# netburner Netburner Idle Game TESTING TODO: hack() and sleep() in a script hack() seems to be working Sleep() seems to be working Creating the foreign server network doesn't seem to be working --Seems to be fixed Script RAM Usage and corresponding terminal commands If a server has no more money available it cannot be hacked anymore Should work automatically...because your money gained percentage will be multiplied by 0 When the game is loaded re-load all of the scripts in runningScripts - Seems to be working Update skill level on cycle If a script has bad syntax...it fucks everything up when you try to run it so fix that Try catch for script? Check that killing scripts still works fine (TESTED - LOoks to work fine) Check that if script has bad syntax it wont run at all and everthing works normally (Seems to work fine) Check if script throws during runtime it shuts down correctly (seems to work fine) Adjust leveling formula. Goes up way too high at first http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/55151/rpg-logarithmic-leveling-formula - might be too slow now? Scripts tab that shows script stats Seems to work, at least the basics (for online production) Script offline progress Delete a script from Active scripts when the WorkerScript is deleted Seems to work Server growth Implemented but it might need to be balance/formula readjusted ctrl+C functionality for all running command like hack(), analyze(), and tail Implemented for hack() and analyze(). Seems to work Saving/Loading factions No errors thrown when saving/loading game at the start Scroll all the way down when something is post()ed Purchasing Servers Work Companies Add possible CompanyPositions for every Company Applying/working for companies Factions Change Company pages to display "apply for promotion" and other stuff when you are already employed there Augmentations Tasks TODO: Script logging functionality? Logs to internal "log file" (property of script itself) Tutorial and help Secret Servers Hack time formula needs rebalancing I think Create new menu page for purchased servers Update CONSTANTS.HelpText Account for Max possible int when gaining exp Text in script editor that says ("ctrl + x" to save and quit) OPTIMIZATION https://gamealchemist.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/lets-get-those-javascript-arrays-to-work-fast/