1200 && this.defense >= 1200 && this.dexterity >= 1200 && this.agility >= 1200) { invitedFactions.push(illuminatiFac); } //Daedalus var daedalusFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Daedalus"]; if (!daedalusFac.isBanned && !daedalusFac.isMember && !daedalusFac.alreadyInvited && numAugmentations >= 30 && this.money.gte(100000000000) && (this.hacking_skill >= 2500 || (this.strength >= 1500 && this.defense >= 1500 && this.dexterity >= 1500 && this.agility >= 1500))) { invitedFactions.push(daedalusFac); } //The Covenant var covenantFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["The Covenant"]; if (!covenantFac.isBanned && !covenantFac.isMember && !covenantFac.alreadyInvited && numAugmentations >= 30 && this.money.gte(75000000000) && this.hacking_skill >= 850 && this.strength >= 850 && this.defense >= 850 && this.dexterity >= 850 && this.agility >= 850) { invitedFactions.push(covenantFac); } //ECorp var ecorpFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["ECorp"]; if (!ecorpFac.isBanned && !ecorpFac.isMember && !ecorpFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumECorp && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(ecorpFac); } //MegaCorp var megacorpFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["MegaCorp"]; if (!megacorpFac.isBanned && !megacorpFac.isMember && !megacorpFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12MegaCorp && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(megacorpFac); } //Bachman & Associates var bachmanandassociatesFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Bachman & Associates"]; if (!bachmanandassociatesFac.isBanned && !bachmanandassociatesFac.isMember && !bachmanandassociatesFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumBachmanAndAssociates && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(bachmanandassociatesFac); } //Blade Industries var bladeindustriesFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Blade Industries"]; if (!bladeindustriesFac.isBanned && !bladeindustriesFac.isMember && !bladeindustriesFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12BladeIndustries && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(bladeindustriesFac); } //NWO var nwoFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["NWO"]; if (!nwoFac.isBanned && !nwoFac.isMember && !nwoFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenNWO && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(nwoFac); } //Clarke Incorporated var clarkeincorporatedFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Clarke Incorporated"]; if (!clarkeincorporatedFac.isBanned && !clarkeincorporatedFac.isMember && !clarkeincorporatedFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumClarkeIncorporated && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(clarkeincorporatedFac); } //OmniTek Incorporated var omnitekincorporatedFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["OmniTek Incorporated"]; if (!omnitekincorporatedFac.isBanned && !omnitekincorporatedFac.isMember && !omnitekincorporatedFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(omnitekincorporatedFac); } //Four Sigma var foursigmaFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Four Sigma"]; if (!foursigmaFac.isBanned && !foursigmaFac.isMember && !foursigmaFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FourSigma && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(foursigmaFac); } //KuaiGong International var kuaigonginternationalFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["KuaiGong International"]; if (!kuaigonginternationalFac.isBanned && !kuaigonginternationalFac.isMember && !kuaigonginternationalFac.alreadyInvited && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational && companyRep >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(kuaigonginternationalFac); } //Fulcrum Secret Technologies - If u've unlocked fulcrum secret technolgoies server and have a high rep with the company var fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]; var fulcrumSecretServer = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* AllServers */ "b"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].FulcrumSecretTechnologies]]; if (fulcrumSecretServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server"); } else { if (!fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isBanned && !fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isMember && !fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.alreadyInvited && fulcrumSecretServer.manuallyHacked && this.companyName == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies && companyRep >= 250000) { invitedFactions.push(fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac); } } //BitRunners var bitrunnersFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["BitRunners"]; var homeComp = this.getHomeComputer(); var bitrunnersServer = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* AllServers */ "b"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].BitRunnersServer]]; if (bitrunnersServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find BitRunners Server"); } else if (!bitrunnersFac.isBanned && !bitrunnersFac.isMember && bitrunnersServer.manuallyHacked && !bitrunnersFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 500 && homeComp.maxRam >= 128) { invitedFactions.push(bitrunnersFac); } //The Black Hand var theblackhandFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["The Black Hand"]; var blackhandServer = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* AllServers */ "b"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].TheBlackHandServer]]; if (blackhandServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find The Black Hand Server"); } else if (!theblackhandFac.isBanned && !theblackhandFac.isMember && blackhandServer.manuallyHacked && !theblackhandFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 350 && homeComp.maxRam >= 64) { invitedFactions.push(theblackhandFac); } //NiteSec var nitesecFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["NiteSec"]; var nitesecServer = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* AllServers */ "b"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].NiteSecServer]]; if (nitesecServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find NiteSec Server"); } else if (!nitesecFac.isBanned && !nitesecFac.isMember && nitesecServer.manuallyHacked && !nitesecFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 200 && homeComp.maxRam >= 32) { invitedFactions.push(nitesecFac); } //Chongqing var chongqingFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Chongqing"]; if (!chongqingFac.isBanned && !chongqingFac.isMember && !chongqingFac.alreadyInvited && this.money.gte(20000000) && this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Chongqing) { invitedFactions.push(chongqingFac); } //Sector-12 var sector12Fac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Sector-12"]; if (!sector12Fac.isBanned && !sector12Fac.isMember && !sector12Fac.alreadyInvited && this.money.gte(15000000) && this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12) { invitedFactions.push(sector12Fac); } //New Tokyo var newtokyoFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["New Tokyo"]; if (!newtokyoFac.isBanned && !newtokyoFac.isMember && !newtokyoFac.alreadyInvited && this.money.gte(20000000) && this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyo) { invitedFactions.push(newtokyoFac); } //Aevum var aevumFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Aevum"]; if (!aevumFac.isBanned && !aevumFac.isMember && !aevumFac.alreadyInvited && this.money.gte(40000000) && this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum) { invitedFactions.push(aevumFac); } //Ishima var ishimaFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Ishima"]; if (!ishimaFac.isBanned && !ishimaFac.isMember && !ishimaFac.alreadyInvited && this.money.gte(30000000) && this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Ishima) { invitedFactions.push(ishimaFac); } //Volhaven var volhavenFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Volhaven"]; if (!volhavenFac.isBanned && !volhavenFac.isMember && !volhavenFac.alreadyInvited && this.money.gte(50000000) && this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Volhaven) { invitedFactions.push(volhavenFac); } //Speakers for the Dead var speakersforthedeadFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Speakers for the Dead"]; if (!speakersforthedeadFac.isBanned && !speakersforthedeadFac.isMember && !speakersforthedeadFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 100 && this.strength >= 300 && this.defense >= 300 && this.dexterity >= 300 && this.agility >= 300 && this.numPeopleKilled >= 30 && this.karma <= -45 && this.companyName != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CIA && this.companyName != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12NSA) { invitedFactions.push(speakersforthedeadFac); } //The Dark Army var thedarkarmyFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["The Dark Army"]; if (!thedarkarmyFac.isBanned && !thedarkarmyFac.isMember && !thedarkarmyFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 300 && this.strength >= 300 && this.defense >= 300 && this.dexterity >= 300 && this.agility >= 300 && this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Chongqing && this.numPeopleKilled >= 5 && this.karma <= -45 && this.companyName != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CIA && this.companyName != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12NSA) { invitedFactions.push(thedarkarmyFac); } //The Syndicate var thesyndicateFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["The Syndicate"]; if (!thesyndicateFac.isBanned && !thesyndicateFac.isMember && !thesyndicateFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 200 && this.strength >= 200 && this.defense >= 200 && this.dexterity >= 200 && this.agility >= 200 && (this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum || this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12) && this.money.gte(10000000) && this.karma <= -90 && this.companyName != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CIA && this.companyName != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12NSA) { invitedFactions.push(thesyndicateFac); } //Silhouette var silhouetteFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Silhouette"]; if (!silhouetteFac.isBanned && !silhouetteFac.isMember && !silhouetteFac.alreadyInvited && (this.companyPosition.positionName == _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].CTO.positionName || this.companyPosition.positionName == _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].CFO.positionName || this.companyPosition.positionName == _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].CEO.positionName) && this.money.gte(15000000) && this.karma <= -22) { invitedFactions.push(silhouetteFac); } //Tetrads var tetradsFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Tetrads"]; if (!tetradsFac.isBanned && !tetradsFac.isMember && !tetradsFac.alreadyInvited && (this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Chongqing || this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyo || this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Ishima) && this.strength >= 75 && this.defense >= 75 && this.dexterity >= 75 && this.agility >= 75 && this.karma <= -18) { invitedFactions.push(tetradsFac); } //SlumSnakes var slumsnakesFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Slum Snakes"]; if (!slumsnakesFac.isBanned && !slumsnakesFac.isMember && !slumsnakesFac.alreadyInvited && this.strength >= 30 && this.defense >= 30 && this.dexterity >= 30 && this.agility >= 30 && this.karma <= -9 && this.money.gte(1000000)) { invitedFactions.push(slumsnakesFac); } //Netburners var netburnersFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Netburners"]; var totalHacknetRam = 0; var totalHacknetCores = 0; var totalHacknetLevels = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.hacknetNodes.length; ++i) { totalHacknetLevels += this.hacknetNodes[i].level; totalHacknetRam += this.hacknetNodes[i].ram; totalHacknetCores += this.hacknetNodes[i].cores; } if (!netburnersFac.isBanned && !netburnersFac.isMember && !netburnersFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 80 && totalHacknetRam >= 8 && totalHacknetCores >= 4 && totalHacknetLevels >= 100) { invitedFactions.push(netburnersFac); } //Tian Di Hui var tiandihuiFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Tian Di Hui"]; if (!tiandihuiFac.isBanned && !tiandihuiFac.isMember && !tiandihuiFac.alreadyInvited && this.money.gte(1000000) && this.hacking_skill >= 50 && (this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Chongqing || this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyo || this.city == _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Locations */ "a"].Ishima)) { invitedFactions.push(tiandihuiFac); } //CyberSec var cybersecFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Factions */ "b"]["CyberSec"]; var cybersecServer = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* AllServers */ "b"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].CyberSecServer]]; if (cybersecServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find CyberSec Server"); } else if (!cybersecFac.isBanned && !cybersecFac.isMember && cybersecServer.manuallyHacked && !cybersecFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 50) { invitedFactions.push(cybersecFac); } return invitedFactions; } /*************** Gang ****************/ //Returns true if Player is in a gang and false otherwise PlayerObject.prototype.inGang = function() { if (this.gang == null || this.gang == undefined) {return false;} return (this.gang instanceof _Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Gang */ "b"]); } PlayerObject.prototype.startGang = function(factionName, hacking) { this.gang = new _Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Gang */ "b"](factionName, hacking); } /************* BitNodes **************/ PlayerObject.prototype.setBitNodeNumber = function(n) { this.bitNodeN = n; } PlayerObject.prototype.queueAugmentation = function(name) { for(const i in this.queuedAugmentations) { if(this.queuedAugmentations[i].name == name) { console.log('tried to queue '+name+' twice, this may be a bug'); return; } } for(const i in this.augmentations) { if(this.augmentations[i].name == name) { console.log('tried to queue '+name+' but we already have that aug'); return; } } this.firstAugPurchased = true; this.queuedAugmentations.push(new _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* PlayerOwnedAugmentation */ "d"](name)); } /* Functions for saving and loading the Player data */ function loadPlayer(saveString) { Player = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["Reviver"]); //Parse Decimal.js objects Player.money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](Player.money); Player.total_money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](Player.total_money); Player.lifetime_money = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](Player.lifetime_money); if (Player.corporation instanceof _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Corporation */ "a"]) { Player.corporation.funds = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](Player.corporation.funds); Player.corporation.revenue = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](Player.corporation.revenue); Player.corporation.expenses = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](Player.corporation.expenses); for (var i = 0; i < Player.corporation.divisions.length; ++i) { var ind = Player.corporation.divisions[i]; ind.lastCycleRevenue = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](ind.lastCycleRevenue); ind.lastCycleExpenses = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](ind.lastCycleExpenses); ind.thisCycleRevenue = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](ind.thisCycleRevenue); ind.thisCycleExpenses = new decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* default */ "a"](ind.thisCycleExpenses); } } } PlayerObject.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["Generic_toJSON"])("PlayerObject", this); } PlayerObject.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["Generic_fromJSON"])(PlayerObject, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["Reviver"].constructors.PlayerObject = PlayerObject; let Player = new PlayerObject(); /***/ }), /* 1 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/StringHelperFunctions.ts ***! \****************************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used: containsAllStrings, convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString, formatNumber, generateRandomString, isHTML, isString, longestCommonStart, replaceAt */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const isString_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/isString */ 32); // Netburner String helper functions // Replaces the character at an index with a new character function replaceAt(base, index, character) { return base.substr(0, index) + character + base.substr(index + character.length); } exports.replaceAt = replaceAt; /* Converts a date representing time in milliseconds to a string with the format H hours M minutes and S seconds e.g. 10000 -> "0 hours 0 minutes and 10 seconds" 120000 -> "0 0 hours 2 minutes and 0 seconds" */ function convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(time) { const millisecondsPerSecond = 1000; const secondPerMinute = 60; const minutesPerHours = 60; const secondPerHours = secondPerMinute * minutesPerHours; const hoursPerDays = 24; const secondPerDay = secondPerHours * hoursPerDays; // Convert ms to seconds, since we only have second-level precision const totalSeconds = Math.floor(time / millisecondsPerSecond); const days = Math.floor(totalSeconds / secondPerDay); const secTruncDays = totalSeconds % secondPerDay; const hours = Math.floor(secTruncDays / secondPerHours); const secTruncHours = secTruncDays % secondPerHours; const minutes = Math.floor(secTruncHours / secondPerMinute); const secTruncMinutes = secTruncHours % secondPerMinute; const seconds = secTruncMinutes; let res = ""; if (days > 0) { res += `${days} days `; } if (hours > 0) { res += `${hours} hours `; } if (minutes > 0) { res += `${minutes} minutes `; } res += `${seconds} seconds `; return res; } exports.convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString = convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString; // Finds the longest common starting substring in a set of strings function longestCommonStart(strings) { if (!containsAllStrings(strings)) { return ""; } if (strings.length === 0) { return ""; } const A = strings.concat() .sort(); const a1 = A[0]; const a2 = A[A.length - 1]; const L = a1.length; let i = 0; const areEqualCaseInsensitive = (a, b) => a.toUpperCase() === b.toUpperCase(); while (i < L && areEqualCaseInsensitive(a1.charAt(i), a2.charAt(i))) { i++; } return a1.substring(0, i); } exports.longestCommonStart = longestCommonStart; // Returns whether an array contains entirely of string objects function containsAllStrings(arr) { return arr.every(isString_1.isString); } exports.containsAllStrings = containsAllStrings; // Formats a number with commas and a specific number of decimal digits function formatNumber(num, numFractionDigits) { return num.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: numFractionDigits, minimumFractionDigits: numFractionDigits, }); } exports.formatNumber = formatNumber; // Checks if a string contains HTML elements function isHTML(str) { const element = document.createElement("div"); element.innerHTML = str; const c = element.childNodes; for (let i = c.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (c[i].nodeType === 1) { return true; } } return false; } exports.isHTML = isHTML; // Generates a random alphanumeric string with N characters function generateRandomString(n) { let str = ""; const chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { str += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); } return str; } exports.generateRandomString = generateRandomString; /***/ }), /* 2 */ /*!**************************!*\ !*** ./src/Constants.js ***! \**************************/ /*! exports provided: CONSTANTS */ /*! exports used: CONSTANTS */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return CONSTANTS; }); let CONSTANTS = { Version: "0.39.1", //Max level for any skill, assuming no multipliers. Determined by max numerical value in javascript for experience //and the skill level formula in Player.js. Note that all this means it that when experience hits MAX_INT, then //the player will have this level assuming no multipliers. Multipliers can cause skills to go above this. MaxSkillLevel: 975, //How much reputation is needed to join a megacorporation's faction CorpFactionRepRequirement: 250000, /* Base costs */ BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHome: 32000, BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer: 55000, //1 GB of RAM BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHacknetNode: 30000, TravelCost: 200000, BaseCostForHacknetNode: 1000, BaseCostForHacknetNodeCore: 500000, /* Hacknet Node constants */ HacknetNodeMoneyGainPerLevel: 1.6, HacknetNodePurchaseNextMult: 1.85, //Multiplier when purchasing an additional hacknet node HacknetNodeUpgradeLevelMult: 1.04, //Multiplier for cost when upgrading level HacknetNodeUpgradeRamMult: 1.28, //Multiplier for cost when upgrading RAM HacknetNodeUpgradeCoreMult: 1.48, //Multiplier for cost when buying another core HacknetNodeMaxLevel: 200, HacknetNodeMaxRam: 64, HacknetNodeMaxCores: 16, /* Faction and Company favor */ FactionReputationToFavorBase: 500, FactionReputationToFavorMult: 1.02, CompanyReputationToFavorBase: 500, CompanyReputationToFavorMult: 1.02, /* Augmentation */ //NeuroFlux Governor cost multiplier as you level up NeuroFluxGovernorLevelMult: 1.14, /* Netscript Constants */ //RAM Costs for different commands ScriptBaseRamCost: 1.6, ScriptDomRamCost: 100, ScriptWhileRamCost: 0, ScriptForRamCost: 0, ScriptIfRamCost: 0, ScriptHackRamCost: 0.1, ScriptGrowRamCost: 0.15, ScriptWeakenRamCost: 0.15, ScriptScanRamCost: 0.2, ScriptPortProgramRamCost: 0.05, ScriptRunRamCost: 1.0, ScriptExecRamCost: 1.3, ScriptSpawnRamCost: 2.0, ScriptScpRamCost: 0.6, ScriptKillRamCost: 0.5, //Kill and killall ScriptHasRootAccessRamCost: 0.05, ScriptGetHostnameRamCost: 0.05, //getHostname() and getIp() ScriptGetHackingLevelRamCost: 0.05, //getHackingLevel() ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost: 4.0, //getHackingMultipliers() and getBitNodeMultipliers() ScriptGetServerRamCost: 0.1, ScriptFileExistsRamCost: 0.1, ScriptIsRunningRamCost: 0.1, ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost: 1.5, ScriptHacknetNodesRamCost: 4.0, //Base cost for accessing hacknet nodes array ScriptHNUpgLevelRamCost: 0.4, ScriptHNUpgRamRamCost: 0.6, ScriptHNUpgCoreRamCost: 0.8, ScriptGetStockRamCost: 2.0, ScriptBuySellStockRamCost: 2.5, ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost: 2.25, ScriptRoundRamCost: 0.05, ScriptReadWriteRamCost: 1.0, ScriptArbScriptRamCost: 1.0, //Functions that apply to all scripts regardless of args ScriptGetScriptRamCost: 0.1, ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost: 0.05, ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost: 1, ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost: 2, ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost: 3, ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost: 4, NumNetscriptPorts: 20, //Server constants ServerBaseGrowthRate: 1.03, //Unadjusted Growth rate ServerMaxGrowthRate: 1.0035, //Maximum possible growth rate (max rate accounting for server security) ServerFortifyAmount: 0.002, //Amount by which server's security increases when its hacked/grown ServerWeakenAmount: 0.05, //Amount by which server's security decreases when weakened PurchasedServerLimit: 25, PurchasedServerMaxRam: 1048576, //2^20 //Augmentation Constants AugmentationCostMultiplier: 5, //Used for balancing costs without having to readjust every Augmentation cost AugmentationRepMultiplier: 2.5, //Used for balancing rep cost without having to readjust every value MultipleAugMultiplier: 1.9, //How much a TOR router costs TorRouterCost: 200000, //Infiltration constants InfiltrationBribeBaseAmount: 100e3, //Amount per clearance level InfiltrationMoneyValue: 5e3, //Convert "secret" value to money InfiltrationRepValue: 1.4, //Convert "secret" value to faction reputation //Stock market constants WSEAccountCost: 200e6, TIXAPICost: 5e9, StockMarketCommission: 100e3, //Hospital/Health HospitalCostPerHp: 100e3, //Intelligence-related constants IntelligenceCrimeWeight: 0.05, //Weight for how much int affects crime success rates IntelligenceInfiltrationWeight: 0.1, //Weight for how much int affects infiltration success rates IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain: 0.001, IntelligenceProgramBaseExpGain: 500, //Program required hack level divided by this to determine int exp gain IntelligenceTerminalHackBaseExpGain: 200, //Hacking exp divided by this to determine int exp gain IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain: 0.002, IntelligenceClassBaseExpGain: 0.000001, IntelligenceHackingMissionBaseExpGain: 0.03, //Hacking Mission difficulty multiplied by this to get exp gain //Hacking Missions HackingMissionRepToDiffConversion: 10000, //Faction rep is divided by this to get mission difficulty HackingMissionRepToRewardConversion: 7, //Faction rep divided byt his to get mission rep reward HackingMissionSpamTimeIncrease: 25000, //How much time limit increase is gained when conquering a Spam Node (ms) HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease: 1.05, //Multiplier by which the attack for all Core Nodes is increased when conquering a Transfer Node HackingMissionMiscDefenseIncrease: 1.05, //The amount by which every misc node's defense is multiplied when one is conquered HackingMissionDifficultyToHacking: 135, //Difficulty is multiplied by this to determine enemy's "hacking" level (to determine effects of scan/attack, etc) HackingMissionHowToPlay: "Hacking missions are a minigame that, if won, will reward you with faction reputation.

" + "In this game you control a set of Nodes and use them to try and defeat an enemy. Your Nodes " + "are colored blue, while the enemy's are red. There are also other nodes on the map colored gray " + "that initially belong to neither you nor the enemy. The goal of the game is " + "to capture all of the enemy's Database nodes within the time limit. " + "If you fail to do this, you will lose.

" + "Each Node has three stats: Attack, Defense, and HP. There are five different actions that " + "a Node can take:

" + "Attack - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its HP. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's " + "hacking level, and the enemy's defense.

" + "Scan - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its Defense. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's hacking level, and the " + "enemy's defense.

" + "Weaken - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its Attack. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's hacking level, and the enemy's " + "defense.

" + "Fortify - Raises the Node's Defense. The effectiveness is determined by your hacking level.

" + "Overflow - Raises the Node's Attack but lowers its Defense. The effectiveness is determined by your hacking level.

" + "Note that when determining the effectiveness of the above actions, the TOTAL Attack or Defense of the team is used, not just the " + "Attack/Defense of the individual Node that is performing the action.

" + "To capture a Node, you must lower its HP down to 0.

" + "There are six different types of Nodes:

" + "CPU Core - These are your main Nodes that are used to perform actions. Capable of performing every action

" + "Firewall - Nodes with high defense. These Nodes can 'Fortify'

" + "Database - A special type of Node. The player's objective is to conquer all of the enemy's Database Nodes within " + "the time limit. These Nodes cannot perform any actions

" + "Spam - Conquering one of these Nodes will slow the enemy's trace, giving the player additional time to complete " + "the mission. These Nodes cannot perform any actions

" + "Transfer - Conquering one of these nodes will increase the Attack of all of your CPU Cores by a small fixed percentage. " + "These Nodes are capable of performing every action except the 'Attack' action

" + "Shield - Nodes with high defense. These Nodes can 'Fortify'

" + "To assign an action to a Node, you must first select one of your Nodes. This can be done by simply clicking on it. Double-clicking " + "a node will select all of your Nodes of the same type (e.g. select all CPU Core Nodes or all Transfer Nodes). Note that only Nodes " + "that can perform actions (CPU Core, Transfer, Shield, Firewall) can be selected. Selected Nodes will be denoted with a white highlight. After selecting a Node or multiple Nodes, " + "select its action using the Action Buttons near the top of the screen. Every action also has a corresponding keyboard " + "shortcut.

" + "For certain actions such as attacking, scanning, and weakening, the Node performing the action must have a target. To target " + "another node, simply click-and-drag from the 'source' Node to a target. A Node can only have one target, and you can target " + "any Node that is adjacent to one of your Nodes (immediately above, below, or to the side. NOT diagonal). Furthermore, only CPU Cores and Transfer Nodes " + "can target, since they are the only ones that can perform the related actions. To remove a target, you can simply click on the line that represents " + "the connection between one of your Nodes and its target. Alternatively, you can select the 'source' Node and click the 'Drop Connection' button, " + "or press 'd'.

" + "Other Notes:

" + "-Whenever a miscellenaous Node (not owned by the player or enemy) is conquered, the defense of all remaining miscellaneous Nodes that " + "are not actively being targeted will increase by a fixed percentage.

" + "-Whenever a Node is conquered, its stats are significantly reduced

" + "-Miscellaneous Nodes slowly raise their defense over time

" + "-Nodes slowly regenerate health over time.", //Gang constants GangRespectToReputationRatio: 2, //Respect is divided by this to get rep gain MaximumGangMembers: 20, GangRecruitCostMultiplier: 2, GangTerritoryUpdateTimer: 150, MillisecondsPer20Hours: 72000000, GameCyclesPer20Hours: 72000000 / 200, MillisecondsPer10Hours: 36000000, GameCyclesPer10Hours: 36000000 / 200, MillisecondsPer8Hours: 28800000, GameCyclesPer8Hours: 28800000 / 200, MillisecondsPer4Hours: 14400000, GameCyclesPer4Hours: 14400000 / 200, MillisecondsPer2Hours: 7200000, GameCyclesPer2Hours: 7200000 / 200, MillisecondsPerHour: 3600000, GameCyclesPerHour: 3600000 / 200, MillisecondsPerHalfHour: 1800000, GameCyclesPerHalfHour: 1800000 / 200, MillisecondsPerQuarterHour: 900000, GameCyclesPerQuarterHour: 900000 / 200, MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes: 300000, GameCyclesPerFiveMinutes: 300000 / 200, FactionWorkHacking: "Faction Hacking Work", FactionWorkField: "Faction Field Work", FactionWorkSecurity: "Faction Security Work", WorkTypeCompany: "Working for Company", WorkTypeCompanyPartTime: "Working for Company part-time", WorkTypeFaction: "Working for Faction", WorkTypeCreateProgram: "Working on Create a Program", WorkTypeStudyClass: "Studying or Taking a class at university", WorkTypeCrime: "Committing a crime", ClassStudyComputerScience: "studying Computer Science", ClassDataStructures: "taking a Data Structures course", ClassNetworks: "taking a Networks course", ClassAlgorithms: "taking an Algorithms course", ClassManagement: "taking a Management course", ClassLeadership: "taking a Leadership course", ClassGymStrength: "training your strength at a gym", ClassGymDefense: "training your defense at a gym", ClassGymDexterity: "training your dexterity at a gym", ClassGymAgility: "training your agility at a gym", ClassDataStructuresBaseCost: 40, ClassNetworksBaseCost: 80, ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost: 320, ClassManagementBaseCost: 160, ClassLeadershipBaseCost: 320, ClassGymBaseCost: 120, CrimeSingFnDivider: 2, //Factor by which exp/profit is reduced when commiting crime through Sing Fn CrimeShoplift: "shoplift", CrimeRobStore: "rob a store", CrimeMug: "mug someone", CrimeLarceny: "commit larceny", CrimeDrugs: "deal drugs", CrimeBondForgery: "forge corporate bonds", CrimeTraffickArms: "traffick illegal arms", CrimeHomicide: "commit homicide", CrimeGrandTheftAuto: "commit grand theft auto", CrimeKidnap: "kidnap someone for ransom", CrimeAssassination: "assassinate a high-profile target", CrimeHeist: "pull off the ultimate heist", /* Tutorial related things */ TutorialNetworkingText: "Servers are a central part of the game. You start with a single personal server (your home computer) " + "and you can purchase additional servers as you progress through the game. Connecting to other servers " + "and hacking them can be a major source of income and experience. Servers can also be used to run " + "scripts which can automatically hack servers for you.

" + "In order to navigate between machines, use the 'scan' or 'scan-analyze' Terminal command to see all servers " + "that are reachable from your current server. Then, you can use the 'connect [hostname/ip]' " + "command to connect to one of the available machines.

" + "The 'hostname' and 'ifconfig' commands can be used to display the hostname/IP of the " + "server you are currently connected to.", TutorialHackingText: "In the year 2077, currency has become digital and decentralized. People and corporations " + "store their money on servers. By hacking these servers, you can steal their money and gain " + "experience.

" + "

Gaining root access

" + "The key to hacking a server is to gain root access to that server. This can be done using " + "the NUKE virus (NUKE.exe). You start the game with a copy of the NUKE virus on your home " + "computer. The NUKE virus attacks the target server's open ports using buffer overflow " + "exploits. When successful, you are granted root administrative access to the machine.

" + "Typically, in order for the NUKE virus to succeed, the target server needs to have at least " + "one of its ports opened. Some servers have no security and will not need any ports opened. Some " + "will have very high security and will need many ports opened. In order to open ports on another " + "server, you will need to run programs that attack the server to open specific ports. These programs " + "can be coded once your hacking skill gets high enough, or they can be purchased if you can find " + "a seller.

" + "In order to determine how many ports need to be opened to successfully NUKE a server, connect to " + "that server and run the 'analyze' command. This will also show you which ports have already been " + "opened.

" + "Once you have enough ports opened and have ran the NUKE virus to gain root access, the server " + "can then be hacked by simply calling the 'hack' command through terminal, or by using a script.

" + "

Hacking mechanics

" + "When you execute the hack command, either manually through the terminal or automatically through " + "a script, you attempt to hack the server. This action takes time. The more advanced a server's " + "security is, the more time it will take. Your hacking skill level also affects the hacking time, " + "with a higher hacking skill leading to shorter hacking times. Also, running the hack command " + "manually through terminal is faster than hacking from a script.

" + "Your attempt to hack a server will not always succeed. The chance you have to successfully hack a " + "server is also determined by the server's security and your hacking skill level. Even if your " + "hacking attempt is unsuccessful, you will still gain experience points.

" + "When you successfully hack a server. You steal a certain percentage of that server's total money. This " + "percentage is determined by the server's security and your hacking skill level. The amount of money " + "on a server is not limitless. So, if you constantly hack a server and deplete its money, then you will " + "encounter diminishing returns in your hacking (since you are only hacking a certain percentage). You can " + "increase the amount of money on a server using a script and the grow() function in Netscript.

" + "

Server Security

" + "Each server has a security level, typically between 1 and 100. A higher number means the server has stronger security. " + "It is possible for a server to have a security level of 100 or higher, in which case hacking that server " + "will become impossible (0% chance to hack).

" + "As mentioned above, a server's security level is an important factor " + "to consider when hacking. You can check a server's security level using the 'analyze' command, although this " + "only gives an estimate (with 5% uncertainty). You can also check a server's security in a script, using the " + "getServerSecurityLevel(server) function in Netscript. See the Netscript documentation for more details. " + "This function will give you an exact value for a server's security.

" + "Whenever a server is hacked manually or through a script, its security level increases by a small amount. Calling " + "the grow() command in a script will also increase security level of the target server. These actions will " + "make it harder for you to hack the server, and decrease the amount of money you can steal. You can lower a " + "server's security level in a script using the weaken(server) function in Netscript. See the Netscript " + "documentation for more details.

" + "A server has a minimum security level that is equal to one third of its starting security, rounded to the " + "nearest integer. To be more precise:

" + "server.minSecurityLevel = Math.max(1, Math.round(server.startingSecurityLevel / 3))

" + "This means that a server's security will not fall below this value if you are trying to weaken it.", TutorialScriptsText: "Scripts can be used to automate the hacking process. Scripts must be written in the Netscript language. " + "Documentation about the Netscript language can be found in the 'Netscript Programming Language' " + "section of this 'Tutorial' page.

" + "It is highly recommended that you have a basic background in programming to start writing scripts. " + "You by no means need to be an expert. All you need is some familiarity with basic programming " + "constructs like for/while loops, if statements, " + "functions, variables, etc. The Netscript programming language most resembles the Javascript language. " + "Therefore, a good beginner's programming tutorial to read might be " + "this one. Note that while the Netscript language is similar to Javascript, it is not the exact same, so the " + "syntax will vary a little bit.

" + "Running a script requires RAM. The more complex a script is, the more RAM " + "it requires to run. Scripts can be run on any server you have root access to.

" + "Here are some Terminal commands that are useful when working with scripts:

" + "check [script] [args...]
Prints the logs of the script specified by the name and arguments to Terminal. Arguments should be separated " + "by a space. Note that scripts are uniquely " + "identified by their arguments as well as their name. For example, if you ran a script 'foo.script' with the argument 'foodnstuff' then in order to 'check' it you must " + "also add the 'foodnstuff' argument to the check command as so:
check foo.script foodnstuff

" + "free
Shows the current server's RAM usage and availability

" + "kill [script] [args...]
Stops a script that is running with the specified script name and arguments. " + "Arguments should be separated by a space. Note that " + "scripts are uniquely identified by their arguments as well as their name. For example, if you ran a script 'foo.script' with the " + "argument 1 and 2, then just typing 'kill foo.script' will not work. You have to use 'kill foo.script 1 2'.

" + "mem [script] [-t] [n]
Check how much RAM a script requires to run with n threads

" + "nano [script]
Create/Edit a script. The name of the script must end with the '.script' extension

" + "ps
Displays all scripts that are actively running on the current server

" + "rm [script]
Delete a script

" + "run [script] [-t] [n] [args...]
Run a script with n threads and the specified arguments. Each argument should be separated by a space. " + "Both the arguments and thread specification are optional. If neither are specified, then the script will be run single-threaded with no arguments.
" + "Examples:
run foo.script
The command above will run 'foo.script' single-threaded with no arguments." + "
run foo.script -t 10
The command above will run 'foo.script' with 10 threads and no arguments." + "
run foo.script foodnstuff sigma-cosmetics 10
The command above will run 'foo.script' single-threaded with three arguments: [foodnstuff, sigma-cosmetics, 10]" + "
run foo.script -t 50 foodnstuff
The command above will run 'foo.script' with 50 threads and a single argument: [foodnstuff]

" + "tail [script] [args...]
Displays the logs of the script specified by the name and arguments. Note that scripts are uniquely " + "identified by their arguments as well as their name. For example, if you ran a script 'foo.script' with the argument 'foodnstuff' then in order to 'tail' it you must " + "also add the 'foodnstuff' argument to the tail command as so:
tail foo.script foodnstuff

" + "top
Displays all active scripts and their RAM usage

" + "

Multithreading scripts

" + "Scripts can be multithreaded. A multithreaded script runs the script's code once in each thread. The result is that " + "every call to the hack(), grow(), and weaken() Netscript functions will have its effect multiplied by the number of threads. " + "For example, if a normal single-threaded script is able to hack $10,000, then running the same script with 5 threads would " + "yield $50,000.

" + "When multithreading a script, the total RAM cost can be calculated by simply multiplying the base RAM cost of the script " + "with the number of threads, where the base cost refers to the amount of RAM required to run the script single-threaded. " + "In the terminal, you can run the " + "'mem [scriptname] -t n' command to see how much RAM a script requires with n threads.

" + "Every method for running a script has an option for making it multihreaded. To run a script with " + "n threads from a Terminal:
" + "run [scriptname] -t n

" + "Using Netscript commands:
" + "run('scriptname.script', n);
" + "exec('scriptname.script, 'targetServer', n);

" + "

Notes about how scripts work offline

" + " The scripts that you write and execute are interpreted in Javascript. For this " + "reason, it is not possible for these scripts to run while offline (when the game is closed). " + "It is important to note that for this reason, conditionals such as if/else statements and certain " + "commands such as purchaseHacknetNode() or nuke() will not work while the game is offline.

" + "However, Scripts WILL continue to generate money and hacking exp for you while the game is offline. This " + "offline production is based off of the scripts' production while the game is online.

" + "grow() and weaken() are two Netscript commands that will also be applied when the game is offline, although at a slower rate " + "compared to if the game was open. This is done by having each script keep track of the " + "rate at which the grow() and weaken() commands are called when the game is online. These calculated rates are used to determine how many times " + "these function calls would be made while the game is offline.

" + "Also, note that because of the way the Netscript interpreter is implemented, " + "whenever you reload or re-open the game all of the scripts that you are running will " + "start running from the BEGINNING of the code. The game does not keep track of where exactly " + "the execution of a script is when it saves/loads.

", TutorialNetscriptText: "Netscript is a programming language implemented for this game. There are two versions of Netscript: " + "Netscript 1.0 and Netscript 2.0 (NetscriptJS).

" + "Click here for Bitburner's official Netscript documentation", TutorialTravelingText:"There are six major cities in the world that you are able to travel to:

" + " Aevum
" + " Chongqing
" + " Sector-12
" + " New Tokyo
" + " Ishima
" + " Volhaven

" + "To travel between cities, visit your current city's travel agency through the 'World' page. " + "From the travel agency you can travel to any other city. Doing so costs money.

" + "Each city has its own set of companies and unique locations. Also, certain content is only available to you " + "if you are in certain cities, so get exploring!", TutorialCompaniesText: "Hacking is not the only way to gain money and experience! Located around the world are many " + "different companies which you can work for. By working for a company you can earn money, " + "train your various labor skills, and unlock powerful passive perks.

" + "To apply for a job, visit the company you want to work for through the 'World' menu. The company " + "page will have options that let you apply to positions in the company. There might be several different " + "positions you can apply for, ranging from software engineer to business analyst to security officer.

" + "When you apply for a job, you will get the offer if your stats are high enough. Your first position at " + "a company will be an entry-level position such as 'intern'. Once you get the job, an button will appear on " + "the company page that allows you to work for the company. Click this button to start working.

" + "Working occurs in 8 hour shifts. Once you start working, you will begin earning money, experience, " + "and reputation. The rate at which you money and experience depends on the company and your position. " + "The amount of reputation you gain for your company is based on your job performance, which is affected by " + "your stats. Different positions value different stats. When you are working, you are unable to perform any " + "other actions such as using your terminal or visiting other locations (However, note that any scripts you have " + "running on servers will continue to run as you work!). It is possible to cancel your work shift before the " + "8 hours is up. However, if you have a full-time job, then cancelling a shift early will result in you gaining " + "only half of the reputation " + "that you had earned up to that point. There are also part-time/consultant jobs available where you will not " + " be penalized if you cancel a work shift early. However, these positions pay less than full-time positions.

" + "As you continue to work at a company, you will gain more and more reputation at that company. When your stats " + "and reputation are high enough, you can get a promotion. You can apply for a promotion on the company page, just like " + "you applied for the job originally. Higher positions at a company provide better salaries and stat gains.

" + "

Infiltrating Companies

" + "Many companies have facilities that you can attempt to infiltrate. By infiltrating, you can steal classified company secrets " + "and then sell these for money or for faction reputation. To try and infiltrate a company, visit a company through the " + "'World' menu. There will be an option that says 'Infiltrate Company'.

" + "When infiltrating a company, you must progress through clearance levels in the facility. Every clearance level " + "has some form of security that you must get past. There are several forms of security, ranging from high-tech security systems to " + "armed guards. For each form of security, there are a variety of options that you can choose to try and bypass the security. Examples " + "include hacking the security, engaging in combat, assassination, or sneaking past the security. The chance to succeed for each option " + "is determined in part by your stats. So, for example, trying to hack the security system relies on your hacking skill, whereas trying to " + "sneak past the security relies on your agility level.

" + "The facility has a 'security level' that affects your chance of success when trying to get past a clearance level. " + "Every time you advance to the next clearance level, the facility's security level will increase by a fixed amount. Furthermore " + "the options you choose and whether you succeed or fail will affect the security level as well. For example, " + "if you try to kill a security guard and fail, the security level will increase by a lot. If you choose to sneak past " + "security and succeed, the security level will not increase at all.

" + "Every 5 clearance levels, you will steal classified company secrets that can be sold for money or faction reputation. However, " + "in order to sell these secrets you must successfully escape the facility using the 'Escape' option. Furthermore, companies have " + "a max clearance level. If you reach the max clearance level you will automatically escape the facility with all of your " + "stolen secrets.

", TutorialFactionsText: "Throughout the game you may receive invitations from factions. There are many different factions, and each faction " + "has different criteria for determining its potential members. Joining a faction and furthering its cause is crucial " + "to progressing in the game and unlocking endgame content.

" + "It is possible to join multiple factions if you receive invitations from them. However, note that joining a faction " + "may prevent you from joining other rival factions.

" + "The 'Factions' link on the menu brings up a list of all factions that you have joined. " + "You can select a Faction on this list to go to that Faction page. This page displays general " + "information about the Faction and also lets you perform work for the faction. " + "Working for a Faction is similar to working for a company except that you don't get paid a salary. " + "You will only earn reputation in your Faction and train your stats. Also, cancelling work early " + "when working for a Faction does NOT result in reduced experience/reputation earnings.

" + "Earning reputation for a Faction unlocks powerful Augmentations. Purchasing and installing these Augmentations will " + "upgrade your abilities. The Augmentations that are available to unlock vary from faction to faction.", TutorialAugmentationsText: "Advances in science and medicine have lead to powerful new technologies that allow people to augment themselves " + "beyond normal human capabilities. There are many different types of Augmentations, ranging from cybernetic to " + "genetic to biological. Acquiring these Augmentations enhances the user's physical and mental faculties.

" + "Because of how powerful these Augmentations are, the technology behind them is kept private and secret by the " + "corporations and organizations that create them. Therefore, the only way for the player to obtain Augmentations is " + "through Factions. After joining a Faction and earning enough reputation in it, you will be able to purchase " + "its Augmentations. Different Factions offer different Augmentations. Augmentations must be purchased in order to be installed, " + "and they are fairly expensive.

" + "When you purchase an Augmentation, the price of purchasing another Augmentation increases by 90%. This multiplier stacks for " + "each Augmentation you purchase. You will not gain the benefits of your purchased Augmentations until you install them. You can " + "choose to install Augmentations through the 'Augmentations' menu tab. Once you install your purchased Augmentations, " + "their costs are reset back to the original price.

" + "Unfortunately, installing Augmentations has side effects. You will lose most of the progress you've made, including your " + "skills, stats, and money. You will have to start over, but you will have all of the Augmentations you have installed to " + "help you progress.

" + "To summarize, here is a list of everything you will LOSE when you install an Augmentation:

" + "Stats/Skills
" + "Money
" + "Scripts on all servers EXCEPT your home computer
" + "Purchased servers
" + "Hacknet Nodes
" + "Company/faction reputation
" + "Jobs and Faction memberships
" + "Programs
" + "Stocks
" + "TOR router

" + "Here is everything you will KEEP when you install an Augmentation:

" + "Every Augmentation you have installed
" + "Scripts on your home computer
" + "RAM and CPU Core Upgrades on your home computer
" + "World Stock Exchange account and TIX API Access
", LatestUpdate: "v0.40.0
" + "* Minimum Netscript execution time reduced from 15ms to 10ms (configurable in Options)
" + "* HP is now reset (restored) when Augmenting
" + "* Bug Fix: Infiltration buttons can no longer be clicked through NetscriptJS
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/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Locations; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return displayLocationContent; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return initLocationButtons; }); /* harmony import */ var _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Bladeburner */ 29); /* harmony import */ var _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Company */ 11); /* harmony import */ var _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CompanyManagement */ 49); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Crimes */ 31); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); 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/* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/IPAddress */ 17); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! numeral/min/numeral.min */ 15); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox */ 14); /* Display Location Content when visiting somewhere in the World*/ var Locations = { //Cities Aevum: "Aevum", //AevumDesc: "" Chongqing: "Chongqing", Sector12: "Sector-12", NewTokyo: "New Tokyo", Ishima: "Ishima", Volhaven: "Volhaven", //Aevum Locations AevumTravelAgency: "Aevum Travel Agency", AevumSummitUniversity: "Summit University", AevumECorp: "ECorp", AevumBachmanAndAssociates: "Bachman & Associates", AevumClarkeIncorporated: "Clarke Incorporated", AevumFulcrumTechnologies: "Fulcrum Technologies", AevumAeroCorp: "AeroCorp", AevumGalacticCybersystems: "Galactic Cybersystems", AevumWatchdogSecurity: "Watchdog Security", AevumRhoConstruction: "Rho Construction", AevumPolice: "Aevum Police Headquarters", AevumNetLinkTechnologies: "NetLink Technologies", AevumCrushFitnessGym: "Crush Fitness Gym", AevumSnapFitnessGym: "Snap Fitness Gym", AevumSlums: "Aevum Slums", //Chongqing locations ChongqingTravelAgency: "Chongqing Travel Agency", ChongqingKuaiGongInternational: "KuaiGong International", ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems: "Solaris Space Systems", ChongqingSlums: "Chongqing Slums", //Sector 12 Sector12TravelAgency: "Sector-12 Travel Agency", Sector12RothmanUniversity: "Rothman University", Sector12MegaCorp: "MegaCorp", Sector12BladeIndustries: "Blade Industries", Sector12FourSigma: "Four Sigma", Sector12IcarusMicrosystems: "Icarus Microsystems", Sector12UniversalEnergy: "Universal Energy", Sector12DeltaOne: "DeltaOne", Sector12CIA: "Central Intelligence Agency", Sector12NSA: "National Security Agency", Sector12AlphaEnterprises: "Alpha Enterprises", Sector12CarmichaelSecurity: "Carmichael Security", Sector12FoodNStuff: "FoodNStuff", Sector12JoesGuns: "Joe's Guns", Sector12IronGym: "Iron Gym", Sector12PowerhouseGym: "Powerhouse Gym", Sector12Slums: "Sector-12 Slums", Sector12CityHall: "Sector-12 City Hall", //New Tokyo NewTokyoTravelAgency: "New Tokyo Travel Agency", NewTokyoDefComm: "DefComm", NewTokyoVitaLife: "VitaLife", NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals: "Global Pharmaceuticals", NewTokyoNoodleBar: "Noodle Bar", NewTokyoSlums: "New Tokyo Slums", //Ishima IshimaTravelAgency: "Ishima Travel Agency", IshimaStormTechnologies: "Storm Technologies", IshimaNovaMedical: "Nova Medical", IshimaOmegaSoftware: "Omega Software", IshimaSlums: "Ishima Slums", //Volhaven VolhavenTravelAgency: "Volhaven Travel Agency", VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology: "ZB Institute of Technology", VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated: "OmniTek Incorporated", VolhavenNWO: "NWO", VolhavenHeliosLabs: "Helios Labs", VolhavenOmniaCybersystems: "Omnia Cybersystems", VolhavenLexoCorp: "LexoCorp", VolhavenSysCoreSecurities: "SysCore Securities", VolhavenCompuTek: "CompuTek", VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym: "Millenium Fitness Gym", VolhavenSlums: "Volhaven Slums", //Generic locations Hospital: "Hospital", WorldStockExchange: "World Stock Exchange", } function displayLocationContent() { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].debug) { console.log("displayLocationContent() called with location " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].location) } var returnToWorld = document.getElementById("location-return-to-world-button"); var locationName = document.getElementById("location-name"); var locationInfo = document.getElementById("location-info"); var softwareJob = document.getElementById("location-software-job"); var softwareConsultantJob = document.getElementById("location-software-consultant-job") var itJob = document.getElementById("location-it-job"); var securityEngineerJob = document.getElementById("location-security-engineer-job"); var networkEngineerJob = document.getElementById("location-network-engineer-job"); var businessJob = document.getElementById("location-business-job"); var businessConsultantJob = document.getElementById("location-business-consultant-job"); var securityJob = document.getElementById("location-security-job"); var agentJob = document.getElementById("location-agent-job"); var employeeJob = document.getElementById("location-employee-job"); var employeePartTimeJob = document.getElementById("location-parttime-employee-job"); var waiterJob = document.getElementById("location-waiter-job"); var waiterPartTimeJob = document.getElementById("location-parttime-waiter-job"); var work = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-work"); var jobTitle = document.getElementById("location-job-title"); var jobReputation = document.getElementById("location-job-reputation"); var companyFavor = document.getElementById("location-company-favor"); var locationTxtDiv1 = document.getElementById("location-text-divider-1"); var locationTxtDiv2 = document.getElementById("location-text-divider-2"); var locationTxtDiv3 = document.getElementById("location-text-divider-3"); var gymTrainStr = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-str"); var gymTrainDef = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-def"); var gymTrainDex = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-dex"); var gymTrainAgi = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-agi"); var studyComputerScience = document.getElementById("location-study-computer-science"); var classDataStructures = document.getElementById("location-data-structures-class"); var classNetworks = document.getElementById("location-networks-class"); var classAlgorithms = document.getElementById("location-algorithms-class"); var classManagement = document.getElementById("location-management-class"); var classLeadership = document.getElementById("location-leadership-class"); var purchase2gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-2gb"); var purchase4gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-4gb"); var purchase8gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-8gb"); var purchase16gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-16gb"); var purchase32gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-32gb"); var purchase64gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-64gb"); var purchase128gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-128gb"); var purchase256gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-256gb"); var purchase512gb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-512gb"); var purchase1tb = document.getElementById("location-purchase-1tb"); var purchaseTor = document.getElementById("location-purchase-tor"); var purchaseHomeRam = document.getElementById("location-purchase-home-ram"); var purchaseHomeCores = document.getElementById("location-purchase-home-cores"); var travelAgencyText = document.getElementById("location-travel-agency-text"); var travelToAevum = document.getElementById("location-travel-to-aevum"); var travelToChongqing = document.getElementById("location-travel-to-chongqing"); var travelToSector12 = document.getElementById("location-travel-to-sector12"); var travelToNewTokyo = document.getElementById("location-travel-to-newtokyo"); var travelToIshima = document.getElementById("location-travel-to-ishima"); var travelToVolhaven = document.getElementById("location-travel-to-volhaven"); var infiltrate = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-infiltrate"); var hospitalTreatment = document.getElementById("location-hospital-treatment"); var slumsDescText = document.getElementById("location-slums-description"); var slumsShoplift = document.getElementById("location-slums-shoplift"); var slumsRobStore = document.getElementById("location-slums-rob-store"); var slumsMug = document.getElementById("location-slums-mug"); var slumsLarceny = document.getElementById("location-slums-larceny"); var slumsDealDrugs = document.getElementById("location-slums-deal-drugs"); var slumsBondForgery = document.getElementById("location-slums-bond-forgery"); var slumsTrafficArms = document.getElementById("location-slums-traffic-arms"); var slumsHomicide = document.getElementById("location-slums-homicide"); var slumsGta = document.getElementById("location-slums-gta"); var slumsKidnap = document.getElementById("location-slums-kidnap"); var slumsAssassinate = document.getElementById("location-slums-assassinate"); var slumsHeist = document.getElementById("location-slums-heist"); var cityHallCreateCorporation = document.getElementById("location-cityhall-create-corporation"); var nsaBladeburner = document.getElementById("location-nsa-bladeburner"); var loc = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].location; returnToWorld.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadWorldContent(); }); locationName.innerHTML = loc; locationName.style.display = "block"; locationInfo.style.display = "block"; softwareJob.style.display = "none"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "none"; itJob.style.display = "none"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "none"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "none"; businessJob.style.display = "none"; businessConsultantJob.style.display = "none"; securityJob.style.display = "none"; agentJob.style.display = "none"; employeeJob.style.display = "none"; employeePartTimeJob.style.display = "none"; waiterJob.style.display = "none"; waiterPartTimeJob.style.display = "none"; softwareJob.innerHTML = "Apply for Software Job"; softwareConsultantJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a Software Consultant job"; itJob.innerHTML = "Apply for IT Job"; securityEngineerJob.innerHTML = "Apply for Security Engineer Job"; networkEngineerJob.innerHTML = "Apply for Network Engineer Job"; businessJob.innerHTML = "Apply for Business Job"; businessConsultantJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a Business Consultant Job"; securityJob.innerHTML = "Apply for Security Job"; agentJob.innerHTML = "Apply for Agent Job"; employeeJob.innerHTML = "Apply to be an Employee"; employeePartTimeJob.innerHTML = "Apply to be a Part-time Employee"; waiterJob.innerHTML = "Apply to be a Waiter"; waiterPartTimeJob.innerHTML = "Apply to be a Part-time Waiter" work.style.display = "none"; gymTrainStr.style.display = "none"; gymTrainDef.style.display = "none"; gymTrainDex.style.display = "none"; gymTrainAgi.style.display = "none"; studyComputerScience.style.display = "none"; classDataStructures.style.display = "none"; classNetworks.style.display = "none"; classAlgorithms.style.display = "none"; classManagement.style.display = "none"; classLeadership.style.display = "none"; purchase2gb.style.display = "none"; purchase4gb.style.display = "none"; purchase8gb.style.display = "none"; purchase16gb.style.display = "none"; purchase32gb.style.display = "none"; purchase64gb.style.display = "none"; purchase128gb.style.display = "none"; purchase256gb.style.display = "none"; purchase512gb.style.display = "none"; purchase1tb.style.display = "none"; purchaseTor.style.display = "none"; purchaseHomeRam.style.display = "none"; purchaseHomeCores.style.display = "none"; purchase2gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 2GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(2*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase4gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 4GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(4*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase8gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 8GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(8*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase16gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 16GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(16*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase32gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 32GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(32*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase64gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 64GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(64*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase128gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 128GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(128*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase256gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 256GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(256*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase512gb.innerHTML = "Purchase 512GB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(512*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); purchase1tb.innerHTML = "Purchase 1TB Server - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(1024*_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer, 2); if (!_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server")) { purchaseTor.classList.add("a-link-button"); purchaseTor.classList.remove("a-link-button-bought"); purchaseTor.innerHTML = "Purchase TOR Router - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TorRouterCost, 2); } else { purchaseTor.classList.remove("a-link-button"); purchaseTor.classList.add("a-link-button-bought"); purchaseTor.innerHTML = "TOR Router - Purchased"; } travelAgencyText.style.display = "none"; travelToAevum.style.display = "none"; travelToChongqing.style.display = "none"; travelToSector12.style.display = "none"; travelToNewTokyo.style.display = "none"; travelToIshima.style.display = "none"; travelToVolhaven.style.display = "none"; infiltrate.style.display = "none"; hospitalTreatment.style.display = "none"; slumsDescText.style.display = "none"; slumsShoplift.style.display = "none"; slumsRobStore.style.display = "none"; slumsMug.style.display = "none"; slumsLarceny.style.display = "none"; slumsDealDrugs.style.display = "none"; slumsBondForgery.style.display = "none"; slumsTrafficArms.style.display = "none"; slumsHomicide.style.display = "none"; slumsGta.style.display = "none"; slumsKidnap.style.display = "none"; slumsAssassinate.style.display = "none"; slumsHeist.style.display = "none"; cityHallCreateCorporation.style.display = "none"; nsaBladeburner.style.display = "none"; //Check if the player is employed at this Location. If he is, display the "Work" button, //update the job title, etc. if (loc != "" && loc === _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].companyName) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc]; jobTitle.style.display = "block"; jobReputation.style.display = "inline"; companyFavor.style.display = "inline"; locationTxtDiv1.style.display = "block"; locationTxtDiv2.style.display = "block"; locationTxtDiv3.style.display = "block"; jobTitle.innerHTML = "Job Title: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition.positionName; var repGain = company.getFavorGain(); if (repGain.length != 2) {repGain = 0;} repGain = repGain[0]; jobReputation.innerHTML = "Company reputation: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(company.playerReputation, 4) + "You will earn " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(repGain, 0) + " faction favor upon resetting after installing an Augmentation"; companyFavor.innerHTML = "Company Favor: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(company.favor, 0) + "Company favor increases the rate at which " + "you earn reputation for this company by 1% per favor. Company favor " + "is gained whenever you reset after installing an Augmentation. The amount of " + "favor you gain depends on how much reputation you have with the company"; work.style.display = "block"; var currPos = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition; work.addEventListener("click", function() { if (currPos.isPartTimeJob()) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startWorkPartTime(); } else { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startWork(); } return false; }); //Change the text for the corresponding position from "Apply for X Job" to "Apply for promotion" if (currPos.isSoftwareJob()) { softwareJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (Software)"; } else if (currPos.isSoftwareConsultantJob()) { softwareConsultantJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (Software Consultant)"; } else if (currPos.isITJob()) { itJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (IT)"; } else if (currPos.isSecurityEngineerJob()) { securityEngineerJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (Security Engineer)"; } else if (currPos.isNetworkEngineerJob()) { networkEngineerJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (Network Engineer)"; } else if (currPos.isBusinessJob()) { businessJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (Business)"; } else if (currPos.isBusinessConsultantJob()) { businessConsultantJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (Business Consultant)"; } else if (currPos.isSecurityJob()) { securityJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (Security)"; } else if (currPos.isAgentJob()) { agentJob.innerHTML = "Apply for a promotion (Agent)"; } } else { jobTitle.style.display = "none"; jobReputation.style.display = "none"; companyFavor.style.display = "none"; locationTxtDiv1.style.display = "none"; locationTxtDiv2.style.display = "none"; locationTxtDiv3.style.display = "none"; } //Calculate hospital Cost if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].hp < 0) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].hp = 0;} var hospitalTreatmentCost = (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].max_hp - _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].hp) * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HospitalCostPerHp; //Set tooltip for job requirements setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SoftwareIntern, softwareJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SoftwareConsultant, softwareConsultantJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].ITIntern, itJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SecurityEngineer, securityEngineerJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].NetworkEngineer, networkEngineerJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].BusinessIntern, businessJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].BusinessConsultant, businessConsultantJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].SecurityGuard, securityJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].FieldAgent, agentJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].Employee, employeeJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].PartTimeEmployee, employeePartTimeJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].Waiter, waiterJob); setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].PartTimeWaiter, waiterPartTimeJob); switch (loc) { case Locations.AevumTravelAgency: travelAgencyText.style.display = "block"; travelToChongqing.style.display = "block"; travelToSector12.style.display = "block"; travelToNewTokyo.style.display = "block"; travelToIshima.style.display = "block"; travelToVolhaven.style.display = "block"; break; case Locations.AevumSummitUniversity: var costMult = 4, expMult = 3; displayUniversityLocationContent(costMult); setUniversityLocationButtons(costMult, expMult); break; case Locations.AevumECorp: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; purchase128gb.style.display = "block"; purchase256gb.style.display = "block"; purchase512gb.style.display = "block"; purchase1tb.style.display = "block"; purchaseTor.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeRam.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeCores.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumECorp, 5400, 116, 150, 6); break; case Locations.AevumBachmanAndAssociates: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumBachmanAndAssociates, 1500, 42, 60, 4.1); break; case Locations.AevumClarkeIncorporated: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumClarkeIncorporated, 2000, 34, 75, 3.6); break; case Locations.AevumFulcrumTechnologies: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; purchase128gb.style.display = "block"; purchase256gb.style.display = "block"; purchase512gb.style.display = "block"; purchase1tb.style.display = "block"; purchaseTor.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeRam.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeCores.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumFulcrumTechnologies, 4600, 96, 100, 6.2); break; case Locations.AevumAeroCorp: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumAeroCorp, 1500, 32, 50, 4.4); break; case Locations.AevumGalacticCybersystems: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumGalacticCybersystems, 1400, 30, 50, 3.95); break; case Locations.AevumWatchdogSecurity: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; agentJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumWatchdogSecurity, 765, 20, 30, 3); break; case Locations.AevumRhoConstruction: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumRhoConstruction, 540, 16, 20, 1.9); break; case Locations.AevumPolice: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumPolice, 630, 18, 25, 2.2); break; case Locations.AevumNetLinkTechnologies: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; purchase2gb.style.display = "block"; purchase4gb.style.display = "block"; purchase8gb.style.display = "block"; purchaseTor.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeRam.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeCores.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.AevumNetLinkTechnologies, 144, 10, 15, 1.4); break; case Locations.AevumCrushFitnessGym: var costMult = 3, expMult = 2; displayGymLocationContent(costMult); setGymLocationButtons(costMult, expMult); break; case Locations.AevumSnapFitnessGym: var costMult = 10, expMult = 5; displayGymLocationContent(costMult); setGymLocationButtons(costMult, expMult); break; case Locations.ChongqingTravelAgency: travelAgencyText.style.display = "block"; travelToAevum.style.display = "block"; travelToSector12.style.display = "block"; travelToNewTokyo.style.display = "block"; travelToIshima.style.display = "block"; travelToVolhaven.style.display = "block"; break; case Locations.ChongqingKuaiGongInternational: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.ChongqingKuaiGongInternational, 4950, 100, 100, 6.1); break; case Locations.ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems, 3240, 52, 75, 6); break; case Locations.Sector12TravelAgency: travelAgencyText.style.display = "block"; travelToAevum.style.display = "block"; travelToChongqing.style.display = "block"; travelToNewTokyo.style.display = "block"; travelToIshima.style.display = "block"; travelToVolhaven.style.display = "block"; break; case Locations.Sector12RothmanUniversity: var costMult = 3, expMult = 2; displayUniversityLocationContent(costMult); setUniversityLocationButtons(costMult, expMult); break; case Locations.Sector12MegaCorp: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12MegaCorp, 5000, 114, 125, 6.75); break; case Locations.Sector12BladeIndustries: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12BladeIndustries, 2400, 46, 100, 4.2); break; case Locations.Sector12FourSigma: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12FourSigma, 1500, 58, 100, 7); break; case Locations.Sector12IcarusMicrosystems: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12IcarusMicrosystems, 810, 32, 70, 5.4); break; case Locations.Sector12UniversalEnergy: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12UniversalEnergy, 775, 24, 50, 4.3); break; case Locations.Sector12DeltaOne: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12DeltaOne, 1080, 38, 75, 4.5); break; case Locations.Sector12CIA: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; agentJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12CIA, 1305, 44, 80, 4.6); break; case Locations.Sector12NSA: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; agentJob.style.display = "block"; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 6 || _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* hasBladeburnerSF */ "c"] === true) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 8) {break;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { //Note: Can't infiltrate NSA when part of bladeburner nsaBladeburner.innerText = "Enter Bladeburner Headquarters"; } else { setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12NSA, 1260, 40, 80, 5); nsaBladeburner.innerText = "Apply to Bladeburner Division"; } nsaBladeburner.style.display = "block"; } else { setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12NSA, 1260, 40, 80, 5); } break; case Locations.Sector12AlphaEnterprises: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; purchase2gb.style.display = "block"; purchase4gb.style.display = "block"; purchaseTor.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeRam.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeCores.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12AlphaEnterprises, 225, 14, 40, 2.25); break; case Locations.Sector12CarmichaelSecurity: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; agentJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12CarmichaelSecurity, 450, 18, 60, 2.5); break; case Locations.Sector12FoodNStuff: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; employeeJob.style.display = "block"; employeePartTimeJob.style.display = "block"; break; case Locations.Sector12JoesGuns: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; employeeJob.style.display = "block"; employeePartTimeJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.Sector12JoesGuns, 120, 8, 20, 1.8); break; case Locations.Sector12IronGym: var costMult = 1, expMult = 1; displayGymLocationContent(costMult); setGymLocationButtons(costMult, expMult); break; case Locations.Sector12PowerhouseGym: var costMult = 20, expMult = 10; displayGymLocationContent(costMult); setGymLocationButtons(costMult, expMult); break; case Locations.Sector12CityHall: cityHallCreateCorporation.style.display = "block"; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation instanceof _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Corporation */ "a"]) { cityHallCreateCorporation.className = "a-link-button-inactive"; } else { cityHallCreateCorporation.className = "a-link-button"; } break; case Locations.NewTokyoTravelAgency: travelAgencyText.style.display = "block"; travelToAevum.style.display = "block"; travelToChongqing.style.display = "block"; travelToSector12.style.display = "block"; travelToIshima.style.display = "block"; travelToVolhaven.style.display = "block"; break; case Locations.NewTokyoDefComm: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.NewTokyoDefComm, 1170, 28, 70, 4); break; case Locations.NewTokyoVitaLife: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.NewTokyoVitaLife, 675, 22, 100, 3.5); break; case Locations.NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals, 775, 24, 80, 3.8); break; case Locations.NewTokyoNoodleBar: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; waiterJob.style.display = "block"; waiterPartTimeJob.style.display = "block"; break; case Locations.IshimaTravelAgency: travelAgencyText.style.display = "block"; travelToAevum.style.display = "block"; travelToChongqing.style.display = "block"; travelToSector12.style.display = "block"; travelToNewTokyo.style.display = "block"; travelToVolhaven.style.display = "block"; break; case Locations.IshimaStormTechnologies: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "none"; agentJob.style.display = "none"; employeeJob.style.display = "none"; waiterJob.style.display = "none"; purchase32gb.style.display = "block"; purchase64gb.style.display = "block"; purchase128gb.style.display = "block"; purchase256gb.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeRam.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeCores.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.IshimaStormTechnologies, 630, 24, 100, 4.1); break; case Locations.IshimaNovaMedical: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.IshimaNovaMedical, 540, 20, 50, 3.2); break; case Locations.IshimaOmegaSoftware: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; purchase4gb.style.display = "block"; purchase8gb.style.display = "block"; purchase16gb.style.display = "block"; purchase32gb.style.display = "block"; purchaseTor.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeRam.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeCores.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.IshimaOmegaSoftware, 130, 10, 40, 1.6); break; case Locations.VolhavenTravelAgency: travelAgencyText.style.display = "block"; travelToAevum.style.display = "block"; travelToChongqing.style.display = "block"; travelToSector12.style.display = "block"; travelToNewTokyo.style.display = "block"; travelToIshima.style.display = "block"; break; case Locations.VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology: var costMult = 5, expMult = 4; displayUniversityLocationContent(costMult); setUniversityLocationButtons(costMult, expMult); break; case Locations.VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; purchase128gb.style.display = "block"; purchase256gb.style.display = "block"; purchase512gb.style.display = "block"; purchase1tb.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated, 1350, 44, 100, 4.4); break; case Locations.VolhavenNWO: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.VolhavenNWO, 1620, 56, 200, 6.8); break; case Locations.VolhavenHeliosLabs: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.VolhavenHeliosLabs, 1200, 28, 75, 3); break; case Locations.VolhavenOmniaCybersystems: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.VolhavenOmniaCybersystems, 810, 28, 90, 4.9); break; case Locations.VolhavenLexoCorp: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; businessJob.style.display = "block"; securityJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.VolhavenLexoCorp, 375, 14, 60, 2); break; case Locations.VolhavenSysCoreSecurities: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.VolhavenSysCoreSecurities, 480, 18, 75, 2.4); break; case Locations.VolhavenCompuTek: locationInfo.innerHTML = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc].info; softwareJob.style.display = "block"; softwareConsultantJob.style.display = "block"; itJob.style.display = "block"; securityEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; networkEngineerJob.style.display = "block"; purchase8gb.style.display = "block"; purchase16gb.style.display = "block"; purchase32gb.style.display = "block"; purchase64gb.style.display = "block"; purchase128gb.style.display = "block"; purchase256gb.style.display = "block"; purchaseTor.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeRam.style.display = "block"; purchaseHomeCores.style.display = "block"; setInfiltrateButton(infiltrate, Locations.VolhavenCompuTek, 215, 12, 60, 2.1); break; case Locations.VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym: var costMult = 7, expMult = 4; displayGymLocationContent(costMult); setGymLocationButtons(costMult, expMult); break; //All Slums case Locations.AevumSlums: case Locations.ChongqingSlums: case Locations.Sector12Slums: case Locations.NewTokyoSlums: case Locations.IshimaSlums: case Locations.VolhavenSlums: var shopliftChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Shoplift.successRate(); var robStoreChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].RobStore.successRate(); var mugChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Mug.successRate(); var larcenyChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Larceny.successRate(); var drugsChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].DealDrugs.successRate(); var bondChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].BondForgery.successRate(); var armsChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].TraffickArms.successRate(); var homicideChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Homicide.successRate(); var gtaChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].GrandTheftAuto.successRate(); var kidnapChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Kidnap.successRate(); var assassinateChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Assassination.successRate(); var heistChance = _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Heist.successRate(); slumsDescText.style.display = "block"; slumsShoplift.style.display = "block"; slumsShoplift.innerHTML = "Shoplift (" + (shopliftChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsShoplift.innerHTML += ' Attempt to shoplift from a low-end retailer '; slumsRobStore.style.display = "block"; slumsRobStore.innerHTML = "Rob store(" + (robStoreChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsRobStore.innerHTML += 'Attempt to commit armed robbery on a high-end store '; slumsMug.style.display = "block"; slumsMug.innerHTML = "Mug someone (" + (mugChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsMug.innerHTML += ' Attempt to mug a random person on the street '; slumsLarceny.style.display = "block"; slumsLarceny.innerHTML = "Larceny (" + (larcenyChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsLarceny.innerHTML +=" Attempt to rob property from someone's house "; slumsDealDrugs.style.display = "block"; slumsDealDrugs.innerHTML = "Deal Drugs (" + (drugsChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsDealDrugs.innerHTML += ' Attempt to deal drugs '; slumsBondForgery.style.display = "block"; slumsBondForgery.innerHTML = "Bond Forgery(" + (bondChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsBondForgery.innerHTML += " Attempt to forge corporate bonds"; slumsTrafficArms.style.display = "block"; slumsTrafficArms.innerHTML = "Traffick Illegal Arms (" + (armsChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsTrafficArms.innerHTML += ' Attempt to smuggle illegal arms into the city and sell them to gangs and criminal organizations '; slumsHomicide.style.display = "block"; slumsHomicide.innerHTML = "Homicide (" + (homicideChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsHomicide.innerHTML += ' Attempt to murder a random person on the street'; slumsGta.style.display = "block"; slumsGta.innerHTML = "Grand Theft Auto (" + (gtaChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsGta.innerHTML += ' Attempt to commit grand theft auto '; slumsKidnap.style.display = "block"; slumsKidnap.innerHTML = "Kidnap and Ransom (" + (kidnapChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsKidnap.innerHTML += ' Attempt to kidnap and ransom a high-profile target '; slumsAssassinate.style.display = "block"; slumsAssassinate.innerHTML = "Assassinate (" + (assassinateChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsAssassinate.innerHTML += ' Attempt to assassinate a high-profile target '; slumsHeist.style.display = "block"; slumsHeist.innerHTML = "Heist (" + (heistChance*100).toFixed(3) + "% chance of success)"; slumsHeist.innerHTML += ' Attempt to pull off the ultimate heist '; break; //Hospital case Locations.Hospital: hospitalTreatment.innerText = "Get treatment for wounds - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(hospitalTreatmentCost, 2).toString(); hospitalTreatment.style.display = "block"; break; default: console.log("ERROR: INVALID LOCATION"); } //Make the "Apply to be Employee and Waiter" texts disappear if you already hold the job //Includes part-time stuff if (loc == _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].companyName) { var currPos = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition; if (currPos.positionName == _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].Employee.positionName) { employeeJob.style.display = "none"; } else if (currPos.positionName == _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].Waiter.positionName) { waiterJob.style.display = "none"; } else if (currPos.positionName == _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].PartTimeEmployee.positionName) { employeePartTimeJob.style.display = "none"; } else if (currPos.positionName == _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].PartTimeWaiter.positionName) { waiterPartTimeJob.style.display = "none"; } } } function initLocationButtons() { //Buttons to travel to different locations in World let aevumTravelAgency = document.getElementById("aevum-travelagency"); aevumTravelAgency.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].location = Locations.AevumTravelAgency; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); return false; }); let aevumHospital = document.getElementById("aevum-hospital"); aevumHospital.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].location = Locations.Hospital; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); return false; }); let aevumSummitUniversity = document.getElementById("aevum-summituniversity"); aevumSummitUniversity.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].location = Locations.AevumSummitUniversity; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); return false; }); let aevumECorp = document.getElementById("aevum-ecorp"); aevumECorp.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].location = Locations.AevumECorp; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); return false; }); let aevumBachmanAndAssociates = document.getElementById("aevum-bachmanandassociates"); aevumBachmanAndAssociates.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].location = Locations.AevumBachmanAndAssociates; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); return false; }); let aevumClarkeIncorporated = document.getElementById("aevum-clarkeincorporated"); aevumClarkeIncorporated.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].location = Locations.AevumClarkeIncorporated; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadLocationContent(); 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return false; }); businessJob.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForBusinessJob(); return false; }); businessConsultantJob.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForBusinessConsultantJob(); return false; }); securityJob.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForSecurityJob(); return false; }); agentJob.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForAgentJob(); return false; }); employeeJob.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForEmployeeJob(); return false; }); employeePartTimeJob.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForPartTimeEmployeeJob(); return false; }); waiterJob.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForWaiterJob(); return false; }); waiterPartTimeJob.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForPartTimeWaiterJob(); return false; }); purchase2gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(2, 2 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase4gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(4, 4 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase8gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(8, 8 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase16gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(16, 16 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase32gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(32, 32 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase64gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(64, 64 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase128gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(128, 128 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase256gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(256, 256 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase512gb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(512, 512 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchase1tb.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseServerBoxCreate(1024, 1024 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer); return false; }); purchaseTor.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseTorRouter(); return false; }); purchaseHomeRam.addEventListener("click", function() { const cost = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); const ram = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().maxRam; var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxGetYesButton */ "d"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxGetNoButton */ "c"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Purchase"; noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_ServerPurchases__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* purchaseRamForHomeComputer */ "a"])(cost); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxCreate */ "b"])("Would you like to purchase additional RAM for your home computer?

" + "This will upgrade your RAM from " + ram + "GB to " + ram*2 + "GB.

" + "This will cost " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16___default()(cost).format('$0.000a')); }); purchaseHomeCores.addEventListener("click", function() { var currentCores = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().cpuCores; if (currentCores >= 8) {return;} //Max of 8 cores //Cost of purchasing another cost is found by indexing this array with number of current cores var cost = [0, 10000000000, //1->2 Cores - 10 bn 250000000000, //2->3 Cores - 250 bn 5000000000000, //3->4 Cores - 5 trillion 100000000000000, //4->5 Cores - 100 trillion 1000000000000000, //5->6 Cores - 1 quadrillion 20000000000000000, //6->7 Cores - 20 quadrillion 200000000000000000]; //7->8 Cores - 200 quadrillion cost = cost[currentCores]; var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxGetYesButton */ "d"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxGetNoButton */ "c"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Purchase"; noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(cost)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You do not have enough mone to purchase an additional CPU Core for your home computer!"); } else { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(cost); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().cpuCores++; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You purchased an additional CPU Core for your home computer! It now has " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().cpuCores + " cores."); } Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxCreate */ "b"])("Would you like to purchase an additional CPU Core for your home computer? Each CPU Core " + "lets you start with an additional Core Node in Hacking Missions.

" + "Purchasing an additional core (for a total of " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().cpuCores + 1) + ") will " + "cost " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16___default()(cost).format('$0.000a')); }); travelToAevum.addEventListener("click", function() { travelBoxCreate(Locations.Aevum, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TravelCost); return false; }); travelToChongqing.addEventListener("click", function() { travelBoxCreate(Locations.Chongqing, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TravelCost); return false; }); travelToSector12.addEventListener("click", function() { travelBoxCreate(Locations.Sector12, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TravelCost); return false; }); travelToNewTokyo.addEventListener("click", function() { travelBoxCreate(Locations.NewTokyo, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TravelCost); return false; }); travelToIshima.addEventListener("click", function() { travelBoxCreate(Locations.Ishima, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TravelCost); return false; }); travelToVolhaven.addEventListener("click", function() { travelBoxCreate(Locations.Volhaven, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TravelCost); return false; }); slumsShoplift.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Shoplift.commit(); return false; }); slumsRobStore.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].RobStore.commit(); return false; }); slumsMug.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Mug.commit(); return false; }); slumsLarceny.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Larceny.commit(); return false; }); slumsDealDrugs.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].DealDrugs.commit(); return false; }); slumsBondForgery.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].BondForgery.commit(); return false; }); slumsTrafficArms.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].TraffickArms.commit(); return false; }); slumsHomicide.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Homicide.commit(); return false; }); slumsGta.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].GrandTheftAuto.commit(); return false; }); slumsKidnap.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Kidnap.commit(); return false; }); slumsAssassinate.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Assassination.commit(); return false; }); slumsHeist.addEventListener("click", function() { _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Crimes */ "a"].Heist.commit(); return false; }); cityHallCreateCorporation.addEventListener("click", function() { var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton */ "j"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton */ "i"])(); yesBtn.innerText = "Create Corporation"; noBtn.innerText = "Cancel"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(150e9)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You don't have enough money to create a corporation! You need $150b"); return Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(150e9); var companyName = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput */ "h"])(); if (companyName == null || companyName == "") { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Invalid company name!"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation = new _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Corporation */ "a"]({ name:companyName, }); displayLocationContent(); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Congratulations! You just started your own corporation. You can visit " + "and manage your company in the City"); return Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { return Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation instanceof _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Corporation */ "a"]) { return; } else { Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate */ "g"])("Would you like to start a corporation? This will require $150b " + "for registration and initial funding.

If so, please enter " + "a name for your corporation below:"); } }); nsaBladeburner.addEventListener("click", function() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { //Enter Bladeburner division _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadBladeburnerContent(); } else { //Apply for Bladeburner division if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].strength >= 100 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].defense >= 100 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity >= 100 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].agility >= 100) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner = new _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]({new:true}); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You have been accepted into the Bladeburner division!"); displayLocationContent(); } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Rejected! Please apply again when you have 100 of each combat stat (str, def, dex, agi)"); } } }); hospitalTreatment.addEventListener("click", function() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].hp < 0) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].hp = 0;} var price = (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].max_hp - _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].hp) * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HospitalCostPerHp; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(price); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You were healed to full health! The hospital billed " + "you for $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(price, 2).toString()); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].hp = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].max_hp; displayLocationContent(); return false; }); } function travelToCity(destCityName, cost) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].firstTimeTraveled === false) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].firstTimeTraveled = true; document.getElementById("travel-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("world-menu-header").click(); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(cost)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You cannot afford to travel to " + destCityName); return; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(cost); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].city = destCityName; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You are now in " + destCityName + "!"); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadWorldContent(); } function purchaseTorRouter() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TorRouterCost)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You cannot afford to purchase the Tor router"); return; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TorRouterCost); var darkweb = new _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Server */ "d"]({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"darkweb", organizationName:"", isConnectedTo:false, adminRights:false, purchasedByPlayer:false, maxRam:1 }); Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* AddToAllServers */ "a"])(darkweb); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp("Darkweb Server", darkweb.ip); const purchaseTor = document.getElementById("location-purchase-tor"); purchaseTor.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-bought"); purchaseTor.innerHTML = "TOR Router - Purchased"; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().serversOnNetwork.push(darkweb.ip); darkweb.serversOnNetwork.push(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().ip); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You have purchased a Tor router!
You now have access to the dark web from your home computer
Use the scan/scan-analyze commands to search for the dark web connection."); } function displayUniversityLocationContent(costMult) { var studyComputerScienceButton = document.getElementById("location-study-computer-science"); var classDataStructuresButton = document.getElementById("location-data-structures-class"); var classNetworksButton = document.getElementById("location-networks-class"); var classAlgorithmsButton = document.getElementById("location-algorithms-class"); var classManagementButton = document.getElementById("location-management-class"); var classLeadershipButton = document.getElementById("location-leadership-class"); studyComputerScienceButton.style.display = "block"; classDataStructuresButton.style.display = "block"; classNetworksButton.style.display = "block"; classAlgorithmsButton.style.display = "block"; classManagementButton.style.display = "block"; classLeadershipButton.style.display = "block"; //Costs (per second) var dataStructuresCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassDataStructuresBaseCost * costMult; var networksCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassNetworksBaseCost * costMult; var algorithmsCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost * costMult; var managementCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassManagementBaseCost * costMult; var leadershipCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassLeadershipBaseCost * costMult; //Update button text to show cost classDataStructuresButton.innerHTML = "Take Data Structures course ($" + dataStructuresCost + " / sec)"; classNetworksButton.innerHTML = "Take Networks course ($" + networksCost + " / sec)"; classAlgorithmsButton.innerHTML = "Take Algorithms course ($" + algorithmsCost + " / sec)"; classManagementButton.innerHTML = "Take Management course ($" + managementCost + " / sec)"; classLeadershipButton.innerHTML = "Take Leadership course ($" + leadershipCost + " / sec)"; } function setUniversityLocationButtons(costMult, expMult) { var newStudyCS = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-study-computer-science"); newStudyCS.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassStudyComputerScience); return false; }); var newClassDataStructures = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-data-structures-class"); newClassDataStructures.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassDataStructures); return false; }); var newClassNetworks = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-networks-class"); newClassNetworks.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassNetworks); return false; }); var newClassAlgorithms = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-algorithms-class"); newClassAlgorithms.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassAlgorithms); return false; }); var newClassManagement = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-management-class"); newClassManagement.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassManagement); return false; }); var newClassLeadership = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-leadership-class"); newClassLeadership.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassLeadership); return false; }); } function displayGymLocationContent(costMult) { var gymStrButton = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-str"); var gymDefButton = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-def"); var gymDexButton = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-dex"); var gymAgiButton = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-agi"); gymStrButton.style.display = "block"; gymDefButton.style.display = "block"; gymDexButton.style.display = "block"; gymAgiButton.style.display = "block"; //Costs (per second) var cost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult; //Update button text to show cost gymStrButton.innerHTML = "Train Strength ($" + cost + " / sec)"; gymDefButton.innerHTML = "Train Defense ($" + cost + " / sec)"; gymDexButton.innerHTML = "Train Dexterity ($" + cost + " / sec)"; gymAgiButton.innerHTML = "Train Agility ($" + cost + " / sec)"; } function setGymLocationButtons(costMult, expMult) { var gymStr = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-gym-train-str"); gymStr.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymStrength); return false; }); var gymDef = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-gym-train-def"); gymDef.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymDefense); return false; }); var gymDex = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-gym-train-dex"); gymDex.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymDexterity); return false; }); var gymAgi = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["clearEventListeners"])("location-gym-train-agi"); gymAgi.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymAgility); return false; }); } function setInfiltrateButton(btn, companyName, startLevel, val, maxClearance, difficulty) { btn.style.display = "block"; btn.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Engine"].loadInfiltrationContent(); Object(_Infiltration__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* beginInfiltration */ "a"])(companyName, startLevel, val, maxClearance, difficulty) return false; }); } //Finds the next target job for the player at the given company (loc) and //adds the tooltiptext to the Application button, given by 'button' function setJobRequirementTooltip(loc, entryPosType, btn) { var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Companies */ "a"][loc]; if (company == null) {return;} var pos = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Player */ "a"].getNextCompanyPosition(company, entryPosType); if (pos == null) {return}; if (!company.hasPosition(pos)) {return;} var reqText = Object(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* getJobRequirementText */ "f"])(company, pos, true); btn.innerHTML += "" + reqText + ""; } function travelBoxCreate(destCityName, cost) { if(_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* Settings */ "a"].SuppressTravelConfirmation) { travelToCity(destCityName, cost); return; } var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxGetYesButton */ "d"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxGetNoButton */ "c"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Yes"; noBtn.innerHTML = "No"; noBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); return false; }); yesBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); travelToCity(destCityName, cost); return false; }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoBoxCreate */ "b"])("Would you like to travel to " + destCityName + "? The trip will cost $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(cost, 2) + "."); } function purchaseServerBoxCreate(ram, cost) { var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton */ "j"])(); var noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton */ "i"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Purchase Server"; noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { Object(_ServerPurchases__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* purchaseServer */ "b"])(ram, cost); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate */ "g"])("Would you like to purchase a new server with " + ram + "GB of RAM for $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(cost, 2) + "?

" + "Please enter the server hostname below:
"); } /***/ }), /* 5 */ /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/helpers/getRandomInt.ts ***! \***************************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! all exports used */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * Gets a random integer bounded by the values passed in. * @param min The minimum value in the range. * @param max The maximum value in the range. */ function getRandomInt(min, max) { const lower = Math.min(min, max); const upper = Math.max(min, max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (upper - lower + 1)) + lower; } exports.getRandomInt = getRandomInt; /***/ }), /* 6 */ /*!***********************!*\ !*** ./src/engine.js ***! \***********************/ /*! exports provided: Engine */ /*! all exports used */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Engine", function() { return Engine; }); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_GameOptions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/GameOptions */ 62); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeChildrenFromElement */ 27); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners */ 13); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createElement */ 3); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/exceptionAlert */ 41); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! numeral/min/numeral.min */ 15); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_LogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/LogBox */ 59); /* harmony import */ var _ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ActiveScriptsUI */ 48); /* harmony import */ var _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Augmentations */ 18); /* harmony import */ var _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode */ 16); /* harmony import */ var _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Bladeburner */ 29); /* harmony import */ var _CinematicText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CinematicText */ 72); /* harmony import */ var _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Company */ 11); /* harmony import */ var _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CompanyManagement */ 49); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram */ 21); /* harmony import */ var _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction */ 12); /* harmony import */ var _Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Fconf */ 37); /* harmony import */ var _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location */ 4); /* harmony import */ var _Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Gang */ 40); /* harmony import */ var _HacknetNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./HacknetNode */ 44); /* harmony import */ var _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./InteractiveTutorial */ 28); /* harmony import */ var _Literature__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Literature */ 61); /* harmony import */ var _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Message */ 33); /* harmony import */ var _Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Missions */ 38); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptFunctions */ 34); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker */ 23); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _Prestige__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Prestige */ 64); /* harmony import */ var _RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./RedPill */ 46); /* harmony import */ var _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SaveObject */ 56); /* harmony import */ var _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Script */ 30); /* harmony import */ var _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings */ 22); /* harmony import */ var _SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_36__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SourceFile */ 47); /* harmony import */ var _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_37__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SpecialServerIps */ 19); /* harmony import */ var _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./StockMarket */ 24); /* harmony import */ var _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Terminal */ 25); /* Shortcuts to navigate through the game * Alt-t - Terminal * Alt-c - Character * Alt-e - Script editor * Alt-s - Active scripts * Alt-h - Hacknet Nodes * Alt-w - City * Alt-j - Job * Alt-r - Travel Agency of current city * Alt-p - Create program * Alt-f - Factions * Alt-a - Augmentations * Alt-u - Tutorial * Alt-o - Options */ $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__[/* Settings */ "a"].DisableHotkeys === true) {return;} if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking && !_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__[/* redPillFlag */ "b"] && !_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* inMission */ "c"] && !_CinematicText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* cinematicTextFlag */ "a"]) { if (e.keyCode == 84 && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadTerminalContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].C && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadCharacterContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].E && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadScriptEditorContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].S && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadActiveScriptsContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].H && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadHacknetNodesContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].W && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadWorldContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].J && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadJobContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].R && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadTravelContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].P && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadCreateProgramContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].F && e.altKey) { //Overriden by Fconf if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Terminal && _Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) { return; } e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadFactionsContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].A && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadAugmentationsContent(); } else if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].U && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Engine.loadTutorialContent(); } } if (e.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* KEY */ "a"].O && e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); Object(_utils_GameOptions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* gameOptionsBoxOpen */ "b"])(); } }); let Engine = { version: "", Debug: true, //Clickable objects Clickables: { //Main menu buttons terminalMainMenuButton: null, characterMainMenuButton: null, scriptEditorMainMenuButton: null, activeScriptsMainMenuButton: null, hacknetNodesMainMenuButton: null, worldMainMenuButton: null, travelMainMenuButton: null, jobMainMenuButton: null, createProgramMainMenuButton: null, factionsMainMenuButton: null, augmentationsMainMenuButton: null, tutorialMainMenuButton: null, devMainMenuButton: null, saveMainMenuButton: null, deleteMainMenuButton: null, //Tutorial buttons tutorialNetworkingButton: null, tutorialHackingButton: null, tutorialScriptsButton: null, tutorialNetscriptButton: null, tutorialTravelingButton: null, tutorialCompaniesButton: null, tutorialFactionsButton: null, tutorialAugmentationsButton: null, tutorialBackButton: null, //Dev menu devMenuGiveMoney: null, devMenuGiveRam: null, devMenuAugDropdown: null, devMenuAddAug: null, devMenuTriggerBitFlume: null, devMenuFactionDropdown: null, devMenuAddFaction: null, devMenuOpen: null, devMenuMinSecurity: null, devMenuMaxMoney: null, devMenuConnectDropdown: null, devMenuConnect: null, devMenuProgramsDropdown: null, devMenuAddProgram: null, devMenuHackingExp: null, devMenuAddHacking: null, devMenuStrengthExp: null, devMenuAddStrength: null, devMenuDefenseExp: null, devMenuAddDefense: null, devMenuDexterityExp: null, devMenuAddDexterity: null, devMenuAgilityExp: null, devMenuAddAgility: null, devMenuCharismaExp: null, devMenuAddCharisma: null, devMenuIntelligenceExp: null, devMenuAddIntelligence: null, devMenuEnableIntelligence: null, devMenuDisableIntelligence: null, devMenuSFN: null, devMenuSFLvl: null, devMenuAddSF: null, }, //Display objects Display: { //Progress bar progress: null, //Display for status text (such as "Saved" or "Loaded") statusText: null, hacking_skill: null, //Main menu content terminalContent: null, characterContent: null, scriptEditorContent: null, activeScriptsContent: null, hacknetNodesContent: null, worldContent: null, createProgramContent: null, factionsContent: null, factionContent: null, factionAugmentationsContent: null, augmentationsContent: null, tutorialContent: null, devMenuContent: null, infiltrationContent: null, stockMarketContent: null, locationContent: null, workInProgressContent: null, redPillContent: null, cinematicTextContent: null, missionContent: null, //Character info characterInfo: null, }, //Current page status Page: { Terminal: "Terminal", CharacterInfo: "CharacterInfo", ScriptEditor: "ScriptEditor", ActiveScripts: "ActiveScripts", HacknetNodes: "HacknetNodes", World: "World", CreateProgram: "CreateProgram", Factions: "Factions", Faction: "Faction", Augmentations: "Augmentations", Tutorial: "Tutorial", DevMenu: "Dev Menu", Location: "Location", workInProgress: "WorkInProgress", RedPill: "RedPill", CinematicText: "CinematicText", Infiltration: "Infiltration", StockMarket: "StockMarket", Gang: "Gang", Mission: "Mission", Corporation: "Corporation", Bladeburner: "Bladeburner", }, currentPage: null, //Time variables (milliseconds unix epoch time) _lastUpdate: new Date().getTime(), _idleSpeed: 200, //Speed (in ms) at which the main loop is updated /* Load content when a main menu button is clicked */ loadTerminalContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.terminalContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Terminal; document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadCharacterContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.characterContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.displayCharacterInfo(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.CharacterInfo; document.getElementById("stats-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadScriptEditorContent: function(filename = "", code = "") { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.scriptEditorContent.style.display = "block"; var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor'); if (filename != "") { document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value = filename; editor.setValue(code); } editor.focus(); Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__[/* updateScriptEditorContent */ "h"])(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.ScriptEditor; document.getElementById("create-script-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadActiveScriptsContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.activeScriptsContent.style.display = "block"; Object(_ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* updateActiveScriptsItems */ "c"])(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.ActiveScripts; document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadHacknetNodesContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.hacknetNodesContent.style.display = "block"; Object(_HacknetNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__[/* displayHacknetNodesContent */ "c"])(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.HacknetNodes; document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadWorldContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.worldContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.displayWorldInfo(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.World; document.getElementById("city-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadCreateProgramContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.createProgramContent.style.display = "block"; Object(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* displayCreateProgramContent */ "b"])(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.CreateProgram; document.getElementById("create-program-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadFactionsContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.factionsContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.displayFactionsInfo(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Factions; document.getElementById("factions-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadFactionContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.factionContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Faction; }, loadAugmentationsContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.augmentationsContent.style.display = "block"; Object(_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* displayAugmentationsContent */ "g"])(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Augmentations; document.getElementById("augmentations-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadTutorialContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.tutorialContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.displayTutorialContent(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Tutorial; document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadDevMenuContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.devMenuContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.displayDevMenuContent(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.DevMenu; document.getElementById("dev-menu-link").classList.add("active"); }, loadLocationContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.locationContent.style.display = "block"; Object(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* displayLocationContent */ "b"])(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Location; }, loadTravelContent: function() { switch(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].city) { case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumTravelAgency; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Chongqing: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingTravelAgency; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12TravelAgency; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyo: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoTravelAgency; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Ishima: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaTravelAgency; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Volhaven: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenTravelAgency; break; default: Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERROR: Invalid city. This is a bug please contact game dev"); break; } Engine.loadLocationContent(); }, loadJobContent: function() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].companyName == "") { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You do not currently have a job! You can visit various companies " + "in the city and try to find a job."); return; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].companyName; Engine.loadLocationContent(); }, loadWorkInProgressContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); //mainMenu.style.visibility = "hidden"; mainMenu.style.visibility = "hidden"; Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.WorkInProgress; }, loadRedPillContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); mainMenu.style.visibility = "hidden"; Engine.Display.redPillContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.RedPill; }, loadCinematicTextContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container"); mainMenu.style.visibility = "hidden"; Engine.Display.cinematicTextContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.CinematicText; }, loadInfiltrationContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.infiltrationContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Infiltration; }, loadStockMarketContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.stockMarketContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.StockMarket; Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__[/* displayStockMarketContent */ "f"])(); }, loadGangContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); if (document.getElementById("gang-container") || _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) { Object(_Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* displayGangContent */ "d"])(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Gang; } else { Engine.loadTerminalContent(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Terminal; } }, loadMissionContent: function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); document.getElementById("mainmenu-container").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("character-overview-wrapper").style.visibility = "hidden"; Engine.Display.missionContent.style.display = "block"; Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Mission; }, loadCorporationContent: function() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation instanceof _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* Corporation */ "a"]) { Engine.hideAllContent(); document.getElementById("character-overview-wrapper").style.visibility = "hidden"; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation.createUI(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Corporation; } }, loadBladeburnerContent: function() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { try { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Bladeburner; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.createContent(); } catch(e) { Object(_utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* exceptionAlert */ "a"])(e); } } }, //Helper function that hides all content hideAllContent: function() { Engine.Display.terminalContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.characterContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.scriptEditorContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.activeScriptsContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.hacknetNodesContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.worldContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.createProgramContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.factionsContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.factionContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.factionAugmentationsContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.augmentationsContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.tutorialContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.devMenuContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.locationContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.redPillContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.cinematicTextContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.infiltrationContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.stockMarketContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.missionContent.style.display = "none"; if (document.getElementById("gang-container")) { document.getElementById("gang-container").style.display = "none"; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation instanceof _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* Corporation */ "a"]) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation.clearUI(); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.clearContent(); } //Location lists Engine.aevumLocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.chongqingLocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.sector12LocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.newTokyoLocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.ishimaLocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.volhavenLocationsList.style.display = "none"; //Make nav menu tabs inactive document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("create-script-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("create-program-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("stats-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("factions-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("augmentations-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("city-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("options-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); document.getElementById("dev-menu-link").classList.remove("active"); }, displayCharacterOverviewInfo: function() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hp == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hp = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].max_hp;} var overviewText = "Hp: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hp + " / " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].max_hp + "
" + "Money: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].money.toNumber()).format('($0.000a)') + "
" + "Hack: " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill).toLocaleString() + "
" + "Str: " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].strength).toLocaleString() + "
" + "Def: " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].defense).toLocaleString() + "
" + "Dex: " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity).toLocaleString() + "
" + "Agi: " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].agility).toLocaleString() + "
" + "Cha: " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma).toLocaleString(); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence >= 1) { overviewText += "
Int: " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence).toLocaleString(); } document.getElementById("character-overview-text").innerHTML = overviewText.replace( / /g, " "); }, /* Display character info */ displayCharacterInfo: function() { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(Engine.Display.characterInfo); var companyPosition = ""; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition != "") { companyPosition = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition.positionName; } var intText = ""; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence > 0) { intText = 'Intelligence: ' + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence).toLocaleString() + "

"; } let bitNodeTimeText = ""; if(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.length > 0) { bitNodeTimeText = 'Time played since last Bitnode destroyed: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastBitnode) + '
'; } Engine.Display.characterInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("pre", { innerHTML: 'General

' + 'Current City: ' + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].city + '

' + 'Employer: ' + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].companyName + '
' + 'Job Title: ' + companyPosition + '

' + 'Money: $' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].money.toNumber(), 2)+ '

' + 'Stats

' + 'Hacking Level: ' + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill).toLocaleString() + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp).format('(0.000a)') + ' experience)
' + 'Strength: ' + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].strength).toLocaleString() + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp).format('(0.000a)') + ' experience)
' + 'Defense: ' + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].defense).toLocaleString() + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp).format('(0.000a)')+ ' experience)
' + 'Dexterity: ' + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity).toLocaleString() + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp).format('(0.000a)') + ' experience)
' + 'Agility: ' + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].agility).toLocaleString() + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp).format('(0.000a)') + ' experience)
' + 'Charisma: ' + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma).toLocaleString() + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default()(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp).format('(0.000a)') + ' experience)
' + intText + 'Multipliers

' + 'Hacking Chance multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Hacking Speed multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Hacking Money multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Hacking Growth multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_grow_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Hacking Level multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Hacking Experience multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Strength Level multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Strength Experience multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Defense Level multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Defense Experience multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Dexterity Level multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Dexterity Experience multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Agility Level multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Agility Experience multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Charisma Level multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Charisma Experience multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Hacknet Node production multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_money_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Hacknet Node purchase cost multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Hacknet Node RAM upgrade cost multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Hacknet Node Core purchase cost multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_core_cost_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Hacknet Node level upgrade cost multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_level_cost_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Company reputation gain multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Faction reputation gain multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Salary multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].work_money_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Crime success multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_success_mult * 100, 2) + '%
' + 'Crime money multiplier: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_money_mult * 100, 2) + '%

' + 'Misc

' + 'Servers owned: ' + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].purchasedServers.length + '
' + 'Hacknet Nodes owned: ' + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknetNodes.length + '
' + 'Augmentations installed: ' + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.length + '
' + 'Time played since last Augmentation: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug) + '
' + bitNodeTimeText + 'Time played: ' + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].totalPlaytime), })); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.length !== 0) { var index = "BitNode" + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN; Engine.Display.characterInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("p", { width:"60%", innerHTML: "
Current BitNode: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN + " (" + _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* BitNodes */ "b"][index].name + ")

