growthAnalyze() Netscript Function ================================== .. js:function:: growthAnalyze(hostname, growthAmount[, cores]) :RAM cost: 1 GB :param string hostname: Hostname of server to analyze. :param number growthAmount: Multiplicative factor by which the server is grown. Decimal form. Must be >= 1. :param number cores: Amount of cores on the server that would run the growth, defaults to 1 :returns: The amount of :doc:`grow` threads needed to grow the specified server by the specified amount. Example: .. code-block:: javascript // How many grow threads are needed to double the current money on 'foodnstuff' growthAnalyze("foodnstuff", 2); // returns: 5124 If this returns 5124, then this means you need to call :doc:`grow` 5124 times in order to double the money (or once with 5124 threads). **Warning**: The value returned by this function isn't necessarily a whole number.