import { INetscriptHelper } from "./INetscriptHelper"; import { WorkerScript } from "../Netscript/WorkerScript"; import { IPlayer } from "../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { getRamCost } from "../Netscript/RamCostGenerator"; import { buyStock, sellStock, shortStock, sellShort } from "../StockMarket/BuyingAndSelling"; import { StockMarket, SymbolToStockMap, placeOrder, cancelOrder } from "../StockMarket/StockMarket"; import { getBuyTransactionCost, getSellTransactionGain } from "../StockMarket/StockMarketHelpers"; import { OrderTypes } from "../StockMarket/data/OrderTypes"; import { PositionTypes } from "../StockMarket/data/PositionTypes"; import { StockSymbols } from "../StockMarket/data/StockSymbols"; import { getStockMarket4SDataCost, getStockMarket4STixApiCost, getStockMarketWseCost, getStockMarketTixApiCost, } from "../StockMarket/StockMarketCosts"; import { Stock } from "../StockMarket/Stock"; import { TIX } from "../ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions"; export function NetscriptStockMarket(player: IPlayer, workerScript: WorkerScript, helper: INetscriptHelper): TIX { /** * Checks if the player has TIX API access. Throws an error if the player does not */ const checkTixApiAccess = function (callingFn: string): void { if (!player.hasWseAccount) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(callingFn, `You don't have WSE Access! Cannot use ${callingFn}()`); } if (!player.hasTixApiAccess) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(callingFn, `You don't have TIX API Access! Cannot use ${callingFn}()`); } }; const getStockFromSymbol = function (symbol: string, callingFn: string): Stock { const stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(callingFn, `Invalid stock symbol: '${symbol}'`); } return stock; }; const updateRam = (funcName: string): void => helper.updateDynamicRam(funcName, getRamCost(player, "stock", funcName)); return { getSymbols: function (): string[] { updateRam("getSymbols"); checkTixApiAccess("getSymbols"); return Object.values(StockSymbols); }, getPrice: function (_symbol: unknown): number { updateRam("getPrice"); const symbol = helper.string("getPrice", "symbol", _symbol); checkTixApiAccess("getPrice"); const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "getPrice"); return stock.price; }, getAskPrice: function (_symbol: unknown): number { updateRam("getAskPrice"); const symbol = helper.string("getAskPrice", "symbol", _symbol); checkTixApiAccess("getAskPrice"); const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "getAskPrice"); return stock.getAskPrice(); }, getBidPrice: function (_symbol: unknown): number { updateRam("getBidPrice"); const symbol = helper.string("getBidPrice", "symbol", _symbol); checkTixApiAccess("getBidPrice"); const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "getBidPrice"); return stock.getBidPrice(); }, getPosition: function (_symbol: unknown): [number, number, number, number] { updateRam("getPosition"); const symbol = helper.string("getPosition", "symbol", _symbol); checkTixApiAccess("getPosition"); const stock = SymbolToStockMap[symbol]; if (stock == null) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("getPosition", `Invalid stock symbol: ${symbol}`); } return [stock.playerShares, stock.playerAvgPx, stock.playerShortShares, stock.playerAvgShortPx]; }, getMaxShares: function (_symbol: unknown): number { updateRam("getMaxShares"); const symbol = helper.string("getMaxShares", "symbol", _symbol); checkTixApiAccess("getMaxShares"); const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "getMaxShares"); return stock.maxShares; }, getPurchaseCost: function (_symbol: unknown, _shares: unknown, _posType: unknown): number { updateRam("getPurchaseCost"); const symbol = helper.string("getPurchaseCost", "symbol", _symbol); let shares = helper.number("getPurchaseCost", "shares", _shares); const posType = helper.string("getPurchaseCost", "posType", _posType); checkTixApiAccess("getPurchaseCost"); const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "getPurchaseCost"); shares = Math.round(shares); let pos; const sanitizedPosType = posType.toLowerCase(); if (sanitizedPosType.includes("l")) { pos = PositionTypes.Long; } else if (sanitizedPosType.includes("s")) { pos = PositionTypes.Short; } else { return Infinity; } const res = getBuyTransactionCost(stock, shares, pos); if (res == null) { return Infinity; } return res; }, getSaleGain: function (_symbol: unknown, _shares: unknown, _posType: unknown): number { updateRam("getSaleGain"); const symbol = helper.string("getSaleGain", "symbol", _symbol); let shares = helper.number("getSaleGain", "shares", _shares); const posType = helper.string("getSaleGain", "posType", _posType); checkTixApiAccess("getSaleGain"); const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "getSaleGain"); shares = Math.round(shares); let pos; const sanitizedPosType = posType.toLowerCase(); if (sanitizedPosType.includes("l")) { pos = PositionTypes.Long; } else if (sanitizedPosType.includes("s")) { pos = PositionTypes.Short; } else { return 0; } const res = getSellTransactionGain(stock, shares, pos); if (res == null) { return 0; } return res; }, buy: function (_symbol: unknown, _shares: unknown): number { updateRam("buy"); const symbol = helper.string("buy", "symbol", _symbol); const shares = helper.number("buy", "shares", _shares); checkTixApiAccess("buy"); const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "buy"); const res = buyStock(stock, shares, workerScript, {}); return res ? stock.getAskPrice() : 0; }, sell: function (_symbol: unknown, _shares: unknown): number { updateRam("sell"); const symbol = helper.string("sell", "symbol", _symbol); const shares = helper.number("sell", "shares", _shares); checkTixApiAccess("sell"); const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "sell"); const res = sellStock(stock, shares, workerScript, {}); return res ? stock.getBidPrice() : 0; }, short: function (_symbol: unknown, _shares: unknown): number { updateRam("short"); const symbol = helper.string("short", "symbol", _symbol); const shares = helper.number("short", "shares", _shares); checkTixApiAccess("short"); if (player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (player.sourceFileLvl(8) <= 1) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg( "short", "You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Source-File 8 Level 2.", ); } } const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "short"); const res = shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript, {}); return res ? stock.getBidPrice() : 0; }, sellShort: function (_symbol: unknown, _shares: unknown): number { updateRam("sellShort"); const symbol = helper.string("sellShort", "symbol", _symbol); const shares = helper.number("sellShort", "shares", _shares); checkTixApiAccess("sellShort"); if (player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (player.sourceFileLvl(8) <= 1) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg( "sellShort", "You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Source-File 8 Level 2.", ); } } const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "sellShort"); const res = sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript, {}); return res ? stock.getAskPrice() : 0; }, placeOrder: function (_symbol: unknown, _shares: unknown, _price: unknown, _type: unknown, _pos: unknown): boolean { updateRam("placeOrder"); const symbol = helper.string("placeOrder", "symbol", _symbol); const shares = helper.number("placeOrder", "shares", _shares); const price = helper.number("placeOrder", "price", _price); const type = helper.string("placeOrder", "type", _type); const pos = helper.string("placeOrder", "pos", _pos); checkTixApiAccess("placeOrder"); if (player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (player.sourceFileLvl(8) <= 2) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg( "placeOrder", "You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Source-File 8 Level 3.", ); } } const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "placeOrder"); let orderType; let orderPos; const ltype = type.toLowerCase(); if (ltype.includes("limit") && ltype.includes("buy")) { orderType = OrderTypes.LimitBuy; } else if (ltype.includes("limit") && ltype.includes("sell")) { orderType = OrderTypes.LimitSell; } else if (ltype.includes("stop") && ltype.includes("buy")) { orderType = OrderTypes.StopBuy; } else if (ltype.includes("stop") && ltype.includes("sell")) { orderType = OrderTypes.StopSell; } else { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("placeOrder", `Invalid order type: ${type}`); } const lpos = pos.toLowerCase(); if (lpos.includes("l")) { orderPos = PositionTypes.Long; } else if (lpos.includes("s")) { orderPos = PositionTypes.Short; } else { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("placeOrder", `Invalid position type: ${pos}`); } return placeOrder(stock, shares, price, orderType, orderPos, workerScript); }, cancelOrder: function ( _symbol: unknown, _shares: unknown, _price: unknown, _type: unknown, _pos: unknown, ): boolean { updateRam("cancelOrder"); const symbol = helper.string("cancelOrder", "symbol", _symbol); const shares = helper.number("cancelOrder", "shares", _shares); const price = helper.number("cancelOrder", "price", _price); const type = helper.string("cancelOrder", "type", _type); const pos = helper.string("cancelOrder", "pos", _pos); checkTixApiAccess("cancelOrder"); if (player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (player.sourceFileLvl(8) <= 2) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg( "cancelOrder", "You must either be in BitNode-8 or you must have Source-File 8 Level 3.", ); } } const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "cancelOrder"); if (isNaN(shares) || isNaN(price)) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg( "cancelOrder", `Invalid shares or price. Must be