", })); Engine.Display.characterInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("p", { width:"60%", fontSize: "13px", marginLeft:"4%", innerHTML:_BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* BitNodes */ "b"][index].info, })) } }, /* Display locations in the world*/ aevumLocationsList: null, chongqingLocationsList: null, sector12LocationsList: null, newTokyoLocationsList: null, ishimaLocationsList: null, volhavenLocationsList: null, displayWorldInfo: function() { Engine.aevumLocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.chongqingLocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.sector12LocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.newTokyoLocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.ishimaLocationsList.style.display = "none"; Engine.volhavenLocationsList.style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("world-city-name").innerHTML = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].city; var cityDesc = document.getElementById("world-city-desc"); //TODO switch(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].city) { case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum: Engine.aevumLocationsList.style.display = "inline"; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Chongqing: Engine.chongqingLocationsList.style.display = "inline"; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12: Engine.sector12LocationsList.style.display = "inline"; //City hall only in BitNode-3/with Source-File 3 if ((_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 3 || _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__[/* hasCorporationSF */ "e"]) && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 8) { document.getElementById("sector12-cityhall-li").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("sector12-cityhall-li").style.display = "none"; } break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyo: Engine.newTokyoLocationsList.style.display = "inline"; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Ishima: Engine.ishimaLocationsList.style.display = "inline"; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].Volhaven: Engine.volhavenLocationsList.style.display = "inline"; break; default: console.log("Invalid city value in Player object!"); break; } //Generic Locations (common to every city): // World Stock Exchange // Corporation (if applicable) // Bladeburner HQ (if applicable); var genericLocationsList = document.getElementById("generic-locations-list"); genericLocationsList.style.display = "inline"; Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(genericLocationsList); var li = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("li"); li.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"World Stock Exchange", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* Locations */ "a"].WorldStockExchange; Engine.loadStockMarketContent(); return false; } })); genericLocationsList.appendChild(li); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation instanceof _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* Corporation */ "a"] && document.getElementById("location-corporation-button") == null) { var li = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("li"); li.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation.name, id:"location-corporation-button", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ Engine.loadCorporationContent(); return false; } })); genericLocationsList.appendChild(li); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { var li = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("li"); li.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Bladeburner Headquarters", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ Engine.loadBladeburnerContent(); return false; } })); genericLocationsList.appendChild(li); } }, displayFactionsInfo: function() { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(Engine.Display.factionsContent); //Factions Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("h1", { innerText:"Factions" })); Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Lists all factions you have joined" })); var factionsList = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("ul"); Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("br")); //Add a button for each faction you are a member of for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].factions.length; ++i) { (function () { var factionName = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].factions[i]; factionsList.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:factionName, padding:"4px", margin:"4px", display:"inline-block", clickListener:()=>{ Engine.loadFactionContent(); Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* displayFactionContent */ "c"])(factionName); return false; } })); factionsList.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("br")); }()); //Immediate invocation } Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(factionsList); Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("br")); //Invited Factions Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("h1", { innerText:"Outstanding Faction Invitations" })); Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("p", { width:"70%", innerText:"Lists factions you have been invited to, as well as " + "factions you have previously rejected. You can accept " + "these faction invitations at any time." })); var invitationsList = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("ul"); //Add a button to accept for each faction you have invitiations for for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations.length; ++i) { (function () { var factionName = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations[i]; var item = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("li", {padding:"6px", margin:"6px"}); item.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:factionName, display:"inline", margin:"4px", padding:"4px" })); item.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Accept Faction Invitation", class:"a-link-button", display:"inline", margin:"4px", padding:"4px", clickListener:()=>{ Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* joinFaction */ "h"])(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* Factions */ "b"][factionName]); for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations.length; ++i) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations[i] == factionName || _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* Factions */ "b"][_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations[i]].isBanned) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations.splice(i, 1); i--; } } Engine.displayFactionsInfo(); return false; } })); invitationsList.appendChild(item); }()); } Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(invitationsList); }, displayTutorialContent: function() { document.getElementById("tutorial-getting-started-link").style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetworkingButton.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialHackingButton.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialScriptsButton.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetscriptButton.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialTravelingButton.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialCompaniesButton.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialFactionsButton.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialAugmentationsButton.style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("tutorial-shortcuts-link").style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialBackButton.style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("tutorial-text").style.display = "none"; }, displayDevMenuContent: function() { Engine.Clickables.devMenuGiveMoney.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuGiveRam.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAugDropdown.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddAug.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuTriggerBitFlume.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuFactionDropdown.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddFaction.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuOpen.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuMinSecurity.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuMaxMoney.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuConnectDropdown.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuConnect.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuProgramsDropdown.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddProgram.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuHackingExp.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddHacking.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuStrengthExp.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddStrength.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuDefenseExp.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddDefense.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuDexterityExp.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddDexterity.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAgilityExp.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddAgility.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuCharismaExp.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddCharisma.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuIntelligenceExp.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddIntelligence.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuEnableIntelligence.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuDisableIntelligence.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuSFN.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuSFLvl.style.display = "block"; Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddSF.style.display = "block"; }, //Displays the text when a section of the Tutorial is opened displayTutorialPage: function(text) { document.getElementById("tutorial-getting-started-link").style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetworkingButton.style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialHackingButton.style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialScriptsButton.style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetscriptButton.style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialTravelingButton.style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialCompaniesButton.style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialFactionsButton.style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialAugmentationsButton.style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("tutorial-shortcuts-link").style.display = "none"; Engine.Clickables.tutorialBackButton.style.display = "inline-block"; document.getElementById("tutorial-text").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("tutorial-text").innerHTML = text; }, /* Main Event Loop */ idleTimer: function() { //Get time difference var _thisUpdate = new Date().getTime(); var diff = _thisUpdate - Engine._lastUpdate; var offset = diff % Engine._idleSpeed; //Divide this by cycle time to determine how many cycles have elapsed since last update diff = Math.floor(diff / Engine._idleSpeed); if (diff > 0) { //Update the game engine by the calculated number of cycles Engine._lastUpdate = _thisUpdate - offset; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].lastUpdate = _thisUpdate - offset; Engine.updateGame(diff); } window.requestAnimationFrame(Engine.idleTimer); }, updateGame: function(numCycles = 1) { //Update total playtime var time = numCycles * Engine._idleSpeed; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].totalPlaytime == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].totalPlaytime = 0;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug = 0;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastBitnode == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastBitnode = 0;} _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].totalPlaytime += time; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug += time; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastBitnode += time; //Start Manual hack if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].startAction == true) { Engine._totalActionTime = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].actionTime; Engine._actionTimeLeft = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].actionTime; Engine._actionInProgress = true; Engine._actionProgressBarCount = 1; Engine._actionProgressStr = "[ ]"; Engine._actionTimeStr = "Time left: "; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].startAction = false; } //Working if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeFaction) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workForFaction(numCycles); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCreateProgram) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].createProgramWork(numCycles); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeStudyClass) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].takeClass(numCycles); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCrime) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].commitCrime(numCycles); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workPartTime(numCycles); } else { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].work(numCycles); } } //Gang, if applicable if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN == 2 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.process(numCycles); } //Mission if (_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* inMission */ "c"] && _Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* currMission */ "b"]) { _Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* currMission */ "b"].process(numCycles); } //Corporation if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation instanceof _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* Corporation */ "a"]) { //Stores cycles in a "buffer". Processed separately using Engine Counters //This is to avoid constant DOM redraws when Corporation is catching up _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation.storeCycles(numCycles); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.storeCycles(numCycles); } //Counters Engine.decrementAllCounters(numCycles); Engine.checkCounters(); //Manual hacks if (Engine._actionInProgress == true) { Engine.updateHackProgress(numCycles); } //Update the running time of all active scripts Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__[/* updateOnlineScriptTimes */ "g"])(numCycles); //Hacknet Nodes Object(_HacknetNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__[/* processAllHacknetNodeEarnings */ "e"])(numCycles); }, //Counters for the main event loop. Represent the number of game cycles are required //for something to happen. Counters: { autoSaveCounter: 300, //Autosave every minute updateSkillLevelsCounter: 10, //Only update skill levels every 2 seconds. Might improve performance updateDisplays: 3, updateDisplaysMed: 9, updateDisplaysLong: 15, updateActiveScriptsDisplay: 5, createProgramNotifications: 10, //Checks whether any programs can be created and notifies checkFactionInvitations: 100, //Check whether you qualify for any faction invitations passiveFactionGrowth: 600, messages: 150, stockTick: 30, //Update stock prices sCr: 1500, mechanicProcess: 5, //Processes certain mechanics (Corporation, Bladeburner) }, decrementAllCounters: function(numCycles = 1) { for (var counter in Engine.Counters) { if (Engine.Counters.hasOwnProperty(counter)) { Engine.Counters[counter] = Engine.Counters[counter] - numCycles; } } }, //Checks if any counters are 0 and if they are, executes whatever //is necessary and then resets the counter checkCounters: function() { if (Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter <= 0) { _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__[/* saveObject */ "b"].saveGame(indexedDb); if (_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__[/* Settings */ "a"].AutosaveInterval == null) { _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__[/* Settings */ "a"].AutosaveInterval = 60; } if (_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__[/* Settings */ "a"].AutosaveInterval === 0) { Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter = Infinity; } else { Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter = _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__[/* Settings */ "a"].AutosaveInterval * 5; } } if (Engine.Counters.updateSkillLevelsCounter <= 0) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); Engine.Counters.updateSkillLevelsCounter = 10; } if (Engine.Counters.updateActiveScriptsDisplay <= 0) { //Always update, but make the interval longer if the page isn't active Object(_ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* updateActiveScriptsItems */ "c"])(); if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.ActiveScripts) { Engine.Counters.updateActiveScriptsDisplay = 5; } else { Engine.Counters.updateActiveScriptsDisplay = 10; } } if (Engine.Counters.updateDisplays <= 0) { Engine.displayCharacterOverviewInfo(); if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.CharacterInfo) { Engine.displayCharacterInfo(); } else if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.HacknetNodes) { Object(_HacknetNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__[/* updateHacknetNodesContent */ "g"])(); } else if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.CreateProgram) { Object(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* displayCreateProgramContent */ "b"])(); } if (_utils_LogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* logBoxOpened */ "b"]) { Object(_utils_LogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* logBoxUpdateText */ "c"])(); } Engine.Counters.updateDisplays = 3; } if (Engine.Counters.updateDisplaysMed <= 0) { if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Corporation) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation.updateUIContent(); } Engine.Counters.updateDisplaysMed = 9; } if (Engine.Counters.updateDisplaysLong <= 0) { if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Gang) { Object(_Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* updateGangContent */ "g"])(); } else if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.ScriptEditor) { Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__[/* updateScriptEditorContent */ "h"])(); } Engine.Counters.updateDisplaysLong = 15; } if (Engine.Counters.createProgramNotifications <= 0) { var num = Object(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* getNumAvailableCreateProgram */ "c"])(); var elem = document.getElementById("create-program-notification"); if (num > 0) { elem.innerHTML = num; elem.setAttribute("class", "notification-on"); } else { elem.innerHTML = ""; elem.setAttribute("class", "notification-off"); } Engine.Counters.createProgramNotifications = 10; } if (Engine.Counters.checkFactionInvitations <= 0) { var invitedFactions = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].checkForFactionInvitations(); if (invitedFactions.length > 0) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].firstFacInvRecvd === false) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].firstFacInvRecvd = true; document.getElementById("factions-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("character-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("character-menu-header").click(); } var randFaction = invitedFactions[Math.floor(Math.random() * invitedFactions.length)]; Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* inviteToFaction */ "g"])(randFaction); } Engine.Counters.checkFactionInvitations = 100; } if (Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth <= 0) { var adjustedCycles = Math.floor((600 - Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth)); Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* processPassiveFactionRepGain */ "j"])(adjustedCycles); Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth = 600; } if (Engine.Counters.messages <= 0) { Object(_Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* checkForMessagesToSend */ "c"])(); if (_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].TheRedPill].owned) { Engine.Counters.messages = 4500; //15 minutes for Red pill message } else { Engine.Counters.messages = 150; } } if (Engine.Counters.stockTick <= 0) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount) { Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__[/* updateStockPrices */ "q"])(); } Engine.Counters.stockTick = 30; } if (Engine.Counters.sCr <= 0) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount) { Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__[/* stockMarketCycle */ "o"])(); } Engine.Counters.sCr = 1500; } if (Engine.Counters.mechanicProcess <= 0) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation instanceof _CompanyManagement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* Corporation */ "a"]) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].corporation.process(); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { try { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.process(); } catch(e) { Object(_utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* exceptionAlert */ "a"])("Exception caught in Bladeburner.process(): " + e); } } Engine.Counters.mechanicProcess = 5; } }, /* Calculates the hack progress for a manual (non-scripted) hack and updates the progress bar/time accordingly */ _totalActionTime: 0, _actionTimeLeft: 0, _actionTimeStr: "Time left: ", _actionProgressStr: "[ ]", _actionProgressBarCount: 1, _actionInProgress: false, updateHackProgress: function(numCycles = 1) { var timeElapsedMilli = numCycles * Engine._idleSpeed; Engine._actionTimeLeft -= (timeElapsedMilli/ 1000); //Substract idle speed (ms) Engine._actionTimeLeft = Math.max(Engine._actionTimeLeft, 0); //Calculate percent filled var percent = Math.round((1 - Engine._actionTimeLeft / Engine._totalActionTime) * 100); //Update progress bar while (Engine._actionProgressBarCount * 2 <= percent) { Engine._actionProgressStr = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["replaceAt"])(Engine._actionProgressStr, Engine._actionProgressBarCount, "|"); Engine._actionProgressBarCount += 1; } //Update hack time remaining Engine._actionTimeStr = "Time left: " + Math.max(0, Math.round(Engine._actionTimeLeft)).toString() + "s"; document.getElementById("hack-progress").innerHTML = Engine._actionTimeStr; //Dynamically update progress bar document.getElementById("hack-progress-bar").innerHTML = Engine._actionProgressStr.replace( / /g, " " ); //Once percent is 100, the hack is completed if (percent >= 100) { Engine._actionInProgress = false; _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* Terminal */ "b"].finishAction(); } }, _prevTimeout: null, createStatusText: function(txt) { if (Engine._prevTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(Engine._prevTimeout); Engine._prevTimeout = null; } var statusText = document.getElementById("status-text") statusText.style.display = "inline-block"; statusText.setAttribute("class", "status-text"); statusText.innerHTML = txt; Engine._prevTimeout = setTimeout(function() { statusText.style.display = "none"; statusText.removeAttribute("class"); statusText.innerHTML = ""; }, 3000); }, removeLoadingScreen: function() { var loader = document.getElementById("loader"); if (!loader) {return;} while(loader.firstChild) { loader.removeChild(loader.firstChild); } loader.parentNode.removeChild(loader); document.getElementById("entire-game-container").style.visibility = "visible"; }, //Used when initializing a game //elems should be an array of all DOM elements under the header closeMainMenuHeader: function(elems) { for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) { elems[i].style.maxHeight = null; elems[i].style.opacity = 0; elems[i].style.pointerEvents = "none"; } }, //Used when initializing the game //elems should be an array of all DOM elements under the header openMainMenuHeader: function(elems) { for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) { elems[i].style.maxHeight = elems[i].scrollHeight + "px"; elems[i].style.display = "block"; } }, //Used in game when clicking on a main menu header (NOT FOR INITIALIZATION) //open is a boolean specifying whether its being opened or closed //elems is an array of DOM elements for main menu tabs (li) //links is an array of DOM elements for main menu links (a) toggleMainMenuHeader: function(open, elems, links) { for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) { if (open) { elems[i].style.opacity = 1; elems[i].style.maxHeight = elems[i].scrollHeight + "px"; } else { elems[i].style.opacity = 0; elems[i].style.maxHeight = null; } } for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) { if (open) { links[i].style.opacity = 1; links[i].style.maxHeight = links[i].scrollHeight + "px"; links[i].style.pointerEvents = "auto"; } else { links[i].style.opacity = 0; links[i].style.maxHeight = null; links[i].style.pointerEvents = "none"; } } }, load: function(saveString) { //Initialize main menu accordion panels to all start as "open" var terminal = document.getElementById("terminal-tab"); var createScript = document.getElementById("create-script-tab"); var activeScripts = document.getElementById("active-scripts-tab"); var createProgram = document.getElementById("create-program-tab"); var stats = document.getElementById("stats-tab"); var factions = document.getElementById("factions-tab"); var augmentations = document.getElementById("augmentations-tab"); var hacknetnodes = document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-tab"); var city = document.getElementById("city-tab"); var travel = document.getElementById("travel-tab"); var job = document.getElementById("job-tab"); var tutorial = document.getElementById("tutorial-tab"); var options = document.getElementById("options-tab"); var dev = document.getElementById("dev-tab"); //Load game from save or create new game if (Object(_SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__[/* loadGame */ "a"])(saveString)) { console.log("Loaded game from save"); Object(_BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* initBitNodes */ "d"])(); Object(_BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* initBitNodeMultipliers */ "c"])(); Object(_SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_36__[/* initSourceFiles */ "d"])(); Engine.setDisplayElements(); //Sets variables for important DOM elements Engine.init(); //Initialize buttons, work, etc. _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].init(); Object(_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* initAugmentations */ "h"])(); //Also calls Player.reapplyAllAugmentations() _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].reapplyAllSourceFiles(); Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__[/* initStockSymbols */ "h"])(); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount) { Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__[/* initSymbolToStockMap */ "i"])(); } Object(_Literature__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* initLiterature */ "a"])(); Object(_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__[/* initSingularitySFFlags */ "g"])(); console.log(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence_exp); //Calculate the number of cycles have elapsed while offline Engine._lastUpdate = new Date().getTime(); var lastUpdate = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].lastUpdate; var numCyclesOffline = Math.floor((Engine._lastUpdate - lastUpdate) / Engine._idleSpeed); /* Process offline progress */ var offlineProductionFromScripts = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__[/* loadAllRunningScripts */ "f"])(); //This also takes care of offline production for those scripts if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { console.log("work() called in load() for " + numCyclesOffline * Engine._idleSpeed + " milliseconds"); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeFaction) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workForFaction(numCyclesOffline); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCreateProgram) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].createProgramWork(numCyclesOffline); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeStudyClass) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].takeClass(numCyclesOffline); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCrime) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].commitCrime(numCyclesOffline); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workPartTime(numCyclesOffline); } else { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].work(numCyclesOffline); } } //Hacknet Nodes offline progress var offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes = Object(_HacknetNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__[/* processAllHacknetNodeEarnings */ "e"])(numCyclesOffline); //Passive faction rep gain offline Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* processPassiveFactionRepGain */ "j"])(numCyclesOffline); //Gang progress for BitNode 2 if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != null && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 2 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.process(numCyclesOffline); } //Bladeburner offline progress if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.storeCycles(numCyclesOffline); } //Update total playtime var time = numCyclesOffline * Engine._idleSpeed; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].totalPlaytime == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].totalPlaytime = 0;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug = 0;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastBitnode == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastBitnode = 0;} _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].totalPlaytime += time; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug += time; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastBitnode += time; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].lastUpdate = Engine._lastUpdate; Engine.start(); //Run main game loop and Scripts loop Engine.removeLoadingScreen(); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["dialogBoxCreate"])("While you were offline, your scripts generated $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(offlineProductionFromScripts, 2) + " and your Hacknet Nodes generated $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes, 2)); //Close main menu accordions for loaded game var visibleMenuTabs = [terminal, createScript, activeScripts, stats, hacknetnodes, city, tutorial, options, dev]; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].firstFacInvRecvd) {visibleMenuTabs.push(factions);} else {factions.style.display = "none";} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].firstAugPurchased) {visibleMenuTabs.push(augmentations);} else {augmentations.style.display = "none";} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].firstJobRecvd) {visibleMenuTabs.push(job);} else {job.style.display = "none";} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].firstTimeTraveled) {visibleMenuTabs.push(travel);} else {travel.style.display = "none";} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].firstProgramAvailable) {visibleMenuTabs.push(createProgram);} else {createProgram.style.display = "none";} Engine.closeMainMenuHeader(visibleMenuTabs); } else { //No save found, start new game console.log("Initializing new game"); Object(_BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* initBitNodes */ "d"])(); Object(_BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* initBitNodeMultipliers */ "c"])(); Object(_SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_36__[/* initSourceFiles */ "d"])(); Object(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_37__[/* initSpecialServerIps */ "c"])(); Engine.setDisplayElements(); //Sets variables for important DOM elements Engine.start(); //Run main game loop and Scripts loop _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].init(); Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* initForeignServers */ "f"])(); Object(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* initCompanies */ "h"])(); Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* initFactions */ "f"])(); _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* CompanyPositions */ "d"].init(); Object(_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* initAugmentations */ "h"])(); Object(_Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* initMessages */ "d"])(); Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_38__[/* initStockSymbols */ "h"])(); Object(_Literature__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* initLiterature */ "a"])(); Object(_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__[/* initSingularitySFFlags */ "g"])(); //Open main menu accordions for new game //Main menu accordions var hackingHdr = document.getElementById("hacking-menu-header"); hackingHdr.classList.toggle("opened"); var characterHdr = document.getElementById("character-menu-header"); characterHdr.classList.toggle("opened"); var worldHdr = document.getElementById("world-menu-header"); worldHdr.classList.toggle("opened"); var helpHdr = document.getElementById("help-menu-header"); helpHdr.classList.toggle("opened"); //Hide tabs that wont be revealed until later factions.style.display = "none"; augmentations.style.display = "none"; job.style.display = "none"; travel.style.display = "none"; createProgram.style.display = "none"; Engine.openMainMenuHeader( [terminal, createScript, activeScripts, stats, hacknetnodes, city, tutorial, options, dev] ); //Start interactive tutorial Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__[/* iTutorialStart */ "d"])(); Engine.removeLoadingScreen(); } //Initialize labels on game settings Object(_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_35__[/* setSettingsLabels */ "d"])(); Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__[/* scriptEditorInit */ "g"])(); _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* Terminal */ "b"].resetTerminalInput(); }, setDisplayElements: function() { //Content elements Engine.Display.terminalContent = document.getElementById("terminal-container"); Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Terminal; Engine.Display.characterContent = document.getElementById("character-container"); Engine.Display.characterContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.scriptEditorContent = document.getElementById("script-editor-container"); Engine.Display.scriptEditorContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.activeScriptsContent = document.getElementById("active-scripts-container"); Engine.Display.activeScriptsContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.hacknetNodesContent = document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-container"); Engine.Display.hacknetNodesContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.worldContent = document.getElementById("world-container"); Engine.Display.worldContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.createProgramContent = document.getElementById("create-program-container"); Engine.Display.createProgramContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.factionsContent = document.getElementById("factions-container"); Engine.Display.factionsContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.factionContent = document.getElementById("faction-container"); Engine.Display.factionContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.factionAugmentationsContent = document.getElementById("faction-augmentations-container"); Engine.Display.factionAugmentationsContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.augmentationsContent = document.getElementById("augmentations-container"); Engine.Display.augmentationsContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.tutorialContent = document.getElementById("tutorial-container"); Engine.Display.tutorialContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.devMenuContent = document.getElementById("dev-menu-container"); Engine.Display.devMenuContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.infiltrationContent = document.getElementById("infiltration-container"); Engine.Display.infiltrationContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.stockMarketContent = document.getElementById("stock-market-container"); Engine.Display.stockMarketContent.style.display = "none"; Engine.Display.missionContent = document.getElementById("mission-container"); Engine.Display.missionContent.style.display = "none"; //Character info Engine.Display.characterInfo = document.getElementById("character-content"); //Location lists Engine.aevumLocationsList = document.getElementById("aevum-locations-list"); Engine.chongqingLocationsList = document.getElementById("chongqing-locations-list"); Engine.sector12LocationsList = document.getElementById("sector12-locations-list"); Engine.newTokyoLocationsList = document.getElementById("newtokyo-locations-list"); Engine.ishimaLocationsList = document.getElementById("ishima-locations-list"); Engine.volhavenLocationsList = document.getElementById("volhaven-locations-list"); //Location page (page that shows up when you visit a specific location in World) Engine.Display.locationContent = document.getElementById("location-container"); //Engine.Display.locationContent.style.visibility = "hidden"; Engine.Display.locationContent.style.display = "none"; //Work In Progress Engine.Display.workInProgressContent = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-container"); //Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.visibility = "hidden"; Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.display = "none"; //Red Pill / Hack World Daemon Engine.Display.redPillContent = document.getElementById("red-pill-container"); Engine.Display.redPillContent.style.display = "none"; //Cinematic Text Engine.Display.cinematicTextContent = document.getElementById("cinematic-text-container"); Engine.Display.cinematicTextContent.style.display = "none"; //Init Location buttons Object(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* initLocationButtons */ "c"])(); //Tutorial buttons Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetworkingButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-networking-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetworkingButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialPage(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TutorialNetworkingText); }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialHackingButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-hacking-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialHackingButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialPage(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TutorialHackingText); }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialScriptsButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-scripts-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialScriptsButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialPage(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TutorialScriptsText); }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetscriptButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-netscript-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetscriptButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialPage(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TutorialNetscriptText); }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialTravelingButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-traveling-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialTravelingButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialPage(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TutorialTravelingText); }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialCompaniesButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-jobs-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialCompaniesButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialPage(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TutorialCompaniesText); }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialFactionsButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-factions-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialFactionsButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialPage(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TutorialFactionsText); }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialAugmentationsButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-augmentations-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialAugmentationsButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialPage(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TutorialAugmentationsText); }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialBackButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-back-button"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialBackButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.displayTutorialContent(); }); // dev menu buttons Engine.Clickables.devMenuGiveMoney = document.getElementById("dev-need-money"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuGiveMoney.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(1e15); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuGiveRam = document.getElementById("dev-need-ram"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuGiveRam.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().maxRam *= 2; }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAugDropdown = document.getElementById("dev-menu-aug-dropdown"); const augDD = Engine.Clickables.devMenuAugDropdown; for(const i in _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"]) { augDD.options[augDD.options.length] = new Option(_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"][i], _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"][i]); } Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddAug = document.getElementById("dev-add-aug"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddAug.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].queueAugmentation(augDD.options[augDD.selectedIndex].value); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuTriggerBitFlume = document.getElementById("dev-bit-flume"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuTriggerBitFlume.addEventListener("click", function() { Object(_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__[/* hackWorldDaemon */ "a"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN, true); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuFactionDropdown = document.getElementById("dev-menu-faction-dropdown"); const facDD = Engine.Clickables.devMenuFactionDropdown; for(const i in _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* Factions */ "b"]) { facDD.options[facDD.options.length] = new Option(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* Factions */ "b"][i].name, _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* Factions */ "b"][i].name); } Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddFaction = document.getElementById("dev-add-faction"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddFaction.addEventListener("click", function() { const factionName = facDD.options[facDD.selectedIndex].value; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].receiveInvite(factionName); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuOpen = document.getElementById("dev-open-all"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuOpen.addEventListener("click", function() { for(const i in _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"]) { _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].hasAdminRights = true; _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].sshPortOpen = true; _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].ftpPortOpen = true; _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].smtpPortOpen = true; _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].httpPortOpen = true; _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].sqlPortOpen = true; _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].openPortCount = 5; } }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuMinSecurity = document.getElementById("dev-min-security"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuMinSecurity.addEventListener("click", function() { for(const i in _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"]) { _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].hackDifficulty = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].minDifficulty; } }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuMaxMoney = document.getElementById("dev-max-money"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuMaxMoney.addEventListener("click", function() { for(const i in _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"]) { _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].moneyAvailable = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].moneyMax; } }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuConnectDropdown = document.getElementById("dev-menu-connect-dropdown"); const connectDD = Engine.Clickables.devMenuConnectDropdown; for(const i in _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"]) { connectDD.options[connectDD.options.length] = new Option(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].hostname, _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* AllServers */ "b"][i].hostname); } Engine.Clickables.devMenuConnect = document.getElementById("dev-connect"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuConnect.addEventListener("click", function() { const host = connectDD.options[connectDD.selectedIndex].value; _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* Terminal */ "b"].connectToServer(host); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuProgramsDropdown = document.getElementById("dev-menu-add-program-dropdown"); const programsDD = Engine.Clickables.devMenuProgramsDropdown; for(const i in _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Programs */ "a"]) { programsDD.options[programsDD.options.length] = new Option(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Programs */ "a"][i], _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Programs */ "a"][i]); } Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddProgram = document.getElementById("dev-add-program"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddProgram.addEventListener("click", function() { const program = programsDD.options[programsDD.selectedIndex].value;; if(!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(program)) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(program); } }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuHackingExp = document.getElementById("dev-hacking-exp"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddHacking = document.getElementById("dev-add-hacking"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddHacking.addEventListener("click", function() { const exp = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuHackingExp.value); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(exp); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuStrengthExp = document.getElementById("dev-strength-exp"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddStrength = document.getElementById("dev-add-strength"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddStrength.addEventListener("click", function() { const exp = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuStrengthExp.value); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gainStrengthExp(exp); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuDefenseExp = document.getElementById("dev-defense-exp"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddDefense = document.getElementById("dev-add-defense"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddDefense.addEventListener("click", function() { const exp = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuDefenseExp.value); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gainDefenseExp(exp); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuDexterityExp = document.getElementById("dev-dexterity-exp"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddDexterity = document.getElementById("dev-add-dexterity"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddDexterity.addEventListener("click", function() { const exp = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuDexterityExp.value); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gainDexterityExp(exp); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAgilityExp = document.getElementById("dev-agility-exp"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddAgility = document.getElementById("dev-add-agility"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddAgility.addEventListener("click", function() { const exp = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuAgilityExp.value); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gainAgilityExp(exp); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuCharismaExp = document.getElementById("dev-charisma-exp"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddCharisma = document.getElementById("dev-add-charisma"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddCharisma.addEventListener("click", function() { const exp = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuCharismaExp.value); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gainCharismaExp(exp); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuIntelligenceExp = document.getElementById("dev-intelligence-exp"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddIntelligence = document.getElementById("dev-add-intelligence"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddIntelligence.addEventListener("click", function() { const exp = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuIntelligenceExp.value); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(exp); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuEnableIntelligence = document.getElementById("dev-enable-intelligence"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuEnableIntelligence.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence = 1; }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuDisableIntelligence = document.getElementById("dev-disable-intelligence"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuDisableIntelligence.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence = 0; }); Engine.Clickables.devMenuSFN = document.getElementById("dev-sf-n"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuSFLvl = document.getElementById("dev-sf-lvl"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddSF = document.getElementById("dev-add-source-file"); Engine.Clickables.devMenuAddSF.addEventListener("click", function() { const sfN = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuSFN.value); const sfLvl = parseInt(Engine.Clickables.devMenuSFLvl.value); let sfIndex = -1; for(const i in _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles) { if(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === sfN) { sfIndex = i; break; } } if(sfIndex === -1) { // add fresh source file _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.push(new _SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_36__[/* PlayerOwnedSourceFile */ "a"](sfN, sfLvl)); } else if(sfLvl === 0) { // remove a source file. if(sfIndex === -1) { // doesn't have it anyway. return; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.splice(sfIndex, 1); } else { // set source file level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[sfIndex].lvl=sfLvl; } }); }, /* Initialization */ init: function() { //Import game link document.getElementById("import-game-link").onclick = function() { _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__[/* saveObject */ "b"].importGame(); }; //Main menu accordions var hackingHdr = document.getElementById("hacking-menu-header"); var characterHdr = document.getElementById("character-menu-header"); var worldHdr = document.getElementById("world-menu-header"); var helpHdr = document.getElementById("help-menu-header"); hackingHdr.onclick = function() { var terminal = document.getElementById("terminal-tab"); var terminalLink = document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link"); var createScript = document.getElementById("create-script-tab"); var createScriptLink = document.getElementById("create-script-menu-link"); var activeScripts = document.getElementById("active-scripts-tab"); var activeScriptsLink = document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link"); var createProgram = document.getElementById("create-program-tab"); var createProgramLink = document.getElementById("create-program-menu-link"); var createProgramNot = document.getElementById("create-program-notification"); this.classList.toggle("opened"); if (terminal.style.maxHeight) { Engine.toggleMainMenuHeader(false, [terminal, createScript, activeScripts, createProgram], [terminalLink, createScriptLink, activeScriptsLink, createProgramLink] ); createProgramNot.style.display = "none"; } else { Engine.toggleMainMenuHeader(true, [terminal, createScript, activeScripts, createProgram], [terminalLink, createScriptLink, activeScriptsLink, createProgramLink] ); createProgramNot.style.display = "block" } } characterHdr.onclick = function() { var stats = document.getElementById("stats-tab"); var statsLink = document.getElementById("stats-menu-link"); var factions = document.getElementById("factions-tab"); var factionsLink = document.getElementById("factions-menu-link"); var augmentations = document.getElementById("augmentations-tab"); var augmentationsLink = document.getElementById("augmentations-menu-link"); var hacknetnodes = document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-tab"); var hacknetnodesLink = document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link"); this.classList.toggle("opened"); if (stats.style.maxHeight) { Engine.toggleMainMenuHeader(false, [stats, factions, augmentations, hacknetnodes], [statsLink, factionsLink, augmentationsLink, hacknetnodesLink] ); } else { Engine.toggleMainMenuHeader(true, [stats, factions, augmentations, hacknetnodes], [statsLink, factionsLink, augmentationsLink, hacknetnodesLink] ); } } worldHdr.onclick = function() { var city = document.getElementById("city-tab"); var cityLink = document.getElementById("city-menu-link"); var travel = document.getElementById("travel-tab"); var travelLink = document.getElementById("travel-menu-link"); var job = document.getElementById("job-tab"); var jobLink = document.getElementById("job-menu-link"); this.classList.toggle("opened"); if (city.style.maxHeight) { Engine.toggleMainMenuHeader(false, [city, travel, job], [cityLink, travelLink, jobLink] ); } else { Engine.toggleMainMenuHeader(true, [city, travel, job], [cityLink, travelLink, jobLink] ); } } helpHdr.onclick = function() { var tutorial = document.getElementById("tutorial-tab"); var tutorialLink = document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link"); var options = document.getElementById("options-tab"); var optionsLink = document.getElementById("options-menu-link"); this.classList.toggle("opened"); const elems = [tutorial, options]; const links = [tutorialLink, optionsLink]; if(true) { elems.push(document.getElementById("dev-tab")); links.push(document.getElementById("dev-menu-link")); } if (tutorial.style.maxHeight) { Engine.toggleMainMenuHeader(false, elems, links); } else { Engine.toggleMainMenuHeader(true, elems, links); } } //Main menu buttons and content Engine.Clickables.terminalMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("terminal-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.terminalMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadTerminalContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.characterMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("stats-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.characterMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadCharacterContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.scriptEditorMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("create-script-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.scriptEditorMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadScriptEditorContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.activeScriptsMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("active-scripts-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.activeScriptsMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadActiveScriptsContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.hacknetNodesMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("hacknet-nodes-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.hacknetNodesMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadHacknetNodesContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.worldMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("city-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.worldMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadWorldContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.travelMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("travel-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.travelMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadTravelContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.jobMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("job-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.jobMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadJobContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.createProgramMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("create-program-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.createProgramMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadCreateProgramContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.factionsMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("factions-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.factionsMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadFactionsContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.augmentationsMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("augmentations-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.augmentationsMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadAugmentationsContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.tutorialMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("tutorial-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.tutorialMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadTutorialContent(); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.devMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("dev-menu-link"); Engine.Clickables.devMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadDevMenuContent(); return false; }); //Active scripts list Engine.ActiveScriptsList = document.getElementById("active-scripts-list"); //Save, Delete, Import/Export buttons Engine.Clickables.saveMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("save-game-link"); Engine.Clickables.saveMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__[/* saveObject */ "b"].saveGame(indexedDb); return false; }); Engine.Clickables.deleteMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("delete-game-link"); Engine.Clickables.deleteMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__[/* saveObject */ "b"].deleteGame(indexedDb); return false; }); document.getElementById("export-game-link").addEventListener("click", function() { _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__[/* saveObject */ "b"].exportGame(); return false; }); //Character Overview buttons document.getElementById("character-overview-save-button").addEventListener("click", function() { _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__[/* saveObject */ "b"].saveGame(indexedDb); return false; }); document.getElementById("character-overview-options-button").addEventListener("click", function() { Object(_utils_GameOptions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* gameOptionsBoxOpen */ "b"])(); return false; }); //Create Program buttons Object(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* initCreateProgramButtons */ "d"])(); //Message at the top of terminal Object(_Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_39__[/* postNetburnerText */ "d"])(); //Player was working cancel button if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { var cancelButton = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-cancel-button"); cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeFaction) { var fac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* Factions */ "b"][_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].currentWorkFactionName]; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].finishFactionWork(true); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCreateProgram) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].finishCreateProgramWork(true); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeStudyClass) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].finishClass(); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCrime) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].finishCrime(true); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].workType == _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].finishWorkPartTime(); } else { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].finishWork(true); } }); Engine.loadWorkInProgressContent(); } //character overview screen document.getElementById("character-overview-container").style.display = "block"; //Remove classes from links (they might be set from tutorial) document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); document.getElementById("stats-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); document.getElementById("create-script-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); document.getElementById("city-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); //DEBUG Delete active Scripts on home document.getElementById("debug-delete-scripts-link").addEventListener("click", function() { console.log("Deleting running scripts on home computer"); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().runningScripts = []; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Forcefully deleted all running scripts on home computer. Please save and refresh page"); Object(_utils_GameOptions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* gameOptionsBoxClose */ "a"])(); return false; }); //DEBUG Soft Reset document.getElementById("debug-soft-reset").addEventListener("click", function() { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Soft Reset!"); Object(_Prestige__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__[/* prestigeAugmentation */ "a"])(); Object(_utils_GameOptions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* gameOptionsBoxClose */ "a"])(); return false; }); }, start: function() { //Run main loop Engine.idleTimer(); //Scripts Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__[/* runScriptsLoop */ "f"])(); } }; var indexedDb, indexedDbRequest; window.onload = function() { if (!window.indexedDB) { return Engine.load(null); //Will try to load from localstorage } //DB is called bitburnerSave //Object store is called savestring //key for the Object store is called save indexedDbRequest = window.indexedDB.open("bitburnerSave", 1); indexedDbRequest.onerror = function(e) { console.log("Error opening indexedDB: "); console.log(e); return Engine.load(null); //Try to load from localstorage }; indexedDbRequest.onsuccess = function(e) { console.log("Opening bitburnerSave database successful!"); indexedDb = e.target.result; var transaction = indexedDb.transaction(["savestring"]); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("savestring"); var request = objectStore.get("save"); request.onerror = function(e) { console.log("Error in Database request to get savestring: " + e); return Engine.load(null); //Try to load from localstorage } request.onsuccess = function(e) { Engine.load(request.result); //Is this right? } }; indexedDbRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(e) { var db = e.target.result; var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("savestring"); } }; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 51))) /***/ }), /* 7 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./src/NetscriptEvaluator.js ***! \***********************************/ /*! exports provided: makeRuntimeRejectMsg, netscriptDelay, runScriptFromScript, scriptCalculateHackingChance, scriptCalculateHackingTime, scriptCalculateExpGain, scriptCalculatePercentMoneyHacked, scriptCalculateGrowTime, scriptCalculateWeakenTime, evaluate, isScriptErrorMessage, killNetscriptDelay, evaluateImport */ /*! exports used: evaluateImport, isScriptErrorMessage, killNetscriptDelay, makeRuntimeRejectMsg, netscriptDelay, runScriptFromScript, scriptCalculateExpGain, scriptCalculateGrowTime, scriptCalculateHackingChance, scriptCalculateHackingTime, scriptCalculatePercentMoneyHacked, scriptCalculateWeakenTime */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return makeRuntimeRejectMsg; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return netscriptDelay; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return runScriptFromScript; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "i", function() { return scriptCalculateHackingChance; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "j", function() { return scriptCalculateHackingTime; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return scriptCalculateExpGain; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "k", function() { return scriptCalculatePercentMoneyHacked; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return scriptCalculateGrowTime; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "l", function() { return scriptCalculateWeakenTime; }); /* unused harmony export evaluate */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return isScriptErrorMessage; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return killNetscriptDelay; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return evaluateImport; }); /* harmony import */ var _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode */ 16); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEnvironment__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEnvironment */ 81); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker */ 23); /* harmony import */ var _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings */ 22); /* harmony import */ var _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Script */ 30); /* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/acorn */ 43); /* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/arrayToString */ 39); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isValidIPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/isValidIPAddress */ 63); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isValidIPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_isValidIPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/isString */ 32); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__); var Promise = __webpack_require__(/*! bluebird */ 131); Promise.config({ warnings: false, longStackTraces: false, cancellation: true, monitoring: false }); /* Evaluator * Evaluates/Interprets the Abstract Syntax Tree generated by Acorns parser * * Returns a promise */ function evaluate(exp, workerScript) { return Promise.delay(_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Settings */ "a"].CodeInstructionRunTime).then(function() { var env = workerScript.env; if (env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} if (exp == null) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Error: NULL expression", exp)); } if (env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} switch (exp.type) { case "BlockStatement": case "Program": var evaluateProgPromise = evaluateProg(exp, workerScript, 0); //TODO: make every block/program use individual enviroment return evaluateProgPromise.then(function(w) { return Promise.resolve(workerScript); }).catch(function(e) { if (e.constructor === Array && e.length === 2 && e[0] === "RETURNSTATEMENT") { return Promise.reject(e); } else if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["isString"])(e)) { workerScript.errorMessage = e; return Promise.reject(workerScript); } else if (e instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"]) { return Promise.reject(e); } else { return Promise.reject(workerScript); } }); break; case "Literal": return Promise.resolve(exp.value); break; case "Identifier": //Javascript constructor() method can be used as an exploit to run arbitrary code if (exp.name == "constructor") { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Illegal usage of constructor() method. If you have your own function named 'constructor', you must re-name it.", exp)); } if (!(exp.name in env.vars)){ return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "variable " + exp.name + " not defined", exp)); } return Promise.resolve(env.get(exp.name)) break; case "ExpressionStatement": return evaluate(exp.expression, workerScript); break; case "ArrayExpression": var argPromises = exp.elements.map(function(arg) { return evaluate(arg, workerScript); }); return Promise.all(argPromises).then(function(array) { return Promise.resolve(array) }); break; case "CallExpression": return evaluate(exp.callee, workerScript).then(function(func) { return Promise.map(exp.arguments, function(arg) { return evaluate(arg, workerScript); }).then(function(args) { if (func instanceof _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Node"]) { //Player-defined function //Create new Environment for the function //Should be automatically garbage collected... var funcEnv = env.extend(); //Define function arguments in this new environment for (var i = 0; i < func.params.length; ++i) { var arg; if (i >= args.length) { arg = null; } else { arg = args[i]; } funcEnv.def(func.params[i].name, arg); } //Create a new WorkerScript for this function evaluation var funcWorkerScript = new _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"](workerScript.scriptRef); funcWorkerScript.serverIp = workerScript.serverIp; funcWorkerScript.env = funcEnv; workerScript.fnWorker = funcWorkerScript; return evaluate(func.body, funcWorkerScript).then(function(res) { //If the function finished successfuly, that means there //was no return statement since a return statement rejects. So resolve to null workerScript.fnWorker = null; return Promise.resolve(null); }).catch(function(e) { if (e.constructor === Array && e.length === 2 && e[0] === "RETURNSTATEMENT") { //Return statement from function return Promise.resolve(e[1]); workerScript.fnWorker = null; } else if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["isString"])(e)) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, e)); } else if (e instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"]) { //Parse out the err message from the WorkerScript and re-reject var errorMsg = e.errorMessage; var errorTextArray = errorMsg.split("|"); if (errorTextArray.length === 4) { errorMsg = errorTextArray[3]; return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, errorMsg)); } else { if (env.stopFlag) { return Promise.reject(workerScript); } else { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Error in one of your functions. Could not identify which function")); } } } else if (e instanceof Error) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, e.toString())); } }); } else if (exp.callee.type === "MemberExpression"){ return evaluate(exp.callee.object, workerScript).then(function(object) { try { if (func === "NETSCRIPTFOREACH") { return evaluateForeach(object, args, workerScript).then(function(res) { return Promise.resolve(res); }).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } var res = func.apply(object,args); return Promise.resolve(res); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, e, exp)); } }); } else { try { var out = func.apply(null,args); if (out instanceof Promise){ return out.then(function(res) { return Promise.resolve(res) }).catch(function(e) { if (isScriptErrorMessage(e)) { //Functions don't have line number appended in error message, so add it var num = getErrorLineNumber(exp, workerScript); e += " (Line " + num + ")"; } return Promise.reject(e); }); } else { return Promise.resolve(out); } } catch (e) { if (isScriptErrorMessage(e)) { if (isScriptErrorMessage(e)) { //Functions don't have line number appended in error message, so add it var num = getErrorLineNumber(exp, workerScript); e += " (Line " + num + ")"; } return Promise.reject(e); } else { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, e, exp)); } } } }); }); break; case "MemberExpression": return evaluate(exp.object, workerScript).then(function(object) { if (exp.computed){ return evaluate(exp.property, workerScript).then(function(index) { if (index >= object.length) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid index for arrays", exp)); } return Promise.resolve(object[index]); }).catch(function(e) { if (e instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"] || isScriptErrorMessage(e)) { return Promise.reject(e); } else { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid MemberExpression", exp)); } }); } else { if (exp.property.name === "constructor") { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Illegal usage of constructor() method. If you have your own function named 'constructor', you must re-name it.", exp)); } if (object != null && object instanceof Array && exp.property.name === "forEach") { return "NETSCRIPTFOREACH"; } try { return Promise.resolve(object[exp.property.name]) } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Failed to get property: " + e.toString(), exp)); } } }); break; case "LogicalExpression": case "BinaryExpression": return evalBinary(exp, workerScript); break; case "UnaryExpression": return evalUnary(exp, workerScript); break; case "AssignmentExpression": return evalAssignment(exp, workerScript); break; case "VariableDeclaration": return evalVariableDeclaration(exp, workerScript); break; case "UpdateExpression": if (exp.argument.type==="Identifier"){ if (exp.argument.name in env.vars){ if (exp.operator === "++" || exp.operator === "--") { switch (exp.operator) { case "++": env.set(exp.argument.name,env.get(exp.argument.name)+1); break; case "--": env.set(exp.argument.name,env.get(exp.argument.name)-1); break; default: break; } return Promise.resolve(env.get(exp.argument.name)); } //Not sure what prefix UpdateExpressions there would be besides ++/-- if (exp.prefix){ return Promise.resolve(env.get(exp.argument.name)) } switch (exp.operator){ default: return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Unrecognized token: " + exp.type + ". You are trying to use code that is currently unsupported", exp)); } return Promise.resolve(env.get(exp.argument.name)) } else { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "variable " + exp.argument.name + " not defined", exp)); } } else { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "argument must be an identifier", exp)); } break; case "EmptyStatement": return Promise.resolve(false); break; case "ReturnStatement": return evaluate(exp.argument, workerScript).then(function(res) { return Promise.reject(["RETURNSTATEMENT", res]); }); break; case "BreakStatement": return Promise.reject("BREAKSTATEMENT"); break; case "ContinueStatement": return Promise.reject("CONTINUESTATEMENT"); break; case "IfStatement": return evaluateIf(exp, workerScript); break; case "SwitchStatement": return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Switch statements are not yet implemented in Netscript", exp)); break; case "WhileStatement": return evaluateWhile(exp, workerScript).then(function(res) { return Promise.resolve(res); }).catch(function(e) { if (e == "BREAKSTATEMENT" || (e instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"] && e.errorMessage == "BREAKSTATEMENT")) { return Promise.resolve("whileLoopBroken"); } else { return Promise.reject(e); } }); break; case "ForStatement": return evaluate(exp.init, workerScript).then(function(expInit) { return evaluateFor(exp, workerScript); }).then(function(forLoopRes) { return Promise.resolve("forLoopDone"); }).catch(function(e) { if (e == "BREAKSTATEMENT" || (e instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"] && e.errorMessage == "BREAKSTATEMENT")) { return Promise.resolve("forLoopBroken"); } else { return Promise.reject(e); } }); break; case "FunctionDeclaration": if (exp.id && exp.id.name) { env.set(exp.id.name, exp); return Promise.resolve(true); } else { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid function declaration", exp)); } break; case "ImportDeclaration": return evaluateImport(exp, workerScript).then(function(res) { return Promise.resolve(res); }).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); break; case "ThrowStatement": return evaluate(exp.argument, workerScript).then(function(res) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, res)); }); break; default: return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Unrecognized token: " + exp.type + ". This is currently unsupported in Netscript", exp)); break; } //End switch }).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); // End Promise } function evalBinary(exp, workerScript){ return evaluate(exp.left, workerScript).then(function(expLeft) { //Short circuiting if (expLeft && exp.operator === "||") { return Promise.resolve(expLeft); } if (!expLeft && exp.operator === "&&") { return Promise.resolve(expLeft); } return evaluate(exp.right, workerScript).then(function(expRight) { switch (exp.operator){ case "===": case "==": return Promise.resolve(expLeft===expRight); break; case "!==": case "!=": return Promise.resolve(expLeft!==expRight); break; case "<": return Promise.resolve(expLeft": return Promise.resolve(expLeft>expRight); break; case ">=": return Promise.resolve(expLeft>=expRight); break; case "+": return Promise.resolve(expLeft+expRight); break; case "-": return Promise.resolve(expLeft-expRight); break; case "*": return Promise.resolve(expLeft*expRight); break; case "/": if (expRight === 0) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Divide by zero")); } else { return Promise.resolve(expLeft/expRight); } break; case "%": return Promise.resolve(expLeft%expRight); break; case "in": return Promise.resolve(expLeft in expRight); break; case "instanceof": return Promise.resolve(expLeft instanceof expRight); break; case "||": return Promise.resolve(expLeft || expRight); break; case "&&": return Promise.resolve(expLeft && expRight); break; default: return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Unsupported operator: " + exp.operator)); } }); }); } function evalUnary(exp, workerScript){ var env = workerScript.env; if (env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} return evaluate(exp.argument, workerScript).then(function(res) { if (exp.operator == "!") { return Promise.resolve(!res); } else if (exp.operator == "-") { if (isNaN(res)) { return Promise.resolve(res); } else { return Promise.resolve(-1 * res); } } else { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Unimplemented unary operator: " + exp.operator)); } }); } //Takes in a MemberExpression that should represent a Netscript array (possible multidimensional) //The return value is an array of the form: // [0th index (leftmost), array name, 1st index, 2nd index, ...] function getArrayElement(exp, workerScript) { var indices = []; return evaluate(exp.property, workerScript).then(function(idx) { if (isNaN(idx)) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid access to array. Index is not a number: " + idx)); } else { if (exp.object.name === undefined && exp.object.object) { return getArrayElement(exp.object, workerScript).then(function(res) { res.push(idx); indices = res; return Promise.resolve(indices); }).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } else { indices.push(idx); indices.push(exp.object.name); return Promise.resolve(indices); } } }); } function evalAssignment(exp, workerScript) { var env = workerScript.env; if (env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} if (exp.left.type != "Identifier" && exp.left.type != "MemberExpression") { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot assign to " + JSON.stringify(exp.left))); } if (exp.operator !== "=" && !(exp.left.name in env.vars)){ return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "variable " + exp.left.name + " not defined")); } return evaluate(exp.right, workerScript).then(function(expRight) { if (exp.left.type == "MemberExpression") { if (!exp.left.computed) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot assign to an object's property. This is currently unsupported in Netscript", exp)); } //Assign to array element //Array object designed by exp.left.object.name //Index designated by exp.left.property return getArrayElement(exp.left, workerScript).then(function(res) { if (!(res instanceof Array) || res.length < 2) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Error evaluating array assignment. This is (probably) a bug please report to game dev")); } //The array name is the second value var arrName = res.splice(1, 1); arrName = arrName[0]; var res; try { res = env.setArrayElement(arrName, res, expRight); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, e)); } return Promise.resolve(res); }).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } else { //Other assignments try { var assign; switch (exp.operator) { case "=": assign = expRight; break; case "+=": assign = env.get(exp.left.name) + expRight; break; case "-=": assign = env.get(exp.left.name) - expRight; break; case "*=": assign = env.get(exp.left.name) * expRight; break; case "/=": assign = env.get(exp.left.name) / expRight; break; case "%=": assign = env.get(exp.left.name) % expRight; break; default: return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Bitwise assignment is not implemented")); } env.set(exp.left.name, assign); return Promise.resolve(assign); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Failed to set environment variable: " + e.toString())); } } }); } function evalVariableDeclaration(exp, workerScript) { var env = workerScript.env; if (env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} if (!(exp.declarations instanceof Array)) { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Variable declarations parsed incorrectly. This may be a syntax error")); } if (exp.kind !== "var") { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Only 'var' declarations are currently allowed (let, const, etc. are not allowed)")); } return Promise.all(exp.declarations.map((decl)=>{ evalVariableDeclarator(decl, workerScript); })).then(function(res) { return Promise.resolve(res); }); } //A Variable Declaration contains an array of Variable Declarators function evalVariableDeclarator(exp, workerScript) { var env = workerScript.env; if (exp.type !== "VariableDeclarator") { return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid AST Node passed into evalVariableDeclarator: " + exp.type)); } if (exp.init == null) { env.set(exp.id.name, null); return Promise.resolve(null); } else { return evaluate(exp.init, workerScript).then(function(initValue) { env.set(exp.id.name, initValue); }); } } function evaluateIf(exp, workerScript, i) { var env = workerScript.env; return evaluate(exp.test, workerScript).then(function(condRes) { if (condRes) { return evaluate(exp.consequent, workerScript).then(function(res) { return Promise.resolve(true); }, function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } else if (exp.alternate) { return evaluate(exp.alternate, workerScript).then(function(res) { return Promise.resolve(true); }, function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } else { return Promise.resolve("endIf"); } }); } //Evaluate the looping part of a for loop (Initialization block is NOT done in here) function evaluateFor(exp, workerScript) { var env = workerScript.env; if (env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { function recurse() { //Don't return a promise so the promise chain is broken on each recursion (saving memory) evaluate(exp.test, workerScript).then(function(resCond) { if (resCond) { return evaluate(exp.body, workerScript).then(function(res) { return evaluate(exp.update, workerScript); }).catch(function(e) { if (e == "CONTINUESTATEMENT" || (e instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"] && e.errorMessage == "CONTINUESTATEMENT")) { //Continue statement, recurse to next iteration return evaluate(exp.update, workerScript).then(function(resPostloop) { return evaluateFor(exp, workerScript); }).then(function(foo) { return Promise.resolve("endForLoop"); }).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } else { return Promise.reject(e); } }).then(recurse, reject).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } else { resolve(); } }).catch(function(e) { reject(e); }); } recurse(); }); } function evaluateForeach(arr, args, workerScript) { console.log("evaluateForeach called"); if (!(arr instanceof Array)) { return Promise.reject("Invalid array passed into forEach"); } if (!(args instanceof Array) && args.length != 1) { return Promise.reject("Invalid argument passed into forEach"); } var func = args[0]; if (typeof func !== "function") { return Promise.reject("Invalid function passed into forEach"); } console.log(func); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { //Don't return a promise so the promise chain is broken on each recursion function recurse(i) { console.log("recurse() called with i: " + i); if (i >= arr.length) { resolve(); } else { return Promise.delay(_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Settings */ "a"].CodeInstructionRunTime).then(function() { console.log("About to apply function"); var res = func.apply(null, [arr[i]]); console.log("Applied function"); ++i; Promise.resolve(res).then(function(val) { recurse(i); }, reject).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); }); } } recurse(0); }); } function evaluateWhile(exp, workerScript) { var env = workerScript.env; if (env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { function recurse() { //Don't return a promise so the promise chain is broken on each recursion (saving memory) evaluate(exp.test, workerScript).then(function(resCond) { if (resCond) { return evaluate(exp.body, workerScript).catch(function(e) { if (e == "CONTINUESTATEMENT" || (e instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"] && e.errorMessage == "CONTINUESTATEMENT")) { //Continue statement, recurse return evaluateWhile(exp, workerScript).then(function(foo) { return Promise.resolve("endWhileLoop"); }, function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } else { return Promise.reject(e); } }).then(recurse, reject).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } else { resolve(); } }).catch(function(e) { reject(e); }); } recurse(); }); } function evaluateProg(exp, workerScript, index) { var env = workerScript.env; if (env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} if (index >= exp.body.length) { return Promise.resolve("progFinished"); } else { //Evaluate this line of code in the prog //After the code finishes evaluating, evaluate the next line recursively return evaluate(exp.body[index], workerScript).then(function(res) { return evaluateProg(exp, workerScript, index + 1); }).then(function(res) { return Promise.resolve(workerScript); }).catch(function(e) { return Promise.reject(e); }); } } function evaluateImport(exp, workerScript, checkingRam=false) { //When its checking RAM, it exports an array of nodes for each imported function var ramCheckRes = []; var env = workerScript.env; if (env.stopFlag) { if (checkingRam) {return ramCheckRes;} return Promise.reject(workerScript); } //Get source script and name of all functions to import var scriptName = exp.source.value; var namespace, namespaceObj, allFns = false, fnNames = []; if (exp.specifiers.length === 1 && exp.specifiers[0].type === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") { allFns = true; namespace = exp.specifiers[0].local.name; } else { for (var i = 0; i < exp.specifiers.length; ++i) { fnNames.push(exp.specifiers[i].local.name); } } //Get the code var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp), code = ""; if (server == null) { if (checkingRam) {return ramCheckRes;} return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Failed to identify server. This is a bug please report to dev", exp)); } for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (server.scripts[i].filename === scriptName) { code = server.scripts[i].code; break; } } if (code === "") { if (checkingRam) {return ramCheckRes;} return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Could not find script " + scriptName + " to import", exp)); } //Create the AST try { var ast = Object(_utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["parse"])(code, {sourceType:"module"}); } catch(e) { console.log("Failed to parse import script"); if (checkingRam) {return ramCheckRes;} return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Failed to import functions from " + scriptName + " This is most likely due to a syntax error in the imported script", exp)); } if (allFns) { //A namespace is implemented as a JS obj env.set(namespace, {}); namespaceObj = env.get(namespace); } //Search through the AST for all imported functions var queue = [ast]; while (queue.length != 0) { var node = queue.shift(); switch (node.type) { case "BlockStatement": case "Program": for (var i = 0; i < node.body.length; ++i) { if (node.body[i] instanceof _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Node"]) { queue.push(node.body[i]); } } break; case "FunctionDeclaration": if (node.id && node.id.name) { if (allFns) { //Import all functions under this namespace if (checkingRam) { ramCheckRes.push(node); } else { namespaceObj[node.id.name] = node; } } else { //Only import specified functions if (fnNames.includes(node.id.name)) { if (checkingRam) { ramCheckRes.push(node); } else { env.set(node.id.name, node); } } } } else { if (checkingRam) {return ramCheckRes;} return Promise.reject(makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid function declaration in imported script " + scriptName, exp)); } break; default: break; } for (var prop in node) { if (node.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (node[prop] instanceof _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Node"]) { queue.push(node[prop]); } } } } if (!checkingRam) {workerScript.scriptRef.log("Imported functions from " + scriptName);} if (checkingRam) {return ramCheckRes;} return Promise.resolve(true); } function killNetscriptDelay(workerScript) { if (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"]) { if (workerScript.delay) { clearTimeout(workerScript.delay); workerScript.delayResolve(); } } } function netscriptDelay(time, workerScript) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { workerScript.delay = setTimeout(()=>{ workerScript.delay = null; resolve(); }, time); workerScript.delayResolve = resolve; }); } function makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, msg, exp=null) { var lineNum = ""; if (exp != null) { var num = getErrorLineNumber(exp, workerScript); lineNum = " (Line " + num + ")" } return "|"+workerScript.serverIp+"|"+workerScript.name+"|" + msg + lineNum; } //Run a script from inside a script using run() command function runScriptFromScript(server, scriptname, args, workerScript, threads=1) { //Check if the script is already running var runningScriptObj = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(scriptname, args, server); if (runningScriptObj != null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " is already running on " + server.hostname); return Promise.resolve(false); } //'null/undefined' arguments are not allowed for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (args[i] == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot execute a script with null/undefined as an argument"); return Promise.resolve(false); } } //Check if the script exists and if it does run it for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (server.scripts[i].filename == scriptname) { //Check for admin rights and that there is enough RAM availble to run var script = server.scripts[i]; var ramUsage = script.ramUsage; threads = Math.round(Number(threads)); //Convert to number and round ramUsage = ramUsage * threads; var ramAvailable = server.maxRam - server.ramUsed; if (server.hasAdminRights == false) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot run script " + scriptname + " on " + server.hostname + " because you do not have root access!"); return Promise.resolve(false); } else if (ramUsage > ramAvailable){ workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot run script " + scriptname + "(t=" + threads + ") on " + server.hostname + " because there is not enough available RAM!"); return Promise.resolve(false); } else { //Able to run script if(workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.exec == null && workerScript.disableLogs.run == null && workerScript.disableLogs.spawn == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Running script: " + scriptname + " on " + server.hostname + " with " + threads + " threads and args: " + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["arrayToString"])(args) + ". May take a few seconds to start up..."); } var runningScriptObj = new _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* RunningScript */ "b"](script, args); runningScriptObj.threads = threads; server.runningScripts.push(runningScriptObj); //Push onto runningScripts Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* addWorkerScript */ "c"])(runningScriptObj, server); return Promise.resolve(true); } } } workerScript.scriptRef.log("Could not find script " + scriptname + " on " + server.hostname); return Promise.resolve(false); } function getErrorLineNumber(exp, workerScript) { var code = workerScript.scriptRef.scriptRef.code; //Split code up to the start of the node try { code = code.substring(0, exp.start); return (code.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; } catch(e) { return -1; } } function isScriptErrorMessage(msg) { if (!Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["isString"])(msg)) {return false;} let splitMsg = msg.split("|"); if (splitMsg.length != 4){ return false; } var ip = splitMsg[1]; if (!Object(_utils_helpers_isValidIPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["isValidIPAddress"])(ip)) { return false; } return true; } //The same as Player's calculateHackingChance() function but takes in the server as an argument function scriptCalculateHackingChance(server) { var difficultyMult = (100 - server.hackDifficulty) / 100; var skillMult = (1.75 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill) + (0.2 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence); var skillChance = (skillMult - server.requiredHackingSkill) / skillMult; var chance = skillChance * difficultyMult * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult; if (chance > 1) {return 1;} if (chance < 0) {return 0;} else {return chance;} } //The same as Player's calculateHackingTime() function but takes in the server as an argument function scriptCalculateHackingTime(server) { var difficultyMult = server.requiredHackingSkill * server.hackDifficulty; var skillFactor = (2.5 * difficultyMult + 500) / (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill + 50 + (0.1 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence)); var hackingTime = 5 * skillFactor / _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult; //This is in seconds return hackingTime; } //The same as Player's calculateExpGain() function but takes in the server as an argument function scriptCalculateExpGain(server) { if (server.baseDifficulty == null) { server.baseDifficulty = server.hackDifficulty; } return (server.baseDifficulty * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult * 0.3 + 3) * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].HackExpGain; } //The same as Player's calculatePercentMoneyHacked() function but takes in the server as an argument function scriptCalculatePercentMoneyHacked(server) { var difficultyMult = (100 - server.hackDifficulty) / 100; var skillMult = (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill - (server.requiredHackingSkill - 1)) / _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill; var percentMoneyHacked = difficultyMult * skillMult * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult / 240; if (percentMoneyHacked < 0) {return 0;} if (percentMoneyHacked > 1) {return 1;} return percentMoneyHacked * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ScriptHackMoney; } //Amount of time to execute grow() in milliseconds function scriptCalculateGrowTime(server) { var difficultyMult = server.requiredHackingSkill * server.hackDifficulty; var skillFactor = (2.5 * difficultyMult + 500) / (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill + 50 + (0.1 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence)); var growTime = 16 * skillFactor / _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult; //This is in seconds return growTime * 1000; } //Amount of time to execute weaken() in milliseconds function scriptCalculateWeakenTime(server) { var difficultyMult = server.requiredHackingSkill * server.hackDifficulty; var skillFactor = (2.5 * difficultyMult + 500) / (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill + 50 + (0.1 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence)); var weakenTime = 20 * skillFactor / _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult; //This is in seconds return weakenTime * 1000; } /***/ }), /* 8 */ /*!****************************!*\ !*** ./utils/DialogBox.js ***! \****************************/ /*! exports provided: dialogBoxCreate, dialogBoxOpened */ /*! all exports used */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "dialogBoxCreate", function() { return dialogBoxCreate; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "dialogBoxOpened", function() { return dialogBoxOpened; }); /* Pop up Dialog Box */ let dialogBoxes = []; //Close dialog box when clicking outside $(document).click(function(event) { if (dialogBoxOpened && dialogBoxes.length >= 1) { if (!$(event.target).closest(dialogBoxes[0]).length){ dialogBoxes[0].remove(); dialogBoxes.splice(0, 1); if (dialogBoxes.length == 0) { dialogBoxOpened = false; } else { dialogBoxes[0].style.visibility = "visible"; } } } }); //Dialog box close buttons $(document).on('click', '.dialog-box-close-button', function( event ) { if (dialogBoxOpened && dialogBoxes.length >= 1) { dialogBoxes[0].remove(); dialogBoxes.splice(0, 1); if (dialogBoxes.length == 0) { dialogBoxOpened = false; } else { dialogBoxes[0].style.visibility = "visible"; } } }); var dialogBoxOpened = false; function dialogBoxCreate(txt, preformatted=false) { var container = document.createElement("div"); container.setAttribute("class", "dialog-box-container"); var content = document.createElement("div"); content.setAttribute("class", "dialog-box-content"); var closeButton = document.createElement("span"); closeButton.setAttribute("class", "dialog-box-close-button"); closeButton.innerHTML = "×" var textE; if (preformatted) { // For text files as they are often computed data that // shouldn't be wrapped and should retain tabstops. textE = document.createElement("pre"); textE.innerHTML = txt; } else { textE = document.createElement("p"); textE.innerHTML = txt.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '
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params.ip : Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(); var hostname = params.hostname; var i = 0; var suffix = ""; while (GetServerByHostname(hostname+suffix) != null) { //Server already exists suffix = "-" + i; ++i; } this.hostname = hostname + suffix; this.organizationName = params.organizationName != null ? params.organizationName : ""; this.isConnectedTo = params.isConnectedTo != null ? params.isConnectedTo : false; //Access information this.hasAdminRights = params.adminRights != null ? params.adminRights : false; this.purchasedByPlayer = params.purchasedByPlayer != null ? params.purchasedByPlayer : false; this.manuallyHacked = false; //Flag that tracks whether or not the server has been hacked at least once //RAM, CPU speed and Scripts this.maxRam = params.maxRam != null ? params.maxRam : 0; //GB this.ramUsed = 0; this.cpuCores = 1; //Max of 8, affects hacking times and Hacking Mission starting Cores this.scripts = []; this.runningScripts = []; //Stores RunningScript objects this.programs = []; this.messages = []; this.textFiles = []; this.dir = 0; //new Directory(this, null, ""); TODO /* Hacking information (only valid for "foreign" aka non-purchased servers) */ this.requiredHackingSkill = params.requiredHackingSkill != null ? params.requiredHackingSkill : 1; this.moneyAvailable = params.moneyAvailable != null ? params.moneyAvailable * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ServerStartingMoney : 0; this.moneyMax = 25 * this.moneyAvailable * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ServerMaxMoney; //Hack Difficulty is synonymous with server security. Base Difficulty = Starting difficulty this.hackDifficulty = params.hackDifficulty != null ? params.hackDifficulty * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ServerStartingSecurity : 1; this.baseDifficulty = this.hackDifficulty; this.minDifficulty = Math.max(1, Math.round(this.hackDifficulty / 3)); this.serverGrowth = params.serverGrowth != null ? params.serverGrowth : 1; //Integer from 0 to 100. Affects money increase from grow() //The IP's of all servers reachable from this one (what shows up if you run scan/netstat) // NOTE: Only contains IP and not the Server objects themselves this.serversOnNetwork = []; //Port information, required for porthacking servers to get admin rights this.numOpenPortsRequired = params.numOpenPortsRequired != null ? params.numOpenPortsRequired : 5; this.sshPortOpen = false; //Port 22 this.ftpPortOpen = false; //Port 21 this.smtpPortOpen = false; //Port 25 this.httpPortOpen = false; //Port 80 this.sqlPortOpen = false; //Port 1433 this.openPortCount = 0; }; Server.prototype.setMaxRam = function(ram) { this.maxRam = ram; } //The serverOnNetwork array holds the IP of all the servers. This function //returns the actual Server objects Server.prototype.getServerOnNetwork = function(i) { if (i > this.serversOnNetwork.length) { console.log("Tried to get server on network that was out of range"); return; } return AllServers[this.serversOnNetwork[i]]; } //Given the name of the script, returns the corresponding //script object on the server (if it exists) Server.prototype.getScript = function(scriptName) { for (var i = 0; i < this.scripts.length; i++) { if (this.scripts[i].filename == scriptName) { return this.scripts[i]; } } return null; } Server.prototype.capDifficulty = function() { if (this.hackDifficulty < this.minDifficulty) {this.hackDifficulty = this.minDifficulty;} if (this.hackDifficulty < 1) {this.hackDifficulty = 1;} //Place some arbitrarily limit that realistically should never happen unless someone is //screwing around with the game if (this.hackDifficulty > 1000000) {this.hackDifficulty = 1000000;} } //Strengthens a server's security level (difficulty) by the specified amount Server.prototype.fortify = function(amt) { this.hackDifficulty += amt; this.capDifficulty(); } Server.prototype.weaken = function(amt) { this.hackDifficulty -= (amt * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ServerWeakenRate); this.capDifficulty(); } //Functions for loading and saving a Server Server.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_toJSON"])("Server", this); } Server.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Server, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"].constructors.Server = Server; function initForeignServers() { //MegaCorporations var ECorpServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"ecorp", organizationName:"ECorp", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1150, 1300), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(30e9, 70e9), hackDifficulty:99,serverGrowth:99, numOpenPortsRequired: 5, }); AddToAllServers(ECorpServer); var MegaCorpServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"megacorp", organizationName:"MegaCorp", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1150, 1300), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(40e9, 60e9), hackDifficulty:99, serverGrowth:99, numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(MegaCorpServer); var BachmanAndAssociatesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"b-and-a", organizationName:"Bachman & Associates", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1000, 1050), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(20e9, 25e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(75, 85), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(65, 75), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(BachmanAndAssociatesServer); var BladeIndustriesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"blade", organizationName:"Blade Industries", maxRam:128, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1000, 1100), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(12e9, 20e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(90, 95), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 75), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); BladeIndustriesServer.messages.push("beyond-man.lit"); AddToAllServers(BladeIndustriesServer); var NWOServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"nwo", organizationName:"New World Order", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1000, 1200), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(25e9, 35e9), hackDifficulty:99, serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(75, 85), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); NWOServer.messages.push("the-hidden-world.lit"); AddToAllServers(NWOServer); var ClarkeIncorporatedServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"clarkeinc", organizationName:"Clarke Incorporated", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1000, 1200), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(15e9, 25e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(50, 60), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(50, 70), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); ClarkeIncorporatedServer.messages.push("beyond-man.lit"); ClarkeIncorporatedServer.messages.push("cost-of-immortality.lit"); AddToAllServers(ClarkeIncorporatedServer); var OmniTekIncorporatedServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"omnitek", organizationName:"OmniTek Incorporated", maxRam:256, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(900, 1100), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(15e9, 20e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(90, 99), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(95, 99), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); OmniTekIncorporatedServer.messages.push("coded-intelligence.lit"); OmniTekIncorporatedServer.messages.push("history-of-synthoids.lit"); AddToAllServers(OmniTekIncorporatedServer); var FourSigmaServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"4sigma", organizationName:"FourSigma", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(950, 1200), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(15e9, 25e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 70), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(75, 99), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(FourSigmaServer); var KuaiGongInternationalServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"kuai-gong", organizationName:"KuaiGong International", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1000, 1250), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(20e9, 30e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(95, 99), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(90, 99), numOpenPortsRequired:5, }); AddToAllServers(KuaiGongInternationalServer); //Technology and communications companies (large targets) var FulcrumTechnologiesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"fulcrumtech", organizationName:"Fulcrum Technologies", maxRam:512, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1000, 1200), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1.4e9, 1.8e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(85, 95), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(80, 99), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); FulcrumTechnologiesServer.messages.push("simulated-reality.lit"); AddToAllServers(FulcrumTechnologiesServer); var FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"fulcrumassets", organizationName:"Fulcrum Technologies Assets", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1200, 1500), moneyAvailable:1e6, hackDifficulty:99, serverGrowth:1, numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].FulcrumSecretTechnologies, FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer.ip); var StormTechnologiesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"stormtech", organizationName:"Storm Technologies", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(900, 1050), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1e9, 1.2e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(80, 90), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 90), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(StormTechnologiesServer); var DefCommServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"defcomm", organizationName:"DefComm", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(900, 1000), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800e6, 950e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(85, 95), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(50, 70), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(DefCommServer); var InfoCommServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"infocomm", organizationName:"InfoComm", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(875, 950), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(600e6, 900e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 90), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(35, 75), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(InfoCommServer); var HeliosLabsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"helios", organizationName:"Helios Labs", maxRam:128, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800, 900), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(550e6, 750e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(85, 95), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); HeliosLabsServer.messages.push("beyond-man.lit"); AddToAllServers(HeliosLabsServer); var VitaLifeServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"vitalife", organizationName:"VitaLife", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(775, 900), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(700e6, 800e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(80, 90), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 80), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); VitaLifeServer.messages.push("A-Green-Tomorrow.lit"); AddToAllServers(VitaLifeServer); var IcarusMicrosystemsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"icarus", organizationName:"Icarus Microsystems", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(850, 925), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(900e6, 1000e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(85, 95), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(85, 95), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(IcarusMicrosystemsServer); var UniversalEnergyServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"univ-energy", organizationName:"Universal Energy", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800, 900), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1.1e9, 1.2e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(80, 90), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(80, 90), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(UniversalEnergyServer); var TitanLabsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"titan-labs", organizationName:"Titan Laboratories", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800, 875), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(750e6, 900e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 80), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); TitanLabsServer.messages.push("coded-intelligence.lit"); AddToAllServers(TitanLabsServer); var MicrodyneTechnologiesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"microdyne", organizationName:"Microdyne Technologies", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800, 875), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(500e6, 700e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(65, 75), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 90), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); MicrodyneTechnologiesServer.messages.push("synthetic-muscles.lit"); AddToAllServers(MicrodyneTechnologiesServer); var TaiYangDigitalServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"taiyang-digital", organizationName:"Taiyang Digital", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(850, 950), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800e6, 900e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); TaiYangDigitalServer.messages.push("A-Green-Tomorrow.lit"); TaiYangDigitalServer.messages.push("brighter-than-the-sun.lit"); AddToAllServers(TaiYangDigitalServer); var GalacticCyberSystemsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"galactic-cyber", organizationName:"Galactic Cybersystems", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(825, 875), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(750e6, 850e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(55, 65), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 90), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(GalacticCyberSystemsServer); //Defense Companies ("Large" Companies) var AeroCorpServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"aerocorp", organizationName:"AeroCorp", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(850, 925), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1e9, 1.2e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(80, 90), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(55, 65), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AeroCorpServer.messages.push("man-and-machine.lit"); AddToAllServers(AeroCorpServer); var OmniaCybersystemsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"omnia", organizationName:"Omnia Cybersystems", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(850, 950), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(900e6, 1e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(85, 95), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 70), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); OmniaCybersystemsServer.messages.push("history-of-synthoids.lit"); AddToAllServers(OmniaCybersystemsServer); var ZBDefenseServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"zb-def", organizationName:"ZB Defense Industries", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(775, 825), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(900e6, 1.1e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(55, 65), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(65, 75), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); ZBDefenseServer.messages.push("synthetic-muscles.lit"); AddToAllServers(ZBDefenseServer); var AppliedEnergeticsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"applied-energetics", organizationName:"Applied Energetics", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(775, 850), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(700e6, 1e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 75), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(AppliedEnergeticsServer); var SolarisSpaceSystemsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"solaris", organizationName:"Solaris Space Systems", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(750, 850), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(700e6, 900e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); SolarisSpaceSystemsServer.messages.push("A-Green-Tomorrow.lit"); SolarisSpaceSystemsServer.messages.push("the-failed-frontier.lit"); AddToAllServers(SolarisSpaceSystemsServer); var DeltaOneServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"deltaone", organizationName:"Delta One", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800, 900), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1.3e9, 1.7e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(75, 85), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(50, 70), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(DeltaOneServer); //Health, medicine, pharmaceutical companies ("Large" targets) var GlobalPharmaceuticalsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"global-pharm", organizationName:"Global Pharmaceuticals", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(750, 850), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1.5e9, 1.75e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(75, 85), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(80, 90), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); GlobalPharmaceuticalsServer.messages.push("A-Green-Tomorrow.lit"); AddToAllServers(GlobalPharmaceuticalsServer); var NovaMedicalServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"nova-med", organizationName:"Nova Medical", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(775, 850), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1.1e9, 1.25e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(65, 85), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(NovaMedicalServer); var ZeusMedicalServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"zeus-med", organizationName:"Zeus Medical", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800, 850), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1.3e9, 1.5e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 90), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(ZeusMedicalServer); var UnitaLifeGroupServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"unitalife", organizationName:"UnitaLife Group", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(775, 825), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(1e9, 1.1e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(UnitaLifeGroupServer); //"Medium level" targets var LexoCorpServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"lexo-corp", organizationName:"Lexo Corporation", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(650, 750), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(700e6, 800e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(55, 65), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(LexoCorpServer); var RhoConstructionServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"rho-construction", organizationName:"Rho Construction", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(475, 525), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(500e6, 700e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(40, 60), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(40, 60), numOpenPortsRequired:3 }); AddToAllServers(RhoConstructionServer); var AlphaEnterprisesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"alpha-ent", organizationName:"Alpha Enterprises", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(500, 600), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(600e6, 750e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(50, 70), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(50, 60),numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AlphaEnterprisesServer.messages.push("sector-12-crime.lit"); AddToAllServers(AlphaEnterprisesServer); var AevumPoliceServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"aevum-police", organizationName:"Aevum Police Network", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(400, 450), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(200e6, 400e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(30, 50), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(AevumPoliceServer); var RothmanUniversityServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"rothman-uni", organizationName:"Rothman University Network", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(370, 430), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(175e6, 250e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(45, 55), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(35, 45), numOpenPortsRequired:3 }); RothmanUniversityServer.messages.push("secret-societies.lit"); RothmanUniversityServer.messages.push("the-failed-frontier.lit"); RothmanUniversityServer.messages.push("tensions-in-tech-race.lit"); AddToAllServers(RothmanUniversityServer); var ZBInstituteOfTechnologyServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"zb-institute", organizationName:"ZB Institute of Technology Network", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(725, 775), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(800e6, 1.1e9), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(65, 85), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(75, 85), numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(ZBInstituteOfTechnologyServer); var SummitUniversityServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"summit-uni", organizationName:"Summit University Network", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(425, 475), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(200e6, 350e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(45, 65), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(40, 60), numOpenPortsRequired:3 }); SummitUniversityServer.messages.push("secret-societies.lit"); SummitUniversityServer.messages.push("the-failed-frontier.lit"); SummitUniversityServer.messages.push("synthetic-muscles.lit"); AddToAllServers(SummitUniversityServer); var SysCoreSecuritiesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"syscore", organizationName:"SysCore Securities", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(550, 650), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(400e6, 600e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 70), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(SysCoreSecuritiesServer); var CatalystVenturesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"catalyst", organizationName:"Catalyst Ventures", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(400, 450), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(300e6, 550e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 70), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(25, 55), numOpenPortsRequired:3, }); CatalystVenturesServer.messages.push("tensions-in-tech-race.lit"); AddToAllServers(CatalystVenturesServer); var TheHubServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"the-hub", organizationName:"The Hub", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(275, 325), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(150e6, 200e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(35, 45), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(45, 55), numOpenPortsRequired:2 }); AddToAllServers(TheHubServer); var CompuTekServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"comptek", organizationName:"CompuTek", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(300, 400), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(220e6, 250e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(55, 65), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(45, 65), numOpenPortsRequired:3 }); CompuTekServer.messages.push("man-and-machine.lit"); AddToAllServers(CompuTekServer); var NetLinkTechnologiesServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"netlink", organizationName:"NetLink Technologies", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(375, 425), moneyAvailable:275e6, hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60, 80), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(45, 75), numOpenPortsRequired:3 }); NetLinkTechnologiesServer.messages.push("simulated-reality.lit"); AddToAllServers(NetLinkTechnologiesServer); var JohnsonOrthopedicsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"johnson-ortho", organizationName:"Johnson Orthopedics", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(250, 300), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(70e6, 85e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(35, 65), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(35, 65), numOpenPortsRequired:2 }); AddToAllServers(JohnsonOrthopedicsServer); //"Low level" targets var FoodNStuffServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"foodnstuff", organizationName:"Food N Stuff Supermarket", maxRam:16, requiredHackingSkill:1, moneyAvailable:2e6, hackDifficulty:10, serverGrowth:5, numOpenPortsRequired:0 }); FoodNStuffServer.messages.push("sector-12-crime.lit"); AddToAllServers(FoodNStuffServer); var SigmaCosmeticsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"sigma-cosmetics", organizationName:"Sigma Cosmetics", maxRam:16, requiredHackingSkill:5, moneyAvailable:2.3e6, hackDifficulty:10, serverGrowth:10, numOpenPortsRequired:0 }); AddToAllServers(SigmaCosmeticsServer); var JoesGunsServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"joesguns", organizationName:"Joe's Guns", maxRam:16, requiredHackingSkill:10, moneyAvailable:2.5e6, hackDifficulty:15, serverGrowth:20, numOpenPortsRequired:0 }); AddToAllServers(JoesGunsServer); var Zer0NightclubServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"zer0", organizationName:"ZER0 Nightclub", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:75, moneyAvailable:7.5e6, hackDifficulty:25, serverGrowth:40, numOpenPortsRequired:1 }); AddToAllServers(Zer0NightclubServer); var NectarNightclubServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"nectar-net", organizationName:"Nectar Nightclub Network", maxRam:16, requiredHackingSkill:20, moneyAvailable:2.75e6, hackDifficulty:20, serverGrowth:25, numOpenPortsRequired:0 }); AddToAllServers(NectarNightclubServer); var NeoNightclubServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"neo-net", organizationName:"Neo Nightclub Network", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:50, moneyAvailable:5e6, hackDifficulty:25, serverGrowth:25, numOpenPortsRequired:1 }); NeoNightclubServer.messages.push("the-hidden-world.lit"); AddToAllServers(NeoNightclubServer); var SilverHelixServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"silver-helix", organizationName:"Silver Helix", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:150, moneyAvailable:45e6, hackDifficulty:30, serverGrowth:30, numOpenPortsRequired:2 }); SilverHelixServer.messages.push("new-triads.lit"); AddToAllServers(SilverHelixServer); var HongFangTeaHouseServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"hong-fang-tea", organizationName:"HongFang Teahouse", maxRam:16, requiredHackingSkill:30, moneyAvailable:3e6, hackDifficulty:15, serverGrowth:20, numOpenPortsRequired:0 }); HongFangTeaHouseServer.messages.push("brighter-than-the-sun.lit"); AddToAllServers(HongFangTeaHouseServer); var HaraKiriSushiBarServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"harakiri-sushi", organizationName:"HaraKiri Sushi Bar Network",maxRam:16, requiredHackingSkill:40, moneyAvailable:4e6, hackDifficulty:15, serverGrowth:40, numOpenPortsRequired:0 }); AddToAllServers(HaraKiriSushiBarServer); var PhantasyServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"phantasy", organizationName:"Phantasy Club", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:100, moneyAvailable:24e6, hackDifficulty:20, serverGrowth:35, numOpenPortsRequired:2 }); AddToAllServers(PhantasyServer); var MaxHardwareServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"max-hardware", organizationName:"Max Hardware Store", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:80, moneyAvailable:10e6, hackDifficulty:15, serverGrowth:30, numOpenPortsRequired:1, }); AddToAllServers(MaxHardwareServer); var OmegaSoftwareServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"omega-net", organizationName:"Omega Software", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(180, 220), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(60e6, 70e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(25, 35), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(30, 40), numOpenPortsRequired:2 }); OmegaSoftwareServer.messages.push("the-new-god.lit"); AddToAllServers(OmegaSoftwareServer); //Gyms var CrushFitnessGymServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"crush-fitness", organizationName:"Crush Fitness", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(225, 275), moneyAvailable:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(40e6, 60e6), hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(35, 45), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(27, 33), numOpenPortsRequired:2 }); AddToAllServers(CrushFitnessGymServer); var IronGymServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"iron-gym", organizationName:"Iron Gym Network", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:100, moneyAvailable:20e6, hackDifficulty:30, serverGrowth:20, numOpenPortsRequired:1 }); AddToAllServers(IronGymServer); var MilleniumFitnessGymServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"millenium-fitness", organizationName:"Millenium Fitness Network", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(475, 525), moneyAvailable:250e6, hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(45, 55), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(25, 45), numOpenPortsRequired:3, }); AddToAllServers(MilleniumFitnessGymServer); var PowerhouseGymServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"powerhouse-fitness", organizationName:"Powerhouse Fitness", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(950, 1100), moneyAvailable:900e6, hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(55, 65), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(50, 60), numOpenPortsRequired:5, }); AddToAllServers(PowerhouseGymServer); var SnapFitnessGymServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"snap-fitness", organizationName:"Snap Fitness", requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(675, 800), moneyAvailable:450e6, hackDifficulty:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(40, 60), serverGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(40, 60), numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(SnapFitnessGymServer); //Faction servers, cannot hack money from these var BitRunnersServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"run4theh111z", organizationName:"The Runners", maxRam:128, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(505, 550), moneyAvailable:0, hackDifficulty:0, serverGrowth:0, numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); BitRunnersServer.messages.push("simulated-reality.lit"); BitRunnersServer.messages.push("the-new-god.lit"); AddToAllServers(BitRunnersServer); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].BitRunnersServer, BitRunnersServer.ip); var TheBlackHandServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"I.I.I.I", organizationName:"I.I.I.I", maxRam:64, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(340, 365), moneyAvailable:0, hackDifficulty:0, serverGrowth:0, numOpenPortsRequired:3, }); TheBlackHandServer.messages.push("democracy-is-dead.lit"); AddToAllServers(TheBlackHandServer); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].TheBlackHandServer, TheBlackHandServer.ip); var NiteSecServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"avmnite-02h", organizationName:"NiteSec", maxRam:32, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(202, 220), moneyAvailable:0, hackDifficulty:0, serverGrowth:0, numOpenPortsRequired:2 }); NiteSecServer.messages.push("democracy-is-dead.lit"); AddToAllServers(NiteSecServer); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].NiteSecServer, NiteSecServer.ip); var DarkArmyServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:".", organizationName:".", maxRam:16, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(505, 550), moneyAvailable:0, hackDifficulty:0, serverGrowth:0, numOpenPortsRequired:4 }); AddToAllServers(DarkArmyServer); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].TheDarkArmyServer, DarkArmyServer.ip); var CyberSecServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"CSEC", organizationName:"CyberSec", maxRam:8, requiredHackingSkill:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["getRandomInt"])(51, 60), moneyAvailable:0, hackDifficulty:0, serverGrowth:0, numOpenPortsRequired:1 }); CyberSecServer.messages.push("democracy-is-dead.lit"); AddToAllServers(CyberSecServer); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].CyberSecServer, CyberSecServer.ip); var DaedalusServer = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"The-Cave", organizationName:"Helios", requiredHackingSkill:925, moneyAvailable:0, hackDifficulty:0, serverGrowth:0, numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); DaedalusServer.messages.push("alpha-omega.lit"); AddToAllServers(DaedalusServer); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].DaedalusServer, DaedalusServer.ip); //Super special Servers var WorldDaemon = new Server({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].WorldDaemon, organizationName:_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].WorldDaemon, requiredHackingSkill:3000, moneyAvailable:0, hackDifficulty:0, serverGrowth:0, numOpenPortsRequired:5 }); AddToAllServers(WorldDaemon); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp(_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].WorldDaemon, WorldDaemon.ip); /* Create a randomized network for all the foreign servers */ //Groupings for creating a randomized network var NetworkGroup1 = [IronGymServer, FoodNStuffServer, SigmaCosmeticsServer, JoesGunsServer, HongFangTeaHouseServer, HaraKiriSushiBarServer]; var NetworkGroup2 = [MaxHardwareServer, NectarNightclubServer, Zer0NightclubServer, CyberSecServer]; var NetworkGroup3 = [OmegaSoftwareServer, PhantasyServer, SilverHelixServer, NeoNightclubServer]; var NetworkGroup4 = [CrushFitnessGymServer, NetLinkTechnologiesServer, CompuTekServer, TheHubServer, JohnsonOrthopedicsServer, NiteSecServer]; var NetworkGroup5 = [CatalystVenturesServer, SysCoreSecuritiesServer, SummitUniversityServer, ZBInstituteOfTechnologyServer, RothmanUniversityServer, TheBlackHandServer]; var NetworkGroup6 = [LexoCorpServer, RhoConstructionServer, AlphaEnterprisesServer, AevumPoliceServer, MilleniumFitnessGymServer]; var NetworkGroup7 = [GlobalPharmaceuticalsServer, AeroCorpServer, GalacticCyberSystemsServer, SnapFitnessGymServer]; var NetworkGroup8 = [DeltaOneServer, UnitaLifeGroupServer, OmniaCybersystemsServer]; var NetworkGroup9 = [ZeusMedicalServer, SolarisSpaceSystemsServer, UniversalEnergyServer, IcarusMicrosystemsServer, DefCommServer]; var NetworkGroup10 = [NovaMedicalServer, ZBDefenseServer, TaiYangDigitalServer, InfoCommServer]; var NetworkGroup11 = [AppliedEnergeticsServer, MicrodyneTechnologiesServer, TitanLabsServer, BitRunnersServer]; var NetworkGroup12 = [VitaLifeServer, HeliosLabsServer, StormTechnologiesServer, FulcrumTechnologiesServer]; var NetworkGroup13 = [KuaiGongInternationalServer, FourSigmaServer, OmniTekIncorporatedServer, DarkArmyServer]; var NetworkGroup14 = [PowerhouseGymServer, ClarkeIncorporatedServer, NWOServer, BladeIndustriesServer, BachmanAndAssociatesServer]; var NetworkGroup15 = [FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer, MegaCorpServer, ECorpServer, DaedalusServer]; for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup2.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup1[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup1.length)]; NetworkGroup2[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup2[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup3.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup2[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup2.length)]; NetworkGroup3[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup3[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup4.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup3[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup3.length)]; NetworkGroup4[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup4[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup5.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup4[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup4.length)]; NetworkGroup5[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup5[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup6.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup5[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup5.length)]; NetworkGroup6[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup6[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup7.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup6[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup6.length)]; NetworkGroup7[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup7[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup8.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup7[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup7.length)]; NetworkGroup8[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup8[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup9.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup8[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup8.length)]; NetworkGroup9[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup9[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup10.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup9[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup9.length)]; NetworkGroup10[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup10[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup11.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup10[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup10.length)]; NetworkGroup11[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup11[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup12.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup11[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup11.length)]; NetworkGroup12[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup12[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup13.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup12[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup12.length)]; NetworkGroup13[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup13[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup14.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup13[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup13.length)]; NetworkGroup14[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup14[i].ip); } for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup15.length; i++) { var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup14[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup14.length)]; NetworkGroup15[i].serversOnNetwork.push(randomServerFromPrevGroup.ip); randomServerFromPrevGroup.serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup15[i].ip); } //Connect the first tier of servers to the player's home computer for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup1.length; i++) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup1[i].ip); NetworkGroup1[i].serversOnNetwork.push(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].homeComputer); } } function numCycleForGrowth(server, growth) { let ajdGrowthRate = 1 + (_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerBaseGrowthRate - 1) / server.hackDifficulty; if(ajdGrowthRate > _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerMaxGrowthRate) { ajdGrowthRate = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerMaxGrowthRate; } const serverGrowthPercentage = server.serverGrowth / 100; const cycles = Math.log(growth)/(Math.log(ajdGrowthRate)*_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_grow_mult*serverGrowthPercentage); return cycles; } //Applied server growth for a single server. Returns the percentage growth function processSingleServerGrowth(server, numCycles) { //Server growth processed once every 450 game cycles const numServerGrowthCycles = Math.max(Math.floor(numCycles / 450), 0); //Get adjusted growth rate, which accounts for server security const growthRate = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerBaseGrowthRate; var adjGrowthRate = 1 + (growthRate - 1) / server.hackDifficulty; if (adjGrowthRate > _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerMaxGrowthRate) {adjGrowthRate = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerMaxGrowthRate;} //Calculate adjusted server growth rate based on parameters const serverGrowthPercentage = server.serverGrowth / 100; const numServerGrowthCyclesAdjusted = numServerGrowthCycles * serverGrowthPercentage * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].ServerGrowthRate; //Apply serverGrowth for the calculated number of growth cycles var serverGrowth = Math.pow(adjGrowthRate, numServerGrowthCyclesAdjusted * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_grow_mult); if (serverGrowth < 1) { console.log("WARN: serverGrowth calculated to be less than 1"); serverGrowth = 1; } const oldMoneyAvailable = server.moneyAvailable; server.moneyAvailable *= serverGrowth; // in case of data corruption if (server.moneyMax && isNaN(server.moneyAvailable)) { server.moneyAvailable = server.moneyMax; } // cap at max if (server.moneyMax && server.moneyAvailable > server.moneyMax) { server.moneyAvailable = server.moneyMax; } // if there was any growth at all, increase security if(oldMoneyAvailable !== server.moneyAvailable) { //Growing increases server security twice as much as hacking let usedCycles = numCycleForGrowth(server, server.moneyAvailable / oldMoneyAvailable); usedCycles = Math.max(0, usedCycles); server.fortify(2 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerFortifyAmount * Math.ceil(usedCycles)); } return server.moneyAvailable / oldMoneyAvailable; } function prestigeHomeComputer(homeComp) { homeComp.programs.length = 0; //Remove programs homeComp.runningScripts = []; homeComp.serversOnNetwork = []; homeComp.isConnectedTo = true; homeComp.ramUsed = 0; homeComp.programs.push(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].NukeProgram.name); //Update RAM usage on all scripts homeComp.scripts.forEach(function(script) { script.updateRamUsage(); }); homeComp.messages.length = 0; //Remove .lit and .msg files homeComp.messages.push("hackers-starting-handbook.lit"); } //List of all servers that exist in the game, indexed by their ip let AllServers = {}; function prestigeAllServers() { for (var member in AllServers) { delete AllServers[member]; } AllServers = {}; } function loadAllServers(saveString) { AllServers = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"]); } function SizeOfAllServers() { var size = 0, key; for (key in AllServers) { if (AllServers.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++; } return size; } //Add a server onto the map of all servers in the game function AddToAllServers(server) { var serverIp = server.ip; if (Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* ipExists */ "b"])(serverIp)) { console.log("IP of server that's being added: " + serverIp); console.log("Hostname of the server thats being added: " + server.hostname); console.log("The server that already has this IP is: " + AllServers[serverIp].hostname); throw new Error("Error: Trying to add a server with an existing IP"); return; } AllServers[serverIp] = server; } //Returns server object with corresponding hostname // Relatively slow, would rather not use this a lot function GetServerByHostname(hostname) { for (var ip in AllServers) { if (AllServers.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (AllServers[ip].hostname == hostname) { return AllServers[ip]; } } } return null; } //Get server by IP or hostname. Returns null if invalid function getServer(s) { if (!Object(_utils_helpers_isValidIPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["isValidIPAddress"])(s)) { return GetServerByHostname(s); } if(AllServers[s] !== undefined) { return AllServers[s]; } return null; } //Debugging tool function PrintAllServers() { for (var ip in AllServers) { if (AllServers.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { console.log("Ip: " + ip + ", hostname: " + AllServers[ip].hostname); } } } // Directory object (folders) function Directory(server, parent, name) { this.s = server; //Ref to server this.p = parent; //Ref to parent directory this.c = []; //Subdirs this.n = name; this.d = parent.d + 1; //We'll only have a maximum depth of 3 or something this.scrs = []; //Holds references to the scripts in server.scripts this.pgms = []; this.msgs = []; } Directory.prototype.createSubdir = function(name) { var subdir = new Directory(this.s, this, name); } Directory.prototype.getPath = function(name) { var res = []; var i = this; while (i !== null) { res.unshift(i.n, "/"); i = i.parent; } res.unshift("/"); return res.join(""); } /***/ }), /* 10 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./utils/JSONReviver.js ***! \******************************/ /*! exports provided: Reviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON */ /*! all exports used */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Reviver", function() { return Reviver; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Generic_toJSON", function() { return Generic_toJSON; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "Generic_fromJSON", function() { return Generic_fromJSON; }); /* Generic Reviver, toJSON, and fromJSON functions used for saving and loading objects */ // A generic "smart reviver" function. // Looks for object values with a `ctor` property and // a `data` property. If it finds them, and finds a matching // constructor that has a `fromJSON` property on it, it hands // off to that `fromJSON` fuunction, passing in the value. function Reviver(key, value) { var ctor; if (value == null) { console.log("Reviver WRONGLY called with key: " + key + ", and value: " + value); return 0; } if (typeof value === "object" && typeof value.ctor === "string" && typeof value.data !== "undefined") { ctor = Reviver.constructors[value.ctor] || window[value.ctor]; if (typeof ctor === "function" && typeof ctor.fromJSON === "function") { return ctor.fromJSON(value); } } return value; } Reviver.constructors = {}; // A list of constructors the smart reviver should know about // A generic "toJSON" function that creates the data expected // by Reviver. // `ctorName` The name of the constructor to use to revive it // `obj` The object being serialized // `keys` (Optional) Array of the properties to serialize, // if not given then all of the objects "own" properties // that don't have function values will be serialized. // (Note: If you list a property in `keys`, it will be serialized // regardless of whether it's an "own" property.) // Returns: The structure (which will then be turned into a string // as part of the JSON.stringify algorithm) function Generic_toJSON(ctorName, obj, keys) { var data, index, key; if (!keys) { keys = Object.keys(obj); // Only "own" properties are included } data = {}; for (index = 0; index < keys.length; ++index) { key = keys[index]; data[key] = obj[key]; } return {ctor: ctorName, data: data}; } // A generic "fromJSON" function for use with Reviver: Just calls the // constructor function with no arguments, then applies all of the // key/value pairs from the raw data to the instance. Only useful for // constructors that can be reasonably called without arguments! // `ctor` The constructor to call // `data` The data to apply // Returns: The object function Generic_fromJSON(ctor, data) { var obj, name; obj = new ctor(); for (name in data) { obj[name] = data[name]; } return obj; } /***/ }), /* 11 */ /*!************************!*\ !*** ./src/Company.js ***! \************************/ /*! exports provided: CompanyPositions, initCompanies, Companies, getJobRequirementText, getNextCompanyPosition, loadCompanies, Company, CompanyPosition, companyExists */ /*! exports used: Companies, Company, CompanyPosition, CompanyPositions, companyExists, getJobRequirementText, getNextCompanyPosition, initCompanies, loadCompanies */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return CompanyPositions; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return initCompanies; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Companies; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return getJobRequirementText; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return getNextCompanyPosition; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "i", function() { return loadCompanies; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return Company; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return CompanyPosition; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return companyExists; }); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location */ 4); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); //Netburner Company class // Note: Company Positions can be loaded every time with init() but Company class needs // to be saved/loaded from localStorage function Company(name="", salaryMult=0, expMult=0, jobStatReqOffset=0) { this.companyName = name; this.info = ""; this.companyPositions = []; //Names (only name, not object) of all company positions this.perks = []; //Available Perks this.salaryMultiplier = salaryMult; //Multiplier for base salary this.expMultiplier = expMult; //Multiplier for base exp gain //The additional levels you need in the relevant stat to qualify for a job. //E.g the offset for a megacorporation will be high, let's say 200, so the //stat level you'd need to get an intern job would be 200 instead of 1. this.jobStatReqOffset = jobStatReqOffset; //Player-related properties for company this.isPlayerEmployed = false; this.playerPosition = ""; //Name (only name, not object) of the current position player holds this.playerReputation = 1; //"Reputation" within company, gain reputation by working for company this.favor = 0; this.rolloverRep = 0; }; Company.prototype.setInfo = function(inf) { this.info = inf; } Company.prototype.addPosition = function(pos) { this.companyPositions.push(pos.positionName); //Company object holds only name of positions } Company.prototype.addPositions = function(positions) { for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { this.addPosition(positions[i]); } } Company.prototype.hasPosition = function(pos) { for (var i = 0; i < this.companyPositions.length; ++i) { if (pos.positionName == this.companyPositions[i]) { return true; } } return false; } Company.prototype.gainFavor = function() { if (this.favor == null || this.favor == undefined) {this.favor = 0;} if (this.rolloverRep == null || this.rolloverRep == undefined) {this.rolloverRep = 0;} var res = this.getFavorGain(); if (res.length != 2) { console.log("Error: invalid result from getFavorGain() function"); return; } this.favor += res[0]; this.rolloverRep = res[1]; } Company.prototype.getFavorGain = function() { if (this.favor == null || this.favor == undefined) {this.favor = 0;} if (this.rolloverRep == null || this.rolloverRep == undefined) {this.rolloverRep = 0;} var favorGain = 0, rep = this.playerReputation + this.rolloverRep; var reqdRep = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CompanyReputationToFavorBase * Math.pow(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CompanyReputationToFavorMult, this.favor); while(rep > 0) { if (rep >= reqdRep) { ++favorGain; rep -= reqdRep; } else { break; } reqdRep *= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionReputationToFavorMult; } return [favorGain, rep]; } Company.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Generic_toJSON"])("Company", this); } Company.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Company, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Reviver"].constructors.Company = Company; //Object that defines a position within a Company and its requirements function CompanyPosition(name, reqHack, reqStr, reqDef, reqDex, reqAgi, reqCha, reqRep, salary) { this.positionName = name; this.requiredHacking = reqHack; this.requiredStrength = reqStr; this.requiredDefense = reqDef; this.requiredDexterity = reqDex; this.requiredAgility = reqAgi; this.requiredCharisma = reqCha; this.requiredReputation = reqRep; //Base salary for a position. This will be multiplied by a company-specific multiplier. Better companies will have //higher multipliers. // //NOTE: This salary denotes the $ gained every loop (200 ms) this.baseSalary = salary; }; //Set the parameters that are used to determine how good/effective the Player is at a job. //The Player's "effectiveness" at a job determines how much reputation he gains when he works // //NOTE: These parameters should total to 100, such that each parameter represents a "weighting" of how // important that stat/skill is for the job CompanyPosition.prototype.setPerformanceParameters = function(hackEff, strEff, defEff, dexEff, agiEff, chaEff, posMult=1) { if (hackEff + strEff + defEff + dexEff + agiEff + chaEff != 100) { console.log("CompanyPosition.setPerformanceParameters() arguments do not total to 100"); return; } this.hackingEffectiveness = hackEff; this.strengthEffectiveness = strEff; this.defenseEffectiveness = defEff; this.dexterityEffectiveness = dexEff; this.agilityEffectiveness = agiEff; this.charismaEffectiveness = chaEff; this.positionMultiplier = posMult; //Reputation multiplier for this position } //Set the stat/skill experience a Player should gain for working at a CompanyPosition. The experience is per game loop (200 ms) //These will be constant for a single position, but is affected by a company-specific multiplier CompanyPosition.prototype.setExperienceGains = function(hack, str, def, dex, agi, cha) { this.hackingExpGain = hack; this.strengthExpGain = str; this.defenseExpGain = def; this.dexterityExpGain = dex; this.agilityExpGain = agi; this.charismaExpGain = cha; } //Calculate a player's effectiveness at a certain job. Returns the amount of job reputation //that should be gained every game loop (200 ms) CompanyPosition.prototype.calculateJobPerformance = function(hacking, str, def, dex, agi, cha) { var hackRatio = this.hackingEffectiveness * hacking / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel; var strRatio = this.strengthEffectiveness * str / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel; var defRatio = this.defenseEffectiveness * def / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel; var dexRatio = this.dexterityEffectiveness * dex / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel; var agiRatio = this.agilityEffectiveness * agi / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel; var chaRatio = this.charismaEffectiveness * cha / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel; var reputationGain = this.positionMultiplier * (hackRatio + strRatio + defRatio + dexRatio + agiRatio + chaRatio) / 100; if (isNaN(reputationGain)) { console.log("ERROR: Code should not reach here"); reputationGain = (hackRatio + strRatio + defRatio + dexRatio + agiRatio + chaRatio) / 100; } return reputationGain; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isSoftwareJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "Software Engineering Intern" || this.positionName == "Junior Software Engineer" || this.positionName == "Senior Software Engineer" || this.positionName == "Lead Software Developer" || this.positionName == "Head of Software" || this.positionName == "Head of Engineering" || this.positionName == "Vice President of Technology" || this.positionName == "Chief Technology Officer") { return true; } return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isITJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "IT Intern" || this.positionName == "IT Analyst" || this.positionName == "IT Manager" || this.positionName == "Systems Administrator") { return true; } return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isSecurityEngineerJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "Security Engineer") { return true; } return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isNetworkEngineerJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "Network Engineer" || this.positionName == "Network Administrator") { return true; } return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isBusinessJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "Business Intern" || this.positionName == "Business Analyst" || this.positionName == "Business Manager" || this.positionName == "Operations Manager" || this.positionName == "Chief Financial Officer" || this.positionName == "Chief Executive Officer") { return true; } return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isSecurityJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "Security Guard" || this.positionName == "Police Officer" || this.positionName == "Security Officer" || this.positionName == "Security Supervisor" || this.positionName == "Head of Security") { return true; } return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isAgentJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "Field Agent" || this.positionName == "Secret Agent" || this.positionName == "Special Operative") { return true; } return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isSoftwareConsultantJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "Software Consultant" || this.positionName == "Senior Software Consultant") {return true;} return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isBusinessConsultantJob = function() { if (this.positionName == "Business Consultant" || this.positionName == "Senior Business Consultant") {return true;} return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.isPartTimeJob = function() { if (this.isSoftwareConsultantJob() || this.isBusinessConsultantJob() || this.positionName == "Part-time Waiter" || this.positionName == "Part-time Employee") {return true;} return false; } CompanyPosition.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Generic_toJSON"])("CompanyPosition", this); } CompanyPosition.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Generic_fromJSON"])(CompanyPosition, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Reviver"].constructors.CompanyPosition = CompanyPosition; let CompanyPositions = { //Constructor: CompanyPosition(name, reqHack, reqStr, reqDef, reqDex, reqAgi, reqCha, reqRep, salary) //Software SoftwareIntern: new CompanyPosition("Software Engineering Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33), JuniorDev: new CompanyPosition("Junior Software Engineer", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8000, 80), SeniorDev: new CompanyPosition("Senior Software Engineer", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 40000, 165), LeadDev: new CompanyPosition("Lead Software Developer", 401, 0, 0, 0, 0, 151, 200000, 500), //TODO Through darkweb, maybe? FreelanceDeveloper: new CompanyPosition("Freelance Developer", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), SoftwareConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Software Consultant", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 66), SeniorSoftwareConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Senior Software Consultant", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 132), //IT ITIntern: new CompanyPosition("IT Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26), ITAnalyst: new CompanyPosition("IT Analyst", 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7000, 66), ITManager: new CompanyPosition("IT Manager", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 35000, 132), SysAdmin: new CompanyPosition("Systems Administrator", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 175000, 410), SecurityEngineer: new CompanyPosition("Security Engineer", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 35000, 121), NetworkEngineer: new CompanyPosition("Network Engineer", 151, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 35000, 121), NetworkAdministrator: new CompanyPosition("Network Administrator", 251, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 175000, 410), //Technology management HeadOfSoftware: new CompanyPosition("Head of Software", 501, 0, 0, 0, 0, 251, 400000, 800), HeadOfEngineering: new CompanyPosition("Head of Engineering", 501, 0, 0, 0, 0, 251, 800000, 1650), VicePresident: new CompanyPosition("Vice President of Technology", 601, 0, 0, 0, 0, 401, 1600000, 2310), CTO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Technology Officer", 751, 0, 0, 0, 0, 501, 3200000, 2640), //Business BusinessIntern: new CompanyPosition("Business Intern", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 46), BusinessAnalyst: new CompanyPosition("Business Analyst", 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 8000, 100), BusinessManager: new CompanyPosition("Business Manager", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 101, 40000, 200), OperationsManager: new CompanyPosition("Operations Manager", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 226, 200000, 660), CFO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Financial Officer", 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 501, 800000, 1950), CEO: new CompanyPosition("Chief Executive Officer", 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 751, 3200000, 3900), BusinessConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Business Consultant", 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 88), SeniorBusinessConsultant: new CompanyPosition("Senior Business Consultant", 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 226, 0, 525), //Non-tech/management jobs PartTimeWaiter: new CompanyPosition("Part-time Waiter", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20), PartTimeEmployee: new CompanyPosition("Part-time Employee", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20), Waiter: new CompanyPosition("Waiter", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22), Employee: new CompanyPosition("Employee", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22), PoliceOfficer: new CompanyPosition("Police Officer", 11, 101, 101, 101, 101, 51, 8000, 82), PoliceChief: new CompanyPosition("Police Chief", 101, 301, 301, 301, 301, 151, 36000, 460), SecurityGuard: new CompanyPosition("Security Guard", 0, 51, 51, 51, 51, 1, 0, 50), SecurityOfficer: new CompanyPosition("Security Officer", 26, 151, 151, 151, 151, 51, 8000, 195), SecuritySupervisor: new CompanyPosition("Security Supervisor", 26, 251, 251, 251, 251, 101, 36000, 660), HeadOfSecurity: new CompanyPosition("Head of Security", 51, 501, 501, 501, 501, 151, 144000, 1320), FieldAgent: new CompanyPosition("Field Agent", 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 8000, 330), SecretAgent: new CompanyPosition("Secret Agent", 201, 251, 251, 251, 251, 201, 32000, 990), SpecialOperative: new CompanyPosition("Special Operative", 251, 501, 501, 501, 501, 251, 162000, 2000), init: function() { //Argument order: hack, str, def, dex, agi, cha //Software CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern.setPerformanceParameters(85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0.9); CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern.setExperienceGains(.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, .02); CompanyPositions.JuniorDev.setPerformanceParameters(85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 1.1); CompanyPositions.JuniorDev.setExperienceGains(.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .05); CompanyPositions.SeniorDev.setPerformanceParameters(80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 1.3); CompanyPositions.SeniorDev.setExperienceGains(.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, .08); CompanyPositions.LeadDev.setPerformanceParameters(75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 1.5); CompanyPositions.LeadDev.setExperienceGains(.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, .1); CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant.setPerformanceParameters(80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 1); CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant.setExperienceGains(.08, 0, 0, 0, 0, .03); CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant.setPerformanceParameters(75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 1.2); CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant.setExperienceGains(.25, 0, 0, 0, 0, .06); //Security CompanyPositions.ITIntern.setPerformanceParameters(90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0.9); CompanyPositions.ITIntern.setExperienceGains(.04, 0, 0, 0, 0, .01); CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst.setPerformanceParameters(85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 1.1); CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst.setExperienceGains(.08, 0, 0, 0, 0, .02); CompanyPositions.ITManager.setPerformanceParameters(80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 1.3); CompanyPositions.ITManager.setExperienceGains(.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, .1); CompanyPositions.SysAdmin.setPerformanceParameters(80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 1.4); CompanyPositions.SysAdmin.setExperienceGains(.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .05); CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer.setPerformanceParameters(85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 1.2); CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer.setExperienceGains(0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, .05); CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer.setPerformanceParameters(85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 1.2); CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer.setExperienceGains(0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, .05); CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator.setPerformanceParameters(80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 1.3); CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator.setExperienceGains(0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, .1); //Technology management CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware.setPerformanceParameters(75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 1.6); CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware.setExperienceGains(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .5); CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering.setPerformanceParameters(75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 1.6); CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering.setExperienceGains(1.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .5); CompanyPositions.VicePresident.setPerformanceParameters(70, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 1.75); CompanyPositions.VicePresident.setExperienceGains(1.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, .6); CompanyPositions.CTO.setPerformanceParameters(65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 2); CompanyPositions.CTO.setExperienceGains(1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); //Business CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern.setPerformanceParameters(10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0.9); CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern.setExperienceGains(.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, .08); CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst.setPerformanceParameters(15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 1.1); CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst.setExperienceGains(.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, .15); CompanyPositions.BusinessManager.setPerformanceParameters(15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 1.3); CompanyPositions.BusinessManager.setExperienceGains(.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, .3); CompanyPositions.OperationsManager.setPerformanceParameters(15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 1.5); CompanyPositions.OperationsManager.setExperienceGains(.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, .4); CompanyPositions.CFO.setPerformanceParameters(10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 1.6); CompanyPositions.CFO.setExperienceGains(.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); CompanyPositions.CEO.setPerformanceParameters(10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 1.75); CompanyPositions.CEO.setExperienceGains(.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5); CompanyPositions.BusinessConsultant.setPerformanceParameters(20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 80, 1); CompanyPositions.BusinessConsultant.setExperienceGains(.015, 0, 0, 0, 0, .15); CompanyPositions.SeniorBusinessConsultant.setPerformanceParameters(15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 1.2); CompanyPositions.SeniorBusinessConsultant.setExperienceGains(.015, 0, 0, 0, 0, .3); //Non-tech/management jobs CompanyPositions.PartTimeWaiter.setPerformanceParameters(0, 10, 0, 10, 10, 70); CompanyPositions.PartTimeWaiter.setExperienceGains(0, .0075, .0075, .0075, .0075, .04); CompanyPositions.PartTimeEmployee.setPerformanceParameters(0, 10, 0, 10, 10, 70); CompanyPositions.PartTimeEmployee.setExperienceGains(0, .0075, .0075, .0075, .0075, .03); CompanyPositions.Waiter.setPerformanceParameters(0, 10, 0, 10, 10, 70); CompanyPositions.Waiter.setExperienceGains(0, .02, .02, .02, .02, .05); CompanyPositions.Employee.setPerformanceParameters(0, 10, 0, 10, 10, 70); CompanyPositions.Employee.setExperienceGains(0, .02, .02, .02, .02, .04); CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard.setPerformanceParameters(5, 20, 20, 20, 20, 15, 1); CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard.setExperienceGains(.01, .04, .04, .04, .04, .02); CompanyPositions.PoliceOfficer.setPerformanceParameters(5, 20, 20, 20, 20, 15, 1); CompanyPositions.PoliceOfficer.setExperienceGains(.02, .08, .08, .08, .08, .04); CompanyPositions.PoliceChief.setPerformanceParameters(5, 20, 20, 20, 20, 15, 1.25); CompanyPositions.PoliceChief.setExperienceGains(.02, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1); CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer.setPerformanceParameters(10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 1.1); CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer.setExperienceGains(.02, .1, .1, .1, .1, .05); CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor.setPerformanceParameters(10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 30, 1.25); CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor.setExperienceGains(.02, .12, .12, .12, .12, .1); CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity.setPerformanceParameters(10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 30, 1.4); CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity.setExperienceGains(.05, .15, .15, .15, .15, .15); CompanyPositions.FieldAgent.setPerformanceParameters(10, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 1); CompanyPositions.FieldAgent.setExperienceGains(.04, .08, .08, .08, .08, .05); CompanyPositions.SecretAgent.setPerformanceParameters(15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 15, 1.25); CompanyPositions.SecretAgent.setExperienceGains(.1, .15, .15, .15, .15, .1); CompanyPositions.SpecialOperative.setPerformanceParameters(15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 15, 1.5); CompanyPositions.SpecialOperative.setExperienceGains(.15, .2, .2, .2, .2, .15); } } //Returns the next highest position in the company for the relevant career/field //I.E returns what your next job would be if you qualify for a promotion function getNextCompanyPosition(currPos) { if (currPos == null) {return null;} //Software if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.JuniorDev; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.JuniorDev.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.SeniorDev; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SeniorDev.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.LeadDev; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.LeadDev.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware; } //Software Consultant if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant; } //IT if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.ITIntern.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.ITManager; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.ITManager.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.SysAdmin; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SysAdmin.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering; } //Security/Network Engineer if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering; } //Technology management if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.VicePresident; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.VicePresident.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.CTO; } //Business if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.BusinessManager; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.BusinessManager.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.OperationsManager; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.OperationsManager.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.CFO; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.CFO.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.CEO; } //Business consultant if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.BusinessConsultant.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.SeniorBusinessConsultant; } //Police if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.PoliceOfficer.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.PoliceChief; } //Security if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity; } //Agent if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.FieldAgent.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.SecretAgent; } if (currPos.positionName == CompanyPositions.SecretAgent.positionName) { return CompanyPositions.SpecialOperative; } return null; } /* Initialize all companies. Only called when creating new game/prestiging. Otherwise companies are * usually loaded from localStorage */ function initCompanies() { /* Companies that also have servers */ //Megacorporations var ECorp = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumECorp, 3.0, 3.0, 249); ECorp.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumECorp)) { ECorp.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumECorp].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumECorp]; } AddToCompanies(ECorp); var MegaCorp = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12MegaCorp, 3.0, 3.0, 249); MegaCorp.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12MegaCorp)) { MegaCorp.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12MegaCorp].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12MegaCorp]; } AddToCompanies(MegaCorp); var BachmanAndAssociates = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumBachmanAndAssociates, 2.6, 2.6, 224); BachmanAndAssociates.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumBachmanAndAssociates)) { BachmanAndAssociates.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumBachmanAndAssociates].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumBachmanAndAssociates]; } AddToCompanies(BachmanAndAssociates); var BladeIndustries = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12BladeIndustries, 2.75, 2.75, 224); BladeIndustries.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12BladeIndustries)) { BladeIndustries.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12BladeIndustries].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12BladeIndustries]; } AddToCompanies(BladeIndustries); var NWO = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenNWO, 2.75, 2.75, 249); NWO.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenNWO)) { NWO.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenNWO].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenNWO]; } AddToCompanies(NWO); var ClarkeIncorporated = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumClarkeIncorporated, 2.25, 2.25, 224); ClarkeIncorporated.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumClarkeIncorporated)) { ClarkeIncorporated.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumClarkeIncorporated].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumClarkeIncorporated]; } AddToCompanies(ClarkeIncorporated); var OmniTekIncorporated = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated, 2.25, 2.25, 224); OmniTekIncorporated.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated)) { OmniTekIncorporated.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated]; } AddToCompanies(OmniTekIncorporated); var FourSigma = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FourSigma, 2.5, 2.5, 224); FourSigma.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FourSigma)) { FourSigma.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FourSigma].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FourSigma]; } AddToCompanies(FourSigma); var KuaiGongInternational = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational, 2.2, 2.2, 224); KuaiGongInternational.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational)) { KuaiGongInternational.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational]; } AddToCompanies(KuaiGongInternational); //Technology and communication companies ("Large" servers) var FulcrumTechnologies = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies, 2.0, 2.0, 224); FulcrumTechnologies.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies)) { FulcrumTechnologies.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies]; } AddToCompanies(FulcrumTechnologies); var StormTechnologies = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaStormTechnologies, 1.8, 1.8, 199); StormTechnologies.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.VicePresident, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaStormTechnologies)) { StormTechnologies.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaStormTechnologies].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaStormTechnologies]; } AddToCompanies(StormTechnologies); var DefComm = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoDefComm, 1.75, 1.75, 199); DefComm.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoDefComm)) { DefComm.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoDefComm].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoDefComm]; } AddToCompanies(DefComm); var HeliosLabs = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenHeliosLabs, 1.8, 1.8, 199); HeliosLabs.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenHeliosLabs)) { HeliosLabs.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenHeliosLabs].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenHeliosLabs]; } AddToCompanies(HeliosLabs); var VitaLife = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoVitaLife, 1.8, 1.8, 199); VitaLife.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoVitaLife)) { VitaLife.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoVitaLife].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoVitaLife]; } AddToCompanies(VitaLife); var IcarusMicrosystems = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12IcarusMicrosystems, 1.9, 1.9, 199); IcarusMicrosystems.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12IcarusMicrosystems)) { IcarusMicrosystems.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12IcarusMicrosystems].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12IcarusMicrosystems]; } AddToCompanies(IcarusMicrosystems); var UniversalEnergy = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12UniversalEnergy, 2.0, 2.0, 199); UniversalEnergy.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12UniversalEnergy)) { UniversalEnergy.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12UniversalEnergy].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12UniversalEnergy]; } AddToCompanies(UniversalEnergy); var GalacticCybersystems = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumGalacticCybersystems, 1.9, 1.9, 199); GalacticCybersystems.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumGalacticCybersystems)) { GalacticCybersystems.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumGalacticCybersystems].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumGalacticCybersystems]; } AddToCompanies(GalacticCybersystems); //Defense Companies ("Large" Companies) var AeroCorp = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumAeroCorp, 1.7, 1.7, 199); AeroCorp.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumAeroCorp)) { AeroCorp.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumAeroCorp].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumAeroCorp]; } AddToCompanies(AeroCorp); var OmniaCybersystems = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniaCybersystems, 1.7, 1.7, 199); OmniaCybersystems.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniaCybersystems)) { OmniaCybersystems.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniaCybersystems].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniaCybersystems]; } AddToCompanies(OmniaCybersystems); var SolarisSpaceSystems = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems, 1.7, 1.7, 199); SolarisSpaceSystems.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems)) { SolarisSpaceSystems.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems]; } AddToCompanies(SolarisSpaceSystems); var DeltaOne = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12DeltaOne, 1.6, 1.6, 199); DeltaOne.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12DeltaOne)) { DeltaOne.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12DeltaOne].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12DeltaOne]; } AddToCompanies(DeltaOne); //Health, medicine, pharmaceutical companies ("Large" servers) var GlobalPharmaceuticals = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals, 1.8, 1.8, 224); GlobalPharmaceuticals.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals)) { GlobalPharmaceuticals.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals]; } AddToCompanies(GlobalPharmaceuticals); var NovaMedical = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaNovaMedical, 1.75, 1.75, 199); NovaMedical.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaNovaMedical)) { NovaMedical.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaNovaMedical].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaNovaMedical]; } AddToCompanies(NovaMedical); //Other large companies var CIA = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CIA, 2.0, 2.0, 149); CIA.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity, CompanyPositions.FieldAgent, CompanyPositions.SecretAgent, CompanyPositions.SpecialOperative]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CIA)) { CIA.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CIA].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CIA]; } AddToCompanies(CIA); var NSA = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12NSA, 2.0, 2.0, 149); NSA.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity, CompanyPositions.FieldAgent, CompanyPositions.SecretAgent, CompanyPositions.SpecialOperative]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12NSA)) { NSA.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12NSA].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12NSA]; } AddToCompanies(NSA); var WatchdogSecurity = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumWatchdogSecurity, 1.5, 1.5, 124); WatchdogSecurity.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity, CompanyPositions.FieldAgent, CompanyPositions.SecretAgent, CompanyPositions.SpecialOperative]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumWatchdogSecurity)) { WatchdogSecurity.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumWatchdogSecurity].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumWatchdogSecurity]; } AddToCompanies(WatchdogSecurity); //"Medium level" companies var LexoCorp = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenLexoCorp, 1.4, 1.4, 99); LexoCorp.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager, CompanyPositions.CFO, CompanyPositions.CEO, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenLexoCorp)) { LexoCorp.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenLexoCorp].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenLexoCorp]; } AddToCompanies(LexoCorp); var RhoConstruction = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumRhoConstruction, 1.3, 1.3, 49); RhoConstruction.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumRhoConstruction)) { RhoConstruction.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumRhoConstruction].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumRhoConstruction]; } AddToCompanies(RhoConstruction); var AlphaEnterprises = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12AlphaEnterprises, 1.5, 1.5, 99); AlphaEnterprises.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.BusinessIntern, CompanyPositions.BusinessAnalyst, CompanyPositions.BusinessManager, CompanyPositions.OperationsManager]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12AlphaEnterprises)) { AlphaEnterprises.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12AlphaEnterprises].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12AlphaEnterprises]; } AddToCompanies(AlphaEnterprises); var AevumPolice = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumPolice, 1.3, 1.3, 99); AevumPolice.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.PoliceOfficer]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumPolice)) { AevumPolice.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumPolice].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumPolice]; } AddToCompanies(AevumPolice); var SysCoreSecurities = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenSysCoreSecurities, 1.3, 1.3, 124); SysCoreSecurities.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.CTO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenSysCoreSecurities)) { SysCoreSecurities.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenSysCoreSecurities].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenSysCoreSecurities]; } AddToCompanies(SysCoreSecurities); var CompuTek = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenCompuTek, 1.2, 1.2, 74); CompuTek.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.CTO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenCompuTek)) { CompuTek.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenCompuTek].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenCompuTek]; } AddToCompanies(CompuTek); var NetLinkTechnologies = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumNetLinkTechnologies, 1.2, 1.2, 99); NetLinkTechnologies.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.CTO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumNetLinkTechnologies)) { NetLinkTechnologies.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumNetLinkTechnologies].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumNetLinkTechnologies]; } AddToCompanies(NetLinkTechnologies); var CarmichaelSecurity = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CarmichaelSecurity, 1.2, 1.2, 74); CarmichaelSecurity.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.SysAdmin, CompanyPositions.SecurityEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkEngineer, CompanyPositions.NetworkAdministrator, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSoftware, CompanyPositions.HeadOfEngineering, CompanyPositions.SecurityGuard, CompanyPositions.SecurityOfficer, CompanyPositions.SecuritySupervisor, CompanyPositions.HeadOfSecurity, CompanyPositions.FieldAgent, CompanyPositions.SecretAgent, CompanyPositions.SpecialOperative]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CarmichaelSecurity)) { CarmichaelSecurity.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CarmichaelSecurity].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12CarmichaelSecurity]; } AddToCompanies(CarmichaelSecurity); //"Low level" companies var FoodNStuff = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FoodNStuff, 1, 1, 0); FoodNStuff.addPositions([CompanyPositions.Employee, CompanyPositions.PartTimeEmployee]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FoodNStuff)) { FoodNStuff.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FoodNStuff].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FoodNStuff]; } AddToCompanies(FoodNStuff); var JoesGuns = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12JoesGuns, 1, 1, 0); JoesGuns.addPositions([CompanyPositions.Employee, CompanyPositions.PartTimeEmployee]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12JoesGuns)) { JoesGuns.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12JoesGuns].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12JoesGuns]; } AddToCompanies(JoesGuns); var OmegaSoftware = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaOmegaSoftware, 1.1, 1.1, 49); OmegaSoftware.addPositions([ CompanyPositions.SoftwareIntern, CompanyPositions.JuniorDev, CompanyPositions.SeniorDev, CompanyPositions.LeadDev, CompanyPositions.SoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.SeniorSoftwareConsultant, CompanyPositions.ITIntern, CompanyPositions.ITAnalyst, CompanyPositions.ITManager, CompanyPositions.CTO, CompanyPositions.CEO]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaOmegaSoftware)) { OmegaSoftware.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaOmegaSoftware].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaOmegaSoftware]; } AddToCompanies(OmegaSoftware); /* Companies that do not have servers */ var NoodleBar = new Company(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoNoodleBar, 1, 1, 0); NoodleBar.addPositions([CompanyPositions.Waiter, CompanyPositions.PartTimeWaiter]); if (companyExists(_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoNoodleBar)) { NoodleBar.favor = Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoNoodleBar].favor; delete Companies[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoNoodleBar]; } AddToCompanies(NoodleBar); } //Map of all companies that exist in the game, indexed by their name let Companies = {} function loadCompanies(saveString) { Companies = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Reviver"]); } //Add a Company object onto the map of all Companies in the game function AddToCompanies(company) { var name = company.companyName; Companies[name] = company; } function companyExists(name) { return Companies.hasOwnProperty(name); } function getJobRequirementText(company, pos, tooltiptext=false) { var reqText = ""; var offset = company.jobStatReqOffset; var reqHacking = pos.requiredHacking > 0 ? pos.requiredHacking+offset : 0; var reqStrength = pos.requiredStrength > 0 ? pos.requiredStrength+offset : 0; var reqDefense = pos.requiredDefense > 0 ? pos.requiredDefense+offset : 0; var reqDexterity = pos.requiredDexterity > 0 ? pos.requiredDexterity+offset : 0; var reqAgility = pos.requiredDexterity > 0 ? pos.requiredDexterity+offset : 0; var reqCharisma = pos.requiredCharisma > 0 ? pos.requiredCharisma+offset : 0; var reqRep = pos.requiredReputation; if (tooltiptext) { reqText = "Requires:
"; reqText += (reqHacking.toString() + " hacking
"); reqText += (reqStrength.toString() + " strength
"); reqText += (reqDefense.toString() + " defense
"); reqText += (reqDexterity.toString() + " dexterity
"); reqText += (reqAgility.toString() + " agility
"); reqText += (reqCharisma.toString() + " charisma
"); reqText += (reqRep.toString() + " reputation"); } else { reqText = "(Requires "; if (reqHacking > 0) {reqText += (reqHacking + " hacking, ");} if (reqStrength > 0) {reqText += (reqStrength + " strength, ");} if (reqDefense > 0) {reqText += (reqDefense + " defense, ");} if (reqDexterity > 0) {reqText += (reqDexterity + " dexterity, ");} if (reqAgility > 0) {reqText += (reqAgility + " agility, ");} if (reqCharisma > 0) {reqText += (reqCharisma + " charisma, ");} if (reqRep > 1) {reqText += (reqRep + " reputation, ");} reqText = reqText.substring(0, reqText.length - 2); reqText += ")"; } return reqText; } /***/ }), /* 12 */ /*!************************!*\ !*** ./src/Faction.js ***! \************************/ /*! exports provided: getNextNeurofluxLevel, Factions, initFactions, inviteToFaction, joinFaction, displayFactionContent, processPassiveFactionRepGain, loadFactions, Faction, purchaseAugmentation, factionExists */ /*! exports used: Faction, Factions, displayFactionContent, factionExists, getNextNeurofluxLevel, initFactions, inviteToFaction, joinFaction, loadFactions, processPassiveFactionRepGain, purchaseAugmentation */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return getNextNeurofluxLevel; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return Factions; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return initFactions; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return inviteToFaction; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return joinFaction; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return displayFactionContent; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "j", function() { return processPassiveFactionRepGain; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "i", function() { return loadFactions; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Faction; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "k", function() { return purchaseAugmentation; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return factionExists; }); /* harmony import */ var _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Augmentations */ 18); /* harmony import */ var _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode */ 16); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _FactionInfo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./FactionInfo */ 84); /* harmony import */ var _FactionInfo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_FactionInfo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__); /* harmony import */ var _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location */ 4); /* harmony import */ var _Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Missions */ 38); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings */ 22); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_FactionInvitationBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/FactionInvitationBox */ 92); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeChildrenFromElement */ 27); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createElement */ 3); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! numeral/min/numeral.min */ 15); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox */ 14); function Faction(name="") { this.name = name; this.augmentations = []; //Name of augmentation only //Player-related properties for faction this.isMember = false; //Whether player is member this.isBanned = false; //Whether or not player is banned from joining this faction this.playerReputation = 0; //"Reputation" within faction this.alreadyInvited = false; //Faction favor this.favor = 0; this.rolloverRep = 0; }; Faction.prototype.getInfo = function() { const info = _FactionInfo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["FactionInfos"][this.name]; if(info == null) { throw new Error("Missing faction from FactionInfos: " + this.name+" this probably means the faction got corrupted somehow"); } return info; } Faction.prototype.gainFavor = function() { if (this.favor == null || this.favor == undefined) {this.favor = 0;} if (this.rolloverRep == null || this.rolloverRep == undefined) {this.rolloverRep = 0;} var res = this.getFavorGain(); if (res.length != 2) { console.log("Error: invalid result from getFavorGain() function"); return; } this.favor += res[0]; this.rolloverRep = res[1]; } //Returns an array with [How much favor would be gained, how much favor would be left over] Faction.prototype.getFavorGain = function() { if (this.favor == null || this.favor == undefined) {this.favor = 0;} if (this.rolloverRep == null || this.rolloverRep == undefined) {this.rolloverRep = 0;} var favorGain = 0, rep = this.playerReputation + this.rolloverRep; var reqdRep = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionReputationToFavorBase * Math.pow(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionReputationToFavorMult, this.favor); while(rep > 0) { if (rep >= reqdRep) { ++favorGain; rep -= reqdRep; } else { break; } reqdRep *= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].FactionReputationToFavorMult; } return [favorGain, rep]; } //Adds all Augmentations to this faction. Faction.prototype.addAllAugmentations = function() { this.augmentations.length = 0; for (var name in _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"]) { if (_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"].hasOwnProperty(name)) { this.augmentations.push(name); } } } Faction.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["Generic_toJSON"])("Faction", this); } Faction.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Faction, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["Reviver"].constructors.Faction = Faction; //Map of factions indexed by faction name let Factions = {} function loadFactions(saveString) { Factions = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["Reviver"]); } function AddToFactions(faction) { var name = faction.name; Factions[name] = faction; } function factionExists(name) { return Factions.hasOwnProperty(name); } //TODO Augmentation price and rep requirement mult are 1 for everything right now, // This might change in the future for balance function initFactions() { for(const name in _FactionInfo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["FactionInfos"]) { resetFaction(new Faction(name)); } } //Resets a faction during (re-)initialization. Saves the favor in the new //Faction object and deletes the old Faction Object from "Factions". Then //reinserts the new Faction object function resetFaction(newFactionObject) { if (!(newFactionObject instanceof Faction)) { throw new Error("Invalid argument 'newFactionObject' passed into resetFaction()"); } var factionName = newFactionObject.name; if (factionExists(factionName)) { newFactionObject.favor = Factions[factionName].favor; delete Factions[factionName]; } AddToFactions(newFactionObject); } function inviteToFaction(faction) { if (_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Settings */ "a"].SuppressFactionInvites) { faction.alreadyInvited = true; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations.push(faction.name); if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].currentPage === _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Page.Factions) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].loadFactionsContent(); } } else { Object(_utils_FactionInvitationBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* factionInvitationBoxCreate */ "a"])(faction); } } function joinFaction(faction) { faction.isMember = true; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].factions.push(faction.name); const factionInfo = faction.getInfo(); //Determine what factions you are banned from now that you have joined this faction for(const i in factionInfo.enemies) { const enemy = factionInfo.enemies[i]; Factions[enemy].isBanned = true; } } //Displays the HTML content for a specific faction function displayFactionContent(factionName) { var faction = Factions[factionName]; if (faction == null) { throw new Error("Invalid factionName passed into displayFactionContent: " + factionName); } var factionInfo = faction.getInfo(); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Display.factionContent); var elements = []; //Header and faction info elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("h1", { innerText:factionName })); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("pre", { innerHTML:"" + factionInfo.infoText + "" })); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"---------------", })); //Faction reputation and favor var favorGain = faction.getFavorGain(); if (favorGain.length != 2) {favorGain = 0;} favorGain = favorGain[0]; elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText: "Reputation: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["formatNumber"])(faction.playerReputation, 4), tooltip:"You will earn " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["formatNumber"])(favorGain, 0) + " faction favor upon resetting after installing an Augmentation" })) elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"---------------", })); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Faction Favor: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["formatNumber"])(faction.favor, 0), tooltip:"Faction favor increases the rate at which " + "you earn reputation for this faction by 1% per favor. Faction favor " + "is gained whenever you reset after installing an Augmentation. The amount of " + "favor you gain depends on how much reputation you have with the faction" })); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"---------------", })); //Faction Work Description Text elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("pre", { id:"faction-work-description-text", innerText:"Perform work/carry out assignments for your faction to help further its cause! By doing so " + "you will earn reputation for your faction. You will also gain reputation passively over time, " + "although at a very slow rate. Earning reputation will allow you to purchase Augmentations " + "through this faction, which are powerful upgrades that enhance your abilities. Note that you cannot " + "use your terminal or create scripts when you are performing a task!" })); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("br")); //Hacking Mission Option var hackMissionDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", { id:"faction-hack-mission-div", class:"faction-work-div", }); var hackMissionDivWrapper = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", {class:"faction-work-div-wrapper"}); hackMissionDiv.appendChild(hackMissionDivWrapper); hackMissionDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Hacking Mission", clickListener:()=>{ _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].loadMissionContent(); var mission = new _Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* HackingMission */ "a"](faction.playerReputation, faction); Object(_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* setInMission */ "d"])(true, mission); //Sets inMission flag to true mission.init(); return false; } })); hackMissionDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Attempt a hacking mission for your faction. " + "A mission is a mini game that, if won, earns you " + "significant reputation with this faction. (Recommended hacking level: 200+)" })); elements.push(hackMissionDiv); //Hacking Contracts Option var hackDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", { id:"faction-hack-div", class:"faction-work-div", }); var hackDivWrapper = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", {class:"faction-work-div-wrapper"}); hackDiv.appendChild(hackDivWrapper); hackDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Hacking Contracts", clickListener:()=>{ _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].startFactionHackWork(faction); return false; } })); hackDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Complete hacking contracts for your faction. " + "Your effectiveness, which determines how much " + "reputation you gain for this faction, is based on your hacking skill. " + "You will gain hacking exp." })); elements.push(hackDiv); //Field Work Option var fieldWorkDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", { id:"faction-fieldwork-div", class:"faction-work-div" }); var fieldWorkDivWrapper = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", {class:"faction-work-div-wrapper"}); fieldWorkDiv.appendChild(fieldWorkDivWrapper); fieldWorkDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Field Work", clickListener:()=>{ _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].startFactionFieldWork(faction); return false; } })); fieldWorkDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Carry out field missions for your faction. " + "Your effectiveness, which determines how much " + "reputation you gain for this faction, is based on all of your stats. " + "You will gain exp for all stats." })); elements.push(fieldWorkDiv); //Security Work Option var securityWorkDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", { id:"faction-securitywork-div", class:"faction-work-div" }); var securityWorkDivWrapper = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", {class:"faction-work-div-wrapper"}); securityWorkDiv.appendChild(securityWorkDivWrapper); securityWorkDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Security Work", clickListener:()=>{ _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].startFactionSecurityWork(faction); return false; } })); securityWorkDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Serve in a security detail for your faction. " + "Your effectiveness, which determines how much " + "reputation you gain for this faction, is based on your combat stats. " + "You will gain exp for all combat stats." })); elements.push(securityWorkDiv); //Donate for reputation var donateDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", { id:"faction-donate-div", class:"faction-work-div" }); var donateDivWrapper = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", {class:"faction-work-div-wrapper"}); donateDiv.appendChild(donateDivWrapper); var donateRepGain = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"This donation will result in 0.000 reputation gain" }); var donateAmountInput = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("input", { placeholder:"Donation amount", inputListener:()=>{ let amt = 0; if(donateAmountInput.value !== "") { amt = parseFloat(donateAmountInput.value); } if (isNaN(amt)) { donateRepGain.innerText = "Invalid donate amount entered!"; } else { var repGain = amt / 1e6 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult; donateRepGain.innerText = "This donation will result in " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["formatNumber"])(repGain, 3) + " reputation gain"; } }, }); donateDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Donate Money", clickListener:()=>{ var amt = parseFloat(donateAmountInput.value); if (isNaN(amt) || amt < 0) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Invalid amount entered!"); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(amt)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You cannot afford to donate this much money!"); } else { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(amt); var repGain = amt / 1e6 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult; faction.playerReputation += repGain; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You just donated " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default()(amt).format("$0.000a") + " to " + faction.name + " to gain " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["formatNumber"])(repGain, 3) + " reputation"); displayFactionContent(factionName); } } })); donateDivWrapper.appendChild(donateAmountInput); donateDivWrapper.appendChild(donateRepGain); elements.push(donateDiv); //Purchase Augmentations elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("pre", { innerHTML: "
As your reputation with this faction rises, you will " + "unlock Augmentations, which you can purchase to enhance " + "your abilities.

