@import "theme"; .blinking-cursor { font-weight: 100; color: #2e3d48; -webkit-animation: 1s cursorblink step-end infinite; -moz-animation: 1s cursorblink step-end infinite; -ms-animation: 1s cursorblink step-end infinite; -o-animation: 1s cursorblink step-end infinite; animation: 1s cursorblink step-end infinite; } @keyframes cursorblink { from, to { color: transparent; } 50% { color: $hacker-green; } } @-moz-keyframes cursorblink { from, to { color: transparent; } 50% { color: $hacker-green; } } @-webkit-keyframes cursorblink { from, to { color: transparent; } 50% { color: $hacker-green; } } @-ms-keyframes cursorblink { from, to { color: transparent; } 50% { color: $hacker-green; } } @-o-keyframes cursorblink { from, to { color: transparent; } 50% { color: $hacker-green; } }