numeric. shares=${shares}, price=${price}`, ); } let orderType; let orderPos; const ltype = type.toLowerCase(); if (ltype.includes("limit") && ltype.includes("buy")) { orderType = OrderTypes.LimitBuy; } else if (ltype.includes("limit") && ltype.includes("sell")) { orderType = OrderTypes.LimitSell; } else if (ltype.includes("stop") && ltype.includes("buy")) { orderType = OrderTypes.StopBuy; } else if (ltype.includes("stop") && ltype.includes("sell")) { orderType = OrderTypes.StopSell; } else { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("cancelOrder", `Invalid order type: ${type}`); } const lpos = pos.toLowerCase(); if (lpos.includes("l")) { orderPos = PositionTypes.Long; } else if (lpos.includes("s")) { orderPos = PositionTypes.Short; } else { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("cancelOrder", `Invalid position type: ${pos}`); } const params = { stock: stock, shares: shares, price: price, type: orderType, pos: orderPos, }; return cancelOrder(params, workerScript); }, getOrders: function (): any { updateRam("getOrders"); checkTixApiAccess("getOrders"); if (player.bitNodeN !== 8) { if (player.sourceFileLvl(8) <= 2) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg( "getOrders", "You must either be in BitNode-8 or have Source-File 8 Level 3.", ); } } const orders: any = {}; const stockMarketOrders = StockMarket["Orders"]; for (const symbol of Object.keys(stockMarketOrders)) { const orderBook = stockMarketOrders[symbol]; if (orderBook.constructor === Array && orderBook.length > 0) { orders[symbol] = []; for (let i = 0; i < orderBook.length; ++i) { orders[symbol].push({ shares: orderBook[i].shares, price: orderBook[i].price, type: orderBook[i].type, position: orderBook[i].pos, }); } } } return orders; }, getVolatility: function (_symbol: unknown): number { updateRam("getVolatility"); const symbol = helper.string("getVolatility", "symbol", _symbol); if (!player.has4SDataTixApi) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("getVolatility", "You don't have 4S Market Data TIX API Access!"); } const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "getVolatility"); return / 100; // Convert from percentage to decimal }, getForecast: function (_symbol: unknown): number { updateRam("getForecast"); const symbol = helper.string("getForecast", "symbol", _symbol); if (!player.has4SDataTixApi) { throw helper.makeRuntimeErrorMsg("getForecast", "You don't have 4S Market Data TIX API Access!"); } const stock = getStockFromSymbol(symbol, "getForecast"); let forecast = 50; stock.b ? (forecast += stock.otlkMag) : (forecast -= stock.otlkMag); return forecast / 100; // Convert from percentage to decimal }, purchase4SMarketData: function (): boolean { updateRam("purchase4SMarketData"); checkTixApiAccess("purchase4SMarketData"); if (player.has4SData) { workerScript.log("stock.purchase4SMarketData", () => "Already purchased 4S Market Data."); return true; } if ( < getStockMarket4SDataCost()) { workerScript.log("stock.purchase4SMarketData", () => "Not enough money to purchase 4S Market Data."); return false; } player.has4SData = true; player.loseMoney(getStockMarket4SDataCost(), "stock"); workerScript.log("stock.purchase4SMarketData", () => "Purchased 4S Market Data"); return true; }, purchase4SMarketDataTixApi: function (): boolean { updateRam("purchase4SMarketDataTixApi"); checkTixApiAccess("purchase4SMarketDataTixApi"); if (player.has4SDataTixApi) { workerScript.log("stock.purchase4SMarketDataTixApi", () => "Already purchased 4S Market Data TIX API"); return true; } if ( < getStockMarket4STixApiCost()) { workerScript.log( "stock.purchase4SMarketDataTixApi", () => "Not enough money to purchase 4S Market Data TIX API", ); return false; } player.has4SDataTixApi = true; player.loseMoney(getStockMarket4STixApiCost(), "stock"); workerScript.log("stock.purchase4SMarketDataTixApi", () => "Purchased 4S Market Data TIX API"); return true; }, purchaseWseAccount: function (): boolean { updateRam("PurchaseWseAccount"); if (player.hasWseAccount) { workerScript.log("stock.purchaseWseAccount", () => "Already purchased WSE Account"); return true; } if ( < getStockMarketWseCost()) { workerScript.log("stock.purchaseWseAccount", () => "Not enough money to purchase WSE Account Access"); return false; } player.hasWseAccount = true; player.loseMoney(getStockMarketWseCost(), "stock"); workerScript.log("stock.purchaseWseAccount", () => "Purchased WSE Account Access"); return true; }, purchaseTixApi: function (): boolean { updateRam("purchaseTixApi"); if (player.hasTixApiAccess) { workerScript.log("stock.purchaseTixApi", () => "Already purchased TIX API"); return true; } if ( < getStockMarketTixApiCost()) { workerScript.log("stock.purchaseTixApi", () => "Not enough money to purchase TIX API Access"); return false; } player.hasTixApiAccess = true; player.loseMoney(getStockMarketTixApiCost(), "stock"); workerScript.log("stock.purchaseTixApi", () => "Purchased TIX API"); return true; }, }; }