" })); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Purchase Augmentations", clickListener:()=>{ _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].hideAllContent(); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Display.factionAugmentationsContent.style.display = "block"; displayFactionAugmentations(factionName); return false; } })); //Gang (BitNode-2) if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN == 2 && (factionName == "Slum Snakes" || factionName == "Tetrads" || factionName == "The Syndicate" || factionName == "The Dark Army" || factionName == "Speakers for the Dead" || factionName == "NiteSec" || factionName == "The Black Hand")) { //Set everything else to invisible hackMissionDiv.style.display = "none"; hackDiv.style.display = "none"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; donateDiv.style.display = "none"; //Create the 'Manage Gang' button var gangDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", { id:"faction-gang-div", class:"faction-work-div", display:"inline" }); var gangDivWrapper = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", {class:"faction-work-div-wrapper"}); gangDiv.appendChild(gangDivWrapper); gangDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Manage Gang", clickListener:()=>{ if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) { var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxGetYesButton */ "d"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxGetNoButton */ "c"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Create Gang"; noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { var hacking = false; if (factionName === "NiteSec" || factionName === "The Black Hand") {hacking = true;} _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].startGang(factionName, hacking); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].loadGangContent(); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxCreate */ "b"])("Would you like to create a new Gang with " + factionName + "?

" + "Note that this will prevent you from creating a Gang with any other Faction until " + "this BitNode is destroyed. There are NO differences between the Factions you can " + "create a Gang with and each of these Factions have all Augmentations available"); } else { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].loadGangContent(); } } })); gangDivWrapper.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Create and manage a gang for this Faction. " + "Gangs will earn you money and faction reputation." })); //Manage Gang button goes before Faction work stuff elements.splice(7, 1, gangDiv); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang() && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName != factionName) { //If the player has a gang but its not for this faction gangDiv.style.display = "none"; } //Display all elements for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Display.factionContent.appendChild(elements[i]); } return; } if (!faction.isMember) { throw new Error("Not a member of this faction, cannot display faction information"); } donateDiv.style.display = faction.favor >= (150 * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].RepToDonateToFaction) ? "inline" : "none"; hackMissionDiv.style.display = factionInfo.offerHackingMission ? "inline": "none"; hackDiv.style.display = factionInfo.offerHackingWork ? "inline" : "none"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = factionInfo.offerFieldWork ? "inline" : "none"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = factionInfo.offerSecurityWork ? "inline" : "none"; //Display all elements for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Display.factionContent.appendChild(elements[i]); } } var sortOption = null; function displayFactionAugmentations(factionName) { var faction = Factions[factionName]; if (faction == null) { throw new Error("Could not find faction " + factionName + " in displayFactionAugmentations"); } Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Display.factionAugmentationsContent); var elements = []; //Back button elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Back", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].loadFactionContent(); displayFactionContent(factionName); return false; } })); //Header text elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("h1", {innerText:"Faction Augmentations"})); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { id:"faction-augmentations-page-desc", innerHTML:"Lists all Augmentations that are available to purchase from " + factionName + "

" + "Augmentations are powerful upgrades that will enhance your abilities." })); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("br")); elements.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("br")); //Augmentations List var augmentationsList = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("ul"); //Sort buttons var sortByCostBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Sort by Cost", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ sortOption = "cost"; var augs = faction.augmentations.slice(); augs.sort((augName1, augName2)=>{ var aug1 = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][augName1], aug2 = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][augName2]; if (aug1 == null || aug2 == null) { throw new Error("Invalid Augmentation Names"); } return aug1.baseCost - aug2.baseCost; }); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(augmentationsList); createFactionAugmentationDisplayElements(augmentationsList, augs, faction); } }); var sortByRepBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Sort by Reputation", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ sortOption = "reputation"; var augs = faction.augmentations.slice(); augs.sort((augName1, augName2)=>{ var aug1 = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][augName1], aug2 = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][augName2]; if (aug1 == null || aug2 == null) { throw new Error("Invalid Augmentation Names"); } return aug1.baseRepRequirement - aug2.baseRepRequirement; }); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(augmentationsList); createFactionAugmentationDisplayElements(augmentationsList, augs, faction); } }); var defaultSortBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Sort by Default Order", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ sortOption = "default"; Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(augmentationsList); createFactionAugmentationDisplayElements(augmentationsList, faction.augmentations, faction); } }); elements.push(sortByCostBtn); elements.push(sortByRepBtn); elements.push(defaultSortBtn); switch(sortOption) { case "cost": sortByCostBtn.click(); break; case "reputation": sortByRepBtn.click(); break; default: defaultSortBtn.click(); break; } elements.push(augmentationsList); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Display.factionAugmentationsContent.appendChild(elements[i]); } } //Takes in an array of Augmentation Names, constructs DOM elements //to list them on the faction page, and appends them to the given //DOM element // @augmentationsList DOM List to append Aug DOM elements to // @augs Array of Aug names // @faction Faction for which to display Augmentations function createFactionAugmentationDisplayElements(augmentationsList, augs, faction) { const factionInfo = faction.getInfo(); for (var i = 0; i < augs.length; ++i) { (function () { var aug = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][augs[i]]; if (aug == null) { throw new Error("Invalid Augmentation when trying to create Augmentation display Elements"); } var owned = false; for (var j = 0; j < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++j) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[j].name == aug.name) { owned = true; break; } } for (var j = 0; j < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.length; ++j) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations[j].name == aug.name) { owned = true; break; } } var item = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("li"); var span = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("span", {display:"inline-block"}); var aDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("div", {tooltip:aug.info}); var aElem = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:aug.name, display:"inline", clickListener:()=>{ console.log('sup buy in fac: '+_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Settings */ "a"].SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation); if (!_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Settings */ "a"].SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation) { purchaseAugmentationBoxCreate(aug, faction); } else { purchaseAugmentation(aug, faction); } return false; } }); if (aug.name == _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor) { aElem.innerText += " - Level " + (getNextNeurofluxLevel()); } var pElem = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["createElement"])("p", { display:"inline", }) var req = aug.baseRepRequirement * factionInfo.augmentationRepRequirementMult; var hasPrereqs = hasAugmentationPrereqs(aug); if (!hasPrereqs) { aElem.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive"); pElem.innerHTML = "LOCKED (Requires " + aug.prereqs.join(",") + " as prerequisite(s))"; pElem.style.color = "red"; } else if (aug.name != _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor && (aug.owned || owned)) { aElem.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive"); pElem.innerHTML = "ALREADY OWNED"; } else if (faction.playerReputation >= req) { aElem.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button"); pElem.innerHTML = "UNLOCKED - " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default()(aug.baseCost * factionInfo.augmentationPriceMult).format("$0.000a"); } else { aElem.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive"); pElem.innerHTML = "LOCKED (Requires " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["formatNumber"])(req, 1) + " faction reputation) - " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default()(aug.baseCost * factionInfo.augmentationPriceMult).format("$0.000a"); pElem.style.color = "red"; } aDiv.appendChild(aElem); span.appendChild(aDiv); span.appendChild(pElem); item.appendChild(span); augmentationsList.appendChild(item); }()); //Immediate invocation closure } } function purchaseAugmentationBoxCreate(aug, fac) { const factionInfo = fac.getInfo(); var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxGetYesButton */ "d"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxGetNoButton */ "c"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Purchase"; noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseAugmentation(aug, fac); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxCreate */ "b"])("

" + aug.name + "

" + aug.info + "

" + "
Would you like to purchase the " + aug.name + " Augmentation for $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["formatNumber"])(aug.baseCost * factionInfo.augmentationPriceMult, 2) + "?"); } //Returns a boolean indicating whether the player has the prerequisites for the //specified Augmentation function hasAugmentationPrereqs(aug) { var hasPrereqs = true; if (aug.prereqs && aug.prereqs.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < aug.prereqs.length; ++i) { var prereqAug = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][aug.prereqs[i]]; if (prereqAug == null) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid prereq Augmentation: " + aug.prereqs[i]); continue; } if (prereqAug.owned === false) { hasPrereqs = false; //Check if the aug is purchased for (var j = 0; j < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++j) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[j].name === prereqAug.name) { hasPrereqs = true; break; } } } } } return hasPrereqs; } function purchaseAugmentation(aug, fac, sing=false) { const factionInfo = fac.getInfo(); var hasPrereqs = hasAugmentationPrereqs(aug); if (!hasPrereqs) { var txt = "You must first purchase or install " + aug.prereqs.join(",") + " before you can " + "purchase this one."; if (sing) {return txt;} else {Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt);} } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(aug.baseCost * factionInfo.augmentationPriceMult)) { let txt = "You don't have enough money to purchase " + aug.name; if (sing) {return txt;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt); } else if (fac.playerReputation < aug.baseRepRequirement) { let txt = "You don't have enough faction reputation to purchase " + aug.name; if (sing) {return txt;} Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].money.gte(aug.baseCost * factionInfo.augmentationPriceMult)) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].firstAugPurchased === false) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].firstAugPurchased = true; document.getElementById("augmentations-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("character-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("character-menu-header").click(); } var queuedAugmentation = new _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* PlayerOwnedAugmentation */ "d"](aug.name); if (aug.name == _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor) { queuedAugmentation.level = getNextNeurofluxLevel(); } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.push(queuedAugmentation); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney((aug.baseCost * factionInfo.augmentationPriceMult)); //If you just purchased Neuroflux Governor, recalculate the cost if (aug.name == _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor) { var nextLevel = getNextNeurofluxLevel(); --nextLevel; var mult = Math.pow(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NeuroFluxGovernorLevelMult, nextLevel); aug.baseRepRequirement = 500 * mult * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].AugmentationRepMultiplier * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].AugmentationRepCost; aug.baseCost = 750e3 * mult * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].AugmentationCostMultiplier * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].AugmentationMoneyCost; for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length-1; ++i) { aug.baseCost *= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MultipleAugMultiplier; } } for (var name in _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"]) { if (_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"].hasOwnProperty(name)) { _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][name].baseCost *= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MultipleAugMultiplier; } } if (sing) { return "You purchased " + aug.name; } else { if(!_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* Settings */ "a"].SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation){ Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You purchased " + aug.name + ". It's enhancements will not take " + "effect until they are installed. To install your augmentations, go to the " + "'Augmentations' tab on the left-hand navigation menu. Purchasing additional " + "augmentations will now be more expensive."); } } displayFactionAugmentations(fac.name); } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Hmm, something went wrong when trying to purchase an Augmentation. " + "Please report this to the game developer with an explanation of how to " + "reproduce this."); } Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); } function getNextNeurofluxLevel() { var aug = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor]; if (aug == null) { for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.length; ++i) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations[i].name == _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor) { aug = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations[i]; } } if (aug == null) { console.log("WARNING: Could not find NeuroFlux Governor aug. This is OK if " + "it happens during the loading/initialization of the game, but probably " + "indicates something seriously wrong at other times"); return 1; } } var nextLevel = aug.level + 1; for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[i].name == _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor) { ++nextLevel; } } return nextLevel; } function processPassiveFactionRepGain(numCycles) { var numTimesGain = (numCycles / 600) * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult; for (var name in Factions) { if (Factions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var faction = Factions[name]; //TODO Get hard value of 1 rep per "rep gain cycle"" for now.. //maybe later make this based on //a player's 'status' like how powerful they are and how much money they have if (faction.isMember) {faction.playerReputation += (numTimesGain * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].FactionPassiveRepGain);} } } } /***/ }), /* 13 */ /*!************************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners.ts ***! \************************************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used: clearEventListeners */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const getElementById_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./getElementById */ 53); /** * Given an element by its ID, removes all event listeners from that element by cloning and * replacing. Then returns the new cloned element. * @param elemId The HTML ID to retrieve the element by. */ function clearEventListeners(elemId) { try { const elem = getElementById_1.getElementById(elemId); const newElem = elem.cloneNode(true); if (elem.parentNode !== null) { elem.parentNode.replaceChild(newElem, elem); } return newElem; } catch (e) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.error(e); return null; } } exports.clearEventListeners = clearEventListeners; /***/ }), /* 14 */ /*!***************************!*\ !*** ./utils/YesNoBox.js ***! \***************************/ /*! exports provided: yesNoBoxCreate, yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate, yesNoBoxGetYesButton, yesNoBoxGetNoButton, yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton, yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton, yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput, yesNoBoxClose, yesNoTxtInpBoxClose, yesNoBoxOpen */ /*! exports used: yesNoBoxClose, yesNoBoxCreate, yesNoBoxGetNoButton, yesNoBoxGetYesButton, yesNoBoxOpen, yesNoTxtInpBoxClose, yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate, yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput, yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton, yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return yesNoBoxCreate; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return yesNoBoxGetYesButton; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return yesNoBoxGetNoButton; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "j", function() { return yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "i", function() { return yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return yesNoBoxClose; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return yesNoTxtInpBoxClose; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return yesNoBoxOpen; }); /* harmony import */ var _uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./uiHelpers/clearEventListeners */ 13); /* harmony import */ var _uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__); /* Generic Yes-No Pop-up box * Can be used to create pop-up boxes that require a yes/no response from player */ var yesNoBoxOpen = false; function yesNoBoxClose() { var container = document.getElementById("yes-no-box-container"); if (container) { container.style.display = "none"; } else { console.log("ERROR: Container not found for YesNoBox"); } yesNoBoxOpen = false; return false; //So that 'return yesNoBoxClose()' is return false in event listeners } function yesNoBoxGetYesButton() { return Object(_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["clearEventListeners"])("yes-no-box-yes"); } function yesNoBoxGetNoButton() { return Object(_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["clearEventListeners"])("yes-no-box-no"); } function yesNoBoxCreate(txt) { if (yesNoBoxOpen) {return false;} //Already open yesNoBoxOpen = true; var textElement = document.getElementById("yes-no-box-text"); if (textElement) { textElement.innerHTML = txt; } var c = document.getElementById("yes-no-box-container"); if (c) { c.style.display = "block"; } else { console.log("ERROR: Container not found for YesNoBox"); } return true; } /* Generic Yes-No POp-up Box with Text input */ function yesNoTxtInpBoxClose() { var c = document.getElementById("yes-no-text-input-box-container"); if (c) { c.style.display = "none"; } else { console.log("ERROR: Container not found for YesNoTextInputBox"); } yesNoBoxOpen = false; document.getElementById("yes-no-text-input-box-input").value = ""; return false; } function yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton() { return Object(_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["clearEventListeners"])("yes-no-text-input-box-yes"); } function yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton() { return Object(_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["clearEventListeners"])("yes-no-text-input-box-no"); } function yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput() { var val = document.getElementById("yes-no-text-input-box-input").value; val = val.replace(/\s+/g, ''); return val; } function yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate(txt) { yesNoBoxOpen = true; var txtE = document.getElementById("yes-no-text-input-box-text"); if (txtE) { txtE.innerHTML = txt; } var c = document.getElementById("yes-no-text-input-box-container"); if (c) { c.style.display = "block"; } else { console.log("ERROR: Container not found for YesNoTextInputBox"); } document.getElementById("yes-no-text-input-box-input").focus(); } /***/ }), /* 15 */, /* 16 */ /*!************************!*\ !*** ./src/BitNode.js ***! \************************/ /*! exports provided: initBitNodes, BitNode, BitNodes, BitNodeMultipliers, initBitNodeMultipliers */ /*! exports used: BitNodeMultipliers, BitNodes, initBitNodeMultipliers, initBitNodes */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return initBitNodes; }); /* unused harmony export BitNode */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return BitNodes; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return BitNodeMultipliers; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return initBitNodeMultipliers; }); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); function BitNode(n, name, desc="", info="") { this.number = n; this.name = name; this.desc = desc; this.info = info; } let BitNodes = {}; function initBitNodes() { BitNodes = {}; BitNodes["BitNode1"] = new BitNode(1, "Source Genesis", "The original BitNode", "The first BitNode created by the Enders to imprison the minds of humans. It became " + "the prototype and testing-grounds for all of the BitNodes that followed.

" + "This is the first BitNode that you play through. It has no special " + "modifications or mechanics.

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 1, or if you already have " + "this Source-File it will upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File " + "lets the player start with 32GB of RAM on his/her home computer when entering a " + "new BitNode, and also increases all of the player's multipliers by:

" + "Level 1: 16%
" + "Level 2: 24%
" + "Level 3: 28%"); BitNodes["BitNode2"] = new BitNode(2, "Rise of the Underworld", "From the shadows, they rose", //Gangs "From the shadows, they rose.

Organized crime groups quickly filled the void of power " + "left behind from the collapse of Western government in the 2050's. As society and civlization broke down, " + "people quickly succumbed to the innate human impulse of evil and savagery. The organized crime " + "factions quickly rose to the top of the modern world.

" + "In this BitNode:

The maximum amount of money available on a server is significantly decreased
" + "The amount of money gained from crimes and Infiltration is tripled
" + "Certain Factions (Slum Snakes, Tetrads, The Syndicate, The Dark Army, Speakers for the Dead, " + "NiteSec, The Black Hand) give the player the ability to form and manage their own gangs. These gangs " + "will earn the player money and reputation with the corresponding Faction
" + "Every Augmentation in the game will be available through the Factions listed above
" + "For every Faction NOT listed above, reputation gains are halved
" + "You will no longer gain passive reputation with Factions

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 2, or if you already have this Source-File it will " + "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File increases the player's crime success rate, " + "crime money, and charisma multipliers by:

" + "Level 1: 20%
" + "Level 2: 30%
" + "Level 3: 35%"); BitNodes["BitNode3"] = new BitNode(3, "Corporatocracy", "The Price of Civilization", "Our greatest illusion is that a healthy society can revolve around a " + "single-minded pursuit of wealth.

" + "Sometime in the early 21st century economic and political globalization turned " + "the world into a corporatocracy, and it never looked back. Now, the privileged " + "elite will happily bankrupt their own countrymen, decimate their own community, " + "and evict their neighbors from houses in their desperate bid to increase their wealth.

" + "In this BitNode you can create and manage your own corporation. Running a successful corporation " + "has the potential of generating massive profits. All other forms of income are reduced by 75%. Furthermore:

" + "The price and reputation cost of all Augmentations is tripled
" + "The starting and maximum amount of money on servers is reduced by 75%
" + "Server growth rate is reduced by 80%
" + "You will start out with $150b so that you can start your corporation
" + "You now only need 75 favour with a faction in order to donate to it, rather than 150

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 3, or if you already have this Source-File it will " + "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File lets you create corporations on other BitNodes (although " + "some BitNodes will disable this mechanic). This Source-File also increases your charisma and company salary multipliers by:
" + "Level 1: 8%
" + "Level 2: 12%
" + "Level 3: 14%"); BitNodes["BitNode4"] = new BitNode(4, "The Singularity", "The Man and the Machine", "The Singularity has arrived. The human race is gone, replaced " + "by artificially superintelligent beings that are more machine than man.

" + "In this BitNode, progressing is significantly harder. Experience gain rates " + "for all stats are reduced. Most methods of earning money will now give significantly less.

" + "In this BitNode you will gain access to a new set of Netscript Functions known as Singularity Functions. " + "These functions allow you to control most aspects of the game through scripts, including working for factions/companies, " + "purchasing/installing Augmentations, and creating programs.

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 4, or if you already have this Source-File it will " + "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File lets you access and use the Singularity " + "Functions in other BitNodes. Each level of this Source-File will open up more Singularity Functions " + "that you can use."); BitNodes["BitNode5"] = new BitNode(5, "Artificial Intelligence", "Posthuman", "They said it couldn't be done. They said the human brain, " + "along with its consciousness and intelligence, couldn't be replicated. They said the complexity " + "of the brain results from unpredictable, nonlinear interactions that couldn't be modeled " + "by 1's and 0's. They were wrong.

" + "In this BitNode:

" + "The base security level of servers is doubled
" + "The starting money on servers is halved, but the maximum money remains the same
" + "Most methods of earning money now give significantly less
" + "Infiltration gives 50% more reputation and money
" + "Corporations have 50% lower valuations and are therefore less profitable
" + "Augmentations are more expensive
" + "Hacking experience gain rates are reduced

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 5, or if you already have this Source-File it will " + "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File grants you a special new stat called Intelligence. " + "Intelligence is unique because it is permanent and persistent (it never gets reset back to 1). However " + "gaining Intelligence experience is much slower than other stats, and it is also hidden (you won't know " + "when you gain experience and how much). Higher Intelligence levels will boost your production for many actions " + "in the game.

" + "In addition, this Source-File will unlock the getBitNodeMultipliers() Netscript function, " + "and will also raise all of your hacking-related multipliers by:

" + "Level 1: 8%
" + "Level 2: 12%
" + "Level 3: 14%"); BitNodes["BitNode6"] = new BitNode(6, "Bladeburners", "Like Tears in Rain", "In the middle of the 21st century, OmniTek Incorporated began designing and manufacturing advanced synthetic " + "androids, or Synthoids for short. They achieved a major technological breakthrough in the sixth generation " + "of their Synthoid design, called MK-VI, by developing a hyperintelligent AI. Many argue that this was " + "the first sentient AI ever created. This resulted in Synthoid models that were stronger, faster, and more intelligent " + "than the humans that had created them.

" + "In this BitNode you will be able to access the Bladeburner Division at the NSA, which provides a new mechanic " + "for progression. Furthermore:

" + "Hacking and Hacknet Nodes will be significantly less profitable
" + "Your hacking level is reduced by 50%
" + "Hacking experience gain from scripts is reduced by 75%
" + "Corporations have 80% lower valuations and are therefore less profitable
" + "Working for companies is 50% less profitable
" + "Crimes and Infiltration are 50% less profitable

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 6, or if you already have this Source-File it will upgrade " + "its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File allows you to access the NSA's Bladeburner Division in other " + "BitNodes. In addition, this Source-File will raise the experience gain rate of all your combat stats by:

" + "Level 1: 8%
" + "Level 2: 12%
" + "Level 3: 14%"); BitNodes["BitNode7"] = new BitNode(7, "Bladeburners 2079", "More human than humans", "In the middle of the 21st century, you were doing cutting-edge work at OmniTek Incorporated as part of the AI design team " + "for advanced synthetic androids, or Synthoids for short. You helped achieve a major technological " + "breakthrough in the sixth generation of the company's Synthoid design, called MK-VI, by developing a hyperintelligent AI. " + "Many argue that this was the first sentient AI ever created. This resulted in Synthoid models that were stronger, faster, " + "and more intelligent than the humans that had created them.

" + "In this BitNode you will be able to access the Bladeburner API, which allows you to access Bladeburner " + "functionality through Netscript. Furthermore:

" + "The rank you gain from Bladeburner contracts/operations is reduced by 40%
" + "Bladeburner skills cost twice as many skill points
" + "Augmentations are 3x more expensive
" + "Hacking and Hacknet Nodes will be significantly less profitable
" + "Your hacking level is reduced by 50%
" + "Hacking experience gain from scripts is reduced by 75%
" + "Corporations have 80% lower valuations and are therefore less profitable
" + "Working for companies is 50% less profitable
" + "Crimes and Infiltration are 50% less profitable

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 7, or if you already have this Source-File it will upgrade " + "its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File allows you to access the Bladeburner Netscript API in other " + "BitNodes. In addition, this Source-File will increase all of your Bladeburner multipliers by:

" + "Level 1: 8%
" + "Level 2: 12%
" + "Level 3: 14%"); BitNodes["BitNode8"] = new BitNode(8, "Ghost of Wall Street", "Money never sleeps", "You are trying to make a name for yourself as an up-and-coming hedge fund manager on Wall Street.

" + "In this BitNode:

" + "You start with $100 million
" + "The only way to earn money is by trading on the stock market
" + "You start with a WSE membership and access to the TIX API
" + "You are able to short stocks and place different types of orders (limit/stop)
" + "You can immediately donate to factions to gain reputation

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 8, or if you already have this Source-File it will " + "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File grants the following benefits:

" + "Level 1: Permanent access to WSE and TIX API
" + "Level 2: Ability to short stocks in other BitNodes
" + "Level 3: Ability to use limit/stop orders in other BitNodes

" + "This Source-File also increases your hacking growth multipliers by: " + "
Level 1: 12%
Level 2: 18%
Level 3: 21%"); BitNodes["BitNode9"] = new BitNode(9, "Do Androids Dream?", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode10"] = new BitNode(10, "MegaCorp", "COMING SOON"); //Not sure yet BitNodes["BitNode11"] = new BitNode(11, "The Big Crash", "Okay. Sell it all.", "The 2050s was defined by the massive amounts of violent civil unrest and anarchic rebellion that rose all around the world. It was this period " + "of disorder that eventually lead to the governmental reformation of many global superpowers, most notably " + "the USA and China. But just as the world was slowly beginning to recover from these dark times, financial catastrophe hit.

" + "In many countries, the high cost of trying to deal with the civil disorder bankrupted the governments. In all of this chaos and confusion, hackers " + "were able to steal billions of dollars from the world's largest electronic banks, prompting an international banking crisis as " + "governments were unable to bail out insolvent banks. Now, the world is slowly crumbling in the middle of the biggest economic crisis of all time.

" + "In this BitNode:

" + "The starting and maximum amount of money available on servers is significantly decreased
" + "The growth rate of servers is halved
" + "Weakening a server is twice as effective
" + "Company wages are decreased by 50%
" + "Corporation valuations are 99% lower and are therefore significantly less profitable
" + "Hacknet Node production is significantly decreased
" + "Crime and Infiltration are more lucrative
" + "Augmentations are twice as expensive

" + "Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 11, or if you already have this Source-File it will " + "upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File makes it so that company favor increases BOTH " + "the player's salary and reputation gain rate at that company by 1% per favor (rather than just the reputation gain). " + "This Source-File also increases the player's company salary and reputation gain multipliers by:

" + "Level 1: 24%
" + "Level 2: 36%
" + "Level 3: 42%"); BitNodes["BitNode12"] = new BitNode(12, "The Recursion", "Repeat.", "To iterate is human, to recurse divine.

" + "Every time this BitNode is destroyed, it becomes slightly harder. Destroying this BitNode will give your Souce-File 12, or " + "if you already have this Source-File it will upgrade its level. There is no maximum level for Source-File 12. Each level " + "of Source-File 12 will increase all of your multipliers by 1%. This effect is additive with itself, NOT multiplicative. In other words, " + "level N of this Source-File will increase all of your multipliers by N%"); //Books: Frontera, Shiner BitNodes["BitNode13"] = new BitNode(13, "fOS", "COMING SOON"); //Unlocks the new game mode and the rest of the BitNodes BitNodes["BitNode14"] = new BitNode(14, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode15"] = new BitNode(15, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode16"] = new BitNode(16, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode17"] = new BitNode(17, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode18"] = new BitNode(18, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode19"] = new BitNode(19, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode20"] = new BitNode(20, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode21"] = new BitNode(21, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode22"] = new BitNode(22, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode23"] = new BitNode(23, "", "COMING SOON"); BitNodes["BitNode24"] = new BitNode(24, "", "COMING SOON"); } let BitNodeMultipliers = { HackingLevelMultiplier: 1, ServerMaxMoney: 1, ServerStartingMoney: 1, ServerGrowthRate: 1, ServerWeakenRate: 1, ServerStartingSecurity: 1, ManualHackMoney: 1, ScriptHackMoney: 1, CompanyWorkMoney: 1, CrimeMoney: 1, HacknetNodeMoney: 1, CompanyWorkExpGain: 1, ClassGymExpGain: 1, FactionWorkExpGain: 1, HackExpGain: 1, CrimeExpGain: 1, FactionWorkRepGain: 1, FactionPassiveRepGain: 1, RepToDonateToFaction: 1, AugmentationRepCost: 1, AugmentationMoneyCost: 1, InfiltrationMoney: 1, InfiltrationRep: 1, CorporationValuation: 1, BladeburnerRank: 1, BladeburnerSkillCost: 1, } function initBitNodeMultipliers() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN == null) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN = 1; } for (var mult in BitNodeMultipliers) { if (BitNodeMultipliers.hasOwnProperty(mult)) { BitNodeMultipliers[mult] = 1; } } switch (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN) { case 1: //Source Genesis (every multiplier is 1) break; case 2: //Rise of the Underworld BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.4; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 3; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 3; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkRepGain = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionPassiveRepGain = 0; break; case 3: //Corporatocracy BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationRepCost = 3; BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 3; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.25; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.25; BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.25; break; case 4: //The Singularity BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.15; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.75; BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.1; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.05; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkExpGain = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ClassGymExpGain = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkExpGain = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.4; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeExpGain = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkRepGain = 0.75; break; case 5: //Artificial intelligence BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 2; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingSecurity = 2; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.15; BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep = 1.5; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 1.5; BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 2; BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.5; break; case 6: //Bladeburner BitNodeMultipliers.HackingLevelMultiplier = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingSecurity = 1.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionPassiveRepGain = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.25; break; case 7: //Bladeburner 2079 BitNodeMultipliers.BladeburnerRank = 0.6; BitNodeMultipliers.BladeburnerSkillCost = 2; BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 3; BitNodeMultipliers.HackingLevelMultiplier = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingSecurity = 1.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.2; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionPassiveRepGain = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.25; break; case 8: //Ghost of Wall Street BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.ManualHackMoney = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction = 0; BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0; break; case 11: //The Big Crash BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.1; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.1; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerWeakenRate = 2; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 3; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.5; BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.1; BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 2; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 2.5; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep = 2.5; BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.01; break; case 12: //The Recursion var sf12Lvl = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.length; i++) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === 12) { sf12Lvl = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].lvl; } } var inc = Math.pow(1.01, sf12Lvl); var dec = Math.pow(0.99, sf12Lvl); BitNodeMultipliers.HackingLevelMultiplier = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.ServerWeakenRate = dec; //Does not scale, otherwise security might start at 300+ BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingSecurity = 1.5; BitNodeMultipliers.ManualHackMoney = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkExpGain = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.ClassGymExpGain = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkExpGain = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeExpGain = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkRepGain = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.FactionPassiveRepGain = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction = inc; BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationRepCost = inc; BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = inc; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep = dec; BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = dec; break; default: console.log("WARNING: Player.bitNodeN invalid"); break; } } /***/ }), /* 17 */ /*!****************************!*\ !*** ./utils/IPAddress.js ***! \****************************/ /*! exports provided: createRandomIp, ipExists */ /*! exports used: createRandomIp, ipExists */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return createRandomIp; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return ipExists; }); /* harmony import */ var _src_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../src/Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _helpers_getRandomByte__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers/getRandomByte */ 69); /* harmony import */ var _helpers_getRandomByte__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_helpers_getRandomByte__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__); /* Functions to deal with manipulating IP addresses*/ //Generate a random IP address //Will not return an IP address that already exists in the AllServers array function createRandomIp() { var ip = Object(_helpers_getRandomByte__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getRandomByte"])(99) + '.' + Object(_helpers_getRandomByte__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getRandomByte"])(9) + '.' + Object(_helpers_getRandomByte__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getRandomByte"])(9) + '.' + Object(_helpers_getRandomByte__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["getRandomByte"])(9); //If the Ip already exists, recurse to create a new one if (ipExists(ip)) { return createRandomIp(); } return ip; } //Returns true if the IP already exists in one of the game's servers function ipExists(ip) { for (var property in _src_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AllServers */ "b"]) { if (_src_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AllServers */ "b"].hasOwnProperty(property)) { if (property == ip) { return true; } } } return false; } /***/ }), /* 18 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./src/Augmentations.js ***! \******************************/ /*! exports provided: AugmentationNames, Augmentations, PlayerOwnedAugmentation, installAugmentations, initAugmentations, applyAugmentation, augmentationExists, Augmentation, displayAugmentationsContent */ /*! exports used: Augmentation, AugmentationNames, Augmentations, PlayerOwnedAugmentation, applyAugmentation, augmentationExists, displayAugmentationsContent, initAugmentations, installAugmentations */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return AugmentationNames; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return Augmentations; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return PlayerOwnedAugmentation; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "i", function() { return installAugmentations; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return initAugmentations; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return applyAugmentation; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return augmentationExists; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Augmentation; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return displayAugmentationsContent; }); /* harmony import */ var _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode */ 16); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction */ 12); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptFunctions */ 34); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker */ 23); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _Prestige__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Prestige */ 64); /* harmony import */ var _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SaveObject */ 56); /* harmony import */ var _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Script */ 30); /* harmony import */ var _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SourceFile */ 47); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createAccordionElement */ 57); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/clearObject */ 58); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createElement */ 3); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/isString */ 32); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeChildrenFromElement */ 27); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__); //Augmentations function Augmentation(params) { if (params.name == null || params.info == null || params.moneyCost == null || params.repCost == null) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERROR Creating Augmentations. This is a bug please contact game dev"); return; } this.name = params.name; this.info = params.info; this.owned = false; this.prereqs = params.prereqs ? params.prereqs : []; //Price and reputation base requirements (can change based on faction multipliers) this.baseRepRequirement = params.repCost * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].AugmentationRepMultiplier * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].AugmentationRepCost; this.baseCost = params.moneyCost * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].AugmentationCostMultiplier * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].AugmentationMoneyCost; //Level - Only applicable for some augmentations // NeuroFlux Governor this.level = 0; } //Takes in an array of faction names and adds this augmentation to all of those factions Augmentation.prototype.addToFactions = function(factionList) { for (var i = 0; i < factionList.length; ++i) { var faction = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"][factionList[i]]; if (faction == null) { throw new Error("In Augmentation.addToFactions(), could not find faction with this name:" + factionList[i]); continue; } faction.augmentations.push(this.name); } } Augmentation.prototype.addToAllFactions = function() { for (var fac in _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]) { if (_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"].hasOwnProperty(fac)) { var facObj = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"][fac]; if (facObj == null) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid faction object"); continue; } facObj.augmentations.push(this.name); } } } Augmentation.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_toJSON"])("Augmentation", this); } Augmentation.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Augmentation, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Reviver"].constructors.Augmentation = Augmentation; let Augmentations = {} function AddToAugmentations(aug) { var name = aug.name; Augmentations[name] = aug; } let AugmentationNames = { Targeting1: "Augmented Targeting I", Targeting2: "Augmented Targeting II", Targeting3: "Augmented Targeting III", SyntheticHeart: "Synthetic Heart", SynfibrilMuscle: "Synfibril Muscle", CombatRib1: "Combat Rib I", CombatRib2: "Combat Rib II", CombatRib3: "Combat Rib III", NanofiberWeave: "Nanofiber Weave", SubdermalArmor: "NEMEAN Subdermal Weave", WiredReflexes: "Wired Reflexes", GrapheneBoneLacings: "Graphene Bone Lacings", BionicSpine: "Bionic Spine", GrapheneBionicSpine: "Graphene Bionic Spine Upgrade", BionicLegs: "Bionic Legs", GrapheneBionicLegs: "Graphene Bionic Legs Upgrade", SpeechProcessor: "Speech Processor Implant", TITN41Injection: "TITN-41 Gene-Modification Injection", EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant: "Enhanced Social Interaction Implant", BitWire: "BitWire", ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork: "Artificial Bio-neural Network Implant", ArtificialSynapticPotentiation: "Artificial Synaptic Potentiation", EnhancedMyelinSheathing: "Enhanced Myelin Sheathing", SynapticEnhancement: "Synaptic Enhancement Implant", NeuralRetentionEnhancement: "Neural-Retention Enhancement", DataJack: "DataJack", ENM: "Embedded Netburner Module", ENMCore: "Embedded Netburner Module Core Implant", ENMCoreV2: "Embedded Netburner Module Core V2 Upgrade", ENMCoreV3: "Embedded Netburner Module Core V3 Upgrade", ENMAnalyzeEngine: "Embedded Netburner Module Analyze Engine", ENMDMA: "Embedded Netburner Module Direct Memory Access Upgrade", Neuralstimulator: "Neuralstimulator", NeuralAccelerator: "Neural Accelerator", CranialSignalProcessorsG1: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen I", CranialSignalProcessorsG2: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen II", CranialSignalProcessorsG3: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen III", CranialSignalProcessorsG4: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen IV", CranialSignalProcessorsG5: "Cranial Signal Processors - Gen V", NeuronalDensification: "Neuronal Densification", NuoptimalInjectorImplant: "Nuoptimal Nootropic Injector Implant", SpeechEnhancement: "Speech Enhancement", FocusWire: "FocusWire", PCDNI: "PC Direct-Neural Interface", PCDNIOptimizer: "PC Direct-Neural Interface Optimization Submodule", PCDNINeuralNetwork: "PC Direct-Neural Interface NeuroNet Injector", ADRPheromone1: "ADR-V1 Pheromone Gene", ADRPheromone2: "ADR-V2 Pheromone Gene", HacknetNodeCPUUpload: "Hacknet Node CPU Architecture Neural-Upload", HacknetNodeCacheUpload: "Hacknet Node Cache Architecture Neural-Upload", HacknetNodeNICUpload: "Hacknet Node NIC Architecture Neural-Upload", HacknetNodeKernelDNI: "Hacknet Node Kernel Direct-Neural Interface", HacknetNodeCoreDNI: "Hacknet Node Core Direct-Neural Interface", NeuroFluxGovernor: "NeuroFlux Governor", Neurotrainer1: "Neurotrainer I", Neurotrainer2: "Neurotrainer II", Neurotrainer3: "Neurotrainer III", Hypersight: "HyperSight Corneal Implant", LuminCloaking1: "LuminCloaking-V1 Skin Implant", LuminCloaking2: "LuminCloaking-V2 Skin Implant", HemoRecirculator: "HemoRecirculator", SmartSonar: "SmartSonar Implant", PowerRecirculator: "Power Recirculation Core", QLink: "QLink", TheRedPill: "The Red Pill", SPTN97: "SPTN-97 Gene Modification", HiveMind: "ECorp HVMind Implant", CordiARCReactor: "CordiARC Fusion Reactor", SmartJaw: "SmartJaw", Neotra: "Neotra", Xanipher: "Xanipher", nextSENS: "nextSENS Gene Modification", OmniTekInfoLoad: "OmniTek InfoLoad", PhotosyntheticCells: "Photosynthetic Cells", Neurolink: "BitRunners Neurolink", TheBlackHand: "The Black Hand", CRTX42AA: "CRTX42-AA Gene Modification", Neuregen: "Neuregen Gene Modification", CashRoot: "CashRoot Starter Kit", NutriGen: "NutriGen Implant", INFRARet: "INFRARET Enhancement", DermaForce: "DermaForce Particle Barrier", GrapheneBrachiBlades: "Graphene BranchiBlades Upgrade", GrapheneBionicArms: "Graphene Bionic Arms Upgrade", BrachiBlades: "BrachiBlades", BionicArms: "Bionic Arms", SNA: "Social Negotiation Assistant (S.N.A)", EsperEyewear: "EsperTech Bladeburner Eyewear", EMS4Recombination: "EMS-4 Recombination", OrionShoulder: "ORION-MKIV Shoulder", HyperionV1: "Hyperion Plasma Cannon V1", HyperionV2: "Hyperion Plasma Cannon V2", GolemSerum: "GOLEM Serum", VangelisVirus: "Vangelis Virus", VangelisVirus3: "Vangelis Virus 3.0", INTERLINKED: "I.N.T.E.R.L.I.N.K.E.D", BladeRunner: "Blade's Runners", BladeArmor: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor", BladeArmorPowerCells: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: Power Cells Upgrade", BladeArmorEnergyShielding: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: Energy Shielding Upgrade", BladeArmorUnibeam: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: Unibeam Upgrade", BladeArmorOmnibeam: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: Omnibeam Upgrade", BladeArmorIPU: "BLADE-51b Tesla Armor: IPU Upgrade", BladesSimulacrum: "The Blade's Simulacrum", //Wasteland Augs //PepBoy: "P.E.P-Boy", Plasma Energy Projection System //PepBoyForceField Generates plasma force fields //PepBoyBlasts Generate high density plasma concussive blasts //PepBoyDataStorage STore more data on pep boy, } function initAugmentations() { for (var name in _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]) { if (_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"].hasOwnProperty(name)) { _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"][name].augmentations = []; } } //Reset Augmentations Object(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["clearObject"])(Augmentations); //Combat stat augmentations var HemoRecirculator = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HemoRecirculator, moneyCost: 9e6, repCost:4e3, info:"A heart implant that greatly increases the body's ability to effectively use and pump " + "blood.

This augmentation increases all of the player's combat stats by 8%." }); HemoRecirculator.addToFactions(["Tetrads", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HemoRecirculator)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HemoRecirculator]; } AddToAugmentations(HemoRecirculator); var Targeting1 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Targeting1, moneyCost:3e6, repCost:2e3, info:"This cranial implant is embedded within the player's inner ear structure and optic nerves. It regulates and enhances the user's " + "balance and hand-eye coordination. It is also capable of augmenting reality by projecting digital information " + "directly onto the retina. These enhancements allow the player to better lock-on and keep track of enemies.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's dexterity by 10%." }); Targeting1.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima", "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Targeting1)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Targeting1]; } AddToAugmentations(Targeting1); var Targeting2 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Targeting2, moneyCost:8.5e6, repCost:3.5e3, info:"This is an upgrade of the Augmented Targeting I cranial implant, which is capable of augmenting reality " + "and enhances the user's balance and hand-eye coordination.

This upgrade increases the player's dexterity " + "by an additional 20%.", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.Targeting1] }); Targeting2.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima", "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Targeting2)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Targeting2]; } AddToAugmentations(Targeting2); var Targeting3 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Targeting3, moneyCost:23e6, repCost:11e3, info:"This is an upgrade of the Augmented Targeting II cranial implant, which is capable of augmenting reality " + "and enhances the user's balance and hand-eye coordination.

This upgrade increases the player's dexterity " + "by an additional 30%.", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.Targeting2] }); Targeting3.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries", "The Covenant"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Targeting3)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Targeting3]; } AddToAugmentations(Targeting3); var SyntheticHeart = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart, moneyCost:575e6, repCost:300e3, info:"This advanced artificial heart, created from plasteel and graphene, is capable of pumping more blood " + "at much higher efficiencies than a normal human heart.

This augmentation increases the player's agility " + "and strength by 50%" }); SyntheticHeart.addToFactions(["KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Speakers for the Dead", "NWO", "The Covenant", "Daedalus", "Illuminati"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart]; } AddToAugmentations(SyntheticHeart); var SynfibrilMuscle = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle, repCost:175e3, moneyCost:225e6, info:"The myofibrils in human muscles are injected with special chemicals that react with the proteins inside " + "the myofibrils, altering their underlying structure. The end result is muscles that are stronger and more elastic. " + "Scientists have named these artificially enhanced units 'synfibrils'.

This augmentation increases the player's " + "strength and defense by 30%." }); SynfibrilMuscle.addToFactions(["KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Speakers for the Dead", "NWO", "The Covenant", "Daedalus", "Illuminati", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle]; } AddToAugmentations(SynfibrilMuscle) var CombatRib1 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CombatRib1, repCost:3e3, moneyCost:4750000, info:"The human body's ribs are replaced with artificial ribs that automatically and continuously release cognitive " + "and performance-enhancing drugs into the bloodstream, improving the user's abilities in combat.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's strength and defense by 10%." }); CombatRib1.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima", "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CombatRib1)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CombatRib1]; } AddToAugmentations(CombatRib1); var CombatRib2 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CombatRib2, repCost:7.5e3, moneyCost:13e6, info:"This is an upgrade to the Combat Rib I augmentation, and is capable of releasing even more potent combat-enhancing " + "drugs into the bloodstream.

This upgrade increases the player's strength and defense by an additional 14%.", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.CombatRib1] }); CombatRib2.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Ishima", "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CombatRib2)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CombatRib2]; } AddToAugmentations(CombatRib2); var CombatRib3 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CombatRib3, repCost:14e3, moneyCost:24e6, info:"This is an upgrade to the Combat Rib II augmentation, and is capable of releasing even more potent combat-enhancing " + "drugs into the bloodstream

. This upgrade increases the player's strength and defense by an additional 18%.", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.CombatRib2], }); CombatRib3.addToFactions(["The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International", "Blade Industries", "The Covenant"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CombatRib3)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CombatRib3]; } AddToAugmentations(CombatRib3); var NanofiberWeave = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave, repCost:15e3, moneyCost:25e6, info:"Synthetic nanofibers are woven into the skin's extracellular matrix using electrospinning. " + "This improves the skin's ability to regenerate itself and protect the body from external stresses and forces.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's strength and defense by 20%." }); NanofiberWeave.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "The Syndicate", "The Dark Army", "Speakers for the Dead", "Blade Industries", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "OmniTek Incorporated"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave]; } AddToAugmentations(NanofiberWeave); var SubdermalArmor = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SubdermalArmor, repCost:350e3, moneyCost:650e6, info:"The NEMEAN Subdermal Weave is a thin, light-weight, graphene plating that houses a dilatant fluid. " + "The material is implanted underneath the skin, and is the most advanced form of defensive enhancement " + "that has ever been created. The dilatant fluid, despite being thin and light, is extremely effective " + "at stopping piercing blows and reducing blunt trauma. The properties of graphene allow the plating to " + "mitigate damage from any fire-related or electrical traumas.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's defense by 120%." }); SubdermalArmor.addToFactions(["The Syndicate", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Illuminati", "Daedalus", "The Covenant"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SubdermalArmor)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SubdermalArmor]; } AddToAugmentations(SubdermalArmor); var WiredReflexes = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.WiredReflexes, repCost:500, moneyCost:500e3, info:"Synthetic nerve-enhancements are injected into all major parts of the somatic nervous system, " + "supercharging the body's ability to send signals through neurons. This results in increased reflex speed.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's agility and dexterity by 5%." }); WiredReflexes.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "Slum Snakes", "Sector-12", "Volhaven", "Aevum", "Ishima", "The Syndicate", "The Dark Army", "Speakers for the Dead"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.WiredReflexes)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.WiredReflexes]; } AddToAugmentations(WiredReflexes); var GrapheneBoneLacings = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBoneLacings, repCost:450e3, moneyCost:850e6, info:"A graphene-based material is grafted and fused into the user's bones, significantly increasing " + "their density and tensile strength.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's strength and defense by 70%." }); GrapheneBoneLacings.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "The Covenant"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBoneLacings)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBoneLacings]; } AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBoneLacings); var BionicSpine = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BionicSpine, repCost:18e3, moneyCost:25e6, info:"An artificial spine created from plasteel and carbon fibers that completely replaces the organic spine. " + "Not only is the Bionic Spine physically stronger than a human spine, but it is also capable of digitally " + "stimulating and regulating the neural signals that are sent and received by the spinal cord. This results in " + "greatly improved senses and reaction speeds.

" + "This augmentation increases all of the player's combat stats by 15%." }); BionicSpine.addToFactions(["Speakers for the Dead", "The Syndicate", "KuaiGong International", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BionicSpine)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BionicSpine]; } AddToAugmentations(BionicSpine); var GrapheneBionicSpine = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine, repCost:650e3, moneyCost:1200e6, info:"An upgrade to the Bionic Spine augmentation. It fuses the implant with an advanced graphene " + "material to make it much stronger and lighter.

" + "This augmentation increases all of the player's combat stats by 60%.", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BionicSpine], }); GrapheneBionicSpine.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "ECorp"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine]; } AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBionicSpine); var BionicLegs = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BionicLegs, repCost:60e3, moneyCost:75e6, info:"Cybernetic legs created from plasteel and carbon fibers that completely replace the user's organic legs.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's agility by 60%." }); BionicLegs.addToFactions(["Speakers for the Dead", "The Syndicate", "KuaiGong International", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BionicLegs)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BionicLegs]; } AddToAugmentations(BionicLegs); var GrapheneBionicLegs = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicLegs, repCost:300e3, moneyCost:900e6, info:"An upgrade to the Bionic Legs augmentation. It fuses the implant with an advanced graphene " + "material to make it much stronger and lighter.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's agility by an additional 150%.", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BionicLegs], }); GrapheneBionicLegs.addToFactions(["MegaCorp", "ECorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicLegs)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicLegs]; } AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBionicLegs); //Labor stat augmentations var SpeechProcessor = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SpeechProcessor, repCost:3e3, moneyCost:10e6, info:"A cochlear implant with an embedded computer that analyzes incoming speech. " + "The embedded computer processes characteristics of incoming speech, such as tone " + "and inflection, to pick up on subtle cues and aid in social interactions.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's charisma by 20%." }); SpeechProcessor.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum", "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Silhouette"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SpeechProcessor)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SpeechProcessor]; } AddToAugmentations(SpeechProcessor); let TITN41Injection = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:38e6, info:"TITN is a series of viruses that targets and alters the sequences of human DNA in genes that " + "control personality. The TITN-41 strain alters these genes so that the subject becomes more " + "outgoing and socialable.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's charisma and charisma experience gain rate by 15%" }); TITN41Injection.addToFactions(["Silhouette"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection]; } AddToAugmentations(TITN41Injection); var EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant, repCost:150e3, moneyCost:275e6, info:"A cranial implant that greatly assists in the user's ability to analyze social situations " + "and interactions. The system uses a wide variety of factors such as facial expression, body " + "language, and the voice's tone/inflection to determine the best course of action during social" + "situations. The implant also uses deep learning software to continuously learn new behavior" + "patterns and how to best respond.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's charisma and charisma experience gain rate by 60%." }); EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant.addToFactions(["Bachman & Associates", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant]; } AddToAugmentations(EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant); //Hacking augmentations var BitWire = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BitWire, repCost:1500, moneyCost:2e6, info: "A small brain implant embedded in the cerebrum. This regulates and improves the brain's computing " + "capabilities.

This augmentation increases the player's hacking skill by 5%" }); BitWire.addToFactions(["CyberSec", "NiteSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BitWire)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BitWire]; } AddToAugmentations(BitWire); var ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork, repCost:110e3, moneyCost:600e6, info:"A network consisting of millions of nanoprocessors is embedded into the brain. " + "The network is meant to mimick the way a biological brain solves a problem, which each " + "nanoprocessor acting similar to the way a neuron would in a neural network. However, these " + "nanoprocessors are programmed to perform computations much faster than organic neurons, " + "allowing its user to solve much more complex problems at a much faster rate.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player's gains from hacking by 15%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 12%" }); ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork]; } AddToAugmentations(ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork); var ArtificialSynapticPotentiation = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation, repCost:2500, moneyCost:16e6, info:"The body is injected with a chemical that artificially induces synaptic potentiation, " + "otherwise known as the strengthening of synapses. This results in a enhanced cognitive abilities.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" + "Increases the player's hacking chance by 5%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 5%" }); ArtificialSynapticPotentiation.addToFactions(["The Black Hand", "NiteSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation]; } AddToAugmentations(ArtificialSynapticPotentiation); var EnhancedMyelinSheathing = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing, repCost:40e3, moneyCost:275e6, info:"Electrical signals are used to induce a new, artificial form of myelinogensis in the human body. " + "This process results in the proliferation of new, synthetic myelin sheaths in the nervous " + "system. These myelin sheaths can propogate neuro-signals much faster than their organic " + "counterparts, leading to greater processing speeds and better brain function.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 8%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 10%" }); EnhancedMyelinSheathing.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "BitRunners", "The Black Hand"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing]; } AddToAugmentations(EnhancedMyelinSheathing); var SynapticEnhancement = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement, repCost:800, moneyCost:1.5e6, info:"A small cranial implant that continuously uses weak electric signals to stimulate the brain and " + "induce stronger synaptic activity. This improves the user's cognitive abilities.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's hacking speed by 3%." }); SynapticEnhancement.addToFactions(["CyberSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement]; } AddToAugmentations(SynapticEnhancement); var NeuralRetentionEnhancement = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.NeuralRetentionEnhancement, repCost:8e3, moneyCost:50e6, info:"Chemical injections are used to permanently alter and strengthen the brain's neuronal " + "circuits, strengthening its ability to retain information.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 25%." }); NeuralRetentionEnhancement.addToFactions(["NiteSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuralRetentionEnhancement)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NeuralRetentionEnhancement]; } AddToAugmentations(NeuralRetentionEnhancement); var DataJack = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.DataJack, repCost:45e3, moneyCost:90e6, info:"A brain implant that provides an interface for direct, wireless communication between a computer's main " + "memory and the mind. This implant allows the user to not only access a computer's memory, but also alter " + "and delete it.

" + "This augmentation increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 25%" }); DataJack.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "NiteSec", "Chongqing", "New Tokyo"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.DataJack)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.DataJack]; } AddToAugmentations(DataJack); var ENM = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ENM, repCost:6e3, moneyCost:50e6, info:"A thin device embedded inside the arm containing a wireless module capable of connecting " + "to nearby networks. Once connected, the Netburner Module is capable of capturing and " + "processing all of the traffic on that network. By itself, the Embedded Netburner Module does " + "not do much, but a variety of very powerful upgrades can be installed that allow you to fully " + "control the traffic on a network.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's hacking skill by 8%" }); ENM.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "NiteSec", "ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENM)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENM]; } AddToAugmentations(ENM); var ENMCore = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ENMCore, repCost:100e3, moneyCost:500e6, info:"The Core library is an implant that upgrades the firmware of the Embedded Netburner Module. " + "This upgrade allows the Embedded Netburner Module to generate its own data on a network.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 10%
" + "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 3%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 7%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 7%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENM] }); ENMCore.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMCore)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMCore]; } AddToAugmentations(ENMCore); var ENMCoreV2 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2, repCost:400e3, moneyCost:900e6, info:"The Core V2 library is an implant that upgrades the firmware of the Embedded Netburner Module. " + "This upgraded firmware allows the Embedded Netburner Module to control the information on " + "a network by re-routing traffic, spoofing IP addresses, or altering the data inside network " + "packets.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 30%
" + "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 5%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 15%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 8%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENMCore] }); ENMCoreV2.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO", "Blade Industries", "OmniTek Incorporated", "KuaiGong International"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2]; } AddToAugmentations(ENMCoreV2); var ENMCoreV3 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV3, repCost:700e3, moneyCost:1500e6, info:"The Core V3 library is an implant that upgrades the firmware of the Embedded Netburner Module. " + "This upgraded firmware allows the Embedded Netburner Module to seamlessly inject code into " + "any device on a network.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 40%
" + "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 10%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 25%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2], }); ENMCoreV3.addToFactions(["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "Illuminati"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV3)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV3]; } AddToAugmentations(ENMCoreV3); var ENMAnalyzeEngine = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine, repCost:250e3, moneyCost:1200e6, info:"Installs the Analyze Engine for the Embedded Netburner Module, which is a CPU cluster " + "that vastly outperforms the Netburner Module's native single-core processor.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's hacking speed by 10%.", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENM], }); ENMAnalyzeEngine.addToFactions(["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "Illuminati"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine]; } AddToAugmentations(ENMAnalyzeEngine); var ENMDMA = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ENMDMA, repCost:400e3, moneyCost:1400e6, info:"This implant installs a Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller into the " + "Embedded Netburner Module. This allows the Module to send and receive data " + "directly to and from the main memory of devices on a network.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 40%
" + "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 20%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.ENM], }); ENMDMA.addToFactions(["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "NWO", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "Illuminati"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ENMDMA)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ENMDMA]; } AddToAugmentations(ENMDMA); var Neuralstimulator = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator, repCost:20e3, moneyCost:600e6, info:"A cranial implant that intelligently stimulates certain areas of the brain " + "in order to improve cognitive functions

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" + "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 10%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 12%" }); Neuralstimulator.addToFactions(["The Black Hand", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum", "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Bachman & Associates", "Clarke Incorporated", "Four Sigma"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator]; } AddToAugmentations(Neuralstimulator); var NeuralAccelerator = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator, repCost:80e3, moneyCost:350e6, info:"A microprocessor that accelerates the processing " + "speed of biological neural networks. This is a cranial implant that is embedded inside the brain.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 15%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 20%" }); NeuralAccelerator.addToFactions(["BitRunners"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator]; } AddToAugmentations(NeuralAccelerator); var CranialSignalProcessorsG1 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1, repCost:4e3, moneyCost:14e6, info:"The first generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " + "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " + "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " + "so that the brain doesn't have to.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 1%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 5%" }); CranialSignalProcessorsG1.addToFactions(["CyberSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1]; } AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG1); var CranialSignalProcessorsG2 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2, repCost:7500, moneyCost:25e6, info:"The second generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " + "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " + "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " + "so that the brain doesn't have to.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" + "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 5%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 7%" }); CranialSignalProcessorsG2.addToFactions(["NiteSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2]; } AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG2); var CranialSignalProcessorsG3 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3, repCost:20e3, moneyCost:110e6, info:"The third generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " + "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " + "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " + "so that the brain doesn't have to.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 15%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 9%" }); CranialSignalProcessorsG3.addToFactions(["NiteSec", "The Black Hand"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3]; } AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG3); var CranialSignalProcessorsG4 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4, repCost:50e3, moneyCost:220e6, info:"The fourth generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " + "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " + "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " + "so that the brain doesn't have to.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 20%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player can inject into servers using grow() by 25%" }); CranialSignalProcessorsG4.addToFactions(["The Black Hand"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4]; } AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG4); var CranialSignalProcessorsG5 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5, repCost:100e3, moneyCost:450e6, info:"The fifth generation of Cranial Signal Processors. Cranial Signal Processors " + "are a set of specialized microprocessors that are attached to " + "neurons in the brain. These chips process neural signals to quickly and automatically perform specific computations " + "so that the brain doesn't have to.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 30%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 25%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player can inject into servers using grow() by 75%" }); CranialSignalProcessorsG5.addToFactions(["BitRunners"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5]; } AddToAugmentations(CranialSignalProcessorsG5); var NeuronalDensification = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification, repCost:75e3, moneyCost:275e6, info:"The brain is surgically re-engineered to have increased neuronal density " + "by decreasing the neuron gap junction. Then, the body is genetically modified " + "to enhance the production and capabilities of its neural stem cells.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 10%
"+ "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%" }); NeuronalDensification.addToFactions(["Clarke Incorporated"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification]; } AddToAugmentations(NeuronalDensification); //Work Augmentations var NuoptimalInjectorImplant = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.NuoptimalInjectorImplant, repCost:2e3, moneyCost:4e6, info:"This torso implant automatically injects nootropic supplements into " + "the bloodstream to improve memory, increase focus, and provide other " + "cognitive enhancements.

" + "This augmentation increases the amount of reputation the player gains " + "when working for a company by 20%." }); NuoptimalInjectorImplant.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "Volhaven", "New Tokyo", "Chongqing", "Ishima", "Clarke Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "Bachman & Associates"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NuoptimalInjectorImplant)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NuoptimalInjectorImplant]; } AddToAugmentations(NuoptimalInjectorImplant); var SpeechEnhancement = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SpeechEnhancement, repCost:1e3, moneyCost:2.5e6, info:"An advanced neural implant that improves your speaking abilities, making " + "you more convincing and likable in conversations and overall improving your " + "social interactions.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's charisma by 10%
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 10%" }); SpeechEnhancement.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "Speakers for the Dead", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International", "Clarke Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "Bachman & Associates"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SpeechEnhancement)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SpeechEnhancement]; } AddToAugmentations(SpeechEnhancement); var FocusWire = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.FocusWire, repCost:30e3, moneyCost:180e6, info:"A cranial implant that stops procrastination by blocking specific neural pathways " + "in the brain.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases all experience gains by 5%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from working by 20%
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 10%" }); FocusWire.addToFactions(["Bachman & Associates", "Clarke Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.FocusWire)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.FocusWire]; } AddToAugmentations(FocusWire) var PCDNI = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.PCDNI, repCost:150e3, moneyCost:750e6, info:"Installs a Direct-Neural Interface jack into your arm that is compatible with most " + "computers. Connecting to a computer through this jack allows you to interface with " + "it using the brain's electrochemical signals.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 30%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 8%" }); PCDNI.addToFactions(["Four Sigma", "OmniTek Incorporated", "ECorp", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PCDNI)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PCDNI]; } AddToAugmentations(PCDNI); var PCDNIOptimizer = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer, repCost:200e3, moneyCost:900e6, info:"This is a submodule upgrade to the PC Direct-Neural Interface augmentation. It " + "improves the performance of the interface and gives the user more control options " + "to the connected computer.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 75%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.PCDNI], }); PCDNIOptimizer.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "ECorp", "Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer]; } AddToAugmentations(PCDNIOptimizer); var PCDNINeuralNetwork = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork, repCost:600e3, moneyCost:1500e6, info:"This is an additional installation that upgrades the functionality of the " + "PC Direct-Neural Interface augmentation. When connected to a computer, " + "The NeuroNet Injector upgrade allows the user to use his/her own brain's " + "processing power to aid the computer in computational tasks.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 100%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.PCDNI], }); PCDNINeuralNetwork.addToFactions(["Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork]; } AddToAugmentations(PCDNINeuralNetwork); var ADRPheromone1 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone1, repCost:1500, moneyCost:3.5e6, info:"The body is genetically re-engineered so that it produces the ADR-V1 pheromone, " + "an artificial pheromone discovered by scientists. The ADR-V1 pheromone, when excreted, " + "triggers feelings of admiration and approval in other people.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a company by 10%
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains for a faction by 10%" }); ADRPheromone1.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui", "The Syndicate", "NWO", "MegaCorp", "Four Sigma"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone1)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone1]; } AddToAugmentations(ADRPheromone1); var ADRPheromone2 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone2, repCost:25e3, moneyCost:110e6, info:"The body is genetically re-engineered so that it produces the ADR-V2 pheromone, " + "which is similar to but more potent than ADR-V1. This pheromone, when excreted, " + "triggers feelings of admiration, approval, and respect in others.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains for a faction and company by 20%." }); ADRPheromone2.addToFactions(["Silhouette", "Four Sigma", "Bachman & Associates", "Clarke Incorporated"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone2)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone2]; } AddToAugmentations(ADRPheromone2); //HacknetNode Augmentations var HacknetNodeCPUUpload = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCPUUpload, repCost:1500, moneyCost:2.2e6, info:"Uploads the architecture and design details of a Hacknet Node's CPU into " + "the brain. This allows the user to engineer custom hardware and software " + "for the Hacknet Node that provides better performance.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 15%
" + "Decreases the cost of purchasing a Hacknet Node by 15%" }); HacknetNodeCPUUpload.addToFactions(["Netburners"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCPUUpload)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCPUUpload]; } AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeCPUUpload); var HacknetNodeCacheUpload = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCacheUpload, repCost:1e3, moneyCost:1.1e6, info:"Uploads the architecture and design details of a Hacknet Node's main-memory cache " + "into the brain. This allows the user to engineer custom cache hardware for the " + "Hacknet Node that offers better performance.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 10%
" + "Decreases the cost of leveling up a Hacknet Node by 15%" }); HacknetNodeCacheUpload.addToFactions(["Netburners"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCacheUpload)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCacheUpload]; } AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeCacheUpload); var HacknetNodeNICUpload = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeNICUpload, repCost:750, moneyCost:900e3, info:"Uploads the architecture and design details of a Hacknet Node's Network Interface Card (NIC) " + "into the brain. This allows the user to engineer a custom NIC for the Hacknet Node that " + "offers better performance.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 10%
" + "Decreases the cost of purchasing a Hacknet Node by 10%" }); HacknetNodeNICUpload.addToFactions(["Netburners"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeNICUpload)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeNICUpload]; } AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeNICUpload); var HacknetNodeKernelDNI = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeKernelDNI, repCost:3e3, moneyCost:8e6, info:"Installs a Direct-Neural Interface jack into the arm that is capable of connecting to a " + "Hacknet Node. This lets the user access and manipulate the Node's kernel using the mind's " + "electrochemical signals.

" + "This augmentation increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 25%." }); HacknetNodeKernelDNI.addToFactions(["Netburners"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeKernelDNI)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeKernelDNI]; } AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeKernelDNI); var HacknetNodeCoreDNI = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCoreDNI, repCost:5e3, moneyCost:12e6, info:"Installs a Direct-Neural Interface jack into the arm that is capable of connecting " + "to a Hacknet Node. This lets the user access and manipulate the Node's processing logic using " + "the mind's electrochemical signals.

" + "This augmentation increases the amount of money produced by Hacknet Nodes by 45%." }); HacknetNodeCoreDNI.addToFactions(["Netburners"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCoreDNI)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCoreDNI]; } AddToAugmentations(HacknetNodeCoreDNI); //Misc/Hybrid augmentations var NeuroFluxGovernor = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor, repCost:500, moneyCost: 750e3, info:"A device that is embedded in the back of the neck. The NeuroFlux Governor " + "monitors and regulates nervous impulses coming to and from the spinal column, " + "essentially 'governing' the body. By doing so, it improves the functionality of the " + "body's nervous system.

" + "This is a special augmentation because it can be leveled up infinitely. Each level of this augmentation " + "increases ALL of the player's multipliers by 1%" }); var nextLevel = Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* getNextNeurofluxLevel */ "e"])(); NeuroFluxGovernor.level = nextLevel - 1; mult = Math.pow(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NeuroFluxGovernorLevelMult, NeuroFluxGovernor.level); NeuroFluxGovernor.baseRepRequirement = 500 * mult * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].AugmentationRepMultiplier * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].AugmentationRepCost; NeuroFluxGovernor.baseCost = 750e3 * mult * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].AugmentationCostMultiplier * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].AugmentationMoneyCost; if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor]; } NeuroFluxGovernor.addToAllFactions(); AddToAugmentations(NeuroFluxGovernor); var Neurotrainer1 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer1, repCost:400, moneyCost:800e3, info:"A decentralized cranial implant that improves the brain's ability to learn. It is " + "installed by releasing millions of nanobots into the human brain, each of which " + "attaches to a different neural pathway to enhance the brain's ability to retain " + "and retrieve information.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 10%" }); Neurotrainer1.addToFactions(["CyberSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer1)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer1]; } AddToAugmentations(Neurotrainer1); var Neurotrainer2 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer2, repCost:4e3, moneyCost:9e6, info:"A decentralized cranial implant that improves the brain's ability to learn. This " + "is a more powerful version of the Neurotrainer I augmentation, but it does not " + "require Neurotrainer I to be installed as a prerequisite.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 15%" }); Neurotrainer2.addToFactions(["BitRunners", "NiteSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer2)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer2]; } AddToAugmentations(Neurotrainer2); var Neurotrainer3 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer3, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:26e6, info:"A decentralized cranial implant that improves the brain's ability to learn. This " + "is a more powerful version of the Neurotrainer I and Neurotrainer II augmentation, " + "but it does not require either of them to be installed as a prerequisite.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 20%" }); Neurotrainer3.addToFactions(["NWO", "Four Sigma"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer3)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer3]; } AddToAugmentations(Neurotrainer3); var Hypersight = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Hypersight, repCost:60e3, moneyCost:550e6, info:"A bionic eye implant that grants sight capabilities far beyond those of a natural human. " + "Embedded circuitry within the implant provides the ability to detect heat and movement " + "through solid objects such as wells, thus providing 'x-ray vision'-like capabilities.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's dexterity by 40%
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 3%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 10%" }); Hypersight.addToFactions(["Blade Industries", "KuaiGong International"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Hypersight)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Hypersight]; } AddToAugmentations(Hypersight); var LuminCloaking1 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking1, repCost:600, moneyCost:1e6, info:"A skin implant that reinforces the skin with highly-advanced synthetic cells. These " + "cells, when powered, have a negative refractive index. As a result, they bend light " + "around the skin, making the user much harder to see from the naked eye.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's agility by 5%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 10%" }); LuminCloaking1.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes", "Tetrads"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking1)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking1]; } AddToAugmentations(LuminCloaking1); var LuminCloaking2 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking2, repCost:2e3, moneyCost:6e6, info:"This is a more advanced version of the LuminCloaking-V2 augmentation. This skin implant " + "reinforces the skin with highly-advanced synthetic cells. These " + "cells, when powered, are capable of not only bending light but also of bending heat, " + "making the user more resilient as well as stealthy.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's agility by 10%
" + "Increases the player's defense by 10%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 25%" }); LuminCloaking2.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes", "Tetrads"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking2)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking2]; } AddToAugmentations(LuminCloaking2); var SmartSonar = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SmartSonar, repCost:9e3, moneyCost:15e6, info:"A cochlear implant that helps the player detect and locate enemies " + "using sound propagation.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's dexterity by 10%
" + "Increases the player's dexterity experience gain rate by 15%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 25%" }); SmartSonar.addToFactions(["Slum Snakes"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SmartSonar)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SmartSonar]; } AddToAugmentations(SmartSonar); var PowerRecirculator = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.PowerRecirculator, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:36e6, info:"The body's nerves are attached with polypyrrole nanocircuits that " + "are capable of capturing wasted energy (in the form of heat) " + "and converting it back into usable power.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases all of the player's stats by 5%
" + "Increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 10%" }); PowerRecirculator.addToFactions(["Tetrads", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "NWO"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PowerRecirculator)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PowerRecirculator]; } AddToAugmentations(PowerRecirculator); //Unique AUGS (Each Faction gets one unique augmentation) //Factions that already have unique augs up to this point: // Slum Snakes, CyberSec, Netburners, Fulcrum Secret Technologies, // Silhouette //Illuminati var QLink = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.QLink, repCost:750e3, moneyCost:1300e6, info:"A brain implant that wirelessly connects you to the Illuminati's " + "quantum supercomputer, allowing you to access and use its incredible " + "computing power.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 10%
" + "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 30%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 100%" }); QLink.addToFactions(["Illuminati"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.QLink)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.QLink]; } AddToAugmentations(QLink); //Daedalus var RedPill = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.TheRedPill, repCost:1e6, moneyCost:0, info:"It's time to leave the cave" }); RedPill.addToFactions(["Daedalus"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.TheRedPill)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.TheRedPill]; } AddToAugmentations(RedPill); //Covenant var SPTN97 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SPTN97, repCost:500e3, moneyCost:975e6, info:"The SPTN-97 gene is injected into the genome. The SPTN-97 gene is an " + "artificially-synthesized gene that was developed by DARPA to create " + "super-soldiers through genetic modification. The gene was outlawed in " + "2056.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases all of the player's combat stats by 75%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%" }); SPTN97.addToFactions(["The Covenant"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SPTN97)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SPTN97]; } AddToAugmentations(SPTN97); //ECorp var HiveMind = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HiveMind, repCost:600e3, moneyCost:1100e6, info:"A brain implant developed by ECorp. They do not reveal what " + "exactly the implant does, but they promise that it will greatly " + "enhance your abilities." }); HiveMind.addToFactions(["ECorp"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.HiveMind)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.HiveMind]; } AddToAugmentations(HiveMind); //MegaCorp var CordiARCReactor = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CordiARCReactor, repCost:450e3, moneyCost:1000e6, info:"The thoracic cavity is equipped with a small chamber designed " + "to hold and sustain hydrogen plasma. The plasma is used to generate " + "fusion power through nuclear fusion, providing limitless amount of clean " + "energy for the body.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases all of the player's combat stats by 35%
" + "Increases all of the player's combat stat experience gain rate by 35%" }); CordiARCReactor.addToFactions(["MegaCorp"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CordiARCReactor)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CordiARCReactor]; } AddToAugmentations(CordiARCReactor); //BachmanAndAssociates var SmartJaw = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SmartJaw, repCost:150e3, moneyCost:550e6, info:"A bionic jaw that contains advanced hardware and software " + "capable of psychoanalyzing and profiling the personality of " + "others using optical imaging software.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's charisma by 50%.
" + "Increases the player's charisma experience gain rate by 50%
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains for a company by 25%
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains for a faction by 25%" }); SmartJaw.addToFactions(["Bachman & Associates"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SmartJaw)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SmartJaw]; } AddToAugmentations(SmartJaw); //BladeIndustries var Neotra = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Neotra, repCost:225e3, moneyCost:575e6, info:"A highly-advanced techno-organic drug that is injected into the skeletal " + "and integumentary system. The drug permanently modifies the DNA of the " + "body's skin and bone cells, granting them the ability to repair " + "and restructure themselves.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's strength and defense by 55%" }); Neotra.addToFactions(["Blade Industries"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neotra)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neotra]; } AddToAugmentations(Neotra); //NWO var Xanipher = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Xanipher, repCost:350e3, moneyCost:850e6, info:"A concoction of advanced nanobots that is orally ingested into the " + "body. These nanobots induce physiological change and significantly " + "improve the body's functionining in all aspects.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases all of the player's stats by 20%
" + "Increases the player's experience gain rate for all stats by 15%" }); Xanipher.addToFactions(["NWO"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Xanipher)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Xanipher]; } AddToAugmentations(Xanipher); //ClarkeIncorporated var nextSENS = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.nextSENS, repCost:175e3, moneyCost:385e6, info:"The body is genetically re-engineered to maintain a state " + "of negligible senescence, preventing the body from " + "deteriorating with age.

" + "This augmentation increases all of the player's stats by 20%" }); nextSENS.addToFactions(["Clarke Incorporated"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.nextSENS)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.nextSENS]; } AddToAugmentations(nextSENS); //OmniTekIncorporated var OmniTekInfoLoad = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.OmniTekInfoLoad, repCost:250e3, moneyCost:575e6, info:"OmniTek's data and information repository is uploaded " + "into your brain, enhancing your programming and " + "hacking abilities.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 20%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 25%" }); OmniTekInfoLoad.addToFactions(["OmniTek Incorporated"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.OmniTekInfoLoad)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.OmniTekInfoLoad]; } AddToAugmentations(OmniTekInfoLoad); //FourSigma //TODO Later when Intelligence is added in . Some aug that greatly increases int //KuaiGongInternational var PhotosyntheticCells = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.PhotosyntheticCells, repCost:225e3, moneyCost:550e6, info:"Chloroplasts are added to epidermal stem cells and are applied " + "to the body using a skin graft. The result is photosynthetic " + "skin cells, allowing users to generate their own energy " + "and nutrition using solar power.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's strength, defense, and agility by 40%" }); PhotosyntheticCells.addToFactions(["KuaiGong International"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.PhotosyntheticCells)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.PhotosyntheticCells]; } AddToAugmentations(PhotosyntheticCells); //BitRunners var Neurolink = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Neurolink, repCost:350e3, moneyCost:875e6, info:"A brain implant that provides a high-bandwidth, direct neural link between your " + "mind and BitRunners' data servers, which reportedly contain " + "the largest database of hacking tools and information in the world.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 15%
" + "Increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 20%
" + "Increases the player's chance of successfully performing a hack by 10%
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 5%
" + "Lets the player start with the FTPCrack.exe and relaySMTP.exe programs after a reset" }); Neurolink.addToFactions(["BitRunners"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neurolink)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neurolink]; } AddToAugmentations(Neurolink); //BlackHand var TheBlackHand = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.TheBlackHand, repCost:40e3, moneyCost:110e6, info:"A highly advanced bionic hand. This prosthetic not only " + "enhances strength and dexterity but it is also embedded " + "with hardware and firmware that lets the user connect to, access and hack " + "devices and machines just by touching them.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's strength and dexterity by 15%
" + "Increases the player's hacking skill by 10%
" + "Increases the player's hacking speed by 2%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from hacking by 10%" }); TheBlackHand.addToFactions(["The Black Hand"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.TheBlackHand)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.TheBlackHand]; } AddToAugmentations(TheBlackHand); //NiteSec var CRTX42AA = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CRTX42AA, repCost:18e3, moneyCost:45e6, info:"The CRTX42-AA gene is injected into the genome. " + "The CRTX42-AA is an artificially-synthesized gene that targets the visual and prefrontal " + "cortex and improves cognitive abilities.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Improves the player's hacking skill by 8%
" + "Improves the player's hacking experience gain rate by 15%" }); CRTX42AA.addToFactions(["NiteSec"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CRTX42AA)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CRTX42AA]; } AddToAugmentations(CRTX42AA); //Chongqing var Neuregen = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.Neuregen, repCost:15e3, moneyCost:75e6, info:"A drug that genetically modifies the neurons in the brain. " + "The result is that these neurons never die and continuously " + "regenerate and strengthen themselves.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's hacking experience gain rate by 40%" }); Neuregen.addToFactions(["Chongqing"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.Neuregen)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.Neuregen]; } AddToAugmentations(Neuregen); //Sector12 var CashRoot = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.CashRoot, repCost:5e3, moneyCost:25e6, info:"A collection of digital assets saved on a small chip. The chip is implanted " + "into your wrist. A small jack in the chip allows you to connect it to a computer " + "and upload the assets.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Lets the player start with $1,000,000 after a reset
" + "Lets the player start with the BruteSSH.exe program after a reset" }); CashRoot.addToFactions(["Sector-12"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.CashRoot)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.CashRoot]; } AddToAugmentations(CashRoot); //NewTokyo var NutriGen = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.NutriGen, repCost:2500, moneyCost:500e3, info:"A thermo-powered artificial nutrition generator. Endogenously " + "synthesizes glucose, amino acids, and vitamins and redistributes them " + "across the body. The device is powered by the body's naturally wasted " + "energy in the form of heat.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's experience gain rate for all combat stats by 20%" }); NutriGen.addToFactions(["New Tokyo"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.NutriGen)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.NutriGen]; } AddToAugmentations(NutriGen); //Aevum //TODO Later Something that lets you learn advanced math...this increases int //and profits as a trader/from trading //Ishima var INFRARet = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.INFRARet, repCost:3e3, moneyCost:6e6, info:"A retina implant consisting of a tiny chip that sits behind the " + "retina. This implant lets people visually detect infrared radiation.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's crime success rate by 25%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 10%
" + "Increases the player's dexterity by 10%" }); INFRARet.addToFactions(["Ishima"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.INFRARet)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.INFRARet]; } AddToAugmentations(INFRARet); //Volhaven var DermaForce = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.DermaForce, repCost:6e3, moneyCost:10e6, info:"A synthetic skin is grafted onto the body. The skin consists of " + "millions of nanobots capable of projecting high-density muon beams, " + "creating an energy barrier around the user.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's defense by 40%" }); DermaForce.addToFactions(["Volhaven"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.DermaForce)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.DermaForce]; } AddToAugmentations(DermaForce); //SpeakersForTheDead var GrapheneBrachiBlades = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades, repCost:90e3, moneyCost:500e6, info:"An upgrade to the BrachiBlades augmentation. It infuses " + "the retractable blades with an advanced graphene material " + "to make them much stronger and lighter.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's strength and defense by 40%
" + "Increases the player's crime success rate by 10%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 30%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades], }); GrapheneBrachiBlades.addToFactions(["Speakers for the Dead"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades]; } AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBrachiBlades); //DarkArmy var GrapheneBionicArms = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms, repCost:200e3, moneyCost:750e6, info:"An upgrade to the Bionic Arms augmentation. It infuses the " + "prosthetic arms with an advanced graphene material " + "to make them much stronger and lighter.

" + "This augmentation increases the player's strength and dexterity by 85%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BionicArms], }); GrapheneBionicArms.addToFactions(["The Dark Army"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms]; } AddToAugmentations(GrapheneBionicArms); //TheSyndicate var BrachiBlades = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades, repCost:5e3, moneyCost:18e6, info:"A set of retractable plasteel blades are implanted in the arm, underneath the skin. " + "

This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's strength and defense by 15%
" + "Increases the player's crime success rate by 10%
" + "Increases the amount of money the player gains from crimes by 15%" }); BrachiBlades.addToFactions(["The Syndicate"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades]; } AddToAugmentations(BrachiBlades); //Tetrads var BionicArms = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BionicArms, repCost:25e3, moneyCost:55e6, info:"Cybernetic arms created from plasteel and carbon fibers that completely replace " + "the user's organic arms.

" + "This augmentation increases the user's strength and dexterity by 30%" }); BionicArms.addToFactions(["Tetrads"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.BionicArms)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BionicArms]; } AddToAugmentations(BionicArms); //TianDiHui var SNA = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.SNA, repCost:2500, moneyCost:6e6, info:"A cranial implant that affects the user's personality, making them better " + "at negotiation in social situations.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the amount of money the player earns at a company by 10%
" + "Increases the amount of reputation the player gains when working for a " + "company or faction by 15%" }); SNA.addToFactions(["Tian Di Hui"]); if (augmentationExists(AugmentationNames.SNA)) { delete Augmentations[AugmentationNames.SNA]; } AddToAugmentations(SNA); //For BitNode-2, add all Augmentations to crime/evil factions. //Do this before adding special Augmentations that become available in later BitNodes if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 2) { console.log("Adding all augmentations to crime factions for Bit node 2"); _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Slum Snakes"].addAllAugmentations(); _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Tetrads"].addAllAugmentations(); _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]["The Syndicate"].addAllAugmentations(); _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]["The Dark Army"].addAllAugmentations(); _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Speakers for the Dead"].addAllAugmentations(); _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]["NiteSec"].addAllAugmentations(); _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Factions */ "b"]["The Black Hand"].addAllAugmentations(); } //Special Bladeburner Augmentations var BladeburnersFactionName = "Bladeburners"; if (Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* factionExists */ "d"])(BladeburnersFactionName)) { var EsperEyewear = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.EsperEyewear, repCost:500, moneyCost:33e6, info:"Ballistic-grade protective and retractable eyewear that was designed specially " + "for Bladeburner units. This " + "is implanted by installing a mechanical frame in the skull's orbit. " + "This frame interfaces with the brain and allows the user to " + "automatically extrude and extract the eyewear. The eyewear protects " + "against debris, shrapnel, laser, flash, and gas. It is also " + "embedded with a data processing chip that can be programmed to display an " + "AR HUD and assist the user in field missions.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 3%
" + "Increases the player's dexterity by 3%" }); EsperEyewear.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(EsperEyewear); var EMS4Recombination = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.EMS4Recombination, repCost: 1e3, moneyCost:55e6, info:"A DNA recombination of the EMS-4 Gene. This genetic engineering " + "technique was originally used on Bladeburners during the Synthoid uprising " + "to induce wakefulness and concentration, suppress fear, reduce empathy, and " + "improve reflexes and memory-recall among other things.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's sucess chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 3%
" + "Increases the player's effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis by 5%
" + "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 1%" }); EMS4Recombination.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(EMS4Recombination); var OrionShoulder = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.OrionShoulder, repCost:2.5e3, moneyCost:110e6, info:"A bionic shoulder augmentation for the right shoulder. Using cybernetics, " + "the ORION-MKIV shoulder enhances the strength and dexterity " + "of the user's right arm. It also provides protection due to its " + "crystallized graphene plating.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's defense by 5%.
" + "Increases the player's strength and dexterity by 3%
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 4%" }); OrionShoulder.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(OrionShoulder); var HyperionV1 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HyperionV1, repCost: 5e3, moneyCost:550e6, info:"A pair of mini plasma cannons embedded into the hands. The Hyperion is capable " + "of rapidly firing bolts of high-density plasma. The weapon is meant to " + "be used against augmented enemies as the ionized " + "nature of the plasma disrupts the electrical systems of Augmentations. However, " + "it can also be effective against non-augmented enemies due to its high temperature " + "and concussive force.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 5%" }); HyperionV1.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(HyperionV1); var HyperionV2 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.HyperionV2, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:1.1e9, info:"A pair of mini plasma cannons embedded into the hands. This augmentation " + "is more advanced and powerful than the original V1 model. This V2 model is " + "more power-efficiency, more accurate, and can fire plasma bolts at a much " + "higher velocity than the V1 model.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 7%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.HyperionV1] }); HyperionV2.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(HyperionV2); var GolemSerum = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.GolemSerum, repCost:12.5e3, moneyCost:2.2e9, info:"A serum that permanently enhances many aspects of a human's capabilities, " + "including strength, speed, immune system performance, and mitochondrial efficiency. The " + "serum was originally developed by the Chinese military in an attempt to " + "create super soldiers.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases all of the player's combat stats by 5%
" + "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 5%
" }); GolemSerum.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(GolemSerum); var VangelisVirus = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus, repCost:7.5e3, moneyCost:550e6, info:"A synthetic symbiotic virus that is injected into the human brain tissue. The Vangelis virus " + "heightens the senses and focus of its host, and also enhances its intuition.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis by 10%
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 4%
" + "Increases the player's dexterity experience gain rate by 5%" }); VangelisVirus.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(VangelisVirus); var VangelisVirus3 = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus3, repCost:15e3, moneyCost:2.2e9, info:"An improved version of Vangelis, a synthetic symbiotic virus that is " + "injected into the human brain tissue. On top of the benefits of the original " + "virus, this also grants an accelerated healing factor and enhanced " + "agility/reflexes.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis by 15%
" + "Increases the player's defense and dexterity experience gain rate by 5%
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 5%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus] }); VangelisVirus3.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(VangelisVirus3); var INTERLINKED = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.INTERLINKED, repCost:10e3, moneyCost:1.1e9, info:"The DNA is genetically modified to enhance the human's body " + "extracellular matrix (ECM). This improves the ECM's ability to " + "structurally support the body and grants heightened strength and " + "durability.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's experience gain rate for all combat stats by 4%
" + "Increases the player's Bladeburner max stamina by 10%" }); INTERLINKED.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(INTERLINKED); var BladeRunner = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BladeRunner, repCost:8e3, moneyCost:1.65e9, info:"A cybernetic foot augmentation that was specially created for Bladeburners " + "during the Synthoid Uprising. The organic musculature of the human foot " + "is enhanced with flexible carbon nanotube matrices that are controlled by " + "intelligent servo-motors.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's agility by 5%
" + "Increases the player's Bladeburner max stamina by 5%
" + "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 5%
" }); BladeRunner.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(BladeRunner); var BladeArmor = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmor, repCost:5e3, moneyCost:275e6, info:"A powered exoskeleton suit (exosuit) designed as armor for Bladeburner units. This " + "exoskeleton is incredibly adaptable and can protect the wearer from blunt, piercing, " + "concussive, thermal, chemical, and electric trauma. It also enhances the user's " + "strength and agility.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases all of the player's combat stats by 2%
" + "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 2%
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 3%", }); BladeArmor.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(BladeArmor); var BladeArmorPowerCells = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorPowerCells, repCost:7.5e3, moneyCost:550e6, info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor with Ion Power Cells, which are capable of " + "more efficiently storing and using power.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 5%" + "Increases the player's Bladeburner stamina gain rate by 2%
" + "Increases the player's Bladeburner max stamina by 5%
", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmor] }); BladeArmorPowerCells.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(BladeArmorPowerCells); var BladeArmorEnergyShielding = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorEnergyShielding, repCost:8.5e3, moneyCost:1.1e9, info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor with a plasma energy propulsion system " + "that is capable of projecting an energy shielding force field.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's defense by 5%
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 6%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmor] }); BladeArmorEnergyShielding.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(BladeArmorEnergyShielding); var BladeArmorUnibeam = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorUnibeam, repCost:12.5e3, moneyCost:3.3e9, info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor with a concentrated deuterium-fluoride laser " + "weapon. It's precision an accuracy makes it useful for quickly neutralizing " + "threats while keeping casualties to a minimum.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 8%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmor] }); BladeArmorUnibeam.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(BladeArmorUnibeam); var BladeArmorOmnibeam = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorOmnibeam, repCost:25e3, moneyCost:5.5e9, info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor Unibeam augmentation to use " + "multiple-fiber system. The upgraded weapon uses multiple fiber laser " + "modules that combine together to form a single, more powerful beam of up to " + "2000MW.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 10%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmorUnibeam] }); BladeArmorOmnibeam.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(BladeArmorOmnibeam); var BladeArmorIPU = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BladeArmorIPU, repCost: 6e3, moneyCost:220e6, info:"Upgrades the BLADE-51b Tesla Armor with an AI Information Processing " + "Unit that was specially designed to analyze Synthoid related data and " + "information.

" + "This augmentation:
" + "Increases the player's effectiveness in Bladeburner Field Analysis by 15%
" + "Increases the player's success chance in Bladeburner contracts/operations by 2%", prereqs:[AugmentationNames.BladeArmor] }); BladeArmorIPU.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(BladeArmorIPU); var BladesSimulacrum = new Augmentation({ name:AugmentationNames.BladesSimulacrum, repCost:6e3, moneyCost:75e9, info:"A highly-advanced matter phase-shifter module that is embedded " + "in the brainstem and cerebellum. This augmentation allows " + "the user to project and control a holographic simulacrum within an " + "extremely large radius. These specially-modified holograms were specially " + "weaponized by Bladeburner units to be used against Synthoids.

" + "This augmentation allows you to perform Bladeburner actions and other " + "actions (such as working, commiting crimes, etc.) at the same time." }); BladesSimulacrum.addToFactions([BladeburnersFactionName]); resetAugmentation(BladesSimulacrum); } //Update costs based on how many have been purchased var mult = Math.pow(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MultipleAugMultiplier, _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length); for (var name in Augmentations) { if (Augmentations.hasOwnProperty(name)) { Augmentations[name].baseCost *= mult; } } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].reapplyAllAugmentations(); } //Resets an Augmentation during (re-initizliation) function resetAugmentation(newAugObject) { if (!(newAugObject instanceof Augmentation)) { throw new Error("Invalid argument 'newAugObject' passed into resetAugmentation"); } var name = newAugObject.name; if (augmentationExists(name)) { delete Augmentations[name]; } AddToAugmentations(newAugObject); } function applyAugmentation(aug, reapply=false) { Augmentations[aug.name].owned = true; switch(aug.name) { //Combat stat augmentations case AugmentationNames.Targeting1: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.10; break; case AugmentationNames.Targeting2: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.20; break; case AugmentationNames.Targeting3: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.30; break; case AugmentationNames.SyntheticHeart: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.5; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.5; break; case AugmentationNames.SynfibrilMuscle: //Medium-high level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.3; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.3; break; case AugmentationNames.CombatRib1: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.CombatRib2: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.14; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.14; break; case AugmentationNames.CombatRib3: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.18; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.18; break; case AugmentationNames.NanofiberWeave: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.2; break; case AugmentationNames.SubdermalArmor: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 2.2; break; case AugmentationNames.WiredReflexes: //Low level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBoneLacings: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.7; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.7; break; case AugmentationNames.BionicSpine: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.15; break; case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicSpine: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.6; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.6; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.6; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.6; break; case AugmentationNames.BionicLegs: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.6; break; case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicLegs: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 2.5; break; //Labor stats augmentations case AugmentationNames.EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant: //Med-high level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.6; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.6; break; case AugmentationNames.TITN41Injection: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.15; break; case AugmentationNames.SpeechProcessor: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.2; break; //Hacking augmentations case AugmentationNames.BitWire: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.12; break; case AugmentationNames.ArtificialSynapticPotentiation: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.EnhancedMyelinSheathing: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.08; break; case AugmentationNames.SynapticEnhancement: //Low Level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03; break; case AugmentationNames.NeuralRetentionEnhancement: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.25; break; case AugmentationNames.DataJack: //Med low level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.25; break; case AugmentationNames.ENM: //Medium level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.08; break; case AugmentationNames.ENMCore: //Medium level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.07; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.07; break; case AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV2: //Medium high level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.3; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.08; break; case AugmentationNames.ENMCoreV3: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.4; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.25; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.ENMAnalyzeEngine: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.ENMDMA: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.4; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.2; break; case AugmentationNames.Neuralstimulator: //Medium Level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.12; break; case AugmentationNames.NeuralAccelerator: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.2; break; case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG1: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG2: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.07; break; case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG3: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.09; break; case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG4: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_grow_mult *= 1.25; break; case AugmentationNames.CranialSignalProcessorsG5: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.3; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.25; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_grow_mult *= 1.75; break; case AugmentationNames.NeuronalDensification: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03; break; //Work augmentations case AugmentationNames.NuoptimalInjectorImplant: //Low medium level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.2; break; case AugmentationNames.SpeechEnhancement: //Low level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.FocusWire: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].work_money_mult *= 1.2; break; case AugmentationNames.PCDNI: //Med level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.3; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.08; break; case AugmentationNames.PCDNIOptimizer: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.75; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.PCDNINeuralNetwork: //High level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone1: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.ADRPheromone2: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.2; break; //Hacknet Node Augmentations case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCPUUpload: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult *= 0.85; break; case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCacheUpload: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.10; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_level_cost_mult *= 0.85; break; case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeNICUpload: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult *= 0.9; break; case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeKernelDNI: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.25; break; case AugmentationNames.HacknetNodeCoreDNI: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.45; break; //Misc augmentations case AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_grow_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_money_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_success_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_money_mult *= 1.01; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult *= 0.99; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult *= 0.99; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_core_cost_mult *= 0.99; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_level_cost_mult *= 0.99; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].work_money_mult *= 1.01; if (!reapply) { Augmentations[aug.name].level = aug.level; for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.length; ++i) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations[i].name == AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations[i].level = aug.level; break; } } } break; case AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer1: //Low Level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer2: //Medium level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.15; break; case AugmentationNames.Neurotrainer3: //High Level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.2; break; case AugmentationNames.Hypersight: //Medium high level _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.4; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking1: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_money_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.LuminCloaking2: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_money_mult *= 1.25; break; case AugmentationNames.HemoRecirculator: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.08; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.08; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.08; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.08; break; case AugmentationNames.SmartSonar: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_money_mult *= 1.25; break; case AugmentationNames.PowerRecirculator: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.1; break; //Unique augmentations (for factions) case AugmentationNames.QLink: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.3; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 2; break; case AugmentationNames.TheRedPill: break; case AugmentationNames.SPTN97: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.75; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.75; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.75; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.75; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.15; break; case AugmentationNames.HiveMind: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_grow_mult *= 3; break; case AugmentationNames.CordiARCReactor: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.35; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.35; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.35; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.35; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.35; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.35; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.35; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.35; break; case AugmentationNames.SmartJaw: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.5; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.5; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.25; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.25; break; case AugmentationNames.Neotra: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.55; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.55; break; case AugmentationNames.Xanipher: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult *= 1.15; break; case AugmentationNames.nextSENS: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_mult *= 1.2; break; case AugmentationNames.OmniTekInfoLoad: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.25; break; case AugmentationNames.PhotosyntheticCells: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.4; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.4; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.4; break; case AugmentationNames.Neurolink: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.TheBlackHand: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.CRTX42AA: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_mult *= 1.08; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.15; break; case AugmentationNames.Neuregen: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult *= 1.4; break; case AugmentationNames.CashRoot: break; case AugmentationNames.NutriGen: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.2; break; case AugmentationNames.INFRARet: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_success_mult *= 1.25; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_money_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.DermaForce: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.4; break; case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBrachiBlades: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.4; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.4; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_success_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_money_mult *= 1.3; break; case AugmentationNames.GrapheneBionicArms: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.85; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.85; break; case AugmentationNames.BrachiBlades: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_success_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_money_mult *= 1.15; break; case AugmentationNames.BionicArms: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.3; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.3; break; case AugmentationNames.SNA: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].work_money_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].company_rep_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult *= 1.15; break; //Bladeburner augmentations case AugmentationNames.EsperEyewear: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.03; break; case AugmentationNames.EMS4Recombination: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_analysis_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.01; break; case AugmentationNames.OrionShoulder: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.03; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.04; break; case AugmentationNames.HyperionV1: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.HyperionV2: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.07; break; case AugmentationNames.GolemSerum: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_analysis_mult *= 1.1; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.04; break; case AugmentationNames.VangelisVirus3: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_analysis_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.INTERLINKED: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult *= 1.04; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult *= 1.04; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult *= 1.04; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult *= 1.04; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_max_stamina_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.BladeRunner: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_max_stamina_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.BladeArmor: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.03; break; case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorPowerCells: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult *= 1.02; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_max_stamina_mult *= 1.05; break; case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorEnergyShielding: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_mult *= 1.05; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.06; break; case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorUnibeam: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.08; break; case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorOmnibeam: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.1; break; case AugmentationNames.BladeArmorIPU: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_analysis_mult *= 1.15; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult *= 1.02; break; case AugmentationNames.BladesSimulacrum: //No multiplier effect break; default: throw new Error("ERROR: No such augmentation!"); return; } if (aug.name == AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) { for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.length; ++i) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations[i].name == AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) { //Already have this aug, just upgrade the level return; } } } if (!reapply) { var ownedAug = new PlayerOwnedAugmentation(aug.name); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.push(ownedAug); } } function PlayerOwnedAugmentation(name) { this.name = name; this.level = 1; } function installAugmentations(cbScript=null) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length == 0) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You have not purchased any Augmentations to install!"); return false; } var augmentationList = ""; for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) { var aug = Augmentations[_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[i].name]; if (aug == null) { console.log("ERROR. Invalid augmentation"); continue; } applyAugmentation(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[i]); augmentationList += (aug.name + "
"); } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations = []; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You slowly drift to sleep as scientists put you under in order " + "to install the following Augmentations:
" + augmentationList + "
You wake up in your home...you feel different..."); Object(_Prestige__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* prestigeAugmentation */ "a"])(); //Run a script after prestiging if (cbScript && Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["isString"])(cbScript)) { var home = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer(); for (var i = 0; i < home.scripts.length; ++i) { if (home.scripts[i].filename === cbScript) { var script = home.scripts[i]; var ramUsage = script.ramUsage; var ramAvailable = home.maxRam - home.ramUsed; if (ramUsage > ramAvailable) { return; //Not enough RAM } var runningScriptObj = new _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* RunningScript */ "b"](script, []); //No args runningScriptObj.threads = 1; //Only 1 thread home.runningScripts.push(runningScriptObj); Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* addWorkerScript */ "c"])(runningScriptObj, home); } } } } function augmentationExists(name) { return Augmentations.hasOwnProperty(name); } //Used for testing balance function giveAllAugmentations() { for (var name in Augmentations) { var aug = Augmentations[name]; if (aug == null) {continue;} var ownedAug = new PlayerOwnedAugmentation(name); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.push(ownedAug); } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].reapplyAllAugmentations(); } function displayAugmentationsContent() { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("h1", { innerText:"Purchased Augmentations", })); //Bladeburner text, once mechanic is unlocked var bladeburnerText = "\n"; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 6 || _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* hasBladeburnerSF */ "c"]) { bladeburnerText = "Bladeburner Progress\n\n"; } _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("pre", { width:"70%", whiteSpace:"pre-wrap", display:"block", innerText:"Below is a list of all Augmentations you have purchased but not yet installed. Click the button below to install them.\n" + "WARNING: Installing your Augmentations resets most of your progress, including:\n\n" + "Stats/Skill levels and Experience\n" + "Money\n" + "Scripts on every computer but your home computer\n" + "Purchased servers\n" + "Hacknet Nodes\n" + "Faction/Company reputation\n" + "Stocks\n" + bladeburnerText + "Installing Augmentations lets you start over with the perks and benefits granted by all " + "of the Augmentations you have ever installed. Also, you will keep any scripts and RAM/Core upgrades " + "on your home computer (but you will lose all programs besides NUKE.exe)." })); //Install Augmentations button _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Install Augmentations", tooltip:"'I never asked for this'", clickListener:()=>{ installAugmentations(); return false; } })); //Backup button _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button flashing-button", innerText:"Backup Save (Export)", tooltip:"It's always a good idea to backup/export your save!", clickListener:()=>{ _SaveObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* saveObject */ "b"].exportGame(); return false; } })); //Purchased/queued augmentations list var queuedAugmentationsList = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("ul", {class:"augmentations-list"}); for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) { var augName = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[i].name; var aug = Augmentations[augName]; var displayName = augName; if (augName === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) { displayName += " - Level " + (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[i].level); } var accordion = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createAccordionElement"])({hdrText:displayName, panelText:aug.info}); queuedAugmentationsList.appendChild(accordion[0]); } _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(queuedAugmentationsList); //Installed augmentations list _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("h1", { innerText:"Installed Augmentations", marginTop:"8px", })); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("p", { width:"70%", whiteSpace:"pre-wrap", innerText:"List of all Augmentations (including Source Files) that have been " + "installed. You have gained the effects of these Augmentations." })); var augmentationsList = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("ul", {class:"augmentations-list"}); //Expand/Collapse All buttons _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", fontSize:"14px", innerText:"Expand All", display:"inline-block", clickListener:()=>{ var allHeaders = augmentationsList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header"); for (var i = 0; i < allHeaders.length; ++i) { if (!allHeaders[i].classList.contains("active")) {allHeaders[i].click();} } } })); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", fontSize:"14px", innerText:"Collapse All", display:"inline-block", clickListener:()=>{ var allHeaders = augmentationsList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header"); for (var i = 0; i < allHeaders.length; ++i) { if (allHeaders[i].classList.contains("active")) {allHeaders[i].click();} } } })); //Sort Buttons _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", fontSize:"14px", innerText:"Sort in Order", tooltip:"Sorts the Augmentations alphabetically and Source Files in numerical order (1, 2, 3,...)", clickListener:()=>{ Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(augmentationsList); //Create a copy of Player's Source Files and augs array and sort them var sourceFiles = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.slice(); var augs = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.slice(); sourceFiles.sort((sf1, sf2)=>{ return sf1.n - sf2.n; }); augs.sort((aug1, aug2)=>{ return aug1.name <= aug2.name ? -1 : 1; }); displaySourceFiles(augmentationsList, sourceFiles); displayAugmentations(augmentationsList, augs); } })); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", fontSize:"14px", innerText:"Sort by Acquirement Time", tooltip:"Sorts the Augmentations and Source Files based on when you acquired them (same as default)", clickListener:()=>{ Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(augmentationsList); displaySourceFiles(augmentationsList, _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles); displayAugmentations(augmentationsList, _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations); } })); //Source Files - Temporary...Will probably put in a separate pane Later displaySourceFiles(augmentationsList, _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles); displayAugmentations(augmentationsList, _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"].Display.augmentationsContent.appendChild(augmentationsList); } //Creates the accordion elements to display Augmentations // @listElement - List DOM element to append accordion elements to // @augs - Array of Augmentation objects function displayAugmentations(listElement, augs) { for (var i = 0; i < augs.length; ++i) { var augName = augs[i].name; var aug = Augmentations[augName]; var displayName = augName; if (augName === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) { displayName += " - Level " + (augs[i].level); } var accordion = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createAccordionElement"])({hdrText:displayName, panelText:aug.info}); listElement.appendChild(accordion[0]); } } //Creates the accordion elements to display Source Files // @listElement - List DOM element to append accordion elements to // @sourceFiles - Array of Source File objects function displaySourceFiles(listElement, sourceFiles) { for (var i = 0; i < sourceFiles.length; ++i) { var srcFileKey = "SourceFile" + sourceFiles[i].n; var sourceFileObject = _SourceFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* SourceFiles */ "b"][srcFileKey]; if (sourceFileObject == null) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid source file number: " + sourceFiles[i].n); continue; } const maxLevel = sourceFiles[i].n == 12 ? "∞" : "3"; var accordion = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["createAccordionElement"])({ hdrText:sourceFileObject.name + "
" + "Level " + (sourceFiles[i].lvl) + " / "+maxLevel, panelText:sourceFileObject.info }); listElement.appendChild(accordion[0]); } } /***/ }), /* 19 */ /*!*********************************!*\ !*** ./src/SpecialServerIps.js ***! \*********************************/ /*! exports provided: SpecialServerNames, SpecialServerIps, SpecialServerIpsMap, loadSpecialServerIps, prestigeSpecialServerIps, initSpecialServerIps */ /*! exports used: SpecialServerIps, SpecialServerNames, initSpecialServerIps, loadSpecialServerIps, prestigeSpecialServerIps */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return SpecialServerNames; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return SpecialServerIps; }); /* unused harmony export SpecialServerIpsMap */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return loadSpecialServerIps; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return prestigeSpecialServerIps; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return initSpecialServerIps; }); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); /* Holds IP of Special Servers */ let SpecialServerNames = { FulcrumSecretTechnologies: "Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server", CyberSecServer: "CyberSec Server", NiteSecServer: "NiteSec Server", TheBlackHandServer: "The Black Hand Server", BitRunnersServer: "BitRunners Server", TheDarkArmyServer: "The Dark Army Server", DaedalusServer: "Daedalus Server", WorldDaemon: "w0r1d_d43m0n", } function SpecialServerIpsMap() {} SpecialServerIpsMap.prototype.addIp = function(name, ip) { this[name] = ip; } SpecialServerIpsMap.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Generic_toJSON"])("SpecialServerIpsMap", this); } SpecialServerIpsMap.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Generic_fromJSON"])(SpecialServerIpsMap, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Reviver"].constructors.SpecialServerIpsMap = SpecialServerIpsMap; let SpecialServerIps = new SpecialServerIpsMap(); function prestigeSpecialServerIps() { for (var member in SpecialServerIps) { delete SpecialServerIps[member]; } SpecialServerIps = null; SpecialServerIps = new SpecialServerIpsMap(); } function loadSpecialServerIps(saveString) { SpecialServerIps = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Reviver"]); } function initSpecialServerIps() { SpecialServerIps = new SpecialServerIpsMap(); } /***/ }), /* 20 */ /*!**********************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/uiHelpers/removeElementById.ts ***! \**********************************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used: removeElementById */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const getElementById_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./getElementById */ 53); const removeElement_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./removeElement */ 54); /** * Given its id, this function removes an element AND its children * @param id The HTML identifier to search for and remove. */ function removeElementById(id) { try { const elem = getElementById_1.getElementById(id); removeElement_1.removeElement(elem); } catch (e) { // Probably should log this as we're trying to remove elements that don't exist. } } exports.removeElementById = removeElementById; /***/ }), /* 21 */ /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./src/CreateProgram.js ***! \******************************/ /*! exports provided: Programs, displayCreateProgramContent, getNumAvailableCreateProgram, initCreateProgramButtons */ /*! exports used: Programs, displayCreateProgramContent, getNumAvailableCreateProgram, initCreateProgramButtons */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Programs; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return displayCreateProgramContent; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return getNumAvailableCreateProgram; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return initCreateProgramButtons; }); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createElement */ 3); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__); // a function that returns a requirement for a program that requires only that // the player has at least the given skill level. function requireLevel(lvl) { return function() { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= lvl; } } function Program(name, create) { this.name = name; this.create = create; } Program.prototype.htmlID = function() { const name = this.name.endsWith('.exe') ? this.name.slice(0, -('.exe'.length)) : this.name; return "create-program-"+name; } /* Create programs */ const Programs = { NukeProgram: new Program("NUKE.exe", { level: 1, tooltip:"This virus is used to gain root access to a machine if enough ports are opened.", req: requireLevel(1), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes, }), BruteSSHProgram: new Program("BruteSSH.exe", { level: 50, tooltip:"This program executes a brute force attack that opens SSH ports", req: requireLevel(50), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes * 2, }), FTPCrackProgram: new Program("FTPCrack.exe", { level: 100, tooltip:"This program cracks open FTP ports", req: requireLevel(100), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPerHalfHour, }), RelaySMTPProgram: new Program("relaySMTP.exe", { level: 250, tooltip:"This program opens SMTP ports by redirecting data", req: requireLevel(250), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer2Hours, }), HTTPWormProgram: new Program("HTTPWorm.exe", { level: 500, tooltip:"This virus opens up HTTP ports", req: requireLevel(500), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer4Hours, }), SQLInjectProgram: new Program("SQLInject.exe", { level: 750, tooltip:"This virus opens SQL ports", req: requireLevel(750), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer8Hours, }), DeepscanV1: new Program("DeepscanV1.exe", { level: 75, tooltip:"This program allows you to use the scan-analyze command with a depth up to 5", req: requireLevel(75), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPerQuarterHour, }), DeepscanV2: new Program("DeepscanV2.exe", { level: 400, tooltip:"This program allows you to use the scan-analyze command with a depth up to 10", req: requireLevel(400), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPer2Hours, }), ServerProfiler: new Program("ServerProfiler.exe", { level: 75, tooltip:"This program is used to display hacking and Netscript-related information about servers", req: requireLevel(75), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPerHalfHour, }), AutoLink: new Program("AutoLink.exe", { level: 25, tooltip:"This program allows you to directly connect to other servers through the 'scan-analyze' command", req: requireLevel(25), time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPerQuarterHour, }), BitFlume: new Program("b1t_flum3.exe", { level: 5, tooltip:"This program creates a portal to the BitNode Nexus (allows you to restart and switch BitNodes)", req: function() {return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.length > 0 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 5}, time: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes / 5, }), // special because you can't create it. Flight: new Program("fl1ght.exe"), }; // this has the same key as 'Programs', not program names const aLinks = {}; function displayCreateProgramContent() { for(const key in aLinks) { const p = Programs[key] aLinks[key].style.display = "none"; if(!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(p.name) && p.create.req()){ aLinks[key].style.display = "inline-block"; } } } //Returns the number of programs that are currently available to be created function getNumAvailableCreateProgram() { var count = 0; for(const key in Programs) { if(Programs[key].create === undefined) { // a program we can't create continue } if(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(Programs[key].name)) { // can't create it twice continue } if(!Programs[key].create.req()) { // if you don't fullfill the creation requirement continue } count++; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].firstProgramAvailable === false && count > 0) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].firstProgramAvailable = true; document.getElementById("create-program-tab").style.display = "list-item"; document.getElementById("hacking-menu-header").click(); document.getElementById("hacking-menu-header").click(); } return count; } function initCreateProgramButtons() { var createProgramList = document.getElementById("create-program-list"); for(const key in Programs) { if(Programs[key].create === undefined) { continue } const elem = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["createElement"])("a", { class: "a-link-button", id: Programs[key].htmlID(), innerText: Programs[key].name, tooltip: Programs[key].create.tooltip, }); aLinks[key] = elem; createProgramList.appendChild(elem); } for(const key in aLinks) { const p = Programs[key] aLinks[key].addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].startCreateProgramWork(p.name, p.create.time, p.create.level); return false; }); } } /***/ }), /* 22 */ /*!*************************!*\ !*** ./src/Settings.js ***! \*************************/ /*! exports provided: Settings, initSettings, setSettingsLabels, loadSettings */ /*! exports used: Settings, initSettings, loadSettings, setSettingsLabels */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Settings; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return initSettings; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return setSettingsLabels; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return loadSettings; }); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* Settings.js */ let Settings = { CodeInstructionRunTime: 25, MaxLogCapacity: 50, MaxPortCapacity: 50, SuppressMessages: false, SuppressFactionInvites: false, SuppressTravelConfirmation: false, SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation: false, AutosaveInterval: 60, DisableHotkeys: false, ThemeHighlightColor: "#ffffff", ThemeFontColor: "#66ff33", ThemeBackgroundColor: "#000000", EditorTheme: "Monokai", EditorKeybinding: "ace", } function loadSettings(saveString) { Settings = JSON.parse(saveString); } function initSettings() { Settings.CodeInstructionRunTime = 50; Settings.MaxLogCapacity = 50; Settings.MaxPortCapacity = 50; Settings.SuppressMessages = false; Settings.SuppressFactionInvites = false; Settings.SuppressTravelConfirmation = false; Settings.SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation = false; Settings.AutosaveInterval = 60; Settings.DisableHotkeys = false; } function setSettingsLabels() { var nsExecTime = document.getElementById("settingsNSExecTimeRangeValLabel"); var nsLogLimit = document.getElementById("settingsNSLogRangeValLabel"); var nsPortLimit = document.getElementById("settingsNSPortRangeValLabel"); var suppressMsgs = document.getElementById("settingsSuppressMessages"); var suppressFactionInv = document.getElementById("settingsSuppressFactionInvites") var suppressTravelConfirmation = document.getElementById("settingsSuppressTravelConfirmation"); var suppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation = document.getElementById("settingsSuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation"); var autosaveInterval = document.getElementById("settingsAutosaveIntervalValLabel"); var disableHotkeys = document.getElementById("settingsDisableHotkeys"); //Initialize values on labels nsExecTime.innerHTML = Settings.CodeInstructionRunTime + "ms"; nsLogLimit.innerHTML = Settings.MaxLogCapacity; nsPortLimit.innerHTML = Settings.MaxPortCapacity; suppressMsgs.checked = Settings.SuppressMessages; suppressFactionInv.checked = Settings.SuppressFactionInvites; suppressTravelConfirmation.checked = Settings.SuppressTravelConfirmation; suppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation.checked = Settings.SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation; autosaveInterval.innerHTML = Settings.AutosaveInterval; disableHotkeys.checked = Settings.DisableHotkeys; //Set handlers for when input changes var nsExecTimeInput = document.getElementById("settingsNSExecTimeRangeVal"); var nsLogRangeInput = document.getElementById("settingsNSLogRangeVal"); var nsPortRangeInput = document.getElementById("settingsNSPortRangeVal"); var nsAutosaveIntervalInput = document.getElementById("settingsAutosaveIntervalVal"); nsExecTimeInput.value = Settings.CodeInstructionRunTime; nsLogRangeInput.value = Settings.MaxLogCapacity; nsPortRangeInput.value = Settings.MaxPortCapacity; nsAutosaveIntervalInput.value = Settings.AutosaveInterval; nsExecTimeInput.oninput = function() { nsExecTime.innerHTML = this.value + 'ms'; Settings.CodeInstructionRunTime = this.value; }; nsLogRangeInput.oninput = function() { nsLogLimit.innerHTML = this.value; Settings.MaxLogCapacity = this.value; }; nsPortRangeInput.oninput = function() { nsPortLimit.innerHTML = this.value; Settings.MaxPortCapacity = this.value; }; nsAutosaveIntervalInput.oninput = function() { autosaveInterval.innerHTML = this.value; Settings.AutosaveInterval = Number(this.value); if (Number(this.value) === 0) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].Counters.autoSaveCounter = Infinity; } else { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].Counters.autoSaveCounter = Number(this.value) * 5; } }; suppressMsgs.onclick = function() { Settings.SuppressMessages = this.checked; }; suppressFactionInv.onclick = function() { Settings.SuppressFactionInvites = this.checked; }; suppressTravelConfirmation.onclick = function() { Settings.SuppressTravelConfirmation = this.checked; }; suppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation.onclick = function() { Settings.SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation = this.checked; console.log('sup buy: '+Settings.SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation); }; disableHotkeys.onclick = function() { Settings.DisableHotkeys = this.checked; } //Theme if (Settings.ThemeHighlightColor == null || Settings.ThemeFontColor == null || Settings.ThemeBackgroundColor == null) { console.log("ERROR: Cannot find Theme Settings"); return; } if (/^#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?$/i.test(Settings.ThemeHighlightColor) && /^#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?$/i.test(Settings.ThemeFontColor) && /^#[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?$/i.test(Settings.ThemeBackgroundColor)) { document.body.style.setProperty('--my-highlight-color', Settings.ThemeHighlightColor); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-font-color', Settings.ThemeFontColor); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-background-color', Settings.ThemeBackgroundColor); } } /***/ }), /* 23 */ /*!********************************!*\ !*** ./src/NetscriptWorker.js ***! \********************************/ /*! exports provided: WorkerScript, workerScripts, NetscriptPorts, runScriptsLoop, killWorkerScript, addWorkerScript, updateOnlineScriptTimes, prestigeWorkerScripts */ /*! exports used: NetscriptPorts, WorkerScript, addWorkerScript, killWorkerScript, prestigeWorkerScripts, runScriptsLoop, updateOnlineScriptTimes, workerScripts */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return WorkerScript; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return workerScripts; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return NetscriptPorts; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return runScriptsLoop; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return killWorkerScript; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return addWorkerScript; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return updateOnlineScriptTimes; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return prestigeWorkerScripts; }); /* harmony import */ var _ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ActiveScriptsUI */ 48); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _JSInterpreter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./JSInterpreter */ 91); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEnvironment__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEnvironment */ 81); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEvaluator */ 7); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptFunctions */ 34); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptJSEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptJSEvaluator */ 82); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptPort__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptPort */ 55); /* harmony import */ var _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings */ 22); /* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/acorn */ 43); /* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_compareArrays__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/compareArrays */ 67); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_compareArrays__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_compareArrays__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/arrayToString */ 39); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_roundToTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/roundToTwo */ 66); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_roundToTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_roundToTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__); function WorkerScript(runningScriptObj) { this.name = runningScriptObj.filename; this.running = false; this.serverIp = null; this.code = runningScriptObj.scriptRef.code; this.env = new _NetscriptEnvironment__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Environment */ "a"](this); this.env.set("args", runningScriptObj.args.slice()); this.output = ""; this.ramUsage = 0; this.scriptRef = runningScriptObj; this.errorMessage = ""; this.args = runningScriptObj.args.slice(); this.delay = null; this.fnWorker = null; //Workerscript for a function call this.checkingRam = false; this.loadedFns = {}; //Stores names of fns that are "loaded" by this script, thus using RAM. Used for static RAM evaluation this.disableLogs = {}; //Stores names of fns that should have logs disabled //Properties used for dynamic RAM evaluation this.dynamicRamUsage = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBaseRamCost; this.dynamicLoadedFns = {}; } //Returns the server on which the workerScript is running WorkerScript.prototype.getServer = function() { return _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* AllServers */ "b"][this.serverIp]; } //Returns the Script object for the underlying script WorkerScript.prototype.getScript = function() { let server = this.getServer(); for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (server.scripts[i].filename === this.name) { return server.scripts[i]; } } console.log("ERROR: Failed to find underlying Script object in WorkerScript.getScript(). This probably means somethings wrong"); return null; } WorkerScript.prototype.shouldLog = function(fn) { return (this.disableLogs.ALL == null && this.disableLogs[fn] == null); } WorkerScript.prototype.log = function(txt) { this.scriptRef.log(txt); } //Array containing all scripts that are running across all servers, to easily run them all let workerScripts = []; var NetscriptPorts = []; for (var i = 0; i < _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts; ++i) { NetscriptPorts.push(new _NetscriptPort__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* NetscriptPort */ "a"]()); } function prestigeWorkerScripts() { for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; ++i) { Object(_ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* deleteActiveScriptsItem */ "b"])(workerScripts[i]); workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true; } Object(_ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* updateActiveScriptsItems */ "c"])(5000); //Force UI to update workerScripts.length = 0; } // JS script promises need a little massaging to have the same guarantees as netscript // promises. This does said massaging and kicks the script off. It returns a promise // that resolves or rejects when the corresponding worker script is done. function startNetscript2Script(workerScript) { workerScript.running = true; // The name of the currently running netscript function, to prevent concurrent // calls to hack, grow, etc. let runningFn = null; // We need to go through the environment and wrap each function in such a way that it // can be called at most once at a time. This will prevent situations where multiple // hack promises are outstanding, for example. function wrap(propName, f) { // This function unfortunately cannot be an async function, because we don't // know if the original one was, and there's no way to tell. return function (...args) { // Wrap every netscript function with a check for the stop flag. // This prevents cases where we never stop because we are only calling // netscript functions that don't check this. // This is not a problem for legacy Netscript because it also checks the // stop flag in the evaluator. if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {throw workerScript;} if (propName === "sleep") return f(...args); // OK for multiple simultaneous calls to sleep. const msg = "Concurrent calls to Netscript functions not allowed! " + "Did you forget to await hack(), grow(), or some other " + "promise-returning function? (Currently running: %s tried to run: %s)" if (runningFn) { workerScript.errorMessage = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, sprintf(msg, runningFn, propName), null) throw workerScript; } runningFn = propName; let result = f(...args); if (result && result.finally !== undefined) { return result.finally(function () { runningFn = null; }); } else { runningFn = null; return result; } } }; for (let prop in workerScript.env.vars) { if (typeof workerScript.env.vars[prop] !== "function") continue; workerScript.env.vars[prop] = wrap(prop, workerScript.env.vars[prop]); } // Note: the environment that we pass to the JS script only needs to contain the functions visible // to that script, which env.vars does at this point. return Object(_NetscriptJSEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* executeJSScript */ "a"])(workerScript.getServer().scripts, workerScript).then(function (mainReturnValue) { if (mainReturnValue === undefined) return workerScript; return [mainReturnValue, workerScript]; }).catch(e => { if (e instanceof Error) { workerScript.errorMessage = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])( workerScript, e.message + (e.stack && ("\nstack:\n" + e.stack.toString()) || "")); throw workerScript; } else if (Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* isScriptErrorMessage */ "b"])(e)) { workerScript.errorMessage = e; throw workerScript; } throw e; // Don't know what to do with it, let's rethrow. }); } function startNetscript1Script(workerScript) { var code = workerScript.code; workerScript.running = true; var interpreterInitialization = function(int, scope) { //Add the Netscript environment var ns = Object(_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* NetscriptFunctions */ "a"])(workerScript); for (let name in ns) { let entry = ns[name]; if (typeof entry === "function") { //Async functions need to be wrapped. See JS-Interpreter documentation if (name === "hack" || name === "grow" || name === "weaken" || name === "sleep" || name === "prompt" || name === "run" || name === "exec") { let tempWrapper = function() { let fnArgs = []; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length-1; ++i) { fnArgs.push(arguments[i]); } let cb = arguments[arguments.length-1]; let fnPromise = entry.apply(null, fnArgs); fnPromise.then(function(res) { cb(res); }); } int.setProperty(scope, name, int.createAsyncFunction(tempWrapper)); } else { let tempWrapper = function() { let res = entry.apply(null, arguments); if (res == null) { return res; } else if (res.constructor === Array || (res === Object(res))) { //Objects and Arrays must be converted to the interpreter's format console.log("Function returning object detected: " + name); return int.nativeToPseudo(res); } else { return res; } } int.setProperty(scope, name, int.createNativeFunction(tempWrapper)); } } else { //bladeburner, or anything else int.setProperty(scope, name, int.nativeToPseudo(entry)); } } //Add the arguments int.setProperty(scope, "args", int.nativeToPseudo(workerScript.args)); } var interpreter; try { interpreter = new _JSInterpreter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Interpreter */ "a"](code, interpreterInitialization); } catch(e) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Syntax ERROR in " + workerScript.name + ":
" + e); workerScript.env.stopFlag = true; workerScript.running = false; return; } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { function runInterpreter() { try { if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return reject(workerScript);} if (interpreter.step()) { window.setTimeout(runInterpreter, _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Settings */ "a"].CodeInstructionRunTime); } else { resolve(workerScript); } } catch(e) { if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["isString"])(e)) { workerScript.errorMessage = e; return reject(workerScript); } else if (e instanceof WorkerScript) { return reject(e); } else { return reject(workerScript); } } } try { runInterpreter(); } catch(e) { if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["isString"])(e)) { workerScript.errorMessage = e; return reject(workerScript); } else if (e instanceof WorkerScript) { return reject(e); } else { return reject(workerScript); } } }); } //Loop through workerScripts and run every script that is not currently running function runScriptsLoop() { var scriptDeleted = false; //Delete any scripts that finished or have been killed. Loop backwards bc removing items screws up indexing for (var i = workerScripts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (workerScripts[i].running == false && workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag == true) { scriptDeleted = true; //Delete script from the runningScripts array on its host serverIp var ip = workerScripts[i].serverIp; var name = workerScripts[i].name; //recalculate ram used _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip].ramUsed = 0; for(let j = 0; j < workerScripts.length; j++) { if(workerScripts[j].serverIp !== ip) { continue } if(j === i) { // not this one continue } _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip].ramUsed += workerScripts[j].ramUsage; } //Delete script from Active Scripts Object(_ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* deleteActiveScriptsItem */ "b"])(workerScripts[i]); for (var j = 0; j < _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip].runningScripts.length; j++) { if (_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip].runningScripts[j].filename == name && Object(_utils_helpers_compareArrays__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["compareArrays"])(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip].runningScripts[j].args, workerScripts[i].args)) { _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip].runningScripts.splice(j, 1); break; } } //Delete script from workerScripts workerScripts.splice(i, 1); } } if (scriptDeleted) {Object(_ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* updateActiveScriptsItems */ "c"])();} //Force Update //Run any scripts that haven't been started for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; i++) { //If it isn't running, start the script if (workerScripts[i].running == false && workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag == false) { let p = null; // p is the script's result promise. if (workerScripts[i].name.endsWith(".js") || workerScripts[i].name.endsWith(".ns")) { p = startNetscript2Script(workerScripts[i]); } else { p = startNetscript1Script(workerScripts[i]); if (!(p instanceof Promise)) {continue;} /* try { var ast = parse(workerScripts[i].code, {sourceType:"module"}); //console.log(ast); } catch (e) { console.log("Error parsing script: " + workerScripts[i].name); dialogBoxCreate("Syntax ERROR in " + workerScripts[i].name + ":
" + e); workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true; continue; } workerScripts[i].running = true; p = evaluate(ast, workerScripts[i]); */ } //Once the code finishes (either resolved or rejected, doesnt matter), set its //running status to false p.then(function(w) { console.log("Stopping script " + w.name + " because it finished running naturally"); w.running = false; w.env.stopFlag = true; w.scriptRef.log("Script finished running"); }).catch(function(w) { if (w instanceof Error) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Script runtime unknown error. This is a bug please contact game developer"); console.log("ERROR: Evaluating workerscript returns an Error. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN: " + w.toString()); return; } else if (w.constructor === Array && w.length === 2 && w[0] === "RETURNSTATEMENT") { //Script ends with a return statement console.log("Script returning with value: " + w[1]); //TODO maybe do something with this in the future return; } else if (w instanceof WorkerScript) { if (Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* isScriptErrorMessage */ "b"])(w.errorMessage)) { var errorTextArray = w.errorMessage.split("|"); if (errorTextArray.length != 4) { console.log("ERROR: Something wrong with Error text in evaluator..."); console.log("Error text: " + errorText); return; } var serverIp = errorTextArray[1]; var scriptName = errorTextArray[2]; var errorMsg = errorTextArray[3]; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Script runtime error:
Server Ip: " + serverIp + "
Script name: " + scriptName + "
Args:" + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["arrayToString"])(w.args) + "
" + errorMsg); w.scriptRef.log("Script crashed with runtime error"); } else { w.scriptRef.log("Script killed"); } w.running = false; w.env.stopFlag = true; } else if (Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* isScriptErrorMessage */ "b"])(w)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Script runtime unknown error. This is a bug please contact game developer"); console.log("ERROR: Evaluating workerscript returns only error message rather than WorkerScript object. THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN: " + w.toString()); return; } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("An unknown script died for an unknown reason. This is a bug please contact game dev"); console.log(w); } }); } } setTimeout(runScriptsLoop, 6000); } //Queues a script to be killed by settings its stop flag to true. Then, the code will reject //all of its promises recursively, and when it does so it will no longer be running. //The runScriptsLoop() will then delete the script from worker scripts function killWorkerScript(runningScriptObj, serverIp) { for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; i++) { if (workerScripts[i].name == runningScriptObj.filename && workerScripts[i].serverIp == serverIp && Object(_utils_helpers_compareArrays__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["compareArrays"])(workerScripts[i].args, runningScriptObj.args)) { workerScripts[i].env.stopFlag = true; Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* killNetscriptDelay */ "c"])(workerScripts[i]); //Recursively kill all functions var curr = workerScripts[i]; while (curr.fnWorker) { curr.fnWorker.env.stopFlag = true; Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* killNetscriptDelay */ "c"])(curr.fnWorker); curr = curr.fnWorker; } return true; } } return false; } //Queues a script to be run function addWorkerScript(runningScriptObj, server) { var filename = runningScriptObj.filename; //Update server's ram usage var threads = 1; if (runningScriptObj.threads && !isNaN(runningScriptObj.threads)) { threads = runningScriptObj.threads; } else { runningScriptObj.threads = 1; } var ramUsage = Object(_utils_helpers_roundToTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["roundToTwo"])(runningScriptObj.scriptRef.ramUsage * threads); var ramAvailable = server.maxRam - server.ramUsed; if (ramUsage > ramAvailable) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Not enough RAM to run script " + runningScriptObj.filename + " with args " + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["arrayToString"])(runningScriptObj.args) + ". This likely occurred because you re-loaded " + "the game and the script's RAM usage increased (either because of an update to the game or " + "your changes to the script.)"); return; } server.ramUsed = Object(_utils_helpers_roundToTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["roundToTwo"])(server.ramUsed + ramUsage); //Create the WorkerScript var s = new WorkerScript(runningScriptObj); s.serverIp = server.ip; s.ramUsage = ramUsage; //Add the WorkerScript to the Active Scripts list Object(_ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* addActiveScriptsItem */ "a"])(s); //Add the WorkerScript workerScripts.push(s); return; } //Updates the online running time stat of all running scripts function updateOnlineScriptTimes(numCycles = 1) { var time = (numCycles * _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["Engine"]._idleSpeed) / 1000; //seconds for (var i = 0; i < workerScripts.length; ++i) { workerScripts[i].scriptRef.onlineRunningTime += time; } } /***/ }), /* 24 */ /*!****************************!*\ !*** ./src/StockMarket.js ***! \****************************/ /*! exports provided: StockMarket, StockSymbols, SymbolToStockMap, initStockSymbols, initStockMarket, initSymbolToStockMap, stockMarketCycle, buyStock, sellStock, shortStock, sellShort, updateStockPrices, displayStockMarketContent, updateStockTicker, updateStockPlayerPosition, loadStockMarket, setStockMarketContentCreated, placeOrder, cancelOrder, Order, OrderTypes, PositionTypes */ /*! exports used: OrderTypes, PositionTypes, StockMarket, SymbolToStockMap, cancelOrder, displayStockMarketContent, initStockMarket, initStockSymbols, initSymbolToStockMap, loadStockMarket, placeOrder, sellShort, setStockMarketContentCreated, shortStock, stockMarketCycle, updateStockPlayerPosition, updateStockPrices */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return StockMarket; }); /* unused harmony export StockSymbols */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return SymbolToStockMap; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return initStockSymbols; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return initStockMarket; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "i", function() { return initSymbolToStockMap; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "o", function() { return stockMarketCycle; }); /* unused harmony export buyStock */ /* unused harmony export sellStock */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "n", function() { return shortStock; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "l", function() { return sellShort; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "q", function() { return updateStockPrices; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return displayStockMarketContent; }); /* unused harmony export updateStockTicker */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "p", function() { return updateStockPlayerPosition; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "j", function() { return loadStockMarket; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "m", function() { return setStockMarketContentCreated; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "k", function() { return placeOrder; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return cancelOrder; }); /* unused harmony export Order */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return OrderTypes; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return PositionTypes; }); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location */ 4); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptFunctions */ 34); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker */ 23); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners */ 13); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! numeral/min/numeral.min */ 15); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/getRandomInt */ 5); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeElementById */ 20); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox */ 14); let StockPriceCap = 1e9; //Put a limit on how high a price can go function Stock(name, symbol, mv, b, otlkMag, initPrice=10000) { this.symbol = symbol; this.name = name; this.price = initPrice; this.playerShares = 0; this.playerAvgPx = 0; this.playerShortShares = 0; this.playerAvgShortPx = 0; this.mv = mv; this.b = b; this.otlkMag = otlkMag; this.posTxtEl = null; } Stock.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_toJSON"])("Stock", this); } Stock.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Stock, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"].constructors.Stock = Stock; var OrderTypes = { LimitBuy: "Limit Buy Order", LimitSell: "Limit Sell Order", StopBuy: "Stop Buy Order", StopSell: "Stop Sell Order" } var PositionTypes = { Long: "L", Short: "S" } function placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, position, workerScript=null) { var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"]); var order = new Order(stock, shares, price, type, position); if (isNaN(shares) || isNaN(price)) { if (tixApi) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid numeric value provided for either 'shares' or 'price' argument"); } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERROR: Invalid numeric value provided for either 'shares' or 'price' argument"); } return false; } if (StockMarket["Orders"] == null) { var orders = {}; for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} orders[stock.symbol] = []; } } StockMarket["Orders"] = orders; } StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol].push(order); //Process to see if it should be executed immediately processOrders(order.stock, order.type, order.pos); updateStockOrderList(order.stock); return true; } //Returns true if successfully cancels an order, false otherwise function cancelOrder(params, workerScript=null) { var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"]); if (StockMarket["Orders"] == null) {return false;} if (params.order && params.order instanceof Order) { var order = params.order; //An 'Order' object is passed in var stockOrders = StockMarket["Orders"][order.stock.symbol]; for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) { if (order == stockOrders[i]) { stockOrders.splice(i, 1); updateStockOrderList(order.stock); return true; } } return false; } else if (params.stock && params.shares && params.price && params.type && params.pos && params.stock instanceof Stock) { //Order properties are passed in. Need to look for the order var stockOrders = StockMarket["Orders"][params.stock.symbol]; var orderTxt = params.stock.symbol + " - " + params.shares + " @ " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(params.price).format('$0.000a'); for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) { var order = stockOrders[i]; if (params.shares === order.shares && params.price === order.price && params.type === order.type && params.pos === order.pos) { stockOrders.splice(i, 1); updateStockOrderList(order.stock); if (tixApi) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Successfully cancelled order: " + orderTxt); } return true; } } if (tixApi) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Failed to cancel order: " + orderTxt); } return false; } return false; } function executeOrder(order) { var stock = order.stock; var orderBook = StockMarket["Orders"]; var stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol]; var res = true; console.log("Executing the following order:"); console.log(order); switch (order.type) { case OrderTypes.LimitBuy: case OrderTypes.StopBuy: if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long) { res = buyStock(order.stock, order.shares) && res; } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short) { res = shortStock(order.stock, order.shares) && res; } break; case OrderTypes.LimitSell: case OrderTypes.StopSell: if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long) { res = sellStock(order.stock, order.shares) && res; } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short) { res = sellShort(order.stock, order.shares) && res; } break; } if (res) { //Remove order from order book for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) { if (order == stockOrders[i]) { stockOrders.splice(i, 1); updateStockOrderList(order.stock); return; } } console.log("ERROR: Could not find the following Order in Order Book: "); console.log(order); } else { console.log("Order failed to execute"); } } function Order(stock, shares, price, type, position) { this.stock = stock; this.shares = shares; this.price = price; this.type = type; this.pos = position; } Order.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_toJSON"])("Order", this); } Order.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Order, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"].constructors.Order = Order; let StockMarket = {} //Full name to stock object let StockSymbols = {} //Full name to symbol let SymbolToStockMap = {}; //Symbol to Stock object function loadStockMarket(saveString) { if (saveString === "") { StockMarket = {}; } else { StockMarket = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"]); } } function initStockSymbols() { //Stocks for companies at which you can work StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumECorp] = "ECP"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12MegaCorp] = "MGCP"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12BladeIndustries] = "BLD"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumClarkeIncorporated] = "CLRK"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated] = "OMTK"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FourSigma] = "FSIG"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational] = "KGI"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies] = "FLCM"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaStormTechnologies] = "STM"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoDefComm] = "DCOMM"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenHeliosLabs] = "HLS"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoVitaLife] = "VITA"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12IcarusMicrosystems] = "ICRS"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12UniversalEnergy] = "UNV"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumAeroCorp] = "AERO"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniaCybersystems] = "OMN"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems] = "SLRS"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals] = "GPH"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaNovaMedical] = "NVMD"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumWatchdogSecurity] = "WDS"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenLexoCorp] = "LXO"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumRhoConstruction] = "RHOC"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12AlphaEnterprises] = "APHE"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenSysCoreSecurities] = "SYSC"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenCompuTek] = "CTK"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumNetLinkTechnologies] = "NTLK"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaOmegaSoftware] = "OMGA"; StockSymbols[_Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FoodNStuff] = "FNS"; //Stocks for other companies StockSymbols["Sigma Cosmetics"] = "SGC"; StockSymbols["Joes Guns"] = "JGN"; StockSymbols["Catalyst Ventures"] = "CTYS"; StockSymbols["Microdyne Technologies"] = "MDYN"; StockSymbols["Titan Laboratories"] = "TITN"; } function initStockMarket() { for (var stk in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(stk)) { delete StockMarket[stk]; } } var ecorp = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumECorp; var ecorpStk = new Stock(ecorp, StockSymbols[ecorp], 0.45, true, 19, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(20000, 25000)); StockMarket[ecorp] = ecorpStk; var megacorp = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12MegaCorp; var megacorpStk = new Stock(megacorp, StockSymbols[megacorp], 0.45, true, 19, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(25000, 33000)); StockMarket[megacorp] = megacorpStk; var blade = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12BladeIndustries; var bladeStk = new Stock(blade, StockSymbols[blade], 0.75, true, 13, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(15000, 22000)); StockMarket[blade] = bladeStk; var clarke = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumClarkeIncorporated; var clarkeStk = new Stock(clarke, StockSymbols[clarke], 0.7, true, 12, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(15000, 20000)); StockMarket[clarke] = clarkeStk; var omnitek = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated; var omnitekStk = new Stock(omnitek, StockSymbols[omnitek], 0.65, true, 12, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(35000, 40000)); StockMarket[omnitek] = omnitekStk; var foursigma = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FourSigma; var foursigmaStk = new Stock(foursigma, StockSymbols[foursigma], 1.05, true, 17, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(60000, 70000)); StockMarket[foursigma] = foursigmaStk; var kuaigong = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational; var kuaigongStk = new Stock(kuaigong, StockSymbols[kuaigong], 0.8, true, 10, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(20000, 24000)); StockMarket[kuaigong] = kuaigongStk; var fulcrum = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumFulcrumTechnologies; var fulcrumStk = new Stock(fulcrum, StockSymbols[fulcrum], 1.25, true, 16, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(30000, 35000)); StockMarket[fulcrum] = fulcrumStk; var storm = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaStormTechnologies; var stormStk = new Stock(storm, StockSymbols[storm], 0.85, true, 7, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(21000, 24000)); StockMarket[storm] = stormStk; var defcomm = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoDefComm; var defcommStk = new Stock(defcomm, StockSymbols[defcomm], 0.65, true, 10, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(10000, 15000)); StockMarket[defcomm] = defcommStk; var helios = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenHeliosLabs; var heliosStk = new Stock(helios, StockSymbols[helios], 0.6, true, 9, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(12000, 16000)); StockMarket[helios] = heliosStk; var vitalife = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoVitaLife; var vitalifeStk = new Stock(vitalife, StockSymbols[vitalife], 0.75, true, 7, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(10000, 12000)); StockMarket[vitalife] = vitalifeStk; var icarus = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12IcarusMicrosystems; var icarusStk = new Stock(icarus, StockSymbols[icarus], 0.65, true, 7.5, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(16000, 20000)); StockMarket[icarus] = icarusStk; var universalenergy = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12UniversalEnergy; var universalenergyStk = new Stock(universalenergy, StockSymbols[universalenergy], 0.55, true, 10, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(20000, 25000)); StockMarket[universalenergy] = universalenergyStk; var aerocorp = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumAeroCorp; var aerocorpStk = new Stock(aerocorp, StockSymbols[aerocorp], 0.6, true, 6, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(10000, 15000)); StockMarket[aerocorp] = aerocorpStk; var omnia = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenOmniaCybersystems; var omniaStk = new Stock(omnia, StockSymbols[omnia], 0.7, true, 4.5, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(9000, 12000)); StockMarket[omnia] = omniaStk; var solaris = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems; var solarisStk = new Stock(solaris, StockSymbols[solaris], 0.75, true, 8.5, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(18000, 24000)); StockMarket[solaris] = solarisStk; var globalpharm = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals; var globalpharmStk = new Stock(globalpharm, StockSymbols[globalpharm], 0.6, true, 10.5, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(18000, 24000)); StockMarket[globalpharm] = globalpharmStk; var nova = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaNovaMedical; var novaStk = new Stock(nova, StockSymbols[nova], 0.75, true, 5, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(18000, 24000)); StockMarket[nova] = novaStk; var watchdog = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumWatchdogSecurity; var watchdogStk = new Stock(watchdog, StockSymbols[watchdog], 2.5, true, 1.5, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(5000, 7500)); StockMarket[watchdog] = watchdogStk; var lexocorp = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenLexoCorp; var lexocorpStk = new Stock(lexocorp, StockSymbols[lexocorp], 1.25, true, 6, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(5000, 7500)); StockMarket[lexocorp] = lexocorpStk; var rho = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumRhoConstruction; var rhoStk = new Stock(rho, StockSymbols[rho], 0.6, true, 1, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(3000, 6000)); StockMarket[rho] = rhoStk; var alpha = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12AlphaEnterprises; var alphaStk = new Stock(alpha, StockSymbols[alpha], 1.9, true, 10, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(5000, 7500)); StockMarket[alpha] = alphaStk; var syscore = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenSysCoreSecurities; var syscoreStk = new Stock(syscore, StockSymbols[syscore], 1.6, true, 3, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(4000, 7000)) StockMarket[syscore] = syscoreStk; var computek = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenCompuTek; var computekStk = new Stock(computek, StockSymbols[computek], 0.9, true, 4, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(2000, 5000)); StockMarket[computek] = computekStk; var netlink = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumNetLinkTechnologies; var netlinkStk = new Stock(netlink, StockSymbols[netlink], 4.2, true, 1, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(2000, 4000)); StockMarket[netlink] = netlinkStk; var omega = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaOmegaSoftware; var omegaStk = new Stock(omega, StockSymbols[omega], 1, true, 0.5, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(3000, 6000)); StockMarket[omega] = omegaStk; var fns = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12FoodNStuff; var fnsStk = new Stock(fns, StockSymbols[fns], 0.75, false, 1, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(1000, 4000)); StockMarket[fns] = fnsStk; var sigmacosm = "Sigma Cosmetics"; var sigmacosmStk = new Stock(sigmacosm, StockSymbols[sigmacosm], 2.8, true, 0, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(2000, 3000)); StockMarket[sigmacosm] = sigmacosmStk; var joesguns = "Joes Guns"; var joesgunsStk = new Stock(joesguns, StockSymbols[joesguns], 3.8, true, 1, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(500, 1000)); StockMarket[joesguns] = joesgunsStk; var catalyst = "Catalyst Ventures"; var catalystStk = new Stock(catalyst, StockSymbols[catalyst], 1.45, true, 13.5, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(500, 1000)); StockMarket[catalyst] = catalystStk; var microdyne = "Microdyne Technologies"; var microdyneStk = new Stock(microdyne, StockSymbols[microdyne], 0.75, true, 8, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(20000, 25000)); StockMarket[microdyne] = microdyneStk; var titanlabs = "Titan Laboratories"; var titanlabsStk = new Stock(titanlabs, StockSymbols[titanlabs], 0.6, true, 11, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(15000, 20000)); StockMarket[titanlabs] = titanlabsStk; var orders = {}; for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} orders[stock.symbol] = []; } } StockMarket["Orders"] = orders; } function initSymbolToStockMap() { for (var name in StockSymbols) { if (StockSymbols.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (stock == null) { console.log("ERROR finding stock"); continue; } var symbol = StockSymbols[name]; SymbolToStockMap[symbol] = stock; } } } function stockMarketCycle() { for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; var thresh = 0.6; if (stock.b) {thresh = 0.4;} if (Math.random() < thresh) { stock.b = !stock.b; } } } } //Returns true if successful, false otherwise function buyStock(stock, shares) { if (stock == null || shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Failed to buy stock. This may be a bug, contact developer"); return false; } shares = Math.round(shares); if (shares == 0) {return false;} var totalPrice = stock.price * shares; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You do not have enough money to purchase this. You need $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission, 2).toString() + "."); return false; } var origTotal = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission); var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice; stock.playerShares += shares; stock.playerAvgPx = newTotal / stock.playerShares; updateStockPlayerPosition(stock); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Bought " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. You also paid $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission, 2) + " in commission fees."); return true; } //Returns true if successful and false otherwise function sellStock(stock, shares) { if (shares == 0) {return false;} if (stock == null || shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Failed to sell stock. This may be a bug, contact developer"); return false; } shares = Math.round(shares); if (shares > stock.playerShares) {shares = stock.playerShares;} if (shares === 0) {return false;} var gains = stock.price * shares - _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(gains); stock.playerShares -= shares; if (stock.playerShares == 0) { stock.playerAvgPx = 0; } updateStockPlayerPosition(stock); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Sold " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. After commissions, you gained " + "a total of $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(gains, 2)); return true; } //Returns true if successful and false otherwise function shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript=null) { var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"]); if (stock == null || isNaN(shares) || shares < 0) { if (tixApi) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because of invalid arguments."); } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Failed to initiate a short position in a stock. This is probably " + "due to an invalid quantity. Otherwise, this may be a bug, so contact developer"); } return false; } shares = Math.round(shares); if (shares === 0) {return false;} var totalPrice = stock.price * shares; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission)) { if (tixApi) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because you do not have " + "money to purchase this short position. You need " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission).format('($0.000a)')); } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You do not have enough money to purchase this short position. You need $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission, 2) + "."); } return false; } var origTotal = stock.playerShortShares * stock.playerAvgShortPx; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission); var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice; stock.playerShortShares += shares; stock.playerAvgShortPx = newTotal / stock.playerShortShares; updateStockPlayerPosition(stock); if (tixApi) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.shortStock == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Bought a short position of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(stock.price).format('($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission).format('($0.000a)') + " in commission fees."); } } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Bought a short position of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. You also paid $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission, 2) + " in commission fees."); } return true; } //Returns true if successful and false otherwise function sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript=null) { var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"]); if (stock == null || isNaN(shares) || shares < 0) { if (tixApi) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: sellShort() failed because of invalid arguments."); } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Failed to sell a short position in a stock. This is probably " + "due to an invalid quantity. Otherwise, this may be a bug, so contact developer"); } return false; } shares = Math.round(shares); if (shares > stock.playerShortShares) {shares = stock.playerShortShares;} if (shares === 0) {return false;} var origCost = shares * stock.playerAvgShortPx; var profit = ((stock.playerAvgShortPx - stock.price) * shares) - _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission; if (isNaN(profit)) {profit = 0;} _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(origCost + profit); if (tixApi) { workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += profit; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].scriptProdSinceLastAug += profit; } stock.playerShortShares -= shares; if (stock.playerShortShares === 0) { stock.playerAvgShortPx = 0; } updateStockPlayerPosition(stock); if (tixApi) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sellShort == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sold your short position of " + shares + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(stock.price).format('($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " + "a total of " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(origCost + profit).format('($0.000a)')); } } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Sold your short position of " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. After commissions, you gained " + "a total of $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(origCost + profit, 2)); } return true; } function updateStockPrices() { var v = Math.random(); for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} var av = (v * stock.mv) / 100; if (isNaN(av)) {av = .02;} var chc = 50; if (stock.b) { chc = (chc + stock.otlkMag)/100; if (isNaN(chc)) {chc = 0.5;} } else { chc = (chc - stock.otlkMag)/100; if (isNaN(chc)) {chc = 0.5;} } if (stock.price >= StockPriceCap) { chc = -1; //Limit on stock price stock.b = false; } var c = Math.random(); if (c < chc) { stock.price *= (1 + av); processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Short); processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.LimitSell, PositionTypes.Long); processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.StopBuy, PositionTypes.Long); processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.StopSell, PositionTypes.Short); if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) { updateStockTicker(stock, true); } } else { stock.price /= (1 + av); processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long); processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.LimitSell, PositionTypes.Short); processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.StopBuy, PositionTypes.Short); processOrders(stock, OrderTypes.StopSell, PositionTypes.Long); if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) { updateStockTicker(stock, false); } } var otlkMagChange = stock.otlkMag * av; if (stock.otlkMag <= 0.1) { otlkMagChange = 1; } if (c < 0.5) { stock.otlkMag += otlkMagChange; } else { stock.otlkMag -= otlkMagChange; } if (stock.otlkMag < 0) { stock.otlkMag *= -1; stock.b = !stock.b; } } } } //Checks and triggers any orders for the specified stock function processOrders(stock, orderType, posType) { var orderBook = StockMarket["Orders"]; if (orderBook == null) { var orders = {}; for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} orders[stock.symbol] = []; } } StockMarket["Orders"] = orders; return; //Newly created, so no orders to process } var stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol]; if (stockOrders == null || !(stockOrders.constructor === Array)) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid Order book for " + stock.symbol + " in processOrders()"); stockOrders = []; return; } for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) { var order = stockOrders[i]; if (order.type === orderType && order.pos === posType) { switch(order.type) { case OrderTypes.LimitBuy: if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price <= order.price) { executeOrder/*66*/(order); } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price >= order.price) { executeOrder/*66*/(order); } break; case OrderTypes.LimitSell: if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price >= order.price) { executeOrder/*66*/(order); } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price <= order.price) { executeOrder/*66*/(order); } break; case OrderTypes.StopBuy: if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price >= order.price) { executeOrder/*66*/(order); } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price <= order.price) { executeOrder/*66*/(order); } break; case OrderTypes.StopSell: if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long && stock.price <= order.price) { executeOrder/*66*/(order); } else if (order.pos === PositionTypes.Short && stock.price >= order.price) { executeOrder/*66*/(order); } break; default: console.log("Invalid order type: " + order.type); return; } } } } function setStockMarketContentCreated(b) { stockMarketContentCreated = b; } var stockMarketContentCreated = false; var stockMarketPortfolioMode = false; var COMM = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission; function displayStockMarketContent() { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount = false;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess == null) {_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess = false;} //Purchase WSE Account button var wseAccountButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-buy-account"); wseAccountButton.innerText = "Buy WSE Account - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WSEAccountCost, 2).toString(); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].money.gte(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WSEAccountCost)) { wseAccountButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button"); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount){ wseAccountButton.innerText = "WSE Account - Purchased"; wseAccountButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-bought"); } else { wseAccountButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive"); } wseAccountButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount = true; initStockMarket(); initSymbolToStockMap(); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].WSEAccountCost); displayStockMarketContent(); return false; }); //Purchase TIX API Access account var tixApiAccessButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-buy-tix-api"); tixApiAccessButton.innerText = "Buy Trade Information eXchange (TIX) API Access - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TIXAPICost, 2).toString(); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].money.gte(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TIXAPICost)) { tixApiAccessButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button"); } else if(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { tixApiAccessButton.innerText = "Trade Information eXchange (TIX) API Access - Purchased" tixApiAccessButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-bought"); } else { tixApiAccessButton.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive"); } tixApiAccessButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess = true; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TIXAPICost); displayStockMarketContent(); return false; }); var stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list"); if (stockList == null) {return;} if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount) { stockMarketContentCreated = false; while (stockList.firstChild) { stockList.removeChild(stockList.firstChild); } return; } //Create stock market content if you have an account if (!stockMarketContentCreated && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount) { console.log("Creating Stock Market UI"); document.getElementById("stock-market-commission").innerHTML = "Commission Fees: Every transaction you make has a $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission, 2) + " commission fee.

" + "WARNING: When you reset after installing Augmentations, the Stock Market is reset. " + "This means all your positions are lost, so make sure to sell your stocks before installing " + "Augmentations!"; var investopediaButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-investopedia"); investopediaButton.addEventListener("click", function() { var txt = "When making a transaction on the stock market, there are two " + "types of positions: Long and Short. A Long position is the typical " + "scenario where you buy a stock and earn a profit if the price of that " + "stock increases. Meanwhile, a Short position is the exact opposite. " + "In a Short position you purchase shares of a stock and earn a profit " + "if the price of that stock decreases. This is also called 'shorting' a stock.

" + "NOTE: Shorting stocks is not available immediately, and must be unlocked later on in the game.

" + "There are three different types of orders you can make to buy or sell " + "stocks on the exchange: Market Order, Limit Order, and Stop Order. " + "Note that Limit Orders and Stop Orders are not available immediately, and must be unlocked " + "later on in the game.

" + "When you place a Market Order to buy or sell a stock, the order executes " + "immediately at whatever the current price of the stock is. For example " + "if you choose to short a stock with 5000 shares using a Market Order, " + "you immediately purchase those 5000 shares in a Short position at whatever " + "the current market price is for that stock.

" + "A Limit Order is an order that only executes under certain conditions. " + "A Limit Order is used to buy or sell a stock at a specified price or better. " + "For example, lets say you purchased a Long position of 100 shares of some stock " + "at a price of $10 per share. You can place a Limit Order to sell those 100 shares " + "at $50 or better. The Limit Order will execute when the price of the stock reaches a " + "value of $50 or higher.

" + "A Stop Order is the opposite of a Limit Order. It is used to buy or sell a stock " + "at a specified price (before the price gets 'worse'). For example, lets say you purchased " + "a Short position of 100 shares of some stock at a price of $100 per share. " + "The current price of the stock is $80 (a profit of $20 per share). You can place a " + "Stop Order to sell the Short position if the stock's price reaches $90 or higher. " + "This can be used to lock in your profits and limit any losses.

" + "Here is a summary of how each order works and when they execute:

" + "In a LONG Position:

" + "A Limit Order to buy will execute if the stock's price <= order's price
" + "A Limit Order to sell will execute if the stock's price >= order's price
" + "A Stop Order to buy will execute if the stock's price >= order's price
" + "A Stop Order to sell will execute if the stock's price <= order's price

" + "In a SHORT Position:

" + "A Limit Order to buy will execute if the stock's price >= order's price
" + "A Limit Order to sell will execute if the stock's price <= order's price
" + "A Stop Order to buy will execute if the stock's price <= order's price
" + "A Stop Order to sell will execute if the stock's price >= order's price."; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt); return false; }); //Switch to Portfolio Mode Button var modeBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-mode"); if (modeBtn) { modeBtn.innerHTML = "Switch to 'Portfolio' Mode" + "Displays only the stocks for which you have shares or orders"; modeBtn.addEventListener("click", switchToPortfolioMode); } //Expand/Collapse tickers buttons var expandBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-expand-tickers"), collapseBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-collapse-tickers"), stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list"); if (expandBtn) { expandBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var tickerHdrs = stockList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header"); for (var i = 0; i < tickerHdrs.length; ++i) { if (!tickerHdrs[i].classList.contains("active")) { tickerHdrs[i].click(); } } }); } if (collapseBtn) { collapseBtn.addEventListener("click",()=>{ var tickerHdrs = stockList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header"); for (var i = 0; i < tickerHdrs.length; ++i) { if (tickerHdrs[i].classList.contains("active")) { tickerHdrs[i].click(); } } }); } for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} //orders property is an array createStockTicker(stock); } } setStockTickerClickHandlers(); //Clicking headers opens/closes panels stockMarketContentCreated = true; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].hasWseAccount) { for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; updateStockTicker(stock, null); updateStockOrderList(stock); } } } } //Displays only stocks you have position/order in function switchToPortfolioMode() { stockMarketPortfolioMode = true; var stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list"); if (stockList == null) {return;} var modeBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-mode"); if (modeBtn) { modeBtn.innerHTML = "Switch to 'All stocks' Mode" + "Displays all stocks on the WSE"; modeBtn.addEventListener("click", switchToDisplayAllMode); } while(stockList.firstChild) {stockList.removeChild(stockList.firstChild);} //Get Order book (create it if it hasn't been created) var orderBook = StockMarket["Orders"]; if (orderBook == null) { var orders = {}; for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} orders[stock.symbol] = []; } } StockMarket["Orders"] = orders; } for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} //orders property is an array var stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol]; if (stock.playerShares === 0 && stock.playerShortShares === 0 && stockOrders.length === 0) {continue;} createStockTicker(stock); } } setStockTickerClickHandlers(); } //Displays all stocks function switchToDisplayAllMode() { stockMarketPortfolioMode = false; var stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list"); if (stockList == null) {return;} var modeBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["clearEventListeners"])("stock-market-mode"); if (modeBtn) { modeBtn.innerHTML = "Switch to 'Portfolio' Mode" + "Displays only the stocks for which you have shares or orders"; modeBtn.addEventListener("click", switchToPortfolioMode); } while(stockList.firstChild) {stockList.removeChild(stockList.firstChild);} for (var name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var stock = StockMarket[name]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;} //orders property is an array createStockTicker(stock); } } setStockTickerClickHandlers(); } function createStockTicker(stock) { if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) { console.log("Invalid stock in createStockSticker()"); return; } var tickerId = "stock-market-ticker-" + stock.symbol; var li = document.createElement("li"), hdr = document.createElement("button"); hdr.classList.add("accordion-header"); hdr.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-hdr"); hdr.innerHTML = stock.name + " - " + stock.symbol + " - $" + stock.price; //Div for entire panel var stockDiv = document.createElement("div"); stockDiv.classList.add("accordion-panel"); stockDiv.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-panel"); /* Create panel DOM */ var qtyInput = document.createElement("input"), longShortSelect = document.createElement("select"), orderTypeSelect = document.createElement("select"), buyButton = document.createElement("span"), sellButton = document.createElement("span"), buyMaxButton = document.createElement("span"), sellAllButton = document.createElement("span"), positionTxt = document.createElement("p"), orderList = document.createElement("ul"); qtyInput.classList.add("stock-market-input"); qtyInput.placeholder = "Quantity (Shares)"; qtyInput.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-qty-input"); qtyInput.setAttribute("onkeydown", "return ( event.ctrlKey || event.altKey " + " || (4734 && event.keyCode<40) " + " || (event.keyCode==46) )"); longShortSelect.classList.add("stock-market-input"); longShortSelect.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-pos-selector"); var longOpt = document.createElement("option"); longOpt.text = "Long"; longShortSelect.add(longOpt); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 8 || (_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* hasWallStreetSF */ "f"] && _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* wallStreetSFLvl */ "h"] >= 2)) { var shortOpt = document.createElement("option"); shortOpt.text = "Short"; longShortSelect.add(shortOpt); } orderTypeSelect.classList.add("stock-market-input"); orderTypeSelect.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-order-selector"); var marketOpt = document.createElement("option"); marketOpt.text = "Market Order"; orderTypeSelect.add(marketOpt); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 8 || (_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* hasWallStreetSF */ "f"] && _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* wallStreetSFLvl */ "h"] >= 3)) { var limitOpt = document.createElement("option"); limitOpt.text = "Limit Order"; orderTypeSelect.add(limitOpt); var stopOpt = document.createElement("option"); stopOpt.text = "Stop Order"; orderTypeSelect.add(stopOpt); } buyButton.classList.add("stock-market-input"); buyButton.classList.add("a-link-button"); buyButton.innerHTML = "Buy"; buyButton.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var pos = longShortSelect.options[longShortSelect.selectedIndex].text; pos === "Long" ? pos = PositionTypes.Long : pos = PositionTypes.Short; var ordType = orderTypeSelect.options[orderTypeSelect.selectedIndex].text; var shares = Number(document.getElementById(tickerId + "-qty-input").value); if (isNaN(shares)) {return false;} switch (ordType) { case "Market Order": pos === PositionTypes.Long ? buyStock(stock, shares) : shortStock(stock, shares, null); break; case "Limit Order": case "Stop Order": var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton */ "j"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton */ "i"])(); yesBtn.innerText = "Place Buy " + ordType; noBtn.innerText = "Cancel Order"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var price = Number(Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput */ "h"])()), type; if (ordType === "Limit Order") { type = OrderTypes.LimitBuy; } else { type = OrderTypes.StopBuy; } placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, pos); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate */ "g"])("Enter the price for your " + ordType); break; default: console.log("ERROR: Invalid order type"); break; } return false; }); sellButton.classList.add("stock-market-input"); sellButton.classList.add("a-link-button"); sellButton.innerHTML = "Sell"; sellButton.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var pos = longShortSelect.options[longShortSelect.selectedIndex].text; pos === "Long" ? pos = PositionTypes.Long : pos = PositionTypes.Short; var ordType = orderTypeSelect.options[orderTypeSelect.selectedIndex].text; var shares = Number(document.getElementById(tickerId + "-qty-input").value); if (isNaN(shares)) {return false;} switch (ordType) { case "Market Order": pos === PositionTypes.Long ? sellStock(stock, shares) : sellShort(stock, shares, null); break; case "Limit Order": case "Stop Order": var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton */ "j"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton */ "i"])(); yesBtn.innerText = "Place Sell " + ordType; noBtn.innerText = "Cancel Order"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var price = Number(Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput */ "h"])()), type; if (ordType === "Limit Order") { type = OrderTypes.LimitSell; } else { type = OrderTypes.StopSell; } Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, pos); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate */ "g"])("Enter the price for your " + ordType); break; default: console.log("ERROR: Invalid order type"); break; } return false; }); buyMaxButton.classList.add("stock-market-input"); buyMaxButton.classList.add("a-link-button"); buyMaxButton.innerHTML = "Buy MAX"; buyMaxButton.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var pos = longShortSelect.options[longShortSelect.selectedIndex].text; pos === "Long" ? pos = PositionTypes.Long : pos = PositionTypes.Short; var ordType = orderTypeSelect.options[orderTypeSelect.selectedIndex].text; var money = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].money.toNumber(); switch (ordType) { case "Market Order": var shares = Math.floor((money - COMM) / stock.price); pos === PositionTypes.Long ? buyStock(stock, shares) : shortStock(stock, shares, null); break; case "Limit Order": case "Stop Order": var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton */ "j"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton */ "i"])(); yesBtn.innerText = "Place Buy " + ordType; noBtn.innerText = "Cancel Order"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var price = Number(Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput */ "h"])()), type; if (ordType === "Limit Order") { type = OrderTypes.LimitBuy; } else { type = OrderTypes.StopBuy; } var shares = Math.floor((money-COMM) / price); placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, pos); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate */ "g"])("Enter the price for your " + ordType); break; default: console.log("ERROR: Invalid order type"); break; } return false; }); sellAllButton.classList.add("stock-market-input"); sellAllButton.classList.add("a-link-button"); sellAllButton.innerHTML = "Sell ALL"; sellAllButton.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var pos = longShortSelect.options[longShortSelect.selectedIndex].text; pos === "Long" ? pos = PositionTypes.Long : pos = PositionTypes.Short; var ordType = orderTypeSelect.options[orderTypeSelect.selectedIndex].text; switch (ordType) { case "Market Order": if (pos === PositionTypes.Long) { var shares = stock.playerShares; sellStock(stock, shares); } else { var shares = stock.playerShortShares; sellShort(stock, shares, null); } break; case "Limit Order": case "Stop Order": Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERROR: 'Sell All' only works for Market Orders") break; default: console.log("ERROR: Invalid order type"); break; } return false; }); positionTxt.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-position-text"); positionTxt.classList.add("stock-market-position-text"); stock.posTxtEl = positionTxt; orderList.setAttribute("id", tickerId + "-order-list"); orderList.classList.add("stock-market-order-list"); stockDiv.appendChild(qtyInput); stockDiv.appendChild(longShortSelect); stockDiv.appendChild(orderTypeSelect); stockDiv.appendChild(buyButton); stockDiv.appendChild(sellButton); stockDiv.appendChild(buyMaxButton); stockDiv.appendChild(sellAllButton); stockDiv.appendChild(positionTxt); stockDiv.appendChild(orderList); li.appendChild(hdr); li.appendChild(stockDiv); document.getElementById("stock-market-list").appendChild(li); updateStockTicker(stock, true); updateStockPlayerPosition(stock); updateStockOrderList(stock); } function setStockTickerClickHandlers() { var stockList = document.getElementById("stock-market-list"); var tickerHdrs = stockList.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header"); if (tickerHdrs == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find header elements for stock tickers"); return; } for (var i = 0; i < tickerHdrs.length; ++i) { tickerHdrs[i].onclick = function() { this.classList.toggle("active"); var panel = this.nextElementSibling; if (panel.style.display === "block") { panel.style.display = "none"; } else { panel.style.display = "block"; } } } } //'increase' argument is a boolean indicating whether the price increased or decreased function updateStockTicker(stock, increase) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage !== _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) {return;} if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) { console.log("Invalid stock in updateStockTicker():"); console.log(stock); return; } var tickerId = "stock-market-ticker-" + stock.symbol; if (stock.playerShares > 0 || stock.playerShortShares > 0) { updateStockPlayerPosition(stock); } var hdr = document.getElementById(tickerId + "-hdr"); if (hdr == null) { if (!stockMarketPortfolioMode) {console.log("ERROR: Couldn't find ticker element for stock: " + stock.symbol);} return; } hdr.innerHTML = stock.name + " - " + stock.symbol + " - $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2); if (increase != null) { increase ? hdr.style.color = "#66ff33" : hdr.style.color = "red"; } } function updateStockPlayerPosition(stock) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage !== _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) {return;} if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) { console.log("Invalid stock in updateStockPlayerPosition():"); console.log(stock); return; } var tickerId = "stock-market-ticker-" + stock.symbol; if (stockMarketPortfolioMode) { if (stock.playerShares === 0 && stock.playerShortShares === 0 && StockMarket["Orders"] && StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol] && StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol].length === 0) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["removeElementById"])(tickerId + "-hdr"); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["removeElementById"])(tickerId + "-panel"); return; } else { //If the ticker hasn't been created, create it (handles updating) //If it has been created, continue normally if (document.getElementById(tickerId + "-hdr") == null) { createStockTicker(stock); setStockTickerClickHandlers(); return; } } } if (!(stock.posTxtEl instanceof Element)) { stock.posTxtEl = document.getElementById(tickerId + "-position-text"); } if (stock.posTxtEl == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find stock position element for: " + stock.symbol); return; } //Calculate returns var totalCost = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx, gains = (stock.price - stock.playerAvgPx) * stock.playerShares, percentageGains = gains / totalCost; if (isNaN(percentageGains)) {percentageGains = 0;} var shortTotalCost = stock.playerShortShares * stock.playerAvgShortPx, shortGains = (stock.playerAvgShortPx - stock.price) * stock.playerShortShares, shortPercentageGains = shortGains/ shortTotalCost; if (isNaN(shortPercentageGains)) {shortPercentageGains = 0;} stock.posTxtEl.innerHTML = "

Long Position: " + "Shares in the long position will increase " + "in value if the price of the corresponding stock increases

" + "
Shares: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.playerShares, 0) + "
Average Price: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(stock.playerAvgPx).format('$0.000a') + " (Total Cost: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(totalCost).format('$0.000a') + ")" + "
Profit: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(gains).format('$0.000a') + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(percentageGains*100, 2) + "%)

"; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 8 || (_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* hasWallStreetSF */ "f"] && _NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* wallStreetSFLvl */ "h"] >= 2)) { stock.posTxtEl.innerHTML += "

Short Position: " + "Shares in short position will increase " + "in value if the price of the corresponding stock decreases

" + "
Shares: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(stock.playerShortShares, 0) + "
Average Price: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(stock.playerAvgShortPx).format('$0.000a') + " (Total Cost: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(shortTotalCost).format('$0.000a') + ")" + "
Profit: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(shortGains).format('$0.000a') + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(shortPercentageGains*100, 2) + "%)" + "


"; } } function updateStockOrderList(stock) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage !== _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) {return;} var tickerId = "stock-market-ticker-" + stock.symbol; var orderList = document.getElementById(tickerId + "-order-list"); if (orderList == null) { if (!stockMarketPortfolioMode) {console.log("ERROR: Could not find order list for " + stock.symbol);} return; } var orderBook = StockMarket["Orders"]; if (orderBook == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find order book in stock market"); return; } var stockOrders = orderBook[stock.symbol]; if (stockOrders == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find orders for: " + stock.symbol); return; } if (stockMarketPortfolioMode) { if (stock.playerShares === 0 && stock.playerShortShares === 0 && StockMarket["Orders"] && StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol] && StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol].length === 0) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["removeElementById"])(tickerId + "-hdr"); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["removeElementById"])(tickerId + "-panel"); return; } else { //If the ticker hasn't been created, create it (handles updating) //If it has been created, continue normally if (document.getElementById(tickerId + "-hdr") == null) { createStockTicker(stock); setStockTickerClickHandlers(); return; } } } //Remove everything from list while (orderList.firstChild) { orderList.removeChild(orderList.firstChild); } for (var i = 0; i < stockOrders.length; ++i) { (function() { var order = stockOrders[i]; var li = document.createElement("li"); li.style.padding = "4px"; var posText = (order.pos === PositionTypes.Long ? "Long Position" : "Short Position"); li.style.color = "white"; li.innerText = order.type + " - " + posText + " - " + order.shares + " @ $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(order.price, 2); var cancelButton = document.createElement("span"); cancelButton.classList.add("stock-market-order-cancel-btn"); cancelButton.classList.add("a-link-button"); cancelButton.innerHTML = "Cancel Order"; cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { cancelOrder({order: order}, null); return false; }); li.appendChild(cancelButton); orderList.appendChild(li); }()); } } /***/ }), /* 25 */ /*!*************************!*\ !*** ./src/Terminal.js ***! \*************************/ /*! exports provided: postNetburnerText, post, Terminal, KEY */ /*! exports used: KEY, Terminal, post, postNetburnerText */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return postNetburnerText; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return post; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return Terminal; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return KEY; }); /* harmony import */ var _Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Alias */ 35); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram */ 21); /* harmony import */ var _DarkWeb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./DarkWeb */ 60); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Fconf */ 37); /* harmony import */ var _HelpText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./HelpText */ 73); /* harmony import */ var _HelpText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_HelpText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__); /* harmony import */ var _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./InteractiveTutorial */ 28); /* harmony import */ var _Literature__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Literature */ 61); /* harmony import */ var _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Message */ 33); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEvaluator */ 7); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker */ 23); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! numeral/min/numeral.min */ 15); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./RedPill */ 46); /* harmony import */ var _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Script */ 30); /* harmony import */ var _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings */ 22); /* harmony import */ var _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SpecialServerIps */ 19); /* harmony import */ var _TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./TextFile */ 50); /* harmony import */ var _TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/addOffset */ 42); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/isString */ 32); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/arrayToString */ 39); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_LogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/LogBox */ 59); /* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox */ 14); /* harmony import */ var jszip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__ = __webpack_require__(/*! jszip */ 107); /* harmony import */ var jszip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(jszip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__); /* harmony import */ var file_saver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__ = __webpack_require__(/*! file-saver */ 106); /* harmony import */ var file_saver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(file_saver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__); /* Write text to terminal */ //If replace is true then spaces are replaced with " " function post(input) { $("#terminal-input").before('' + input + ''); updateTerminalScroll(); } //Same thing as post but the td cells have ids so they can be animated for the hack progress bar function hackProgressBarPost(input) { $("#terminal-input").before('' + input + ''); updateTerminalScroll(); } function hackProgressPost(input) { $("#terminal-input").before('' + input + ''); updateTerminalScroll(); } //Scroll to the bottom of the terminal's 'text area' function updateTerminalScroll() { var element = document.getElementById("terminal-container"); element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight; } function postNetburnerText() { post("Bitburner v" + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].Version); } //Key Codes var KEY = { TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, CTRL: 17, UPARROW: 38, DOWNARROW: 40, A: 65, B: 66, C: 67, D: 68, E: 69, F: 70, H: 72, J: 74, K: 75, L: 76, M: 77, N: 78, O: 79, P: 80, R: 82, S: 83, U: 85, W: 87, } //Defines key commands in terminal $(document).keydown(function(event) { //Terminal if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].Page.Terminal) { var terminalInput = document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box"); if (terminalInput != null && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey) {terminalInput.focus();} if (event.keyCode === KEY.ENTER) { event.preventDefault(); //Prevent newline from being entered in Script Editor var command = $('input[class=terminal-input]').val(); if (command.length > 0) { post( "[" + (_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_TIMESTAMPS ? Terminal.getTimestamp() + " " : "") + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hostname + " ~]> " + command ); Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); //Clear input first Terminal.executeCommand(command); } } if (event.keyCode === KEY.C && event.ctrlKey) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"]._actionInProgress) { //Cancel action post("Cancelling..."); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"]._actionInProgress = false; Terminal.finishAction(true); } else if (_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) { //Dont prevent default so it still copies Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); //Clear Terminal } } if (event.keyCode === KEY.L && event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault(); Terminal.executeCommand("clear"); //Clear screen } //Ctrl p same as up arrow //Ctrl n same as down arrow if (event.keyCode === KEY.UPARROW || (_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS && event.keyCode === KEY.P && event.ctrlKey)) { if (_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) {event.preventDefault();} //Cycle through past commands if (terminalInput == null) {return;} var i = Terminal.commandHistoryIndex; var len = Terminal.commandHistory.length; if (len == 0) {return;} if (i < 0 || i > len) { Terminal.commandHistoryIndex = len; } if (i != 0) { --Terminal.commandHistoryIndex; } var prevCommand = Terminal.commandHistory[Terminal.commandHistoryIndex]; terminalInput.value = prevCommand; setTimeout(function(){terminalInput.selectionStart = terminalInput.selectionEnd = 10000; }, 0); } if (event.keyCode === KEY.DOWNARROW || (_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS && event.keyCode === KEY.M && event.ctrlKey)) { if (_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) {event.preventDefault();} //Cycle through past commands if (terminalInput == null) {return;} var i = Terminal.commandHistoryIndex; var len = Terminal.commandHistory.length; if (len == 0) {return;} if (i < 0 || i > len) { Terminal.commandHistoryIndex = len; } //Latest command, put nothing if (i == len || i == len-1) { Terminal.commandHistoryIndex = len; terminalInput.value = ""; } else { ++Terminal.commandHistoryIndex; var prevCommand = Terminal.commandHistory[Terminal.commandHistoryIndex]; terminalInput.value = prevCommand; } } if (event.keyCode === KEY.TAB) { //Autocomplete if (terminalInput == null) {return;} var input = terminalInput.value; if (input == "") {return;} input = input.trim(); input = input.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); var commandArray = input.split(" "); var index = commandArray.length - 2; if (index < -1) {index = 0;} var allPos = determineAllPossibilitiesForTabCompletion(input, index); if (allPos.length == 0) {return;} var arg = ""; var command = ""; if (commandArray.length == 0) {return;} if (commandArray.length == 1) {command = commandArray[0];} else if (commandArray.length == 2) { command = commandArray[0]; arg = commandArray[1]; } else if (commandArray.length == 3) { command = commandArray[0] + " " + commandArray[1]; arg = commandArray[2]; } else { arg = commandArray.pop(); command = commandArray.join(" "); } tabCompletion(command, arg, allPos); } //Extra Bash Emulation Hotkeys, must be enabled through .fconf if (_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS) { if (event.keyCode === KEY.A && event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault(); Terminal.moveTextCursor("home"); } if (event.keyCode === KEY.E && event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault(); Terminal.moveTextCursor("end"); } if (event.keyCode === KEY.B && event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault(); Terminal.moveTextCursor("prevchar"); } if (event.keyCode === KEY.B && event.altKey) { event.preventDefault(); Terminal.moveTextCursor("prevword"); } if (event.keyCode === KEY.F && event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault(); Terminal.moveTextCursor("nextchar"); } if (event.keyCode === KEY.F && event.altKey) { event.preventDefault(); Terminal.moveTextCursor("nextword"); } if ((event.keyCode === KEY.H || event.keyCode === KEY.D) && event.ctrlKey) { Terminal.modifyInput("backspace"); event.preventDefault(); } //TODO AFTER THIS: //alt + d deletes word after cursor //^w deletes word before cursor //^k clears line after cursor //^u clears line before cursor } } }); //Keep terminal in focus let terminalCtrlPressed = false, shiftKeyPressed = false; $(document).ready(function() { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].currentPage === _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].Page.Terminal) { $('.terminal-input').focus(); } }); $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].Page.Terminal) { if (e.which == 17) { terminalCtrlPressed = true; } else if (e.shiftKey) { shiftKeyPressed = true; } else if (terminalCtrlPressed || shiftKeyPressed) { //Don't focus } else { var inputTextBox = document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box"); if (inputTextBox != null) {inputTextBox.focus();} terminalCtrlPressed = false; shiftKeyPressed = false; } } }) $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].Page.Terminal) { if (e.which == 17) { terminalCtrlPressed = false; } if (e.shiftKey) { shiftKeyPressed = false; } } }) //Implements a tab completion feature for terminal // command - Terminal command except for the last incomplete argument // arg - Incomplete argument string that the function will try to complete, or will display // a series of possible options for // allPossibilities - Array of strings containing all possibilities that the // string can complete to // index - index of argument that is being "tab completed". By default is 0, the first argument function tabCompletion(command, arg, allPossibilities, index=0) { if (!(allPossibilities.constructor === Array)) {return;} if (!Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["containsAllStrings"])(allPossibilities)) {return;} //if (!command.startsWith("./")) { //command = command.toLowerCase(); //} //Remove all options in allPossibilities that do not match the current string //that we are attempting to autocomplete if (arg == "") { for (var i = allPossibilities.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!allPossibilities[i].toLowerCase().startsWith(command.toLowerCase())) { allPossibilities.splice(i, 1); } } } else { for (var i = allPossibilities.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!allPossibilities[i].toLowerCase().startsWith(arg.toLowerCase())) { allPossibilities.splice(i, 1); } } } var val = ""; if (allPossibilities.length == 0) { return; } else if (allPossibilities.length == 1) { if (arg == "") { //Autocomplete command val = allPossibilities[0] + " "; } else { val = command + " " + allPossibilities[0]; } document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").value = val; document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").focus(); } else { var longestStartSubstr = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["longestCommonStart"])(allPossibilities); //If the longest common starting substring of remaining possibilities is the same //as whatevers already in terminal, just list all possible options. Otherwise, //change the input in the terminal to the longest common starting substr var allOptionsStr = ""; for (var i = 0; i < allPossibilities.length; ++i) { allOptionsStr += allPossibilities[i]; allOptionsStr += " "; } if (arg == "") { if (longestStartSubstr == command) { post("> " + command); post(allOptionsStr); } else { document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").value = longestStartSubstr; document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").focus(); } } else { if (longestStartSubstr == arg) { //List all possible options post("> " + command + " " + arg); post(allOptionsStr); } else { document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").value = command + " " + longestStartSubstr; document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box").focus(); } } } } function determineAllPossibilitiesForTabCompletion(input, index=0) { var allPos = []; allPos = allPos.concat(Object.keys(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* GlobalAliases */ "b"])); var currServ = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); input = input.toLowerCase(); //If the command starts with './' and the index == -1, then the user //has input ./partialexecutablename so autocomplete the script or program //Put './' in front of each script/executable if (input.startsWith("./") && index == -1) { //All programs and scripts for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { allPos.push("./" + currServ.scripts[i].filename); } //Programs are on home computer var homeComputer = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer(); for(var i = 0; i < homeComputer.programs.length; ++i) { allPos.push("./" + homeComputer.programs[i]); } return allPos; } //Autocomplete the command if (index == -1) { return ["alias", "analyze", "cat", "check", "clear", "cls", "connect", "download", "free", "hack", "help", "home", "hostname", "ifconfig", "kill", "killall", "ls", "lscpu", "mem", "nano", "ps", "rm", "run", "scan", "scan-analyze", "scp", "sudov", "tail", "theme", "top"].concat(Object.keys(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Aliases */ "a"])).concat(Object.keys(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* GlobalAliases */ "b"])); } if (input.startsWith ("buy ")) { let options = []; for(const i in _DarkWeb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* DarkWebItems */ "a"]) { const item = _DarkWeb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* DarkWebItems */ "a"][i] options.push(item.program); } return options.concat(Object.keys(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* GlobalAliases */ "b"])); } if (input.startsWith("scp ") && index == 1) { for (var iphostname in _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* AllServers */ "b"]) { if (_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* AllServers */ "b"].hasOwnProperty(iphostname)) { allPos.push(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* AllServers */ "b"][iphostname].ip); allPos.push(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* AllServers */ "b"][iphostname].hostname); } } } if (input.startsWith("scp ") && index == 0) { //All Scripts and lit files for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename); } for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) { if (!(currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Message */ "a"])) { allPos.push(currServ.messages[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn); } } if (input.startsWith("connect ") || input.startsWith("telnet ")) { //All network connections for (var i = 0; i < currServ.serversOnNetwork.length; ++i) { var serv = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* AllServers */ "b"][currServ.serversOnNetwork[i]]; if (serv == null) {continue;} allPos.push(serv.ip); //IP allPos.push(serv.hostname); //Hostname } return allPos; } if (input.startsWith("kill ") || input.startsWith("tail ") || input.startsWith("mem ") || input.startsWith("check ")) { //All Scripts for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename); } return allPos; } if (input.startsWith("nano ")) { //Scripts and text files and .fconf for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename); } for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn); } allPos.push(".fconf"); return allPos; } if (input.startsWith("rm ")) { for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename); } for (var i = 0; i < currServ.programs.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.programs[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) { if (!(currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Message */ "a"]) && Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["isString"])(currServ.messages[i]) && currServ.messages[i].endsWith(".lit")) { allPos.push(currServ.messages[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn); } return allPos; } if (input.startsWith("run ")) { //All programs and scripts for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename); } //Programs are on home computer var homeComputer = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer(); for(var i = 0; i < homeComputer.programs.length; ++i) { allPos.push(homeComputer.programs[i]); } return allPos; } if (input.startsWith("cat ")) { for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) { if (currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Message */ "a"]) { allPos.push(currServ.messages[i].filename); } else { allPos.push(currServ.messages[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn); } return allPos; } if (input.startsWith("download ")) { for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.textFiles[i].fn); } for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { allPos.push(currServ.scripts[i].filename); } } return allPos; } let Terminal = { //Flags to determine whether the player is currently running a hack or an analyze hackFlag: false, analyzeFlag: false, commandHistory: [], commandHistoryIndex: 0, resetTerminalInput: function() { document.getElementById("terminal-input-td").innerHTML = "
[" + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hostname + " ~]" + "$
" + ''; var hdr = document.getElementById("terminal-input-header"); hdr.style.display = "inline"; }, modifyInput: function(mod) { try { var terminalInput = document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box"); if (terminalInput == null) {return;} terminalInput.focus(); var inputLength = terminalInput.value.length; var start = terminalInput.selectionStart; var end = terminalInput.selectionEnd; var inputText = terminalInput.value; switch(mod.toLowerCase()) { case "backspace": if (start > 0 && start <= inputLength+1) { terminalInput.value = inputText.substr(0, start-1) + inputText.substr(start); } break; case "deletewordbefore": //Delete rest of word before the cursor for (var delStart = start-1; delStart > 0; --delStart) { if (inputText.charAt(delStart) === " ") { terminalInput.value = inputText.substr(0, delStart) + inputText.substr(start); return; } } break; case "deletewordafter": //Delete rest of word after the cursor for (var delStart = start+1; delStart <= text.length+1; ++delStart) { if (inputText.charAt(delStart) === " ") { terminalInput.value = inputText.substr(0, start) + inputText.substr(delStart); return; } } break; case "clearafter": //Deletes everything after cursor break; case "clearbefore:": //Deleetes everything before cursor break; } } catch(e) { console.log("Exception in Terminal.modifyInput: " + e); } }, moveTextCursor: function(loc) { try { var terminalInput = document.getElementById("terminal-input-text-box"); if (terminalInput == null) {return;} terminalInput.focus(); var inputLength = terminalInput.value.length; var start = terminalInput.selectionStart; var end = terminalInput.selectionEnd; switch(loc.toLowerCase()) { case "home": terminalInput.setSelectionRange(0,0); break; case "end": terminalInput.setSelectionRange(inputLength, inputLength); break; case "prevchar": if (start > 0) {terminalInput.setSelectionRange(start-1, start-1);} break; case "prevword": for (var i = start-2; i >= 0; --i) { if (terminalInput.value.charAt(i) === " ") { terminalInput.setSelectionRange(i+1, i+1); return; } } terminalInput.setSelectionRange(0, 0); break; case "nextchar": terminalInput.setSelectionRange(start+1, start+1); break; case "nextword": for (var i = start+1; i <= inputLength; ++i) { if (terminalInput.value.charAt(i) === " ") { terminalInput.setSelectionRange(i, i); return; } } terminalInput.setSelectionRange(inputLength, inputLength); break; default: console.log("WARNING: Invalid loc argument in Terminal.moveTextCursor()"); break; } } catch(e) { console.log("Exception in Terminal.moveTextCursor: " + e); } }, getTimestamp: function() { let d = new Date(); return (d.getMonth() + "/" + d.getDay() + " " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes()); }, finishAction: function(cancelled = false) { if (Terminal.hackFlag) { Terminal.finishHack(cancelled); } else if (Terminal.analyzeFlag) { Terminal.finishAnalyze(cancelled); } }, //Complete the hack/analyze command finishHack: function(cancelled = false) { if (cancelled == false) { var server = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); //Calculate whether hack was successful var hackChance = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].calculateHackingChance(); var rand = Math.random(); console.log("Hack success chance: " + hackChance + ", rand: " + rand); var expGainedOnSuccess = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].calculateExpGain(); var expGainedOnFailure = (expGainedOnSuccess / 4); if (rand < hackChance) { //Success! if (_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].WorldDaemon] && _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"][_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* SpecialServerNames */ "b"].WorldDaemon] == server.ip) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN == null) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN = 1; } Object(_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* hackWorldDaemon */ "a"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN); return; } server.manuallyHacked = true; var moneyGained = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].calculatePercentMoneyHacked(); moneyGained = Math.floor(server.moneyAvailable * moneyGained); if (moneyGained <= 0) {moneyGained = 0;} //Safety check server.moneyAvailable -= moneyGained; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(moneyGained); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(expGainedOnSuccess) _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(expGainedOnSuccess / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceTerminalHackBaseExpGain); server.fortify(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerFortifyAmount); post("Hack successful! Gained $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(moneyGained, 2) + " and " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(expGainedOnSuccess, 4) + " hacking EXP"); } else { //Failure //Player only gains 25% exp for failure? TODO Can change this later to balance _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(expGainedOnFailure) post("Failed to hack " + server.hostname + ". Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(expGainedOnFailure, 4) + " hacking EXP"); } } //Rename the progress bar so that the next hacks dont trigger it. Re-enable terminal $("#hack-progress-bar").attr('id', "old-hack-progress-bar"); $("#hack-progress").attr('id', "old-hack-progress"); Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); $('input[class=terminal-input]').prop('disabled', false); Terminal.hackFlag = false; }, finishAnalyze: function(cancelled = false) { if (cancelled == false) { post(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hostname + ": "); post("Organization name: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().organizationName); var rootAccess = ""; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hasAdminRights) {rootAccess = "YES";} else {rootAccess = "NO";} post("Root Access: " + rootAccess); post("Required hacking skill: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().requiredHackingSkill); post("Estimated server security level: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["addOffset"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hackDifficulty, 5), 3)); post("Estimated chance to hack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["addOffset"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].calculateHackingChance() * 100, 5), 2) + "%"); post("Estimated time to hack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["addOffset"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].calculateHackingTime(), 5), 3) + " seconds"); post("Estimated total money available on server: $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["addOffset"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().moneyAvailable, 5), 2)); post("Required number of open ports for NUKE: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().numOpenPortsRequired); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().sshPortOpen) { post("SSH port: Open") } else { post("SSH port: Closed") } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().ftpPortOpen) { post("FTP port: Open") } else { post("FTP port: Closed") } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().smtpPortOpen) { post("SMTP port: Open") } else { post("SMTP port: Closed") } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().httpPortOpen) { post("HTTP port: Open") } else { post("HTTP port: Closed") } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().sqlPortOpen) { post("SQL port: Open") } else { post("SQL port: Closed") } } Terminal.analyzeFlag = false; //Rename the progress bar so that the next hacks dont trigger it. Re-enable terminal $("#hack-progress-bar").attr('id', "old-hack-progress-bar"); $("#hack-progress").attr('id', "old-hack-progress"); Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); $('input[class=terminal-input]').prop('disabled', false); }, executeCommand: function(command) { command = command.trim(); //Replace all extra whitespace in command with a single space command = command.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); //Terminal history if (Terminal.commandHistory[Terminal.commandHistory.length-1] != command) { Terminal.commandHistory.push(command); if (Terminal.commandHistory.length > 50) { Terminal.commandHistory.splice(0, 1); } } Terminal.commandHistoryIndex = Terminal.commandHistory.length; //Process any aliases command = Object(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* substituteAliases */ "h"])(command); //Allow usage of ./ if (command.startsWith("./")) { command = "run " + command.slice(2); } //Only split the first space var commandArray = command.split(" "); if (commandArray.length > 1) { commandArray = [commandArray.shift(), commandArray.join(" ")]; } if (commandArray.length == 0) {return;} /****************** Interactive Tutorial Terminal Commands ******************/ if (_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialIsRunning */ "b"]) { var foodnstuffServ = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* GetServerByHostname */ "c"])("foodnstuff"); if (foodnstuffServ == null) {throw new Error("Could not get foodnstuff server"); return;} switch(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* currITutorialStep */ "a"]) { case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalHelp: if (commandArray[0] == "help") { post(_HelpText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["TerminalHelpText"]); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalLs: if (commandArray[0] == "ls") { Terminal.executeListCommand(commandArray); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalScan: if (commandArray[0] == "scan") { Terminal.executeScanCommand(commandArray); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalScanAnalyze1: if (commandArray.length == 1 && commandArray[0] == "scan-analyze") { Terminal.executeScanAnalyzeCommand(1); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalScanAnalyze2: if (commandArray.length == 2 && commandArray[0] == "scan-analyze" && commandArray[1] == "2") { Terminal.executeScanAnalyzeCommand(2); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalConnect: if (commandArray.length == 2) { if ((commandArray[0] == "connect") && (commandArray[1] == "foodnstuff" || commandArray[1] == foodnstuffServ.ip)) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = false; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].currentServer = foodnstuffServ.ip; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = true; post("Connected to foodnstuff"); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Wrong command! Try again!"); return;} } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalAnalyze: if (commandArray[0] == "analyze") { if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of analyze command. Usage: analyze"); return; } //Analyze the current server for information Terminal.analyzeFlag = true; post("Analyzing system..."); hackProgressPost("Time left:"); hackProgressBarPost("["); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].analyze(); //Disable terminal //Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); document.getElementById("terminal-input-td").innerHTML = ''; $('input[class=terminal-input]').prop('disabled', true); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else { post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial"); } break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalNuke: if (commandArray.length == 2 && commandArray[0] == "run" && commandArray[1] == "NUKE.exe") { foodnstuffServ.hasAdminRights = true; post("NUKE successful! Gained root access to foodnstuff"); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalManualHack: if (commandArray.length == 1 && commandArray[0] == "hack") { Terminal.hackFlag = true; hackProgressPost("Time left:"); hackProgressBarPost("["); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hack(); //Disable terminal //Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); document.getElementById("terminal-input-td").innerHTML = ''; $('input[class=terminal-input]').prop('disabled', true); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalCreateScript: if (commandArray.length == 2 && commandArray[0] == "nano" && commandArray[1] == "foodnstuff.script") { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].loadScriptEditorContent("foodnstuff.script", ""); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalFree: if (commandArray.length == 1 && commandArray[0] == "free") { Terminal.executeFreeCommand(commandArray); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalRunScript: if (commandArray.length == 2 && commandArray[0] == "run" && commandArray[1] == "foodnstuff.script") { Terminal.runScript("foodnstuff.script"); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; case _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].ActiveScriptsToTerminal: if (commandArray.length == 2 && commandArray[0] == "tail" && commandArray[1] == "foodnstuff.script") { //Check that the script exists on this machine var runningScript = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])("foodnstuff.script", [], _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer()); if (runningScript == null) { post("Error: No such script exists"); return; } Object(_utils_LogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* logBoxCreate */ "a"])(runningScript); Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } else {post("Bad command. Please follow the tutorial");} break; default: post("Please follow the tutorial, or click 'Exit Tutorial' if you'd like to skip it"); return; } return; } /****************** END INTERACTIVE TUTORIAL ******************/ /* Command parser */ var s = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); switch (commandArray[0].toLowerCase()) { case "alias": if (commandArray.length == 1) { Object(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* printAliases */ "f"])(); return; } if (commandArray.length == 2) { if (commandArray[1].startsWith("-g ")) { var alias = commandArray[1].substring(3); if (Object(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* parseAliasDeclaration */ "e"])(alias, true)) { return; } } else { if (Object(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* parseAliasDeclaration */ "e"])(commandArray[1])) { return; } } } post('Incorrect usage of alias command. Usage: alias [-g] [aliasname="value"]'); break; case "analyze": if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of analyze command. Usage: analyze"); return; } //Analyze the current server for information Terminal.analyzeFlag = true; post("Analyzing system..."); hackProgressPost("Time left:"); hackProgressBarPost("["); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].analyze(); //Disable terminal //Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); document.getElementById("terminal-input-td").innerHTML = ''; $('input[class=terminal-input]').prop('disabled', true); break; case "buy": if (_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server")) { Object(_DarkWeb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* executeDarkwebTerminalCommand */ "c"])(commandArray); } else { post("You need to be able to connect to the Dark Web to use the buy command. (Maybe there's a TOR router you can buy somewhere)"); } break; case "cat": if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of cat command. Usage: cat [file]"); return; } var filename = commandArray[1]; if (!filename.endsWith(".msg") && !filename.endsWith(".lit") && !filename.endsWith(".txt")) { post("Error: Only .msg, .txt, and .lit files are viewable with cat (filename must end with .msg, .txt, or .lit)"); return; } for (var i = 0; i < s.messages.length; ++i) { if (filename.endsWith(".lit") && s.messages[i] == filename) { Object(_Literature__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* showLiterature */ "b"])(s.messages[i]); return; } else if (filename.endsWith(".msg") && s.messages[i].filename == filename) { Object(_Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* showMessage */ "f"])(s.messages[i]); return; } } for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (s.textFiles[i].fn === filename) { s.textFiles[i].show(); return; } } post("Error: No such file " + filename); break; case "check": if (commandArray.length < 2) { post("Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: check [script] [arg1] [arg2]..."); } else { var results = commandArray[1].split(" "); var scriptName = results[0]; var args = []; for (var i = 1; i < results.length; ++i) { args.push(results[i]); } //Can only tail script files if (Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* isScriptFilename */ "e"])(scriptName) == false) { post("Error: tail can only be called on .script files (filename must end with .script)"); return; } //Check that the script exists on this machine var runningScript = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(scriptName, args, s); if (runningScript == null) { post("Error: No such script exists"); return; } runningScript.displayLog(); } break; case "clear": case "cls": if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of clear/cls command. Usage: clear/cls"); return; } $("#terminal tr:not(:last)").remove(); postNetburnerText(); break; case "connect": //Disconnect from current server in terminal and connect to new one if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of connect command. Usage: connect [ip/hostname]"); return; } var ip = commandArray[1]; for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().serversOnNetwork.length; i++) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().getServerOnNetwork(i).ip == ip || _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().getServerOnNetwork(i).hostname == ip) { Terminal.connectToServer(ip); return; } } post("Host not found"); break; case "download": if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of download command. Usage: download [text file]"); return; } var fn = commandArray[1]; if (fn === "*" || fn === "*.script" || fn === "*.txt") { //Download all scripts as a zip var zip = new jszip__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__(); if (fn === "*" || fn === "*.script") { for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; ++i) { var file = new Blob([s.scripts[i].code], {type:"text/plain"}); zip.file(s.scripts[i].filename + ".js", file); } } if (fn === "*" || fn === "*.txt") { for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { var file = new Blob([s.textFiles[i].text], {type:"text/plain"}); zip.file(s.textFiles[i].fn, file); } } var filename; switch (fn) { case "*.script": filename = "bitburnerScripts.zip"; break; case "*.txt": filename = "bitburnerTexts.zip"; break; default: filename = "bitburnerFiles.zip"; break; } zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}).then(function(content) { file_saver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__["saveAs"](content, filename); }); return; } else if (Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* isScriptFilename */ "e"])(fn)) { //Download a single script for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; ++i) { if (s.scripts[i].filename === fn) { return s.scripts[i].download(); } } } else if (fn.endsWith(".txt")) { //Download a single text file var txtFile = Object(_TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["getTextFile"])(fn, s); if (txtFile !== null) { return txtFile.download(); } } post("Error: " + fn + " does not exist"); break; case "free": Terminal.executeFreeCommand(commandArray); break; case "hack": if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of hack command. Usage: hack"); return; } //Hack the current PC (usually for money) //You can't hack your home pc or servers you purchased if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().purchasedByPlayer) { post("Cannot hack your own machines! You are currently connected to your home PC or one of your purchased servers"); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hasAdminRights == false ) { post("You do not have admin rights for this machine! Cannot hack"); } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().requiredHackingSkill > _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill) { post("Your hacking skill is not high enough to attempt hacking this machine. Try analyzing the machine to determine the required hacking skill"); } else { Terminal.hackFlag = true; hackProgressPost("Time left:"); hackProgressBarPost("["); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hack(); //Disable terminal //Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); document.getElementById("terminal-input-td").innerHTML = ''; $('input[class=terminal-input]').prop('disabled', true); } break; case "help": if (commandArray.length != 1 && commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of help command. Usage: help"); return; } if (commandArray.length == 1) { post(_HelpText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["TerminalHelpText"]); } else { var cmd = commandArray[1]; var txt = _HelpText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["HelpTexts"][cmd]; if (txt == null) { post("Error: No help topics match '" + cmd + "'"); return; } post(txt); } break; case "home": if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of home command. Usage: home"); return; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = false; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].currentServer = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().ip; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = true; post("Connected to home"); Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); break; case "hostname": if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of hostname command. Usage: hostname"); return; } //Print the hostname of current system post(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hostname); break; case "ifconfig": if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of ifconfig command. Usage: ifconfig"); return; } //Print the IP address of the current system post(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().ip); break; case "kill": if (commandArray.length < 2) { post("Incorrect usage of kill command. Usage: kill [scriptname] [arg1] [arg2]..."); return; } var results = commandArray[1].split(" "); var scriptName = results[0]; var args = []; for (var i = 1; i < results.length; ++i) { args.push(results[i]); } var runningScript = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(scriptName, args, s); if (runningScript == null) { post("No such script is running. Nothing to kill"); return; } Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* killWorkerScript */ "d"])(runningScript, s.ip); post("Killing " + scriptName + ". May take up to a few minutes for the scripts to die..."); break; case "killall": for (var i = s.runningScripts.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* killWorkerScript */ "d"])(s.runningScripts[i], s.ip); } post("Killing all running scripts. May take up to a few minutes for the scripts to die..."); break; case "ls": Terminal.executeListCommand(commandArray); break; case "lscpu": post(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().cpuCores + " Core(s)"); break; case "mem": if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of mem command. usage: mem [scriptname] [-t] [number threads]"); return; } var scriptName = commandArray[1]; var numThreads = 1; if (scriptName.indexOf(" -t ") != -1) { var results = scriptName.split(" "); if (results.length != 3) { post("Invalid use of run command. Usage: mem [script] [-t] [number threads]"); return; } numThreads = Math.round(Number(results[2])); if (isNaN(numThreads) || numThreads < 1) { post("Invalid number of threads specified. Number of threads must be greater than 1"); return; } scriptName = results[0]; } var currServ = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { if (scriptName == currServ.scripts[i].filename) { var scriptBaseRamUsage = currServ.scripts[i].ramUsage; var ramUsage = scriptBaseRamUsage * numThreads; post("This script requires " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(ramUsage, 2) + "GB of RAM to run for " + numThreads + " thread(s)"); return; } } post("ERR: No such script exists!"); break; case "nano": if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of nano command. Usage: nano [scriptname]"); return; } var filename = commandArray[1]; if (filename === ".fconf") { var text = Object(_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* createFconf */ "b"])(); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].loadScriptEditorContent(filename, text); return; } else if (Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* isScriptFilename */ "e"])(filename)) { for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; i++) { if (filename == s.scripts[i].filename) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].loadScriptEditorContent(filename, s.scripts[i].code); return; } } } else if (filename.endsWith(".txt")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (filename === s.textFiles[i].fn) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].loadScriptEditorContent(filename, s.textFiles[i].text); return; } } } else { post("Error: Invalid file. Only scripts (.script), text files (.txt), or .fconf can be edited with nano"); return; } _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["Engine"].loadScriptEditorContent(filename); break; case "ps": if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of ps command. Usage: ps"); return; } for (var i = 0; i < s.runningScripts.length; i++) { var rsObj = s.runningScripts[i]; var res = rsObj.filename; for (var j = 0; j < rsObj.args.length; ++j) { res += (" " + rsObj.args[j].toString()); } post(res); } break; case "rm": if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: rm [program/script]"); return; } //Check programs var delTarget = commandArray[1]; if (delTarget.includes(".exe")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.programs.length; ++i) { if (s.programs[i] == delTarget) { s.programs.splice(i, 1); return; } } } else if (Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* isScriptFilename */ "e"])(delTarget)) { for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; ++i) { if (s.scripts[i].filename == delTarget) { //Check that the script isnt currently running for (var j = 0; j < s.runningScripts.length; ++j) { if (s.runningScripts[j].filename == delTarget) { post("Cannot delete a script that is currently running!"); return; } } s.scripts.splice(i, 1); return; } } } else if (delTarget.endsWith(".lit")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.messages.length; ++i) { var f = s.messages[i]; if (!(f instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Message */ "a"]) && Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["isString"])(f) && f === delTarget) { s.messages.splice(i, 1); return; } } } else if (delTarget.endsWith(".txt")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (s.textFiles[i].fn === delTarget) { s.textFiles.splice(i, 1); return; } } } post("Error: No such file exists"); break; case "run": //Run a program or a script if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: run [program/script] [-t] [num threads] [arg1] [arg2]..."); } else { var executableName = commandArray[1]; //Secret Music player! if (executableName === "musicplayer") { post('', false); return; } //Check if its a script or just a program/executable //if (isScriptFilename(executableName)) { if (executableName.includes(".script") || executableName.includes(".js") || executableName.includes(".ns")) { Terminal.runScript(executableName); } else { Terminal.runProgram(executableName); } } break; case "scan": Terminal.executeScanCommand(commandArray); break; case "scan-analyze": if (commandArray.length == 1) { Terminal.executeScanAnalyzeCommand(1); } else if (commandArray.length == 2) { var all = false; if (commandArray[1].endsWith("-a")) { all = true; commandArray[1] = commandArray[1].replace("-a", ""); } var depth; if (commandArray[1].length === 0) { depth = 1; } else { depth = Number(commandArray[1]); } if (isNaN(depth) || depth < 0) { post("Incorrect usage of scan-analyze command. depth argument must be positive numeric"); return; } if (depth > 3 && !_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].DeepscanV1.name) && !_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].DeepscanV2.name)) { post("You cannot scan-analyze with that high of a depth. Maximum depth is 3"); return; } else if (depth > 5 && !_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].DeepscanV2.name)) { post("You cannot scan-analyze with that high of a depth. Maximum depth is 5"); return; } else if (depth > 10) { post("You cannot scan-analyze with that high of a depth. Maximum depth is 10"); return; } Terminal.executeScanAnalyzeCommand(depth, all); } else { post("Incorrect usage of scan-analyze command. usage: scan-analyze [depth]"); } break; case "scp": if (commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of scp command. Usage: scp [file] [destination hostname/ip]"); return; } var args = commandArray[1].split(" "); if (args.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of scp command. Usage: scp [file] [destination hostname/ip]"); return; } var scriptname = args[0]; if (!scriptname.endsWith(".lit") && !Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* isScriptFilename */ "e"])(scriptname) && !scriptname.endsWith(".txt")){ post("Error: scp only works for .script, .txt, and .lit files"); return; } var destServer = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* getServer */ "e"])(args[1]); if (destServer == null) { post("Invalid destination. " + args[1] + " not found"); return; } var ip = destServer.ip; var currServ = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); //Scp for lit files if (scriptname.endsWith(".lit")) { var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) { if (!(currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Message */ "a"]) && currServ.messages[i] == scriptname) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) {return post("Error: no such file exists!");} for (var i = 0; i < destServer.messages.length; ++i) { if (destServer.messages[i] === scriptname) { post(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); return; //Already exists } } destServer.messages.push(scriptname); post(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); return; } //Scp for txt files if (scriptname.endsWith(".txt")) { var found = false, txtFile; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (currServ.textFiles[i].fn === scriptname) { found = true; txtFile = currServ.textFiles[i]; break; } } if (!found) {return post("Error: no such file exists!");} for (var i = 0; i < destServer.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (destServer.textFiles[i].fn === scriptname) { //Overwrite destServer.textFiles[i].text = txtFile.text; post("WARNING: " + scriptname + " already exists on " + destServer.hostname + "and will be overwriten"); return post(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } } var newFile = new _TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__["TextFile"](txtFile.fn, txtFile.text); destServer.textFiles.push(newFile); return post(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } //Get the current script var sourceScript = null; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { if (scriptname == currServ.scripts[i].filename) { sourceScript = currServ.scripts[i]; break; } } if (sourceScript == null) { post("ERROR: scp() failed. No such script exists"); return; } //Overwrite script if it exists for (var i = 0; i < destServer.scripts.length; ++i) { if (scriptname == destServer.scripts[i].filename) { post("WARNING: " + scriptname + " already exists on " + destServer.hostname + " and will be overwritten"); var oldScript = destServer.scripts[i]; oldScript.code = sourceScript.code; oldScript.ramUsage = sourceScript.ramUsage; oldScript.module = ""; post(scriptname + " overwriten on " + destServer.hostname); return; } } var newScript = new _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* Script */ "c"](); newScript.filename = scriptname; newScript.code = sourceScript.code; newScript.ramUsage = sourceScript.ramUsage; newScript.destServer = ip; destServer.scripts.push(newScript); post(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); break; case "sudov": if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: sudov"); return; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hasAdminRights) { post("You have ROOT access to this machine"); } else { post("You do NOT have root access to this machine"); } break; case "tail": if (commandArray.length < 2) { post("Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: tail [script] [arg1] [arg2]..."); } else { var results = commandArray[1].split(" "); var scriptName = results[0]; var args = []; for (var i = 1; i < results.length; ++i) { args.push(results[i]); } //Can only tail script files if (Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* isScriptFilename */ "e"])(scriptName) == false) { post("Error: tail can only be called on .script files (filename must end with .script)"); return; } //Check that the script exists on this machine var runningScript = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(scriptName, args, s); if (runningScript == null) { post("Error: No such script exists"); return; } Object(_utils_LogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* logBoxCreate */ "a"])(runningScript); } break; case "theme": //todo support theme saving var args = commandArray[1] ? commandArray[1].split(" ") : []; if (args.length != 1 && args.length != 3) { post("Incorrect number of arguments."); post("Usage: theme [default|muted|solarized] | #[background color hex] #[text color hex] #[highlight color hex]"); } else if(args.length == 1){ var themeName = args[0]; if (themeName == "default"){ document.body.style.setProperty('--my-highlight-color',"#ffffff"); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-font-color',"#66ff33"); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-background-color',"#000000"); } else if (themeName == "muted"){ document.body.style.setProperty('--my-highlight-color',"#ffffff"); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-font-color',"#66ff33"); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-background-color',"#252527"); } else if (themeName == "solarized"){ document.body.style.setProperty('--my-highlight-color',"#6c71c4"); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-font-color',"#839496"); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-background-color',"#002b36"); } else { return post("Theme not found"); } _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Settings */ "a"].ThemeHighlightColor = document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--my-highlight-color"); _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Settings */ "a"].ThemeFontColor = document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--my-font-color"); _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Settings */ "a"].ThemeBackgroundColor = document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--my-background-color"); } else { var inputBackgroundHex = args[0]; var inputTextHex = args[1]; var inputHighlightHex = args[2]; if (/(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(inputBackgroundHex) && /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(inputTextHex) && /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(inputHighlightHex)){ document.body.style.setProperty('--my-highlight-color',inputHighlightHex); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-font-color',inputTextHex); document.body.style.setProperty('--my-background-color',inputBackgroundHex); _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Settings */ "a"].ThemeHighlightColor = document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--my-highlight-color"); _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Settings */ "a"].ThemeFontColor = document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--my-font-color"); _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Settings */ "a"].ThemeBackgroundColor = document.body.style.getPropertyValue("--my-background-color"); } else { return post("Invalid Hex Input for theme"); } } break; case "top": if(commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of top command. Usage: top"); return; } post("Script Threads RAM Usage"); var currRunningScripts = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().runningScripts; //Iterate through scripts on current server for(var i = 0; i < currRunningScripts.length; i++) { var script = currRunningScripts[i]; //Calculate name padding var numSpacesScript = 32 - script.filename.length; //26 -> width of name column if (numSpacesScript < 0) {numSpacesScript = 0;} var spacesScript = Array(numSpacesScript+1).join(" "); //Calculate thread padding var numSpacesThread = 16 - (script.threads + "").length; //16 -> width of thread column var spacesThread = Array(numSpacesThread+1).join(" "); //Calculate and transform RAM usage ramUsage = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(script.scriptRef.ramUsage * script.threads, 2).toString() + "GB"; var entry = [script.filename, spacesScript, script.threads, spacesThread, ramUsage]; post(entry.join("")); } break; case "unalias": if (commandArray.length != 2) { post('Incorrect usage of unalias name. Usage: unalias "[alias]"'); return; } else if (!(commandArray[1].startsWith('"') && commandArray[1].endsWith('"'))) { post('Incorrect usage of unalias name. Usage: unalias "[alias]"'); } else { var alias = commandArray[1].slice(1, -1); if (Object(_Alias__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* removeAlias */ "g"])(alias)) { post("Removed alias " + alias); } else { post("No such alias exists"); } } break; default: post("Command not found"); } }, connectToServer: function(ip) { console.log("Connect to server called"); var serv = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (serv == null) { post("Invalid server. Connection failed."); return; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = false; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].currentServer = serv.ip; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().isConnectedTo = true; post("Connected to " + serv.hostname); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hostname == "darkweb") { Object(_DarkWeb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* checkIfConnectedToDarkweb */ "b"])(); //Posts a 'help' message if connecting to dark web } Terminal.resetTerminalInput(); }, executeListCommand: function(commandArray) { if (commandArray.length != 1 && commandArray.length != 2) { post("Incorrect usage of ls command. Usage: ls [| grep pattern]"); return; } //grep var filter = null; if (commandArray.length == 2) { if (commandArray[1].startsWith("| grep ")) { var pattern = commandArray[1].replace("| grep ", ""); if (pattern != " ") { filter = pattern; } } else { post("Incorrect usage of ls command. Usage: ls [| grep pattern]"); return; } } //Display all programs and scripts var allFiles = []; //Get all of the programs and scripts on the machine into one temporary array var s = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); for (var i = 0; i < s.programs.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (s.programs[i].includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(s.programs[i]); } } else { allFiles.push(s.programs[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (s.scripts[i].filename.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(s.scripts[i].filename); } } else { allFiles.push(s.scripts[i].filename); } } for (var i = 0; i < s.messages.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (s.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Message */ "a"]) { if (s.messages[i].filename.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(s.messages[i].filename); } } else if (s.messages[i].includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(s.messages[i]); } } else { if (s.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Message */ "a"]) { allFiles.push(s.messages[i].filename); } else { allFiles.push(s.messages[i]); } } } for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (filter) { if (s.textFiles[i].fn.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(s.textFiles[i].fn); } } else { allFiles.push(s.textFiles[i].fn); } } //Sort the files alphabetically then print each allFiles.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < allFiles.length; i++) { post(allFiles[i]); } }, executeScanCommand: function(commandArray) { if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of netstat/scan command. Usage: netstat/scan"); return; } //Displays available network connections using TCP post("Hostname IP Root Access"); for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().serversOnNetwork.length; i++) { //Add hostname var entry = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().getServerOnNetwork(i); if (entry == null) {continue;} entry = entry.hostname; //Calculate padding and add IP var numSpaces = 21 - entry.length; var spaces = Array(numSpaces+1).join(" "); entry += spaces; entry += _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().getServerOnNetwork(i).ip; //Calculate padding and add root access info var hasRoot; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().getServerOnNetwork(i).hasAdminRights) { hasRoot = 'Y'; } else { hasRoot = 'N'; } numSpaces = 21 - _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().getServerOnNetwork(i).ip.length; spaces = Array(numSpaces+1).join(" "); entry += spaces; entry += hasRoot; post(entry); } }, executeScanAnalyzeCommand: function(depth=1, all=false) { //We'll use the AllServersMap as a visited() array //TODO Using array as stack for now, can make more efficient post("~~~~~~~~~~ Beginning scan-analyze ~~~~~~~~~~"); post(" "); var visited = new _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* AllServersMap */ "a"](); var stack = []; var depthQueue = [0]; var currServ = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); stack.push(currServ); while(stack.length != 0) { var s = stack.pop(); var d = depthQueue.pop(); if (!all && s.purchasedByPlayer && s.hostname != "home") { continue; //Purchased server } else if (visited[s.ip] || d > depth) { continue; //Already visited or out-of-depth } else { visited[s.ip] = 1; } for (var i = s.serversOnNetwork.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { stack.push(s.getServerOnNetwork(i)); depthQueue.push(d+1); } if (d == 0) {continue;} //Don't print current server var titleDashes = Array((d-1) * 4 + 1).join("-"); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].AutoLink.name)) { post("" + titleDashes + "> " + s.hostname + "", false); } else { post("" + titleDashes + ">" + s.hostname + ""); } var dashes = titleDashes + "--"; //var dashes = Array(d * 2 + 1).join("-"); var c = "NO"; if (s.hasAdminRights) {c = "YES";} post(dashes + "Root Access: " + c + ", Required hacking skill: " + s.requiredHackingSkill); post(dashes + "Number of open ports required to NUKE: " + s.numOpenPortsRequired); post(dashes + "RAM: " + s.maxRam); post(" "); } var links = document.getElementsByClassName("scan-analyze-link"); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) { (function() { var hostname = links[i].innerHTML.toString(); links[i].onclick = function() { if (Terminal.analyzeFlag || Terminal.hackFlag) {return;} Terminal.connectToServer(hostname); } }());//Immediate invocation } }, executeFreeCommand: function(commandArray) { if (commandArray.length != 1) { post("Incorrect usage of free command. Usage: free"); return; } post("Total: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().maxRam, 2) + " GB"); post("Used: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().ramUsed, 2) + " GB"); post("Available: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().maxRam - _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().ramUsed, 2) + " GB"); }, //First called when the "run [program]" command is called. Checks to see if you //have the executable and, if you do, calls the executeProgram() function runProgram: function(programName) { //Check if you have the program on your computer. If you do, execute it, otherwise //display an error message var splitArgs = programName.split(" "); var name = " "; if (splitArgs.length > 1) { name = splitArgs[0]; } else { name = programName; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(name)) { Terminal.executeProgram(programName); return; } post("ERROR: No such executable on home computer (Only programs that exist on your home computer can be run)"); }, //Contains the implementations of all possible programs executeProgram: function(programName) { var s = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); var splitArgs = programName.split(" "); if (splitArgs.length > 1) { programName = splitArgs[0]; } switch (programName) { case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].NukeProgram.name: if (s.hasAdminRights) { post("You already have root access to this computer. There is no reason to run NUKE.exe"); } else { if (s.openPortCount >= _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().numOpenPortsRequired) { s.hasAdminRights = true; post("NUKE successful! Gained root access to " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer().hostname); //TODO Make this take time rather than be instant } else { post("NUKE unsuccessful. Not enough ports have been opened"); } } break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].BruteSSHProgram.name: if (s.sshPortOpen) { post("SSH Port (22) is already open!"); } else { s.sshPortOpen = true; post("Opened SSH Port(22)!") ++s.openPortCount; } break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].FTPCrackProgram.name: if (s.ftpPortOpen) { post("FTP Port (21) is already open!"); } else { s.ftpPortOpen = true; post("Opened FTP Port (21)!"); ++s.openPortCount; } break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].RelaySMTPProgram.name: if (s.smtpPortOpen) { post("SMTP Port (25) is already open!"); } else { s.smtpPortOpen = true; post("Opened SMTP Port (25)!"); ++s.openPortCount; } break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].HTTPWormProgram.name: if (s.httpPortOpen) { post("HTTP Port (80) is already open!"); } else { s.httpPortOpen = true; post("Opened HTTP Port (80)!"); ++s.openPortCount; } break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].SQLInjectProgram.name: if (s.sqlPortOpen) { post("SQL Port (1433) is already open!"); } else { s.sqlPortOpen = true; post("Opened SQL Port (1433)!"); ++s.openPortCount; } break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].ServerProfiler.name: if (splitArgs.length != 2) { post("Must pass a server hostname or IP as an argument for ServerProfiler.exe"); return; } var serv = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* getServer */ "e"])(splitArgs[1]); if (serv == null) { post("Invalid server IP/hostname"); return; } post(serv.hostname + ":"); post("Server base security level: " + serv.baseDifficulty); post("Server current security level: " + serv.hackDifficulty); post("Server growth rate: " + serv.serverGrowth); post("Netscript hack() execution time: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* scriptCalculateHackingTime */ "j"])(serv), 1) + "s"); post("Netscript grow() execution time: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* scriptCalculateGrowTime */ "h"])(serv)/1000, 1) + "s"); post("Netscript weaken() execution time: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* scriptCalculateWeakenTime */ "l"])(serv)/1000, 1) + "s"); break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].AutoLink.name: post("This executable cannot be run."); post("AutoLink.exe lets you automatically connect to other servers when using 'scan-analyze'."); post("When using scan-analyze, click on a server's hostname to connect to it."); break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].DeepscanV1.name: post("This executable cannot be run."); post("DeepscanV1.exe lets you run 'scan-analyze' with a depth up to 5."); break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].DeepscanV2.name: post("This executable cannot be run."); post("DeepscanV2.exe lets you run 'scan-analyze' with a depth up to 10."); break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].Flight.name: post("Augmentations: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.length + " / 30"); post("Money: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12___default()(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].money.toNumber()).format('($0.000a)') + " / " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12___default()(1e11).format('($0.000a)')); post("One path below must be fulfilled..."); post("----------HACKING PATH----------"); post("Hacking skill: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill + " / 2500"); post("----------COMBAT PATH----------"); post("Strength: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].strength + " / 1500"); post("Defense: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].defense + " / 1500"); post("Dexterity: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity + " / 1500"); post("Agility: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].agility + " / 1500"); break; case _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Programs */ "a"].BitFlume.name: var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* yesNoBoxGetYesButton */ "d"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* yesNoBoxGetNoButton */ "c"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Travel to BitNode Nexus"; noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { Object(_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* hackWorldDaemon */ "a"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN, true); return Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { return Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* yesNoBoxCreate */ "b"])("WARNING: USING THIS PROGRAM WILL CAUSE YOU TO LOSE ALL OF YOUR PROGRESS ON THE CURRENT BITNODE.

" + "Do you want to travel to the BitNode Nexus? This allows you to reset the current BitNode " + "and select a new one."); break; default: post("Invalid executable. Cannot be run"); return; } }, runScript: function(scriptName) { var server = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); var numThreads = 1; var args = []; var results = scriptName.split(" "); if (results.length <= 0) { post("This is a bug. Please contact developer"); } scriptName = results[0]; if (results.length > 1) { if (results.length >= 3 && results[1] == "-t") { numThreads = Math.round(Number(results[2])); if (isNaN(numThreads) || numThreads < 1) { post("Invalid number of threads specified. Number of threads must be greater than 0"); return; } for (var i = 3; i < results.length; ++i) { var arg = results[i]; //Forced string if ((arg.startsWith("'") && arg.endsWith("'")) || (arg.startsWith('"') && arg.endsWith('"'))) { args.push(arg.slice(1, -1)); continue; } //Number var tempNum = Number(arg); if (!isNaN(tempNum)) { args.push(tempNum); continue; } //Otherwise string args.push(arg); } } else { for (var i = 1; i < results.length; ++i) { var arg = results[i]; //Forced string if ((arg.startsWith("'") && arg.endsWith("'")) || (arg.startsWith('"') && arg.endsWith('"'))) { args.push(arg.slice(1, -1)); continue; } //Number var tempNum = Number(arg); if (!isNaN(tempNum)) { args.push(tempNum); continue; } //Otherwise string args.push(arg); } } } //Check if this script is already running if (Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(scriptName, args, server) != null) { post("ERROR: This script is already running. Cannot run multiple instances"); return; } //Check if the script exists and if it does run it for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; i++) { if (server.scripts[i].filename == scriptName) { //Check for admin rights and that there is enough RAM availble to run var script = server.scripts[i]; var ramUsage = script.ramUsage * numThreads; var ramAvailable = server.maxRam - server.ramUsed; if (server.hasAdminRights == false) { post("Need root access to run script"); return; } else if (ramUsage > ramAvailable){ post("This machine does not have enough RAM to run this script with " + numThreads + " threads. Script requires " + ramUsage + "GB of RAM"); return; } else { //Able to run script post("Running script with " + numThreads + " thread(s) and args: " + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["arrayToString"])(args) + "."); post("May take a few seconds to start up the process..."); var runningScriptObj = new _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* RunningScript */ "b"](script, args); runningScriptObj.threads = numThreads; server.runningScripts.push(runningScriptObj); Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* addWorkerScript */ "c"])(runningScriptObj, server); return; } } } post("ERROR: No such script"); } }; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 51))) /***/ }), /* 26 */, /* 27 */ /*!******************************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/uiHelpers/removeChildrenFromElement.ts ***! \******************************************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used: removeChildrenFromElement */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const isString_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ../helpers/isString */ 32); const getElementById_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./getElementById */ 53); /** * Clears out all children from the provided element. * If a string is passed in, it will treat it as an ID and search for the element to delete all children from. * @param el The element or ID of an element to remove all children from. */ function removeChildrenFromElement(el) { if (el === null) { return; } try { const elem = (isString_1.isString(el) ? getElementById_1.getElementById(el) : el); if (elem instanceof Element) { while (elem.firstChild !== null) { elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild); } } } catch (e) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.debug(e); return; } } exports.removeChildrenFromElement = removeChildrenFromElement; /***/ }), /* 28 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** ./src/InteractiveTutorial.js ***! \************************************/ /*! exports provided: iTutorialSteps, iTutorialEnd, iTutorialStart, iTutorialNextStep, currITutorialStep, iTutorialIsRunning */ /*! exports used: currITutorialStep, iTutorialIsRunning, iTutorialNextStep, iTutorialStart, iTutorialSteps */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return iTutorialSteps; }); /* unused harmony export iTutorialEnd */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return iTutorialStart; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return iTutorialNextStep; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return currITutorialStep; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return iTutorialIsRunning; }); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners */ 13); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__); /* InteractiveTutorial.js */ let iTutorialSteps = { Start: "Start", GoToCharacterPage: "Click on the Character page menu link", CharacterPage: "Introduction to Character page", CharacterGoToTerminalPage: "Click on the Terminal link", TerminalIntro: "Introduction to terminal interface", TerminalHelp: "Using the help command to display all options in terminal", TerminalLs: "Use the ls command to show all programs/scripts. Right now we have NUKE.exe", TerminalScan: "Using the scan command to display all available connections", TerminalScanAnalyze1: "Use the scan-analyze command to show hacking related information", TerminalScanAnalyze2: "Use the scan-analyze command with a depth of 3", TerminalConnect: "Using the telnet/connect command to connect to another server", TerminalAnalyze: "Use the analyze command to display details about this server", TerminalNuke: "Use the NUKE Program to gain root access to a server", TerminalManualHack: "Use the hack command to manually hack a server", TerminalHackingMechanics: "Briefly explain hacking mechanics", TerminalCreateScript: "Create a script using nano", TerminalTypeScript: "This occurs in the Script Editor page...type the script then save and close", TerminalFree: "Use the free command to check RAM", TerminalRunScript: "Use the run command to run a script", TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage: "Go to the ActiveScriptsPage", ActiveScriptsPage: "Introduction to the Active Scripts Page", ActiveScriptsToTerminal: "Go from Active Scripts Page Back to Terminal", TerminalTailScript: "Use the tail command to show a script's logs", GoToHacknetNodesPage: "Go to the Hacknet Nodes page", HacknetNodesIntroduction: "Introduction to Hacknet Nodesm and have user purchase one", HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage: "Go to the world page", WorldDescription: "Tell the user to explore..theres a lot of different stuff to do out there", TutorialPageInfo: "The tutorial page contains a lot of info on different subjects", End: "End", } var currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.Start; var iTutorialIsRunning = false; function iTutorialStart() { //Don't autosave during this interactive tutorial _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].Counters.autoSaveCounter = 999000000000; console.log("Interactive Tutorial started"); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.Start; iTutorialIsRunning = true; document.getElementById("interactive-tutorial-container").style.display = "block"; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); //Exit tutorial button var exitButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-exit"); exitButton.addEventListener("click", function() { iTutorialEnd(); return false; }); //Back button var backButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-back"); backButton.style.display = "none"; backButton.addEventListener("click", function() { iTutorialPrevStep(); return false; }); } function iTutorialEvaluateStep() { if (!iTutorialIsRunning) {console.log("Interactive Tutorial not running"); return;} switch(currITutorialStep) { case iTutorialSteps.Start: _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent(); iTutorialSetText("Welcome to Bitburner, a cyberpunk-themed incremental RPG! " + "The game takes place in a dark, dystopian future...The year is 2077...

" + "This tutorial will show you the basics of the game. " + "You may skip the tutorial at any time."); var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "inline-block"; next.addEventListener("click", function() { iTutorialNextStep(); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage: iTutorialSetText("Let's start by heading to the Stats page. Click the 'Stats' tab on " + "the main navigation menu (left-hand side of the screen)"); //No next button var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "none"; //Flash Character tab document.getElementById("stats-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button"); //Initialize everything necessary to open the "Character" page var charaterMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("stats-menu-link"); charaterMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadCharacterContent(); iTutorialNextStep(); //Opening the character page will go to the next step Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("stats-menu-link"); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage: iTutorialSetText("The Stats page shows a lot of important information about your progress, " + "such as your skills, money, and bonuses/multipliers. ") var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "inline-block"; next.addEventListener("click", function() { iTutorialNextStep(); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage: iTutorialSetText("Let's head to your computer's terminal by clicking the 'Terminal' tab on the " + "main navigation menu."); //No next button var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button"); //Initialize everything necessary to open the 'Terminal' Page var terminalMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link"); terminalMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent(); iTutorialNextStep(); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("terminal-menu-link"); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro: iTutorialSetText("The Terminal is used to interface with your home computer as well as " + "all of the other machines around the world."); var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "inline-block"; next.addEventListener("click", function() { iTutorialNextStep(); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp: iTutorialSetText("Let's try it out. Start by entering the 'help' command into the Terminal " + "(Don't forget to press Enter after typing the command)"); var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "none"; //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs: iTutorialSetText("The 'help' command displays a list of all available Terminal commands, how to use them, " + "and a description of what they do.

Let's try another command. Enter the 'ls' command"); //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan: iTutorialSetText("'ls' is a basic command that shows all of the contents (programs/scripts) " + "on the computer. Right now, it shows that you have a program called 'NUKE.exe' on your computer. " + "We'll get to what this does later.

Using your home computer's terminal, you can connect " + "to other machines throughout the world. Let's do that now by first entering " + "the 'scan' command. "); //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze1: iTutorialSetText("The 'scan' command shows all available network connections. In other words, " + "it displays a list of all servers that can be connected to from your " + "current machine. A server is identified by either its IP or its hostname.

" + "That's great and all, but there's so many servers. Which one should you go to? " + "The 'scan-analyze' command gives some more detailed information about servers on the " + "network. Try it now"); //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze2: iTutorialSetText("You just ran 'scan-analyze' with a depth of one. This command shows more detailed " + "information about each server that you can connect to (servers that are a distance of " + "one node away).

It is also possible to run 'scan-analyze' with " + "a higher depth. Let's try a depth of two with the following command: 'scan-analyze 2'.") //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect: iTutorialSetText("Now you can see information about all servers that are up to two nodes away, as well " + "as figure out how to navigate to those servers through the network. You can only connect to " + "a server that is one node away. To connect to a machine, use the 'connect [ip/hostname]' command. You can type in " + "the ip or the hostname, but dont use both.

" + "From the results of the 'scan-analyze' command, we can see that the 'foodnstuff' server is " + "only one node away. Let's connect so it now using: 'connect foodnstuff'"); //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze: iTutorialSetText("You are now connected to another machine! What can you do now? You can hack it!

In the year 2077, currency has " + "become digital and decentralized. People and corporations store their money " + "on servers and computers. Using your hacking abilities, you can hack servers " + "to steal money and gain experience.

" + "Before you try to hack a server, you should run diagnostics using the 'analyze' command"); //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke: iTutorialSetText("When the 'analyze' command finishes running it will show useful information " + "about hacking the server.

For this server, the required hacking skill is only 1, " + "which means you can hack it right now. However, in order to hack a server " + "you must first gain root access. The 'NUKE.exe' program that we saw earlier on your " + "home computer is a virus that will grant you root access to a machine if there are enough " + "open ports.

The 'analyze' results shows that there do not need to be any open ports " + "on this machine for the NUKE virus to work, so go ahead and run the virus using the " + "'run NUKE.exe' command."); //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack: iTutorialSetText("You now have root access! You can hack the server using the 'hack' command. " + "Try doing that now."); //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHackingMechanics: iTutorialSetText("You are now attempting to hack the server. Note that performing a hack takes time and " + "only has a certain percentage chance " + "of success. This time and success chance is determined by a variety of factors, including " + "your hacking skill and the server's security level.

" + "If your attempt to hack the server is successful, you will steal a certain percentage " + "of the server's total money. This percentage is affected by your hacking skill and " + "the server's security level.

The amount of money on a server is not limitless. So, if " + "you constantly hack a server and deplete its money, then you will encounter " + "diminishing returns in your hacking."); var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "inline-block"; next.addEventListener("click", function() { iTutorialNextStep(); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript: iTutorialSetText("Hacking is the core mechanic of the game and is necessary for progressing. However, " + "you don't want to be hacking manually the entire time. You can automate your hacking " + "by writing scripts!

To create a new script or edit an existing one, you can use the 'nano' " + "command. Scripts must end with the '.script' extension. Let's make a script now by " + "entering 'nano foodnstuff.script' after the hack command finishes running (Sidenote: Pressing ctrl + c" + " will end a command like hack early)"); var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "none"; //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript: iTutorialSetText("This is the script editor. You can use it to program your scripts. Scripts are " + "written in the Netscript language, a programming language created for " + "this game. There are details about the Netscript language in the documentation, which " + "can be accessed in the 'Tutorial' tab on the main navigation menu. I highly suggest you check " + "it out after this tutorial. For now, just copy " + "and paste the following code into the script editor:

" + "while(true) {
" + "  hack('foodnstuff');
" + "}

" + "For anyone with basic programming experience, this code should be straightforward. " + "This script will continuously hack the 'foodnstuff' server.

" + "To save and close the script editor, press the button in the bottom left, or press ctrl + b."); //next step triggered in saveAndCloseScriptEditor() (Script.js) break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree: iTutorialSetText("Now we'll run the script. Scripts require a certain amount of RAM to run, and can be " + "run on any machine which you have root access to. Different servers have different " + "amounts of RAM. You can also purchase more RAM for your home server.

To check how much " + "RAM is available on this machine, enter the 'free' command."); //next step triggered by terminal commmand break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript: iTutorialSetText("We have 16GB of free RAM on this machine, which is enough to run our " + "script. Let's run our script using 'run foodnstuff.script'."); //next step triggered by terminal commmand break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage: iTutorialSetText("Your script is now running! The script might take a few seconds to 'fully start up'. " + "Your scripts will continuously run in the background and will automatically stop if " + "the code ever completes (the 'foodnstuff.script' will never complete because it " + "runs an infinite loop).

These scripts can passively earn you income and hacking experience. " + "Your scripts will also earn money and experience while you are offline, although at a " + "much slower rate.

" + "Let's check out some statistics for our running scripts by clicking the " + "'Active Scripts' link in the main navigation menu."); document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button"); var activeScriptsMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link"); activeScriptsMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadActiveScriptsContent(); iTutorialNextStep(); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("active-scripts-menu-link"); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage: iTutorialSetText("This page displays stats/information about all of your scripts that are " + "running across every existing server. You can use this to gauge how well " + "your scripts are doing. Let's go back to the Terminal now using the 'Terminal'" + "link."); document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button"); //Initialize everything necessary to open the 'Terminal' Page var terminalMainMenuButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("terminal-menu-link"); terminalMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent(); iTutorialNextStep(); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("terminal-menu-link"); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal: iTutorialSetText("One last thing about scripts, each active script contains logs that detail " + "what it's doing. We can check these logs using the 'tail' command. Do that " + "now for the script we just ran by typing 'tail foodnstuff.script'"); //next step triggered by terminal command break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript: iTutorialSetText("The log for this script won't show much right now (it might show nothing at all) because it " + "just started running...but check back again in a few minutes!

" + "This pretty much covers the basics of hacking. To learn more about writing " + "scripts using the Netscript language, select the 'Tutorial' link in the " + "main navigation menu to look at the documentation. For now, let's move on " + "to something else!"); var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "inline-block"; next.addEventListener("click", function() { iTutorialNextStep(); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage: iTutorialSetText("Hacking is not the only way to earn money. One other way to passively " + "earn money is by purchasing and upgrading Hacknet Nodes. Let's go to " + "the 'Hacknet Nodes' page through the main navigation menu now."); document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button"); var hacknetNodesButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("hacknet-nodes-menu-link"); var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "none"; hacknetNodesButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadHacknetNodesContent(); iTutorialNextStep(); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("hacknet-nodes-menu-link"); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction: iTutorialSetText("From this page you can purchase new Hacknet Nodes and upgrade your " + "existing ones. Let's purchase a new one now."); //Next step triggered by purchaseHacknet() (HacknetNode.js) break; case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage: iTutorialSetText("You just purchased a Hacknet Node! This Hacknet Node will passively " + "earn you money over time, both online and offline. When you get enough " + " money, you can upgrade " + "your newly-purchased Hacknet Node below.

" + "Let's go to the 'City' page through the main navigation menu."); document.getElementById("city-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button"); var worldButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("city-menu-link"); worldButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadWorldContent(); iTutorialNextStep(); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("city-menu-link"); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription: iTutorialSetText("This page lists all of the different locations you can currently " + "travel to. Each location has something that you can do. " + "There's a lot of content out in the world, make sure " + "you explore and discover!

" + "Lastly, click on the 'Tutorial' link in the main navigation menu."); document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link").setAttribute("class", "flashing-button"); var tutorialButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("tutorial-menu-link"); tutorialButton.addEventListener("click", function() { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].loadTutorialContent(); iTutorialNextStep(); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("tutorial-menu-link"); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo: iTutorialSetText("This page contains a lot of different documentation about the game's " + "content and mechanics. I know it's a lot, but I highly suggest you read " + "(or at least skim) through this before you start playing. That's the end of the tutorial. " + "Hope you enjoy the game!"); var next = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-next"); next.style.display = "inline-block"; next.innerHTML = "Finish Tutorial"; var backButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["clearEventListeners"])("interactive-tutorial-back"); backButton.style.display = "none"; next.addEventListener("click", function() { iTutorialNextStep(); return false; }); break; case iTutorialSteps.End: iTutorialEnd(); break; default: throw new Error("Invalid tutorial step"); } } //Go to the next step and evaluate it function iTutorialNextStep() { switch(currITutorialStep) { case iTutorialSteps.Start: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage: document.getElementById("stats-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage: document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze1; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze1: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze2; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScanAnalyze2: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalHackingMechanics; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHackingMechanics: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage: document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage: document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage: document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage: document.getElementById("city-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription: document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link").removeAttribute("class"); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.End; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.End: break; default: throw new Error("Invalid tutorial step"); } } //Go to previous step and evaluate function iTutorialPrevStep() { switch(currITutorialStep) { case iTutorialSteps.Start: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.Start; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.Start; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.GoToCharacterPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.CharacterPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.CharacterGoToTerminalPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalIntro; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalHelp; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalLs; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalScan; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalConnect; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalAnalyze; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalNuke; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalHackingMechanics: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalManualHack; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalCreateScript; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalFree; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalRunScript; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalGoToActiveScriptsPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.ActiveScriptsToTerminal; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.TerminalTailScript; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.GoToHacknetNodesPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesGoToWorldPage; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.TutorialPageInfo: currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.WorldDescription; iTutorialEvaluateStep(); break; case iTutorialSteps.End: break; default: throw new Error("Invalid tutorial step"); } } function iTutorialEnd() { //Re-enable auto save _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].Counters.autoSaveCounter = 300; console.log("Ending interactive tutorial"); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Engine"].init(); currITutorialStep = iTutorialSteps.End; iTutorialIsRunning = false; document.getElementById("interactive-tutorial-container").style.display = "none"; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["dialogBoxCreate"])("If you are new to the game, the following links may be useful for you!

" + "Getting Started Guide" + "Wiki

" + "The Beginner's Guide to Hacking was added to your home computer! It contains some tips/pointers for starting out with the game. " + "To read it, go to Terminal and enter

cat hackers-starting-handbook.lit"); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().messages.push("hackers-starting-handbook.lit"); } function iTutorialSetText(txt) { var textBox = document.getElementById("interactive-tutorial-text"); if (textBox == null) {throw new Error("Could not find text box"); return;} textBox.innerHTML = txt; textBox.parentElement.scrollTop = 0; // this resets scroll position } /***/ }), /* 29 */ /*!****************************!*\ !*** ./src/Bladeburner.js ***! \****************************/ /*! exports provided: Bladeburner */ /*! exports used: Bladeburner */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Bladeburner; }); /* harmony import */ var _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Augmentations */ 18); /* harmony import */ var _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode */ 16); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction */ 12); /* harmony import */ var _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location */ 4); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./RedPill */ 46); /* harmony import */ var _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Terminal */ 25); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_createProgressBarText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/createProgressBarText */ 68); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_createProgressBarText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_createProgressBarText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeChildrenFromElement */ 27); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! numeral/min/numeral.min */ 15); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/addOffset */ 42); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/appendLineBreaks */ 45); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/clearObject */ 58); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createElement */ 3); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createPopup */ 36); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/exceptionAlert */ 41); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/getRandomInt */ 5); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeElement */ 54); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeElementById */ 20); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__); var CityNames = ["Aevum", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Ishima", "Volhaven"]; var CyclesPerSecond = 5; //Game cycle is 200 ms var StaminaGainPerSecond = 0.0085; var BaseStaminaLoss = 0.285; //Base stamina loss per action. Increased based on difficulty var MaxStaminaToGainFactor = 70000; //Max Stamina is divided by this to get bonus stamina gain var DifficultyToTimeFactor = 10; //Action Difficulty divided by this to get base action time //The difficulty multiplier affects stamina loss and hp loss of an action. Also affects //experience gain. Its formula is: //difficulty ^ exponentialFactor + difficulty / linearFactor var DiffMultExponentialFactor = 0.28; var DiffMultLinearFactor = 650; var EffAgiLinearFactor = 90e3; var EffDexLinearFactor = 90e3; var EffAgiExponentialFactor = 0.031; var EffDexExponentialFactor = 0.03; var BaseRecruitmentTimeNeeded = 300; //Base time needed (s) to complete a Recruitment action var PopulationThreshold = 1e9; //Population at which success rates start being affected var ChaosThreshold = 50; //City chaos level after which it starts making tasks harder var BaseStatGain = 1; //Base stat gain per second var BaseIntGain = 0.001; //Base intelligence stat gain var ActionCountGrowthPeriod = 300; //Time (s) it takes for action count to grow by its specified value var RankToFactionRepFactor = 2; //Delta Faction Rep = this * Delta Rank var RankNeededForFaction = 25; var ContractSuccessesPerLevel = 3; //How many successes you need to level up a contract var OperationSuccessesPerLevel = 2.5; //How many successes you need to level up an op var RanksPerSkillPoint = 4; //How many ranks needed to get 1 Skill Point var ContractBaseMoneyGain = 40e3; //Base Money Gained per contract //DOM related variables var ActiveActionCssClass = "bladeburner-active-action"; //Console related stuff var consoleHistory = []; //Console command history var consoleHistoryIndex = 0; var consoleHelpText = { helpList:"Use 'help [command]' to get more information about a particular Bladeburner console command.

" + "automate [var] [val] [hi/low] Configure simple automation for Bladeburner tasks
" + "clear/cls Clear the console
" + "help [cmd] Display this help text, or help text for a specific command
" + "log [en/dis] [type] Enable or disable logging for events and actions
" + "skill [action] [name] Level or display info about your Bladeburner skills
" + "start [type] [name] Start a Bladeburner action/task
" + "stop Stops your current Bladeburner action/task
", automate:"automate [var] [val] [hi/low]

" + "A simple way to automate your Bladeburner actions. This console command can be used " + "to automatically start an action when your stamina rises above a certain threshold, and " + "automatically switch to another action when your stamina drops below another threshold.

" + "automate status - Check the current status of your automation and get a brief description of what it'll do
" + "automate en - Enable the automation feature
" + "automate dis - Disable the automation feature

" + "There are four properties that must be set for this automation to work properly. Here is how to set them:

" + "automate stamina 100 high
" + "automate contract Tracking high
" + "automate stamina 50 low
" + 'automate general "Field Analysis" low

' + "Using the four console commands above will set the automation to perform Tracking contracts " + "if your stamina is 100 or higher, and then switch to Field Analysis if your stamina drops below " + "50. Note that when setting the action, the name of the action is CASE-SENSITIVE. It must " + "exactly match whatever the name is in the UI.", clear:"clear

Clears the console", cls:"cls

Clears the console", help:"help [command]

" + "Running 'help' with no arguments displays the general help text, which lists all console commands " + "and a brief description of what they do. A command can be specified to get more specific help text " + "about that particular command. For example:

" + "help automate

" + "will display specific information about using the automate console command", log:"log [en/dis] [type]

" + "Enable or disable logging. By default, the results of completing actions such as contracts/operations are logged " + "in the console. There are also random events that are logged in the console as well. The five categories of " + "things that get logged are:

" + "[general, contracts, ops, blackops, events]

" + "The logging for these categories can be enabled or disabled like so:

" + "log dis contracts - Disables logging that occurs when contracts are completed
" + "log en contracts - Enables logging that occurs when contracts are completed
" + "log dis events - Disables logging for Bladeburner random events

" + "Logging can be universally enabled/disabled using the 'all' keyword:

" + "log dis all
" + "log en all", skill:"skill [action] [name]

" + "Level or display information about your skills.

" + "To display information about all of your skills and your multipliers, use:

" + "skill list

" + "To display information about a specific skill, specify the name of the skill afterwards. " + "Note that the name of the skill is case-sensitive. Enter it exactly as seen in the UI. If " + "the name of the skill has whitespace, enclose the name of the skill in double quotation marks:

" + "skill list Reaper
" + 'skill list "Digital Observer"

' + "This console command can also be used to level up skills:

" + "skill level [skill name]", start:"start [type] [name]

" + "Start an action. An action is specified by its type and its name. The " + "name is case-sensitive. It must appear exactly as it does in the UI. If " + "the name of the action has whitespace, enclose it in double quotation marks. " + "Valid action types include:

" + "[general, contract, op, blackop]

" + "Examples:

" + 'start contract Tracking
' + 'start op "Undercover Operation"
', stop:"stop

" + "Stop your current action and go idle", } //Keypresses for Console $(document).keydown(function(event) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].currentPage === _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Page.Bladeburner) { //if (DomElems.consoleInput && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey) { // DomElems.consoleInput.focus(); //} if (!(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner)) {return;} //NOTE: Keycodes imported from Terminal.js if (event.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* KEY */ "a"].ENTER) { event.preventDefault(); var command = DomElems.consoleInput.value; if (command.length > 0) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.postToConsole("> " + command); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.resetConsoleInput(); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.executeConsoleCommands(command); } } if (event.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* KEY */ "a"].UPARROW) { if (DomElems.consoleInput == null) {return;} var i = consoleHistoryIndex; var len = consoleHistory.length; if (len === 0) {return;} if (i < 0 || i > len) { consoleHistoryIndex = len; } if (i !== 0) { --consoleHistoryIndex; } var prevCommand = consoleHistory[consoleHistoryIndex]; DomElems.consoleInput.value = prevCommand; setTimeout(function(){DomElems.consoleInput.selectionStart = DomElems.consoleInput.selectionEnd = 10000; }, 0); } if (event.keyCode === _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* KEY */ "a"].DOWNARROW) { if (DomElems.consoleInput == null) {return;} var i = consoleHistoryIndex; var len = consoleHistory.length; if (len == 0) {return;} if (i < 0 || i > len) { consoleHistoryIndex = len; } //Latest command, put nothing if (i == len || i == len-1) { consoleHistoryIndex = len; DomElems.consoleInput.value = ""; } else { ++consoleHistoryIndex; var prevCommand = consoleHistory[consoleHistoryIndex]; DomElems.consoleInput.value = prevCommand; } } } }); function City(params={}) { this.name = params.name ? params.name : _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12; //Synthoid population and estimate this.pop = params.pop ? params.pop : Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(800e6, 1.2*PopulationThreshold); this.popEst = this.pop * (Math.random() + 0.5); //Number of Synthoid communities population and estimate this.comms = params.comms ? params.comms : Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(1, 40); this.commsEst = this.comms + Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(-2, 2); if (this.commsEst < 0) {this.commsEst = 0;} this.chaos = 0; } City.prototype.improvePopulationEstimateByCount = function(n) { if (isNaN(n)) {throw new Error("NaN passeed into City.improvePopulationEstimateByCount()");} if (this.popEst < this.pop) { this.popEst += n; if (this.popEst > this.pop) {this.popEst = this.pop;} } else if (this.popEst > this.pop) { this.popEst -= n; if (this.popEst < this.pop) {this.popEst = this.pop;} } } //@p is the percentage, not the multiplier. e.g. pass in p = 5 for 5% City.prototype.improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage = function(p, skillMult=1) { p = p*skillMult; if (isNaN(p)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage()");} if (this.popEst < this.pop) { ++this.popEst; //In case estimate is 0 this.popEst *= (1 + (p/100)); if (this.popEst > this.pop) {this.popEst = this.pop;} } else if (this.popEst > this.pop) { this.popEst *= (1 - (p/100)); if (this.popEst < this.pop) {this.popEst = this.pop;} } } City.prototype.improveCommunityEstimate = function(n=1) { if (isNaN(n)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.improveCommunityEstimate()");} if (this.commsEst < this.comms) { this.commsEst += n; if (this.commsEst > this.comms) {this.commsEst = this.comms;} } else if (this.commsEst > this.comms) { this.commsEst -= n; if (this.commsEst < this.comms) {this.commsEst = this.comms;} } } //@params options: // estChange(int): How much the estimate should change by // estOffset(int): Add offset to estimate (offset by percentage) City.prototype.changePopulationByCount = function(n, params={}) { if (isNaN(n)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.changePopulationByCount()");} this.pop += n; if (params.estChange && !isNaN(params.estChange)) {this.popEst += params.estChange;} if (params.estOffset) { this.popEst = Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["addOffset"])(this.popEst, params.estOffset); } this.popEst = Math.max(this.popEst, 0); } //@p is the percentage, not the multiplier. e.g. pass in p = 5 for 5% //@params options: // changeEstEqually(bool) - Change the population estimate by an equal amount // nonZero (bool) - Set to true to ensure that population always changes by at least 1 City.prototype.changePopulationByPercentage = function(p, params={}) { if (isNaN(p)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.changePopulationByPercentage()");} if (p === 0) {return;} var change = Math.round(this.pop * (p/100)); //Population always changes by at least 1 if (params.nonZero && change === 0) { p > 0 ? change = 1 : change = -1; } this.pop += change; if (params.changeEstEqually) { this.popEst += change; if (this.popEst < 0) {this.popEst = 0;} } return change; } City.prototype.changeChaosByCount = function(n) { if (isNaN(n)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.changeChaosByCount()");} if (n === 0) {return;} this.chaos += n; if (this.chaos < 0) {this.chaos = 0;} } //@p is the percentage, not the multiplier (e.g. pass in p = 5 for 5%) City.prototype.changeChaosByPercentage = function(p) { if (isNaN(p)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.chaosChaosByPercentage()");} if (p === 0) {return;} var change = this.chaos * (p/100); this.chaos += change; if (this.chaos < 0) {this.chaos = 0;} } City.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_toJSON"])("City", this); } City.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_fromJSON"])(City, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Reviver"].constructors.City = City; function Skill(params={name:"foo", desc:"foo"}) { if (params.name) { this.name = params.name; } else { throw new Error("Failed to initialize Bladeburner Skill. No name was specified in ctor"); } if (params.desc) { this.desc = params.desc; } else { throw new Error("Failed to initialize Bladeburner Skills. No desc was specified in ctor"); } this.baseCost = params.baseCost ? params.baseCost : 1; //Cost is in Skill Points this.costInc = params.costInc ? params.costInc : 1; //Additive cost increase per level if (params.maxLvl) {this.maxLvl = params.maxLvl;} //These benefits are additive. So total multiplier will be level (handled externally) times the //effects below if (params.successChanceAll) {this.successChanceAll = params.successChanceAll;} if (params.successChanceStealth) {this.successChanceStealth = params.successChanceStealth;} if (params.successChanceKill) {this.successChanceKill = params.successChanceKill;} if (params.successChanceContract) {this.successChanceContract = params.successChanceContract;} if (params.successChanceOperation) {this.successChanceOperation = params.successChanceOperation;} //This multiplier affects everything that increases synthoid population/community estimate //e.g. Field analysis, Investigation Op, Undercover Op if (params.successChanceEstimate) {this.successChanceEstimate = params.successChanceEstimate;} if (params.actionTime) {this.actionTime = params.actionTime;} if (params.effHack) {this.effHack = params.effHack;} if (params.effStr) {this.effStr = params.effStr;} if (params.effDef) {this.effDef = params.effDef;} if (params.effDex) {this.effDex = params.effDex;} if (params.effAgi) {this.effAgi = params.effAgi;} if (params.effCha) {this.effCha = params.effCha;} if (params.stamina) {this.stamina = params.stamina;} //Equipment if (params.weaponAbility) {this.weaponAbility = params.weaponAbility;} if (params.gunAbility) {this.gunAbility = params.gunAbility;} } Skill.prototype.calculateCost = function(currentLevel) { return (this.baseCost + (currentLevel * this.costInc)) * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].BladeburnerSkillCost; } var Skills = {}; var SkillNames = { BladesIntuition: "Blade's Intuition", Reaper: "Reaper", Cloak: "Cloak", Marksman: "Marksman", WeaponProficiency: "Weapon Proficiency", Overclock: "Overclock", EvasiveSystem: "Evasive System", ShortCircuit: "Short-Circuit", DigitalObserver: "Digital Observer", Datamancer: "Datamancer", Tracer: "Tracer", CybersEdge: "Cyber's Edge" } //Base Class for Contracts, Operations, and BlackOps function Action(params={}) { this.name = params.name ? params.name : ""; this.desc = params.desc ? params.desc : ""; //Difficulty scales with level //Exact formula is not set in stone //Initial design: baseDifficulty * (difficultyFac ^ level)? //difficulty Fac is slightly greater than 1 this.level = 1; this.maxLevel = 1; this.autoLevel = true; this.baseDifficulty = params.baseDifficulty ? Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["addOffset"])(params.baseDifficulty, 10) : 100; this.difficultyFac = params.difficultyFac ? params.difficultyFac : 1.01; //Rank increase/decrease is affected by this exponent this.rewardFac = params.rewardFac ? params.rewardFac : 1.02; this.successes = 0; this.failures = 0; //All of these scale with level/difficulty this.rankGain = params.rankGain ? params.rankGain : 0; if (params.rankLoss) {this.rankLoss = params.rankLoss;} if (params.hpLoss) { this.hpLoss = params.hpLoss; this.hpLost = 0; } //Action Category. Current categories are stealth and kill this.isStealth = params.isStealth ? true : false; this.isKill = params.isKill ? true : false; //Number of this contract remaining, and its growth rate //Growth rate is an integer and the count will increase by that integer every "cycle" this.count = params.count ? params.count : Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(1e3, 25e3); this.countGrowth = params.countGrowth ? params.countGrowth : Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(1, 5); //Weighting of each stat in determining action success rate var defaultWeights = {hack:1/7,str:1/7,def:1/7,dex:1/7,agi:1/7,cha:1/7,int:1/7}; this.weights = params.weights ? params.weights : defaultWeights; //Check to make sure weights are summed properly var sum = 0; for (var weight in this.weights) { if (this.weights.hasOwnProperty(weight)) { sum += this.weights[weight]; } } if (sum - 1 >= 10 * Number.EPSILON) { throw new Error("Invalid weights when constructing Action " + this.name + ". The weights should sum up to 1. They sum up to :" + 1); } //Diminishing returns of stats (stat ^ decay where 0 <= decay <= 1) var defaultDecays = {hack:0.9,str:0.9,def:0.9,dex:0.9,agi:0.9,cha:0.9,int:0.9}; this.decays = params.decays ? params.decays : defaultDecays; for (var decay in this.decays) { if (this.decays.hasOwnProperty(decay)) { if (this.decays[decay] > 1) { throw new Error("Invalid decays when constructing " + "Action " + this.name + ". " + "Decay value cannot be greater than 1"); } } } } Action.prototype.getDifficulty = function() { var difficulty = this.baseDifficulty * Math.pow(this.difficultyFac, this.level-1); if (isNaN(difficulty)) {throw new Error("Calculated NaN in Action.getDifficulty()");} return difficulty; } //@inst - Bladeburner Object //@params - options: // est (bool): Get success chance estimate instead of real success chance Action.prototype.getSuccessChance = function(inst, params={}) { if (inst == null) {throw new Error("Invalid Bladeburner instance passed into Action.getSuccessChance");} var difficulty = this.getDifficulty(); var competence = 0; for (var stat in this.weights) { if (this.weights.hasOwnProperty(stat)) { var playerStatLvl = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].queryStatFromString(stat); var key = "eff" + stat.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + stat.slice(1); var effMultiplier = inst.skillMultipliers[key]; if (effMultiplier == null) { console.log("ERROR: Failed to find Bladeburner Skill multiplier for: " + stat); effMultiplier = 1; } competence += (this.weights[stat] * Math.pow(effMultiplier*playerStatLvl, this.decays[stat])); } } competence *= inst.calculateStaminaPenalty(); //For Operations, factor in team members if (this instanceof Operation || this instanceof BlackOperation) { if (this.teamCount && this.teamCount > 0) { this.teamCount = Math.min(this.teamCount, inst.teamSize); var teamMultiplier = Math.pow(this.teamCount, 0.05); competence *= teamMultiplier; } } //Lower city population results in lower chances if (!(this instanceof BlackOperation)) { var city = inst.getCurrentCity(); if (params.est) { competence *= (city.popEst / PopulationThreshold); } else { competence *= (city.pop / PopulationThreshold); } //Too high of a chaos results in lower chances if (city.chaos > ChaosThreshold) { var diff = 1 + (city.chaos - ChaosThreshold); var mult = Math.pow(diff, 0.1); difficulty *= mult; } //For Raid Operations, no communities = fail if (this instanceof Operation && this.name === "Raid") { if (city.comms <= 0) {return 0;} } } //Factor skill multipliers into success chance competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceAll; if (this instanceof Operation || this instanceof BlackOperation) { competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceOperation; } if (this instanceof Contract) { competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceContract; } if (this.isStealth) { competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceStealth; } if (this.isKill) { competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceKill; } //Augmentation multiplier competence *= _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult; if (isNaN(competence)) {throw new Error("Competence calculated as NaN in Action.getSuccessChance()");} return Math.min(1, competence / difficulty); } //Tests for success. Should be called when an action has completed // @inst - Bladeburner Object Action.prototype.attempt = function(inst) { return (Math.random() < this.getSuccessChance(inst)); } Action.prototype.getActionTime = function(inst) { var difficulty = this.getDifficulty(); var baseTime = difficulty / DifficultyToTimeFactor; var skillFac = inst.skillMultipliers.actionTime; //Always < 1 var effAgility = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility * inst.skillMultipliers.effAgi; var effDexterity = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity * inst.skillMultipliers.effDex; var statFac = 0.5 * (Math.pow(effAgility, EffAgiExponentialFactor) + Math.pow(effDexterity, EffDexExponentialFactor) + (effAgility / EffAgiLinearFactor) + (effDexterity / EffDexLinearFactor)); //Always > 1 baseTime = Math.max(1, baseTime * skillFac / statFac); if (this instanceof Contract) { return Math.ceil(baseTime); } else if (this instanceof Operation) { return Math.ceil(baseTime); } else if (this instanceof BlackOperation) { return Math.ceil(baseTime * 1.5); } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized Action Type in Action.getActionTime(this). Must be either Contract, Operation, or BlackOperation"); } } Action.prototype.getSuccessesNeededForNextLevel = function(baseSuccessesPerLevel) { return Math.ceil((0.5) * (this.maxLevel) * (2 * baseSuccessesPerLevel + (this.maxLevel-1))); } Action.prototype.setMaxLevel = function(baseSuccessesPerLevel) { if (this.successes >= this.getSuccessesNeededForNextLevel(baseSuccessesPerLevel)) { ++this.maxLevel; } } Action.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_toJSON"])("Action", this); } Action.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Action, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Reviver"].constructors.Action = Action; var GeneralActions = {}; //Training, Field Analysis, Recruitment, etc. //Action Identifier var ActionTypes = Object.freeze({ "Idle": 1, "Contract": 2, "Operation": 3, "BlackOp": 4, "BlackOperation": 4, "Training": 5, "Recruitment": 6, "FieldAnalysis": 7, "Field Analysis": 7 }); function ActionIdentifier(params={}) { if (params.name) {this.name = params.name;} if (params.type) {this.type = params.type;} } ActionIdentifier.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_toJSON"])("ActionIdentifier", this); } ActionIdentifier.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_fromJSON"])(ActionIdentifier, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Reviver"].constructors.ActionIdentifier = ActionIdentifier; //Contracts function Contract(params={}) { Action.call(this, params); } Contract.prototype = Object.create(Action.prototype); Contract.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_toJSON"])("Contract", this); } Contract.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Contract, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Reviver"].constructors.Contract = Contract; //Operations function Operation(params={}) { Action.call(this, params); this.reqdRank = params.reqdRank ? params.reqdRank : 100; this.teamCount = params.teamCount ? params.teamCount : 0; //# of team members to use } Operation.prototype = Object.create(Action.prototype); Operation.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_toJSON"])("Operation", this); } Operation.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Operation, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Reviver"].constructors.Operation = Operation; //Black Operations function BlackOperation(params={}) { Operation.call(this, params); //Black ops are one time missions this.count = 1; this.countGrowth = 0; } BlackOperation.prototype = Object.create(Action.prototype); BlackOperation.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_toJSON"])("BlackOperation", this); } BlackOperation.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_fromJSON"])(BlackOperation, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Reviver"].constructors.BlackOperation = BlackOperation; var BlackOperations = {}; function Bladeburner(params={}) { this.numHosp = 0; //Number of hospitalizations this.moneyLost = 0; //Money lost due to hospitalizations this.rank = 0; this.maxRank = 0; //Used to determine skill points this.skillPoints = 0; this.totalSkillPoints = 0; this.teamSize = 0; //Number of team members this.teamLost = 0; //Number of team members lost this.storedCycles = 0; this.randomEventCounter = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(300, 600); //5-10 minutes //These times are in seconds this.actionTimeToComplete = 0; //0 or -1 is an infinite running action (like training) this.actionTimeCurrent = 0; //ActionIdentifier Object var idleActionType = ActionTypes["Idle"]; this.action = new ActionIdentifier({type:idleActionType}); this.cities = {}; for (var i = 0; i < CityNames.length; ++i) { this.cities[CityNames[i]] = new City({name:CityNames[i]}); } this.city = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12; //Map of SkillNames -> level this.skills = {}; this.skillMultipliers = {}; this.updateSkillMultipliers(); //Calls resetSkillMultipliers() //Max Stamina is based on stats and Bladeburner-specific bonuses this.staminaBonus = 0; //Gained from training this.maxStamina = 0; this.calculateMaxStamina(); this.stamina = this.maxStamina; //Contracts and Operations objects. These objects have unique //properties because they are randomized in each instance and have stats like //successes/failures, so they need to be saved/loaded by the game. this.contracts = {}; this.operations = {}; //Object that contains name of all Black Operations that have been completed this.blackops = {}; //Flags for whether these actions should be logged to console this.logging = { general:true, contracts:true, ops:true, blackops:true, events:true, } //Simple automation values this.automateEnabled = false; this.automateActionHigh = 0; this.automateThreshHigh = 0; //Stamina Threshold this.automateActionLow = 0; this.automateThreshLow = 0; //Stamina Threshold //Initialization initBladeburner(); this.initializeDomElementRefs(); if (params.new) {this.create();} } Bladeburner.prototype.prestige = function() { this.resetAction(); var bladeburnerFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Bladeburners"]; if (this.rank >= RankNeededForFaction) { Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* joinFaction */ "h"])(bladeburnerFac); } } Bladeburner.prototype.create = function() { this.contracts["Tracking"] = new Contract({ name:"Tracking", desc:"Identify and locate Synthoids. This contract involves reconnaissance " + "and information-gathering ONLY. Do NOT engage. Stealth is of the utmost importance.

" + "Successfully completing Tracking contracts will slightly improve your Synthoid population estimate for " + "whatever city you are currently in.", baseDifficulty:125,difficultyFac:1.02,rewardFac:1.041, rankGain:0.3, hpLoss:0.5, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(300, 800), countGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(1, 5), weights:{hack:0,str:0.05,def:0.05,dex:0.35,agi:0.35,cha:0.1, int:0.05}, decays:{hack:0,str:0.91,def:0.91,dex:0.91,agi:0.91,cha:0.9, int:1}, isStealth:true }); this.contracts["Bounty Hunter"] = new Contract({ name:"Bounty Hunter", desc:"Hunt down and capture fugitive Synthoids. These Synthoids are wanted alive.

" + "Successfully completing a Bounty Hunter contract will lower the population in your " + "current city, and will also increase its chaos level.", baseDifficulty:250, difficultyFac:1.04,rewardFac:1.085, rankGain:0.9, hpLoss:1, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(200, 750), countGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(1, 3), weights:{hack:0,str:0.15,def:0.15,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0.1, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0,str:0.91,def:0.91,dex:0.91,agi:0.91,cha:0.8, int:0.9}, isKill:true }); this.contracts["Retirement"] = new Contract({ name:"Retirement", desc:"Hunt down and retire (kill) rogue Synthoids.

" + "Successfully copmleting a Retirement contract will lower the population in your current " + "city, and will also increase its chaos level.", baseDifficulty:200, difficultyFac:1.03, rewardFac:1.065, rankGain:0.6, hpLoss:1, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(300, 900), countGrowth:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(1,4), weights:{hack:0,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0.1, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0,str:0.91,def:0.91,dex:0.91,agi:0.91,cha:0.8, int:0.9}, isKill:true }); this.operations["Investigation"] = new Operation({ name:"Investigation", desc:"As a field agent, investigate and identify Synthoid " + "populations, movements, and operations.

Successful " + "Investigation ops will increase the accuracy of your " + "synthoid data.

" + "You will NOT lose HP from failed Investigation ops.", baseDifficulty:400, difficultyFac:1.03,rewardFac:1.07,reqdRank:25, rankGain:2, rankLoss:0.2, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(50, 400), countGrowth:1, weights:{hack:0.25,str:0.05,def:0.05,dex:0.2,agi:0.1,cha:0.25, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.85,str:0.9,def:0.9,dex:0.9,agi:0.9,cha:0.7, int:0.9}, isStealth:true }); this.operations["Undercover Operation"] = new Operation({ name:"Undercover Operation", desc:"Conduct undercover operations to identify hidden " + "and underground Synthoid communities and organizations.

" + "Successful Undercover ops will increase the accuracy of your synthoid " + "data.", baseDifficulty:500, difficultyFac:1.04, rewardFac:1.09, reqdRank:100, rankGain:4, rankLoss:0.4, hpLoss:2, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(50, 300), countGrowth:1, weights:{hack:0.2,str:0.05,def:0.05,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0.2, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.8,str:0.9,def:0.9,dex:0.9,agi:0.9,cha:0.7, int:0.9}, isStealth:true }); this.operations["Sting Operation"] = new Operation({ name:"Sting Operation", desc:"Conduct a sting operation to bait and capture particularly " + "notorious Synthoid criminals.", baseDifficulty:650, difficultyFac:1.04, rewardFac:1.095, reqdRank:500, rankGain:5, rankLoss:0.5, hpLoss:2.5, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(25,400), countGrowth:0.75, weights:{hack:0.25,str:0.05,def:0.05,dex:0.25,agi:0.1,cha:0.2, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.8,str:0.85,def:0.85,dex:0.85,agi:0.85,cha:0.7, int:0.9}, isStealth:true }); this.operations["Raid"] = new Operation({ name:"Raid", desc:"Lead an assault on a known Synthoid community. Note that " + "there must be an existing Synthoid community in your current city " + "in order for this Operation to be successful", baseDifficulty:800, difficultyFac:1.045, rewardFac:1.1, reqdRank:3000, rankGain:50,rankLoss:2.5,hpLoss:50, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(25, 150), countGrowth:0.2, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.7,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.9}, isKill:true }); this.operations["Stealth Retirement Operation"] = new Operation({ name:"Stealth Retirement Operation", desc:"Lead a covert operation to retire Synthoids. The " + "objective is to complete the task without " + "drawing any attention. Stealth and discretion are key.", baseDifficulty:1000, difficultyFac:1.05, rewardFac:1.11, reqdRank:20e3, rankGain:20, rankLoss:2, hpLoss:10, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(25, 250), countGrowth:0.1, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.1,def:0.1,dex:0.3,agi:0.3,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.7,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.9}, isStealth:true, isKill:true }); this.operations["Assassination"] = new Operation({ name:"Assassination", desc:"Assassinate Synthoids that have been identified as " + "important, high-profile social and political leaders " + "in the Synthoid communities.", baseDifficulty:1500, difficultyFac:1.06, rewardFac:1.14, reqdRank:50e3, rankGain:40, rankLoss:4, hpLoss:5, count:Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(25, 200), countGrowth:0.1, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.1,def:0.1,dex:0.3,agi:0.3,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.8}, isStealth:true, isKill:true }); } Bladeburner.prototype.storeCycles = function(numCycles=1) { this.storedCycles += numCycles; } Bladeburner.prototype.process = function() { //Extreme condition...if Operation Daedalus is complete trigger the BitNode if (_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* redPillFlag */ "b"] === false && this.blackops.hasOwnProperty("Operation Daedalus")) { return Object(_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* hackWorldDaemon */ "a"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN); } //If the Player starts doing some other actions, set action to idle and alert if (_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].BladesSimulacrum].owned === false && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { if (this.action.type !== ActionTypes["Idle"]) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Your Bladeburner action was cancelled because you started " + "doing something else"); } this.resetAction(); } //A 'tick' for this mechanic is one second (= 5 game cycles) if (this.storedCycles >= CyclesPerSecond) { var seconds = Math.floor(this.storedCycles / CyclesPerSecond); seconds = Math.min(seconds, 5); //Max of 5 'ticks' this.storedCycles -= seconds * CyclesPerSecond; //Stamina this.calculateMaxStamina(); this.stamina += (this.calculateStaminaGainPerSecond() * seconds); this.stamina = Math.min(this.maxStamina, this.stamina); //Count increase for contracts/operations for (var contractName in this.contracts) { if (this.contracts.hasOwnProperty(contractName)) { var contract = this.contracts[contractName]; contract.count += (seconds * contract.countGrowth/ActionCountGrowthPeriod); } } for (var operationName in this.operations) { if (this.operations.hasOwnProperty(operationName)) { var op = this.operations[operationName]; op.count += (seconds * op.countGrowth/ActionCountGrowthPeriod); } } //Chaos goes down very slowly for (var i = 0; i < CityNames.length; ++i) { var city = this.cities[CityNames[i]]; if (!(city instanceof City)) {throw new Error("Invalid City object when processing passive chaos reduction in Bladeburner.process");} city.chaos -= (0.0001 * seconds); city.chaos = Math.max(0, city.chaos); } //Random Events this.randomEventCounter -= seconds; if (this.randomEventCounter <= 0) { this.randomEvent(); this.randomEventCounter = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(300, 600); } this.processAction(seconds); //Automation if (this.automateEnabled) { if (this.stamina <= this.automateThreshLow) { if (this.action.name !== this.automateActionLow.name || this.action.type !== this.automateActionLow.type) { this.action = this.automateActionLow; this.startAction(this.action); } } else if (this.stamina >= this.automateThreshHigh) { if (this.action.name !== this.automateActionHigh.name || this.action.type !== this.automateActionHigh.type) { this.action = this.automateActionHigh; this.startAction(this.action); } } } if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].currentPage === _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Page.Bladeburner) { this.updateContent(); } } } Bladeburner.prototype.calculateMaxStamina = function() { var effAgility = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility * this.skillMultipliers.effAgi; var maxStamina = (Math.pow(effAgility, 0.8) + this.staminaBonus); maxStamina *= this.skillMultipliers.stamina; maxStamina *= _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_max_stamina_mult; if (isNaN(maxStamina)) {throw new Error("Max Stamina calculated to be NaN in Bladeburner.calculateMaxStamina()");} this.maxStamina = maxStamina; } Bladeburner.prototype.calculateStaminaGainPerSecond = function() { var effAgility = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility * this.skillMultipliers.effAgi; var maxStaminaBonus = this.maxStamina / MaxStaminaToGainFactor; var gain = (StaminaGainPerSecond + maxStaminaBonus) * Math.pow(effAgility, 0.17); return gain * (this.skillMultipliers.stamina * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult); } Bladeburner.prototype.calculateStaminaPenalty = function() { return Math.min(1, this.stamina / (0.5 * this.maxStamina)); } Bladeburner.prototype.changeRank = function(change) { if (isNaN(change)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into Bladeburner.changeRank()");} this.rank += change; if (this.rank < 0) {this.rank = 0;} this.maxRank = Math.max(this.rank, this.maxRank); var bladeburnersFactionName = "Bladeburners"; if (Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* factionExists */ "d"])(bladeburnersFactionName)) { var bladeburnerFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Factions */ "b"][bladeburnersFactionName]; if (!(bladeburnerFac instanceof _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Faction */ "a"])) { throw new Error("Could not properly get Bladeburner Faction object in Bladeburner UI Overview Faction button"); } if (bladeburnerFac.isMember) { var favorBonus = 1 + (bladeburnerFac.favor / 100); bladeburnerFac.playerReputation += (RankToFactionRepFactor * change * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult * favorBonus); } } //Gain skill points. You get 1 every 4 ranks var rankNeededForSp = (this.totalSkillPoints+1) * RanksPerSkillPoint; if (this.maxRank >= rankNeededForSp) { //Calculate how many skill points to gain var gainedSkillPoints = Math.floor((this.maxRank - rankNeededForSp) / RanksPerSkillPoint + 1); this.skillPoints += gainedSkillPoints; this.totalSkillPoints += gainedSkillPoints; } } Bladeburner.prototype.getCurrentCity = function() { var city = this.cities[this.city]; if (!(city instanceof City)) { throw new Error("Bladeburner.getCurrentCity() did not properly return a City object"); } return city; } Bladeburner.prototype.resetSkillMultipliers = function() { this.skillMultipliers = { successChanceAll:1, successChanceStealth:1, successChanceKill:1, successChanceContract:1, successChanceOperation:1, successChanceEstimate:1, actionTime:1, effHack:1, effStr:1, effDef:1, effDex:1, effAgi:1, effCha:1, effInt:1, stamina:1, weaponAbility:1, gunAbility:1, }; } Bladeburner.prototype.updateSkillMultipliers = function() { this.resetSkillMultipliers(); for (var skillName in this.skills) { if (this.skills.hasOwnProperty(skillName)) { var skill = Skills[skillName]; if (skill == null) { throw new Error("Could not find Skill Object for: " + skillName); } var level = this.skills[skillName]; if (level == null || level <= 0) {continue;} //Not upgraded var multiplierNames = Object.keys(this.skillMultipliers); for (var i = 0; i < multiplierNames.length; ++i) { var multiplierName = multiplierNames[i]; if (skill[multiplierName] != null && !isNaN(skill[multiplierName])) { var value = skill[multiplierName] * level; var multiplierValue = 1 + (value / 100); if (multiplierName === "actionTime") { multiplierValue = 1 - (value / 100); } this.skillMultipliers[multiplierName] *= multiplierValue; } } } } } Bladeburner.prototype.upgradeSkill = function(skill) { //This does NOT handle deduction of skill points var skillName = skill.name; if (this.skills[skillName]) { ++this.skills[skillName]; } else { this.skills[skillName] = 1; } if (isNaN(this.skills[skillName]) || this.skills[skillName] < 0) { throw new Error("Level of Skill " + skillName + " is invalid: " + this.skills[skillName]); } this.updateSkillMultipliers(); } Bladeburner.prototype.getActionObject = function(actionId) { //Given an ActionIdentifier object, returns the corresponding //Contract, Operation, or BlackOperation object switch (actionId.type) { case ActionTypes["Contract"]: return this.contracts[actionId.name]; break; case ActionTypes["Operation"]: return this.operations[actionId.name]; break; case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]: return BlackOperations[actionId.name]; break; default: return null; console.log("WARNING: Bladeburner.getActionObject() called with an unexpected " + "ActionIdentifier type: " + actionId.type); } } //Sets the player to the "IDLE" action Bladeburner.prototype.resetAction = function() { this.action = new ActionIdentifier({type:ActionTypes.Idle}); } Bladeburner.prototype.startAction = function(actionId) { if (actionId == null) {return;} this.action = actionId; this.actionTimeCurrent = 0; switch (actionId.type) { case ActionTypes["Idle"]: this.actionTimeToComplete = 0; break; case ActionTypes["Contract"]: try { var action = this.getActionObject(actionId); if (action == null) { throw new Error("Failed to get Contract Object for: " + actionId.name); } if (action.count < 1) {return this.resetAction();} this.actionTimeToComplete = action.getActionTime(this); } catch(e) { Object(_utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__[/* exceptionAlert */ "a"])(e); } break; case ActionTypes["Operation"]: try { var action = this.getActionObject(actionId); if (action == null) { throw new Error ("Failed to get Operation Object for: " + actionId.name); } if (action.count < 1) {return this.resetAction();} this.actionTimeToComplete = action.getActionTime(this); } catch(e) { Object(_utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__[/* exceptionAlert */ "a"])(e); } break; case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]: try { var action = this.getActionObject(actionId); if (action == null) { throw new Error("Failed to get BlackOperation object for: " + actionId.name); } this.actionTimeToComplete = action.getActionTime(this); } catch(e) { Object(_utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__[/* exceptionAlert */ "a"])(e); } break; case ActionTypes["Training"]: this.actionTimeToComplete = 30; break; case ActionTypes["Recruitment"]: this.actionTimeToComplete = this.getRecruitmentTime(); break; case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]: case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]: this.actionTimeToComplete = 30; break; default: throw new Error("Invalid Action Type in Bladeburner.startAction(): " + actionId.type); break; } } Bladeburner.prototype.processAction = function(seconds) { if (this.action.type === ActionTypes["Idle"]) {return;} if (this.actionTimeToComplete <= 0) { console.log("action.type: " + this.action.type); throw new Error("Invalid actionTimeToComplete value: " + this.actionTimeToComplete); } if (!(this.action instanceof ActionIdentifier)) { throw new Error("Bladeburner.action is not an ActionIdentifier Object"); } this.actionTimeCurrent += seconds; if (this.actionTimeCurrent >= this.actionTimeToComplete) { return this.completeAction(); } } Bladeburner.prototype.completeAction = function() { switch (this.action.type) { case ActionTypes["Contract"]: case ActionTypes["Operation"]: try { var isOperation = (this.action.type === ActionTypes["Operation"]); var action = this.getActionObject(this.action); if (action == null) { throw new Error("Failed to get Contract/Operation Object for: " + this.action.name); } var difficulty = action.getDifficulty(); var difficultyMultiplier = Math.pow(difficulty, DiffMultExponentialFactor) + difficulty / DiffMultLinearFactor; var rewardMultiplier = Math.pow(action.rewardFac, action.level-1); //Stamina loss is based on difficulty this.stamina -= (BaseStaminaLoss * difficultyMultiplier); if (this.stamina < 0) {this.stamina = 0;} //Process Contract/Operation success/failure if (action.attempt(this)) { this.gainActionStats(action, true); ++action.successes; --action.count; //Earn money for contracts var moneyGain = 0; if (!isOperation) { moneyGain = ContractBaseMoneyGain * rewardMultiplier; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(moneyGain); } if (isOperation) { action.setMaxLevel(OperationSuccessesPerLevel); } else { action.setMaxLevel(ContractSuccessesPerLevel); } if (action.rankGain) { var gain = Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["addOffset"])(action.rankGain * rewardMultiplier * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].BladeburnerRank, 10); this.changeRank(gain); if (isOperation && this.logging.ops) { this.log(action.name + " successfully completed! Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(gain, 3) + " rank"); } else if (!isOperation && this.logging.contracts) { this.log(action.name + " contract successfully completed! Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(gain, 3) + " rank and " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13___default()(moneyGain).format("$0.000a")); } } isOperation ? this.completeOperation(true) : this.completeContract(true); } else { this.gainActionStats(action, false); ++action.failures; var loss = 0, damage = 0; if (action.rankLoss) { loss = Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["addOffset"])(action.rankLoss * rewardMultiplier, 10); this.changeRank(-1 * loss); } if (action.hpLoss) { damage = action.hpLoss * difficultyMultiplier; damage = Math.ceil(Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["addOffset"])(damage, 10)); this.hpLost += damage; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].takeDamage(damage)) { ++this.numHosp; this.moneyLost += (_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HospitalCostPerHp * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].max_hp); } } var logLossText = ""; if (loss > 0) {logLossText += "Lost " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(loss, 3) + " rank.";} if (damage > 0) {logLossText += "Took " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(damage, 0) + " damage.";} if (isOperation && this.logging.ops) { this.log(action.name + " failed! " + logLossText); } else if (!isOperation && this.logging.contracts) { this.log(action.name + " contract failed! " + logLossText); } isOperation ? this.completeOperation(false) : this.completeContract(false); } if (action.autoLevel) {action.level = action.maxLevel;} //Autolevel this.startAction(this.action); //Repeat action } catch(e) { Object(_utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__[/* exceptionAlert */ "a"])(e); } break; case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]: try { var action = this.getActionObject(this.action); if (action == null || !(action instanceof BlackOperation)) { throw new Error("Failed to get BlackOperation Object for: " + this.action.name); } var difficulty = action.getDifficulty(); var difficultyMultiplier = Math.pow(difficulty, DiffMultExponentialFactor) + difficulty / DiffMultLinearFactor; //Stamina loss is based on difficulty this.stamina -= (BaseStaminaLoss * difficultyMultiplier); if (this.stamina < 0) {this.stamina = 0;} //Team loss variables var teamCount = action.teamCount, teamLossMax; if (action.attempt(this)) { this.gainActionStats(action, true); action.count = 0; this.blackops[action.name] = true; var rankGain = 0; if (action.rankGain) { rankGain = Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["addOffset"])(action.rankGain * _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"].BladeburnerRank, 10); this.changeRank(rankGain); } teamLossMax = Math.ceil(teamCount/2); //Operation Daedalus if (action.name === "Operation Daedalus") { this.resetAction(); return Object(_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* hackWorldDaemon */ "a"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN); } if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].currentPage === _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Page.Bladeburner) { this.createActionAndSkillsContent(); } if (this.logging.blackops) { this.log(action.name + " successful! Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(rankGain, 1) + " rank"); } } else { this.gainActionStats(action, false); var rankLoss = 0, damage = 0; if (action.rankLoss) { rankLoss = Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["addOffset"])(action.rankLoss, 10); this.changeRank(-1 * rankLoss); } if (action.hpLoss) { damage = action.hpLoss * difficultyMultiplier; damage = Math.ceil(Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["addOffset"])(damage, 10)); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].takeDamage(damage)) { ++this.numHosp; this.moneyLost += (_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HospitalCostPerHp * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].max_hp); } } teamLossMax = Math.floor(teamCount); if (this.logging.blackops) { this.log(action.name + " failed! Lost " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(rankLoss, 1) + " rank and took" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(damage, 0) + " damage"); } } this.resetAction(); //Stop regardless of success or fail //Calculate team lossses if (teamCount >= 1) { var losses = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(1, teamLossMax); this.teamSize -= losses; this.teamLost += losses; if (this.logging.blackops) { this.log("You lost " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(losses, 0) + " team members during " + action.name); } } } catch(e) { Object(_utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__[/* exceptionAlert */ "a"])(e); } break; case ActionTypes["Training"]: this.stamina -= (0.5 * BaseStaminaLoss); var strExpGain = 30 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult, defExpGain = 30 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult, dexExpGain = 30 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult, agiExpGain = 30 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult, staminaGain = 0.04 * this.skillMultipliers.stamina; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainStrengthExp(strExpGain); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainDefenseExp(defExpGain); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainDexterityExp(dexExpGain); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainAgilityExp(agiExpGain); this.staminaBonus += (staminaGain); if (this.logging.general) { this.log("Training completed. Gained: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(strExpGain, 1) + " str exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(defExpGain, 1) + " def exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(dexExpGain, 1) + " dex exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(agiExpGain, 1) + " agi exp, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(staminaGain, 3) + " max stamina"); } this.startAction(this.action); //Repeat action break; case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]: case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]: //Does not use stamina. Effectiveness depends on hacking, int, and cha var eff = 0.04 * Math.pow(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill, 0.3) + 0.04 * Math.pow(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence, 0.9) + 0.02 * Math.pow(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma, 0.3); eff *= _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_analysis_mult; if (isNaN(eff) || eff < 0) { throw new Error("Field Analysis Effectiveness calculated to be NaN or negative"); } var hackingExpGain = 20 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult, charismaExpGain = 20 * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(hackingExpGain); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(BaseIntGain); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainCharismaExp(charismaExpGain); this.changeRank(0.1); console.log("DEBUG: Field Analysis effectiveness is " + (eff * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate)); this.getCurrentCity().improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage(eff * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate); if (this.logging.general) { this.log("Field analysis completed. Gained 0.1 rank, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(hackingExpGain, 1) + " hacking exp, and " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(charismaExpGain, 1) + " charisma exp"); } this.startAction(this.action); //Repeat action break; case ActionTypes["Recruitment"]: var successChance = this.getRecruitmentSuccessChance(); console.log("Bladeburner recruitment success chance: " + successChance); if (Math.random() < successChance) { var expGain = 2 * BaseStatGain * this.actionTimeToComplete; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainCharismaExp(expGain); ++this.teamSize; if (this.logging.general) { this.log("Successfully recruited a team member! Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(expGain, 1) + " charisma exp"); } } else { var expGain = BaseStatGain * this.actionTimeToComplete; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainCharismaExp(expGain); if (this.logging.general) { this.log("Failed to recruit a team member. Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(expGain, 1) + " charisma exp"); } } this.startAction(this.action); //Repeat action break; default: break; } } Bladeburner.prototype.completeContract = function(success) { if (this.action.type !== ActionTypes.Contract) { throw new Error("completeContract() called even though current action is not a Contract"); } var city = this.getCurrentCity(); if (success) { switch (this.action.name) { case "Tracking": //Increase estimate accuracy by a relatively small amount city.improvePopulationEstimateByCount(Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(100, 1e3)); break; case "Bounty Hunter": city.changePopulationByCount(-1, {estChange:-1}); city.changeChaosByCount(0.02); break; case "Retirement": city.changePopulationByCount(-1, {estChange:-1}); city.changeChaosByCount(0.04); break; default: throw new Error("Invalid Action name in completeContract: " + this.action.name); } } } Bladeburner.prototype.completeOperation = function(success) { if (this.action.type !== ActionTypes.Operation) { throw new Error("completeOperation() called even though current action is not an Operation"); } var action = this.getActionObject(this.action); if (action == null) { throw new Error("Failed to get Contract/Operation Object for: " + this.action.name); } //Calculate team losses var teamCount = action.teamCount, max; if (teamCount >= 1) { if (success) { max = Math.ceil(teamCount/2); } else { max = Math.floor(teamCount) } var losses = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(0, max); this.teamSize -= losses; this.teamLost += losses; if (this.logging.ops && losses > 0) { this.log("Lost " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(losses, 0) + " team members during this " + action.name); } } var city = this.getCurrentCity(); if (this.logging.ops) { if (success) { this.log(action.name + " completed successfully! ") } else { } } switch (action.name) { case "Investigation": if (success) { city.improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage(0.4 * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate); if (Math.random() < (0.02 * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate)) { city.improveCommunityEstimate(1); } } else { this.triggerPotentialMigration(this.city, 0.1); } break; case "Undercover Operation": if (success) { city.improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage(0.8 * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate); if (Math.random() < (0.02 * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate)) { city.improveCommunityEstimate(1); } } else { this.triggerPotentialMigration(this.city, 0.15); } break; case "Sting Operation": if (success) { city.changePopulationByPercentage(-0.1, {changeEstEqually:true, nonZero:true}); } city.changeChaosByCount(0.1); break; case "Raid": if (success) { city.changePopulationByPercentage(-1, {changeEstEqually:true, nonZero:true}); --city.comms; --city.commsEst; } else { var change = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(-3, -1); city.changePopulationByPercentage(change, {nonZero:true}); } city.changeChaosByPercentage(Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(1, 5)); break; case "Stealth Retirement Operation": if (success) { city.changePopulationByPercentage(-0.5, {changeEstEqually:true,nonZero:true}); } city.changeChaosByPercentage(Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(-3, -1)); break; case "Assassination": if (success) { city.changePopulationByCount(-1, {estChange:-1}); } city.changeChaosByPercentage(Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(-5, 5)); break; default: throw new Error("Invalid Action name in completeOperation: " + this.action.name); } } Bladeburner.prototype.getRecruitmentTime = function() { var effCharisma = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma * this.skillMultipliers.effCha; var charismaFactor = Math.pow(effCharisma, 0.81) + effCharisma / 90; return Math.max(10, Math.round(BaseRecruitmentTimeNeeded - charismaFactor)); } Bladeburner.prototype.getRecruitmentSuccessChance = function() { return Math.pow(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma, 0.45) / (this.teamSize + 1); } //Process stat gains from Contracts, Operations, and Black Operations //@action(Action obj) - Derived action class //@success(bool) - Whether action was successful Bladeburner.prototype.gainActionStats = function(action, success) { var difficulty = action.getDifficulty(); //Gain multiplier based on difficulty. If this changes then the //same variable calculated in completeAction() needs to change too var difficultyMult = Math.pow(difficulty, DiffMultExponentialFactor) + difficulty / DiffMultLinearFactor; var time = this.actionTimeToComplete; var successMult = success ? 1 : 0.5; var unweightedGain = time * BaseStatGain * successMult * difficultyMult; var unweightedIntGain = time * BaseIntGain * successMult * difficultyMult; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.hack * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_exp_mult); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainStrengthExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.str * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].strength_exp_mult); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainDefenseExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.def * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].defense_exp_mult); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainDexterityExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.dex * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity_exp_mult); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainAgilityExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.agi * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].agility_exp_mult); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainCharismaExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.cha * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma_exp_mult); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(unweightedIntGain * action.weights.int); } Bladeburner.prototype.randomEvent = function() { var chance = Math.random(); //Choose random source/destination city for events var sourceCityName = CityNames[Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(0, 5)]; var sourceCity = this.cities[sourceCityName]; if (!(sourceCity instanceof City)) { throw new Error("sourceCity was not a City object in Bladeburner.randomEvent()"); } var destCityName = CityNames[Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(0, 5)]; while (destCityName === sourceCityName) { destCityName = CityNames[Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(0, 5)]; } var destCity = this.cities[destCityName]; if (!(sourceCity instanceof City) || !(destCity instanceof City)) { throw new Error("sourceCity was not a City object in Bladeburner.randomEvent()"); } if (chance <= 0.05) { //New Synthoid Community, 5% ++sourceCity.comms; var percentage = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(10, 20) / 100; var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage); sourceCity.pop += count; if (this.logging.events) { this.log("Intelligence indicates that a new Synthoid community was formed in a city"); } } else if (chance <= 0.1) { //Synthoid Community Migration, 5% if (sourceCity.comms <= 0) { //If no comms in source city, then instead trigger a new Synthoid community event ++sourceCity.comms; var percentage = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(10, 20) / 100; var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage); sourceCity.pop += count; if (this.logging.events) { this.log("Intelligence indicates that a new Synthoid community was formed in a city"); } } else { --sourceCity.comms; ++destCity.comms; //Change pop var percentage = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(10, 20) / 100; var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage); sourceCity.pop -= count; destCity.pop += count; if (this.logging.events) { this.log("Intelligence indicates that a Synthoid community migrated from " + sourceCityName + " to some other city"); } } } else if (chance <= 0.3) { //New Synthoids (non community), 20% var percentage = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(8, 24) / 100; var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage); sourceCity.pop += count; if (this.logging.events) { this.log("Intelligence indicates that the Synthoid population of " + sourceCityName + " just changed significantly"); } } else if (chance <= 0.5) { //Synthoid migration (non community) 20% this.triggerMigration(sourceCityName); if (this.logging.events) { this.log("Intelligence indicates that a large number of Synthoids migrated from " + sourceCityName + " to some other city"); } } else if (chance <= 0.7) { //Synthoid Riots (+chaos), 20% sourceCity.chaos += 1; sourceCity.chaos *= (1 + Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(5, 10) / 100); if (this.logging.events) { this.log("Tensions between Synthoids and humans lead to riots in " + sourceCityName + "! Chaos increased"); } } else if (chance <= 0.9) { //Less Synthoids, 20% var percentage = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(5, 20) / 100; var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage); sourceCity.pop -= count; if (this.logging.events) { this.log("Intelligence indicates that the Synthoid population of " + sourceCityName + " just changed significantly"); } } //20% chance of nothing happening } Bladeburner.prototype.triggerPotentialMigration = function(sourceCityName, chance) { if (chance == null || isNaN(chance)) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid 'chance' parameter passed into Bladeburner.triggerPotentialMigration()"); } if (chance > 1) {chance /= 100;} if (Math.random() < chance) {this.triggerMigration(sourceCityName);} } Bladeburner.prototype.triggerMigration = function(sourceCityName) { var destCityName = CityNames[Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(0, 5)]; while (destCityName === sourceCityName) { destCityName = CityNames[Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(0, 5)]; } var destCity = this.cities[destCityName]; var sourceCity = this.cities[sourceCityName]; if (destCity == null || sourceCity == null) { throw new Error("Failed to find City with name: " + destCityName); } var rand = Math.random(), percentage = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(3, 15) / 100; if (rand < 0.05 && sourceCity.comms > 0) { //5% chance for community migration percentage *= Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__["getRandomInt"])(2, 4); //Migration increases population change --sourceCity.comms; ++destCity.comms; } var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage); sourceCity.pop -= count; destCity.pop += count; } var DomElems = {}; Bladeburner.prototype.initializeDomElementRefs = function() { DomElems = { bladeburnerDiv: null, //Main Divs overviewConsoleParentDiv: null, overviewDiv: null, //Overview of stats that stays fixed on left actionAndSkillsDiv: null, //Panel for different sections (contracts, ops, skills) currentTab: null, //Contracts, Operations, Black Ops, Skills consoleDiv: null, consoleTable: null, consoleInputRow: null, //tr consoleInputCell: null, //td consoleInputHeader: null, //"> " consoleInput: null, //Actual input element //Overview Content overviewRank: null, overviewStamina: null, overviewStaminaHelpTip: null, overviewGen1: null, //Stamina Penalty, Team, Hospitalized stats, current city overviewEstPop: null, overviewEstPopHelpTip: null, overviewEstComms: null, overviewChaos: null, overviewSkillPoints: null, overviewAugSuccessMult: null, overviewAugMaxStaminaMult: null, overviewAugStaminaGainMult: null, overviewAugAnalysisMult: null, //Actions and Skills Content actionsAndSkillsDesc: null, actionsAndSkillsList: null, //ul element of all UI elements in this panel generalActions: {}, contracts: {}, operations: {}, blackops: {}, skills: {}, skillPointsDisplay: null, }; } Bladeburner.prototype.createContent = function() { DomElems.bladeburnerDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { id:"bladeburner-container", position:"fixed", class:"generic-menupage-container", }); //Parent Div for Overview and Console DomElems.overviewConsoleParentDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { height:"60%", display:"block", position:"relative", }); //Overview and Action/Skill pane DomElems.overviewDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { width:"30%", display:"inline-block", border:"1px solid white", }); DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { height:"60%", width:"70%", display:"block", border:"1px solid white", margin:"6px", padding:"6px", }); DomElems.currentTab = "general"; this.createOverviewContent(); this.createActionAndSkillsContent(); //Console DomElems.consoleDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { class:"bladeburner-console-div", clickListener:()=>{ if (DomElems.consoleInput instanceof Element) { DomElems.consoleInput.focus(); } return false; } }); DomElems.consoleTable = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("table", {class:"bladeburner-console-table"}); DomElems.consoleInputRow = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("tr", {class:"bladeburner-console-input-row", id:"bladeubrner-console-input-row"}); DomElems.consoleInputCell = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("td", {class:"bladeburner-console-input-cell"}); DomElems.consoleInputHeader = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("pre", {innerText:"> "}); DomElems.consoleInput = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("input", { type:"text", class:"bladeburner-console-input", tabIndex:1, onfocus:()=>{DomElems.consoleInput.value = DomElems.consoleInput.value} }); DomElems.consoleInputCell.appendChild(DomElems.consoleInputHeader); DomElems.consoleInputCell.appendChild(DomElems.consoleInput); DomElems.consoleInputRow.appendChild(DomElems.consoleInputCell); DomElems.consoleTable.appendChild(DomElems.consoleInputRow); DomElems.consoleDiv.appendChild(DomElems.consoleTable); DomElems.overviewConsoleParentDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewDiv); DomElems.overviewConsoleParentDiv.appendChild(DomElems.consoleDiv); DomElems.bladeburnerDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewConsoleParentDiv); DomElems.bladeburnerDiv.appendChild(DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv); document.getElementById("entire-game-container").appendChild(DomElems.bladeburnerDiv); this.postToConsole("Bladeburner Console BETA"); this.postToConsole("Type 'help' to see console commands"); DomElems.consoleInput.focus(); } Bladeburner.prototype.clearContent = function() { if (DomElems.bladeburnerDiv instanceof Element) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(DomElems.bladeburnerDiv); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__["removeElement"])(DomElems.bladeburnerDiv); } Object(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["clearObject"])(DomElems); this.initializeDomElementRefs(); } Bladeburner.prototype.createOverviewContent = function() { if (DomElems.overviewDiv == null) { throw new Error("Bladeburner.createOverviewContent() called with DomElems.overviewDiv = null"); } DomElems.overviewRank = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Rank: ", display:"inline-block", tooltip:"Your rank within the Bladeburner division", }); DomElems.overviewStamina = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"inline-block", }); DomElems.overviewStaminaHelpTip = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { innerText:"?", class:"help-tip", clickListener:()=>{ Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Performing actions will use up your stamina.

" + "Your max stamina is determined primarily by your agility stat.

" + "Your stamina gain rate is determined by both your agility and your " + "max stamina. Higher max stamina leads to a higher gain rate.

" + "Once your " + "stamina falls below 50% of its max value, it begins to negatively " + "affect the success rate of your contracts/operations. This penalty " + "is shown in the overview panel. If the penalty is 15%, then this means " + "your success rate would be multipled by 85% (100 - 15).

" + "Your max stamina and stamina gain rate can also be increased by " + "training, or through skills and Augmentation upgrades."); } }); DomElems.overviewGen1 = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"block", }); DomElems.overviewEstPop = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Est. Synthoid Population: ", display:"inline-block", tooltip:"This is your Bladeburner division's estimate of how many Synthoids exist " + "in your current city." }); DomElems.overviewEstPopHelpTip = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { innerText:"?", class:"help-tip", clickListener:()=>{ Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["dialogBoxCreate"])("The success rate of your contracts/operations depends on " + "the population of Synthoids in your current city. " + "The success rate that is shown to you is only an estimate, " + "and it is based on your Synthoid population estimate.

" + "Therefore, it is important that this Synthoid population estimate " + "is accurate so that you have a better idea of your " + "success rate for contracts/operations. Certain " + "actions will increase the accuracy of your population " + "estimate.

" + "The Synthoid populations of cities can change due to your " + "actions or random events. If random events occur, they will " + "be logged in the Bladeburner Console."); } }); DomElems.overviewEstComms = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Est. Synthoid Communities: ", display:"inline-block", tooltip:"This is your Bladeburner divison's estimate of how many Synthoid " + "communities exist in your current city.", }); DomElems.overviewChaos = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"City Chaos: ", display:"inline-block", tooltip:"The city's chaos level due to tensions and conflicts between humans and Synthoids. " + "Having too high of a chaos level can make contracts and operations harder." }); DomElems.overviewSkillPoints = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", {display:"block"}); DomElems.overviewAugSuccessMult = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", {display:"block"}); DomElems.overviewAugMaxStaminaMult = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", {display:"block"}); DomElems.overviewAugStaminaGainMult = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", {display:"block"}); DomElems.overviewAugAnalysisMult = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", {display:"block"}); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewRank); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewStamina); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewStaminaHelpTip); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewGen1); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewEstPop); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewEstPopHelpTip); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewEstComms); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewChaos); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(DomElems.overviewDiv, 2); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewSkillPoints); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewAugSuccessMult); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewAugMaxStaminaMult); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewAugStaminaGainMult); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(DomElems.overviewAugAnalysisMult); //Travel to new city button Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerHTML:"Travel", class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", clickListener:()=>{ var popupId = "bladeburner-travel-popup-cancel-btn"; var popupArguments = []; popupArguments.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { //Cancel Button innerText:"Cancel", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["removeElementById"])(popupId); return false; } })) popupArguments.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { //Info Text innerText:"Travel to a different city for your Bladeburner " + "activities. This does not cost any money. The city you are " + "in for your Bladeburner duties does not affect " + "your location in the game otherwise", })); for (var i = 0; i < CityNames.length; ++i) { (function(inst, i) { popupArguments.push(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { //Reusing this css class...it adds a border and makes it //so that background color changes when you hover class:"cmpy-mgmt-find-employee-option", innerText:CityNames[i], clickListener:()=>{ inst.city = CityNames[i]; Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["removeElementById"])(popupId); inst.updateOverviewContent(); return false; } })); })(this, i); } Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["createPopup"])(popupId, popupArguments); } })); //Faction button const bladeburnersFactionName = "Bladeburners"; if (Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* factionExists */ "d"])(bladeburnersFactionName)) { var bladeburnerFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Factions */ "b"][bladeburnersFactionName]; if (!(bladeburnerFac instanceof _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Faction */ "a"])) { throw new Error("Could not properly get Bladeburner Faction object in Bladeburner UI Overview Faction button"); } DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Faction", class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", tooltip:"Apply to the Bladeburner Faction, or go to the faction page if you are already a member", clickListener:()=>{ if (bladeburnerFac.isMember) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].loadFactionContent(); Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* displayFactionContent */ "c"])(bladeburnersFactionName); } else { if (this.rank >= RankNeededForFaction) { Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* joinFaction */ "h"])(bladeburnerFac); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Congratulations! You were accepted into the Bladeburners faction"); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(DomElems.overviewDiv); this.createOverviewContent(); } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You need a rank of 25 to join the Bladeburners Faction!") } } return false; } })); } DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("br")); DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("br")); this.updateOverviewContent(); } Bladeburner.prototype.createActionAndSkillsContent = function() { if (DomElems.currentTab == null) {DomElems.currentTab = "general";} Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv); Object(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["clearObject"])(DomElems.generalActions); Object(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["clearObject"])(DomElems.contracts); Object(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["clearObject"])(DomElems.operations); Object(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["clearObject"])(DomElems.blackops); Object(_utils_helpers_clearObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["clearObject"])(DomElems.skills); //Navigation buttons var currTab = DomElems.currentTab.toLowerCase(); var buttons = ["General", "Contracts", "Operations", "BlackOps", "Skills"]; for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) { (function(buttons, i, inst, currTab) { DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:buttons[i], class:currTab === buttons[i].toLowerCase() ? "bladeburner-nav-button-inactive" : "bladeburner-nav-button", clickListener:()=>{ DomElems.currentTab = buttons[i].toLowerCase(); inst.createActionAndSkillsContent(); return false; } })); }) (buttons, i, this, currTab); } //General info/description for each action DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"block", margin:"4px", padding:"4px" }); //List for actions/skills Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList); DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("ul"); switch(currTab) { case "general": this.createGeneralActionsContent(); break; case "contracts": this.createContractsContent(); break; case "operations": this.createOperationsContent(); break; case "blackops": this.createBlackOpsContent(); break; case "skills": this.createSkillsContent(); break; default: throw new Error("Invalid value for DomElems.currentTab in Bladeburner.createActionAndSkillsContent"); } this.updateContent(); DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv.appendChild(DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc); DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv.appendChild(DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList); } Bladeburner.prototype.createGeneralActionsContent = function() { if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) { throw new Error("Bladeburner.createGeneralActionsContent called with either " + "DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null"); } DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerText = "These are generic actions that will assist you in your Bladeburner " + "duties. They will not affect your Bladeburner rank in any way." for (var actionName in GeneralActions) { if (GeneralActions.hasOwnProperty(actionName)) { DomElems.generalActions[actionName] = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { class:"bladeburner-action", name:actionName }); DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList.appendChild(DomElems.generalActions[actionName]); } } } Bladeburner.prototype.createContractsContent = function() { if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) { throw new Error("Bladeburner.createContractsContent called with either " + "DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null"); } DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML = "Complete contracts in order to increase your Bitburner rank and earn money. " + "Failing a contract will cause you to lose HP, which can lead to hospitalization.

" + "You can unlock higher-level contracts by successfully completing them. " + "Higher-level contracts are more difficult, but grant more rank, experience, and money."; for (var contractName in this.contracts) { if (this.contracts.hasOwnProperty(contractName)) { DomElems.contracts[contractName] = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { class:"bladeburner-action", name:contractName }); DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList.appendChild(DomElems.contracts[contractName]); } } } Bladeburner.prototype.createOperationsContent = function() { if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) { throw new Error("Bladeburner.createOperationsContent called with either " + "DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null"); } DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML = "Carry out operations for the Bladeburner division. " + "Failing an operation will reduce your Bladeburner rank. It will also " + "cause you to lose HP, which can lead to hospitalization. In general, " + "operations are harder and more punishing than contracts, " + "but are also more rewarding.

" + "Operations can affect the chaos level and Synthoid population of your " + "current city. The exact effects vary between different Operations.

" + "For operations, you can use a team. You must first recruit team members. " + "Having a larger team will improves your chances of success.

" + "You can unlock higher-level operations by successfully completing them. " + "Higher-level operations are more difficult, but grant more rank and experience."; for (var operationName in this.operations) { if (this.operations.hasOwnProperty(operationName)) { DomElems.operations[operationName] = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { class:"bladeburner-action", name:operationName }); DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList.appendChild(DomElems.operations[operationName]); } } } Bladeburner.prototype.createBlackOpsContent = function() { if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) { throw new Error("Bladeburner.createBlackOpsContent called with either " + "DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null"); } DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML = "Black Operations (Black Ops) are special, one-time covert operations. " + "Each Black Op must be unlocked successively by completing " + "the one before it.

" + "Like normal operations, you may use a team for Black Ops. Failing " + "a black op will incur heavy HP and rank losses."; //Put Black Operations in sequence of required rank var blackops = []; for (var blackopName in BlackOperations) { if (BlackOperations.hasOwnProperty(blackopName)) { blackops.push(BlackOperations[blackopName]); } } blackops.sort(function(a, b) { return (a.reqdRank - b.reqdRank); }); for (var i = 0; i < blackops.length; ++i) { DomElems.blackops[blackops[i].name] = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { class:"bladeburner-action", name:blackops[i].name }); DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList.appendChild(DomElems.blackops[blackops[i].name]); if (this.blackops[[blackops[i].name]] == null) {break;} //Can't be found in completed blackops } } Bladeburner.prototype.createSkillsContent = function() { if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) { throw new Error("Bladeburner.createSkillsContent called with either " + "DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null"); } //Display Current multipliers DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML = "You will gain one skill point every " + RanksPerSkillPoint + " ranks.

" + "Note that when upgrading a skill, the benefit for that skill is additive. " + "However, the effects of different skills with each other is multiplicative.

" var multKeys = Object.keys(this.skillMultipliers); for (var i = 0; i < multKeys.length; ++i) { var mult = this.skillMultipliers[multKeys[i]]; if (mult && mult !== 1) { mult = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(mult, 3); switch(multKeys[i]) { case "successChanceAll": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Total Success Chance: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "successChanceStealth": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Stealth Success Chance: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "successChanceKill": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Retirement Success Chance: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "successChanceContract": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Contract Success Chance: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "successChanceOperation": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Operation Success Chance: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "successChanceEstimate": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Synthoid Data Estimate: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "actionTime": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Action Time: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "effHack": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Hacking Skill: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "effStr": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Strength: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "effDef": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Defense: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "effDex": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Dexterity: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "effAgi": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Agility: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "effCha": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Charisma: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "effInt": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Intelligence: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "stamina": DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Stamina: x" + mult + "
"; break; case "weaponAbility": //DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += break; case "gunAbility": //DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML break; default: console.log("Warning: Unrecognized SkillMult Key: " + multKeys[i]); break; } } } //Skill Points DomElems.skillPointsDisplay = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { innerHTML:"
Skill Points: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.skillPoints, 0) + "" }); DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv.appendChild(DomElems.skillPointsDisplay); //UI Element for each skill for (var skillName in Skills) { if (Skills.hasOwnProperty(skillName)) { DomElems.skills[skillName] = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("div", { class:"bladeburner-action", name:skillName }); DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList.appendChild(DomElems.skills[skillName]); } } } Bladeburner.prototype.updateContent = function() { this.updateOverviewContent(); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); } Bladeburner.prototype.updateOverviewContent = function() { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].currentPage !== _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Page.Bladeburner) {return;} DomElems.overviewRank.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Rank: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.rank, 2); DomElems.overviewStamina.innerText = "Stamina: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.stamina, 3) + " / " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.maxStamina, 3); DomElems.overviewGen1.innerHTML = "Stamina Penalty: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])((1-this.calculateStaminaPenalty())*100, 1) + "%

" + "Team Size: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.teamSize, 0) + "
" + "Team Members Lost: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.teamLost, 0) + "

" + "Num Times Hospitalized: " + this.numHosp + "
" + "Money Lost From Hospitalizations: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13___default()(this.moneyLost).format("$0.000a") + "

" + "Current City: " + this.city + "
"; DomElems.overviewEstPop.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Est. Synthoid Population: " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13___default()(this.getCurrentCity().popEst).format("0.000a"); DomElems.overviewEstComms.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Est. Synthoid Communities: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.getCurrentCity().comms, 0); DomElems.overviewChaos.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "City Chaos: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.getCurrentCity().chaos); DomElems.overviewSkillPoints.innerText = "Skill Points: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.skillPoints, 0); DomElems.overviewAugSuccessMult.innerText = "Aug. Success Chance Mult: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_success_chance_mult*100, 1) + "%"; DomElems.overviewAugMaxStaminaMult.innerText = "Aug. Max Stamina Mult: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_max_stamina_mult*100, 1) + "%"; DomElems.overviewAugStaminaGainMult.innerText = "Aug. Stamina Gain Mult: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult*100, 1) + "%"; DomElems.overviewAugAnalysisMult.innerText = "Aug. Field Analysis Mult: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner_analysis_mult*100, 1) + "%"; } Bladeburner.prototype.updateActionAndSkillsContent = function() { if (DomElems.currentTab == null) {DomElems.currentTab = "general";} switch(DomElems.currentTab.toLowerCase()) { case "general": var actionElems = Object.keys(DomElems.generalActions); for (var i = 0; i < actionElems.length; ++i) { var actionElem = DomElems.generalActions[actionElems[i]]; var name = actionElem.name; var actionObj = GeneralActions[name]; if (actionObj == null) { throw new Error("Could not find Object " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()"); } if (this.action.type === ActionTypes[name]) { actionElem.classList.add(ActiveActionCssClass); } else { actionElem.classList.remove(ActiveActionCssClass); } this.updateGeneralActionsUIElement(actionElem, actionObj); } break; case "contracts": var contractElems = Object.keys(DomElems.contracts); for (var i = 0; i < contractElems.length; ++i) { var contractElem = DomElems.contracts[contractElems[i]]; var name = contractElem.name; if (this.action.type === ActionTypes["Contract"] && name === this.action.name) { contractElem.classList.add(ActiveActionCssClass); } else { contractElem.classList.remove(ActiveActionCssClass); } var contract = this.contracts[name]; if (contract == null) { throw new Error("Could not find Contract " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()"); } this.updateContractsUIElement(contractElem, contract); } break; case "operations": var operationElems = Object.keys(DomElems.operations); for (var i = 0; i < operationElems.length; ++i) { var operationElem = DomElems.operations[operationElems[i]]; var name = operationElem.name; if (this.action.type === ActionTypes["Operation"] && name === this.action.name) { operationElem.classList.add(ActiveActionCssClass); } else { operationElem.classList.remove(ActiveActionCssClass); } var operation = this.operations[name]; if (operation == null) { throw new Error("Could not find Operation " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()"); } this.updateOperationsUIElement(operationElem, operation); } break; case "blackops": var blackopsElems = Object.keys(DomElems.blackops); for (var i = 0; i < blackopsElems.length; ++i) { var blackopElem = DomElems.blackops[blackopsElems[i]]; var name = blackopElem.name; if (this.action.type === ActionTypes["BlackOperation"] && name === this.action.name) { blackopElem.classList.add(ActiveActionCssClass); } else { blackopElem.classList.remove(ActiveActionCssClass); } var blackop = BlackOperations[name]; if (blackop == null) { throw new Error("Could not find BlackOperation " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()"); } this.updateBlackOpsUIElement(blackopElem, blackop); } break; case "skills": DomElems.skillPointsDisplay.innerHTML = "
Skill Points: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.skillPoints, 0) + ""; var skillElems = Object.keys(DomElems.skills); for (var i = 0; i < skillElems.length; ++i) { var skillElem = DomElems.skills[skillElems[i]]; var name = skillElem.name; var skill = Skills[name]; if (skill == null) { throw new Error("Could not find Skill " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()"); } this.updateSkillsUIElement(skillElem, skill); } break; default: throw new Error("Invalid value for DomElems.currentTab in Bladeburner.createActionAndSkillsContent"); } } Bladeburner.prototype.updateGeneralActionsUIElement = function(el, action) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(el); var isActive = el.classList.contains(ActiveActionCssClass); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("h2", { //Header innerText:isActive ? action.name + " (IN PROGRESS - " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.actionTimeCurrent, 0) + " / " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.actionTimeToComplete, 0) + ")" : action.name, display:"inline-block", })); if (isActive) { //Progress bar if its active var progress = this.actionTimeCurrent / this.actionTimeToComplete; el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"block", innerText:Object(_utils_helpers_createProgressBarText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["createProgressBarText"])({progress:progress}) })); } else { //Start button el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Start", class: "a-link-button", margin:"3px", padding:"3px", clickListener:()=>{ this.action.type = ActionTypes[action.name]; this.action.name = action.name; this.startAction(this.action); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); return false; } })); } Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(el, 2); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("pre", { //Info innerHTML:action.desc, display:"inline-block" })); } Bladeburner.prototype.updateContractsUIElement = function(el, action) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(el); var isActive = el.classList.contains(ActiveActionCssClass); var estimatedSuccessChance = action.getSuccessChance(this, {est:true}); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("h2", { //Header innerText:isActive ? action.name + " (IN PROGRESS - " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.actionTimeCurrent, 0) + " / " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.actionTimeToComplete, 0) + ")" : action.name, display:"inline-block" })); if (isActive) { //Progress bar if its active var progress = this.actionTimeCurrent / this.actionTimeToComplete; el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"block", innerText:Object(_utils_helpers_createProgressBarText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["createProgressBarText"])({progress:progress}) })); } else { //Start button el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Start", class: "a-link-button", padding:"3px", margin:"3px", clickListener:()=>{ this.action.type = ActionTypes.Contract; this.action.name = action.name; this.startAction(this.action); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); return false; } })); } //Level and buttons to change level var maxLevel = (action.level >= action.maxLevel); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(el, 2); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("pre", { display:"inline-block", innerText:"Level: " + action.level + " / " + action.maxLevel, tooltip:action.getSuccessesNeededForNextLevel(ContractSuccessesPerLevel) + " successes " + "needed for next level" })); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { class: maxLevel ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "a-link-button", innerHTML:"↑", padding:"2px", margin:"2px", tooltip: isActive ? "WARNING: changing the level will restart the contract" : "", display:"inline", clickListener:()=>{ ++action.level; if (isActive) {this.startAction(this.action);} //Restart Action this.updateContractsUIElement(el, action); return false; } })); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { class: (action.level <= 1) ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "a-link-button", innerHTML:"↓", padding:"2px", margin:"2px", tooltip: isActive ? "WARNING: changing the level will restart the contract" : "", display:"inline", clickListener:()=>{ --action.level; if (isActive) {this.startAction(this.action);} //Restart Action this.updateContractsUIElement(el, action); return false; } })); var actionTime = action.getActionTime(this); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(el, 2); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("pre", { //Info display:"inline-block", innerHTML:action.desc + "\n\n" + "Estimated success chance: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(estimatedSuccessChance*100, 1) + "%\n" + "Time Required (s): " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(actionTime, 0) + "\n" + "Contracts remaining: " + Math.floor(action.count) + "\n" + "Successes: " + action.successes + "\n" + "Failures: " + action.failures, })); //Autolevel Checkbox el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("br")); var autolevelCheckboxId = "bladeburner-" + action.name + "-autolevel-checkbox"; el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("label", { for:autolevelCheckboxId, innerText:"Autolevel",color:"white", tooltip:"Automatically increase contract level when possible" })); var autolevelCheckbox = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("input", { type:"checkbox", id:autolevelCheckboxId, margin:"4px", checked:action.autoLevel, changeListener:()=>{ action.autoLevel = autolevelCheckbox.checked; } }); el.appendChild(autolevelCheckbox); } Bladeburner.prototype.updateOperationsUIElement = function(el, action) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(el); var isActive = el.classList.contains(ActiveActionCssClass); var estimatedSuccessChance = action.getSuccessChance(this, {est:true}); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("h2", { //Header innerText:isActive ? action.name + " (IN PROGRESS - " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.actionTimeCurrent, 0) + " / " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.actionTimeToComplete, 0) + ")" : action.name, display:"inline-block" })); if (isActive) { //Progress bar if its active var progress = this.actionTimeCurrent / this.actionTimeToComplete; el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"block", innerText:Object(_utils_helpers_createProgressBarText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["createProgressBarText"])({progress:progress}) })); } else { //Start button and set Team Size button el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Start", class: "a-link-button", margin:"3px", padding:"3px", clickListener:()=>{ this.action.type = ActionTypes.Operation; this.action.name = action.name; this.startAction(this.action); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); return false; } })); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Set Team Size (Curr Size: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(action.teamCount, 0) + ")", class:"a-link-button", margin:"3px", padding:"3px", clickListener:()=>{ var popupId = "bladeburner-operation-set-team-size-popup"; var txt = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Enter the amount of team members you would like to take on these " + "operations. If you do not have the specified number of team members, " + "then as many as possible will be used. Note that team members may " + "be lost during operations." }); var input = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("input", { type:"number", placeholder: "Team Members" }); var setBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Confirm", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ var num = Math.round(parseFloat(input.value)); if (isNaN(num)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Invalid value entered for number of Team Members (must be numeric)") } else { action.teamCount = num; this.updateOperationsUIElement(el, action); } Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["removeElementById"])(popupId); return false; } }); var cancelBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Cancel", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["removeElementById"])(popupId); return false; } }); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["createPopup"])(popupId, [txt, input, setBtn, cancelBtn]); } })); } //Level and buttons to change level var maxLevel = (action.level >= action.maxLevel); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(el, 2); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("pre", { display:"inline-block", innerText:"Level: " + action.level + " / " + action.maxLevel, tooltip:action.getSuccessesNeededForNextLevel(OperationSuccessesPerLevel) + " successes " + "needed for next level" })); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { class: maxLevel ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "a-link-button", innerHTML:"↑", padding:"2px", margin:"2px", tooltip: isActive ? "WARNING: changing the level will restart the Operation" : "", display:"inline", clickListener:()=>{ ++action.level; if (isActive) {this.startAction(this.action);} //Restart Action this.updateOperationsUIElement(el, action); return false; } })); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { class: (action.level <= 1) ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "a-link-button", innerHTML:"↓", padding:"2px", margin:"2px", tooltip: isActive ? "WARNING: changing the level will restart the Operation" : "", display:"inline", clickListener:()=>{ --action.level; if (isActive) {this.startAction(this.action);} //Restart Action this.updateOperationsUIElement(el, action); return false; } })); //General Info var difficulty = action.getDifficulty(); var actionTime = action.getActionTime(this); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(el, 2); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("pre", { display:"inline-block", innerHTML:action.desc + "\n\n" + "Estimated success chance: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(estimatedSuccessChance*100, 1) + "%\n" + "Time Required(s): " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(actionTime, 1) + "\n" + "Operations remaining: " + Math.floor(action.count) + "\n" + "Successes: " + action.successes + "\n" + "Failures: " + action.failures, })); //Autolevel Checkbox el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("br")); var autolevelCheckboxId = "bladeburner-" + action.name + "-autolevel-checkbox"; el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("label", { for:autolevelCheckboxId, innerText:"Autolevel",color:"white", tooltip:"Automatically increase operation level when possible" })); var autolevelCheckbox = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("input", { type:"checkbox", id:autolevelCheckboxId, margin:"4px", checked:action.autoLevel, changeListener:()=>{ action.autoLevel = autolevelCheckbox.checked; } }); el.appendChild(autolevelCheckbox); } Bladeburner.prototype.updateBlackOpsUIElement = function(el, action) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(el); var isActive = el.classList.contains(ActiveActionCssClass); var isCompleted = (this.blackops[action.name] != null); var estimatedSuccessChance = action.getSuccessChance(this, {est:true}); var difficulty = action.getDifficulty(); var actionTime = action.getActionTime(this); var hasReqdRank = this.rank >= action.reqdRank; //UI for Completed Black Op if (isCompleted) { el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("h2", { innerText:action.name + " (COMPLETED)", display:"block", })); return; } el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("h2", { //Header innerText:isActive ? action.name + " (IN PROGRESS - " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.actionTimeCurrent, 0) + " / " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.actionTimeToComplete, 0) + ")" : action.name, display:"inline-block", })); if (isActive) { //Progress bar if its active var progress = this.actionTimeCurrent / this.actionTimeToComplete; el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"block", innerText:Object(_utils_helpers_createProgressBarText__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["createProgressBarText"])({progress:progress}) })); } else { el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { //Start button innerText:"Start", margin:"3px", padding:"3px", class:hasReqdRank ? "a-link-button" : "a-link-button-inactive", clickListener:()=>{ this.action.type = ActionTypes.BlackOperation; this.action.name = action.name; this.startAction(this.action); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); return false; } })); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { //Set Team Size Button innerText:"Set Team Size (Curr Size: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(action.teamCount, 0) + ")", class:"a-link-button", margin:"3px", padding:"3px", clickListener:()=>{ var popupId = "bladeburner-operation-set-team-size-popup"; var txt = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { innerText:"Enter the amount of team members you would like to take on this " + "BlackOp. If you do not have the specified number of team members, " + "then as many as possible will be used. Note that team members may " + "be lost during operations." }); var input = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("input", { type:"number", placeholder: "Team Members" }); var setBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Confirm", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ var num = Math.round(parseFloat(input.value)); if (isNaN(num)) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Invalid value entered for number of Team Members (must be numeric)") } else { action.teamCount = num; this.updateBlackOpsUIElement(el, action); } Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["removeElementById"])(popupId); return false; } }); var cancelBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:"Cancel", class:"a-link-button", clickListener:()=>{ Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["removeElementById"])(popupId); return false; } }); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["createPopup"])(popupId, [txt, input, setBtn, cancelBtn]); } })); } //Info Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(el, 2); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"inline-block", innerHTML:"
" + action.desc + "

", })); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"block", color:hasReqdRank ? "white" : "red", innerHTML:"Required Rank: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(action.reqdRank, 0) + "
" })); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"inline-block", innerHTML:"Estimated Success Chance: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(estimatedSuccessChance*100, 1) + "%\n" + "Time Required(s): " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(actionTime, 1), })) } Bladeburner.prototype.updateSkillsUIElement = function(el, skill) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(el); var skillName = skill.name; var currentLevel = 0; if (this.skills[skillName] && !isNaN(this.skills[skillName])) { currentLevel = this.skills[skillName]; } var pointCost = skill.calculateCost(currentLevel); el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("h2", { //Header innerText:skill.name + " (Lvl " + currentLevel + ")", display:"inline-block" })); var canLevel = this.skillPoints >= pointCost; var maxLvl = skill.maxLvl ? currentLevel >= skill.maxLvl : false; el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("a", { //Level up button innerText:"Level", display:"inline-block", class: canLevel && !maxLvl ? "a-link-button" : "a-link-button-inactive", margin:"3px", padding:"3px", clickListener:()=>{ if (this.skillPoints < pointCost) {return;} this.skillPoints -= pointCost; this.upgradeSkill(skill); this.createActionAndSkillsContent(); return false; } })); Object(_utils_uiHelpers_appendLineBreaks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["appendLineBreaks"])(el, 2); if (maxLvl) { el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { color:"red", display:"block", innerText:"MAX LEVEL" })); } else { el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { display:"block", innerText:"Skill Points required: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(pointCost, 0), })); } el.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["createElement"])("p", { //Info/Description innerHTML:skill.desc, display:"inline-block", })); } //Bladeburner Console Window Bladeburner.prototype.postToConsole = function(input) { if (input == null || DomElems.consoleDiv == null) {return;} $("#bladeubrner-console-input-row").before('' + input + ''); if (DomElems.consoleTable.childNodes.length > 200) { DomElems.consoleTable.removeChild(DomElems.consoleTable.firstChild); } this.updateConsoleScroll(); } Bladeburner.prototype.updateConsoleScroll = function() { DomElems.consoleDiv.scrollTop = DomElems.consoleDiv.scrollHeight; } Bladeburner.prototype.resetConsoleInput = function() { DomElems.consoleInput.value = ""; } Bladeburner.prototype.clearConsole = function() { while (DomElems.consoleTable.childNodes.length > 1) { DomElems.consoleTable.removeChild(DomElems.consoleTable.firstChild); } } Bladeburner.prototype.log = function(input) { //Adds a timestamp and then just calls postToConsole var d = new Date(); var timestamp = d.getMonth() + "/" + d.getDay() + " " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes(); this.postToConsole("[" + timestamp + "] " + input); } //Handles a potential series of commands (comm1; comm2; comm3;) Bladeburner.prototype.executeConsoleCommands = function(commands) { try { //Console History if (consoleHistory[consoleHistory.length-1] != commands) { consoleHistory.push(commands); if (consoleHistory.length > 50) { consoleHistory.splice(0, 1); } } consoleHistoryIndex = consoleHistory.length; var arrayOfCommands = commands.split(";"); for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfCommands.length; ++i) { this.executeConsoleCommand(arrayOfCommands[i]); } } catch(e) { Object(_utils_helpers_exceptionAlert__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__[/* exceptionAlert */ "a"])(e); } } //A single command Bladeburner.prototype.executeConsoleCommand = function(command) { command = command.trim(); command = command.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); //Replace all whitespace w/ a single space var args = this.parseCommandArguments(command); if (args.length <= 0) {return;} //Log an error? switch(args[0].toLowerCase()) { case "automate": this.executeAutomateConsoleCommand(args); break; case "clear": case "cls": this.clearConsole(); break; case "help": this.executeHelpConsoleCommand(args); break; case "log": this.executeLogConsoleCommand(args); break; case "skill": this.executeSkillConsoleCommand(args); break; case "start": this.executeStartConsoleCommand(args); break; case "stop": this.resetAction(); break; default: this.postToConsole("Invalid console command"); break; } } Bladeburner.prototype.parseCommandArguments = function(command) { //Returns an array with command and its arguments in each index. //e.g. skill "blade's intuition" foo returns [skill, blade's intuition, foo] //The input to this fn will be trimmed and will have all whitespace replaced w/ a single space var args = []; var start = 0, i = 0; while (i < command.length) { var c = command.charAt(i); if (c === '"') { var endQuote = command.indexOf('"', i+1); if (endQuote !== -1 && (endQuote === command.length-1 || command.charAt(endQuote+1) === " ")) { args.push(command.substr(i+1, (endQuote - i - 1))); if (endQuote === command.length-1) { start = i = endQuote+1; } else { start = i = endQuote+2; //Skip the space } continue; } } else if (c === " ") { args.push(command.substr(start, i-start)); start = i+1; } ++i; } if (start !== i) {args.push(command.substr(start, i-start));} console.log("Bladeburner.parseCommandArguments returned: " + args); return args; } Bladeburner.prototype.executeAutomateConsoleCommand = function(args) { if (args.length !== 2 && args.length !== 4) { this.postToConsole("Invalid use of 'automate' command: automate [var] [val] [hi/low]. Use 'help automate' for more info"); return; } //Enable/Disable if (args.length === 2) { var flag = args[1]; if (flag.toLowerCase() === "status") { this.postToConsole("Automation: " + (this.automateEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")); if (this.automateEnabled) { this.postToConsole("When your stamina drops to " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.automateThreshLow, 0) + ", you will automatically switch to " + this.automateActionLow.name + ". When your stamina recovers to " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.automateThreshHigh, 0) + ", you will automatically " + "switch to " + this.automateActionHigh.name + "."); } } else if (flag.toLowerCase().includes("en")) { if (!(this.automateActionLow instanceof ActionIdentifier) || !(this.automateActionHigh instanceof ActionIdentifier)) { return this.log("Failed to enable automation. Actions were not set"); } this.automateEnabled = true; this.log("Bladeburner automation enabled"); } else if (flag.toLowerCase().includes("d")) { this.automateEnabled = false; this.log("Bladeburner automation disabled"); } else { this.log("Invalid argument for 'automate' console command: " + args[1]); } return; } //Set variables if (args.length === 4) { var variable = args[1], val = args[2]; var highLow = false; //True for high, false for low if (args[3].toLowerCase().includes("hi")) {highLow = true;} switch (variable) { case "general": case "gen": if (GeneralActions[val] != null) { var action = new ActionIdentifier({ type:ActionTypes[val], name:val }); if (highLow) { this.automateActionHigh = action; } else { this.automateActionLow = action; } this.log("Automate (" + (highLow ? "HIGH" : "LOW") + ") action set to " + val); } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid action name specified: " + val); } break; case "contract": case "contracts": if (this.contracts[val] != null) { var action = new ActionIdentifier({ type:ActionTypes.Contract, name:val }); if (highLow) { this.automateActionHigh = action; } else { this.automateActionLow = action; } this.log("Automate (" + (highLow ? "HIGH" : "LOW") + ") action set to " + val); } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid contract name specified: " + val); } break; case "ops": case "op": case "operations": case "operation": if (this.operations[val] != null) { var action = new ActionIdentifier({ type:ActionTypes.Operation, name:val }); if (highLow) { this.automateActionHigh = action; } else { this.automateActionLow = action; } this.log("Automate (" + (highLow ? "HIGH" : "LOW") + ") action set to " + val); } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid Operation name specified: " + val); } break; case "stamina": if (isNaN(val)) { this.postToConsole("Invalid value specified for stamina threshold (must be numeric): " + val); } else { if (highLow) { this.automateThreshHigh = Number(val); } else { this.automateThreshLow = Number(val); } this.log("Automate (" + (highLow ? "HIGH" : "LOW") + ") stamina threshold set to " + val); } break; default: break; } return; } } Bladeburner.prototype.executeHelpConsoleCommand = function(args) { if (args.length === 1) { this.postToConsole(consoleHelpText.helpList); } else { for (var i = 1; i < args.length; ++i) { var commandText = consoleHelpText[args[i]]; if (commandText != null) { this.postToConsole(commandText); this.postToConsole("
"); } } } } Bladeburner.prototype.executeLogConsoleCommand = function(args) { if (args.length < 3) { this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of log command: log [enable/disable] [action/event]"); this.postToConsole("Use 'help log' for more details and examples"); return; } var flag = true; if (args[1].toLowerCase().includes("d")) {flag = false;} //d for disable switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) { case "general": case "gen": this.logging.general = flag; this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for general actions"); break; case "contract": case "contracts": this.logging.contracts = flag; this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for Contracts"); break; case "ops": case "op": case "operations": case "operation": this.logging.ops = flag; this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for Operations"); break; case "blackops": case "blackop": case "black operations": case "black operation": this.logging.blackops = flag; this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for BlackOps"); break; case "event": case "events": this.logging.events = flag; this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for events"); break; case "all": this.logging.general = flag; this.logging.contracts = flag; this.logging.ops = flag; this.logging.blackops = flag; this.logging.events = flag; this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for everything"); break; default: this.postToConsole("Invalid action/event type specified: " + args[2]); this.postToConsole("Examples of valid action/event identifiers are: [general, contracts, ops, blackops, events]"); break; } } Bladeburner.prototype.executeSkillConsoleCommand = function(args) { switch (args.length) { case 1: //Display Skill Help Command this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'skill' console command: skill [action] [name]"); this.postToConsole("Use 'help skill' for more info"); break; case 2: if (args[1].toLowerCase() === "list") { //List all skills and their level this.postToConsole("Skills: "); var skillNames = Object.keys(Skills); for(var i = 0; i < skillNames.length; ++i) { var skill = Skills[skillNames[i]]; var level = 0; if (this.skills[skill.name] != null) {level = this.skills[skill.name];} this.postToConsole(skill.name + ": Level " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(level, 0)); } this.postToConsole(" "); this.postToConsole("Effects: "); var multKeys = Object.keys(this.skillMultipliers); for (var i = 0; i < multKeys.length; ++i) { var mult = this.skillMultipliers[multKeys[i]]; if (mult && mult !== 1) { mult = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(mult, 3); switch(multKeys[i]) { case "successChanceAll": this.postToConsole("Total Success Chance: x" + mult); break; case "successChanceStealth": this.postToConsole("Stealth Success Chance: x" + mult); break; case "successChanceKill": this.postToConsole("Retirement Success Chance: x" + mult); break; case "successChanceContract": this.postToConsole("Contract Success Chance: x" + mult); break; case "successChanceOperation": this.postToConsole("Operation Success Chance: x" + mult); break; case "successChanceEstimate": this.postToConsole("Synthoid Data Estimate: x" + mult); break; case "actionTime": this.postToConsole("Action Time: x" + mult); break; case "effHack": this.postToConsole("Hacking Skill: x" + mult); break; case "effStr": this.postToConsole("Strength: x" + mult); break; case "effDef": this.postToConsole("Defense: x" + mult); break; case "effDex": this.postToConsole("Dexterity: x" + mult); break; case "effAgi": this.postToConsole("Agility: x" + mult); break; case "effCha": this.postToConsole("Charisma: x" + mult); break; case "effInt": this.postToConsole("Intelligence: x" + mult); break; case "stamina": this.postToConsole("Stamina: x" + mult); break; case "weaponAbility": //DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += break; case "gunAbility": //DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML break; default: console.log("Warning: Unrecognized SkillMult Key: " + multKeys[i]); break; } } } } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'skill' console command: skill [action] [name]"); this.postToConsole("Use 'help skill' for more info"); } break; case 3: var skillName = args[2]; var skill = Skills[skillName]; if (skill == null || !(skill instanceof Skill)) { return this.postToConsole("Invalid skill name (Note that this is case-sensitive): " + skillName); } if (args[1].toLowerCase() === "list") { this.postToConsole(skill.name + ": Level " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(this.skills[skill.name]), 0); } else if (args[1].toLowerCase() === "level") { var currentLevel = 0; if (this.skills[skillName] && !isNaN(this.skills[skillName])) { currentLevel = this.skills[skillName]; } var pointCost = skill.calculateCost(currentLevel); if (this.skillPoints >= pointCost) { this.skillPoints -= pointCost; this.upgradeSkill(skill); this.log(skill.name + " upgraded to Level " + this.skills[skillName]); this.createActionAndSkillsContent(); } else { this.postToConsole("You do not have enough Skill Points to upgrade this. You need " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__["formatNumber"])(pointCost, 0)); } } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'skill' console command: skill [action] [name]"); this.postToConsole("Use 'help skill' for more info"); } break; default: this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'skill' console command: skill [action] [name]"); this.postToConsole("Use 'help skill' for more info"); break; } } Bladeburner.prototype.executeStartConsoleCommand = function(args) { if (args.length !== 3) { this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'start' console command: start [type] [name]"); this.postToConsole("Use 'help start' for more info"); return; } var name = args[2]; switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) { case "general": case "gen": if (GeneralActions[name] != null) { this.action.type = ActionTypes[name]; this.action.name = name; this.startAction(this.action); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid action name specified: " + args[2]); } break; case "contract": case "contracts": if (this.contracts[name] != null) { this.action.type = ActionTypes.Contract; this.action.name = name; this.startAction(this.action); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid contract name specified: " + args[2]); } break; case "ops": case "op": case "operations": case "operation": if (this.operations[name] != null) { this.action.type = ActionTypes.Operation; this.action.name = name; this.startAction(this.action); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid Operation name specified: " + args[2]); } break; case "blackops": case "blackop": case "black operations": case "black operation": if (BlackOperations[name] != null) { this.action.type = ActionTypes.BlackOperation; this.action.name = name; this.startAction(this.action); this.updateActionAndSkillsContent(); } else { this.postToConsole("Invalid BlackOp name specified: " + args[2]); } break; default: this.postToConsole("Invalid action/event type specified: " + args[1]); this.postToConsole("Examples of valid action/event identifiers are: [general, contract, op, blackop]"); break; } } Bladeburner.prototype.getActionIdFromTypeAndName = function(type="", name="") { if (type === "" || name === "") {return null;} var action = new ActionIdentifier(); var convertedType = type.toLowerCase().trim(); var convertedName = name.toLowerCase().trim(); switch (convertedType) { case "contract": case "contracts": case "contr": action.type = ActionTypes["Contract"]; if (this.contracts.hasOwnProperty(name)) { action.name = name; return action; } else { return null; } case "operation": case "operations": case "op": case "ops": action.type = ActionTypes["Operation"]; if (this.operations.hasOwnProperty(name)) { action.name = name; return action; } else { return null; } case "blackoperation": case "black operation": case "black operations": case "black op": case "black ops": case "blackop": case "blackops": action.type = ActionTypes["BlackOp"]; if (BlackOperations.hasOwnProperty(name)) { action.name = name; return action; } else { return null; } case "general": case "general action": case "gen": break; default: return null; } if (convertedType.startsWith("gen")) { switch (convertedName) { case "training": action.type = ActionTypes["Training"]; break; case "recruitment": case "recruit": action.type = ActionTypes["Recruitment"]; break; case "field analysis": case "fieldanalysis": action.type = ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]; break; default: return null; } return action; } } Bladeburner.prototype.getContractNamesNetscriptFn = function() { return Object.keys(this.contracts); } Bladeburner.prototype.getOperationNamesNetscriptFn = function() { return Object.keys(this.operations); } Bladeburner.prototype.getBlackOpNamesNetscriptFn = function() { return Object.keys(BlackOperations); } Bladeburner.prototype.getGeneralActionNamesNetscriptFn = function() { return Object.keys(GeneralActions); } Bladeburner.prototype.getSkillNamesNetscriptFn = function() { return Object.keys(Skills); } Bladeburner.prototype.startActionNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) { var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.startAction() failed due to an invalid action specified. " + "Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " + "name of the operation is case-sensitive."; var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return false; } try { this.startAction(actionId); if (workerScript.shouldLog("startAction")) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Starting Bladeburner action with type " + type + " and name " + name); } return true; } catch(e) { this.resetAction(); workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.startAction() failed to start action of type " + type + " due to invalid name: " + name + "Note that this name is case-sensitive and whitespace-sensitive"); return false; } } Bladeburner.prototype.getActionTimeNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) { var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getActionTime() failed due to an invalid action specified. " + "Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " + "name of the operation is case-sensitive."; var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } switch (actionId.type) { case ActionTypes["Contract"]: case ActionTypes["Operation"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]: return actionObj.getActionTime(this); case ActionTypes["Training"]: case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]: case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]: return 30; case ActionTypes["Recruitment"]: return this.getRecruitmentTime(); default: workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } } Bladeburner.prototype.getActionEstimatedSuccessChanceNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) { var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance() failed due to an invalid action specified. " + "Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " + "name of the operation is case-sensitive."; var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } switch (actionId.type) { case ActionTypes["Contract"]: case ActionTypes["Operation"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]: return actionObj.getSuccessChance(this, {est:true}); case ActionTypes["Training"]: case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]: case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]: return 1; case ActionTypes["Recruitment"]: return this.getRecruitmentSuccessChance(); default: workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } } Bladeburner.prototype.getActionCountRemainingNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) { var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getActionCountRemaining() failed due to an invalid action specified. " + "Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " + "name of the operation is case-sensitive."; var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } switch (actionId.type) { case ActionTypes["Contract"]: case ActionTypes["Operation"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]: case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]: return actionObj.count; case ActionTypes["Training"]: case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]: case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]: return Infinity; default: workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } } Bladeburner.prototype.getSkillLevelNetscriptFn = function(skillName, workerScript) { var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getSkillLevel() failed due to an invalid skill specified: " + skillName + ". Note that the name of the skill is case-sensitive"; if (skillName === "") { //If skill name isn't specified, return an object with all of the player's skill levels let copy = Object.assign({}, this.Skills); return copy; } if (!Skills.hasOwnProperty(skillName)) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } if (this.skills[skillName] == null) { return 0; } else { return this.skills[skillName]; } } Bladeburner.prototype.upgradeSkillNetscriptFn = function(skillName, workerScript) { var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.upgradeSkill() failed due to an invalid skill specified: " + skillName + ". Note that the name of the skill is case-sensitive"; if (!Skills.hasOwnProperty(skillName)) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return false; } var skill = Skills[skillName]; var currentLevel = 0; if (this.skills[skillName] && !isNaN(this.skills[skillName])) { currentLevel = this.skills[skillName]; } var cost = skill.calculateCost(currentLevel); if (this.skillPoints < cost) { if (workerScript.shouldLog("upgradeSkill")) { workerScript.log("Bladeburner.upgradeSkill() failed because you do not have enough " + "skill points to upgrade " + skillName + " (You have " + this.skillPoints + ", you need " + cost + ")"); } return false; } this.skillPoints -= cost; this.upgradeSkill(skill); if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].currentPage === _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Page.Bladeburner && DomElems.currentTab.toLowerCase() === "skills") { this.createActionAndSkillsContent(); } if (workerScript.shouldLog("upgradeSkill")) { workerScript.log(skillName + " successfully upgraded to level " + this.skills[skillName]); } return true; } Bladeburner.prototype.getTeamSizeNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) { if (type === "" && name === "") { return this.teamSize; } var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getTeamSize() failed due to an invalid action specified. " + "Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " + "name of the operation is case-sensitive."; var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } if (actionId.type === ActionTypes["Operation"] || actionId.type === ActionTypes["BlackOp"] || actionId.type === ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]) { return actionObj.teamCount; } else { return 0; } } Bladeburner.prototype.setTeamSizeNetscriptFn = function(type, name, size, workerScript) { var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.setTeamSize() failed due to an invalid action specified. " + "Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " + "name of the operation is case-sensitive."; var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name); if (actionId == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } if (actionId.type !== ActionTypes["Operation"] && actionId.type !== ActionTypes["BlackOp"] && actionId.type !== ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]) { workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.setTeamSize() failed. This function " + "only works for Operations and BlackOps"); return -1; } var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId); if (actionObj == null) { workerScript.log(errorLogText); return -1; } var sanitizedSize = Math.round(size); if (isNaN(sanitizedSize)) { workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.setTeamSize() failed due to an invalid 'size' argument: " + size); return -1; } if (this.teamSize < sanitizedSize) {sanitizedSize = this.teamSize;} actionObj.teamCount = sanitizedSize; if (workerScript.shouldLog("setTeamSize")) { workerScript.log("Team size for " + name + " set to " + sanitizedSize); } return sanitizedSize; } Bladeburner.prototype.getCityEstimatedPopulationNetscriptFn = function(cityName, workerScript) { if (!this.cities.hasOwnProperty(cityName)) { workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.getCityEstimatedPopulation() failed because the specified " + "city was invalid: " + cityName + ". Note that this city argument is case-sensitive"); return -1; } return this.cities[cityName].popEst; } Bladeburner.prototype.getCityEstimatedCommunitiesNetscriptFn = function(cityName, workerScript) { if (!this.cities.hasOwnProperty(cityName)) { workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.getCityEstimatedCommunities() failed because the specified " + "city was invalid: " + cityName + ". Note that this city argument is case-sensitive"); return -1; } return this.cities[cityName].commsEst; } Bladeburner.prototype.getCityChaosNetscriptFn = function(cityName, workerScript) { if (!this.cities.hasOwnProperty(cityName)) { workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.getCityChaos() failed because the specified " + "city was invalid: " + cityName + ". Note that this city argument is case-sensitive"); return -1; } return this.cities[cityName].chaos; } Bladeburner.prototype.switchCityNetscriptFn = function(cityName, workerScript) { if (!this.cities.hasOwnProperty(cityName)) { workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.switchCity() failed because the specified " + "city was invalid: " + cityName + ". Note that this city argument is case-sensitive"); return false; } this.city = cityName; return true; } Bladeburner.prototype.joinBladeburnerFactionNetscriptFn = function(workerScript) { var bladeburnerFac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Factions */ "b"]["Bladeburners"]; if (bladeburnerFac.isMember) { return true; } else if (this.rank >= RankNeededForFaction) { Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* joinFaction */ "h"])(bladeburnerFac); if (workerScript.shouldLog("joinBladeburnerFaction")) { workerScript.log("Joined Bladeburners Faction"); } if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].currentPage === _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["Engine"].Page.Bladeburner) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(DomElems.overviewDiv); this.createOverviewContent(); } return true; } else { if (workerScript.shouldLog("joinBladeburnerFaction")) { workerScript.log("Failed to join Bladeburners Faction because " + "you do not have the required " + RankNeededForFaction + " rank"); } return false; } } Bladeburner.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_toJSON"])("Bladeburner", this); } Bladeburner.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Bladeburner, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Reviver"].constructors.Bladeburner = Bladeburner; //This initialized Bladeburner-related data that is NOT saved/loaded // eg: Skill Objects, BLack Operations //Any data that is saved/loaded should go in Bladeburner object // eg: contracts, operations function initBladeburner() { //Skills Skills[SkillNames.BladesIntuition] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.BladesIntuition, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your success chance " + "for all contracts and operations by 3%", baseCost:5, costInc:2, successChanceAll:3 }); Skills[SkillNames.Reaper] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.Reaper, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your " + "effective combat stats for Bladeburner actions by 3%", baseCost:3, costInc:2, effStr:3, effDef:3, effDex:3, effAgi:3 }); Skills[SkillNames.Cloak] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.Cloak, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your " + "success chance in stealth-related contracts and operations by 5.5%", baseCost:3, costInc:1, successChanceStealth:5.5 }); //TODO Marksman //TODO Weapon Proficiency Skills[SkillNames.Overclock] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.Overclock, desc:"Each level of this skill decreases the time it takes " + "to attempt a contract or operation by 1% (Max Level: 95)", baseCost:5, costInc:1, maxLvl:95, actionTime:1 }); Skills[SkillNames.EvasiveSystem] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.EvasiveSystem, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your effective " + "dexterity and agility for Bladeburner actions by 5%", baseCost:2, costInc: 1, effDex:5, effAgi:5 }); Skills[SkillNames.ShortCircuit] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.ShortCircuit, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your success chance " + "in contracts and operations that involve retirement by 5.5%", baseCost:3, costInc:2, successChanceKill:5.5 }); Skills[SkillNames.DigitalObserver] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.DigitalObserver, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your success chance in " + "all operations by 4%", baseCost:5, costInc:2, successChanceOperation:4 }); Skills[SkillNames.Datamancer] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.Datamancer, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your effectiveness in " + "synthoid population analysis and investigation by 5%. " + "This affects all actions that can potentially increase " + "the accuracy of your synthoid population/community estimates.", baseCost:3,costInc:1, successChanceEstimate:5 }); Skills[SkillNames.Tracer] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.Tracer, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your success chance in " + "all contracts by 4%", baseCost:3, costInc:2, successChanceContract:4 }); Skills[SkillNames.CybersEdge] = new Skill({ name:SkillNames.CybersEdge, desc:"Each level of this skill increases your max " + "stamina by 2%", baseCost:1, costInc:3, stamina:2 }); //General Actions var actionName = "Training"; GeneralActions[actionName] = new Action({ name:actionName, desc:"Improve your abilities at the Bladeburner unit's specialized training " + "center. Doing this gives experience for all combat stats and also " + "increases your max stamina." }); var actionName = "Field Analysis"; GeneralActions[actionName] = new Action({ name:actionName, desc:"Mine and analyze Synthoid-related data. This improve the " + "Bladeburner's unit intelligence on Synthoid locations and " + "activities. Completing this action will improve the accuracy " + "of your Synthoid population estimated in the current city.

" + "Does NOT require stamina." }); var actionName = "Recruitment"; GeneralActions[actionName] = new Action({ name:actionName, desc:"Attempt to recruit members for your Bladeburner team. These members " + "can help you conduct operations.

" + "Does NOT require stamina." }); //Black Operations BlackOperations["Operation Typhoon"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Typhoon", desc:"Obadiah Zenyatta is the leader of a RedWater PMC. It has long " + "been known among the intelligence community that Zenyatta, along " + "with the rest of the PMC, is a Synthoid.

" + "The goal of Operation Typhoon is to find and eliminate " + "Zenyatta and RedWater by any means necessary. After the task " + "is completed, the actions must be covered up from the general public.", baseDifficulty:2000, reqdRank:2.5e3, rankGain:50, rankLoss:10, hpLoss:100, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Zero"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Zero", desc:"AeroCorp is one of the world's largest defense contractors. " + "It's leader, Steve Watataki, is thought to be a supporter of " + "Synthoid rights. He must be removed.

" + "The goal of Operation Zero is to covertly infiltrate AeroCorp and " + "uncover any incriminating evidence or " + "information against Watataki that will cause him to be removed " + "from his position at AeroCorp. Incriminating evidence can be " + "fabricated as a last resort. Be warned that AeroCorp has some of " + "the most advanced security measures in the world.", baseDifficulty:2500, reqdRank:5e3, rankGain:60, rankLoss:15, hpLoss:50, weights:{hack:0.2,str:0.15,def:0.15,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isStealth:true }); BlackOperations["Operation X"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation X", desc:"We have recently discovered an underground publication " + "group called Samizdat. Even though most of their publications " + "are nonsensical conspiracy theories, the average human is " + "gullible enough to believe them. Many of their works discuss " + "Synthoids and pose a threat to society. The publications are spreading " + "rapidly in China and other Eastern countries.

" + "Samizdat has done a good job of keeping hidden and anonymous. " + "However, we've just received intelligence that their base of " + "operations is in Ishima's underground sewer systems. Your task is to " + "investigate the sewer systems, and eliminate Samizdat. They must " + "never publish anything again.", baseDifficulty:3000, reqdRank:7.5e3, rankGain:75, rankLoss:15, hpLoss:100, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Titan"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Titan", desc:"Several months ago Titan Laboratories' Bioengineering department " + "was infiltrated by Synthoids. As far as we know, Titan Laboratories' " + "management has no knowledge about this. We don't know what the " + "Synthoids are up to, but the research that they could " + "be conducting using Titan Laboraties' vast resources is potentially " + "very dangerous.

" + "Your goal is to enter and destroy the Bioengineering department's " + "facility in Aevum. The task is not just to retire the Synthoids there, but " + "also to destroy any information or research at the facility that " + "is relevant to the Synthoids and their goals.", baseDifficulty:4000, reqdRank:10e3, rankGain:100, rankLoss:20, hpLoss:100, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Ares"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Ares", desc:"One of our undercover agents, Agent Carter, has informed us of a " + "massive weapons deal going down in Dubai between rogue Russian " + "militants and a radical Synthoid community. These weapons are next-gen " + "plasma and energy weapons. It is critical for the safety of humanity " + "that this deal does not happen.

" + "Your task is to intercept the deal. Leave no survivors.", baseDifficulty:5000, reqdRank:12.5e3, rankGain:125, rankLoss:20, hpLoss:200, weights:{hack:0,str:0.25,def:0.25,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0, int:0}, decays:{hack:0,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Archangel"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Archangel", desc:"Our analysts have discovered that the popular Red Rabbit brothel in " + "Amsterdam is run and 'staffed' by MK-VI Synthoids. Intelligence " + "suggests that the profit from this brothel is used to fund a large " + "black market arms trafficking operation.

" + "The goal of this operation is to take out the leaders that are running " + "the Red Rabbit brothel. Try to limit the number of other casualties, " + "but do what you must to complete the mission.", baseDifficulty:7500, reqdRank:15e3, rankGain:200, rankLoss:20, hpLoss:25, weights:{hack:0,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.3,agi:0.3,cha:0, int:0}, decays:{hack:0,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true, }); BlackOperations["Operation Juggernaut"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Juggernaut", desc:"The CIA has just encountered a new security threat. A new " + "criminal group, lead by a shadowy operative who calls himself " + "Juggernaut, has been smuggling drugs and weapons (including " + "suspected bioweapons) into Sector-12. We also have reason " + "to believe the tried to break into one of Universal Energy's " + "facilities in order to cause a city-wide blackout. The CIA " + "suspects that Juggernaut is a heavily-augmented Synthoid, and " + "have thus enlisted our help.

" + "Your mission is to eradicate Juggernaut and his followers.", baseDifficulty:10e3, reqdRank:20e3, rankGain:300, rankLoss:40, hpLoss:300, weights:{hack:0,str:0.25,def:0.25,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0, int:0}, decays:{hack:0,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true, }); BlackOperations["Operation Red Dragon"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Red Dragon", desc:"The Tetrads criminal organization is suspected of " + "reverse-engineering the MK-VI Synthoid design. We believe " + "they altered and possibly improved the design and began " + "manufacturing their own Synthoid models in order to bolster " + "their criminal activities.

" + "Your task is to infiltrate and destroy the Tetrads' base of operations " + "in Los Angeles. Intelligence tells us that their base houses " + "one of their Synthoid manufacturing units.", baseDifficulty:12.5e3, reqdRank:25e3, rankGain:500, rankLoss:50, hpLoss:500, weights:{hack:0.05,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0, int:0.05}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true, }); BlackOperations["Operation K"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation K", desc:"CODE RED SITUATION. Our intelligence tells us that VitaLife " + "has discovered a new android cloning technology. This technology " + "is supposedly capable of cloning Synthoid, not only physically " + "but also their advanced AI modules. We do not believe that " + "VitaLife is trying to use this technology illegally or " + "maliciously, but if any Synthoids were able to infiltrate the " + "corporation and take advantage of this technology then the " + "results would be catastrophic.

" + "We do not have the power or jurisdiction to shutdown this down " + "through legal or political means, so we must resort to a covert " + "operation. Your goal is to destroy this technology and eliminate" + "anyone who was involved in its creation.", baseDifficulty:15e3, reqdRank:30e3, rankGain:750, rankLoss:60, hpLoss:1000, weights:{hack:0.05,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0, int:0.05}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Deckard"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Deckard", desc:"Despite your success in eliminating VitaLife's new android-replicating " + "technology in Operation K, we've discovered that a small group of " + "MK-VI Synthoids were able to make off with the schematics and design " + "of the technology before the Operation. It is almost a certainty that " + "these Synthoids are some of the rogue MK-VI ones from the Synthoid Uprising." + "The goal of Operation Deckard is to hunt down these Synthoids and retire " + "them. I don't need to tell you how critical this mission is.", baseDifficulty:20e3, reqdRank:40e3, rankGain:1e3, rankLoss:75, hpLoss:200, weights:{hack:0,str:0.24,def:0.24,dex:0.24,agi:0.24,cha:0, int:0.04}, decays:{hack:0,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true, }); BlackOperations["Operation Tyrell"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Tyrell", desc:"A week ago Blade Industries reported a small break-in at one " + "of their Aevum Augmentation storage facitilities. We figured out " + "that The Dark Army was behind the heist, and didn't think any more " + "of it. However, we've just discovered that several known MK-VI Synthoids " + "were part of that break-in group.

" + "We cannot have Synthoids upgrading their already-enhanced abilities " + "with Augmentations. Your task is to hunt down the associated Dark Army " + "members and eliminate them.", baseDifficulty:25e3, reqdRank:50e3, rankGain:1.5e3, rankLoss:100, hpLoss:500, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true, }); BlackOperations["Operation Wallace"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Wallace", desc:"Based on information gathered from Operation Tyrell, we've discovered " + "that The Dark Army was well aware that there were Synthoids amongst " + "their ranks. Even worse, we believe that The Dark Army is working " + "together with other criminal organizations such as The Syndicate and " + "that they are planning some sort of large-scale takeover of multiple major " + "cities, most notably Aevum. We suspect that Synthoids have infiltrated " + "the ranks of these criminal factions and are trying to stage another " + "Synthoid uprising.

" + "The best way to deal with this is to prevent it before it even happens. " + "The goal of Operation Wallace is to destroy the Dark Army and " + "Syndicate factions in Aevum immediately. Leave no survivors.", baseDifficulty:30e3, reqdRank:75e3, rankGain:2e3, rankLoss:150, hpLoss:1500, weights:{hack:0,str:0.24,def:0.24,dex:0.24,agi:0.24,cha:0, int:0.04}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Shoulder of Orion"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Shoulder of Orion", desc:"China's Solaris Space Systems is secretly launching the first " + "manned spacecraft in over a decade using Synthoids. We believe " + "China is trying to establish the first off-world colonies.

" + "The mission is to prevent this launch without instigating an " + "international conflict. When you accept this mission you will be " + "officially disavowed by the NSA and the national government until after you " + "successfully return. In the event of failure, all of the operation's " + "team members must not let themselves be captured alive.", baseDifficulty:35e3, reqdRank:100e3, rankGain:2.5e3, rankLoss:500, hpLoss:1500, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isStealth:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Hyron"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Hyron", desc:"Our intelligence tells us that Fulcrum Technologies is developing " + "a quantum supercomputer using human brains as core " + "processors. This supercomputer " + "is rumored to be able to store vast amounts of data and " + "perform computations unmatched by any other supercomputer on the " + "planet. But more importantly, the use of organic human brains " + "means that the supercomputer may be able to reason abstractly " + "and become self-aware.

" + "I do not need to remind you why sentient-level AIs pose a serious " + "thread to all of mankind.

" + "The research for this project is being conducted at one of Fulcrum " + "Technologies secret facilities in Aevum, codenamed 'Alpha Ranch'. " + "Infiltrate the compound, delete and destroy the work, and then find and kill the " + "project lead.", baseDifficulty:40e3, reqdRank:125e3, rankGain:3e3, rankLoss:1e3, hpLoss:500, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Morpheus"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Morpheus", desc:"DreamSense Technologies is an advertising company that uses " + "special technology to transmit their ads into the peoples " + "dreams and subconcious. They do this using broadcast transmitter " + "towers. Based on information from our agents and informants in " + "Chonqging, we have reason to believe that one of the broadcast " + "towers there has been compromised by Synthoids and is being used " + "to spread pro-Synthoid propaganda.

" + "The mission is to destroy this broadcast tower. Speed and " + "stealth are of the upmost important for this.", baseDifficulty:45e3, reqdRank:150e3, rankGain:4e3, rankLoss:1e3, hpLoss:100, weights:{hack:0.05,str:0.15,def:0.15,dex:0.3,agi:0.3,cha:0, int:0.05}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isStealth:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Ion Storm"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Ion Storm", desc:"Our analysts have uncovered a gathering of MK-VI Synthoids " + "that have taken up residence in the Sector-12 Slums. We " + "don't know if they are rogue Synthoids from the Uprising, " + "but we do know that they have been stockpiling " + "weapons, money, and other resources. This makes them dangerous.

" + "This is a full-scale assault operation to find and retire all of these " + "Synthoids in the Sector-12 Slums.", baseDifficulty:50e3, reqdRank:175e3, rankGain:5e3, rankLoss:1e3, hpLoss:5000, weights:{hack:0,str:0.24,def:0.24,dex:0.24,agi:0.24,cha:0, int:0.04}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Annihilus"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Annihilus", desc:"Our superiors have ordered us to eradicate everything and everyone " + "in an underground facility located in Aevum. They tell us " + "that the facility houses many dangerous Synthoids and " + "belongs to a terrorist organization called " + "'The Covenant'. We have no prior intelligence about this " + "organization, so you are going in blind.", baseDifficulty:55e3, reqdRank:200e3, rankGain:7.5e3, rankLoss:1e3, hpLoss:10e3, weights:{hack:0,str:0.24,def:0.24,dex:0.24,agi:0.24,cha:0, int:0.04}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Ultron"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Ultron", desc:"OmniTek Incorporated, the original designer and manufacturer of Synthoids, " + "has notified us of a malfunction in their AI design. This malfunction, " + "when triggered, causes MK-VI Synthoids to become radicalized and seek out " + "the destruction of humanity. They say that this bug affects all MK-VI Synthoids, " + "not just the rogue ones from the Uprising.

" + "OmniTek has also told us they they believe someone has triggered this " + "malfunction in a large group of MK-VI Synthoids, and that these newly-radicalized Synthoids " + "are now amassing in Volhaven to form a terrorist group called Ultron.

" + "Intelligence suggests Ultron is heavily armed and that their members are " + "augmented. We believe Ultron is making moves to take control of " + "and weaponize DeltaOne's Tactical High-Energy Satellite Laser Array (THESLA).

" + "Your task is to find and destroy Ultron.", baseDifficulty:60e3, reqdRank:250e3, rankGain:10e3, rankLoss:2e3, hpLoss:10e3, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, isKill:true }); BlackOperations["Operation Centurion"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Centurion", desc:"D)@#)($M)C0293c40($*)@#D0JUMP3Rm0C<*@#)*$)#02c94830c(#$*D)

" + "Throughout all of humanity's history, we have relied on " + "technology to survive, conquer, and progress. Its advancement became our primary goal. " + "And at the peak of human civilization technology turned into " + "power. Global, absolute power.

" + "It seems that the universe is not without a sense of irony.

" + "D)@#)($M)C0293c40($*)@#D0JUMP3Rm0C<*@#)*$)#02c94830c(#$*D)", baseDifficulty:70e3, reqdRank:300e3, rankGain:15e3, rankLoss:5e3, hpLoss:10e3, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, }); BlackOperations["Operation Vindictus"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Vindictus", desc:"D)@#)($M)C0293c40($*)@#D0JUMP3Rm0C<*@#)*$)#02c94830c(#$*D)

" + "The bits are all around us. The daemons that hold the Node " + "together can manifest themselves in many different ways.

" + "D)@#)($M)C0293c40($*)@#D0JUMP3Rm0C<*@#)*$)#02c94830c(#$*D)", baseDifficulty:75e3, reqdRank:350e3, rankGain:20e3, rankLoss:20e3, hpLoss:20e3, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, }); BlackOperations["Operation Daedalus"] = new BlackOperation({ name:"Operation Daedalus", desc:"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our neck to emperors. " + "Today we kneel only to truth.", baseDifficulty:80e3, reqdRank:400e3, rankGain:40e3, rankLoss:10e3, hpLoss:100e3, weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1}, decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75}, }); } /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 51))) /***/ }), /* 30 */ /*!***********************!*\ !*** ./src/Script.js ***! \***********************/ /*! exports provided: updateScriptEditorContent, loadAllRunningScripts, findRunningScript, RunningScript, Script, AllServersMap, scriptEditorInit, isScriptFilename */ /*! exports used: AllServersMap, RunningScript, Script, findRunningScript, isScriptFilename, loadAllRunningScripts, scriptEditorInit, updateScriptEditorContent */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return updateScriptEditorContent; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return loadAllRunningScripts; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return findRunningScript; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return RunningScript; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return Script; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return AllServersMap; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return scriptEditorInit; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return isScriptFilename; }); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! 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../utils/helpers/roundToTwo */ 66); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_roundToTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_roundToTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__); var ace = __webpack_require__(/*! brace */ 177); var beautify = __webpack_require__(/*! js-beautify */ 176).js_beautify; __webpack_require__(/*! brace/mode/javascript */ 175); __webpack_require__(/*! ../netscript */ 118); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/chaos */ 174); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/chrome */ 173); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/monokai */ 172); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/solarized_dark */ 171); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/solarized_light */ 170); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/terminal */ 169); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/twilight */ 168); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/theme/xcode */ 167); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/keybinding/vim */ 166); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/keybinding/emacs */ 165); __webpack_require__(/*! brace/ext/language_tools */ 164); // Importing this doesn't work for some reason. const walk = __webpack_require__(/*! acorn/dist/walk */ 163); var keybindings = { ace: null, vim: "ace/keyboard/vim", emacs: "ace/keyboard/emacs", }; function isScriptFilename(f) { return f.endsWith(".js") || f.endsWith(".script") || f.endsWith(".ns"); } var scriptEditorRamCheck = null, scriptEditorRamText = null; function scriptEditorInit() { //Create buttons at the bottom of script editor var wrapper = document.getElementById("script-editor-buttons-wrapper"); if (wrapper == null) { console.log("Error finding 'script-editor-buttons-wrapper'"); return; } var beautifyButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", innerText:"Beautify", clickListener:()=>{ beautifyScript(); return false; } }); var closeButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", innerText:"Save & Close (Ctrl/Cmd + b)", clickListener:()=>{ saveAndCloseScriptEditor(); return false; } }); scriptEditorRamText = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("p", { display:"inline-block", margin:"10px", id:"script-editor-status-text" }); var checkboxLabel = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("label", { for:"script-editor-ram-check", margin:"4px", marginTop: "8px", innerText:"Dynamic RAM Usage Checker", color:"white", tooltip:"Enable/Disable the dynamic RAM Usage display. You may " + "want to disable it for very long scripts because there may be " + "performance issues" }); scriptEditorRamCheck = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("input", { type:"checkbox", name:"script-editor-ram-check", id:"script-editor-ram-check", margin:"4px", marginTop: "8px", }); scriptEditorRamCheck.checked = true; var documentationButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__["createElement"])("a", { display:"inline-block", class:"a-link-button", innerText:"Netscript Documentation", href:"https://bitburner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html", target:"_blank" }); wrapper.appendChild(beautifyButton); wrapper.appendChild(closeButton); wrapper.appendChild(scriptEditorRamText); wrapper.appendChild(scriptEditorRamCheck); wrapper.appendChild(checkboxLabel); wrapper.appendChild(documentationButton); //Initialize ACE Script editor var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor'); editor.getSession().setMode('ace/mode/netscript'); editor.setTheme('ace/theme/monokai'); document.getElementById('javascript-editor').style.fontSize='16px'; editor.setOption("showPrintMargin", false); /* Script editor options */ //Theme var themeDropdown = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-theme"); if (_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Settings */ "a"].EditorTheme) { var initialIndex = 2; for (var i = 0; i < themeDropdown.options.length; ++i) { if (themeDropdown.options[i].value === _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Settings */ "a"].EditorTheme) { initialIndex = i; break; } } themeDropdown.selectedIndex = initialIndex; } else { themeDropdown.selectedIndex = 2; } themeDropdown.onchange = function() { var val = themeDropdown.value; _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Settings */ "a"].EditorTheme = val; var themePath = "ace/theme/" + val.toLowerCase(); editor.setTheme(themePath); }; themeDropdown.onchange(); //Keybinding var keybindingDropdown = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-keybinding"); if (_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Settings */ "a"].EditorKeybinding) { var initialIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < keybindingDropdown.options.length; ++i) { if (keybindingDropdown.options[i].value === _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Settings */ "a"].EditorKeybinding) { initialIndex = i; break; } } keybindingDropdown.selectedIndex = initialIndex; } else { keybindingDropdown.selectedIndex = 0; } keybindingDropdown.onchange = function() { var val = keybindingDropdown.value; _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Settings */ "a"].EditorKeybinding = val; editor.setKeyboardHandler(keybindings[val.toLowerCase()]); }; keybindingDropdown.onchange(); //Highlight Active line var highlightActiveChkBox = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-highlightactiveline"); highlightActiveChkBox.onchange = function() { editor.setHighlightActiveLine(highlightActiveChkBox.checked); }; //Show Invisibles var showInvisiblesChkBox = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-showinvisibles"); showInvisiblesChkBox.onchange = function() { editor.setShowInvisibles(showInvisiblesChkBox.checked); }; //Use Soft Tab var softTabChkBox = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-usesofttab"); softTabChkBox.onchange = function() { editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(softTabChkBox.checked); }; //Jshint Maxerr var maxerr = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-maxerr"); var maxerrLabel = document.getElementById("script-editor-option-maxerror-value-label"); maxerrLabel.innerHTML = maxerr.value; maxerr.onchange = function() { editor.getSession().$worker.send("changeOptions", [{maxerr:maxerr.value}]); maxerrLabel.innerHTML = maxerr.value; } //Configure some of the VIM keybindings ace.config.loadModule('ace/keyboard/vim', function(module) { var VimApi = module.CodeMirror.Vim; VimApi.defineEx('write', 'w', function(cm, input) { saveAndCloseScriptEditor(); }); VimApi.defineEx('quit', 'q', function(cm, input) { _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent(); }); VimApi.defineEx('xwritequit', 'x', function(cm, input) { saveAndCloseScriptEditor(); }); VimApi.defineEx('wqwritequit', 'wq', function(cm, input) { saveAndCloseScriptEditor(); }); }); //Function autocompleter editor.setOption("enableBasicAutocompletion", true); var autocompleter = { getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) { if (prefix.length === 0) {callback(null, []); return;} var words = []; var fns = Object(_NetscriptFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* NetscriptFunctions */ "a"])(null); for (var name in fns) { if (fns.hasOwnProperty(name)) { words.push({ name: name, value: name, }); } } callback(null, words); }, } editor.completers = [autocompleter]; } //Updates RAM usage in script function updateScriptEditorContent() { var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value; if (scriptEditorRamCheck == null || !scriptEditorRamCheck.checked || !isScriptFilename(filename)) { scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "N/A"; return; } var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor'); var code = editor.getValue(); var codeCopy = code.repeat(1); var ramUsage = calculateRamUsage(codeCopy); if (ramUsage !== -1) { scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(ramUsage, 2).toString() + "GB"; } else { scriptEditorRamText.innerText = "RAM: Syntax Error"; } } //Define key commands in script editor (ctrl o to save + close, etc.) $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Settings */ "a"].DisableHotkeys === true) {return;} if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.ScriptEditor) { //Ctrl + b if (e.keyCode == 66 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); saveAndCloseScriptEditor(); } } }); function beautifyScript() { var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor'); var code = editor.getValue(); code = beautify(code, { indent_size: 4 }) editor.setValue(code); } function saveAndCloseScriptEditor() { var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value; var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor'); var code = editor.getValue(); if (_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* iTutorialIsRunning */ "b"] && _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* currITutorialStep */ "a"] == _InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* iTutorialSteps */ "e"].TerminalTypeScript) { if (filename != "foodnstuff.script") { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Leave the script name as 'foodnstuff'!"); return; } code = code.replace(/\s/g, ""); if (code.indexOf("while(true){hack('foodnstuff');}") == -1) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Please copy and paste the code from the tutorial!"); return; } Object(_InteractiveTutorial__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* iTutorialNextStep */ "c"])(); } if (filename == "") { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You must specify a filename!"); return; } if (checkValidFilename(filename) == false) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Script filename can contain only alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores"); return; } var s = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); if (filename === ".fconf") { try { Object(_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* parseFconfSettings */ "d"])(code); } catch(e) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Invalid .fconf file"); return; } } else if (isScriptFilename(filename)) { //If the current script already exists on the server, overwrite it for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; i++) { if (filename == s.scripts[i].filename) { s.scripts[i].saveScript(); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent(); return; } } //If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one var script = new Script(); script.saveScript(); s.scripts.push(script); } else if (filename.endsWith(".txt")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (s.textFiles[i].fn === filename) { s.textFiles[i].write(code); _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent(); return; } } var textFile = new _TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["TextFile"](filename, code); s.textFiles.push(textFile); } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Invalid filename. Must be either a script (.script) or " + " or text file (.txt)") return; } _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadTerminalContent(); } //Checks that the string contains only valid characters for a filename, which are alphanumeric, // underscores, hyphens, and dots function checkValidFilename(filename) { var regex = /^[.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/; if (filename.match(regex)) { return true; } return false; } function Script() { this.filename = ""; this.code = ""; this.ramUsage = 0; this.server = ""; //IP of server this script is on this.module = ""; }; //Get the script data from the Script Editor and save it to the object Script.prototype.saveScript = function() { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.ScriptEditor) { //Update code and filename var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor'); var code = editor.getValue(); this.code = code.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value; this.filename = filename; //Server this.server = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].currentServer; //Calculate/update ram usage, execution time, etc. this.updateRamUsage(); this.module = ""; } } //Updates how much RAM the script uses when it is running. Script.prototype.updateRamUsage = function() { var codeCopy = this.code.repeat(1); var res = calculateRamUsage(codeCopy); if (res !== -1) { this.ramUsage = Object(_utils_helpers_roundToTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__["roundToTwo"])(res); } } // These special strings are used to reference the presence of a given logical // construct within a user script. const specialReferenceIF = "__SPECIAL_referenceIf"; const specialReferenceFOR = "__SPECIAL_referenceFor"; const specialReferenceWHILE = "__SPECIAL_referenceWhile"; // The global scope of a script is registered under this key during parsing. const memCheckGlobalKey = ".__GLOBAL__"; // Calcluates the amount of RAM a script uses. Uses parsing and AST walking only, // rather than NetscriptEvaluator. This is useful because NetscriptJS code does // not work under NetscriptEvaluator. function parseOnlyRamCalculate(server, code, workerScript) { try { // Maps dependent identifiers to their dependencies. // // The initial identifier is __SPECIAL_INITIAL_MODULE__.__GLOBAL__. // It depends on all the functions declared in the module, all the global scopes // of its imports, and any identifiers referenced in this global scope. Each // function depends on all the identifiers referenced internally. // We walk the dependency graph to calculate RAM usage, given that some identifiers // reference Netscript functions which have a RAM cost. let dependencyMap = {}; // Scripts we've parsed. const completedParses = new Set(); // Scripts we've discovered that need to be parsed. const parseQueue = []; // Parses a chunk of code with a given module name, and updates parseQueue and dependencyMap. function parseCode(code, moduleName) { const result = parseOnlyCalculateDeps(code, moduleName); completedParses.add(moduleName); // Add any additional modules to the parse queue; for (let i = 0; i < result.additionalModules.length; ++i) { if (!completedParses.has(result.additionalModules[i])) { parseQueue.push(result.additionalModules[i]); } } // Splice all the references in. //Spread syntax not supported in edge, use Object.assign instead //dependencyMap = {...dependencyMap, ...result.dependencyMap}; dependencyMap = Object.assign(dependencyMap, result.dependencyMap); } const initialModule = "__SPECIAL_INITIAL_MODULE__"; parseCode(code, initialModule); while (parseQueue.length > 0) { // Get the code from the server. const nextModule = parseQueue.shift(); const script = server.getScript(nextModule); if (!script) return -1; // No such script on the server. // Not sure why we always take copies, but let's do that here too. parseCode(script.code.repeat(1), nextModule); } // Finally, walk the reference map and generate a ram cost. The initial set of keys to scan // are those that start with __SPECIAL_INITIAL_MODULE__. let ram = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBaseRamCost; const unresolvedRefs = Object.keys(dependencyMap).filter(s => s.startsWith(initialModule)); const resolvedRefs = new Set(); while (unresolvedRefs.length > 0) { const ref = unresolvedRefs.shift(); resolvedRefs.add(ref); if (ref.endsWith(".*")) { // A prefix reference. We need to find all matching identifiers. const prefix = ref.slice(0, ref.length - 2); for (let ident of Object.keys(dependencyMap).filter(k => k.startsWith(prefix))) { for (let dep of dependencyMap[ident] || []) { if (!resolvedRefs.has(dep)) unresolvedRefs.push(dep); } } } else { // An exact reference. Add all dependencies of this ref. for (let dep of dependencyMap[ref] || []) { if (!resolvedRefs.has(dep)) unresolvedRefs.push(dep); } } // Check if this is one of the special keys, and add the appropriate ram cost if so. if (ref == specialReferenceIF) ram += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptIfRamCost; if (ref == specialReferenceFOR) ram += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptForRamCost; if (ref == specialReferenceWHILE) ram += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptWhileRamCost; if (ref == "hacknetnodes") ram += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptHacknetNodesRamCost; if (ref == "document" || ref == "window") ram += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptDomRamCost; // Check if this ident is a function in the workerscript env. If it is, then we need to // get its RAM cost. We do this by calling it, which works because the running script // is in checkingRam mode. // // TODO it would be simpler to just reference a dictionary. try { function applyFuncRam(func) { if (typeof func === "function") { try { let res = func.apply(null, []); if (typeof res === "number") { return res; } return 0; } catch(e) { console.log("ERROR applying function: " + e); return 0; } } else { return 0; } } //Special logic for Bladeburner var func; if (ref in workerScript.env.vars.bladeburner) { func = workerScript.env.vars.bladeburner[ref]; } else { func = workerScript.env.get(ref); } ram += applyFuncRam(func); } catch (error) {continue;} } return ram; } catch (error) { //console.info("parse or eval error: ", error); // This is not unexpected. The user may be editing a script, and it may be in // a transitory invalid state. return -1; } } // Parses one script and calculates its ram usage, for the global scope and each function. // Returns a cost map and a dependencyMap for the module. Returns a reference map to be joined // onto the main reference map, and a list of modules that need to be parsed. function parseOnlyCalculateDeps(code, currentModule) { const ast = Object(_utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["parse"])(code, {sourceType:"module", ecmaVersion: 8}); // Everything from the global scope goes in ".". Everything else goes in ".function", where only // the outermost layer of functions counts. const globalKey = currentModule + memCheckGlobalKey; const dependencyMap = {}; dependencyMap[globalKey] = new Set(); // If we reference this internal name, we're really referencing that external name. // Filled when we import names from other modules. let internalToExternal = {}; var additionalModules = []; // References get added pessimistically. They are added for thisModule.name, name, and for // any aliases. function addRef(key, name) { const s = dependencyMap[key] || (dependencyMap[key] = new Set()); if (name in internalToExternal) { s.add(internalToExternal[name]); } s.add(currentModule + "." + name); s.add(name); // For builtins like hack. } //A list of identifiers that resolve to "native Javascript code" const objectPrototypeProperties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype); // If we discover a dependency identifier, state.key is the dependent identifier. // walkDeeper is for doing recursive walks of expressions in composites that we handle. function commonVisitors() { return { Identifier: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { if (objectPrototypeProperties.includes(node.name)) {return;} addRef(st.key, node.name); }, WhileStatement: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { addRef(st.key, specialReferenceWHILE); node.test && walkDeeper(node.test, st); node.body && walkDeeper(node.body, st); }, DoWhileStatement: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { addRef(st.key, specialReferenceWHILE); node.test && walkDeeper(node.test, st); node.body && walkDeeper(node.body, st); }, ForStatement: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { addRef(st.key, specialReferenceFOR); node.init && walkDeeper(node.init, st); node.test && walkDeeper(node.test, st); node.update && walkDeeper(node.update, st); node.body && walkDeeper(node.body, st); }, IfStatement: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { addRef(st.key, specialReferenceIF); node.test && walkDeeper(node.test, st); node.consequent && walkDeeper(node.consequent, st); node.alternate && walkDeeper(node.alternate, st); }, MemberExpression: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { node.object && walkDeeper(node.object, st); node.property && walkDeeper(node.property, st); }, } } //Spread syntax not supported in Edge yet, use Object.assign /* walk.recursive(ast, {key: globalKey}, { ImportDeclaration: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { const importModuleName = node.source.value; additionalModules.push(importModuleName); // This module's global scope refers to that module's global scope, no matter how we // import it. dependencyMap[st.key].add(importModuleName + memCheckGlobalKey); for (let i = 0; i < node.specifiers.length; ++i) { const spec = node.specifiers[i]; if (spec.imported !== undefined && spec.local !== undefined) { // We depend on specific things. internalToExternal[spec.local.name] = importModuleName + "." + spec.imported.name; } else { // We depend on everything. dependencyMap[st.key].add(importModuleName + ".*"); } } }, FunctionDeclaration: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { // Don't use walkDeeper, because we are changing the visitor set. const key = currentModule + "." + node.id.name; walk.recursive(node, {key: key}, commonVisitors()); }, ...commonVisitors() }); */ walk.recursive(ast, {key: globalKey}, Object.assign({ ImportDeclaration: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { const importModuleName = node.source.value; additionalModules.push(importModuleName); // This module's global scope refers to that module's global scope, no matter how we // import it. dependencyMap[st.key].add(importModuleName + memCheckGlobalKey); for (let i = 0; i < node.specifiers.length; ++i) { const spec = node.specifiers[i]; if (spec.imported !== undefined && spec.local !== undefined) { // We depend on specific things. internalToExternal[spec.local.name] = importModuleName + "." + spec.imported.name; } else { // We depend on everything. dependencyMap[st.key].add(importModuleName + ".*"); } } }, FunctionDeclaration: (node, st, walkDeeper) => { // Don't use walkDeeper, because we are changing the visitor set. const key = currentModule + "." + node.id.name; walk.recursive(node, {key: key}, commonVisitors()); }, }, commonVisitors())); return {dependencyMap: dependencyMap, additionalModules: additionalModules}; } function calculateRamUsage(codeCopy) { //Create a temporary/mock WorkerScript and an AST from the code var currServ = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].getCurrentServer(); var workerScript = new _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* WorkerScript */ "b"]({ filename:"foo", scriptRef: {code:""}, args:[] }); workerScript.checkingRam = true; //Netscript functions will return RAM usage workerScript.serverIp = currServ.ip; try { return parseOnlyRamCalculate(currServ, codeCopy, workerScript); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to parse ram using new method. Falling back.", e); } // Try the old way. try { var ast = Object(_utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["parse"])(codeCopy, {sourceType:"module"}); } catch(e) { return -1; } //Search through AST, scanning for any 'Identifier' nodes for functions, or While/For/If nodes var queue = [], ramUsage = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBaseRamCost; var whileUsed = false, forUsed = false, ifUsed = false; queue.push(ast); while (queue.length != 0) { var exp = queue.shift(); switch (exp.type) { case "ImportDeclaration": //Gets an array of all imported functions as AST expressions //and pushes them on the queue. var res = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* evaluateImport */ "a"])(exp, workerScript, true); for (var i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) { queue.push(res[i]); } break; case "BlockStatement": case "Program": for (var i = 0; i < exp.body.length; ++i) { if (exp.body[i] instanceof _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Node"]) { queue.push(exp.body[i]); } } break; case "WhileStatement": if (!whileUsed) { ramUsage += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptWhileRamCost; whileUsed = true; } break; case "ForStatement": if (!forUsed) { ramUsage += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptForRamCost; forUsed = true; } break; case "IfStatement": if (!ifUsed) { ramUsage += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptIfRamCost; ifUsed = true; } break; case "Identifier": if (exp.name in workerScript.env.vars) { var func = workerScript.env.get(exp.name); if (typeof func === "function") { try { var res = func.apply(null, []); if (typeof res === "number") { ramUsage += res; } } catch(e) { console.log("ERROR applying function: " + e); } } } break; default: break; } for (var prop in exp) { if (exp.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (exp[prop] instanceof _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["Node"]) { queue.push(exp[prop]); } } } } //Special case: hacknetnodes array if (codeCopy.includes("hacknetnodes")) { ramUsage += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptHacknetNodesRamCost; } return ramUsage; } Script.prototype.download = function() { var filename = this.filename + ".js"; var file = new Blob([this.code], {type: 'text/plain'}); if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {// IE10+ window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, filename); } else { // Others var a = document.createElement("a"), url = URL.createObjectURL(file); a.href = url; a.download = filename; document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); setTimeout(function() { document.body.removeChild(a); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); } } Script.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_toJSON"])("Script", this); } Script.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Script, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Reviver"].constructors.Script = Script; //Called when the game is loaded. Loads all running scripts (from all servers) //into worker scripts so that they will start running function loadAllRunningScripts() { var count = 0; var total = 0; let skipScriptLoad = (window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("?noscripts") !== -1); if (skipScriptLoad) {console.log("Skipping the load of any scripts during startup");} for (var property in _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"]) { if (_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"].hasOwnProperty(property)) { var server = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"][property]; //Reset each server's RAM usage to 0 server.ramUsed = 0; //Reset modules on all scripts for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { server.scripts[i].module = ""; } if (skipScriptLoad) { //Start game with no scripts server.runningScripts.length = 0; } else { for (var j = 0; j < server.runningScripts.length; ++j) { count++; server.runningScripts[j].scriptRef.module = ""; Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* addWorkerScript */ "c"])(server.runningScripts[j], server); //Offline production total += scriptCalculateOfflineProduction(server.runningScripts[j]); } } } } return total; console.log("Loaded " + count.toString() + " running scripts"); } function scriptCalculateOfflineProduction(runningScriptObj) { //The Player object stores the last update time from when we were online var thisUpdate = new Date().getTime(); var lastUpdate = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].lastUpdate; var timePassed = (thisUpdate - lastUpdate) / 1000; //Seconds console.log("Offline for " + timePassed + " seconds"); //Calculate the "confidence" rating of the script's true production. This is based //entirely off of time. We will arbitrarily say that if a script has been running for //4 hours (14400 sec) then we are completely confident in its ability var confidence = (runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime) / 14400; if (confidence >= 1) {confidence = 1;} //Data map: [MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken] //Grow for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] == null) {continue;} var serv = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip]; if (serv == null) {continue;} var timesGrown = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed); console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " called grow() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesGrown + " times while offline"); runningScriptObj.log("Called grow() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesGrown + " times while offline"); var growth = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* processSingleServerGrowth */ "j"])(serv, timesGrown * 450); runningScriptObj.log(serv.hostname + " grown by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__["formatNumber"])(growth * 100 - 100, 6) + "% from grow() calls made while offline"); } } var totalOfflineProduction = 0; for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] == null) {continue;} var serv = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip]; if (serv == null) {continue;} var production = 0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed; production *= confidence; if (production > serv.moneyAvailable) { production = serv.moneyAvailable; } totalOfflineProduction += production; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(production); console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " generated $" + production + " while offline by hacking " + serv.hostname); runningScriptObj.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " generated $" + production + " while offline by hacking " + serv.hostname); serv.moneyAvailable -= production; if (serv.moneyAvailable < 0) {serv.moneyAvailable = 0;} if (isNaN(serv.moneyAvailable)) {serv.moneyAvailable = 0;} } } //Offline EXP gain //A script's offline production will always be at most half of its online production. var expGain = 0.5 * (runningScriptObj.onlineExpGained / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime) * timePassed; expGain *= confidence; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(expGain); //Update script stats runningScriptObj.offlineMoneyMade += totalOfflineProduction; runningScriptObj.offlineRunningTime += timePassed; runningScriptObj.offlineExpGained += expGain; //Fortify a server's security based on how many times it was hacked for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] == null) {continue;} var serv = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip]; if (serv == null) {continue;} var timesHacked = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed); console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " hacked " + serv.hostname + " " + timesHacked + " times while offline"); runningScriptObj.log("Hacked " + serv.hostname + " " + timesHacked + " times while offline"); serv.fortify(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerFortifyAmount * timesHacked); } } //Weaken for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] == null) {continue;} var serv = _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip]; if (serv == null) {continue;} var timesWeakened = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed); console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " called weaken() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesWeakened + " times while offline"); runningScriptObj.log("Called weaken() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesWeakened + " times while offline"); serv.weaken(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerWeakenAmount * timesWeakened); } } return totalOfflineProduction; } //Returns a RunningScript object matching the filename and arguments on the //designated server, and false otherwise function findRunningScript(filename, args, server) { for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) { if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == filename && Object(_utils_helpers_compareArrays__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__["compareArrays"])(server.runningScripts[i].args, args)) { return server.runningScripts[i]; } } return null; } function RunningScript(script, args) { if (script == null || script == undefined) {return;} this.filename = script.filename; this.args = args; this.scriptRef = script; this.server = script.server; //IP Address only this.logs = []; //Script logging. Array of strings, with each element being a log entry this.logUpd = false; //Stats to display on the Scripts menu, and used to determine offline progress this.offlineRunningTime = 0.01; //Seconds this.offlineMoneyMade = 0; this.offlineExpGained = 0; this.onlineRunningTime = 0.01; //Seconds this.onlineMoneyMade = 0; this.onlineExpGained = 0; this.threads = 1; //[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken] this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0], true); } RunningScript.prototype.log = function(txt) { if (this.logs.length > _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__[/* Settings */ "a"].MaxLogCapacity) { //Delete first element and add new log entry to the end. //TODO Eventually it might be better to replace this with circular array //to improve performance this.logs.shift(); } let logEntry = txt; if (_Fconf__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* FconfSettings */ "a"].ENABLE_TIMESTAMPS) { logEntry = "[" + _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* Terminal */ "b"].getTimestamp() + "] " + logEntry; } this.logs.push(logEntry); this.logUpd = true; } RunningScript.prototype.displayLog = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.logs.length; ++i) { Object(_Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* post */ "c"])(this.logs[i]); } } RunningScript.prototype.clearLog = function() { this.logs.length = 0; } //Update the moneyStolen and numTimesHack maps when hacking RunningScript.prototype.recordHack = function(serverIp, moneyGained, n=1) { if (this.dataMap == null) { //[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken] this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0], true); } this.dataMap[serverIp][0] += moneyGained; this.dataMap[serverIp][1] += n; } //Update the grow map when calling grow() RunningScript.prototype.recordGrow = function(serverIp, n=1) { if (this.dataMap == null) { //[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken] this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0], true); } this.dataMap[serverIp][2] += n; } //Update the weaken map when calling weaken() { RunningScript.prototype.recordWeaken = function(serverIp, n=1) { if (this.dataMap == null) { //[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken] this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0], true); } this.dataMap[serverIp][3] += n; } RunningScript.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_toJSON"])("RunningScript", this); } RunningScript.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_fromJSON"])(RunningScript, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Reviver"].constructors.RunningScript = RunningScript; //Creates an object that creates a map/dictionary with the IP of each existing server as //a key. Initializes every key with a specified value that can either by a number or an array function AllServersMap(arr=false, filterOwned=false) { for (var ip in _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"]) { if (_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"].hasOwnProperty(ip)) { if (filterOwned && (_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip].purchasedByPlayer || _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip].hostname === "home")) { continue; } if (arr) { this[ip] = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } else { this[ip] = 0; } } } } AllServersMap.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_toJSON"])("AllServersMap", this); } AllServersMap.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Generic_fromJSON"])(AllServersMap, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["Reviver"].constructors.AllServersMap = AllServersMap; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 51))) /***/ }), /* 31 */ /*!***********************!*\ !*** ./src/Crimes.js ***! \***********************/ /*! exports provided: determineCrimeSuccess, findCrime, Crimes */ /*! exports used: Crimes, determineCrimeSuccess, findCrime */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return determineCrimeSuccess; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return findCrime; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Crimes; }); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); function Crime(name, type, time, money, difficulty, karma, params) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.time = time; this.money = money; this.difficulty = difficulty; this.karma = karma; this.hacking_success_weight = params.hacking_success_weight ? params.hacking_success_weight : 0; this.strength_success_weight = params.strength_success_weight ? params.strength_success_weight : 0; this.defense_success_weight = params.defense_success_weight ? params.defense_success_weight : 0; this.dexterity_success_weight = params.dexterity_success_weight ? params.dexterity_success_weight : 0; this.agility_success_weight = params.agility_success_weight ? params.agility_success_weight : 0; this.charisma_success_weight = params.charisma_success_weight ? params.charisma_success_weight : 0; this.hacking_exp = params.hacking_exp ? params.hacking_exp : 0; this.strength_exp = params.strength_exp ? params.strength_exp : 0; this.defense_exp = params.defense_exp ? params.defense_exp : 0; this.dexterity_exp = params.dexterity_exp ? params.dexterity_exp : 0; this.agility_exp = params.agility_exp ? params.agility_exp : 0; this.charisma_exp = params.charisma_exp ? params.charisma_exp : 0; this.intelligence_exp = params.intelligence_exp ? params.intelligence_exp : 0; this.kills = params.kills ? params.kills : 0; } Crime.prototype.commit = function(div=1, singParams=null) { if (div <= 0) {div = 1;} _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].crimeType = this.type; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].startCrime( this.hacking_exp/div, this.strength_exp/div, this.defense_exp/div, this.dexterity_exp/div, this.agility_exp/div, this.charisma_exp/div, this.money/div, this.time, singParams); return this.time; } Crime.prototype.successRate = function() { var chance = (this.hacking_success_weight * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill + this.strength_success_weight * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].strength + this.defense_success_weight * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].defense + this.dexterity_success_weight * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity + this.agility_success_weight * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].agility + this.charisma_success_weight * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceCrimeWeight * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence); chance /= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaxSkillLevel; chance /= this.difficulty; chance *= _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].crime_success_mult; return Math.min(chance, 1); } const Crimes = { Shoplift: new Crime("Shoplift", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeShoplift, 2e3, 15e3, 1/20, 0.1, { dexterity_success_weight: 1, agility_success_weight: 1, dexterity_exp: 2, agility_exp: 2, }), RobStore: new Crime("Rob Store", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeRobStore, 60e3, 400e3, 1/5, 0.5, { hacking_exp: 30, dexterity_exp: 45, agility_exp: 45, hacking_success_weight: 0.5 , dexterity_success_weight: 2, agility_success_weight: 1, intelligence_exp: 0.25 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain, }), Mug: new Crime("Mug", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeMug, 4e3, 36e3, 1/5, 0.25, { strength_exp: 3, defense_exp: 3, dexterity_exp: 3, agility_exp: 3, strength_success_weight: 1.5, defense_success_weight: 0.5, dexterity_success_weight: 1.5, agility_success_weight: 0.5, }), Larceny: new Crime("Larceny", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeLarceny, 90e3, 800e3, 1/3, 1.5, { hacking_exp: 45, dexterity_exp: 60, agility_exp: 60, hacking_success_weight: 0.5, dexterity_success_weight: 1, agility_success_weight: 1, intelligence_exp: 0.5 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain, }), DealDrugs: new Crime("Deal Drugs", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeDrugs, 10e3, 120e3, 1, 0.5, { dexterity_exp: 5, agility_exp: 5, charisma_exp: 10, charisma_success_weight: 3, dexterity_success_weight: 2, agility_success_weight: 1, }), BondForgery: new Crime("Bond Forgery", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeBondForgery, 300e3, 4.5e6, 1/2, 0.1, { hacking_exp: 100, dexterity_exp: 150, charisma_exp: 15, hacking_success_weight: 0.05, dexterity_success_weight: 1.25, intelligence_exp: 2 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain, }), TraffickArms: new Crime("Traffick Arms", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeTraffickArms, 40e3, 600e3, 2, 1, { strength_exp: 20, defense_exp: 20, dexterity_exp: 20, agility_exp: 20, charisma_exp: 40, charisma_success_weight: 1, strength_success_weight: 1, defense_success_weight: 1, dexterity_success_weight: 1, agility_success_weight: 1, }), Homicide: new Crime("Homicide", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeHomicide, 3e3, 45e3, 1, 3, { strength_exp: 2, defense_exp: 2, dexterity_exp: 2, agility_exp: 2, strength_success_weight: 2, defense_success_weight: 2, dexterity_success_weight: 0.5, agility_success_weight: 0.5, kills: 1, }), GrandTheftAuto: new Crime("Grand Theft Auto", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeGrandTheftAuto, 80e3, 1.6e6, 8, 5, { strength_exp: 20, defense_exp: 20, dexterity_exp: 20, agility_exp: 80, charisma_exp: 40, hacking_success_weight: 1, strength_success_weight: 1, dexterity_success_weight: 4, agility_success_weight: 2, charisma_success_weight: 2, intelligence_exp: _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain, }), Kidnap: new Crime("Kidnap", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeKidnap, 120e3, 3.6e6, 5, 6, { strength_exp: 80, defense_exp: 80, dexterity_exp: 80, agility_exp: 80, charisma_exp: 80, charisma_success_weight: 1, strength_success_weight: 1, dexterity_success_weight: 1, agility_success_weight: 1, intelligence_exp: 2 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain, }), Assassination: new Crime("Assassination", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeAssassination, 300e3, 12e6, 8, 10, { strength_exp: 300, defense_exp: 300, dexterity_exp: 300, agility_exp: 300, strength_success_weight: 1, dexterity_success_weight: 2, agility_success_weight: 1, intelligence_exp: 5 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain, kills: 1, }), Heist: new Crime("Heist", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeHeist, 600e3, 120e6, 18, 15, { hacking_exp: 450, strength_exp: 450, defense_exp: 450, dexterity_exp: 450, agility_exp: 450, charisma_exp: 450, hacking_success_weight: 1, strength_success_weight: 1, defense_success_weight: 1, dexterity_success_weight: 1, agility_success_weight: 1, charisma_success_weight: 1, intelligence_exp: 10 * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain, }), }; function determineCrimeSuccess(type, moneyGained) { var chance = 0; var found = false; for(const i in Crimes) { const crime = Crimes[i]; if(crime.type == type) { chance = crime.successRate(); found = true; break; } } if(!found) { console.log(crime); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERR: Unrecognized crime type. This is probably a bug please contact the developer"); return; } if (Math.random() <= chance) { //Success _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(moneyGained); return true; } else { //Failure return false; } } function findCrime(roughName) { if (roughName.includes("shoplift")) { return Crimes.Shoplift; } else if (roughName.includes("rob") && roughName.includes("store")) { return Crimes.RobStore; } else if (roughName.includes("mug")) { return Crimes.Mug; } else if (roughName.includes("larceny")) { return Crimes.Larceny; } else if (roughName.includes("drugs")) { return Crimes.DealDrugs; } else if (roughName.includes("bond") && roughName.includes("forge")) { return Crimes.BondForgery; } else if (roughName.includes("traffick") && roughName.includes("arms")) { return Crimes.TraffickArms; } else if (roughName.includes("homicide")) { return Crimes.Homicide; } else if (roughName.includes("grand") && roughName.includes("auto")) { return Crimes.GrandTheftAuto; } else if (roughName.includes("kidnap")) { return Crimes.Kidnap; } else if (roughName.includes("assassinate")) { return Crimes.Assassination; } else if (roughName.includes("heist")) { return Crimes.Heist; } return null; } /***/ }), /* 32 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./utils/helpers/isString.ts ***! \***********************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! all exports used */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * Checks whether the value passed in can be considered a string. * @param value The value to check if it is a string. */ function isString(value) { return (typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String); } exports.isString = isString; /***/ }), /* 33 */ /*!************************!*\ !*** ./src/Message.js ***! \************************/ /*! exports provided: Messages, checkForMessagesToSend, sendMessage, showMessage, loadMessages, initMessages, Message */ /*! exports used: Message, Messages, checkForMessagesToSend, initMessages, loadMessages, showMessage */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return Messages; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return checkForMessagesToSend; }); /* unused harmony export sendMessage */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return showMessage; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return loadMessages; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return initMessages; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Message; }); /* harmony import */ var _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Augmentations */ 18); /* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram */ 21); /* harmony import */ var _Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Missions */ 38); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./RedPill */ 46); /* harmony import */ var _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings */ 22); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); /* Message.js */ function Message(filename="", msg="") { this.filename = filename; this.msg = msg; this.recvd = false; } Message.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_toJSON"])("Message", this); } Message.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Message, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"].constructors.Message = Message; //Sends message to player, including a pop up function sendMessage(msg, forced=false) { console.log("sending message: " + msg.filename); msg.recvd = true; if (forced || !_Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* Settings */ "a"].SuppressMessages) { showMessage(msg); } addMessageToServer(msg, "home"); } function showMessage(msg) { var txt = "Message received from unknown sender:

" + "" + msg.msg + "

" + "This message was saved as " + msg.filename + " onto your home computer."; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["dialogBoxCreate"])(txt); } //Adds a message to a server function addMessageToServer(msg, serverHostname) { var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* GetServerByHostname */ "c"])(serverHostname); if (server == null) { console.log("WARNING: Did not locate " + serverHostname); return; } for (var i = 0; i < server.messages.length; ++i) { if (server.messages[i].filename === msg.filename) { return; //Already exists } } server.messages.push(msg); } //Checks if any of the 'timed' messages should be sent function checkForMessagesToSend() { var jumper0 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper0]; var jumper1 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper1]; var jumper2 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper2]; var jumper3 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper3]; var jumper4 = Messages[MessageFilenames.Jumper4]; var cybersecTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.CyberSecTest]; var nitesecTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.NiteSecTest]; var bitrunnersTest = Messages[MessageFilenames.BitRunnersTest]; var redpill = Messages[MessageFilenames.RedPill]; var redpillOwned = false; if (_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].TheRedPill].owned) { redpillOwned = true; } if (redpill && redpillOwned && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.length === 0 && !_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* redPillFlag */ "b"] && !_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* inMission */ "c"]) { if (!_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["dialogBoxOpened"]) { sendMessage(redpill, true); } } else if (redpill && redpillOwned) { //If player has already destroyed a BitNode, message is not forced if (!_RedPill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* redPillFlag */ "b"] && !_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* inMission */ "c"] && !_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["dialogBoxOpened"]) { sendMessage(redpill); } } else if (jumper0 && !jumper0.recvd && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 25) { sendMessage(jumper0); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Programs */ "a"].Flight.name); } else if (jumper1 && !jumper1.recvd && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 40) { sendMessage(jumper1); } else if (cybersecTest && !cybersecTest.recvd && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 50) { sendMessage(cybersecTest); } else if (jumper2 && !jumper2.recvd && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 175) { sendMessage(jumper2); } else if (nitesecTest && !nitesecTest.recvd && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 200) { sendMessage(nitesecTest); } else if (jumper3 && !jumper3.recvd && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 350) { sendMessage(jumper3); } else if (jumper4 && !jumper4.recvd && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 490) { sendMessage(jumper4); } else if (bitrunnersTest && !bitrunnersTest.recvd && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill >= 500) { sendMessage(bitrunnersTest); } } function AddToAllMessages(msg) { Messages[msg.filename] = msg; } let Messages = {} function loadMessages(saveString) { Messages = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["Reviver"]); } let MessageFilenames = { Jumper0: "j0.msg", Jumper1: "j1.msg", Jumper2: "j2.msg", Jumper3: "j3.msg", Jumper4: "j4.msg", CyberSecTest: "csec-test.msg", NiteSecTest: "nitesec-test.msg", BitRunnersTest: "19dfj3l1nd.msg", RedPill: "icarus.msg", } function initMessages() { //Reset Messages = {}; //jump3R Messages AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper0, "I know you can sense it. I know you're searching for it. " + "It's why you spend night after " + "night at your computer.

It's real, I've seen it. And I can " + "help you find it. But not right now. You're not ready yet.

" + "Use this program to track your progress

" + "The fl1ght.exe program was added to your home computer

" + "-jump3R")); AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper1, "Soon you will be contacted by a hacking group known as CyberSec. " + "They can help you with your search.

" + "You should join them, garner their favor, and " + "exploit them for their Augmentations. But do not trust them. " + "They are not what they seem. No one is.

" + "-jump3R")); AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper2, "Do not try to save the world. There is no world to save. If " + "you want to find the truth, worry only about yourself. Ethics and " + "morals will get you killed.

Watch out for a hacking group known as NiteSec." + "

-jump3R")); AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper3, "You must learn to walk before you can run. And you must " + "run before you can fly. Look for the black hand.

" + "I.I.I.I

-jump3R")); AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.Jumper4, "To find what you are searching for, you must understand the bits. " + "The bits are all around us. The runners will help you.

" + "-jump3R")); //Messages from hacking factions AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.CyberSecTest, "We've been watching you. Your skills are very impressive. But you're wasting " + "your talents. If you join us, you can put your skills to good use and change " + "the world for the better. If you join us, we can unlock your full potential.

" + "But first, you must pass our test. Find and hack our server using the Terminal.

" + "-CyberSec")); AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.NiteSecTest, "People say that the corrupted governments and corporations rule the world. " + "Yes, maybe they do. But do you know who everyone really fears? People " + "like us. Because they can't hide from us. Because they can't fight shadows " + "and ideas with bullets.

" + "Join us, and people will fear you, too.

" + "Find and hack our hidden server using the Terminal. Then, we will contact you again." + "

-NiteSec")); AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.BitRunnersTest, "We know what you are doing. We know what drives you. We know " + "what you are looking for.

" + "We can help you find the answers.

" + "run4theh111z")); AddToAllMessages(new Message(MessageFilenames.RedPill, "@)(#V%*N)@(#*)*C)@#%*)*V)@#(*%V@)(#VN%*)@#(*%
" + ")@B(*#%)@)M#B*%V)____FIND___#$@)#%(B*)@#(*%B)
" + "@_#(%_@#M(BDSPOMB__THE-CAVE_#)$(*@#$)@#BNBEGB
" + "DFLSMFVMV)#@($*)@#*$MV)@#(*$V)M#(*$)M@(#*VM$)")); } /***/ }), /* 34 */ /*!***********************************!*\ !*** ./src/NetscriptFunctions.js ***! \***********************************/ /*! exports provided: NetscriptFunctions, initSingularitySFFlags, hasSingularitySF, hasBn11SF, hasWallStreetSF, wallStreetSFLvl, hasCorporationSF, hasAISF, hasBladeburnerSF */ /*! exports used: NetscriptFunctions, hasAISF, hasBladeburnerSF, hasBn11SF, hasCorporationSF, hasWallStreetSF, initSingularitySFFlags, wallStreetSFLvl */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return NetscriptFunctions; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return initSingularitySFFlags; }); /* unused harmony export hasSingularitySF */ /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return hasBn11SF; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return hasWallStreetSF; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return wallStreetSFLvl; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return hasCorporationSF; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return hasAISF; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return hasBladeburnerSF; }); /* harmony import */ var _ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ActiveScriptsUI */ 48); /* harmony import */ var _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Augmentations */ 18); /* harmony import */ var _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./BitNode */ 16); /* harmony import */ var _Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Crimes */ 31); /* harmony import */ var _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Bladeburner */ 29); /* harmony import */ var _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Company */ 11); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./CreateProgram */ 21); /* harmony import */ var _DarkWeb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./DarkWeb */ 60); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Gang */ 40); /* harmony import */ var _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction */ 12); /* harmony import */ var _HacknetNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./HacknetNode */ 44); /* harmony import */ var _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Location */ 4); /* harmony import */ var _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Message */ 33); /* harmony import */ var _Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Missions */ 38); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Script */ 30); /* harmony import */ var _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Server */ 9); /* harmony import */ var _Settings__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Settings */ 22); /* harmony import */ var _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SpecialServerIps */ 19); /* harmony import */ var _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./StockMarket */ 24); /* harmony import */ var _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Terminal */ 25); /* harmony import */ var _TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./TextFile */ 50); /* harmony import */ var _TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptWorker */ 23); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptEvaluator */ 7); /* harmony import */ var _NetscriptPort__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./NetscriptPort */ 55); /* harmony import */ var decimal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__ = __webpack_require__(/*! decimal.js */ 26); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isPowerOfTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/isPowerOfTwo */ 96); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isPowerOfTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_isPowerOfTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/arrayToString */ 39); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/IPAddress */ 17); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/isString */ 32); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox */ 14); var sprintf = __webpack_require__(/*! sprintf-js */ 76).sprintf, vsprintf = __webpack_require__(/*! sprintf-js */ 76).vsprintf var hasCorporationSF = false, //Source-File 3 hasSingularitySF = false, //Source-File 4 hasAISF = false, //Source-File 5 hasBladeburnerSF = false, //Source-File 6 hasBladeburner2079SF = false, //Source-File 7 hasWallStreetSF = false, //Source-File 8 hasBn11SF = false; //Source-File 11 var singularitySFLvl=1, wallStreetSFLvl=1; var possibleLogs = { ALL: true, scan: true, hack: true, sleep: true, disableLog: true, enableLog: true, grow: true, weaken: true, nuke: true, brutessh: true, ftpcrack: true, relaysmtp: true, httpworm: true, sqlinject: true, run:true, exec:true, spawn: true, kill: true, killall: true, scp: true, getHackingLevel: true, getServerMoneyAvailable: true, getServerSecurityLevel: true, getServerBaseSecurityLevel: true, getServerMinSecurityLevel: true, getServerRequiredHackingLevel: true, getServerMaxMoney: true, getServerGrowth: true, getServerNumPortsRequired: true, getServerRam: true, buyStock: true, sellStock: true, purchaseServer: true, deleteServer: true, universityCourse: true, gymWorkout: true, travelToCity: true, purchaseTor: true, purchaseProgram: true, stopAction: true, upgradeHomeRam: true, workForCompany: true, applyToCompany: true, joinFaction: true, workForFaction: true, createProgram: true, commitCrime: true, shortStock: true, sellShort: true, startAction: true, upgradeSkill: true, setTeamSize: true, joinBladeburnerFaction: true, } //Used to check and set flags for every Source File, despite the name of the function function initSingularitySFFlags() { for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles.length; ++i) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === 3) {hasCorporationSF = true;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === 4) { hasSingularitySF = true; singularitySFLvl = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].lvl; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === 5) {hasAISF = true;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === 6) {hasBladeburnerSF = true;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === 7) {hasBladeburner2079SF = true;} if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === 8) { hasWallStreetSF = true; wallStreetSFLvl = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].lvl; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].sourceFiles[i].n === 11) {hasBn11SF = true;} } } function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) { var updateDynamicRam = function(fnName, ramCost) { if (workerScript.dynamicLoadedFns[fnName]) {return;} workerScript.dynamicLoadedFns[fnName] = true; workerScript.dynamicRamUsage += ramCost; if (workerScript.dynamicRamUsage > 1.01 * workerScript.ramUsage) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Dynamic RAM usage calculated to be greater than initial RAM usage on fn: " + fnName + ". This is probably because you somehow circumvented the static RAM " + "calculation.

Please don't do that :(

" + "Dynamic RAM Usage: " + workerScript.dynamicRamUsage + "
" + "Static RAM Usage: " + workerScript.ramUsage); } }; var updateStaticRam = function(fnName, ramCost) { if (workerScript.loadedFns[fnName]) { return 0; } else { workerScript.loadedFns[fnName] = true; return ramCost; } }; return { hacknetnodes : function() { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknetNodeWrappers; }, sprintf : sprintf, vsprintf: vsprintf, scan : function(ip=workerScript.serverIp, hostnames=true){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("scan", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptScanRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("scan", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptScanRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, 'Invalid IP or hostname passed into scan() command'); } var out = []; for (var i = 0; i < server.serversOnNetwork.length; i++) { var entry; if (hostnames) { entry = server.getServerOnNetwork(i).hostname; } else { entry = server.getServerOnNetwork(i).ip; } if (entry == null) { continue; } out.push(entry); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scan == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log('scan() returned ' + server.serversOnNetwork.length + ' connections for ' + server.hostname); } return out; }, hack : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("hack", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptHackRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("hack", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptHackRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Hack() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads; if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;} var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("hack() error. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip + ". Stopping..."); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "hack() error. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip + ". Stopping..."); } //Calculate the hacking time var hackingTime = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateHackingTime */ "j"])(server); //This is in seconds //No root access or skill level too low if (server.hasAdminRights == false) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); } if (server.requiredHackingSkill > _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user's hacking skill is not high enough"); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot hack this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user's hacking skill is not high enough"); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to hack " + ip + " in " + hackingTime.toFixed(3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")"); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* netscriptDelay */ "e"])(hackingTime* 1000, workerScript).then(function() { if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} var hackChance = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateHackingChance */ "i"])(server); var rand = Math.random(); var expGainedOnSuccess = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateExpGain */ "g"])(server) * threads; var expGainedOnFailure = (expGainedOnSuccess / 4); if (rand < hackChance) { //Success! var moneyGained = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculatePercentMoneyHacked */ "k"])(server); moneyGained = Math.floor(server.moneyAvailable * moneyGained) * threads; //Over-the-top safety checks if (moneyGained <= 0) { moneyGained = 0; expGainedOnSuccess = expGainedOnFailure; } if (moneyGained > server.moneyAvailable) {moneyGained = server.moneyAvailable;} server.moneyAvailable -= moneyGained; if (server.moneyAvailable < 0) {server.moneyAvailable = 0;} _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(moneyGained); workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += moneyGained; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].scriptProdSinceLastAug += moneyGained; workerScript.scriptRef.recordHack(server.ip, moneyGained, threads); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(expGainedOnSuccess); workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGainedOnSuccess; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Script SUCCESSFULLY hacked " + server.hostname + " for $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(moneyGained, 2) + " and " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(expGainedOnSuccess, 4) + " exp (t=" + threads + ")"); } server.fortify(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerFortifyAmount * threads); return Promise.resolve(moneyGained); } else { //Player only gains 25% exp for failure? _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(expGainedOnFailure); workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGainedOnFailure; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.hack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Script FAILED to hack " + server.hostname + ". Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(expGainedOnFailure, 4) + " exp (t=" + threads + ")"); } return Promise.resolve(0); } }); }, sleep : function(time){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (time === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "sleep() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sleep == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sleeping for " + time + " milliseconds"); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* netscriptDelay */ "e"])(time, workerScript).then(function() { return Promise.resolve(true); }); }, grow : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("grow", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGrowRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("grow", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGrowRamCost); var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads; if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;} if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "grow() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot grow(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot grow(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } //No root access or skill level too low if (server.hasAdminRights == false) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot grow this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot grow this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); } var growTime = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateGrowTime */ "h"])(server); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.grow == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executing grow() on server " + server.hostname + " in " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(growTime/1000, 3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")"); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* netscriptDelay */ "e"])(growTime, workerScript).then(function() { if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} const moneyBefore = server.moneyAvailable; server.moneyAvailable += (1 * threads); //It can be grown even if it has no money var growthPercentage = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* processSingleServerGrowth */ "j"])(server, 450 * threads); const moneyAfter = server.moneyAvailable; workerScript.scriptRef.recordGrow(server.ip, threads); var expGain = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateExpGain */ "g"])(server) * threads; if (growthPercentage == 1) { expGain = 0; } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.grow == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Available money on " + server.hostname + " grown by " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])((moneyAfter/moneyBefore)*100 - 100, 6) + "%. Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(expGain, 4) + " hacking exp (t=" + threads +")"); } workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGain; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(expGain); return Promise.resolve(moneyAfter/moneyBefore); }); }, weaken : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("weaken", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptWeakenRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("weaken", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptWeakenRamCost); var threads = workerScript.scriptRef.threads; if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) {threads = 1;} if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "weaken() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot weaken(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot weaken(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } //No root access or skill level too low if (server.hasAdminRights == false) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot weaken this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot weaken this server (" + server.hostname + ") because user does not have root access"); } var weakenTime = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateWeakenTime */ "l"])(server); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.weaken == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executing weaken() on server " + server.hostname + " in " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(weakenTime/1000, 3) + " seconds (t=" + threads + ")"); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* netscriptDelay */ "e"])(weakenTime, workerScript).then(function() { if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) {return Promise.reject(workerScript);} server.weaken(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerWeakenAmount * threads); workerScript.scriptRef.recordWeaken(server.ip, threads); var expGain = Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateExpGain */ "g"])(server) * threads; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.weaken == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Server security level on " + server.hostname + " weakened to " + server.hackDifficulty + ". Gained " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(expGain, 4) + " hacking exp (t=" + threads + ")"); } workerScript.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += expGain; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainHackingExp(expGain); return Promise.resolve(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ServerWeakenAmount * threads); }); }, print : function(args){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (args === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "print() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } workerScript.scriptRef.log(args.toString()); }, tprint : function(args) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (args === undefined || args == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "tprint() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var x = args.toString(); if (Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["isHTML"])(x)) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].takeDamage(1); Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You suddenly feel a sharp shooting pain through your body as an angry voice in your head exclaims:


" + "(You lost 1 HP)"); return; } Object(_Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__[/* post */ "c"])(workerScript.scriptRef.filename + ": " + args.toString()); }, clearLog : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} workerScript.scriptRef.clearLog(); }, disableLog : function(fn) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if(possibleLogs[fn]===undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument to disableLog: "+fn); } workerScript.disableLogs[fn] = true; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.disableLog == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Disabled logging for " + fn); } }, enableLog : function(fn) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if(possibleLogs[fn]===undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument to enableLog: "+fn); } delete workerScript.disableLogs[fn]; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.enableLog == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Enabled logging for " + fn); } }, nuke : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("nuke", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("nuke", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call nuke(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot call nuke(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"].NukeProgram.name)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You do not have the NUKE.exe virus!"); } if (server.openPortCount < server.numOpenPortsRequired) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Not enough ports opened to use NUKE.exe virus"); } if (server.hasAdminRights) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.nuke == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Already have root access to " + server.hostname); } } else { server.hasAdminRights = true; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.nuke == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed NUKE.exe virus on " + server.hostname + " to gain root access"); } } return true; }, brutessh : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("brutessh", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("brutessh", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call brutessh(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot call brutessh(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"].BruteSSHProgram.name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You do not have the BruteSSH.exe program!"); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You do not have the BruteSSH.exe program!"); } if (!server.sshPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.brutessh == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed BruteSSH.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SSH port (22)"); } server.sshPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.brutessh == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("SSH Port (22) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, ftpcrack : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("ftpcrack", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("ftpcrack", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call ftpcrack(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot call ftpcrack(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"].FTPCrackProgram.name)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You do not have the FTPCrack.exe program!"); } if (!server.ftpPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.ftpcrack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed FTPCrack.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open FTP port (21)"); } server.ftpPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.ftpcrack == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("FTP Port (21) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, relaysmtp : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("relaysmtp", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("relaysmtp", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call relaysmtp(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot call relaysmtp(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"].RelaySMTPProgram.name)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You do not have the relaySMTP.exe program!"); } if (!server.smtpPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.relaysmtp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed relaySMTP.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SMTP port (25)"); } server.smtpPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.relaysmtp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("SMTP Port (25) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, httpworm : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("httpworm", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("httpworm", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call httpworm(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot call httpworm(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"].HTTPWormProgram.name)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You do not have the HTTPWorm.exe program!"); } if (!server.httpPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.httpworm == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed HTTPWorm.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open HTTP port (80)"); } server.httpPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.httpworm == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("HTTP Port (80) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, sqlinject : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("sqlinject", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("sqlinject", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPortProgramRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Program call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot call sqlinject(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot call sqlinject(). Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"].SQLInjectProgram.name)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You do not have the SQLInject.exe program!"); } if (!server.sqlPortOpen) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sqlinject == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Executed SQLInject.exe on " + server.hostname + " to open SQL port (1433)"); } server.sqlPortOpen = true; ++server.openPortCount; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sqlinject == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("SQL Port (1433) already opened on " + server.hostname); } } return true; }, run : function(scriptname,threads = 1){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("run", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptRunRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("run", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptRunRamCost); if (scriptname === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "run() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: run(scriptname, [numThreads], [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument for thread count passed into run(). Must be numeric and greater than 0"); } var argsForNewScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForNewScript.push(arguments[i]); } var scriptServer = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (scriptServer == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev"); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* runScriptFromScript */ "f"])(scriptServer, scriptname, argsForNewScript, workerScript, threads); }, exec : function(scriptname,ip,threads = 1) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("exec", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptExecRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("exec", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptExecRamCost); if (scriptname === undefined || ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "exec() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: exec(scriptname, server, [numThreads], [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument for thread count passed into exec(). Must be numeric and greater than 0"); } var argsForNewScript = []; for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForNewScript.push(arguments[i]); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid hostname/ip passed into exec() command: " + ip); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* runScriptFromScript */ "f"])(server, scriptname, argsForNewScript, workerScript, threads); }, spawn : function(scriptname, threads) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("spawn", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSpawnRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("spawn", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSpawnRamCost); if (scriptname == null || threads == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid scriptname or numThreads argument passed to spawn()"); } setTimeout(()=>{ if (scriptname === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "spawn() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: spawn(scriptname, numThreads, [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } if (isNaN(threads) || threads < 1) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument for thread count passed into run(). Must be numeric and greater than 0"); } var argsForNewScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForNewScript.push(arguments[i]); } var scriptServer = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (scriptServer == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev"); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* runScriptFromScript */ "f"])(scriptServer, scriptname, argsForNewScript, workerScript, threads); }, 20000); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.spawn == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("spawn() will execute " + scriptname + " in 20 seconds"); } NetscriptFunctions(workerScript).exit(); }, kill : function(filename,ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("kill", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptKillRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("kill", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptKillRamCost); if (filename === undefined || ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "kill() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: kill(scriptname, server, [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "kill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } var argsForKillTarget = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForKillTarget.push(arguments[i]); } var runningScriptObj = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(filename, argsForKillTarget, server); if (runningScriptObj == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. No such script "+ filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["arrayToString"])(argsForKillTarget)); return false; } var res = Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* killWorkerScript */ "d"])(runningScriptObj, server.ip); if (res) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.kill == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Killing " + filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["arrayToString"])(argsForKillTarget) + ". May take up to a few minutes for the scripts to die..."); } return true; } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.kill == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("kill() failed. No such script "+ filename + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["arrayToString"])(argsForKillTarget)); } return false; } }, killall : function(ip=workerScript.serverIp){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("killall", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptKillRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("killall", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptKillRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "killall() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("killall() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "killall() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } var scriptsRunning = (server.runningScripts.length > 0); for (var i = server.runningScripts.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* killWorkerScript */ "d"])(server.runningScripts[i], server.ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.killall == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("killall(): Killing all scripts on " + server.hostname + ". May take a few minutes for the scripts to die"); } return scriptsRunning; }, exit : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (server == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in exit(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } if (Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* killWorkerScript */ "d"])(workerScript.scriptRef, server.ip)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Exiting..."); } else { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Exit failed(). This is a bug please contact game developer"); } }, scp : function(scriptname, ip1, ip2) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("scp", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptScpRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("scp", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptScpRamCost); if (arguments.length !== 2 && arguments.length !== 3) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments"); } if (scriptname && scriptname.constructor === Array) { //Recursively call scp on all elements of array var res = false; scriptname.forEach(function(script) { if (NetscriptFunctions(workerScript).scp(script, ip1, ip2)) { res = true; }; }); return res; } if (!scriptname.endsWith(".lit") && !Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* isScriptFilename */ "e"])(scriptname) && !scriptname.endsWith("txt")) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() does not work with this file type. It only works for .script, .lit, and .txt files"); } var destServer, currServ; if (arguments.length === 3) { //scriptname, source, destination if (scriptname === undefined || ip1 === undefined || ip2 === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments"); } destServer = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip2); if (destServer == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid hostname/ip passed into scp() command: " + ip); } currServ = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip1); if (currServ == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Could not find server ip for this script. This is a bug please contact game developer"); } } else if (arguments.length === 2) { //scriptname, destination if (scriptname === undefined || ip1 === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: scp() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 2 or 3 arguments"); } destServer = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip1); if (destServer == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid hostname/ip passed into scp() command: " + ip); } currServ = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (currServ == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Could not find server ip for this script. This is a bug please contact game developer"); } } //Scp for lit files if (scriptname.endsWith(".lit")) { var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.messages.length; ++i) { if (!(currServ.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* Message */ "a"]) && currServ.messages[i] == scriptname) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed"); return false; } for (var i = 0; i < destServer.messages.length; ++i) { if (destServer.messages[i] === scriptname) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; //Already exists } } destServer.messages.push(scriptname); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; } //Scp for text files if (scriptname.endsWith(".txt")) { var found = false, txtFile; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (currServ.textFiles[i].fn === scriptname) { found = true; txtFile = currServ.textFiles[i]; break; } } if (!found) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed"); return false; } for (var i = 0; i < destServer.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (destServer.textFiles[i].fn === scriptname) { //Overwrite destServer.textFiles[i].text = txtFile.text; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; } } var newFile = new _TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["TextFile"](txtFile.fn, txtFile.text); destServer.textFiles.push(newFile); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; } //Scp for script files var sourceScript = null; for (var i = 0; i < currServ.scripts.length; ++i) { if (scriptname == currServ.scripts[i].filename) { sourceScript = currServ.scripts[i]; break; } } if (sourceScript == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " does not exist. scp() failed"); return false; } //Overwrite script if it already exists for (var i = 0; i < destServer.scripts.length; ++i) { if (scriptname == destServer.scripts[i].filename) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("WARNING: " + scriptname + " already exists on " + destServer.hostname + " and it will be overwritten."); workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " overwritten on " + destServer.hostname); } var oldScript = destServer.scripts[i]; oldScript.code = sourceScript.code; oldScript.ramUsage = sourceScript.ramUsage; oldScript.module = ""; return true; } } //Create new script if it does not already exist var newScript = new _Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* Script */ "c"](); newScript.filename = scriptname; newScript.code = sourceScript.code; newScript.ramUsage = sourceScript.ramUsage; newScript.server = destServer.ip; destServer.scripts.push(newScript); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.scp == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(scriptname + " copied over to " + destServer.hostname); } return true; }, ls : function(ip, grep) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("ls", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptScanRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("ls", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptScanRamCost); if (ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ls() failed because of invalid arguments. Usage: ls(ip/hostname, [grep filter])"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ls() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ls() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } //Get the grep filter, if one exists var filter = false; if (arguments.length >= 2) { filter = grep.toString(); } var allFiles = []; for (var i = 0; i < server.programs.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (server.programs[i].includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.programs[i]); } } else { allFiles.push(server.programs[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (server.scripts[i].filename.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.scripts[i].filename); } } else { allFiles.push(server.scripts[i].filename); } } for (var i = 0; i < server.messages.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (server.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* Message */ "a"]) { if (server.messages[i].filename.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.messages[i].filename); } } else if (server.messages[i].includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.messages[i]); } } else { if (server.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* Message */ "a"]) { allFiles.push(server.messages[i].filename); } else { allFiles.push(server.messages[i]); } } } for (var i = 0; i < server.textFiles.length; i++) { if (filter) { if (server.textFiles[i].fn.includes(filter)) { allFiles.push(server.textFiles[i].fn); } } else { allFiles.push(server.textFiles[i].fn); } } //Sort the files alphabetically then print each allFiles.sort(); return allFiles; }, ps : function(ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("ps", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptScanRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("ps", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptScanRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null){ workerScript.scriptRef.log("ps() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ps() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } const processes = []; for(const i in server.runningScripts) { const script = server.runningScripts[i]; processes.push({filename:script.filename, threads: script.threads, args: script.args.slice()}) } return processes; }, hasRootAccess : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("hasRootAccess", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptHasRootAccessRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("hasRootAccess", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptHasRootAccessRamCost); if (ip===undefined){ throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "hasRootAccess() call has incorrect number of arguments. Takes 1 argument"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null){ workerScript.scriptRef.log("hasRootAccess() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "hasRootAccess() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } return server.hasAdminRights; }, getIp : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getIp", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHostnameRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getIp", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHostnameRamCost); var scriptServer = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (scriptServer == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev"); } return scriptServer.ip; }, getHostname : function(){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHostname", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHostnameRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHostname", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHostnameRamCost); var scriptServer = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (scriptServer == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Could not find server. This is a bug in the game. Report to game dev"); } return scriptServer.hostname; }, getHackingLevel : function(){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHackingLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackingLevelRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHackingLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackingLevelRamCost); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].updateSkillLevels(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getHackingLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getHackingLevel() returned " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill); } return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill; }, getHackingMultipliers : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHackingMultipliers", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHackingMultipliers", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); return { chance: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_chance_mult, speed: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_speed_mult, money: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_money_mult, growth: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_grow_mult, }; }, getHacknetMultipliers : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHacknetMultipliers", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHacknetMultipliers", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); return { production: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_money_mult, purchaseCost: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult, ramCost: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult, coreCost: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_core_cost_mult, levelCost: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacknet_node_level_cost_mult, }; }, getBitNodeMultipliers: function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getBitNodeMultipliers", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getBitNodeMultipliers", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost); if (!hasAISF) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getBitNodeMultipliers(). It requires Source-File 5 to run."); } let copy = Object.assign({}, _BitNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* BitNodeMultipliers */ "a"]); return copy; }, getServerMoneyAvailable : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerMoneyAvailable", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerMoneyAvailable", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerMoneyAvailable() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (server.hostname == "home") { //Return player's money if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMoneyAvailable == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable('home') returned player's money: $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].money.toNumber(), 2)); } return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].money.toNumber(); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMoneyAvailable == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMoneyAvailable() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.moneyAvailable, 2) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.moneyAvailable; }, getServerSecurityLevel : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerSecurityLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerSecurityLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerSecurityLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerSecurityLevel() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.hackDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.hackDifficulty; }, getServerBaseSecurityLevel : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerBaseSecurityLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerBaseSecurityLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerBaseSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerBaseSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerBaseSecurityLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerBaseSecurityLevel() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.baseDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.baseDifficulty; }, getServerMinSecurityLevel : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerMinSecurityLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerMinSecurityLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMinSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerMinSecurityLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMinSecurityLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMinSecurityLevel() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.minDifficulty, 3) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.minDifficulty; }, getServerRequiredHackingLevel : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerRequiredHackingLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerRequiredHackingLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRequiredHackingLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerRequiredHackingLevel() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerRequiredHackingLevel == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRequiredHackingLevel returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.requiredHackingSkill, 0) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.requiredHackingSkill; }, getServerMaxMoney : function(ip){ if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerMaxMoney", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerMaxMoney", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMaxMoney() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerMaxMoney() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerMaxMoney == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerMaxMoney() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.moneyMax, 0) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.moneyMax; }, getServerGrowth : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerGrowth", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerGrowth", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerGrowth() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerGrowth() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerGrowth == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerGrowth() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.serverGrowth, 0) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.serverGrowth; }, getServerNumPortsRequired : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerNumPortsRequired", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerNumPortsRequired", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerNumPortsRequired() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerNumPortsRequired() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerNumPortsRequired == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerNumPortsRequired() returned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.numOpenPortsRequired, 0) + " for " + server.hostname); } return server.numOpenPortsRequired; }, getServerRam : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getServerRam", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getServerRam", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getServerRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.getServerRam == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getServerRam() returned [" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.maxRam, 2) + "GB, " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(server.ramUsed, 2) + "GB]"); } return [server.maxRam, server.ramUsed]; }, serverExists : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("serverExists", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("serverExists", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetServerRamCost); return (Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip) !== null); }, fileExists : function(filename,ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("fileExists", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptFileExistsRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("fileExists", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptFileExistsRamCost); if (filename === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "fileExists() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: fileExists(scriptname, [server])"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("fileExists() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "fileExists() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (filename == server.scripts[i].filename) { return true; } } for (var i = 0; i < server.programs.length; ++i) { if (filename.toLowerCase() == server.programs[i].toLowerCase()) { return true; } } for (var i = 0; i < server.messages.length; ++i) { if (!(server.messages[i] instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* Message */ "a"]) && filename.toLowerCase() === server.messages[i]) { return true; } } var txtFile = Object(_TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["getTextFile"])(filename, server); if (txtFile != null) { return true; } return false; }, isRunning : function(filename,ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("isRunning", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptIsRunningRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("isRunning", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptIsRunningRamCost); if (filename === undefined || ip === undefined) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "isRunning() call has incorrect number of arguments. Usage: isRunning(scriptname, server, [arg1], [arg2]...)"); } var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("isRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "isRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } var argsForTargetScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForTargetScript.push(arguments[i]); } return (Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(filename, argsForTargetScript, server) != null); }, getNextHacknetNodeCost : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getNextHacknetNodeCost", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getNextHacknetNodeCost", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost); return Object(_HacknetNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* getCostOfNextHacknetNode */ "d"])(); }, purchaseHacknetNode : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseHacknetNode", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseHacknetNode", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost); return Object(_HacknetNode__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__[/* purchaseHacknet */ "f"])(); }, getStockPrice : function(symbol) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStockPrice", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStockPrice", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetStockRamCost); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockPrice()"); } var stock = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* SymbolToStockMap */ "d"][symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockPrice()"); } return parseFloat(stock.price.toFixed(3)); }, getStockPosition : function(symbol) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStockPosition", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStockPosition", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetStockRamCost); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use getStockPosition()"); } var stock = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* SymbolToStockMap */ "d"][symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into getStockPosition()"); } return [stock.playerShares, stock.playerAvgPx, stock.playerShortShares, stock.playerAvgShortPx]; }, buyStock : function(symbol, shares) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("buyStock", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("buyStock", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use buyStock()"); } var stock = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* SymbolToStockMap */ "d"][symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into buyStock()"); } if (shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid 'shares' argument passed to buyStock()"); return 0; } shares = Math.round(shares); if (shares === 0) {return 0;} var totalPrice = stock.price * shares; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + symbol + ". Need $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission, 2).toString()); return 0; } var origTotal = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(totalPrice + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission); var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice; stock.playerShares += shares; stock.playerAvgPx = newTotal / stock.playerShares; if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) { Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* updateStockPlayerPosition */ "p"])(stock); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.buyStock == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Bought " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share"); } return stock.price; }, sellStock : function(symbol, shares) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("sellStock", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("sellStock", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use sellStock()"); } var stock = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* SymbolToStockMap */ "d"][symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into sellStock()"); } if (shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid 'shares' argument passed to sellStock()"); return 0; } shares = Math.round(shares); if (shares > stock.playerShares) {shares = stock.playerShares;} if (shares === 0) {return 0;} var gains = stock.price * shares - _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(gains); //Calculate net profit and add to script stats var netProfit = ((stock.price - stock.playerAvgPx) * shares) - _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].StockMarketCommission; if (isNaN(netProfit)) {netProfit = 0;} workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += netProfit; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].scriptProdSinceLastAug += netProfit; stock.playerShares -= shares; if (stock.playerShares == 0) { stock.playerAvgPx = 0; } if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["Engine"].Page.StockMarket) { Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* updateStockPlayerPosition */ "p"])(stock); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sellStock == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sold " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(stock.price, 2) + " per share. Gained " + "$" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(gains, 2)); } return stock.price; }, shortStock(symbol, shares) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("shortStock", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("shortStock", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use shortStock()"); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use shortStock(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Level 2 of Source-File 8"); } } var stock = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* SymbolToStockMap */ "d"][symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into shortStock()"); } var res = Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* shortStock */ "n"])(stock, shares, workerScript); return res ? stock.price : 0; }, sellShort(symbol, shares) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("sellShort", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("sellShort", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use sellShort()"); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use sellShort(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Level 2 of Source-File 8"); } } var stock = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* SymbolToStockMap */ "d"][symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into sellShort()"); } var res = Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* sellShort */ "l"])(stock, shares, workerScript); return res ? stock.price : 0; }, placeOrder(symbol, shares, price, type, pos) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("placeOrder", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("placeOrder", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use placeOrder()"); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use placeOrder(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or have Level 3 of Source-File 8"); } } var stock = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* SymbolToStockMap */ "d"][symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into placeOrder()"); } var orderType, orderPos; type = type.toLowerCase(); if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("buy")) { orderType = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* OrderTypes */ "a"].LimitBuy; } else if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("sell")) { orderType = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* OrderTypes */ "a"].LimitSell; } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("buy")) { orderType = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* OrderTypes */ "a"].StopBuy; } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("sell")) { orderType = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* OrderTypes */ "a"].StopSell; } else { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Order Type passed into placeOrder()"); } pos = pos.toLowerCase(); if (pos.includes("l")) { orderPos = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* PositionTypes */ "b"].Long; } else if (pos.includes('s')) { orderPos = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* PositionTypes */ "b"].Short; } else { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Position Type passed into placeOrder()"); } return Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* placeOrder */ "k"])(stock, shares, price, orderType, orderPos, workerScript); }, cancelOrder(symbol, shares, price, type, pos) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("cancelOrder", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("cancelOrder", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBuySellStockRamCost); if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasTixApiAccess) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use cancelOrder()"); } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 8) { if (!(hasWallStreetSF && wallStreetSFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Cannot use cancelOrder(). You must either be in BitNode-8 or have Level 3 of Source-File 8"); } } var stock = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* SymbolToStockMap */ "d"][symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into cancelOrder()"); } if (isNaN(shares) || isNaN(price)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid shares or price argument passed into cancelOrder(). Must be numeric"); } var orderType, orderPos; type = type.toLowerCase(); if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("buy")) { orderType = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* OrderTypes */ "a"].LimitBuy; } else if (type.includes("limit") && type.includes("sell")) { orderType = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* OrderTypes */ "a"].LimitSell; } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("buy")) { orderType = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* OrderTypes */ "a"].StopBuy; } else if (type.includes("stop") && type.includes("sell")) { orderType = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* OrderTypes */ "a"].StopSell; } else { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Order Type passed into placeOrder()"); } pos = pos.toLowerCase(); if (pos.includes("l")) { orderPos = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* PositionTypes */ "b"].Long; } else if (pos.includes('s')) { orderPos = _StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* PositionTypes */ "b"].Short; } else { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid Position Type passed into placeOrder()"); } var params = { stock: stock, shares: shares, price: price, type: orderType, pos: orderPos }; return Object(_StockMarket__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__[/* cancelOrder */ "e"])(params, workerScript); }, purchaseServer : function(hostname, ram) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseServer", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseServer", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); var hostnameStr = String(hostname); hostnameStr = hostnameStr.replace(/\s+/g, ''); if (hostnameStr == "") { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Passed empty string for hostname argument of purchaseServer()"); return ""; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].purchasedServers.length >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].PurchasedServerLimit) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You have reached the maximum limit of " + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].PurchasedServerLimit + " servers. You cannot purchase any more."); return ""; } ram = Math.round(ram); if (isNaN(ram) || !Object(_utils_helpers_isPowerOfTwo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__["isPowerOfTwo"])(ram)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseServer() failed due to invalid ram argument. Must be numeric and a power of 2"); return ""; } if (ram > _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].PurchasedServerMaxRam) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchasedServer() failed because specified RAM was too high. Maximum RAM on a purchased server is " + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].PurchasedServerMaxRam + "GB"); return ""; } var cost = ram * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(cost)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Not enough money to purchase server. Need $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(cost, 2)); return ""; } var newServ = new _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* Server */ "d"]({ ip: Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname: hostnameStr, organizationName: "", isConnectedTo: false, adminRights: true, purchasedByPlayer: true, maxRam: ram, }); Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* AddToAllServers */ "a"])(newServ); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].purchasedServers.push(newServ.ip); var homeComputer = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer(); homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.push(newServ.ip); newServ.serversOnNetwork.push(homeComputer.ip); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(cost); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseServer == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Purchased new server with hostname " + newServ.hostname + " for $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__["formatNumber"])(cost, 2)); } return newServ.hostname; }, deleteServer : function(hostname) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("deleteServer", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("deleteServer", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); var hostnameStr = String(hostname); hostnameStr = hostnameStr.replace(/\s\s+/g, ''); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* GetServerByHostname */ "c"])(hostnameStr); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Could not find server with hostname " + hostnameStr + ". deleteServer() failed"); return false; } if (!server.purchasedByPlayer || server.hostname === "home") { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Server " + server.hostname + " is not a purchased server. " + "Cannot be deleted. deleteServer() failed"); return false; } var ip = server.ip; //Can't delete server you're currently connected to if (server.isConnectedTo) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: deleteServer() failed because you are currently connected to the server you are trying to delete"); return false; } //A server cannot delete itself if (ip === workerScript.serverIp) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot call deleteServer() on self. deleteServer() failed"); return false; } //Delete all scripts running on server if (server.runningScripts.length > 0) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot delete server " + server.hostname + " because it still has scripts running."); return false; } //Delete from player's purchasedServers array var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].purchasedServers.length; ++i) { if (ip == _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].purchasedServers[i]) { found = true; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].purchasedServers.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (!found) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Could not identify server " + server.hostname + "as a purchased server. This is likely a bug please contact game dev"); return false; } //Delete from all servers delete _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* AllServers */ "b"][ip]; //Delete from home computer found = false; var homeComputer = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer(); for (var i = 0; i < homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.length; ++i) { if (ip == homeComputer.serversOnNetwork[i]) { homeComputer.serversOnNetwork.splice(i, 1); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.deleteServer == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Deleted server " + hostnameStr); } return true; } } //Wasn't found on home computer workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Could not find server " + server.hostname + "as a purchased server. This is likely a bug please contact game dev"); return false; }, getPurchasedServers : function(hostname=true) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getPurchasedServers", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getPurchasedServers", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost); var res = []; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].purchasedServers.forEach(function(ip) { if (hostname) { var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find server in getPurchasedServers(). This is a bug please report to game dev"); } res.push(server.hostname); } else { res.push(ip); } }); return res; }, write : function(port, data="", mode="a") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("write", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("write", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (!isNaN(port)) { //Write to port //Port 1-10 port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Trying to write to invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid."); } var port = _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* NetscriptPorts */ "a"][port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* NetscriptPort */ "a"])) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port.write(data); } else if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["isString"])(port)) { //Write to text file var fn = port; var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (server == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in write(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } var txtFile = Object(_TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["getTextFile"])(fn, server); if (txtFile == null) { txtFile = Object(_TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["createTextFile"])(fn, data, server); return true; } if (mode === "w") { txtFile.write(data); } else { txtFile.append(data); } return true; } else { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for write: " + port); } }, read : function(port) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("read", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("read", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (!isNaN(port)) { //Read from port //Port 1-10 port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Trying to read from invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid."); } var port = _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* NetscriptPorts */ "a"][port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* NetscriptPort */ "a"])) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port.read(); } else if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["isString"])(port)) { //Read from text file var fn = port; var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (server == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in read(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } var txtFile = Object(_TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["getTextFile"])(fn, server); if (txtFile !== null) { return txtFile.text; } else { return ""; } } else { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for read(): " + port); } }, peek : function(port) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("peek", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("peek", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (isNaN(port)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: peek() called with invalid argument. Must be a port number between 1 and " + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts); } port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: peek() called with invalid argument. Must be a port number between 1 and " + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts); } var port = _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* NetscriptPorts */ "a"][port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* NetscriptPort */ "a"])) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port.peek(); }, clear : function(port) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("clear", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("clear", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); if (!isNaN(port)) { //Clear port port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Trying to clear invalid port: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid"); } var port = _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* NetscriptPorts */ "a"][port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* NetscriptPort */ "a"])) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port.clear(); } else if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["isString"])(port)) { //Clear text file var fn = port; var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (server == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in clear(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } var txtFile = Object(_TextFile__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__["getTextFile"])(fn, server); if (txtFile != null) { txtFile.write(""); } } else { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid argument passed in for clear(): " + port); } return 0; }, getPortHandle : function(port) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getPortHandle", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost * 10); } updateDynamicRam("getPortHandle", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost * 10); if (isNaN(port)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid argument passed into getPortHandle(). Must be an integer between 1 and " + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts); } port = Math.round(port); if (port < 1 || port > _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: getPortHandle() called with invalid port number: " + port + ". Only ports 1-" + _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].NumNetscriptPorts + " are valid"); } var port = _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* NetscriptPorts */ "a"][port-1]; if (port == null || !(port instanceof _NetscriptPort__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__[/* NetscriptPort */ "a"])) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: Could not find port: " + port + ". This is a bug contact the game developer"); } return port; }, rm : function(fn) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("rm", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("rm", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptReadWriteRamCost); var s = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(workerScript.serverIp); if (s == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Error getting Server for this script in clear(). This is a bug please contact game dev"); } if (fn.includes(".exe")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.programs.length; ++i) { if (s.programs[i] === fn) { s.programs.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } else if (Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* isScriptFilename */ "e"])(fn)) { for (var i = 0; i < s.scripts.length; ++i) { if (s.scripts[i].filename === fn) { //Check that the script isnt currently running for (var j = 0; j < s.runningScripts.length; ++j) { if (s.runningScripts[j].filename === fn) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Cannot delete a script that is currently running!"); return false; } } s.scripts.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } else if (fn.endsWith(".lit")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.messages.length; ++i) { var f = s.messages[i]; if (!(f instanceof _Message__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[/* Message */ "a"]) && Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["isString"])(f) && f === fn) { s.messages.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } else if (fn.endsWith(".txt")) { for (var i = 0; i < s.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (s.textFiles[i].fn === fn) { s.textFiles.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, scriptRunning : function(scriptname, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("scriptRunning", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptArbScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("scriptRunning", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptArbScriptRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("scriptRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "scriptRunning() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) { if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == scriptname) { return true; } } return false; }, scriptKill : function(scriptname, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("scriptKill", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptArbScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("scriptKill", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptArbScriptRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("scriptKill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "scriptKill() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } var suc = false; for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) { if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == scriptname) { Object(_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* killWorkerScript */ "d"])(server.runningScripts[i], server.ip); suc = true; } } return suc; }, getScriptName : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} return workerScript.name; }, getScriptRam : function (scriptname, ip=workerScript.serverIp) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getScriptRam", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getScriptRam", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getScriptRam() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } for (var i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (server.scripts[i].filename == scriptname) { return server.scripts[i].ramUsage; } } return 0; }, getHackTime : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getHackTime", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getHackTime", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getHackTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getHackTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateHackingTime */ "j"])(server); //Returns seconds }, getGrowTime : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getGrowTime", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getGrowTime", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getGrowTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getGrowTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateGrowTime */ "h"])(server) / 1000; //Returns seconds }, getWeakenTime : function(ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getWeakenTime", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getWeakenTime", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getWeakenTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getWeakenTime() failed. Invalid IP or hostname passed in: " + ip); } return Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* scriptCalculateWeakenTime */ "l"])(server) / 1000; //Returns seconds }, getScriptIncome : function(scriptname, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getScriptIncome", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getScriptIncome", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost); if (arguments.length === 0) { //Get total script income var res = []; res.push(Object(_ActiveScriptsUI__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* updateActiveScriptsItems */ "c"])()); res.push(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].scriptProdSinceLastAug / (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug/1000)); return res; } else { //Get income for a particular script var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptIncome() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getScriptIncome() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip); } var argsForScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForScript.push(arguments[i]); } var runningScriptObj = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(scriptname, argsForScript, server); if (runningScriptObj == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptIncome() failed. No such script "+ scriptname + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["arrayToString"])(argsForScript)); return -1; } return runningScriptObj.onlineMoneyMade / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime; } }, getScriptExpGain : function(scriptname, ip) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getScriptExpGain", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getScriptExpGain", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetScriptRamCost); if (arguments.length === 0) { var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* workerScripts */ "h"].length; ++i) { total += (_NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* workerScripts */ "h"][i].scriptRef.onlineExpGained / _NetscriptWorker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__[/* workerScripts */ "h"][i].scriptRef.onlineRunningTime); } return total; } else { //Get income for a particular script var server = Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* getServer */ "e"])(ip); if (server == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptExpGain() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getScriptExpGain() failed. Invalid IP or hostnamed passed in: " + ip); } var argsForScript = []; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i) { argsForScript.push(arguments[i]); } var runningScriptObj = Object(_Script__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__[/* findRunningScript */ "d"])(scriptname, argsForScript, server); if (runningScriptObj == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("getScriptExpGain() failed. No such script "+ scriptname + " on " + server.hostname + " with args: " + Object(_utils_helpers_arrayToString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__["arrayToString"])(argsForScript)); return -1; } return runningScriptObj.onlineExpGained / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime; } }, getTimeSinceLastAug : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getTimeSinceLastAug", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getTimeSinceLastAug", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost); return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].playtimeSinceLastAug; }, prompt : function(txt) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) {return 0;} if (_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* yesNoBoxOpen */ "e"]) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: confirm() failed because a pop-up dialog box is already open"); return false; } if (!Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["isString"])(txt)) {txt = String(txt);} var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* yesNoBoxGetYesButton */ "d"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* yesNoBoxGetNoButton */ "c"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Yes"; noBtn.innerHTML = "No"; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { yesBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); resolve(true); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* yesNoBoxClose */ "a"])(); resolve(false); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__[/* yesNoBoxCreate */ "b"])(txt); }); }, /* Singularity Functions */ universityCourse : function(universityName, className) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("universityCourse", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("universityCourse", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run universityCourse(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* inMission */ "c"]) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: universityCourse() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { var txt = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.universityCourse == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } var costMult, expMult; switch(universityName.toLowerCase()) { case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumSummitUniversity.toLowerCase(): if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at Summit University because you are not in Aevum. universityCourse() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumSummitUniversity; costMult = 4; expMult = 3; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12RothmanUniversity.toLowerCase(): if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at Rothman University because you are not in Sector-12. universityCourse() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12RothmanUniversity; costMult = 3; expMult = 2; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology.toLowerCase(): if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Volhaven) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot study at ZB Institute of Technology because you are not in Volhaven. universityCourse() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenZBInstituteOfTechnology; costMult = 5; expMult = 4; break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid university name: " + universityName + ". universityCourse() failed"); return false; } var task; switch(className.toLowerCase()) { case "Study Computer Science".toLowerCase(): task = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassStudyComputerScience; break; case "Data Structures".toLowerCase(): task = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassDataStructures; break; case "Networks".toLowerCase(): task = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassNetworks; break; case "Algorithms".toLowerCase(): task = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassAlgorithms; break; case "Management".toLowerCase(): task = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassManagement; break; case "Leadership".toLowerCase(): task = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassLeadership; break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid class name: " + className + ". universityCourse() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, task); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.universityCourse == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started " + task + " at " + universityName); } return true; }, gymWorkout : function(gymName, stat) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("gymWorkout", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("gymWorkout", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run gymWorkout(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* inMission */ "c"]) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: gymWorkout() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { var txt = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.gymWorkout == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } var costMult, expMult; switch(gymName.toLowerCase()) { case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumCrushFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Crush Fitness because you are not in Aevum. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumCrushFitnessGym; costMult = 3; expMult = 2; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumSnapFitnessGym.toLowerCase(): if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Snap Fitness because you are not in Aevum. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumSnapFitnessGym; costMult = 10; expMult = 5; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12IronGym.toLowerCase(): if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Iron Gym because you are not in Sector-12. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12IronGym; costMult = 1; expMult = 1; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12PowerhouseGym.toLowerCase(): if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Powerhouse Gym because you are not in Sector-12. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12PowerhouseGym; costMult = 20; expMult = 10; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym: if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city != _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Volhaven) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot workout at Millenium Fitness Gym because you are not in Volhaven. gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenMilleniumFitnessGym; costMult = 7; expMult = 4; break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid gym name: " + gymName + ". gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } switch(stat.toLowerCase()) { case "strength".toLowerCase(): case "str".toLowerCase(): _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymStrength); break; case "defense".toLowerCase(): case "def".toLowerCase(): _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymDefense); break; case "dexterity".toLowerCase(): case "dex".toLowerCase(): _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymDexterity); break; case "agility".toLowerCase(): case "agi".toLowerCase(): _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startClass(costMult, expMult, _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ClassGymAgility); break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("Invalid stat: " + stat + ". gymWorkout() failed"); return false; } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.gymWorkout == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started training " + stat + " at " + gymName); } return true; }, travelToCity(cityname) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("travelToCity", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("travelToCity", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run travelToCity(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } switch(cityname) { case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum: case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Chongqing: case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12: case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyo: case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Ishima: case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Volhaven: if(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TravelCost)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: not enough money to travel with travelToCity()."); throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "ERROR: not enough money to travel with travelToCity()."); } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TravelCost); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city = cityname; if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.travelToCity == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Traveled to " + cityname); } return true; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid city name passed into travelToCity()."); return false; } }, purchaseTor() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseTor", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseTor", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseTor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"]["Darkweb Server"] != null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You already have a TOR router! purchaseTor() failed"); return false; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TorRouterCost)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You cannot afford to purchase a Tor router. purchaseTor() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].TorRouterCost); var darkweb = new _Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* Server */ "d"]({ ip:Object(_utils_IPAddress__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__[/* createRandomIp */ "a"])(), hostname:"darkweb", organizationName:"", isConnectedTo:false, adminRights:false, purchasedByPlayer:false, maxRam:1 }); Object(_Server__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__[/* AddToAllServers */ "a"])(darkweb); _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].addIp("Darkweb Server", darkweb.ip); const purchaseTor = document.getElementById("location-purchase-tor"); purchaseTor.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-bought"); purchaseTor.innerHTML = "TOR Router - Purchased"; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().serversOnNetwork.push(darkweb.ip); darkweb.serversOnNetwork.push(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().ip); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseTor == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased a Tor router!"); } return true; }, purchaseProgram(programName) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseProgram", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseProgram", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseProgram(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (_SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"]["Darkweb Server"] == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: You do not have the TOR router. purchaseProgram() failed."); return false; } programName = programName.toLowerCase(); let item = null; for(const key in _DarkWeb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* DarkWebItems */ "a"]) { const i = _DarkWeb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__[/* DarkWebItems */ "a"][key]; if(i.program.toLowerCase() == programName) { item = i; } } if(item == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid program name passed into purchaseProgram()."); return false; } if(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(item.price)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + item.program); return false; } if(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(item.program)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log('You already have the '+item.program+' program'); return true; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(item.price); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer().programs.push(item.program); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.purchaseProgram == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You have purchased the "+item.program+" program. The new program can be found on your home computer."); } return true; }, getStats : function() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStats", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStats", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getStats(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return {}; } } return { hacking: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill, strength: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].strength, defense: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].defense, dexterity: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity, agility: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].agility, charisma: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].charisma, intelligence: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].intelligence } }, getCharacterInformation : function() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCharacterInformation", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCharacterInformation", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getCharacterInformation(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return {}; } } var companyPositionTitle = ""; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition instanceof _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* CompanyPosition */ "c"]) { companyPositionTitle = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition.positionName; } return { bitnode: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN, company: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyName, jobTitle: companyPositionTitle, city: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city, factions: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].factions.slice(), tor: _SpecialServerIps__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__[/* SpecialServerIps */ "a"].hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server"), timeWorked: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].timeWorked, workHackExpGain: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].workHackExpGained, workStrExpGain: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].workStrExpGained, workDefExpGain: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].workDefExpGained, workDexExpGain: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].workDexExpGained, workAgiExpGain: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].workAgiExpGained, workChaExpGain: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].workChaExpGained, workRepGain: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].workRepGained, workMoneyGain: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].workMoneyGained, }; }, isBusy : function() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 4; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("isBusy", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("isBusy", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run isBusy(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return; } } return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking; }, stopAction : function() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost / 2; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("stopAction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("stopAction", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run stopAction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run."); return false; } } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { var txt = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.stopAction == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } return true; } return false; }, upgradeHomeRam : function() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("upgradeHomeRam", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("upgradeHomeRam", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run upgradeHomeRam(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } const cost = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(cost)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: upgradeHomeRam() failed because you don't have enough money"); return false; } var homeComputer = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer(); homeComputer.maxRam *= 2; _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(cost); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.upgradeHomeRam == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Purchased additional RAM for home computer! It now has " + homeComputer.maxRam + "GB of RAM."); } return true; }, getUpgradeHomeRamCost : function() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 2; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getUpgradeHomeRamCost", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getUpgradeHomeRamCost", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getUpgradeHomeRamCost(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].getUpgradeHomeRamCost(); }, workForCompany : function() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("workForCompany", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("workForCompany", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run workForCompany(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } if (_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* inMission */ "c"]) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForCompany() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition == "" || !(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition instanceof _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* CompanyPosition */ "c"])) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForCompany() failed because you do not have a job"); return false; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { var txt = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForCompany == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition.isPartTimeJob()) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startWorkPartTime(); } else { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startWork(); } if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForCompany == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Began working at " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyName + " as a " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition.positionName); } return true; }, applyToCompany : function(companyName, field) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("applyToCompany", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("applyToCompany", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run applyToCompany(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } if (!Object(_Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* companyExists */ "e"])(companyName)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: applyToCompany() failed because specified company " + companyName + " does not exist."); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = companyName; var res; switch (field.toLowerCase()) { case "software": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForSoftwareJob(true); break; case "software consultant": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForSoftwareConsultantJob(true); break; case "it": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForItJob(true); break; case "security engineer": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForSecurityEngineerJob(true); break; case "network engineer": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForNetworkEngineerJob(true); break; case "business": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForBusinessJob(true); break; case "business consultant": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForBusinessConsultantJob(true); break; case "security": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForSecurityJob(true); break; case "agent": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForAgentJob(true); break; case "employee": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForEmployeeJob(true); break; case "part-time employee": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForPartTimeEmployeeJob(true); break; case "waiter": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForWaiterJob(true); break; case "part-time waiter": res = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].applyForPartTimeWaiterJob(true); break; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid job passed into applyToCompany: " + field + ". applyToCompany() failed"); return false; } //The Player object's applyForJob function can return string with special error messages if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["isString"])(res)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(res); return false; } if (res) { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.applyToCompany == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You were offered a new job at " + companyName + " as a " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].companyPosition.positionName); } } else { if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.applyToCompany == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("You failed to get a new job/promotion at " + companyName + " in the " + field + " field."); } } return res; }, getCompanyRep : function(companyName) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 2; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCompanyRep", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCompanyRep", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getCompanyRep(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Companies */ "a"][companyName]; if (company == null || !(company instanceof _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Company */ "b"])) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid companyName passed into getCompanyRep(): " + companyName); return -1; } return company.playerReputation; }, getCompanyFavor : function(companyName) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCompanyFavor", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCompanyFavor", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getCompanyFavor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } var company = _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Companies */ "a"][companyName]; if (company == null || !(company instanceof _Company__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__[/* Company */ "b"])) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid companyName passed into getCompanyFavor(): " + companyName); return -1; } return company.favor; }, checkFactionInvitations : function() { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("checkFactionInvitations", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("checkFactionInvitations", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run checkFactionInvitations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } //Make a copy of Player.factionInvitations return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations.slice(); }, joinFaction : function(name) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("joinFaction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("joinFaction", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run joinFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } if (!Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* factionExists */ "d"])(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in joinFaction() does not exist."); return false; } if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations.includes(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot join " + name + " Faction because you have not been invited. joinFaction() failed"); return false; } var index = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations.indexOf(name); if (index === -1) { //Redundant and should never happen... workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot join " + name + " Faction because you have not been invited. joinFaction() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].factionInvitations.splice(index, 1); var fac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* Factions */ "b"][name]; Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* joinFaction */ "h"])(fac); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.joinFaction == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Joined the " + name + " faction."); } return true; }, workForFaction : function(name, type) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("workForFaction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("workForFaction", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run workForFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return false; } } // if the player is in a gang and the target faction is any of the gang faction, fail if(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang() && _Gang__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__[/* AllGangs */ "a"][name] !== undefined) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in workForFaction() does not offer work at the moment."); return; } if (_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* inMission */ "c"]) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForFaction() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (!Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* factionExists */ "d"])(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in workForFaction() does not exist."); return false; } if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].factions.includes(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: workForFaction() failed because you are not a member of " + name); return false; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { var txt = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.workForFaction == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } var fac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* Factions */ "b"][name]; //Arrays listing factions that allow each time of work var hackAvailable = ["Illuminati", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "BitRunners", "The Black Hand", "NiteSec", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum", "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Silhouette", "Netburners", "Tian Di Hui", "CyberSec"]; var fdWkAvailable = ["Illuminati", "Daedalus", "The Covenant", "ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International", "The Black Hand", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum", "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead", "The Dark Army", "The Syndicate", "Silhouette", "Tetrads", "Slum Snakes"]; var scWkAvailable = ["ECorp", "MegaCorp", "Bachman & Associates", "Blade Industries", "NWO", "Clarke Incorporated", "OmniTek Incorporated", "Four Sigma", "KuaiGong International", "Fulcrum Secret Technologies", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Aevum", "Ishima", "Volhaven", "Speakers for the Dead", "The Syndicate", "Tetrads", "Slum Snakes", "Tian Di Hui"]; switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "hacking": case "hacking contracts": case "hackingcontracts": if (!hackAvailable.includes(fac.name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot carry out hacking contracts for " + fac.name + ". workForFaction() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startFactionHackWork(fac); workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started carrying out hacking contracts for " + fac.name); return true; case "field": case "fieldwork": case "field work": if (!fdWkAvailable.includes(fac.name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot carry out field missions for " + fac.name + ". workForFaction() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startFactionFieldWork(fac); workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started carrying out field missions for " + fac.name); return true; case "security": case "securitywork": case "security work": if (!scWkAvailable.includes(fac.name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Cannot serve as security detail for " + fac.name + ". workForFaction() failed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startFactionSecurityWork(fac); workerScript.scriptRef.log("Started serving as security details for " + fac.name); return true; default: workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid work type passed into workForFaction(): " + type); } return true; }, getFactionRep : function(name) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost / 4; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getFactionRep", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getFactionRep", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getFactionRep(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return -1; } } if (!Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* factionExists */ "d"])(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in getFactionRep() does not exist."); return -1; } return _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* Factions */ "b"][name].playerReputation; }, getFactionFavor : function(name) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getFactionFavor", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getFactionFavor", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getFactionFavor(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run."); return -1; } } if (!Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* factionExists */ "d"])(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Faction specified in getFactionFavor() does not exist."); return -1; } return _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* Factions */ "b"][name].favor; }, createProgram : function(name) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("createProgram", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("createProgram", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run createProgram(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } if (_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* inMission */ "c"]) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { var txt = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.createProgram == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } name = name.toLowerCase(); let p = null; for (const key in _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"]) { if(_CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"][key].name.toLowerCase() == name) { p = _CreateProgram__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__[/* Programs */ "a"][key]; } } if (p == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because the specified program does not exist: " + name); return false; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].hasProgram(p.name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log('ERROR: createProgram() failed because you already have the ' + p.name + ' program'); return false; } if (!p.create.req()) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: createProgram() failed because hacking level is too low to create " + p.name + " (level " + p.create.level + " req)"); return false } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].startCreateProgramWork(p.name, p.create.time, p.create.level); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.createProgram == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Began creating program: " + name); } return true; }, commitCrime : function(crimeRoughName) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("commitCrime", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("commitCrime", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run commitCrime(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return; } } if (_Missions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* inMission */ "c"]) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: commitCrime() failed because you are in the middle of a mission."); return; } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].isWorking) { var txt = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].singularityStopWork(); if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.commitCrime == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log(txt); } } //Set Location to slums switch(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].city) { case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Aevum: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].AevumSlums; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Chongqing: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].ChongqingSlums; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Sector12Slums; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyo: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].NewTokyoSlums; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Ishima: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].IshimaSlums; break; case _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].Volhaven: _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].location = _Location__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__[/* Locations */ "a"].VolhavenSlums; break; default: console.log("Invalid Player.city value"); } const crime = Object(_Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* findCrime */ "c"])(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if(crime == null) { // couldn't find crime throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid crime passed into commitCrime(): " + crime); } if(workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.commitCrime == null) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to commit crime: "+crime.name+"..."); } return crime.commit(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript}); }, getCrimeChance : function(crimeRoughName) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCrimeChance", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCrimeChance", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getCrimeChance(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return; } } const crime = Object(_Crimes__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* findCrime */ "c"])(crimeRoughName.toLowerCase()); if(crime == null) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Invalid crime passed into getCrimeChance(): " + crime); } return crime.successRate(); }, getOwnedAugmentations : function(purchased=false) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getOwnedAugmentations", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getOwnedAugmentations", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getOwnedAugmentations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return []; } } var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations[i].name); } if (purchased) { for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[i].name); } } return res; }, getAugmentationsFromFaction : function(facname) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getAugmentationsFromFaction", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationsFromFaction", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getAugmentationsFromFaction(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return []; } } if (!Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* factionExists */ "d"])(facname)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: getAugmentationsFromFaction() failed. Invalid faction name passed in (this is case-sensitive): " + facname); return []; } var fac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* Factions */ "b"][facname]; var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < fac.augmentations.length; ++i) { res.push(fac.augmentations[i]); } return res; }, getAugmentationCost : function(name) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getAugmentationCost", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("getAugmentationCost", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run getAugmentationCost(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } if (!Object(_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* augmentationExists */ "f"])(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: getAugmentationCost() failed. Invalid Augmentation name passed in (note: this is case-sensitive): " + name); return [-1, -1]; } var aug = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][name]; return [aug.baseRepRequirement, aug.baseCost]; }, purchaseAugmentation : function(faction, name) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("purchaseAugmentation", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("purchaseAugmentation", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run purchaseAugmentation(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } var fac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* Factions */ "b"][faction]; if (fac == null || !(fac instanceof _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* Faction */ "a"])) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because of invalid faction name: " + faction); return false; } if (!fac.augmentations.includes(name)) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because the faction " + faction + " does not contain the " + name + " augmentation"); return false; } var aug = _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Augmentations */ "c"][name]; if (aug == null || !(aug instanceof _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* Augmentation */ "a"])) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because of invalid augmentation name: " + name); return false; } var isNeuroflux = false; if (aug.name === _Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* AugmentationNames */ "b"].NeuroFluxGovernor) { isNeuroflux = true; } if (!isNeuroflux) { for (var j = 0; j < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length; ++j) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations[j].name === aug.name) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you already have " + name); return false; } } for (var j = 0; j < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations.length; ++j) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].augmentations[j].name === aug.name) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you already have " + name); return false; } } } if (fac.playerReputation < aug.baseRepRequirement) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: purchaseAugmentation() failed because you do not have enough reputation with " + fac.name); return false; } var res = Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[/* purchaseAugmentation */ "k"])(aug, fac, true); workerScript.scriptRef.log(res); if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__["isString"])(res) && res.startsWith("You purchased")) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); return true; } else { return false; } }, installAugmentations : function(cbScript) { var ramCost = _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN !== 4) {ramCost *= 8;} if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("installAugmentations", ramCost); } updateDynamicRam("installAugmentations", ramCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN != 4) { if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 3)) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Cannot run installAugmentations(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 3) to run."); return false; } } if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].queuedAugmentations.length === 0) { workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: installAugmentations() failed because you do not have any Augmentations to be installed"); return false; } _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain); workerScript.scriptRef.log("Installing Augmentations. This will cause this script to be killed"); Object(_Augmentations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* installAugmentations */ "i"])(cbScript); return true; }, //Bladeburner API bladeburner : { getContractNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getContractNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getContractNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getContractNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getContractNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getOperationNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getOperationNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getOperationNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getOperationNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getOperationNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getBlackOpNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getBlackOpNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getBlackOpNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getBlackOpNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getBlackOpNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getGeneralActionNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getGeneralActionNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getGeneralActionNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getGeneralActionNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getGeneralActionNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getSkillNames : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getSkillNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); } updateDynamicRam("getSkillNames", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 10); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getSkillNamesNetscriptFn(); } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getSkillNames() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, startAction : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("startAction", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("startAction", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.startActionNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.startAction() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "startAction() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, stopBladeburnerAction : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("stopBladeburnerAction", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 2); } updateDynamicRam("stopBladeburnerAction", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 2); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.resetAction(); } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "stopBladeburnerAction() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCurrentAction : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCurrentAction", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 4); } updateDynamicRam("getCurrentAction", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost / 2); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.resetAction(); } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getCurrentAction() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getActionTime : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionTime", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionTime", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getActionTimeNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getActionTime() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getActionTime() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getActionEstimatedSuccessChance : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionEstimatedSuccessChance", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionEstimatedSuccessChance", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getActionEstimatedSuccessChanceNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getActionEstimatedSuccessChance() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getActionCountRemaining : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getActionCountRemaining", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getActionCountRemaining", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getActionCountRemainingNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getActionCountRemaining() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getActionCountRemaining() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getRank : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getRank", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getRank", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.rank; } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getRank() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getSkillPoints : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getSkillPoints", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getSkillPoints", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.skillPoints; } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getSkillPoints() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getSkillLevel : function(skillName="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getSkillLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getSkillLevel", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getSkillLevelNetscriptFn(skillName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getSkillLevel() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getSkillLevel() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, upgradeSkill : function(skillName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("upgradeSkill", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("upgradeSkill", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.upgradeSkillNetscriptFn(skillName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.upgradeSkill() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "upgradeSkill() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getTeamSize : function(type="", name="") { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getTeamSize", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getTeamSize", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getTeamSizeNetscriptFn(type, name, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getTeamSize() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getTeamSize() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, setTeamSize : function(type="", name="", size) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("setTeamSize", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("setTeamSize", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.setTeamSizeNetscriptFn(type, name, size, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.setTeamSize() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "setTeamSize() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCityEstimatedPopulation : function(cityName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCityEstimatedPopulation", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCityEstimatedPopulation", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getCityEstimatedPopulationNetscriptFn(cityName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getCityEstimatedPopulation() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getCityEstimatedPopulation() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCityEstimatedCommunities : function(cityName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCityEstimatedCommunities", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCityEstimatedCommunities", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getCityEstimatedCommunitiesNetscriptFn(cityName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getCityEstimatedCommunities() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getCityEstimatedCommunities() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getCityChaos : function(cityName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getCityChaos", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getCityChaos", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.getCityChaosNetscriptFn(cityName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.getCityChaos() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getCityChaos() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, switchCity : function(cityName) { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("switchCity", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("switchCity", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { try { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.switchCityNetscriptFn(cityName, workerScript); } catch(e) { throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "Bladeburner.switchCity() failed with exception: " + e); } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "switchCity() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, getStamina : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("getStamina", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("getStamina", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return [_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.stamina, _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.maxStamina]; } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "getStamina() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, joinBladeburnerFaction : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("joinBladeburnerFaction", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("joinBladeburnerFaction", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"] && (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { return _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner.joinBladeburnerFactionNetscriptFn(workerScript); } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "joinBladeburnerFaction() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); }, joinBladeburnerDivision : function() { if (workerScript.checkingRam) { return updateStaticRam("joinBladeburnerDivision", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); } updateDynamicRam("joinBladeburnerDivision", _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].ScriptBladeburnerApiBaseRamCost); if ((_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bitNodeN === 7 || hasBladeburner2079SF)) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner instanceof _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]) { return true; //Already member } else if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].strength >= 100 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].defense >= 100 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].dexterity >= 100 && _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].agility >= 100) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__[/* Player */ "a"].bladeburner = new _Bladeburner__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[/* Bladeburner */ "a"]({new:true}); workerScript.log("You have been accepted into the Bladeburner division"); return true; } else { workerScript.log("You do not meet the requirements for joining the Bladeburner division"); return false; } } throw Object(_NetscriptEvaluator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__[/* makeRuntimeRejectMsg */ "d"])(workerScript, "joinBladeburnerDivision() failed because you do not currently have access to the Bladeburner API. This is either because you are not currently employed " + "at the Bladeburner division or because you do not have Source-File 7"); } } } //End return } //End NetscriptFunction() /***/ }), /* 35 */ /*!**********************!*\ !*** ./src/Alias.js ***! \**********************/ /*! exports provided: Aliases, GlobalAliases, printAliases, parseAliasDeclaration, removeAlias, substituteAliases, loadAliases, loadGlobalAliases */ /*! exports used: Aliases, GlobalAliases, loadAliases, loadGlobalAliases, parseAliasDeclaration, printAliases, removeAlias, substituteAliases */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Aliases; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return GlobalAliases; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return printAliases; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return parseAliasDeclaration; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return removeAlias; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return substituteAliases; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return loadAliases; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return loadGlobalAliases; }); /* harmony import */ var _Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Terminal */ 25); let Aliases = {}; let GlobalAliases = {}; function loadAliases(saveString) { if (saveString === "") { Aliases = {}; } else { Aliases = JSON.parse(saveString); } } function loadGlobalAliases(saveString) { if (saveString === "") { GlobalAliases = {}; } else { GlobalAliases = JSON.parse(saveString); } } //Print all aliases to terminal function printAliases() { for (var name in Aliases) { if (Aliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) { Object(_Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* post */ "c"])("alias " + name + "=" + Aliases[name]); } } for (var name in GlobalAliases) { if (GlobalAliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) { Object(_Terminal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* post */ "c"])("global alias " + name + "=" + GlobalAliases[name]); } } } //True if successful, false otherwise function parseAliasDeclaration(dec,global=false) { var re = /^([_|\w|!|%|,|@]+)="(.+)"$/; var matches = dec.match(re); if (matches == null || matches.length != 3) {return false;} if (global){ addGlobalAlias(matches[1],matches[2]); } else { addAlias(matches[1], matches[2]); } return true; } function addAlias(name, value) { if (name in GlobalAliases){ delete GlobalAliases[name]; } Aliases[name] = value; } function addGlobalAlias(name, value) { if (name in Aliases){ delete Aliases[name]; } GlobalAliases[name] = value; } function getAlias(name) { if (Aliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return Aliases[name]; } return null; } function getGlobalAlias(name) { if (GlobalAliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return GlobalAliases[name]; } return null; } function removeAlias(name) { if (Aliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) { delete Aliases[name]; return true; } if (GlobalAliases.hasOwnProperty(name)) { delete GlobalAliases[name]; return true; } return false; } //Returns the original string with any aliases substituted in //Aliases only applied to "whole words", one level deep function substituteAliases(origCommand) { var commandArray = origCommand.split(" "); if (commandArray.length>0){ var alias = getAlias(commandArray[0]); if (alias != null) { commandArray[0] = alias; } else { var alias = getGlobalAlias(commandArray[0]); if (alias != null) { commandArray[0] = alias; } } for (var i = 0; i < commandArray.length; ++i) { var alias = getGlobalAlias(commandArray[i]); if (alias != null) { commandArray[i] = alias; } } } return commandArray.join(" "); } /***/ }), /* 36 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/uiHelpers/createPopup.ts ***! \****************************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used: createPopup */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const createElement_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./createElement */ 3); const getElementById_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./getElementById */ 53); /** * Creates the necessary DOM elements to present an in-game popup to the player. * @param id The (hopefully) unique identifier for the popup container. * @param elems The collection of HTML Elements to show within the popup. */ function createPopup(id, elems) { const container = createElement_1.createElement("div", { class: "popup-box-container", display: "block", id: id, }); const content = createElement_1.createElement("div", { class: "popup-box-content", id: `${id}-content`, }); for (const elem of elems) { content.appendChild(elem); } container.appendChild(content); getElementById_1.getElementById("entire-game-container") .appendChild(container); return container; } exports.createPopup = createPopup; /***/ }), /* 37 */ /*!**********************!*\ !*** ./src/Fconf.js ***! \**********************/ /*! exports provided: FconfSettings, createFconf, parseFconfSettings, loadFconf */ /*! exports used: FconfSettings, createFconf, loadFconf, parseFconfSettings */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return FconfSettings; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return createFconf; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return parseFconfSettings; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return loadFconf; }); /* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/acorn */ 43); /* harmony import */ var _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__); var FconfSettings = { ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS: false, ENABLE_TIMESTAMPS: false, } var FconfComments = { ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS: "Improved Bash emulation mode. Setting this to 1 enables several\n" + "new Terminal shortcuts and features that more closely resemble\n" + "a real Bash-style shell. Note that when this mode is enabled,\n" + "the default browser shortcuts are overriden by the new Bash\n" + "shortcuts.\n\n" + "To see a full list of the Terminal shortcuts that this enables, see:\n" + "http://bitburner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shortcuts.html", ENABLE_TIMESTAMPS: "Terminal commands and log entries will be timestamped. The timestamp\n" + "will have the format: M/D h:m", } //Parse Fconf settings from the config text //Throws an exception if parsing fails function parseFconfSettings(config) { var ast = Object(_utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["parse"])(config, {sourceType:"module"}); var queue = []; queue.push(ast); while (queue.length != 0) { var exp = queue.shift(); switch (exp.type) { case "BlockStatement": case "Program": for (var i = 0; i < exp.body.length; ++i) { if (exp.body[i] instanceof _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Node"]) { queue.push(exp.body[i]); } } break; case "AssignmentExpression": var setting, value; if (exp.left != null && exp.left.name != null) { setting = exp.left.name; } else { break; } if (exp.right != null && exp.right.raw != null) { value = exp.right.raw; } else { break; } parseFconfSetting(setting, value); break; default: break; } for (var prop in exp) { if (exp.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (exp[prop] instanceof _utils_acorn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["Node"]) { queue.push(exp[prop]); } } } } } function parseFconfSetting(setting, value) { setting = String(setting); value = String(value); if (setting == null || value == null || FconfSettings[setting] == null) { console.log("WARNING: Invalid .fconf setting: " + setting); return; } //Needed to convert entered value to boolean/strings accordingly switch(setting) { case "ENABLE_BASH_HOTKEYS": case "ENABLE_TIMESTAMPS": var value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value === "1" || value === "true" || value === "y") { value = true; } else { value = false; } FconfSettings[setting] = value; break; default: break; } return; } //Create the .fconf file text from the settings function createFconf() { var res = ""; for (var setting in FconfSettings) { if (FconfSettings.hasOwnProperty(setting)) { //Setting comments (description) var comment = FconfComments[setting]; if (comment == null) {continue;} var comment = comment.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < comment.length; ++i) { res += ("//" + comment[i] + "\n"); } var value = 0; if (FconfSettings[setting] === true) { value = "1"; } else if (FconfSettings[setting] === false) { value = "0"; } else { value = String(FconfSettings[setting]); } res += (setting + "=" + value + "\n\n"); } } return res; } function loadFconf(saveString) { let tempFconfSettings = JSON.parse(saveString); for (var setting in tempFconfSettings) { if (tempFconfSettings.hasOwnProperty(setting)) { FconfSettings[setting] = tempFconfSettings[setting]; } } } /***/ }), /* 38 */ /*!*************************!*\ !*** ./src/Missions.js ***! \*************************/ /*! exports provided: HackingMission, inMission, setInMission, currMission */ /*! exports used: HackingMission, currMission, inMission, setInMission */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return HackingMission; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return inMission; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return setInMission; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return currMission; }); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction */ 12); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners */ 13); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/addOffset */ 42); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/getRandomInt */ 5); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/isString */ 32); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__); /* harmony import */ var jsplumb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! jsplumb */ 178); /* harmony import */ var jsplumb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(jsplumb__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__); let inMission = false; //Flag to denote whether a mission is running let currMission = null; function setInMission(bool, mission) { inMission = bool; if (bool) { currMission = mission; } else { currMission = null; } } //Keyboard shortcuts $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (inMission && currMission && currMission.selectedNode.length != 0) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 65: //a for Attack currMission.actionButtons[0].click(); break; case 83: //s for Scan currMission.actionButtons[1].click(); break; case 87: //w for Weaken currMission.actionButtons[2].click(); break; case 70: //f for Fortify currMission.actionButtons[3].click(); break; case 82: //r for Overflow currMission.actionButtons[4].click(); break; case 68: //d for Detach connection currMission.actionButtons[5].click(); break; default: break; } } }); let NodeTypes = { Core: "CPU Core Node", //All actions available Firewall: "Firewall Node", //No actions available Database: "Database Node", //No actions available Spam: "Spam Node", //No actions Available Transfer: "Transfer Node", //Can Weaken, Scan, Fortify and Overflow Shield: "Shield Node" //Can Fortify } let NodeActions = { Attack: "Attacking", //Damaged based on attack stat + hacking level + opp def Scan: "Scanning", //-Def for target, affected by attack and hacking level Weaken: "Weakening", //-Attack for target, affected by attack and hacking level Fortify: "Fortifying", //+Defense for Node, affected by hacking level Overflow: "Overflowing", //+Attack but -Defense for Node, affected by hacking level } function Node(type, stats) { this.type = type; this.atk = stats.atk ? stats.atk : 0; this.def = stats.def ? stats.def : 0; this.hp = stats.hp ? stats.hp : 0; this.maxhp = this.hp; this.plyrCtrl = false; this.enmyCtrl = false; this.pos = [0, 0]; //x, y this.el = null; //Holds the Node's DOM element this.action = null; this.targetedCount = 0; //Count of how many connections this node is the target of //Holds the JsPlumb Connection object for this Node, //where this Node is the Source (since each Node //can only have 1 outgoing Connection) this.conn = null; } Node.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y) { this.pos = [x, y]; } Node.prototype.setControlledByPlayer = function() { this.plyrCtrl = true; this.enmyCtrl = false; if (this.el) { this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-enemy-node"); this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node"); } } Node.prototype.setControlledByEnemy = function() { this.plyrCtrl = false; this.enmyCtrl = true; if (this.el) { this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-player-node"); this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-enemy-node"); } } //Sets this node to be the active node Node.prototype.select = function(actionButtons) { if (this.enmyCtrl) {return;} this.el.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node-active"); //Make all buttons inactive for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) { actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button"); actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); } switch(this.type) { case NodeTypes.Core: //All buttons active for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) { actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button"); } break; case NodeTypes.Transfer: actionButtons[1].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); actionButtons[1].classList.add("a-link-button"); actionButtons[2].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); actionButtons[2].classList.add("a-link-button"); actionButtons[3].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); actionButtons[3].classList.add("a-link-button"); actionButtons[4].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); actionButtons[4].classList.add("a-link-button"); actionButtons[5].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); actionButtons[5].classList.add("a-link-button"); break; case NodeTypes.Shield: case NodeTypes.Firewall: actionButtons[3].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); actionButtons[3].classList.add("a-link-button"); break; default: break; } } Node.prototype.deselect = function(actionButtons) { this.el.classList.remove("hack-mission-player-node-active"); for (var i = 0; i < actionButtons.length; ++i) { actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button"); actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); } } Node.prototype.untarget = function() { if (this.targetedCount === 0) { console.log("WARN: Node " + this.el.id + " is being 'untargeted' when it has no target count"); return; } --this.targetedCount; } //Hacking mission instance //Takes in the reputation of the Faction for which the mission is //being conducted function HackingMission(rep, fac) { this.faction = fac; this.started = false; this.time = 180000; //5 minutes to start, milliseconds this.playerCores = []; this.playerNodes = []; //Non-core nodes this.playerAtk = 0; this.playerDef = 0; this.enemyCores = []; this.enemyDatabases = []; this.enemyNodes = []; //Non-core nodes this.enemyAtk = 0; this.enemyDef = 0; this.miscNodes = []; this.selectedNode = []; //Which of the player's nodes are currently selected this.actionButtons = []; //DOM buttons for actions this.availablePositions = []; for (var r = 0; r < 8; ++r) { for (var c = 0; c < 8; ++c) { this.availablePositions.push([r, c]); } } this.map = []; for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { this.map.push([null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]); } this.jsplumbinstance = null; this.difficulty = rep / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HackingMissionRepToDiffConversion + 1; console.log("difficulty: " + this.difficulty); this.reward = 250 + (rep / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HackingMissionRepToRewardConversion); } HackingMission.prototype.init = function() { //Create Header DOM this.createPageDom(); //Create player starting nodes var home = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].getHomeComputer() for (var i = 0; i < home.cpuCores; ++i) { var stats = { atk: (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill / 7.5) + 30, def: (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill / 20), hp: (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill / 4), }; this.playerCores.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Core, stats)); this.playerCores[i].setControlledByPlayer(); this.setNodePosition(this.playerCores[i], i, 0); this.removeAvailablePosition(i, 0); } //Randomly generate enemy nodes (CPU and Firewall) based on difficulty var numNodes = Math.min(8, Math.max(1, Math.round(this.difficulty / 4))); var numFirewalls = Math.min(20, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(Math.round(this.difficulty/3), Math.round(this.difficulty/3) + 1)); var numDatabases = Math.min(10, Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(1, Math.round(this.difficulty / 3) + 1)); var totalNodes = numNodes + numFirewalls + numDatabases; var xlimit = 7 - Math.floor(totalNodes / 8); var randMult = Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["addOffset"])(0.8 + (this.difficulty / 5), 10); for (var i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i) { var stats = { atk: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(80, 86), def: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(5, 10), hp: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(210, 230) } this.enemyCores.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Core, stats)); this.enemyCores[i].setControlledByEnemy(); this.setNodeRandomPosition(this.enemyCores[i], xlimit); } for (var i = 0; i < numFirewalls; ++i) { var stats = { atk: 0, def: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(10, 20), hp: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(275, 300) } this.enemyNodes.push(new Node(NodeTypes.Firewall, stats)); this.enemyNodes[i].setControlledByEnemy(); this.setNodeRandomPosition(this.enemyNodes[i], xlimit); } for (var i = 0; i < numDatabases; ++i) { var stats = { atk: 0, def: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(30, 55), hp: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(210, 275) } var node = new Node(NodeTypes.Database, stats); node.setControlledByEnemy(); this.setNodeRandomPosition(node, xlimit); this.enemyDatabases.push(node); } this.calculateDefenses(); this.calculateAttacks(); this.createMap(); } HackingMission.prototype.createPageDom = function() { var container = document.getElementById("mission-container"); var favorMult = 1 + (this.faction.favor / 100); var gain = this.reward * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult * favorMult; var headerText = document.createElement("p"); headerText.innerHTML = "You are about to start a hacking mission! You will gain " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(gain, 3) + " faction reputation with " + this.faction.name + " if you win. For more information " + "about how hacking missions work, click one of the guide links " + "below (one opens up an in-game guide and the other opens up " + "the guide from the wiki). Click the 'Start' button to begin."; headerText.style.display = "block"; headerText.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element"); headerText.style.width = "80%"; var inGameGuideBtn = document.createElement("a"); inGameGuideBtn.innerText = "How to Play"; inGameGuideBtn.classList.add("a-link-button"); inGameGuideBtn.style.display = "inline-block"; inGameGuideBtn.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element"); inGameGuideBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HackingMissionHowToPlay); return false; }); var wikiGuideBtn = document.createElement("a"); wikiGuideBtn.innerText = "Wiki Guide"; wikiGuideBtn.classList.add("a-link-button"); wikiGuideBtn.style.display = "inline-block"; wikiGuideBtn.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element"); wikiGuideBtn.target = "_blank"; //TODO Add link to wiki page wikiGuideBtn.href = //Start button will get replaced with forfeit when game is started var startBtn = document.createElement("a"); startBtn.innerHTML = "Start"; startBtn.setAttribute("id", "hack-mission-start-btn"); startBtn.classList.add("a-link-button"); startBtn.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element"); startBtn.style.display = "inline-block"; startBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ this.start(); return false; }); var forfeitMission = document.createElement("a"); forfeitMission.innerHTML = "Forfeit Mission (Exit)"; forfeitMission.classList.add("a-link-button"); forfeitMission.classList.add("hack-mission-header-element"); forfeitMission.style.display = "inline-block"; forfeitMission.addEventListener("click", ()=> { this.finishMission(false); return false; }); var timer = document.createElement("p"); timer.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-timer"); timer.style.display = "inline-block"; timer.style.margin = "6px"; //Create Action Buttons (Attack/Scan/Weaken/ etc...) var actionsContainer = document.createElement("span"); actionsContainer.style.display = "block"; actionsContainer.classList.add("hack-mission-action-buttons-container"); for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { this.actionButtons.push(document.createElement("a")); this.actionButtons[i].style.display = "inline-block"; this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); //Disabled at start this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("tooltip"); //Disabled at start this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("hack-mission-header-element"); actionsContainer.appendChild(this.actionButtons[i]); } this.actionButtons[0].innerText = "Attack(a)"; var atkTooltip = document.createElement("span"); atkTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh"); atkTooltip.innerText = "Lowers the targeted node's HP. The effectiveness of this depends on " + "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level."; this.actionButtons[0].appendChild(atkTooltip); this.actionButtons[1].innerText = "Scan(s)"; var scanTooltip = document.createElement("span"); scanTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh"); scanTooltip.innerText = "Lowers the targeted node's defense. The effectiveness of this depends on " + "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level."; this.actionButtons[1].appendChild(scanTooltip); this.actionButtons[2].innerText = "Weaken(w)"; var WeakenTooltip = document.createElement("span"); WeakenTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh"); WeakenTooltip.innerText = "Lowers the targeted node's attack. The effectiveness of this depends on " + "this node's Attack level, your hacking level, and the opponent's defense level."; this.actionButtons[2].appendChild(WeakenTooltip); this.actionButtons[3].innerText = "Fortify(f)"; var fortifyTooltip = document.createElement("span"); fortifyTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh"); fortifyTooltip.innerText = "Raises this node's Defense level. The effectiveness of this depends on " + "your hacking level"; this.actionButtons[3].appendChild(fortifyTooltip); this.actionButtons[4].innerText = "Overflow(r)"; var overflowTooltip = document.createElement("span"); overflowTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh"); overflowTooltip.innerText = "Raises this node's Attack level but lowers its Defense level. The effectiveness " + "of this depends on your hacking level."; this.actionButtons[4].appendChild(overflowTooltip); this.actionButtons[5].innerText = "Drop Connection(d)"; var dropconnTooltip = document.createElement("span"); dropconnTooltip.classList.add("tooltiptexthigh"); dropconnTooltip.innerText = "Removes this Node's current connection to some target Node, if it has one. This can " + "also be done by simply clicking the white connection line."; this.actionButtons[5].appendChild(dropconnTooltip); //Player/enemy defense displays will be in action container var playerStats = document.createElement("p"); var enemyStats = document.createElement("p"); playerStats.style.display = "inline-block"; enemyStats.style.display = "inline-block"; playerStats.style.color = "#00ccff"; enemyStats.style.color = "red"; playerStats.style.margin = "4px"; enemyStats.style.margin = "4px"; playerStats.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-player-stats"); enemyStats.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-enemy-stats"); actionsContainer.appendChild(playerStats); actionsContainer.appendChild(enemyStats); //Set Action Button event listeners this.actionButtons[0].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) { console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node"); return; } if (this.selectedNode[0].type !== NodeTypes.Core) {return;} this.setActionButtonsActive(this.selectedNode[0].type); this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Attack, false); //Set attack button inactive this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){ node.action = NodeActions.Attack; }); }); this.actionButtons[1].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) { console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node"); return; } var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type; //In a multiselect, every Node will have the same type if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {return;} this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType); this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Scan, false); //Set scan button inactive this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){ node.action = NodeActions.Scan; }); }); this.actionButtons[2].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) { console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node"); return; } var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type; //In a multiselect, every Node will have the same type if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {return;} this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType); this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Weaken, false); //Set Weaken button inactive this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){ node.action = NodeActions.Weaken; }); }); this.actionButtons[3].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) { console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node"); return; } this.setActionButtonsActive(this.selectedNode[0].type); this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Fortify, false); //Set Fortify button inactive this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){ node.action = NodeActions.Fortify; }); }); this.actionButtons[4].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) { console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node"); return; } var nodeType = this.selectedNode[0].type; if (nodeType !== NodeTypes.Core && nodeType !== NodeTypes.Transfer) {return;} this.setActionButtonsActive(nodeType); this.setActionButton(NodeActions.Overflow, false); //Set Overflow button inactive this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){ node.action = NodeActions.Overflow; }); }); this.actionButtons[5].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if (!(this.selectedNode.length > 0)) { console.log("ERR: Pressing Action button without selected node"); return; } this.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){ if (node.conn) { var endpoints = node.conn.endpoints; endpoints[0].detachFrom(endpoints[1]); } node.action = NodeActions.Fortify; }); // if (this.selectedNode.conn) { // var endpoints = this.selectedNode.conn.endpoints; // endpoints[0].detachFrom(endpoints[1]); // } }) var timeDisplay = document.createElement("p"); container.appendChild(headerText); container.appendChild(inGameGuideBtn); container.appendChild(wikiGuideBtn); container.appendChild(startBtn); container.appendChild(forfeitMission); container.appendChild(timer); container.appendChild(actionsContainer); container.appendChild(timeDisplay); } HackingMission.prototype.setActionButtonsInactive = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.actionButtons.length; ++i) { this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); } } HackingMission.prototype.setActionButtonsActive = function(nodeType=null) { for (var i = 0; i < this.actionButtons.length; ++i) { this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); } //For Transfer, FireWall and Shield Nodes, certain buttons should always be disabled //0 = Attack, 1 = Scan, 2 = Weaken, 3 = Fortify, 4 = overflow, 5 = Drop conn if (nodeType) { switch (nodeType) { case NodeTypes.Firewall: case NodeTypes.Shield: this.actionButtons[0].classList.remove("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[0].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); this.actionButtons[1].classList.remove("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[1].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); this.actionButtons[2].classList.remove("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[2].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); this.actionButtons[4].classList.remove("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[4].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); this.actionButtons[5].classList.remove("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[5].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); break; case NodeTypes.Transfer: this.actionButtons[0].classList.remove("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[0].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); break; default: break; } } } //True for active, false for inactive HackingMission.prototype.setActionButton = function(i, active=true) { if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["isString"])(i)) { switch (i) { case NodeActions.Attack: i = 0; break; case NodeActions.Scan: i = 1; break; case NodeActions.Weaken: i = 2; break; case NodeActions.Fortify: i = 3; break; case NodeActions.Overflow: default: i = 4; break; } } if (active) { this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button-inactive"); this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button"); } else { this.actionButtons[i].classList.remove("a-link-button"); this.actionButtons[i].classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); } } HackingMission.prototype.calculateAttacks = function() { var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) { total += this.playerCores[i].atk; } for (var i = 0; i < this.playerNodes.length; ++i) { total += this.playerNodes[i].atk; } this.playerAtk = total; document.getElementById("hacking-mission-player-stats").innerHTML = "Player Attack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(this.playerAtk, 1) + "
" + "Player Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(this.playerDef, 1); total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) { total += this.enemyCores[i].atk; } for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) { total += this.enemyDatabases[i].atk; } for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) { total += this.enemyNodes[i].atk; } this.enemyAtk = total; document.getElementById("hacking-mission-enemy-stats").innerHTML = "Enemy Attack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(this.enemyAtk, 1) + "
" + "Enemy Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(this.enemyDef, 1); } HackingMission.prototype.calculateDefenses = function() { var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) { total += this.playerCores[i].def; } for (var i = 0; i < this.playerNodes.length; ++i) { total += this.playerNodes[i].def; } this.playerDef = total; document.getElementById("hacking-mission-player-stats").innerHTML = "Player Attack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(this.playerAtk, 1) + "
" + "Player Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(this.playerDef, 1); total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) { total += this.enemyCores[i].def; } for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) { total += this.enemyDatabases[i].def; } for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) { total += this.enemyNodes[i].def; } this.enemyDef = total; document.getElementById("hacking-mission-enemy-stats").innerHTML = "Enemy Attack: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(this.enemyAtk, 1) + "
" + "Enemy Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(this.enemyDef, 1); } HackingMission.prototype.removeAvailablePosition = function(x, y) { for (var i = 0; i < this.availablePositions.length; ++i) { if (this.availablePositions[i][0] === x && this.availablePositions[i][1] === y) { this.availablePositions.splice(i, 1); return; } } console.log("WARNING: removeAvailablePosition() did not remove " + x + ", " + y); } HackingMission.prototype.setNodePosition = function(nodeObj, x, y) { if (!(nodeObj instanceof Node)) { console.log("WARNING: Non-Node object passed into setNodePOsition"); return; } if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { console.log("ERR: Invalid values passed as x and y for setNodePosition"); console.log(x); console.log(y); return; } nodeObj.pos = [x, y]; this.map[x][y] = nodeObj; } HackingMission.prototype.setNodeRandomPosition = function(nodeObj, xlimit=0) { var i = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(0, this.availablePositions.length - 1); if (this.availablePositions[i][1] < xlimit) { //Recurse if not within limit return this.setNodeRandomPosition(nodeObj, xlimit); } var pos = this.availablePositions.splice(i, 1); pos = pos[0]; this.setNodePosition(nodeObj, pos[0], pos[1]); } HackingMission.prototype.createMap = function() { //Use a grid var map = document.createElement("div"); map.classList.add("hack-mission-grid"); map.setAttribute("id", "hacking-mission-map"); document.getElementById("mission-container").appendChild(map); //Create random Nodes for every space in the map that //hasn't been filled yet. The stats of each Node will be based on //the player/enemy attack var averageAttack = (this.playerAtk + this.enemyAtk) / 2; for (var x = 0; x < 8; ++x) { for (var y = 0; y < 8; ++y) { if (!(this.map[x][y] instanceof Node)) { var node, type = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(0, 2); var randMult = Object(_utils_helpers_addOffset__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["addOffset"])(0.85 + (this.difficulty / 2), 15); switch (type) { case 0: //Spam var stats = { atk: 0, def: averageAttack * 1.1 + Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(15, 45), hp: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(200, 225) } node = new Node(NodeTypes.Spam, stats); break; case 1: //Transfer var stats = { atk: 0, def: averageAttack * 1.1 + Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(15, 45), hp: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(250, 275) } node = new Node(NodeTypes.Transfer, stats); break; case 2: //Shield default: var stats = { atk: 0, def: averageAttack * 1.1 + Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(30, 70), hp: randMult * Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(300, 320) } node = new Node(NodeTypes.Shield, stats); break; } this.setNodePosition(node, x, y); this.removeAvailablePosition(x, y); this.miscNodes.push(node); } } } //Create DOM elements in order for (var r = 0; r < 8; ++r) { for (var c = 0; c < 8; ++c) { this.createNodeDomElement(this.map[r][c]); } } //Configure all Player CPUS for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) { console.log("Configuring Player Node: " + this.playerCores[i].el.id); this.configurePlayerNodeElement(this.playerCores[i].el); } } HackingMission.prototype.createNodeDomElement = function(nodeObj) { var nodeDiv = document.createElement("a"), txtEl = document.createElement('p'); nodeObj.el = nodeDiv; //Set the node element's id based on its coordinates var id = "hacking-mission-node-" + nodeObj.pos[0] + "-" + nodeObj.pos[1]; nodeDiv.setAttribute("id", id); txtEl.setAttribute("id", id + "-txt"); //Set node classes for owner nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-node"); if (nodeObj.plyrCtrl) { nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-player-node"); } else if (nodeObj.enmyCtrl) { nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-enemy-node"); } //Set node classes based on type var txt; switch (nodeObj.type) { case NodeTypes.Core: txt = "CPU Core
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-cpu-node"); break; case NodeTypes.Firewall: txt = "Firewall
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-firewall-node"); break; case NodeTypes.Database: txt = "Database
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-database-node"); break; case NodeTypes.Spam: txt = "Spam
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-spam-node"); break; case NodeTypes.Transfer: txt = "Transfer
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-transfer-node"); break; case NodeTypes.Shield: default: txt = "Shield
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); nodeDiv.classList.add("hack-mission-shield-node"); break; } txt += "
Atk: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.atk, 1) + "
Def: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.def, 1); txtEl.innerHTML = txt; nodeDiv.appendChild(txtEl); document.getElementById("hacking-mission-map").appendChild(nodeDiv); } HackingMission.prototype.updateNodeDomElement = function(nodeObj) { if (nodeObj.el == null) { console.log("ERR: Calling updateNodeDomElement on a Node without an element"); return; } var id = "hacking-mission-node-" + nodeObj.pos[0] + "-" + nodeObj.pos[1]; var nodeDiv = document.getElementById(id), txtEl = document.getElementById(id + "-txt"); //Set node classes based on type var txt; switch (nodeObj.type) { case NodeTypes.Core: txt = "CPU Core
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); break; case NodeTypes.Firewall: txt = "Firewall
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); break; case NodeTypes.Database: txt = "Database
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); break; case NodeTypes.Spam: txt = "Spam
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); break; case NodeTypes.Transfer: txt = "Transfer
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); break; case NodeTypes.Shield: default: txt = "Shield
" + "HP: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.hp, 1); break; } txt += "
Atk: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.atk, 1) + "
Def: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(nodeObj.def, 1); if (nodeObj.action) { txt += "
" + nodeObj.action; } txtEl.innerHTML = txt; } //Gets a Node DOM element's corresponding Node object using its //element id. Function accepts either the DOM element object or the ID as //an argument HackingMission.prototype.getNodeFromElement = function(el) { var id; if (Object(_utils_helpers_isString__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["isString"])(el)) { id = el; } else { id = el.id; } id = id.replace("hacking-mission-node-", ""); var res = id.split('-'); if (res.length != 2) { console.log("ERROR Parsing Hacking Mission Node Id. Could not find coordinates"); return null; } var x = res[0], y = res[1]; if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || x >= 8 || y >= 8 || x < 0 || y < 0) { console.log("ERROR: Unexpected values for x and y: " + x + ", " + y); return null; } return this.map[x][y]; } function selectNode(hackMissionInst, el) { var nodeObj = hackMissionInst.getNodeFromElement(el); if (nodeObj == null) {console.log("Error getting Node object");} if (!nodeObj.plyrCtrl) {return;} clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst); nodeObj.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons); hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(nodeObj); } function multiselectNode(hackMissionInst, el) { var nodeObj = hackMissionInst.getNodeFromElement(el); if (nodeObj == null) {console.log("ERROR: Getting Node Object in multiselectNode()");} if (!nodeObj.plyrCtrl) {return;} clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst); var type = nodeObj.type; if (type === NodeTypes.Core) { hackMissionInst.playerCores.forEach(function(node) { node.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons); hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(node); }); } else { hackMissionInst.playerNodes.forEach(function(node) { if (node.type === type) { node.select(hackMissionInst.actionButtons); hackMissionInst.selectedNode.push(node); } }); } } function clearAllSelectedNodes(hackMissionInst) { if (hackMissionInst.selectedNode.length > 0) { hackMissionInst.selectedNode.forEach(function(node){ node.deselect(hackMissionInst.actionButtons); }); hackMissionInst.selectedNode.length = 0; } } //Configures a DOM element representing a player-owned node to //be selectable and actionable //Note: Does NOT change its css class. This is handled by Node.setControlledBy... HackingMission.prototype.configurePlayerNodeElement = function(el) { var nodeObj = this.getNodeFromElement(el); if (nodeObj == null) {console.log("Error getting Node object");} //Add event listener var self = this; function selectNodeWrapper() { selectNode(self, el); } el.addEventListener("click", selectNodeWrapper); function multiselectNodeWrapper() { multiselectNode(self, el); } el.addEventListener("dblclick", multiselectNodeWrapper); if (el.firstChild) { el.firstChild.addEventListener("click", selectNodeWrapper); } } //Configures a DOM element representing an enemy-node by removing //any event listeners HackingMission.prototype.configureEnemyNodeElement = function(el) { //Deselect node if it was the selected node var nodeObj = this.getNodeFromElement(el); for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedNode.length; ++i) { if (this.selectedNode[i] == nodeObj) { nodeObj.deselect(this.actionButtons); this.selectedNode.splice(i, 1); break; } } } //Returns bool indicating whether a node is reachable by player //by checking if any of the adjacent nodes are owned by the player HackingMission.prototype.nodeReachable = function(node) { var x = node.pos[0], y = node.pos[1]; if (x > 0 && this.map[x-1][y].plyrCtrl) {return true;} if (x < 7 && this.map[x+1][y].plyrCtrl) {return true;} if (y > 0 && this.map[x][y-1].plyrCtrl) {return true;} if (y < 7 && this.map[x][y+1].plyrCtrl) {return true;} return false; } HackingMission.prototype.nodeReachableByEnemy = function(node) { if (node == null) {return false;} var x = node.pos[0], y = node.pos[1]; if (x > 0 && this.map[x-1][y].enmyCtrl) {return true;} if (x < 7 && this.map[x+1][y].enmyCtrl) {return true;} if (y > 0 && this.map[x][y-1].enmyCtrl) {return true;} if (y < 7 && this.map[x][y+1].enmyCtrl) {return true;} return false; } HackingMission.prototype.start = function() { this.started = true; this.initJsPlumb(); var startBtn = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_clearEventListeners__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["clearEventListeners"])("hack-mission-start-btn"); startBtn.classList.remove("a-link-button"); startBtn.classList.add("a-link-button-inactive"); } HackingMission.prototype.initJsPlumb = function() { var instance = jsPlumb.getInstance({ DragOptions:{cursor:"pointer", zIndex:2000}, PaintStyle: { gradient: { stops: [ [ 0, "#FFFFFF" ], [ 1, "#FFFFFF" ] ] }, stroke: "#FFFFFF", strokeWidth: 8 }, }); this.jsplumbinstance = instance; //All player cores are sources for (var i = 0; i < this.playerCores.length; ++i) { instance.makeSource(this.playerCores[i].el, { deleteEndpointsOnEmpty:true, maxConnections:1, anchor:"Continuous", connector:"Flowchart" }); } //Everything else is a target for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyCores.length; ++i) { instance.makeTarget(this.enemyCores[i].el, { maxConnections:-1, anchor:"Continuous", connector:"Flowchart" }); } for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyDatabases.length; ++i) { instance.makeTarget(this.enemyDatabases[i].el, { maxConnections:-1, anchor:"Continuous", connector:["Flowchart"] }); } for (var i = 0; i < this.enemyNodes.length; ++i) { instance.makeTarget(this.enemyNodes[i].el, { maxConnections:-1, anchor:"Continuous", connector:"Flowchart" }); } for (var i = 0; i < this.miscNodes.length; ++i) { instance.makeTarget(this.miscNodes[i].el, { maxConnections:-1, anchor:"Continuous", connector:"Flowchart" }); } //Clicking a connection drops it instance.bind("click", function(conn, originalEvent) { var endpoints = conn.endpoints; endpoints[0].detachFrom(endpoints[1]); }); //Connection events instance.bind("connection", (info)=>{ var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target); //Do not detach for enemy nodes var thisNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source); if (thisNode.enmyCtrl) {return;} //If the node is not reachable, drop the connection if (!this.nodeReachable(targetNode)) { info.sourceEndpoint.detachFrom(info.targetEndpoint); return; } var sourceNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source); sourceNode.conn = info.connection; var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target); ++targetNode.targetedCount; }); //Detach Connection events instance.bind("connectionDetached", (info, originalEvent)=>{ var sourceNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.source); sourceNode.conn = null; var targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(info.target); targetNode.untarget(); }); } //Drops all connections where the specified node is the source HackingMission.prototype.dropAllConnectionsFromNode = function(node) { var allConns = this.jsplumbinstance.getAllConnections(); for (var i = allConns.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (allConns[i].source == node.el) { allConns[i].endpoints[0].detachFrom(allConns[i].endpoints[1]); } } } //Drops all connections where the specified node is the target HackingMission.prototype.dropAllConnectionsToNode = function(node) { var allConns = this.jsplumbinstance.getAllConnections(); for (var i = allConns.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (allConns[i].target == node.el) { allConns[i].endpoints[0].detachFrom(allConns[i].endpoints[1]); } } node.beingTargeted = false; } var storedCycles = 0; HackingMission.prototype.process = function(numCycles=1) { if (!this.started) {return;} storedCycles += numCycles; if (storedCycles < 2) {return;} //Only process every 3 cycles minimum var res = false; //Process actions of all player nodes this.playerCores.forEach((node)=>{ res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles); }); this.playerNodes.forEach((node)=>{ if (node.type === NodeTypes.Transfer || node.type === NodeTypes.Shield || node.type === NodeTypes.Firewall) { res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles); } }); //Process actions of all enemy nodes this.enemyCores.forEach((node)=>{ this.enemyAISelectAction(node); res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles); }); this.enemyNodes.forEach((node)=>{ if (node.type === NodeTypes.Transfer || node.type === NodeTypes.Shield || node.type === NodeTypes.Firewall) { this.enemyAISelectAction(node); res |= this.processNode(node, storedCycles); } }); //The hp of enemy databases increases slowly this.enemyDatabases.forEach((node)=>{ node.maxhp += (0.1 * storedCycles); node.hp += (0.1 * storedCycles); }); if (res) { this.calculateAttacks(); this.calculateDefenses(); } //Win if all enemy databases are conquered if (this.enemyDatabases.length === 0) { this.finishMission(true); return; } //Lose if all your cores are gone if (this.playerCores.length === 0) { this.finishMission(false); return; } //Defense/hp of misc nodes increases slowly over time this.miscNodes.forEach((node)=>{ node.def += (0.1 * storedCycles); node.maxhp += (0.05 * storedCycles); node.hp += (0.1 * storedCycles); if (node.hp > node.maxhp) {node.hp = node.maxhp;} this.updateNodeDomElement(node); }); //Update timer and check if player lost this.time -= (storedCycles * _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"]._idleSpeed); if (this.time <= 0) { this.finishMission(false); return; } this.updateTimer(); storedCycles = 0; } //Returns a bool representing whether defenses need to be re-calculated HackingMission.prototype.processNode = function(nodeObj, numCycles=1) { if (nodeObj.action == null) { return; } var targetNode = null, def, atk; if (nodeObj.conn) { if (nodeObj.conn.target != null) { targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.target); } else { targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.targetId); } if (targetNode == null) { //Player is in the middle of dragging the connection, //so the target node is null. Do nothing here } else if (targetNode.plyrCtrl) { def = this.playerDef; atk = this.enemyAtk; } else if (targetNode.enmyCtrl) { def = this.enemyDef; atk = this.playerAtk; } else { //Misc Node def = targetNode.def; nodeObj.plyrCtrl ? atk = this.playerAtk : atk = this.enemyAtk; } } //Calculations are per second, so divide everything by 5 var calcStats = false, plyr = nodeObj.plyrCtrl; var enmyHacking = this.difficulty * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HackingMissionDifficultyToHacking; switch(nodeObj.action) { case NodeActions.Attack: if (targetNode == null) {break;} if (nodeObj.conn == null) {break;} var dmg = this.calculateAttackDamage(atk, def, plyr ? _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill : enmyHacking); targetNode.hp -= (dmg/5 * numCycles); break; case NodeActions.Scan: if (targetNode == null) {break;} if (nodeObj.conn == null) {break;} var eff = this.calculateScanEffect(atk, def, plyr ? _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill : enmyHacking); targetNode.def -= (eff/5 * numCycles); calcStats = true; break; case NodeActions.Weaken: if (targetNode == null) {break;} if (nodeObj.conn == null) {break;} var eff = this.calculateWeakenEffect(atk, def, plyr ? _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill : enmyHacking); targetNode.atk -= (eff/5 * numCycles); calcStats = true; break; case NodeActions.Fortify: var eff = this.calculateFortifyEffect(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill); nodeObj.def += (eff/5 * numCycles); calcStats = true; break; case NodeActions.Overflow: var eff = this.calculateOverflowEffect(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].hacking_skill); if (nodeObj.def < eff) {break;} nodeObj.def -= (eff/5 * numCycles); nodeObj.atk += (eff/5 * numCycles); calcStats = true; break; default: console.log("ERR: Invalid Node Action: " + nodeObj.action); break; } //Stats can't go below 0 if (nodeObj.atk < 0) {nodeObj.atk = 0;} if (nodeObj.def < 0) {nodeObj.def = 0;} if (targetNode && targetNode.atk < 0) {targetNode.atk = 0;} if (targetNode && targetNode.def < 0) {targetNode.def = 0;} //Conquering a node if (targetNode && targetNode.hp <= 0) { var conqueredByPlayer = nodeObj.plyrCtrl; targetNode.hp = targetNode.maxhp; targetNode.action = null; targetNode.conn = null; if (this.selectedNode == targetNode) { targetNode.deselect(this.actionButtons); } //The conquered node has its stats reduced targetNode.atk /= 2; targetNode.def /= 3.5; //Flag for whether the target node was a misc node var isMiscNode = !targetNode.plyrCtrl && !targetNode.enmyCtrl; //Remove all connections from Node this.dropAllConnectionsToNode(targetNode); this.dropAllConnectionsFromNode(targetNode); //Changes the css class and turn the node into a JsPlumb Source/Target if (conqueredByPlayer) { targetNode.setControlledByPlayer(); this.jsplumbinstance.unmakeTarget(targetNode.el); this.jsplumbinstance.makeSource(targetNode.el, { deleteEndpointsOnEmpty:true, maxConnections:1, anchor:"Continuous", connector:"Flowchart" }); } else { targetNode.setControlledByEnemy(); nodeObj.conn = null; //Clear connection this.jsplumbinstance.unmakeSource(targetNode.el); this.jsplumbinstance.makeTarget(targetNode.el, { maxConnections:-1, anchor:"Continuous", connector:["Flowchart"] }); } calcStats = true; //Helper function to swap nodes between the respective enemyNodes/playerNodes arrays function swapNodes(orig, dest, targetNode) { for (var i = 0; i < orig.length; ++i) { if (orig[i] == targetNode) { var node = orig.splice(i, 1); node = node[0]; dest.push(node); break; } } } switch(targetNode.type) { case NodeTypes.Core: if (conqueredByPlayer) { swapNodes(this.enemyCores, this.playerCores, targetNode); this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el); } else { swapNodes(this.playerCores, this.enemyCores, targetNode); this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el); } break; case NodeTypes.Firewall: if (conqueredByPlayer) { swapNodes(this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode); } else { swapNodes(this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode); this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el); } break; case NodeTypes.Database: if (conqueredByPlayer) { swapNodes(this.enemyDatabases, this.playerNodes, targetNode); } else { swapNodes(this.playerNodes, this.enemyDatabases, targetNode); } break; case NodeTypes.Spam: if (conqueredByPlayer) { swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode); //Conquering spam node increases time limit this.time += _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HackingMissionSpamTimeIncrease; } else { swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode); } break; case NodeTypes.Transfer: //Conquering a Transfer node increases the attack of all cores by some percentages if (conqueredByPlayer) { swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode); this.playerCores.forEach(function(node) { node.atk *= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease; }); this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el); } else { swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode); this.enemyCores.forEach(function(node) { node.atk *= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease; }); this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el); } break; case NodeTypes.Shield: if (conqueredByPlayer) { swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.enemyNodes, this.playerNodes, targetNode); this.configurePlayerNodeElement(targetNode.el); } else { swapNodes(isMiscNode ? this.miscNodes : this.playerNodes, this.enemyNodes, targetNode); this.configureEnemyNodeElement(targetNode.el); } break; } //If a misc node was conquered, the defense for all misc nodes increases by some fixed amount if (isMiscNode) { //&& conqueredByPlayer) { this.miscNodes.forEach((node)=>{ if (node.targetedCount === 0) { node.def *= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].HackingMissionMiscDefenseIncrease; } }); } } //Update node DOMs this.updateNodeDomElement(nodeObj); if (targetNode) {this.updateNodeDomElement(targetNode);} return calcStats; } //Enemy "AI" for CPU Core and Transfer Nodes HackingMission.prototype.enemyAISelectAction = function(nodeObj) { if (nodeObj == null) {return;} switch(nodeObj.type) { case NodeTypes.Core: //Select a single RANDOM target from miscNodes and player's Nodes //If it is reachable, it will target it. If not, no target will //be selected for now, and the next time process() gets called this will repeat if (nodeObj.conn == null) { if (this.miscNodes.length === 0) { //Randomly pick a player node and attack it if its reachable var rand = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(0, this.playerNodes.length-1); var node; if (this.playerNodes.length === 0) { node = null; } else { node = this.playerNodes[rand]; } if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) { //Create connection nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({ source:nodeObj.el, target:node.el }); ++node.targetedCount; } else { //Randomly pick a player core and attack it if its reachable rand = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(0, this.playerCores.length-1); if (this.playerCores.length === 0) { return; //No Misc Nodes, no player Nodes, no Player cores. Player lost } else { node = this.playerCores[rand]; } if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) { //Create connection nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({ source:nodeObj.el, target:node.el }); ++node.targetedCount; } } } else { //Randomly pick a misc node and attack it if its reachable var rand = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["getRandomInt"])(0, this.miscNodes.length-1); var node = this.miscNodes[rand]; if (this.nodeReachableByEnemy(node)) { nodeObj.conn = this.jsplumbinstance.connect({ source:nodeObj.el, target:node.el, }); ++node.targetedCount; } } //If no connection was made, set the Core to Fortify nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify; } else { //If this node has a selected target var targetNode; if (nodeObj.conn.target) { targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.target); } else { targetNode = this.getNodeFromElement(nodeObj.conn.targetId); } if (targetNode == null) { console.log("Error getting Target node Object in enemyAISelectAction()"); } if (targetNode.def > this.enemyAtk + 15) { if (nodeObj.def < 50) { nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify; } else { nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Overflow; } } else if (Math.abs(targetNode.def - this.enemyAtk) <= 15) { nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Scan; } else { nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Attack; } } break; case NodeTypes.Transfer: //Switch between fortifying and overflowing as necessary if (nodeObj.def < 125) { nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify; } else { nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Overflow; } break; case NodeTypes.Firewall: case NodeTypes.Shield: nodeObj.action = NodeActions.Fortify; break; default: break; } } var hackEffWeightSelf = 130; //Weight for Node actions on self var hackEffWeightTarget = 25; //Weight for Node Actions against Target var hackEffWeightAttack = 80; //Weight for Attack action //Returns damage per cycle based on stats HackingMission.prototype.calculateAttackDamage = function(atk, def, hacking = 0) { return Math.max(0.55 * (atk + (hacking / hackEffWeightAttack) - def), 1); } HackingMission.prototype.calculateScanEffect = function(atk, def, hacking=0) { return Math.max(0.6 * ((atk) + hacking / hackEffWeightTarget - (def * 0.95)), 2); } HackingMission.prototype.calculateWeakenEffect = function(atk, def, hacking=0) { return Math.max((atk) + hacking / hackEffWeightTarget - (def * 0.95), 2); } HackingMission.prototype.calculateFortifyEffect = function(hacking=0) { return 0.9 * hacking / hackEffWeightSelf; } HackingMission.prototype.calculateOverflowEffect = function(hacking=0) { return 0.95 * hacking / hackEffWeightSelf; } //Updates timer display HackingMission.prototype.updateTimer = function() { var timer = document.getElementById("hacking-mission-timer"); //Convert time remaining to a string of the form mm:ss var seconds = Math.round(this.time / 1000); var minutes = Math.trunc(seconds / 60); seconds %= 60; var str = ("0" + minutes).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + seconds).slice(-2); timer.innerText = "Time left: " + str; } //The 'win' argument is a bool for whether or not the player won HackingMission.prototype.finishMission = function(win) { inMission = false; currMission = null; if (win) { var favorMult = 1 + (this.faction.favor / 100); console.log("Hacking mission base reward: " + this.reward); console.log("favorMult: " + favorMult); console.log("rep mult: " + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult); var gain = this.reward * _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult * favorMult; Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Mission won! You earned " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["formatNumber"])(gain, 3) + " reputation with " + this.faction.name); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gainIntelligenceExp(this.difficulty * _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].IntelligenceHackingMissionBaseExpGain); this.faction.playerReputation += gain; } else { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Mission lost/forfeited! You did not gain any faction reputation."); } //Clear mission container var container = document.getElementById("mission-container"); while(container.firstChild) { container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } //Return to Faction page document.getElementById("mainmenu-container").style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById("character-overview-wrapper").style.visibility = "visible"; _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadFactionContent(); Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* displayFactionContent */ "c"])(this.faction.name); } /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 51))) /***/ }), /* 39 */ /*!****************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/helpers/arrayToString.ts ***! \****************************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used: arrayToString */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * Returns the input array as a comma separated string. */ function arrayToString(a) { return `[${a.join(", ")}]`; } exports.arrayToString = arrayToString; /***/ }), /* 40 */ /*!*********************!*\ !*** ./src/Gang.js ***! \*********************/ /*! exports provided: Gang, displayGangContent, updateGangContent, loadAllGangs, AllGangs, resetGangs, deleteGangDisplayContent */ /*! exports used: AllGangs, Gang, deleteGangDisplayContent, displayGangContent, loadAllGangs, resetGangs, updateGangContent */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return Gang; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return displayGangContent; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return updateGangContent; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return loadAllGangs; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return AllGangs; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return resetGangs; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return deleteGangDisplayContent; }); /* harmony import */ var _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Constants */ 2); /* harmony import */ var _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./engine */ 6); /* harmony import */ var _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Faction */ 12); /* harmony import */ var _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Player */ 0); /* harmony import */ var _utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/DialogBox */ 8); /* harmony import */ var _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/JSONReviver */ 10); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createAccordionElement */ 57); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createElement */ 3); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/createPopup */ 36); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! numeral/min/numeral.min */ 15); /* harmony import */ var numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/StringHelperFunctions */ 1); /* harmony import */ var _utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/helpers/getRandomInt */ 5); /* harmony import */ var _utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeChildrenFromElement */ 27); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeElement */ 54); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/uiHelpers/removeElementById */ 20); /* harmony import */ var _utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__); /* harmony import */ var _utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../utils/YesNoBox */ 14); /* Gang.js */ //Switch between territory and management screen with 1 and 2 $(document).keydown(function(event) { if (_engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].currentPage == _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].Page.Gang && !_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* yesNoBoxOpen */ "e"]) { if (gangMemberFilter != null && gangMemberFilter === document.activeElement) {return;} if (event.keyCode === 49) { if(gangTerritorySubpage.style.display === "block") { managementButton.click(); } } else if (event.keyCode === 50) { if (gangManagementSubpage.style.display === "block") { territoryButton.click(); } } } }); //Delete upgrade box when clicking outside $(document).mousedown(function(event) { var boxId = "gang-member-upgrade-popup-box"; var contentId = "gang-member-upgrade-popup-box-content"; if (gangMemberUpgradeBoxOpened) { if ( $(event.target).closest("#" + contentId).get(0) == null ) { //Delete the box Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["removeElement"])(gangMemberUpgradeBox); gangMemberUpgradeBox = null; gangMemberUpgradeBoxContent = null; gangMemberUpgradeBoxOpened = false; gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements = null; } } }); let GangNames = ["Slum Snakes", "Tetrads", "The Syndicate", "The Dark Army", "Speakers for the Dead", "NiteSec", "The Black Hand"]; let AllGangs = { "Slum Snakes" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "Tetrads" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "The Syndicate" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "The Dark Army" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "Speakers for the Dead" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "NiteSec" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "The Black Hand" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, } function resetGangs() { AllGangs = { "Slum Snakes" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "Tetrads" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "The Syndicate" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "The Dark Army" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "Speakers for the Dead" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "NiteSec" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, "The Black Hand" : { power: 1, territory: 1/7, }, } } function loadAllGangs(saveString) { AllGangs = JSON.parse(saveString, _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Reviver"]); } //Power is an estimate of a gang's ability to gain/defend territory let gangStoredPowerCycles = 0; function processAllGangPowerGains(numCycles=1) { if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) {return;} gangStoredPowerCycles += numCycles; if (gangStoredPowerCycles < 150) {return;} var playerGangName = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName; for (var name in AllGangs) { if (AllGangs.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (name == playerGangName) { AllGangs[name].power += _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.calculatePower(); } else { var gain = Math.random() * 0.02; //TODO Adjust as necessary AllGangs[name].power += (gain); } } } gangStoredPowerCycles -= 150; } let gangStoredTerritoryCycles = 0; function processAllGangTerritory(numCycles=1) { if (!_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) {return;} gangStoredTerritoryCycles += numCycles; if (gangStoredTerritoryCycles < _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].GangTerritoryUpdateTimer) {return;} for (var i = 0; i < GangNames.length; ++i) { var other = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(0, GangNames.length-1); while(other == i) { other = Object(_utils_helpers_getRandomInt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["getRandomInt"])(0, GangNames.length-1); } var thisPwr = AllGangs[GangNames[i]].power; var otherPwr = AllGangs[GangNames[other]].power; var thisChance = thisPwr / (thisPwr + otherPwr); if (Math.random() < thisChance) { if (AllGangs[GangNames[other]].territory <= 0) { return; } AllGangs[GangNames[i]].territory += 0.0001; AllGangs[GangNames[other]].territory -= 0.0001; } else { if (AllGangs[GangNames[i]].territory <= 0) { return; } AllGangs[GangNames[i]].territory -= 0.0001; AllGangs[GangNames[other]].territory += 0.0001; } } gangStoredTerritoryCycles -= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].GangTerritoryUpdateTimer; } /* faction - Name of corresponding faction hacking - Boolean indicating whether its a hacking gang or not */ function Gang(facName, hacking=false) { this.facName = facName; this.members = []; //Array of GangMembers this.wanted = 1; this.respect = 1; this.power = 0; this.isHackingGang = hacking; this.respectGainRate = 0; this.wantedGainRate = 0; this.moneyGainRate = 0; //When processing gains, this stores the number of cycles until some //limit is reached, and then calculates and applies the gains only at that limit this.storedCycles = 0; } Gang.prototype.process = function(numCycles=1) { this.processGains(numCycles); this.processExperienceGains(numCycles); processAllGangPowerGains(numCycles); processAllGangTerritory(numCycles); } Gang.prototype.processGains = function(numCycles=1) { this.storedCycles += numCycles; if (isNaN(this.storedCycles)) { console.log("ERROR: Gang's storedCylces is NaN"); this.storedCycles = 0; } if (this.storedCycles < 25) {return;} //Only process every 5 seconds at least //Get gains per cycle var moneyGains = 0, respectGains = 0, wantedLevelGains = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; ++i) { respectGains += (this.members[i].calculateRespectGain()); wantedLevelGains += (this.members[i].calculateWantedLevelGain()); moneyGains += (this.members[i].calculateMoneyGain()); } this.respectGainRate = respectGains; this.wantedGainRate = wantedLevelGains; this.moneyGainRate = moneyGains; if (!isNaN(respectGains)) { var gain = respectGains * this.storedCycles; this.respect += (gain); //Faction reputation gains is respect gain divided by some constant var fac = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Factions */ "b"][this.facName]; if (!(fac instanceof _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Faction */ "a"])) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("ERROR: Could not get Faction associates with your gang. This is a bug, please report to game dev"); } else { var favorMult = 1 + (fac.favor / 100); fac.playerReputation += ((_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].faction_rep_mult * gain * favorMult) / _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].GangRespectToReputationRatio); } } else { console.log("ERROR: respectGains is NaN"); } if (!isNaN(wantedLevelGains)) { if (this.wanted === 1 && wantedLevelGains < 0) { //Do nothing } else { this.wanted += (wantedLevelGains * this.storedCycles); if (this.wanted < 1) {this.wanted = 1;} } } else { console.log("ERROR: wantedLevelGains is NaN"); } if (!isNaN(moneyGains)) { _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gainMoney(moneyGains * this.storedCycles); } else { console.log("ERROR: respectGains is NaN"); } this.storedCycles = 0; } Gang.prototype.processExperienceGains = function(numCycles=1) { for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; ++i) { this.members[i].gainExperience(numCycles); this.members[i].updateSkillLevels(); } } //Calculates power GAIN, which is added onto the Gang's existing power Gang.prototype.calculatePower = function() { var memberTotal = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; ++i) { if (this.members[i].task instanceof GangMemberTask && this.members[i].task.name == "Territory Warfare") { memberTotal += this.members[i].calculatePower(); } } return (0.0005 * memberTotal); } Gang.prototype.autoAssignMemberToTask = function(taskName) { for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; ++i) { if (this.members[i].task.name === taskName) { this.members[i].assignToTask(taskName); return true; } } return false; } Gang.prototype.autoUnassignMemberFromTask = function(taskName) { for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; ++i) { if (this.members[i].task.name === taskName) { this.members[i].unassignFromTask(); return true; } } return false; } Gang.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Generic_toJSON"])("Gang", this); } Gang.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Generic_fromJSON"])(Gang, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Reviver"].constructors.Gang = Gang; /*** Gang Member object ***/ function GangMember(name) { this.name = name; this.task = GangMemberTasks["Unassigned"]; //GangMemberTask object this.city = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].city; this.hack = 1; this.str = 1; this.def = 1; this.dex = 1; this.agi = 1; this.cha = 1; this.hack_exp = 0; this.str_exp = 0; this.def_exp = 0; this.dex_exp = 0; this.agi_exp = 0; this.cha_exp = 0; this.hack_mult = 1; this.str_mult = 1; this.def_mult = 1; this.dex_mult = 1; this.agi_mult = 1; this.cha_mult = 1; this.upgrades = []; //Names of upgrades } //Same formula for Player GangMember.prototype.calculateSkill = function(exp, mult=1) { return Math.max(Math.floor(mult*(32 * Math.log(exp + 534.5) - 200)), 1); } GangMember.prototype.updateSkillLevels = function() { this.hack = this.calculateSkill(this.hack_exp, this.hack_mult); this.str = this.calculateSkill(this.str_exp, this.str_mult); this.def = this.calculateSkill(this.def_exp, this.def_mult); this.dex = this.calculateSkill(this.dex_exp, this.dex_mult); this.agi = this.calculateSkill(this.agi_exp, this.agi_mult); this.cha = this.calculateSkill(this.cha_exp, this.cha_mult); } GangMember.prototype.calculatePower = function() { return (this.hack + this.str + this.def + this.dex + this.agi + this.cha) / 100; } GangMember.prototype.assignToTask = function(taskName) { if (GangMemberTasks.hasOwnProperty(taskName)) { this.task = GangMemberTasks[taskName]; } else { this.task = GangMemberTasks["Unassigned"]; } } GangMember.prototype.unassignFromTask = function() { if (GangMemberTasks.hasOwnProperty("Unassigned")) { this.task = GangMemberTasks["Unassigned"]; } else { console.log("ERROR: Can't find Unassigned Gang member task"); this.task = null; } } //Gains are per cycle GangMember.prototype.calculateRespectGain = function() { var task = this.task; if (task == null || !(task instanceof GangMemberTask) || task.baseRespect === 0) {return 0;} var statWeight = (task.hackWeight/100) * this.hack + (task.strWeight/100) * this.str + (task.defWeight/100) * this.def + (task.dexWeight/100) * this.dex + (task.agiWeight/100) * this.agi + (task.chaWeight/100) * this.cha; statWeight -= (3.5 * task.difficulty); if (statWeight <= 0) {return 0;} var territoryMult = AllGangs[_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName].territory; if (territoryMult <= 0) {return 0;} var respectMult = (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respect) / (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respect + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.wanted); return 12 * task.baseRespect * statWeight * territoryMult * respectMult; } GangMember.prototype.calculateWantedLevelGain = function() { var task = this.task; if (task == null || !(task instanceof GangMemberTask) || task.baseWanted === 0) {return 0;} var statWeight = (task.hackWeight/100) * this.hack + (task.strWeight/100) * this.str + (task.defWeight/100) * this.def + (task.dexWeight/100) * this.dex + (task.agiWeight/100) * this.agi + (task.chaWeight/100) * this.cha; statWeight -= (3.5 * task.difficulty); if (statWeight <= 0) {return 0;} var territoryMult = AllGangs[_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName].territory; if (territoryMult <= 0) {return 0;} if (task.baseWanted < 0) { return task.baseWanted * statWeight * territoryMult; } else { return 6 * task.baseWanted / (3 * statWeight * territoryMult); } } GangMember.prototype.calculateMoneyGain = function() { var task = this.task; if (task == null || !(task instanceof GangMemberTask) || task.baseMoney === 0) {return 0;} var statWeight = (task.hackWeight/100) * this.hack + (task.strWeight/100) * this.str + (task.defWeight/100) * this.def + (task.dexWeight/100) * this.dex + (task.agiWeight/100) * this.agi + (task.chaWeight/100) * this.cha; statWeight -= (3.5 * task.difficulty); if (statWeight <= 0) {return 0;} var territoryMult = AllGangs[_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName].territory; if (territoryMult <= 0) {return 0;} var respectMult = (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respect) / (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respect + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.wanted); return 5 * task.baseMoney * statWeight * territoryMult * respectMult; } GangMember.prototype.gainExperience = function(numCycles=1) { var task = this.task; if (task == null || !(task instanceof GangMemberTask)) {return;} this.hack_exp += (task.hackWeight / 1500) * task.difficulty * numCycles; this.str_exp += (task.strWeight / 1500) * task.difficulty * numCycles; this.def_exp += (task.defWeight / 1500) * task.difficulty * numCycles; this.dex_exp += (task.dexWeight / 1500) * task.difficulty * numCycles; this.agi_exp += (task.agiWeight / 1500) * task.difficulty * numCycles; this.cha_exp += (task.chaWeight / 1500) * task.difficulty * numCycles; } GangMember.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Generic_toJSON"])("GangMember", this); } GangMember.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Generic_fromJSON"])(GangMember, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Reviver"].constructors.GangMember = GangMember; //Defines tasks that Gang Members can work on function GangMemberTask(name="", desc="", params={baseRespect: 0, baseWanted: 0, baseMoney: 0, hackWeight: 0, strWeight: 0, defWeight: 0, dexWeight: 0, agiWeight: 0, chaWeight: 0, difficulty: 0}) { this.name = name; this.desc = desc; this.baseRespect = params.baseRespect ? params.baseRespect : 0; this.baseWanted = params.baseWanted ? params.baseWanted : 0; this.baseMoney = params.baseMoney ? params.baseMoney : 0; //Weights must add up to 100 this.hackWeight = params.hackWeight ? params.hackWeight : 0; this.strWeight = params.strWeight ? params.strWeight : 0; this.defWeight = params.defWeight ? params.defWeight : 0; this.dexWeight = params.dexWeight ? params.dexWeight : 0; this.agiWeight = params.agiWeight ? params.agiWeight : 0; this.chaWeight = params.chaWeight ? params.chaWeight : 0; //1 - 100 this.difficulty = params.difficulty ? params.difficulty : 1; } GangMemberTask.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Generic_toJSON"])("GangMemberTask", this); } GangMemberTask.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Generic_fromJSON"])(GangMemberTask, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Reviver"].constructors.GangMemberTask = GangMemberTask; //TODO Human trafficking and an equivalent hacking crime let GangMemberTasks = { "Unassigned" : new GangMemberTask( "Unassigned", "This gang member is currently idle"), "Ransomware" : new GangMemberTask( "Ransomware", "Assign this gang member to create and distribute ransomware

" + "Earns money - Slightly increases respect - Slightly increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.00005, baseWanted: 0.00001, baseMoney: 1, hackWeight: 100, difficulty: 1}), "Phishing" : new GangMemberTask( "Phishing", "Assign this gang member to attempt phishing scams and attacks

" + "Earns money - Slightly increases respect - Slightly increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.00008, baseWanted: 0.001, baseMoney: 2.5, hackWeight: 85, chaWeight: 15, difficulty: 3}), "Identity Theft" : new GangMemberTask( "Identity Theft", "Assign this gang member to attempt identity theft

" + "Earns money - Increases respect - Increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.0001, baseWanted: 0.01, baseMoney: 6, hackWeight: 80, chaWeight: 20, difficulty: 4}), "DDoS Attacks" : new GangMemberTask( "DDoS Attacks", "Assign this gang member to carry out DDoS attacks

" + "Increases respect - Increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.0004, baseWanted: 0.05, hackWeight: 100, difficulty: 7}), "Plant Virus" : new GangMemberTask( "Plant Virus", "Assign this gang member to create and distribute malicious viruses

" + "Increases respect - Increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.0006, baseWanted: 0.05, hackWeight: 100, difficulty: 10}), "Fraud & Counterfeiting" : new GangMemberTask( "Fraud & Counterfeiting", "Assign this gang member to commit financial fraud and digital counterfeiting

" + "Earns money - Slightly increases respect - Slightly increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.0005, baseWanted: 0.1, baseMoney: 15, hackWeight: 80, chaWeight: 20, difficulty: 17}), "Money Laundering" : new GangMemberTask( "Money Laundering", "Assign this gang member to launder money

" + "Earns money - Increases respect - Increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.0006, baseWanted:0.2, baseMoney: 40, hackWeight: 75, chaWeight: 25, difficulty: 20}), "Cyberterrorism" : new GangMemberTask( "Cyberterrorism", "Assign this gang member to commit acts of cyberterrorism

" + "Greatly increases respect - Greatly increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.001, baseWanted: 0.5, hackWeight: 80, chaWeight: 20, difficulty: 33}), "Ethical Hacking" : new GangMemberTask( "Ethical Hacking", "Assign this gang member to be an ethical hacker for corporations

" + "Earns money - Lowers wanted level", {baseWanted: -0.001, baseMoney: 1, hackWeight: 90, chaWeight: 10, difficulty: 1}), "Mug People" : new GangMemberTask( "Mug People", "Assign this gang member to mug random people on the streets

" + "Earns money - Slightly increases respect - Very slightly increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.00005, baseWanted: 0.00001, baseMoney: 1, strWeight: 25, defWeight: 25, dexWeight: 25, agiWeight: 10, chaWeight: 15, difficulty: 1}), "Deal Drugs" : new GangMemberTask( "Deal Drugs", "Assign this gang member to sell drugs.

" + "Earns money - Slightly increases respect - Slightly increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.00008, baseWanted: 0.001, baseMoney: 4, agiWeight: 20, dexWeight: 20, chaWeight: 60, difficulty: 3}), "Run a Con" : new GangMemberTask( "Run a Con", "Assign this gang member to run cons

" + "Earns money - Increases respect - Increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.00015, baseWanted: 0.01, baseMoney: 10, strWeight: 5, defWeight: 5, agiWeight: 25, dexWeight: 25, chaWeight: 40, difficulty: 10}), "Armed Robbery" : new GangMemberTask( "Armed Robbery", "Assign this gang member to commit armed robbery on stores, banks and armored cars

" + "Earns money - Increases respect - Increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.00015, baseWanted: 0.05, baseMoney: 25, hackWeight: 20, strWeight: 15, defWeight: 15, agiWeight: 10, dexWeight: 20, chaWeight: 20, difficulty: 17}), "Traffick Illegal Arms" : new GangMemberTask( "Traffick Illegal Arms", "Assign this gang member to traffick illegal arms

" + "Earns money - Increases respect - Increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.0003, baseWanted: 0.1, baseMoney: 40, hackWeight: 15, strWeight: 20, defWeight: 20, dexWeight: 20, chaWeight: 75, difficulty: 25}), "Threaten & Blackmail" : new GangMemberTask( "Threaten & Blackmail", "Assign this gang member to threaten and black mail high-profile targets

" + "Earns money - Slightly increases respect - Slightly increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.0002, baseWanted: 0.05, baseMoney: 15, hackWeight: 25, strWeight: 25, dexWeight: 25, chaWeight: 25, difficulty: 28}), "Terrorism" : new GangMemberTask( "Terrorism", "Assign this gang member to commit acts of terrorism

" + "Greatly increases respect - Greatly increases wanted level", {baseRespect: 0.001, baseWanted: 1, hackWeight: 20, strWeight: 20, defWeight: 20,dexWeight: 20, chaWeight: 20, difficulty: 33}), "Vigilante Justice" : new GangMemberTask( "Vigilante Justice", "Assign this gang member to be a vigilante and protect the city from criminals

" + "Decreases wanted level", {baseWanted: -0.001, hackWeight: 20, strWeight: 20, defWeight: 20, dexWeight: 20, agiWeight:20, difficulty: 1}), "Train Combat" : new GangMemberTask( "Train Combat", "Assign this gang member to increase their combat stats (str, def, dex, agi)", {strWeight: 25, defWeight: 25, dexWeight: 25, agiWeight: 25, difficulty: 5}), "Train Hacking" : new GangMemberTask( "Train Hacking", "Assign this gang member to train their hacking skills", {hackWeight: 100, difficulty: 8}), "Territory Warfare" : new GangMemberTask( "Territory Warfare", "Assign this gang member to engage in territorial warfare with other gangs. " + "Members assigned to this task will help increase your gang's territory " + "and will defend your territory from being taken.", {hackWeight: 15, strWeight: 20, defWeight: 20, dexWeight: 20, agiWeight: 20, chaWeight: 5, difficulty: 3}), } function GangMemberUpgrade(name="", desc="", cost=0, type="w") { this.name = name; this.desc = desc; this.cost = cost; this.type = type; //w, a, v, r } //Passes in a GangMember object GangMemberUpgrade.prototype.apply = function(member) { switch(this.name) { case "Baseball Bat": member.str_mult *= 1.05; member.def_mult *= 1.05; break; case "Katana": member.str_mult *= 1.1; member.def_mult *= 1.1; member.dex_mult *= 1.1; break; case "Glock 18C": member.str_mult *= 1.15; member.def_mult *= 1.15; member.dex_mult *= 1.15; member.agi_mult *= 1.15; break; case "P90C": member.str_mult *= 1.2; member.def_mult *= 1.2; member.agi_mult *= 1.1; break; case "Steyr AUG": member.str_mult *= 1.25; member.def_mult *= 1.25; break; case "AK-47": member.str_mult *= 1.5; member.def_mult *= 1.5; break; case "M15A10 Assault Rifle": member.str_mult *= 1.6; member.def_mult *= 1.6; break; case "AWM Sniper Rifle": member.str_mult *= 1.5; member.dex_mult *= 1.5; member.agi_mult *= 1.5; break; case "Bulletproof Vest": member.def_mult *= 1.05; break; case "Full Body Armor": member.def_mult *= 1.1; break; case "Liquid Body Armor": member.def_mult *= 1.25; member.agi_mult *= 1.25; break; case "Graphene Plating Armor": member.def_mult *= 1.5; break; case "Ford Flex V20": member.agi_mult *= 1.1; member.cha_mult *= 1.1; break; case "ATX1070 Superbike": member.agi_mult *= 1.15; member.cha_mult *= 1.15; break; case "Mercedes-Benz S9001": member.agi_mult *= 1.2; member.cha_mult *= 1.2; break; case "White Ferrari": member.agi_mult *= 1.25; member.cha_mult *= 1.25; break; case "NUKE Rootkit": member.hack_mult *= 1.1; break; case "Soulstealer Rootkit": member.hack_mult *= 1.2; break; case "Demon Rootkit": member.hack_mult *= 1.3; break; default: console.log("ERROR: Could not find this upgrade: " + this.name); break; } } GangMemberUpgrade.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Generic_toJSON"])("GangMemberUpgrade", this); } GangMemberUpgrade.fromJSON = function(value) { return Object(_utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Generic_fromJSON"])(GangMemberUpgrade, value.data); } _utils_JSONReviver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["Reviver"].constructors.GangMemberUpgrade = GangMemberUpgrade; let GangMemberUpgrades = { "Baseball Bat" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Baseball Bat", "Increases strength and defense by 5%", 1e6, "w"), "Katana" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Katana", "Increases strength, defense, and dexterity by 10%", 12e6, "w"), "Glock 18C" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Glock 18C", "Increases strength, defense, dexterity, and agility by 15%", 25e6, "w"), "P90C" : new GangMemberUpgrade("P90C", "Increases strength and defense by 20%. Increases agility by 10%", 50e6, "w"), "Steyr AUG" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Steyr AUG", "Increases strength and defense by 25%", 60e6, "w"), "AK-47" : new GangMemberUpgrade("AK-47", "Increases strength and defense by 50%", 100e6, "w"), "M15A10 Assault Rifle" : new GangMemberUpgrade("M15A10 Assault Rifle", "Increases strength and defense by 60%", 150e6, "w"), "AWM Sniper Rifle" : new GangMemberUpgrade("AWM Sniper Rifle", "Increases strength, dexterity, and agility by 50%", 225e6, "w"), "Bulletproof Vest" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Bulletproof Vest", "Increases defense by 5%", 2e6, "a"), "Full Body Armor" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Full Body Armor", "Increases defense by 10%", 5e6, "a"), "Liquid Body Armor" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Liquid Body Armor", "Increases defense and agility by 25%", 25e6, "a"), "Graphene Plating Armor" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Graphene Plating Armor", "Increases defense by 50%", 40e6, "a"), "Ford Flex V20" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Ford Flex V20", "Increases agility and charisma by 10%", 3e6, "v"), "ATX1070 Superbike" : new GangMemberUpgrade("ATX1070 Superbike", "Increases agility and charisma by 15%", 9e6, "v"), "Mercedes-Benz S9001" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Mercedes-Benz S9001", "Increases agility and charisma by 20%", 18e6, "v"), "White Ferrari" : new GangMemberUpgrade("White Ferrari", "Increases agility and charisma by 25%", 30e6, "v"), "NUKE Rootkit" : new GangMemberUpgrade("NUKE Rootkit", "Increases hacking by 10%", 5e6, "r"), "Soulstealer Rootkit" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Soulstealer Rootkit", "Increases hacking by 20%", 15e6, "r"), "Demon Rootkit" : new GangMemberUpgrade("Demon Rootkit", "Increases hacking by 30%", 50e6, "r"), } //Create a pop-up box that lets player purchase upgrades let gangMemberUpgradeBoxOpened = false; function createGangMemberUpgradeBox(initialFilter="") { var boxId = "gang-member-upgrade-popup-box"; if (gangMemberUpgradeBoxOpened) { //Already opened, refreshing if (gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements == null || gangMemberUpgradeBox == null || gangMemberUpgradeBoxContent == null) { console.log("ERROR: Refreshing Gang member upgrade box throws error because required elements are null"); return; } for (var i = 1; i < gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements.length; ++i) { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__["removeElement"])(gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements[i]); } gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements = [gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter]; var filter = gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter.value.toString(); for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members.length; ++i) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members[i].name.indexOf(filter) > -1 || _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members[i].task.name.indexOf(filter) > -1) { var newPanel = createGangMemberUpgradePanel(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members[i]); gangMemberUpgradeBoxContent.appendChild(newPanel); gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements.push(newPanel); } } } else { //New popup gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("input", { type:"text", placeholder:"Filter gang members", value:initialFilter, onkeyup:()=>{ var filterValue = gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter.value.toString(); createGangMemberUpgradeBox(filterValue); } }); gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements = [gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter]; var filter = gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter.value.toString(); for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members.length; ++i) { if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members[i].name.indexOf(filter) > -1 || _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members[i].task.name.indexOf(filter) > -1) { gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements.push(createGangMemberUpgradePanel(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members[i])); } } gangMemberUpgradeBox = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createPopup__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__["createPopup"])(boxId, gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements); gangMemberUpgradeBoxContent = document.getElementById(boxId + "-content"); gangMemberUpgradeBoxOpened = true; } } //Create upgrade panels for each individual Gang Member function createGangMemberUpgradePanel(memberObj) { var container = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { border:"1px solid white", }); var header = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("h1", { innerText:memberObj.name + " (" + memberObj.task.name + ")" }); container.appendChild(header); var text = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("pre", { fontSize:"14px", display: "inline-block", width:"20%", innerText: "Hack: " + memberObj.hack + " (x" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.hack_mult, 2) + ")\n" + "Str: " + memberObj.str + " (x" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.str_mult, 2) + ")\n" + "Def: " + memberObj.def + " (x" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.def_mult, 2) + ")\n" + "Dex: " + memberObj.dex + " (x" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.dex_mult, 2) + ")\n" + "Agi: " + memberObj.agi + " (x" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.agi_mult, 2) + ")\n" + "Cha: " + memberObj.cha + " (x" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.cha_mult, 2) + ")\n", }); //Already purchased upgrades var ownedUpgradesElements = []; for (var i = 0; i < memberObj.upgrades.length; ++i) { var upg = GangMemberUpgrades[memberObj.upgrades[i]]; if (upg == null) { console.log("ERR: Could not find this upgrade: " + memberObj.upgrades[i]); continue; } var e = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { border:"1px solid white", innerText:memberObj.upgrades[i], margin:"1px", padding:"1px", tooltip:upg.desc, fontSize:"12px", }); ownedUpgradesElements.push(e); } var ownedUpgrades = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { display:"inline-block", marginLeft:"6px", width:"75%", innerText:"Purchased Upgrades:", }); for (var i = 0; i < ownedUpgradesElements.length; ++i) { ownedUpgrades.appendChild(ownedUpgradesElements[i]); } container.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(ownedUpgrades); container.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("br", {})); //Upgrade buttons. Only show upgrades that can be afforded var weaponUpgrades = [], armorUpgrades = [], vehicleUpgrades = [], rootkitUpgrades = []; for (var upgName in GangMemberUpgrades) { if (GangMemberUpgrades.hasOwnProperty(upgName)) { var upg = GangMemberUpgrades[upgName]; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(upg.cost) || memberObj.upgrades.includes(upgName)) {continue;} switch (upg.type) { case "w": weaponUpgrades.push(upg); break; case "a": armorUpgrades.push(upg); break; case "v": vehicleUpgrades.push(upg); break; case "r": rootkitUpgrades.push(upg); break; default: console.log("ERROR: Invalid Gang Member Upgrade Type: " + upg.type); } } } var weaponDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", {width:"20%", display:"inline-block",}); var armorDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", {width:"20%", display:"inline-block",}); var vehicleDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", {width:"20%", display:"inline-block",}); var rootkitDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", {width:"20%", display:"inline-block",}); var upgrades = [weaponUpgrades, armorUpgrades, vehicleUpgrades, rootkitUpgrades]; var divs = [weaponDiv, armorDiv, vehicleDiv, rootkitDiv]; for (var i = 0; i < upgrades.length; ++i) { var upgradeArray = upgrades[i]; var div = divs[i]; for (var j = 0; j < upgradeArray.length; ++j) { var upg = upgradeArray[j]; (function (upg, div, memberObj) { div.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("a", { innerText:upg.name + " - " + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(upg.cost).format("$0.000a"), class:"a-link-button", margin:"2px", padding:"2px", display:"block", fontSize:"12px", tooltip:upg.desc, clickListener:()=>{ if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].money.lt(upg.cost)) {return false;} _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].loseMoney(upg.cost); memberObj.upgrades.push(upg.name); upg.apply(memberObj); var initFilterValue = gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter.value.toString(); createGangMemberUpgradeBox(initFilterValue); return false; } })); })(upg, div, memberObj); } } container.appendChild(weaponDiv); container.appendChild(armorDiv); container.appendChild(vehicleDiv); container.appendChild(rootkitDiv); return container; } //Gang DOM elements let gangContentCreated = false, gangContainer = null, managementButton = null, territoryButton = null; //Subpages let gangManagementSubpage = null, gangTerritorySubpage = null; //Gang Management Elements let gangDesc = null, gangInfo = null, gangRecruitMemberButton = null, gangRecruitRequirementText = null, gangExpandAllButton = null, gangCollapseAllButton, gangMemberFilter = null, gangManageEquipmentButton = null, gangMemberList = null; //Gang Equipment Upgrade Elements let gangMemberUpgradeBox = null, gangMemberUpgradeBoxContent = null, gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter = null, gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements = null; //Gang Territory Elements let gangTerritoryDescText = null, gangTerritoryInfoText = null; function displayGangContent() { if (!gangContentCreated || gangContainer == null) { gangContentCreated = true; //Create gang container gangContainer = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { id:"gang-container", class:"generic-menupage-container", }); //Get variables var facName = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName, members = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members, wanted = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.wanted, respect = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respect; //Back button gangContainer.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", innerText:"Back", clickListener:()=>{ _engine__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Engine"].loadFactionContent(); Object(_Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* displayFactionContent */ "c"])(facName); return false; } })); //Buttons to switch between panels managementButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("a", { id:"gang-management-subpage-button", class:"a-link-button-inactive", display:"inline-block", innerHTML: "Gang Management (1)", clickListener:()=>{ gangManagementSubpage.style.display = "block"; gangTerritorySubpage.style.display = "none"; managementButton.classList.toggle("a-link-button-inactive"); managementButton.classList.toggle("a-link-button"); territoryButton.classList.toggle("a-link-button-inactive"); territoryButton.classList.toggle("a-link-button"); updateGangContent(); return false; } }) territoryButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("a", { id:"gang-territory-subpage-button", class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", innerHTML:"Gang Territory (2)", clickListener:()=>{ gangManagementSubpage.style.display = "none"; gangTerritorySubpage.style.display = "block"; managementButton.classList.toggle("a-link-button-inactive"); managementButton.classList.toggle("a-link-button"); territoryButton.classList.toggle("a-link-button-inactive"); territoryButton.classList.toggle("a-link-button"); updateGangContent(); return false; } }); gangContainer.appendChild(managementButton); gangContainer.appendChild(territoryButton); //Subpage for managing gang members gangManagementSubpage = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { display:"block", id:"gang-management-subpage", }); var lowerWantedTask = ""; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.isHackingGang) { lowerWantedTask = "Ethical Hacking"; } else { lowerWantedTask = "Vigilante Justice"; } gangDesc = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", {width:"70%", innerHTML: "This page is used to manage your gang members and get an overview of your " + "gang's stats.

" + "If a gang member is not earning much money or respect, the task that you " + "have assigned to that member might be too difficult. Consider training that " + "member's stats or choosing an easier task. The tasks closer to the " + "top of the dropdown list are generally easier. Alternatively, the gang member's " + "low production might be due to the fact that your wanted level is too high. " + "Consider assigning a few members to the '" + lowerWantedTask + "' " + "task to lower your wanted level.

" + "Installing Augmentations does NOT reset your progress with your Gang. " + "Furthermore, after installing Augmentations, you will " + "automatically be a member of whatever Faction you created your gang with.

" }); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangDesc); gangInfo = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", {id:"gang-info", width:"70%"}); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangInfo); gangRecruitMemberButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("a", { id:"gang-management-recruit-member-btn", class:"a-link-button-inactive", innerHTML:"Recruit Gang Member", display:"inline-block", margin:"10px", clickListener:()=>{ var yesBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetYesButton */ "j"])(), noBtn = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetNoButton */ "i"])(); yesBtn.innerHTML = "Recruit Gang Member"; noBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel"; yesBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var name = Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput */ "h"])(); if (name === "") { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You must enter a name for your Gang member!"); } else { for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members.length; ++i) { if (name == _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members[i].name) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("You already have a gang member with this name!"); return false; } } var member = new GangMember(name); _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members.push(member); createGangMemberDisplayElement(member); updateGangContent(); } Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); noBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{ Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxClose */ "f"])(); }); Object(_utils_YesNoBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__[/* yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate */ "g"])("Please enter a name for your new Gang member:"); return false; } }); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangRecruitMemberButton); //Text for how much reputation is required for recruiting next memberList gangRecruitRequirementText = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", {color:"red", id:"gang-recruit-requirement-text"}); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangRecruitRequirementText); //Gang Member List management buttons (Expand/Collapse All, select a single member) gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("br", {})); gangExpandAllButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", innerHTML:"Expand All", clickListener:()=>{ var allHeaders = gangManagementSubpage.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header"); for (var i = 0; i < allHeaders.length; ++i) { var hdr = allHeaders[i]; if (!hdr.classList.contains("active")) { hdr.click(); } } return false; } }); gangCollapseAllButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", innerHTML:"Collapse All", clickListener:()=>{ var allHeaders = gangManagementSubpage.getElementsByClassName("accordion-header"); for (var i = 0; i < allHeaders.length; ++i) { var hdr = allHeaders[i]; if (hdr.classList.contains("active")) { hdr.click(); } } return false; } }); gangMemberFilter = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("input", { type:"text", placeholder:"Filter gang members", margin:"5px", padding:"5px", onkeyup:()=>{ displayGangMemberList(); } }); gangManageEquipmentButton = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("a", { class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block", innerHTML:"Manage Equipment", clickListener:()=>{ createGangMemberUpgradeBox(); } }); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangExpandAllButton); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangCollapseAllButton); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangMemberFilter); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangManageEquipmentButton); //Gang Member list gangMemberList = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("ul", {id:"gang-member-list"}); displayGangMemberList(); gangManagementSubpage.appendChild(gangMemberList); //Subpage for seeing gang territory information gangTerritorySubpage = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { id:"gang-territory-subpage", display:"none" }); //Info text for territory page gangTerritoryDescText = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", { width:"70%", innerHTML:"This page shows how much territory your Gang controls. This statistic is listed as a percentage, " + "which represents how much of the total territory you control.

" + "Territory gain and loss is processed automatically and is updated every ~30 seconds. Your chances " + "to gain and lose territory depend on your Gang's power, which is listed in the display below. " + "Your gang's power is determined by the stats of all Gang members you have assigned to the " + "'Territory Warfare' task. Gang members that are not assigned to this task do not contribute to " + "your Gang's power.

" + "The amount of territory you have affects all aspects of your Gang members' production, including " + "money, respect, and wanted level. It is very beneficial to have high territory control.

" }); gangTerritorySubpage.appendChild(gangTerritoryDescText); var territoryBorder = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("fieldset", {width:"50%", display:"inline-block"}); gangTerritoryInfoText = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", {id:"gang-territory-info"}); territoryBorder.appendChild(gangTerritoryInfoText); gangTerritorySubpage.appendChild(territoryBorder); gangContainer.appendChild(gangTerritorySubpage); gangContainer.appendChild(gangManagementSubpage); document.getElementById("entire-game-container").appendChild(gangContainer); } gangContainer.style.display = "block"; updateGangContent(); } function displayGangMemberList() { Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(gangMemberList); var members = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members; var filter = gangMemberFilter.value.toString(); for (var i = 0; i < members.length; ++i) { if (members[i].name.indexOf(filter) > -1 || members[i].task.name.indexOf(filter) > -1) { createGangMemberDisplayElement(members[i]); } } //setGangMemberClickHandlers(); //Set buttons to toggle the gang member info panels } function updateGangContent() { if (!gangContentCreated || !_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) {return;} if(gangTerritorySubpage.style.display === "block") { //Update territory information gangTerritoryInfoText.innerHTML = ""; for (var gangname in AllGangs) { if (AllGangs.hasOwnProperty(gangname)) { var gangTerritoryInfo = AllGangs[gangname]; let territory = gangTerritoryInfo.territory*100; //Fix some rounding issues graphically let displayNumber; if (territory <= 0) { displayNumber = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(0, 2); } else if (territory >= 100) { displayNumber = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(100, 2); } else { displayNumber = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(territory, 2); } if (gangname == _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName) { gangTerritoryInfoText.innerHTML += ("" + gangname + "
(Power: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(gangTerritoryInfo.power, 6) + "): " + displayNumber + "%

"); } else { gangTerritoryInfoText.innerHTML += (gangname + "
(Power: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(gangTerritoryInfo.power, 6) + "): " + displayNumber + "%

"); } } } } else { //Update information for overall gang if (gangInfo instanceof Element) { var faction = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Factions */ "b"][_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName]; var rep; if (!(faction instanceof _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Faction */ "a"])) { rep = "ERROR"; } else { rep = faction.playerReputation; } Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeChildrenFromElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__["removeChildrenFromElement"])(gangInfo); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", { //Respect display:"inline-block", innerText:"Respect: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respect, 6) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(5*_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respectGainRate, 6) + " / sec)", tooltip:"Represents the amount of respect your gang has from other gangs and criminal " + "organizations. Your respect affects the amount of money " + "your gang members will earn, and also determines how much " + "reputation you are earning with your gang's corresponding Faction." })); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("br", {})); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", { //Wanted level display:"inline-block", innerText:"Wanted Level: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.wanted, 6) + " (" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(5*_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.wantedGainRate, 6) + " / sec)", tooltip:"Represents how much the gang is wanted by law enforcement. The higher " + "your gang's wanted level, the harder it will be for your gang members " + "to make money and earn respect. Note that the minimum wanted level is 1." })); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("br", {})); var wantedPenalty = (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respect) / (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.respect + _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.wanted); wantedPenalty = (1 - wantedPenalty) * 100; gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", { //Wanted Level multiplier display:"inline-block", innerText:"Wanted Level Penalty: -" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(wantedPenalty, 2) + "%", tooltip:"Penalty for respect and money gain rates due to Wanted Level" })); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("br", {})); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", { //Money gain rate display:"inline-block", innerText:"Money gain rate: $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(5*_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.moneyGainRate, 2) + " / sec", })); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("br", {})); //Fix some rounding issues graphically var territoryMult = AllGangs[_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName].territory * 100; let displayNumber; if (territoryMult <= 0) { displayNumber = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(0, 2); } else if (territoryMult >= 100) { displayNumber = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(100, 2); } else { displayNumber = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(territoryMult, 2); } gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", { //Territory multiplier display:"inline-block", innerText:"Territory: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(displayNumber, 3) + "%", tooltip:"The percentage of total territory your Gang controls" })); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("br", {})); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", { //Faction reputation display:"inline-block", innerText:"Faction reputation: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(rep, 3) })); gangInfo.appendChild(Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("br", {})); } else { console.log("ERROR: gang-info DOM element DNE"); } //Toggle the 'Recruit member button' if valid var numMembers = _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members.length; var repCost = 0; if (numMembers > 0) { var repCost = Math.pow(_Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].GangRecruitCostMultiplier, numMembers); } var faction = _Faction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[/* Factions */ "b"][_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.facName]; if (faction == null) { Object(_utils_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Could not find your gang's faction. This is probably a bug please report to dev"); return; } var btn = gangRecruitMemberButton; if (numMembers >= _Constants__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* CONSTANTS */ "a"].MaximumGangMembers) { btn.className = "a-link-button-inactive"; gangRecruitRequirementText.style.display = "block"; gangRecruitRequirementText.innerHTML = "You have reached the maximum amount of gang members"; } else if (faction.playerReputation >= repCost) { btn.className = "a-link-button"; gangRecruitRequirementText.style.display = "none"; } else { btn.className = "a-link-button-inactive"; gangRecruitRequirementText.style.display = "block"; gangRecruitRequirementText.innerHTML = Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(repCost, 2) + " Faction reputation needed to recruit next member"; } //Update information for each gang member for (var i = 0; i < _Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members.length; ++i) { updateGangMemberDisplayElement(_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.members[i]); } } } //Takes in a GangMember object function createGangMemberDisplayElement(memberObj) { if (!gangContentCreated || !_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) {return;} var name = memberObj.name; var accordion = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createAccordionElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["createAccordionElement"])({ id:name + "gang-member", hdrText:name, }); var li = accordion[0]; var hdr = accordion[1]; var gangMemberDiv = accordion[2]; //Gang member content divided into 3 panels: //Stats Panel var statsDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { id: name + "gang-member-stats", class: "gang-member-info-div", width:"30%", display:"inline" }); var statsP = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", { id:name + "gang-member-stats-text", display:"inline" }); statsDiv.appendChild(statsP); //statsDiv.appendChild(upgradeButton); //Panel for Selecting task and show respect/wanted gain var taskDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { id: name + "gang-member-task", class:"gang-member-info-div", width:"30%", display:"inline" }); var taskSelector = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("select", { color:"white", backgroundColor:"black", id:name + "gang-member-task-selector" }); var tasks = null; if (_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].gang.isHackingGang) { tasks = ["---", "Ransomware", "Phishing", "Identity Theft", "DDoS Attacks", "Plant Virus", "Fraud & Counterfeiting","Money Laundering", "Cyberterrorism", "Ethical Hacking", "Train Combat", "Train Hacking", "Territory Warfare"]; } else { tasks = ["---", "Mug People", "Deal Drugs", "Run a Con", "Armed Robbery", "Traffick Illegal Arms", "Threaten & Blackmail", "Terrorism", "Vigilante Justice", "Train Combat", "Train Hacking", "Territory Warfare"]; } for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; ++i) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = tasks[i]; taskSelector.add(option); } taskSelector.addEventListener("change", function() { var task = taskSelector.options[taskSelector.selectedIndex].text; memberObj.assignToTask(task); setGangMemberTaskDescription(memberObj, task); updateGangContent(); }); //Set initial task in selector element if (memberObj.task instanceof GangMemberTask) { var taskName = memberObj.task.name; var taskIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; ++i) { if (taskName == tasks[i]) { taskIndex = i; break; } } taskSelector.selectedIndex = taskIndex; } var gainInfo = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", {id:name + "gang-member-gain-info"}); taskDiv.appendChild(taskSelector); taskDiv.appendChild(gainInfo); //Panel for Description of task var taskDescDiv = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("div", { id:name + "gang-member-task-desc", class:"gang-member-info-div", width:"30%", display:"inline" }); var taskDescP = Object(_utils_uiHelpers_createElement__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__["createElement"])("p", {id: name + "gang-member-task-description", display:"inline"}); taskDescDiv.appendChild(taskDescP); statsDiv.style.width = "30%"; taskDiv.style.width = "30%"; taskDescDiv.style.width = "30%"; statsDiv.style.display = "inline"; taskDiv.style.display = "inline"; taskDescDiv.style.display = "inline"; gangMemberDiv.appendChild(statsDiv); gangMemberDiv.appendChild(taskDiv); gangMemberDiv.appendChild(taskDescDiv); gangMemberList.appendChild(li); setGangMemberTaskDescription(memberObj, taskName); //Initialize description updateGangMemberDisplayElement(memberObj); } function updateGangMemberDisplayElement(memberObj) { if (!gangContentCreated || !_Player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[/* Player */ "a"].inGang()) {return;} var name = memberObj.name; //TODO Add upgrade information var stats = document.getElementById(name + "gang-member-stats-text"); if (stats) { stats.innerHTML = "Hacking: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.hack, 0) + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(memberObj.hack_exp).format('(0.00a)') + " exp)
" + "Strength: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.str, 0) + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(memberObj.str_exp).format('(0.00a)') + " exp)
" + "Defense: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.def, 0) + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(memberObj.def_exp).format('(0.00a)') + " exp)
" + "Dexterity: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.dex, 0) + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(memberObj.dex_exp).format('(0.00a)') + " exp)
" + "Agility: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.agi, 0) + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(memberObj.agi_exp).format('(0.00a)') + " exp)
" + "Charisma: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(memberObj.cha, 0) + " (" + numeral_min_numeral_min__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9___default()(memberObj.cha_exp).format('(0.00a)') + " exp)
"; } var gainInfo = document.getElementById(name + "gang-member-gain-info"); if (gainInfo) { gainInfo.innerHTML = "Money: $" + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(5*memberObj.calculateMoneyGain(), 2) + " / sec
" + "Respect: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(5*memberObj.calculateRespectGain(), 6) + " / sec
" + "Wanted Level: " + Object(_utils_StringHelperFunctions__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__["formatNumber"])(5*memberObj.calculateWantedLevelGain(), 6) + " / sec
"; } } function setGangMemberTaskDescription(memberObj, taskName) { var name = memberObj.name; var taskDesc = document.getElementById(name + "gang-member-task-description"); if (taskDesc) { var task = GangMemberTasks[taskName]; if (task == null) {return;} var desc = task.desc; taskDesc.innerHTML = desc; } } function deleteGangDisplayContent() { if (gangContainer != null) {Object(_utils_uiHelpers_removeElementById__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__["removeElementById"])(gangContainer.id);} gangContentCreated = false; gangContainer = null; managementButton = null; territoryButton = null; //Subpages gangManagementSubpage = null; gangTerritorySubpage = null; //Gang Management Elements gangDesc = null; gangInfo = null; gangRecruitMemberButton = null; gangRecruitRequirementText = null; gangExpandAllButton = null; gangCollapseAllButton = null; gangMemberFilter = null; gangManageEquipmentButton = null; gangMemberList = null; //Gang Equipment Upgrade Elements gangMemberUpgradeBox = null; gangMemberUpgradeBoxContent = null; gangMemberUpgradeBoxFilter = null; gangMemberUpgradeBoxElements = null; } /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ 51))) /***/ }), /* 41 */ /*!*****************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/helpers/exceptionAlert.js ***! \*****************************************/ /*! exports provided: exceptionAlert */ /*! exports used: exceptionAlert */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return exceptionAlert; }); /* harmony import */ var _DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../DialogBox */ 8); function exceptionAlert(e) { Object(_DialogBox__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["dialogBoxCreate"])("Caught an exception: " + e + "

" + "Filename: " + (e.fileName || "UNKNOWN FILE NAME") + "

" + "Line Number: " + (e.lineNumber || "UNKNOWN LINE NUMBER") + "

" + "This is a bug, please report to game developer with this " + "message as well as details about how to reproduce the bug.

" + "If you want to be safe, I suggest refreshing the game WITHOUT saving so that your " + "safe doesn't get corrupted"); } /***/ }), /* 42 */ /*!************************************!*\ !*** ./utils/helpers/addOffset.ts ***! \************************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used: addOffset */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /** * Adds a random offset to a number within a certain percentage * @example * // Returns between 95-105 * addOffset(100, 5); * @example * // Returns between 63-77 * addOffSet(70, 10); * @param midpoint The number to be the midpoint of the offset range * @param percentage The percentage (in a range of 0-100) to offset */ function addOffset(midpoint, percentage) { const maxPercent = 100; if (percentage < 0 || percentage > maxPercent) { return midpoint; } const offset = midpoint * (percentage / maxPercent); // Double the range to account for both sides of the midpoint. // tslint:disable-next-line:no-magic-numbers return midpoint + ((Math.random() * (offset * 2)) - offset); } exports.addOffset = addOffset; /***/ }), /* 43 */ /*!************************!*\ !*** ./utils/acorn.js ***! \************************/ /*! no static exports found */ /*! exports used: Node, parse */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* acorn.js https://github.com/ternjs/acorn Copyright (C) 2012-2017 by various contributors (see AUTHORS) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ (function (global, factory) { true ? factory(exports) : undefined; }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; // Reserved word lists for various dialects of the language var reservedWords = { 3: "abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile", 5: "class enum extends super const export import", 6: "enum", strict: "implements interface let package private protected public static yield", strictBind: "eval arguments" } // And the keywords var ecma5AndLessKeywords = "break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this" var keywords = { 5: ecma5AndLessKeywords, 6: ecma5AndLessKeywords + " const class extends export import super" } // ## Character categories // Big ugly regular expressions that match characters in the // whitespace, identifier, and identifier-start categories. These // are only applied when a character is found to actually have a // code point above 128. // Generated by `bin/generate-identifier-regex.js`. var nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = "\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u037f\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u048a-\u052f\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05d0-\u05ea\u05f0-\u05f2\u0620-\u064a\u066e\u066f\u0671-\u06d3\u06d5\u06e5\u06e6\u06ee\u06ef\u06fa-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710\u0712-\u072f\u074d-\u07a5\u07b1\u07ca-\u07ea\u07f4\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u0815\u081a\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08a0-\u08b4\u08b6-\u08bd\u0904-\u0939\u093d\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bd\u09ce\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e1\u09f0\u09f1\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a72-\u0a74\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abd\u0ad0\u0ae0\u0ae1\u0af9\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3d\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b61\u0b71\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bd0\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c39\u0c3d\u0c58-\u0c5a\u0c60\u0c61\u0c80\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbd\u0cde\u0ce0\u0ce1\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d\u0d4e\u0d54-\u0d56\u0d5f-\u0d61\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0e01-\u0e30\u0e32\u0e33\u0e40-\u0e46\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb0\u0eb2\u0eb3\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f40-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f88-\u0f8c\u1000-\u102a\u103f\u1050-\u1055\u105a-\u105d\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106e-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108e\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f5\u13f8-\u13fd\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f8\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1780-\u17b3\u17d7\u17dc\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18a8\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191e\u1950-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19b0-\u19c9\u1a00-\u1a16\u1a20-\u1a54\u1aa7\u1b05-\u1b33\u1b45-\u1b4b\u1b83-\u1ba0\u1bae\u1baf\u1bba-\u1be5\u1c00-\u1c23\u1c4d-\u1c4f\u1c5a-\u1c7d\u1c80-\u1c88\u1ce9-\u1cec\u1cee-\u1cf1\u1cf5\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1dbf\u1e00-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2118-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cee\u2cf2\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d80-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u309b-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312d\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fd5\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua61f\ua62a\ua62b\ua640-\ua66e\ua67f-\ua69d\ua6a0-\ua6ef\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua7ae\ua7b0-\ua7b7\ua7f7-\ua801\ua803-\ua805\ua807-\ua80a\ua80c-\ua822\ua840-\ua873\ua882-\ua8b3\ua8f2-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua8fd\ua90a-\ua925\ua930-\ua946\ua960-\ua97c\ua984-\ua9b2\ua9cf\ua9e0-\ua9e4\ua9e6-\ua9ef\ua9fa-\ua9fe\uaa00-\uaa28\uaa40-\uaa42\uaa44-\uaa4b\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa7e-\uaaaf\uaab1\uaab5\uaab6\uaab9-\uaabd\uaac0\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaea\uaaf2-\uaaf4\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uab30-\uab5a\uab5c-\uab65\uab70-\uabe2\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d\ufb1f-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff21-\uff3a\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc" var nonASCIIidentifierChars = "\u200c\u200d\xb7\u0300-\u036f\u0387\u0483-\u0487\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u064b-\u0669\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06df-\u06e4\u06e7\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u06f0-\u06f9\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0\u07c0-\u07c9\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0859-\u085b\u08d4-\u08e1\u08e3-\u0903\u093a-\u093c\u093e-\u094f\u0951-\u0957\u0962\u0963\u0966-\u096f\u0981-\u0983\u09bc\u09be-\u09c4\u09c7\u09c8\u09cb-\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2\u09e3\u09e6-\u09ef\u0a01-\u0a03\u0a3c\u0a3e-\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a66-\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a83\u0abc\u0abe-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac9\u0acb-\u0acd\u0ae2\u0ae3\u0ae6-\u0aef\u0b01-\u0b03\u0b3c\u0b3e-\u0b44\u0b47\u0b48\u0b4b-\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b62\u0b63\u0b66-\u0b6f\u0b82\u0bbe-\u0bc2\u0bc6-\u0bc8\u0bca-\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0be6-\u0bef\u0c00-\u0c03\u0c3e-\u0c44\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62\u0c63\u0c66-\u0c6f\u0c81-\u0c83\u0cbc\u0cbe-\u0cc4\u0cc6-\u0cc8\u0cca-\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2\u0ce3\u0ce6-\u0cef\u0d01-\u0d03\u0d3e-\u0d44\u0d46-\u0d48\u0d4a-\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62\u0d63\u0d66-\u0d6f\u0d82\u0d83\u0dca\u0dcf-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0dd8-\u0ddf\u0de6-\u0def\u0df2\u0df3\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0e50-\u0e59\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ebb\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0ed0-\u0ed9\u0f18\u0f19\u0f20-\u0f29\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f3e\u0f3f\u0f71-\u0f84\u0f86\u0f87\u0f8d-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102b-\u103e\u1040-\u1049\u1056-\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1062-\u1064\u1067-\u106d\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108d\u108f-\u109d\u135d-\u135f\u1369-\u1371\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17b4-\u17d3\u17dd\u17e0-\u17e9\u180b-\u180d\u1810-\u1819\u18a9\u1920-\u192b\u1930-\u193b\u1946-\u194f\u19d0-\u19da\u1a17-\u1a1b\u1a55-\u1a5e\u1a60-\u1a7c\u1a7f-\u1a89\u1a90-\u1a99\u1ab0-\u1abd\u1b00-\u1b04\u1b34-\u1b44\u1b50-\u1b59\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80-\u1b82\u1ba1-\u1bad\u1bb0-\u1bb9\u1be6-\u1bf3\u1c24-\u1c37\u1c40-\u1c49\u1c50-\u1c59\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1cf2-\u1cf4\u1cf8\u1cf9\u1dc0-\u1df5\u1dfb-\u1dff\u203f\u2040\u2054\u20d0-\u20dc\u20e1\u20e5-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1\u2d7f\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302f\u3099\u309a\ua620-\ua629\ua66f\ua674-\ua67d\ua69e\ua69f\ua6f0\ua6f1\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua823-\ua827\ua880\ua881\ua8b4-\ua8c5\ua8d0-\ua8d9\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua900-\ua909\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua953\ua980-\ua983\ua9b3-\ua9c0\ua9d0-\ua9d9\ua9e5\ua9f0-\ua9f9\uaa29-\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaa4d\uaa50-\uaa59\uaa7b-\uaa7d\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7\uaab8\uaabe\uaabf\uaac1\uaaeb-\uaaef\uaaf5\uaaf6\uabe3-\uabea\uabec\uabed\uabf0-\uabf9\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe2f\ufe33\ufe34\ufe4d-\ufe4f\uff10-\uff19\uff3f" var nonASCIIidentifierStart = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + "]") var nonASCIIidentifier = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierChars + "]") nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = nonASCIIidentifierChars = null // These are a run-length and offset encoded representation of the // >0xffff code points that are a valid part of identifiers. The // offset starts at 0x10000, and each pair of numbers represents an // offset to the next range, and then a size of the range. They were // generated by bin/generate-identifier-regex.js // eslint-disable-next-line comma-spacing var astralIdentifierStartCodes = [0,11,2,25,2,18,2,1,2,14,3,13,35,122,70,52,268,28,4,48,48,31,17,26,6,37,11,29,3,35,5,7,2,4,43,157,19,35,5,35,5,39,9,51,157,310,10,21,11,7,153,5,3,0,2,43,2,1,4,0,3,22,11,22,10,30,66,18,2,1,11,21,11,25,71,55,7,1,65,0,16,3,2,2,2,26,45,28,4,28,36,7,2,27,28,53,11,21,11,18,14,17,111,72,56,50,14,50,785,52,76,44,33,24,27,35,42,34,4,0,13,47,15,3,22,0,2,0,36,17,2,24,85,6,2,0,2,3,2,14,2,9,8,46,39,7,3,1,3,21,2,6,2,1,2,4,4,0,19,0,13,4,159,52,19,3,54,47,21,1,2,0,185,46,42,3,37,47,21,0,60,42,86,25,391,63,32,0,449,56,264,8,2,36,18,0,50,29,881,921,103,110,18,195,2749,1070,4050,582,8634,568,8,30,114,29,19,47,17,3,32,20,6,18,881,68,12,0,67,12,65,0,32,6124,20,754,9486,1,3071,106,6,12,4,8,8,9,5991,84,2,70,2,1,3,0,3,1,3,3,2,11,2,0,2,6,2,64,2,3,3,7,2,6,2,27,2,3,2,4,2,0,4,6,2,339,3,24,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,7,4149,196,60,67,1213,3,2,26,2,1,2,0,3,0,2,9,2,3,2,0,2,0,7,0,5,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,2,1,2,0,3,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,1,2,0,3,3,2,6,2,3,2,3,2,0,2,9,2,16,6,2,2,4,2,16,4421,42710,42,4148,12,221,3,5761,10591,541] // eslint-disable-next-line comma-spacing var astralIdentifierCodes = [509,0,227,0,150,4,294,9,1368,2,2,1,6,3,41,2,5,0,166,1,1306,2,54,14,32,9,16,3,46,10,54,9,7,2,37,13,2,9,52,0,13,2,49,13,10,2,4,9,83,11,7,0,161,11,6,9,7,3,57,0,2,6,3,1,3,2,10,0,11,1,3,6,4,4,193,17,10,9,87,19,13,9,214,6,3,8,28,1,83,16,16,9,82,12,9,9,84,14,5,9,423,9,838,7,2,7,17,9,57,21,2,13,19882,9,135,4,60,6,26,9,1016,45,17,3,19723,1,5319,4,4,5,9,7,3,6,31,3,149,2,1418,49,513,54,5,49,9,0,15,0,23,4,2,14,1361,6,2,16,3,6,2,1,2,4,2214,6,110,6,6,9,792487,239] // This has a complexity linear to the value of the code. The // assumption is that looking up astral identifier characters is // rare. function isInAstralSet(code, set) { var pos = 0x10000 for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i += 2) { pos += set[i] if (pos > code) return false pos += set[i + 1] if (pos >= code) return true } } // Test whether a given character code starts an identifier. function isIdentifierStart(code, astral) { if (code < 65) return code === 36 if (code < 91) return true if (code < 97) return code === 95 if (code < 123) return true if (code <= 0xffff) return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifierStart.test(String.fromCharCode(code)) if (astral === false) return false return isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierStartCodes) } // Test whether a given character is part of an identifier. function isIdentifierChar(code, astral) { if (code < 48) return code === 36 if (code < 58) return true if (code < 65) return false if (code < 91) return true if (code < 97) return code === 95 if (code < 123) return true if (code <= 0xffff) return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifier.test(String.fromCharCode(code)) if (astral === false) return false return isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierStartCodes) || isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierCodes) } // ## Token types // The assignment of fine-grained, information-carrying type objects // allows the tokenizer to store the information it has about a // token in a way that is very cheap for the parser to look up. // All token type variables start with an underscore, to make them // easy to recognize. // The `beforeExpr` property is used to disambiguate between regular // expressions and divisions. It is set on all token types that can // be followed by an expression (thus, a slash after them would be a // regular expression). // // The `startsExpr` property is used to check if the token ends a // `yield` expression. It is set on all token types that either can // directly start an expression (like a quotation mark) or can // continue an expression (like the body of a string). // // `isLoop` marks a keyword as starting a loop, which is important // to know when parsing a label, in order to allow or disallow // continue jumps to that label. var TokenType = function TokenType(label, conf) { if ( conf === void 0 ) conf = {}; this.label = label this.keyword = conf.keyword this.beforeExpr = !!conf.beforeExpr this.startsExpr = !!conf.startsExpr this.isLoop = !!conf.isLoop this.isAssign = !!conf.isAssign this.prefix = !!conf.prefix this.postfix = !!conf.postfix this.binop = conf.binop || null this.updateContext = null }; function binop(name, prec) { return new TokenType(name, {beforeExpr: true, binop: prec}) } var beforeExpr = {beforeExpr: true}; var startsExpr = {startsExpr: true}; // Map keyword names to token types. var keywordTypes = {} // Succinct definitions of keyword token types function kw(name, options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; options.keyword = name return keywordTypes[name] = new TokenType(name, options) } var tt = { num: new TokenType("num", startsExpr), regexp: new TokenType("regexp", startsExpr), string: new TokenType("string", startsExpr), name: new TokenType("name", startsExpr), eof: new TokenType("eof"), // Punctuation token types. bracketL: new TokenType("[", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), bracketR: new TokenType("]"), braceL: new TokenType("{", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), braceR: new TokenType("}"), parenL: new TokenType("(", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), parenR: new TokenType(")"), comma: new TokenType(",", beforeExpr), semi: new TokenType(";", beforeExpr), colon: new TokenType(":", beforeExpr), dot: new TokenType("."), question: new TokenType("?", beforeExpr), arrow: new TokenType("=>", beforeExpr), template: new TokenType("template"), ellipsis: new TokenType("...", beforeExpr), backQuote: new TokenType("`", startsExpr), dollarBraceL: new TokenType("${", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), // Operators. These carry several kinds of properties to help the // parser use them properly (the presence of these properties is // what categorizes them as operators). // // `binop`, when present, specifies that this operator is a binary // operator, and will refer to its precedence. // // `prefix` and `postfix` mark the operator as a prefix or postfix // unary operator. // // `isAssign` marks all of `=`, `+=`, `-=` etcetera, which act as // binary operators with a very low precedence, that should result // in AssignmentExpression nodes. eq: new TokenType("=", {beforeExpr: true, isAssign: true}), assign: new TokenType("_=", {beforeExpr: true, isAssign: true}), incDec: new TokenType("++/--", {prefix: true, postfix: true, startsExpr: true}), prefix: new TokenType("prefix", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}), logicalOR: binop("||", 1), logicalAND: binop("&&", 2), bitwiseOR: binop("|", 3), bitwiseXOR: binop("^", 4), bitwiseAND: binop("&", 5), equality: binop("==/!=", 6), relational: binop("", 7), bitShift: binop("<>", 8), plusMin: new TokenType("+/-", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 9, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}), modulo: binop("%", 10), star: binop("*", 10), slash: binop("/", 10), starstar: new TokenType("**", {beforeExpr: true}), // Keyword token types. _break: kw("break"), _case: kw("case", beforeExpr), _catch: kw("catch"), _continue: kw("continue"), _debugger: kw("debugger"), _default: kw("default", beforeExpr), _do: kw("do", {isLoop: true, beforeExpr: true}), _else: kw("else", beforeExpr), _finally: kw("finally"), _for: kw("for", {isLoop: true}), _function: kw("function", startsExpr), _if: kw("if"), _return: kw("return", beforeExpr), _switch: kw("switch"), _throw: kw("throw", beforeExpr), _try: kw("try"), _var: kw("var"), _const: kw("const"), _while: kw("while", {isLoop: true}), _with: kw("with"), _new: kw("new", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), _this: kw("this", startsExpr), _super: kw("super", startsExpr), _class: kw("class"), _extends: kw("extends", beforeExpr), _export: kw("export"), _import: kw("import"), _null: kw("null", startsExpr), _true: kw("true", startsExpr), _false: kw("false", startsExpr), _in: kw("in", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 7}), _instanceof: kw("instanceof", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 7}), _typeof: kw("typeof", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}), _void: kw("void", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}), _delete: kw("delete", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}) } // Matches a whole line break (where CRLF is considered a single // line break). Used to count lines. var lineBreak = /\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029/ var lineBreakG = new RegExp(lineBreak.source, "g") function isNewLine(code) { return code === 10 || code === 13 || code === 0x2028 || code === 0x2029 } var nonASCIIwhitespace = /[\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]/ var skipWhiteSpace = /(?:\s|\/\/.*|\/\*[^]*?\*\/)*/g var ref = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = ref.hasOwnProperty; var toString = ref.toString; // Checks if an object has a property. function has(obj, propName) { return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, propName) } var isArray = Array.isArray || (function (obj) { return ( toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]" ); }) // These are used when `options.locations` is on, for the // `startLoc` and `endLoc` properties. var Position = function Position(line, col) { this.line = line this.column = col }; Position.prototype.offset = function offset (n) { return new Position(this.line, this.column + n) }; var SourceLocation = function SourceLocation(p, start, end) { this.start = start this.end = end if (p.sourceFile !== null) this.source = p.sourceFile }; // The `getLineInfo` function is mostly useful when the // `locations` option is off (for performance reasons) and you // want to find the line/column position for a given character // offset. `input` should be the code string that the offset refers // into. function getLineInfo(input, offset) { for (var line = 1, cur = 0;;) { lineBreakG.lastIndex = cur var match = lineBreakG.exec(input) if (match && match.index < offset) { ++line cur = match.index + match[0].length } else { return new Position(line, offset - cur) } } } // A second optional argument can be given to further configure // the parser process. These options are recognized: var defaultOptions = { // `ecmaVersion` indicates the ECMAScript version to parse. Must // be either 3, 5, 6 (2015), 7 (2016), or 8 (2017). This influences support // for strict mode, the set of reserved words, and support for // new syntax features. The default is 7. ecmaVersion: 7, // `sourceType` indicates the mode the code should be parsed in. // Can be either `"script"` or `"module"`. This influences global // strict mode and parsing of `import` and `export` declarations. sourceType: "script", // `onInsertedSemicolon` can be a callback that will be called // when a semicolon is automatically inserted. It will be passed // th position of the comma as an offset, and if `locations` is // enabled, it is given the location as a `{line, column}` object // as second argument. onInsertedSemicolon: null, // `onTrailingComma` is similar to `onInsertedSemicolon`, but for // trailing commas. onTrailingComma: null, // By default, reserved words are only enforced if ecmaVersion >= 5. // Set `allowReserved` to a boolean value to explicitly turn this on // an off. When this option has the value "never", reserved words // and keywords can also not be used as property names. allowReserved: null, // When enabled, a return at the top level is not considered an // error. allowReturnOutsideFunction: false, // When enabled, import/export statements are not constrained to // appearing at the top of the program. allowImportExportEverywhere: false, // When enabled, hashbang directive in the beginning of file // is allowed and treated as a line comment. allowHashBang: false, // When `locations` is on, `loc` properties holding objects with // `start` and `end` properties in `{line, column}` form (with // line being 1-based and column 0-based) will be attached to the // nodes. locations: false, // A function can be passed as `onToken` option, which will // cause Acorn to call that function with object in the same // format as tokens returned from `tokenizer().getToken()`. Note // that you are not allowed to call the parser from the // callback—that will corrupt its internal state. onToken: null, // A function can be passed as `onComment` option, which will // cause Acorn to call that function with `(block, text, start, // end)` parameters whenever a comment is skipped. `block` is a // boolean indicating whether this is a block (`/* */`) comment, // `text` is the content of the comment, and `start` and `end` are // character offsets that denote the start and end of the comment. // When the `locations` option is on, two more parameters are // passed, the full `{line, column}` locations of the start and // end of the comments. Note that you are not allowed to call the // parser from the callback—that will corrupt its internal state. onComment: null, // Nodes have their start and end characters offsets recorded in // `start` and `end` properties (directly on the node, rather than // the `loc` object, which holds line/column data. To also add a // [semi-standardized][range] `range` property holding a `[start, // end]` array with the same numbers, set the `ranges` option to // `true`. // // [range]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=745678 ranges: false, // It is possible to parse multiple files into a single AST by // passing the tree produced by parsing the first file as // `program` option in subsequent parses. This will add the // toplevel forms of the parsed file to the `Program` (top) node // of an existing parse tree. program: null, // When `locations` is on, you can pass this to record the source // file in every node's `loc` object. sourceFile: null, // This value, if given, is stored in every node, whether // `locations` is on or off. directSourceFile: null, // When enabled, parenthesized expressions are represented by // (non-standard) ParenthesizedExpression nodes preserveParens: false, plugins: {} } // Interpret and default an options object function getOptions(opts) { var options = {} for (var opt in defaultOptions) options[opt] = opts && has(opts, opt) ? opts[opt] : defaultOptions[opt] if (options.ecmaVersion >= 2015) options.ecmaVersion -= 2009 if (options.allowReserved == null) options.allowReserved = options.ecmaVersion < 5 if (isArray(options.onToken)) { var tokens = options.onToken options.onToken = function (token) { return tokens.push(token); } } if (isArray(options.onComment)) options.onComment = pushComment(options, options.onComment) return options } function pushComment(options, array) { return function(block, text, start, end, startLoc, endLoc) { var comment = { type: block ? "Block" : "Line", value: text, start: start, end: end } if (options.locations) comment.loc = new SourceLocation(this, startLoc, endLoc) if (options.ranges) comment.range = [start, end] array.push(comment) } } // Registered plugins var plugins = {} function keywordRegexp(words) { return new RegExp("^(" + words.replace(/ /g, "|") + ")$") } var Parser = function Parser(options, input, startPos) { this.options = options = getOptions(options) this.sourceFile = options.sourceFile this.keywords = keywordRegexp(keywords[options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? 6 : 5]) var reserved = "" if (!options.allowReserved) { for (var v = options.ecmaVersion;; v--) if (reserved = reservedWords[v]) break if (options.sourceType == "module") reserved += " await" } this.reservedWords = keywordRegexp(reserved) var reservedStrict = (reserved ? reserved + " " : "") + reservedWords.strict this.reservedWordsStrict = keywordRegexp(reservedStrict) this.reservedWordsStrictBind = keywordRegexp(reservedStrict + " " + reservedWords.strictBind) this.input = String(input) // Used to signal to callers of `readWord1` whether the word // contained any escape sequences. This is needed because words with // escape sequences must not be interpreted as keywords. this.containsEsc = false // Load plugins this.loadPlugins(options.plugins) // Set up token state // The current position of the tokenizer in the input. if (startPos) { this.pos = startPos this.lineStart = this.input.lastIndexOf("\n", startPos - 1) + 1 this.curLine = this.input.slice(0, this.lineStart).split(lineBreak).length } else { this.pos = this.lineStart = 0 this.curLine = 1 } // Properties of the current token: // Its type this.type = tt.eof // For tokens that include more information than their type, the value this.value = null // Its start and end offset this.start = this.end = this.pos // And, if locations are used, the {line, column} object // corresponding to those offsets this.startLoc = this.endLoc = this.curPosition() // Position information for the previous token this.lastTokEndLoc = this.lastTokStartLoc = null this.lastTokStart = this.lastTokEnd = this.pos // The context stack is used to superficially track syntactic // context to predict whether a regular expression is allowed in a // given position. this.context = this.initialContext() this.exprAllowed = true // Figure out if it's a module code. this.inModule = options.sourceType === "module" this.strict = this.inModule || this.strictDirective(this.pos) // Used to signify the start of a potential arrow function this.potentialArrowAt = -1 // Flags to track whether we are in a function, a generator, an async function. this.inFunction = this.inGenerator = this.inAsync = false // Positions to delayed-check that yield/await does not exist in default parameters. this.yieldPos = this.awaitPos = 0 // Labels in scope. this.labels = [] // If enabled, skip leading hashbang line. if (this.pos === 0 && options.allowHashBang && this.input.slice(0, 2) === "#!") this.skipLineComment(2) // Scope tracking for duplicate variable names (see scope.js) this.scopeStack = [] this.enterFunctionScope() }; // DEPRECATED Kept for backwards compatibility until 3.0 in case a plugin uses them Parser.prototype.isKeyword = function isKeyword (word) { return this.keywords.test(word) }; Parser.prototype.isReservedWord = function isReservedWord (word) { return this.reservedWords.test(word) }; Parser.prototype.extend = function extend (name, f) { this[name] = f(this[name]) }; Parser.prototype.loadPlugins = function loadPlugins (pluginConfigs) { var this$1 = this; for (var name in pluginConfigs) { var plugin = plugins[name] if (!plugin) throw new Error("Plugin '" + name + "' not found") plugin(this$1, pluginConfigs[name]) } }; Parser.prototype.parse = function parse () { var node = this.options.program || this.startNode() this.nextToken() return this.parseTopLevel(node) }; var pp = Parser.prototype // ## Parser utilities var literal = /^(?:'((?:[^']|\.)*)'|"((?:[^"]|\.)*)"|;)/ pp.strictDirective = function(start) { var this$1 = this; for (;;) { skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = start start += skipWhiteSpace.exec(this$1.input)[0].length var match = literal.exec(this$1.input.slice(start)) if (!match) return false if ((match[1] || match[2]) == "use strict") return true start += match[0].length } } // Predicate that tests whether the next token is of the given // type, and if yes, consumes it as a side effect. pp.eat = function(type) { if (this.type === type) { this.next() return true } else { return false } } // Tests whether parsed token is a contextual keyword. pp.isContextual = function(name) { return this.type === tt.name && this.value === name } // Consumes contextual keyword if possible. pp.eatContextual = function(name) { return this.value === name && this.eat(tt.name) } // Asserts that following token is given contextual keyword. pp.expectContextual = function(name) { if (!this.eatContextual(name)) this.unexpected() } // Test whether a semicolon can be inserted at the current position. pp.canInsertSemicolon = function() { return this.type === tt.eof || this.type === tt.braceR || lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) } pp.insertSemicolon = function() { if (this.canInsertSemicolon()) { if (this.options.onInsertedSemicolon) this.options.onInsertedSemicolon(this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc) return true } } // Consume a semicolon, or, failing that, see if we are allowed to // pretend that there is a semicolon at this position. pp.semicolon = function() { if (!this.eat(tt.semi) && !this.insertSemicolon()) this.unexpected() } pp.afterTrailingComma = function(tokType, notNext) { if (this.type == tokType) { if (this.options.onTrailingComma) this.options.onTrailingComma(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokStartLoc) if (!notNext) this.next() return true } } // Expect a token of a given type. If found, consume it, otherwise, // raise an unexpected token error. pp.expect = function(type) { this.eat(type) || this.unexpected() } // Raise an unexpected token error. pp.unexpected = function(pos) { this.raise(pos != null ? pos : this.start, "Unexpected token") } var DestructuringErrors = function DestructuringErrors() { this.shorthandAssign = this.trailingComma = this.parenthesizedAssign = this.parenthesizedBind = -1 }; pp.checkPatternErrors = function(refDestructuringErrors, isAssign) { if (!refDestructuringErrors) return if (refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma > -1) this.raiseRecoverable(refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element") var parens = isAssign ? refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign : refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind if (parens > -1) this.raiseRecoverable(parens, "Parenthesized pattern") } pp.checkExpressionErrors = function(refDestructuringErrors, andThrow) { var pos = refDestructuringErrors ? refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign : -1 if (!andThrow) return pos >= 0 if (pos > -1) this.raise(pos, "Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns") } pp.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams = function() { if (this.yieldPos && (!this.awaitPos || this.yieldPos < this.awaitPos)) this.raise(this.yieldPos, "Yield expression cannot be a default value") if (this.awaitPos) this.raise(this.awaitPos, "Await expression cannot be a default value") } pp.isSimpleAssignTarget = function(expr) { if (expr.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") return this.isSimpleAssignTarget(expr.expression) return expr.type === "Identifier" || expr.type === "MemberExpression" } var pp$1 = Parser.prototype // ### Statement parsing // Parse a program. Initializes the parser, reads any number of // statements, and wraps them in a Program node. Optionally takes a // `program` argument. If present, the statements will be appended // to its body instead of creating a new node. pp$1.parseTopLevel = function(node) { var this$1 = this; var exports = {} if (!node.body) node.body = [] while (this.type !== tt.eof) { var stmt = this$1.parseStatement(true, true, exports) node.body.push(stmt) } this.next() if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { node.sourceType = this.options.sourceType } return this.finishNode(node, "Program") } var loopLabel = {kind: "loop"}; var switchLabel = {kind: "switch"}; pp$1.isLet = function() { if (this.type !== tt.name || this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || this.value != "let") return false skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = this.pos var skip = skipWhiteSpace.exec(this.input) var next = this.pos + skip[0].length, nextCh = this.input.charCodeAt(next) if (nextCh === 91 || nextCh == 123) return true // '{' and '[' if (isIdentifierStart(nextCh, true)) { var pos = next + 1 while (isIdentifierChar(this.input.charCodeAt(pos), true)) ++pos var ident = this.input.slice(next, pos) if (!this.isKeyword(ident)) return true } return false } // check 'async [no LineTerminator here] function' // - 'async /*foo*/ function' is OK. // - 'async /*\n*/ function' is invalid. pp$1.isAsyncFunction = function() { if (this.type !== tt.name || this.options.ecmaVersion < 8 || this.value != "async") return false skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = this.pos var skip = skipWhiteSpace.exec(this.input) var next = this.pos + skip[0].length return !lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.pos, next)) && this.input.slice(next, next + 8) === "function" && (next + 8 == this.input.length || !isIdentifierChar(this.input.charAt(next + 8))) } // Parse a single statement. // // If expecting a statement and finding a slash operator, parse a // regular expression literal. This is to handle cases like // `if (foo) /blah/.exec(foo)`, where looking at the previous token // does not help. pp$1.parseStatement = function(declaration, topLevel, exports) { var starttype = this.type, node = this.startNode(), kind if (this.isLet()) { starttype = tt._var kind = "let" } // Most types of statements are recognized by the keyword they // start with. Many are trivial to parse, some require a bit of // complexity. switch (starttype) { case tt._break: case tt._continue: return this.parseBreakContinueStatement(node, starttype.keyword) case tt._debugger: return this.parseDebuggerStatement(node) case tt._do: return this.parseDoStatement(node) case tt._for: return this.parseForStatement(node) case tt._function: if (!declaration && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) this.unexpected() return this.parseFunctionStatement(node, false) case tt._class: if (!declaration) this.unexpected() return this.parseClass(node, true) case tt._if: return this.parseIfStatement(node) case tt._return: return this.parseReturnStatement(node) case tt._switch: return this.parseSwitchStatement(node) case tt._throw: return this.parseThrowStatement(node) case tt._try: return this.parseTryStatement(node) case tt._const: case tt._var: kind = kind || this.value if (!declaration && kind != "var") this.unexpected() return this.parseVarStatement(node, kind) case tt._while: return this.parseWhileStatement(node) case tt._with: return this.parseWithStatement(node) case tt.braceL: return this.parseBlock() case tt.semi: return this.parseEmptyStatement(node) case tt._export: case tt._import: if (!this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere) { if (!topLevel) this.raise(this.start, "'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level") if (!this.inModule) this.raise(this.start, "'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'") } return starttype === tt._import ? this.parseImport(node) : this.parseExport(node, exports) // If the statement does not start with a statement keyword or a // brace, it's an ExpressionStatement or LabeledStatement. We // simply start parsing an expression, and afterwards, if the // next token is a colon and the expression was a simple // Identifier node, we switch to interpreting it as a label. default: if (this.isAsyncFunction() && declaration) { this.next() return this.parseFunctionStatement(node, true) } var maybeName = this.value, expr = this.parseExpression() if (starttype === tt.name && expr.type === "Identifier" && this.eat(tt.colon)) return this.parseLabeledStatement(node, maybeName, expr) else return this.parseExpressionStatement(node, expr) } } pp$1.parseBreakContinueStatement = function(node, keyword) { var this$1 = this; var isBreak = keyword == "break" this.next() if (this.eat(tt.semi) || this.insertSemicolon()) node.label = null else if (this.type !== tt.name) this.unexpected() else { node.label = this.parseIdent() this.semicolon() } // Verify that there is an actual destination to break or // continue to. var i = 0 for (; i < this.labels.length; ++i) { var lab = this$1.labels[i] if (node.label == null || lab.name === node.label.name) { if (lab.kind != null && (isBreak || lab.kind === "loop")) break if (node.label && isBreak) break } } if (i === this.labels.length) this.raise(node.start, "Unsyntactic " + keyword) return this.finishNode(node, isBreak ? "BreakStatement" : "ContinueStatement") } pp$1.parseDebuggerStatement = function(node) { this.next() this.semicolon() return this.finishNode(node, "DebuggerStatement") } pp$1.parseDoStatement = function(node) { this.next() this.labels.push(loopLabel) node.body = this.parseStatement(false) this.labels.pop() this.expect(tt._while) node.test = this.parseParenExpression() if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) this.eat(tt.semi) else this.semicolon() return this.finishNode(node, "DoWhileStatement") } // Disambiguating between a `for` and a `for`/`in` or `for`/`of` // loop is non-trivial. Basically, we have to parse the init `var` // statement or expression, disallowing the `in` operator (see // the second parameter to `parseExpression`), and then check // whether the next token is `in` or `of`. When there is no init // part (semicolon immediately after the opening parenthesis), it // is a regular `for` loop. pp$1.parseForStatement = function(node) { this.next() this.labels.push(loopLabel) this.enterLexicalScope() this.expect(tt.parenL) if (this.type === tt.semi) return this.parseFor(node, null) var isLet = this.isLet() if (this.type === tt._var || this.type === tt._const || isLet) { var init$1 = this.startNode(), kind = isLet ? "let" : this.value this.next() this.parseVar(init$1, true, kind) this.finishNode(init$1, "VariableDeclaration") if ((this.type === tt._in || (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual("of"))) && init$1.declarations.length === 1 && !(kind !== "var" && init$1.declarations[0].init)) return this.parseForIn(node, init$1) return this.parseFor(node, init$1) } var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors var init = this.parseExpression(true, refDestructuringErrors) if (this.type === tt._in || (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual("of"))) { this.toAssignable(init) this.checkLVal(init) this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true) return this.parseForIn(node, init) } else { this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true) } return this.parseFor(node, init) } pp$1.parseFunctionStatement = function(node, isAsync) { this.next() return this.parseFunction(node, true, false, isAsync) } pp$1.isFunction = function() { return this.type === tt._function || this.isAsyncFunction() } pp$1.parseIfStatement = function(node) { this.next() node.test = this.parseParenExpression() // allow function declarations in branches, but only in non-strict mode node.consequent = this.parseStatement(!this.strict && this.isFunction()) node.alternate = this.eat(tt._else) ? this.parseStatement(!this.strict && this.isFunction()) : null return this.finishNode(node, "IfStatement") } pp$1.parseReturnStatement = function(node) { if (!this.inFunction && !this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction) this.raise(this.start, "'return' outside of function") this.next() // In `return` (and `break`/`continue`), the keywords with // optional arguments, we eagerly look for a semicolon or the // possibility to insert one. if (this.eat(tt.semi) || this.insertSemicolon()) node.argument = null else { node.argument = this.parseExpression(); this.semicolon() } return this.finishNode(node, "ReturnStatement") } pp$1.parseSwitchStatement = function(node) { var this$1 = this; this.next() node.discriminant = this.parseParenExpression() node.cases = [] this.expect(tt.braceL) this.labels.push(switchLabel) this.enterLexicalScope() // Statements under must be grouped (by label) in SwitchCase // nodes. `cur` is used to keep the node that we are currently // adding statements to. var cur for (var sawDefault = false; this.type != tt.braceR;) { if (this$1.type === tt._case || this$1.type === tt._default) { var isCase = this$1.type === tt._case if (cur) this$1.finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase") node.cases.push(cur = this$1.startNode()) cur.consequent = [] this$1.next() if (isCase) { cur.test = this$1.parseExpression() } else { if (sawDefault) this$1.raiseRecoverable(this$1.lastTokStart, "Multiple default clauses") sawDefault = true cur.test = null } this$1.expect(tt.colon) } else { if (!cur) this$1.unexpected() cur.consequent.push(this$1.parseStatement(true)) } } this.exitLexicalScope() if (cur) this.finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase") this.next() // Closing brace this.labels.pop() return this.finishNode(node, "SwitchStatement") } pp$1.parseThrowStatement = function(node) { this.next() if (lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start))) this.raise(this.lastTokEnd, "Illegal newline after throw") node.argument = this.parseExpression() this.semicolon() return this.finishNode(node, "ThrowStatement") } // Reused empty array added for node fields that are always empty. var empty = [] pp$1.parseTryStatement = function(node) { this.next() node.block = this.parseBlock() node.handler = null if (this.type === tt._catch) { var clause = this.startNode() this.next() this.expect(tt.parenL) clause.param = this.parseBindingAtom() this.enterLexicalScope() this.checkLVal(clause.param, "let") this.expect(tt.parenR) clause.body = this.parseBlock(false) this.exitLexicalScope() node.handler = this.finishNode(clause, "CatchClause") } node.finalizer = this.eat(tt._finally) ? this.parseBlock() : null if (!node.handler && !node.finalizer) this.raise(node.start, "Missing catch or finally clause") return this.finishNode(node, "TryStatement") } pp$1.parseVarStatement = function(node, kind) { this.next() this.parseVar(node, false, kind) this.semicolon() return this.finishNode(node, "VariableDeclaration") } pp$1.parseWhileStatement = function(node) { this.next() node.test = this.parseParenExpression() this.labels.push(loopLabel) node.body = this.parseStatement(false) this.labels.pop() return this.finishNode(node, "WhileStatement") } pp$1.parseWithStatement = function(node) { if (this.strict) this.raise(this.start, "'with' in strict mode") this.next() node.object = this.parseParenExpression() node.body = this.parseStatement(false) return this.finishNode(node, "WithStatement") } pp$1.parseEmptyStatement = function(node) { this.next() return this.finishNode(node, "EmptyStatement") } pp$1.parseLabeledStatement = function(node, maybeName, expr) { var this$1 = this; for (var i = 0; i < this.labels.length; ++i) if (this$1.labels[i].name === maybeName) this$1.raise(expr.start, "Label '" + maybeName + "' is already declared") var kind = this.type.isLoop ? "loop" : this.type === tt._switch ? "switch" : null for (var i$1 = this.labels.length - 1; i$1 >= 0; i$1--) { var label = this$1.labels[i$1] if (label.statementStart == node.start) { label.statementStart = this$1.start label.kind = kind } else break } this.labels.push({name: maybeName, kind: kind, statementStart: this.start}) node.body = this.parseStatement(true) if (node.body.type == "ClassDeclaration" || node.body.type == "VariableDeclaration" && node.body.kind != "var" || node.body.type == "FunctionDeclaration" && (this.strict || node.body.generator)) this.raiseRecoverable(node.body.start, "Invalid labeled declaration") this.labels.pop() node.label = expr return this.finishNode(node, "LabeledStatement") } pp$1.parseExpressionStatement = function(node, expr) { node.expression = expr this.semicolon() return this.finishNode(node, "ExpressionStatement") } // Parse a semicolon-enclosed block of statements, handling `"use // strict"` declarations when `allowStrict` is true (used for // function bodies). pp$1.parseBlock = function(createNewLexicalScope) { var this$1 = this; if ( createNewLexicalScope === void 0 ) createNewLexicalScope = true; var node = this.startNode() node.body = [] this.expect(tt.braceL) if (createNewLexicalScope) { this.enterLexicalScope() } while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) { var stmt = this$1.parseStatement(true) node.body.push(stmt) } if (createNewLexicalScope) { this.exitLexicalScope() } return this.finishNode(node, "BlockStatement") } // Parse a regular `for` loop. The disambiguation code in // `parseStatement` will already have parsed the init statement or // expression. pp$1.parseFor = function(node, init) { node.init = init this.expect(tt.semi) node.test = this.type === tt.semi ? null : this.parseExpression() this.expect(tt.semi) node.update = this.type === tt.parenR ? null : this.parseExpression() this.expect(tt.parenR) this.exitLexicalScope() node.body = this.parseStatement(false) this.labels.pop() return this.finishNode(node, "ForStatement") } // Parse a `for`/`in` and `for`/`of` loop, which are almost // same from parser's perspective. pp$1.parseForIn = function(node, init) { var type = this.type === tt._in ? "ForInStatement" : "ForOfStatement" this.next() node.left = init node.right = this.parseExpression() this.expect(tt.parenR) this.exitLexicalScope() node.body = this.parseStatement(false) this.labels.pop() return this.finishNode(node, type) } // Parse a list of variable declarations. pp$1.parseVar = function(node, isFor, kind) { var this$1 = this; node.declarations = [] node.kind = kind for (;;) { var decl = this$1.startNode() this$1.parseVarId(decl, kind) if (this$1.eat(tt.eq)) { decl.init = this$1.parseMaybeAssign(isFor) } else if (kind === "const" && !(this$1.type === tt._in || (this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this$1.isContextual("of")))) { this$1.unexpected() } else if (decl.id.type != "Identifier" && !(isFor && (this$1.type === tt._in || this$1.isContextual("of")))) { this$1.raise(this$1.lastTokEnd, "Complex binding patterns require an initialization value") } else { decl.init = null } node.declarations.push(this$1.finishNode(decl, "VariableDeclarator")) if (!this$1.eat(tt.comma)) break } return node } pp$1.parseVarId = function(decl, kind) { decl.id = this.parseBindingAtom(kind) this.checkLVal(decl.id, kind, false) } // Parse a function declaration or literal (depending on the // `isStatement` parameter). pp$1.parseFunction = function(node, isStatement, allowExpressionBody, isAsync) { this.initFunction(node) if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !isAsync) node.generator = this.eat(tt.star) if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) node.async = !!isAsync if (isStatement) { node.id = isStatement === "nullableID" && this.type != tt.name ? null : this.parseIdent() if (node.id) { this.checkLVal(node.id, "var") } } var oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction this.inGenerator = node.generator this.inAsync = node.async this.yieldPos = 0 this.awaitPos = 0 this.inFunction = true this.enterFunctionScope() if (!isStatement) node.id = this.type == tt.name ? this.parseIdent() : null this.parseFunctionParams(node) this.parseFunctionBody(node, allowExpressionBody) this.inGenerator = oldInGen this.inAsync = oldInAsync this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos this.inFunction = oldInFunc return this.finishNode(node, isStatement ? "FunctionDeclaration" : "FunctionExpression") } pp$1.parseFunctionParams = function(node) { this.expect(tt.parenL) node.params = this.parseBindingList(tt.parenR, false, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, true) this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams() } // Parse a class declaration or literal (depending on the // `isStatement` parameter). pp$1.parseClass = function(node, isStatement) { var this$1 = this; this.next() this.parseClassId(node, isStatement) this.parseClassSuper(node) var classBody = this.startNode() var hadConstructor = false classBody.body = [] this.expect(tt.braceL) while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) { if (this$1.eat(tt.semi)) continue var method = this$1.startNode() var isGenerator = this$1.eat(tt.star) var isAsync = false var isMaybeStatic = this$1.type === tt.name && this$1.value === "static" this$1.parsePropertyName(method) method.static = isMaybeStatic && this$1.type !== tt.parenL if (method.static) { if (isGenerator) this$1.unexpected() isGenerator = this$1.eat(tt.star) this$1.parsePropertyName(method) } if (this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && !isGenerator && !method.computed && method.key.type === "Identifier" && method.key.name === "async" && this$1.type !== tt.parenL && !this$1.canInsertSemicolon()) { isAsync = true this$1.parsePropertyName(method) } method.kind = "method" var isGetSet = false if (!method.computed) { var key = method.key; if (!isGenerator && !isAsync && key.type === "Identifier" && this$1.type !== tt.parenL && (key.name === "get" || key.name === "set")) { isGetSet = true method.kind = key.name key = this$1.parsePropertyName(method) } if (!method.static && (key.type === "Identifier" && key.name === "constructor" || key.type === "Literal" && key.value === "constructor")) { if (hadConstructor) this$1.raise(key.start, "Duplicate constructor in the same class") if (isGetSet) this$1.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't have get/set modifier") if (isGenerator) this$1.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't be a generator") if (isAsync) this$1.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't be an async method") method.kind = "constructor" hadConstructor = true } } this$1.parseClassMethod(classBody, method, isGenerator, isAsync) if (isGetSet) { var paramCount = method.kind === "get" ? 0 : 1 if (method.value.params.length !== paramCount) { var start = method.value.start if (method.kind === "get") this$1.raiseRecoverable(start, "getter should have no params") else this$1.raiseRecoverable(start, "setter should have exactly one param") } else { if (method.kind === "set" && method.value.params[0].type === "RestElement") this$1.raiseRecoverable(method.value.params[0].start, "Setter cannot use rest params") } } } node.body = this.finishNode(classBody, "ClassBody") return this.finishNode(node, isStatement ? "ClassDeclaration" : "ClassExpression") } pp$1.parseClassMethod = function(classBody, method, isGenerator, isAsync) { method.value = this.parseMethod(isGenerator, isAsync) classBody.body.push(this.finishNode(method, "MethodDefinition")) } pp$1.parseClassId = function(node, isStatement) { node.id = this.type === tt.name ? this.parseIdent() : isStatement === true ? this.unexpected() : null } pp$1.parseClassSuper = function(node) { node.superClass = this.eat(tt._extends) ? this.parseExprSubscripts() : null } // Parses module export declaration. pp$1.parseExport = function(node, exports) { var this$1 = this; this.next() // export * from '...' if (this.eat(tt.star)) { this.expectContextual("from") node.source = this.type === tt.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected() this.semicolon() return this.finishNode(node, "ExportAllDeclaration") } if (this.eat(tt._default)) { // export default ... this.checkExport(exports, "default", this.lastTokStart) var isAsync if (this.type === tt._function || (isAsync = this.isAsyncFunction())) { var fNode = this.startNode() this.next() if (isAsync) this.next() node.declaration = this.parseFunction(fNode, "nullableID", false, isAsync) } else if (this.type === tt._class) { var cNode = this.startNode() node.declaration = this.parseClass(cNode, "nullableID") } else { node.declaration = this.parseMaybeAssign() this.semicolon() } return this.finishNode(node, "ExportDefaultDeclaration") } // export var|const|let|function|class ... if (this.shouldParseExportStatement()) { node.declaration = this.parseStatement(true) if (node.declaration.type === "VariableDeclaration") this.checkVariableExport(exports, node.declaration.declarations) else this.checkExport(exports, node.declaration.id.name, node.declaration.id.start) node.specifiers = [] node.source = null } else { // export { x, y as z } [from '...'] node.declaration = null node.specifiers = this.parseExportSpecifiers(exports) if (this.eatContextual("from")) { node.source = this.type === tt.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected() } else { // check for keywords used as local names for (var i = 0; i < node.specifiers.length; i++) { if (this$1.keywords.test(node.specifiers[i].local.name) || this$1.reservedWords.test(node.specifiers[i].local.name)) { this$1.unexpected(node.specifiers[i].local.start) } } node.source = null } this.semicolon() } return this.finishNode(node, "ExportNamedDeclaration") } pp$1.checkExport = function(exports, name, pos) { if (!exports) return if (has(exports, name)) this.raiseRecoverable(pos, "Duplicate export '" + name + "'") exports[name] = true } pp$1.checkPatternExport = function(exports, pat) { var this$1 = this; var type = pat.type if (type == "Identifier") this.checkExport(exports, pat.name, pat.start) else if (type == "ObjectPattern") for (var i = 0; i < pat.properties.length; ++i) this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.properties[i].value) else if (type == "ArrayPattern") for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < pat.elements.length; ++i$1) { var elt = pat.elements[i$1] if (elt) this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, elt) } else if (type == "AssignmentPattern") this.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.left) else if (type == "ParenthesizedExpression") this.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.expression) } pp$1.checkVariableExport = function(exports, decls) { var this$1 = this; if (!exports) return for (var i = 0; i < decls.length; i++) this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, decls[i].id) } pp$1.shouldParseExportStatement = function() { return this.type.keyword === "var" || this.type.keyword === "const" || this.type.keyword === "class" || this.type.keyword === "function" || this.isLet() || this.isAsyncFunction() } // Parses a comma-separated list of module exports. pp$1.parseExportSpecifiers = function(exports) { var this$1 = this; var nodes = [], first = true // export { x, y as z } [from '...'] this.expect(tt.braceL) while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) { if (!first) { this$1.expect(tt.comma) if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(tt.braceR)) break } else first = false var node = this$1.startNode() node.local = this$1.parseIdent(true) node.exported = this$1.eatContextual("as") ? this$1.parseIdent(true) : node.local this$1.checkExport(exports, node.exported.name, node.exported.start) nodes.push(this$1.finishNode(node, "ExportSpecifier")) } return nodes } // Parses import declaration. pp$1.parseImport = function(node) { this.next() // import '...' if (this.type === tt.string) { node.specifiers = empty node.source = this.parseExprAtom() } else { node.specifiers = this.parseImportSpecifiers() this.expectContextual("from") node.source = this.type === tt.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected() } this.semicolon() return this.finishNode(node, "ImportDeclaration") } // Parses a comma-separated list of module imports. pp$1.parseImportSpecifiers = function() { var this$1 = this; var nodes = [], first = true if (this.type === tt.name) { // import defaultObj, { x, y as z } from '...' var node = this.startNode() node.local = this.parseIdent() this.checkLVal(node.local, "let") nodes.push(this.finishNode(node, "ImportDefaultSpecifier")) if (!this.eat(tt.comma)) return nodes } if (this.type === tt.star) { var node$1 = this.startNode() this.next() this.expectContextual("as") node$1.local = this.parseIdent() this.checkLVal(node$1.local, "let") nodes.push(this.finishNode(node$1, "ImportNamespaceSpecifier")) return nodes } this.expect(tt.braceL) while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) { if (!first) { this$1.expect(tt.comma) if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(tt.braceR)) break } else first = false var node$2 = this$1.startNode() node$2.imported = this$1.parseIdent(true) if (this$1.eatContextual("as")) { node$2.local = this$1.parseIdent() } else { node$2.local = node$2.imported if (this$1.isKeyword(node$2.local.name)) this$1.unexpected(node$2.local.start) if (this$1.reservedWordsStrict.test(node$2.local.name)) this$1.raiseRecoverable(node$2.local.start, "The keyword '" + node$2.local.name + "' is reserved") } this$1.checkLVal(node$2.local, "let") nodes.push(this$1.finishNode(node$2, "ImportSpecifier")) } return nodes } var pp$2 = Parser.prototype // Convert existing expression atom to assignable pattern // if possible. pp$2.toAssignable = function(node, isBinding) { var this$1 = this; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && node) { switch (node.type) { case "Identifier": if (this.inAsync && node.name === "await") this.raise(node.start, "Can not use 'await' as identifier inside an async function") break case "ObjectPattern": case "ArrayPattern": break case "ObjectExpression": node.type = "ObjectPattern" for (var i = 0; i < node.properties.length; i++) { var prop = node.properties[i] if (prop.kind !== "init") this$1.raise(prop.key.start, "Object pattern can't contain getter or setter") this$1.toAssignable(prop.value, isBinding) } break case "ArrayExpression": node.type = "ArrayPattern" this.toAssignableList(node.elements, isBinding) break case "AssignmentExpression": if (node.operator === "=") { node.type = "AssignmentPattern" delete node.operator this.toAssignable(node.left, isBinding) // falls through to AssignmentPattern } else { this.raise(node.left.end, "Only '=' operator can be used for specifying default value.") break } case "AssignmentPattern": break case "ParenthesizedExpression": node.expression = this.toAssignable(node.expression, isBinding) break case "MemberExpression": if (!isBinding) break default: this.raise(node.start, "Assigning to rvalue") } } return node } // Convert list of expression atoms to binding list. pp$2.toAssignableList = function(exprList, isBinding) { var this$1 = this; var end = exprList.length if (end) { var last = exprList[end - 1] if (last && last.type == "RestElement") { --end } else if (last && last.type == "SpreadElement") { last.type = "RestElement" var arg = last.argument this.toAssignable(arg, isBinding) if (arg.type !== "Identifier" && arg.type !== "MemberExpression" && arg.type !== "ArrayPattern") this.unexpected(arg.start) --end } if (isBinding && last && last.type === "RestElement" && last.argument.type !== "Identifier") this.unexpected(last.argument.start) } for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) { var elt = exprList[i] if (elt) this$1.toAssignable(elt, isBinding) } return exprList } // Parses spread element. pp$2.parseSpread = function(refDestructuringErrors) { var node = this.startNode() this.next() node.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors) return this.finishNode(node, "SpreadElement") } pp$2.parseRest = function(allowNonIdent) { var node = this.startNode() this.next() // RestElement inside of a function parameter must be an identifier if (allowNonIdent) node.argument = this.type === tt.name ? this.parseIdent() : this.unexpected() else node.argument = this.type === tt.name || this.type === tt.bracketL ? this.parseBindingAtom() : this.unexpected() return this.finishNode(node, "RestElement") } // Parses lvalue (assignable) atom. pp$2.parseBindingAtom = function() { if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6) return this.parseIdent() switch (this.type) { case tt.name: return this.parseIdent() case tt.bracketL: var node = this.startNode() this.next() node.elements = this.parseBindingList(tt.bracketR, true, true) return this.finishNode(node, "ArrayPattern") case tt.braceL: return this.parseObj(true) default: this.unexpected() } } pp$2.parseBindingList = function(close, allowEmpty, allowTrailingComma, allowNonIdent) { var this$1 = this; var elts = [], first = true while (!this.eat(close)) { if (first) first = false else this$1.expect(tt.comma) if (allowEmpty && this$1.type === tt.comma) { elts.push(null) } else if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(close)) { break } else if (this$1.type === tt.ellipsis) { var rest = this$1.parseRest(allowNonIdent) this$1.parseBindingListItem(rest) elts.push(rest) if (this$1.type === tt.comma) this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element") this$1.expect(close) break } else { var elem = this$1.parseMaybeDefault(this$1.start, this$1.startLoc) this$1.parseBindingListItem(elem) elts.push(elem) } } return elts } pp$2.parseBindingListItem = function(param) { return param } // Parses assignment pattern around given atom if possible. pp$2.parseMaybeDefault = function(startPos, startLoc, left) { left = left || this.parseBindingAtom() if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || !this.eat(tt.eq)) return left var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node.left = left node.right = this.parseMaybeAssign() return this.finishNode(node, "AssignmentPattern") } // Verify that a node is an lval — something that can be assigned // to. // bindingType can be either: // 'var' indicating that the lval creates a 'var' binding // 'let' indicating that the lval creates a lexical ('let' or 'const') binding // 'none' indicating that the binding should be checked for illegal identifiers, but not for duplicate references pp$2.checkLVal = function(expr, bindingType, checkClashes) { var this$1 = this; switch (expr.type) { case "Identifier": if (this.strict && this.reservedWordsStrictBind.test(expr.name)) this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, (bindingType ? "Binding " : "Assigning to ") + expr.name + " in strict mode") if (checkClashes) { if (has(checkClashes, expr.name)) this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, "Argument name clash") checkClashes[expr.name] = true } if (bindingType && bindingType !== "none") { if ( bindingType === "var" && !this.canDeclareVarName(expr.name) || bindingType !== "var" && !this.canDeclareLexicalName(expr.name) ) { this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, ("Identifier '" + (expr.name) + "' has already been declared")) } if (bindingType === "var") { this.declareVarName(expr.name) } else { this.declareLexicalName(expr.name) } } break case "MemberExpression": if (bindingType) this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, (bindingType ? "Binding" : "Assigning to") + " member expression") break case "ObjectPattern": for (var i = 0; i < expr.properties.length; i++) this$1.checkLVal(expr.properties[i].value, bindingType, checkClashes) break case "ArrayPattern": for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < expr.elements.length; i$1++) { var elem = expr.elements[i$1] if (elem) this$1.checkLVal(elem, bindingType, checkClashes) } break case "AssignmentPattern": this.checkLVal(expr.left, bindingType, checkClashes) break case "RestElement": this.checkLVal(expr.argument, bindingType, checkClashes) break case "ParenthesizedExpression": this.checkLVal(expr.expression, bindingType, checkClashes) break default: this.raise(expr.start, (bindingType ? "Binding" : "Assigning to") + " rvalue") } } // A recursive descent parser operates by defining functions for all // syntactic elements, and recursively calling those, each function // advancing the input stream and returning an AST node. Precedence // of constructs (for example, the fact that `!x[1]` means `!(x[1])` // instead of `(!x)[1]` is handled by the fact that the parser // function that parses unary prefix operators is called first, and // in turn calls the function that parses `[]` subscripts — that // way, it'll receive the node for `x[1]` already parsed, and wraps // *that* in the unary operator node. // // Acorn uses an [operator precedence parser][opp] to handle binary // operator precedence, because it is much more compact than using // the technique outlined above, which uses different, nesting // functions to specify precedence, for all of the ten binary // precedence levels that JavaScript defines. // // [opp]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operator-precedence_parser var pp$3 = Parser.prototype // Check if property name clashes with already added. // Object/class getters and setters are not allowed to clash — // either with each other or with an init property — and in // strict mode, init properties are also not allowed to be repeated. pp$3.checkPropClash = function(prop, propHash) { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (prop.computed || prop.method || prop.shorthand)) return var key = prop.key; var name switch (key.type) { case "Identifier": name = key.name; break case "Literal": name = String(key.value); break default: return } var kind = prop.kind; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { if (name === "__proto__" && kind === "init") { if (propHash.proto) this.raiseRecoverable(key.start, "Redefinition of __proto__ property") propHash.proto = true } return } name = "$" + name var other = propHash[name] if (other) { var redefinition if (kind === "init") { redefinition = this.strict && other.init || other.get || other.set } else { redefinition = other.init || other[kind] } if (redefinition) this.raiseRecoverable(key.start, "Redefinition of property") } else { other = propHash[name] = { init: false, get: false, set: false } } other[kind] = true } // ### Expression parsing // These nest, from the most general expression type at the top to // 'atomic', nondivisible expression types at the bottom. Most of // the functions will simply let the function(s) below them parse, // and, *if* the syntactic construct they handle is present, wrap // the AST node that the inner parser gave them in another node. // Parse a full expression. The optional arguments are used to // forbid the `in` operator (in for loops initalization expressions) // and provide reference for storing '=' operator inside shorthand // property assignment in contexts where both object expression // and object pattern might appear (so it's possible to raise // delayed syntax error at correct position). pp$3.parseExpression = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) { var this$1 = this; var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc var expr = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) if (this.type === tt.comma) { var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node.expressions = [expr] while (this.eat(tt.comma)) node.expressions.push(this$1.parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refDestructuringErrors)) return this.finishNode(node, "SequenceExpression") } return expr } // Parse an assignment expression. This includes applications of // operators like `+=`. pp$3.parseMaybeAssign = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors, afterLeftParse) { if (this.inGenerator && this.isContextual("yield")) return this.parseYield() var ownDestructuringErrors = false, oldParenAssign = -1, oldTrailingComma = -1 if (refDestructuringErrors) { oldParenAssign = refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign oldTrailingComma = refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = -1 } else { refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors ownDestructuringErrors = true } var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc if (this.type == tt.parenL || this.type == tt.name) this.potentialArrowAt = this.start var left = this.parseMaybeConditional(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) if (afterLeftParse) left = afterLeftParse.call(this, left, startPos, startLoc) if (this.type.isAssign) { this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true) if (!ownDestructuringErrors) DestructuringErrors.call(refDestructuringErrors) var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node.operator = this.value node.left = this.type === tt.eq ? this.toAssignable(left) : left refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign = -1 // reset because shorthand default was used correctly this.checkLVal(left) this.next() node.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn) return this.finishNode(node, "AssignmentExpression") } else { if (ownDestructuringErrors) this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true) } if (oldParenAssign > -1) refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = oldParenAssign if (oldTrailingComma > -1) refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = oldTrailingComma return left } // Parse a ternary conditional (`?:`) operator. pp$3.parseMaybeConditional = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) { var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc var expr = this.parseExprOps(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) return expr if (this.eat(tt.question)) { var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node.test = expr node.consequent = this.parseMaybeAssign() this.expect(tt.colon) node.alternate = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn) return this.finishNode(node, "ConditionalExpression") } return expr } // Start the precedence parser. pp$3.parseExprOps = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) { var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc var expr = this.parseMaybeUnary(refDestructuringErrors, false) if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) return expr return expr.start == startPos && expr.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" ? expr : this.parseExprOp(expr, startPos, startLoc, -1, noIn) } // Parse binary operators with the operator precedence parsing // algorithm. `left` is the left-hand side of the operator. // `minPrec` provides context that allows the function to stop and // defer further parser to one of its callers when it encounters an // operator that has a lower precedence than the set it is parsing. pp$3.parseExprOp = function(left, leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, minPrec, noIn) { var prec = this.type.binop if (prec != null && (!noIn || this.type !== tt._in)) { if (prec > minPrec) { var logical = this.type === tt.logicalOR || this.type === tt.logicalAND var op = this.value this.next() var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc var right = this.parseExprOp(this.parseMaybeUnary(null, false), startPos, startLoc, prec, noIn) var node = this.buildBinary(leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, left, right, op, logical) return this.parseExprOp(node, leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, minPrec, noIn) } } return left } pp$3.buildBinary = function(startPos, startLoc, left, right, op, logical) { var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node.left = left node.operator = op node.right = right return this.finishNode(node, logical ? "LogicalExpression" : "BinaryExpression") } // Parse unary operators, both prefix and postfix. pp$3.parseMaybeUnary = function(refDestructuringErrors, sawUnary) { var this$1 = this; var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc, expr if (this.inAsync && this.isContextual("await")) { expr = this.parseAwait(refDestructuringErrors) sawUnary = true } else if (this.type.prefix) { var node = this.startNode(), update = this.type === tt.incDec node.operator = this.value node.prefix = true this.next() node.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, true) this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true) if (update) this.checkLVal(node.argument) else if (this.strict && node.operator === "delete" && node.argument.type === "Identifier") this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "Deleting local variable in strict mode") else sawUnary = true expr = this.finishNode(node, update ? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression") } else { expr = this.parseExprSubscripts(refDestructuringErrors) if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) return expr while (this.type.postfix && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) { var node$1 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node$1.operator = this$1.value node$1.prefix = false node$1.argument = expr this$1.checkLVal(expr) this$1.next() expr = this$1.finishNode(node$1, "UpdateExpression") } } if (!sawUnary && this.eat(tt.starstar)) return this.buildBinary(startPos, startLoc, expr, this.parseMaybeUnary(null, false), "**", false) else return expr } // Parse call, dot, and `[]`-subscript expressions. pp$3.parseExprSubscripts = function(refDestructuringErrors) { var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc var expr = this.parseExprAtom(refDestructuringErrors) var skipArrowSubscripts = expr.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && this.input.slice(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokEnd) !== ")" if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors) || skipArrowSubscripts) return expr var result = this.parseSubscripts(expr, startPos, startLoc) if (refDestructuringErrors && result.type === "MemberExpression") { if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign >= result.start) refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = -1 if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind >= result.start) refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind = -1 } return result } pp$3.parseSubscripts = function(base, startPos, startLoc, noCalls) { var this$1 = this; var maybeAsyncArrow = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && base.type === "Identifier" && base.name === "async" && this.lastTokEnd == base.end && !this.canInsertSemicolon() for (var computed;;) { if ((computed = this$1.eat(tt.bracketL)) || this$1.eat(tt.dot)) { var node = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node.object = base node.property = computed ? this$1.parseExpression() : this$1.parseIdent(true) node.computed = !!computed if (computed) this$1.expect(tt.bracketR) base = this$1.finishNode(node, "MemberExpression") } else if (!noCalls && this$1.eat(tt.parenL)) { var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors, oldYieldPos = this$1.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this$1.awaitPos this$1.yieldPos = 0 this$1.awaitPos = 0 var exprList = this$1.parseExprList(tt.parenR, this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, false, refDestructuringErrors) if (maybeAsyncArrow && !this$1.canInsertSemicolon() && this$1.eat(tt.arrow)) { this$1.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, false) this$1.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams() this$1.yieldPos = oldYieldPos this$1.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos return this$1.parseArrowExpression(this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), exprList, true) } this$1.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true) this$1.yieldPos = oldYieldPos || this$1.yieldPos this$1.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos || this$1.awaitPos var node$1 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node$1.callee = base node$1.arguments = exprList base = this$1.finishNode(node$1, "CallExpression") } else if (this$1.type === tt.backQuote) { var node$2 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) node$2.tag = base node$2.quasi = this$1.parseTemplate() base = this$1.finishNode(node$2, "TaggedTemplateExpression") } else { return base } } } // Parse an atomic expression — either a single token that is an // expression, an expression started by a keyword like `function` or // `new`, or an expression wrapped in punctuation like `()`, `[]`, // or `{}`. pp$3.parseExprAtom = function(refDestructuringErrors) { var node, canBeArrow = this.potentialArrowAt == this.start switch (this.type) { case tt._super: if (!this.inFunction) this.raise(this.start, "'super' outside of function or class") case tt._this: var type = this.type === tt._this ? "ThisExpression" : "Super" node = this.startNode() this.next() return this.finishNode(node, type) case tt.name: var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc var id = this.parseIdent(this.type !== tt.name) if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && id.name === "async" && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.eat(tt._function)) return this.parseFunction(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), false, false, true) if (canBeArrow && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) { if (this.eat(tt.arrow)) return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), [id], false) if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && id.name === "async" && this.type === tt.name) { id = this.parseIdent() if (this.canInsertSemicolon() || !this.eat(tt.arrow)) this.unexpected() return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), [id], true) } } return id case tt.regexp: var value = this.value node = this.parseLiteral(value.value) node.regex = {pattern: value.pattern, flags: value.flags} return node case tt.num: case tt.string: return this.parseLiteral(this.value) case tt._null: case tt._true: case tt._false: node = this.startNode() node.value = this.type === tt._null ? null : this.type === tt._true node.raw = this.type.keyword this.next() return this.finishNode(node, "Literal") case tt.parenL: var start = this.start, expr = this.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(canBeArrow) if (refDestructuringErrors) { if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign < 0 && !this.isSimpleAssignTarget(expr)) refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = start if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind < 0) refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind = start } return expr case tt.bracketL: node = this.startNode() this.next() node.elements = this.parseExprList(tt.bracketR, true, true, refDestructuringErrors) return this.finishNode(node, "ArrayExpression") case tt.braceL: return this.parseObj(false, refDestructuringErrors) case tt._function: node = this.startNode() this.next() return this.parseFunction(node, false) case tt._class: return this.parseClass(this.startNode(), false) case tt._new: return this.parseNew() case tt.backQuote: return this.parseTemplate() default: this.unexpected() } } pp$3.parseLiteral = function(value) { var node = this.startNode() node.value = value node.raw = this.input.slice(this.start, this.end) this.next() return this.finishNode(node, "Literal") } pp$3.parseParenExpression = function() { this.expect(tt.parenL) var val = this.parseExpression() this.expect(tt.parenR) return val } pp$3.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression = function(canBeArrow) { var this$1 = this; var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc, val, allowTrailingComma = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { this.next() var innerStartPos = this.start, innerStartLoc = this.startLoc var exprList = [], first = true, lastIsComma = false var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, spreadStart, innerParenStart this.yieldPos = 0 this.awaitPos = 0 while (this.type !== tt.parenR) { first ? first = false : this$1.expect(tt.comma) if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(tt.parenR, true)) { lastIsComma = true break } else if (this$1.type === tt.ellipsis) { spreadStart = this$1.start exprList.push(this$1.parseParenItem(this$1.parseRest())) if (this$1.type === tt.comma) this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element") break } else { if (this$1.type === tt.parenL && !innerParenStart) { innerParenStart = this$1.start } exprList.push(this$1.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors, this$1.parseParenItem)) } } var innerEndPos = this.start, innerEndLoc = this.startLoc this.expect(tt.parenR) if (canBeArrow && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.eat(tt.arrow)) { this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, false) this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams() if (innerParenStart) this.unexpected(innerParenStart) this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos return this.parseParenArrowList(startPos, startLoc, exprList) } if (!exprList.length || lastIsComma) this.unexpected(this.lastTokStart) if (spreadStart) this.unexpected(spreadStart) this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true) this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos || this.yieldPos this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos || this.awaitPos if (exprList.length > 1) { val = this.startNodeAt(innerStartPos, innerStartLoc) val.expressions = exprList this.finishNodeAt(val, "SequenceExpression", innerEndPos, innerEndLoc) } else { val = exprList[0] } } else { val = this.parseParenExpression() } if (this.options.preserveParens) { var par = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc) par.expression = val return this.finishNode(par, "ParenthesizedExpression") } else { return val } } pp$3.parseParenItem = function(item) { return item } pp$3.parseParenArrowList = function(startPos, startLoc, exprList) { return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), exprList) } // New's precedence is slightly tricky. It must allow its argument to // be a `[]` or dot subscript expression, but not a call — at least, // not without wrapping it in parentheses. Thus, it uses the noCalls // argument to parseSubscripts to prevent it from consuming the // argument list. var empty$1 = [] pp$3.parseNew = function() { var node = this.startNode() var meta = this.parseIdent(true) if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.eat(tt.dot)) { node.meta = meta node.property = this.parseIdent(true) if (node.property.name !== "target") this.raiseRecoverable(node.property.start, "The only valid meta property for new is new.target") if (!this.inFunction) this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "new.target can only be used in functions") return this.finishNode(node, "MetaProperty") } var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc node.callee = this.parseSubscripts(this.parseExprAtom(), startPos, startLoc, true) if (this.eat(tt.parenL)) node.arguments = this.parseExprList(tt.parenR, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, false) else node.arguments = empty$1 return this.finishNode(node, "NewExpression") } // Parse template expression. pp$3.parseTemplateElement = function() { var elem = this.startNode() elem.value = { raw: this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"), cooked: this.value } this.next() elem.tail = this.type === tt.backQuote return this.finishNode(elem, "TemplateElement") } pp$3.parseTemplate = function() { var this$1 = this; var node = this.startNode() this.next() node.expressions = [] var curElt = this.parseTemplateElement() node.quasis = [curElt] while (!curElt.tail) { this$1.expect(tt.dollarBraceL) node.expressions.push(this$1.parseExpression()) this$1.expect(tt.braceR) node.quasis.push(curElt = this$1.parseTemplateElement()) } this.next() return this.finishNode(node, "TemplateLiteral") } // Parse an object literal or binding pattern. pp$3.parseObj = function(isPattern, refDestructuringErrors) { var this$1 = this; var node = this.startNode(), first = true, propHash = {} node.properties = [] this.next() while (!this.eat(tt.braceR)) { if (!first) { this$1.expect(tt.comma) if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(tt.braceR)) break } else first = false var prop = this$1.startNode(), isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc if (this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { prop.method = false prop.shorthand = false if (isPattern || refDestructuringErrors) { startPos = this$1.start startLoc = this$1.startLoc } if (!isPattern) isGenerator = this$1.eat(tt.star) } this$1.parsePropertyName(prop) if (!isPattern && this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && !isGenerator && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier" && prop.key.name === "async" && this$1.type !== tt.parenL && this$1.type !== tt.colon && !this$1.canInsertSemicolon()) { isAsync = true this$1.parsePropertyName(prop, refDestructuringErrors) } else { isAsync = false } this$1.parsePropertyValue(prop, isPattern, isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc, refDestructuringErrors) this$1.checkPropClash(prop, propHash) node.properties.push(this$1.finishNode(prop, "Property")) } return this.finishNode(node, isPattern ? "ObjectPattern" : "ObjectExpression") } pp$3.parsePropertyValue = function(prop, isPattern, isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc, refDestructuringErrors) { if ((isGenerator || isAsync) && this.type === tt.colon) this.unexpected() if (this.eat(tt.colon)) { prop.value = isPattern ? this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start, this.startLoc) : this.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors) prop.kind = "init" } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.type === tt.parenL) { if (isPattern) this.unexpected() prop.kind = "init" prop.method = true prop.value = this.parseMethod(isGenerator, isAsync) } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier" && (prop.key.name === "get" || prop.key.name === "set") && (this.type != tt.comma && this.type != tt.braceR)) { if (isGenerator || isAsync || isPattern) this.unexpected() prop.kind = prop.key.name this.parsePropertyName(prop) prop.value = this.parseMethod(false) var paramCount = prop.kind === "get" ? 0 : 1 if (prop.value.params.length !== paramCount) { var start = prop.value.start if (prop.kind === "get") this.raiseRecoverable(start, "getter should have no params") else this.raiseRecoverable(start, "setter should have exactly one param") } else { if (prop.kind === "set" && prop.value.params[0].type === "RestElement") this.raiseRecoverable(prop.value.params[0].start, "Setter cannot use rest params") } } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier") { if (this.keywords.test(prop.key.name) || (this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrict : this.reservedWords).test(prop.key.name) || (this.inGenerator && prop.key.name == "yield") || (this.inAsync && prop.key.name == "await")) this.raiseRecoverable(prop.key.start, "'" + prop.key.name + "' can not be used as shorthand property") prop.kind = "init" if (isPattern) { prop.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(startPos, startLoc, prop.key) } else if (this.type === tt.eq && refDestructuringErrors) { if (refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign < 0) refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign = this.start prop.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(startPos, startLoc, prop.key) } else { prop.value = prop.key } prop.shorthand = true } else this.unexpected() } pp$3.parsePropertyName = function(prop) { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { if (this.eat(tt.bracketL)) { prop.computed = true prop.key = this.parseMaybeAssign() this.expect(tt.bracketR) return prop.key } else { prop.computed = false } } return prop.key = this.type === tt.num || this.type === tt.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.parseIdent(true) } // Initialize empty function node. pp$3.initFunction = function(node) { node.id = null if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { node.generator = false node.expression = false } if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) node.async = false } // Parse object or class method. pp$3.parseMethod = function(isGenerator, isAsync) { var node = this.startNode(), oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction this.initFunction(node) if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) node.generator = isGenerator if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) node.async = !!isAsync this.inGenerator = node.generator this.inAsync = node.async this.yieldPos = 0 this.awaitPos = 0 this.inFunction = true this.enterFunctionScope() this.expect(tt.parenL) node.params = this.parseBindingList(tt.parenR, false, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams() this.parseFunctionBody(node, false) this.inGenerator = oldInGen this.inAsync = oldInAsync this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos this.inFunction = oldInFunc return this.finishNode(node, "FunctionExpression") } // Parse arrow function expression with given parameters. pp$3.parseArrowExpression = function(node, params, isAsync) { var oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction this.enterFunctionScope() this.initFunction(node) if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) node.async = !!isAsync this.inGenerator = false this.inAsync = node.async this.yieldPos = 0 this.awaitPos = 0 this.inFunction = true node.params = this.toAssignableList(params, true) this.parseFunctionBody(node, true) this.inGenerator = oldInGen this.inAsync = oldInAsync this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos this.inFunction = oldInFunc return this.finishNode(node, "ArrowFunctionExpression") } // Parse function body and check parameters. pp$3.parseFunctionBody = function(node, isArrowFunction) { var isExpression = isArrowFunction && this.type !== tt.braceL var oldStrict = this.strict, useStrict = false if (isExpression) { node.body = this.parseMaybeAssign() node.expression = true this.checkParams(node, false) } else { var nonSimple = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && !this.isSimpleParamList(node.params) if (!oldStrict || nonSimple) { useStrict = this.strictDirective(this.end) // If this is a strict mode function, verify that argument names // are not repeated, and it does not try to bind the words `eval` // or `arguments`. if (useStrict && nonSimple) this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "Illegal 'use strict' directive in function with non-simple parameter list") } // Start a new scope with regard to labels and the `inFunction` // flag (restore them to their old value afterwards). var oldLabels = this.labels this.labels = [] if (useStrict) this.strict = true // Add the params to varDeclaredNames to ensure that an error is thrown // if a let/const declaration in the function clashes with one of the params. this.checkParams(node, !oldStrict && !useStrict && !isArrowFunction && this.isSimpleParamList(node.params)) node.body = this.parseBlock(false) node.expression = false this.labels = oldLabels } this.exitFunctionScope() if (this.strict && node.id) { // Ensure the function name isn't a forbidden identifier in strict mode, e.g. 'eval' this.checkLVal(node.id, "none") } this.strict = oldStrict } pp$3.isSimpleParamList = function(params) { for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) if (params[i].type !== "Identifier") return false return true } // Checks function params for various disallowed patterns such as using "eval" // or "arguments" and duplicate parameters. pp$3.checkParams = function(node, allowDuplicates) { var this$1 = this; var nameHash = {} for (var i = 0; i < node.params.length; i++) this$1.checkLVal(node.params[i], "var", allowDuplicates ? null : nameHash) } // Parses a comma-separated list of expressions, and returns them as // an array. `close` is the token type that ends the list, and // `allowEmpty` can be turned on to allow subsequent commas with // nothing in between them to be parsed as `null` (which is needed // for array literals). pp$3.parseExprList = function(close, allowTrailingComma, allowEmpty, refDestructuringErrors) { var this$1 = this; var elts = [], first = true while (!this.eat(close)) { if (!first) { this$1.expect(tt.comma) if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(close)) break } else first = false var elt if (allowEmpty && this$1.type === tt.comma) elt = null else if (this$1.type === tt.ellipsis) { elt = this$1.parseSpread(refDestructuringErrors) if (refDestructuringErrors && this$1.type === tt.comma && refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma < 0) refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = this$1.start } else { elt = this$1.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors) } elts.push(elt) } return elts } // Parse the next token as an identifier. If `liberal` is true (used // when parsing properties), it will also convert keywords into // identifiers. pp$3.parseIdent = function(liberal) { var node = this.startNode() if (liberal && this.options.allowReserved == "never") liberal = false if (this.type === tt.name) { if (!liberal && (this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrict : this.reservedWords).test(this.value) && (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 || this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).indexOf("\\") == -1)) this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, "The keyword '" + this.value + "' is reserved") if (this.inGenerator && this.value === "yield") this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, "Can not use 'yield' as identifier inside a generator") if (this.inAsync && this.value === "await") this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, "Can not use 'await' as identifier inside an async function") node.name = this.value } else if (liberal && this.type.keyword) { node.name = this.type.keyword } else { this.unexpected() } this.next() return this.finishNode(node, "Identifier") } // Parses yield expression inside generator. pp$3.parseYield = function() { if (!this.yieldPos) this.yieldPos = this.start var node = this.startNode() this.next() if (this.type == tt.semi || this.canInsertSemicolon() || (this.type != tt.star && !this.type.startsExpr)) { node.delegate = false node.argument = null } else { node.delegate = this.eat(tt.star) node.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign() } return this.finishNode(node, "YieldExpression") } pp$3.parseAwait = function() { if (!this.awaitPos) this.awaitPos = this.start var node = this.startNode() this.next() node.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, true) return this.finishNode(node, "AwaitExpression") } var pp$4 = Parser.prototype // This function is used to raise exceptions on parse errors. It // takes an offset integer (into the current `input`) to indicate // the location of the error, attaches the position to the end // of the error message, and then raises a `SyntaxError` with that // message. pp$4.raise = function(pos, message) { var loc = getLineInfo(this.input, pos) message += " (" + loc.line + ":" + loc.column + ")" var err = new SyntaxError(message) err.pos = pos; err.loc = loc; err.raisedAt = this.pos throw err } pp$4.raiseRecoverable = pp$4.raise pp$4.curPosition = function() { if (this.options.locations) { return new Position(this.curLine, this.pos - this.lineStart) } } var pp$5 = Parser.prototype // Object.assign polyfill var assign = Object.assign || function(target) { var sources = [], len = arguments.length - 1; while ( len-- > 0 ) sources[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ]; for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { var source = sources[i] for (var key in source) { if (has(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key] } } } return target } // The functions in this module keep track of declared variables in the current scope in order to detect duplicate variable names. pp$5.enterFunctionScope = function() { // var: a hash of var-declared names in the current lexical scope // lexical: a hash of lexically-declared names in the current lexical scope // childVar: a hash of var-declared names in all child lexical scopes of the current lexical scope (within the current function scope) // parentLexical: a hash of lexically-declared names in all parent lexical scopes of the current lexical scope (within the current function scope) this.scopeStack.push({var: {}, lexical: {}, childVar: {}, parentLexical: {}}) } pp$5.exitFunctionScope = function() { this.scopeStack.pop() } pp$5.enterLexicalScope = function() { var parentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1] var childScope = {var: {}, lexical: {}, childVar: {}, parentLexical: {}} this.scopeStack.push(childScope) assign(childScope.parentLexical, parentScope.lexical, parentScope.parentLexical) } pp$5.exitLexicalScope = function() { var childScope = this.scopeStack.pop() var parentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1] assign(parentScope.childVar, childScope.var, childScope.childVar) } /** * A name can be declared with `var` if there are no variables with the same name declared with `let`/`const` * in the current lexical scope or any of the parent lexical scopes in this function. */ pp$5.canDeclareVarName = function(name) { var currentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1] return !has(currentScope.lexical, name) && !has(currentScope.parentLexical, name) } /** * A name can be declared with `let`/`const` if there are no variables with the same name declared with `let`/`const` * in the current scope, and there are no variables with the same name declared with `var` in the current scope or in * any child lexical scopes in this function. */ pp$5.canDeclareLexicalName = function(name) { var currentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1] return !has(currentScope.lexical, name) && !has(currentScope.var, name) && !has(currentScope.childVar, name) } pp$5.declareVarName = function(name) { this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1].var[name] = true } pp$5.declareLexicalName = function(name) { this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1].lexical[name] = true } var Node = function Node(parser, pos, loc) { this.type = "" this.start = pos this.end = 0 if (parser.options.locations) this.loc = new SourceLocation(parser, loc) if (parser.options.directSourceFile) this.sourceFile = parser.options.directSourceFile if (parser.options.ranges) this.range = [pos, 0] }; // Start an AST node, attaching a start offset. var pp$6 = Parser.prototype pp$6.startNode = function() { return new Node(this, this.start, this.startLoc) } pp$6.startNodeAt = function(pos, loc) { return new Node(this, pos, loc) } // Finish an AST node, adding `type` and `end` properties. function finishNodeAt(node, type, pos, loc) { node.type = type node.end = pos if (this.options.locations) node.loc.end = loc if (this.options.ranges) node.range[1] = pos return node } pp$6.finishNode = function(node, type) { return finishNodeAt.call(this, node, type, this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc) } // Finish node at given position pp$6.finishNodeAt = function(node, type, pos, loc) { return finishNodeAt.call(this, node, type, pos, loc) } // The algorithm used to determine whether a regexp can appear at a // given point in the program is loosely based on sweet.js' approach. // See https://github.com/mozilla/sweet.js/wiki/design var TokContext = function TokContext(token, isExpr, preserveSpace, override, generator) { this.token = token this.isExpr = !!isExpr this.preserveSpace = !!preserveSpace this.override = override this.generator = !!generator }; var types = { b_stat: new TokContext("{", false), b_expr: new TokContext("{", true), b_tmpl: new TokContext("${", true), p_stat: new TokContext("(", false), p_expr: new TokContext("(", true), q_tmpl: new TokContext("`", true, true, function (p) { return p.readTmplToken(); }), f_expr: new TokContext("function", true), f_expr_gen: new TokContext("function", true, false, null, true), f_gen: new TokContext("function", false, false, null, true) } var pp$7 = Parser.prototype pp$7.initialContext = function() { return [types.b_stat] } pp$7.braceIsBlock = function(prevType) { if (prevType === tt.colon) { var parent = this.curContext() if (parent === types.b_stat || parent === types.b_expr) return !parent.isExpr } if (prevType === tt._return) return lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) if (prevType === tt._else || prevType === tt.semi || prevType === tt.eof || prevType === tt.parenR || prevType == tt.arrow) return true if (prevType == tt.braceL) return this.curContext() === types.b_stat return !this.exprAllowed } pp$7.inGeneratorContext = function() { var this$1 = this; for (var i = this.context.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (this$1.context[i].generator) return true return false } pp$7.updateContext = function(prevType) { var update, type = this.type if (type.keyword && prevType == tt.dot) this.exprAllowed = false else if (update = type.updateContext) update.call(this, prevType) else this.exprAllowed = type.beforeExpr } // Token-specific context update code tt.parenR.updateContext = tt.braceR.updateContext = function() { if (this.context.length == 1) { this.exprAllowed = true return } var out = this.context.pop(), cur if (out === types.b_stat && (cur = this.curContext()) && cur.token === "function") { this.context.pop() this.exprAllowed = false } else if (out === types.b_tmpl) { this.exprAllowed = true } else { this.exprAllowed = !out.isExpr } } tt.braceL.updateContext = function(prevType) { this.context.push(this.braceIsBlock(prevType) ? types.b_stat : types.b_expr) this.exprAllowed = true } tt.dollarBraceL.updateContext = function() { this.context.push(types.b_tmpl) this.exprAllowed = true } tt.parenL.updateContext = function(prevType) { var statementParens = prevType === tt._if || prevType === tt._for || prevType === tt._with || prevType === tt._while this.context.push(statementParens ? types.p_stat : types.p_expr) this.exprAllowed = true } tt.incDec.updateContext = function() { // tokExprAllowed stays unchanged } tt._function.updateContext = function(prevType) { if (prevType.beforeExpr && prevType !== tt.semi && prevType !== tt._else && !((prevType === tt.colon || prevType === tt.braceL) && this.curContext() === types.b_stat)) this.context.push(types.f_expr) this.exprAllowed = false } tt.backQuote.updateContext = function() { if (this.curContext() === types.q_tmpl) this.context.pop() else this.context.push(types.q_tmpl) this.exprAllowed = false } tt.star.updateContext = function(prevType) { if (prevType == tt._function) { if (this.curContext() === types.f_expr) this.context[this.context.length - 1] = types.f_expr_gen else this.context.push(types.f_gen) } this.exprAllowed = true } tt.name.updateContext = function(prevType) { var allowed = false if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { if (this.value == "of" && !this.exprAllowed || this.value == "yield" && this.inGeneratorContext()) allowed = true } this.exprAllowed = allowed } // Object type used to represent tokens. Note that normally, tokens // simply exist as properties on the parser object. This is only // used for the onToken callback and the external tokenizer. var Token = function Token(p) { this.type = p.type this.value = p.value this.start = p.start this.end = p.end if (p.options.locations) this.loc = new SourceLocation(p, p.startLoc, p.endLoc) if (p.options.ranges) this.range = [p.start, p.end] }; // ## Tokenizer var pp$8 = Parser.prototype // Are we running under Rhino? var isRhino = typeof Packages == "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(Packages) == "[object JavaPackage]" // Move to the next token pp$8.next = function() { if (this.options.onToken) this.options.onToken(new Token(this)) this.lastTokEnd = this.end this.lastTokStart = this.start this.lastTokEndLoc = this.endLoc this.lastTokStartLoc = this.startLoc this.nextToken() } pp$8.getToken = function() { this.next() return new Token(this) } // If we're in an ES6 environment, make parsers iterable if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined") pp$8[Symbol.iterator] = function() { var this$1 = this; return { next: function () { var token = this$1.getToken() return { done: token.type === tt.eof, value: token } } } } // Toggle strict mode. Re-reads the next number or string to please // pedantic tests (`"use strict"; 010;` should fail). pp$8.curContext = function() { return this.context[this.context.length - 1] } // Read a single token, updating the parser object's token-related // properties. pp$8.nextToken = function() { var curContext = this.curContext() if (!curContext || !curContext.preserveSpace) this.skipSpace() this.start = this.pos if (this.options.locations) this.startLoc = this.curPosition() if (this.pos >= this.input.length) return this.finishToken(tt.eof) if (curContext.override) return curContext.override(this) else this.readToken(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) } pp$8.readToken = function(code) { // Identifier or keyword. '\uXXXX' sequences are allowed in // identifiers, so '\' also dispatches to that. if (isIdentifierStart(code, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) || code === 92 /* '\' */) return this.readWord() return this.getTokenFromCode(code) } pp$8.fullCharCodeAtPos = function() { var code = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos) if (code <= 0xd7ff || code >= 0xe000) return code var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) return (code << 10) + next - 0x35fdc00 } pp$8.skipBlockComment = function() { var this$1 = this; var startLoc = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition() var start = this.pos, end = this.input.indexOf("*/", this.pos += 2) if (end === -1) this.raise(this.pos - 2, "Unterminated comment") this.pos = end + 2 if (this.options.locations) { lineBreakG.lastIndex = start var match while ((match = lineBreakG.exec(this.input)) && match.index < this.pos) { ++this$1.curLine this$1.lineStart = match.index + match[0].length } } if (this.options.onComment) this.options.onComment(true, this.input.slice(start + 2, end), start, this.pos, startLoc, this.curPosition()) } pp$8.skipLineComment = function(startSkip) { var this$1 = this; var start = this.pos var startLoc = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition() var ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos += startSkip) while (this.pos < this.input.length && ch !== 10 && ch !== 13 && ch !== 8232 && ch !== 8233) { ++this$1.pos ch = this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos) } if (this.options.onComment) this.options.onComment(false, this.input.slice(start + startSkip, this.pos), start, this.pos, startLoc, this.curPosition()) } // Called at the start of the parse and after every token. Skips // whitespace and comments, and. pp$8.skipSpace = function() { var this$1 = this; loop: while (this.pos < this.input.length) { var ch = this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos) switch (ch) { case 32: case 160: // ' ' ++this$1.pos break case 13: if (this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos + 1) === 10) { ++this$1.pos } case 10: case 8232: case 8233: ++this$1.pos if (this$1.options.locations) { ++this$1.curLine this$1.lineStart = this$1.pos } break case 47: // '/' switch (this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos + 1)) { case 42: // '*' this$1.skipBlockComment() break case 47: this$1.skipLineComment(2) break default: break loop } break default: if (ch > 8 && ch < 14 || ch >= 5760 && nonASCIIwhitespace.test(String.fromCharCode(ch))) { ++this$1.pos } else { break loop } } } } // Called at the end of every token. Sets `end`, `val`, and // maintains `context` and `exprAllowed`, and skips the space after // the token, so that the next one's `start` will point at the // right position. pp$8.finishToken = function(type, val) { this.end = this.pos if (this.options.locations) this.endLoc = this.curPosition() var prevType = this.type this.type = type this.value = val this.updateContext(prevType) } // ### Token reading // This is the function that is called to fetch the next token. It // is somewhat obscure, because it works in character codes rather // than characters, and because operator parsing has been inlined // into it. // // All in the name of speed. // pp$8.readToken_dot = function() { var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) if (next >= 48 && next <= 57) return this.readNumber(true) var next2 = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && next === 46 && next2 === 46) { // 46 = dot '.' this.pos += 3 return this.finishToken(tt.ellipsis) } else { ++this.pos return this.finishToken(tt.dot) } } pp$8.readToken_slash = function() { // '/' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) if (this.exprAllowed) { ++this.pos; return this.readRegexp() } if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, 2) return this.finishOp(tt.slash, 1) } pp$8.readToken_mult_modulo_exp = function(code) { // '%*' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) var size = 1 var tokentype = code === 42 ? tt.star : tt.modulo // exponentiation operator ** and **= if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && next === 42) { ++size tokentype = tt.starstar next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) } if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, size + 1) return this.finishOp(tokentype, size) } pp$8.readToken_pipe_amp = function(code) { // '|&' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) if (next === code) return this.finishOp(code === 124 ? tt.logicalOR : tt.logicalAND, 2) if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, 2) return this.finishOp(code === 124 ? tt.bitwiseOR : tt.bitwiseAND, 1) } pp$8.readToken_caret = function() { // '^' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, 2) return this.finishOp(tt.bitwiseXOR, 1) } pp$8.readToken_plus_min = function(code) { // '+-' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) if (next === code) { if (next == 45 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) == 62 && lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.pos))) { // A `-->` line comment this.skipLineComment(3) this.skipSpace() return this.nextToken() } return this.finishOp(tt.incDec, 2) } if (next === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, 2) return this.finishOp(tt.plusMin, 1) } pp$8.readToken_lt_gt = function(code) { // '<>' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) var size = 1 if (next === code) { size = code === 62 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) === 62 ? 3 : 2 if (this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + size) === 61) return this.finishOp(tt.assign, size + 1) return this.finishOp(tt.bitShift, size) } if (next == 33 && code == 60 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) == 45 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 3) == 45) { if (this.inModule) this.unexpected() // `