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## BitNodeMultipliers interface

All multipliers affecting the difficulty of the current challenge.


export interface BitNodeMultipliers 

## Properties

|  Property | Type | Description |
|  --- | --- | --- |
|  [AgilityLevelMultiplier](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.agilitylevelmultiplier.md) | number | Influences how quickly the player's agility level (not exp) scales |
|  [AugmentationMoneyCost](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.augmentationmoneycost.md) | number | Influences the base cost to purchase an augmentation. |
|  [AugmentationRepCost](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.augmentationrepcost.md) | number | Influences the base rep the player must have with a faction to purchase an augmentation. |
|  [BladeburnerRank](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.bladeburnerrank.md) | number | Influences how quickly the player can gain rank within Bladeburner. |
|  [BladeburnerSkillCost](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.bladeburnerskillcost.md) | number | Influences the cost of skill levels from Bladeburner. |
|  [CharismaLevelMultiplier](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.charismalevelmultiplier.md) | number | Influences how quickly the player's charisma level (not exp) scales |
|  [ClassGymExpGain](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.classgymexpgain.md) | number | Influences the experience gained for each ability when a player completes a class. |
|  [CodingContractMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.codingcontractmoney.md) | number | Influences the amount of money gained from completing Coding Contracts |
|  [CompanyWorkExpGain](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.companyworkexpgain.md) | number | Influences the experience gained for each ability when the player completes working their job. |
|  [CompanyWorkMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.companyworkmoney.md) | number | Influences how much money the player earns when completing working their job. |
|  [CorporationValuation](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.corporationvaluation.md) | number | Influences the valuation of corporations created by the player. |
|  [CrimeExpGain](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.crimeexpgain.md) | number | Influences the base experience gained for each ability when the player commits a crime. |
|  [CrimeMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.crimemoney.md) | number | Influences the base money gained when the player commits a crime. |
|  [DaedalusAugsRequirement](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.daedalusaugsrequirement.md) | number | Influences how many Augmentations you need in order to get invited to the Daedalus faction |
|  [DefenseLevelMultiplier](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.defenselevelmultiplier.md) | number | Influences how quickly the player's defense level (not exp) scales |
|  [DexterityLevelMultiplier](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.dexteritylevelmultiplier.md) | number | Influences how quickly the player's dexterity level (not exp) scales |
|  [FactionPassiveRepGain](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.factionpassiverepgain.md) | number | Influences how much rep the player gains in each faction simply by being a member. |
|  [FactionWorkExpGain](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.factionworkexpgain.md) | number | Influences the experience gained for each ability when the player completes work for a Faction. |
|  [FactionWorkRepGain](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.factionworkrepgain.md) | number | Influences how much rep the player gains when performing work for a faction. |
|  [FourSigmaMarketDataApiCost](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.foursigmamarketdataapicost.md) | number | Influences how much it costs to unlock the stock market's 4S Market Data API |
|  [FourSigmaMarketDataCost](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.foursigmamarketdatacost.md) | number | Influences how much it costs to unlock the stock market's 4S Market Data (NOT API) |
|  [GangSoftcap](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.gangsoftcap.md) | number | Influences the respect gain and money gain of your gang. |
|  [HackExpGain](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.hackexpgain.md) | number | Influences the experienced gained when hacking a server. |
|  [HackingLevelMultiplier](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.hackinglevelmultiplier.md) | number | Influences how quickly the player's hacking level (not experience) scales |
|  [HacknetNodeMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.hacknetnodemoney.md) | number | Influences how much money is produced by Hacknet Nodes and the hash rate of Hacknet Servers (unlocked in BitNode-9) |
|  [HomeComputerRamCost](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.homecomputerramcost.md) | number | Influences how much money it costs to upgrade your home computer's RAM |
|  [InfiltrationMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.infiltrationmoney.md) | number | Influences how much money is gained when the player infiltrates a company. |
|  [InfiltrationRep](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.infiltrationrep.md) | number | Influences how much rep the player can gain from factions when selling stolen documents and secrets |
|  [ManualHackMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.manualhackmoney.md) | number | Influences how much money can be stolen from a server when the player performs a hack against it through the Terminal. |
|  [PurchasedServerCost](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.purchasedservercost.md) | number | Influence how much it costs to purchase a server |
|  [PurchasedServerLimit](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.purchasedserverlimit.md) | number | Influences the maximum number of purchased servers you can have |
|  [PurchasedServerMaxRam](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.purchasedservermaxram.md) | number | Influences the maximum allowed RAM for a purchased server |
|  [PurchasedServerSoftCap](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.purchasedserversoftcap.md) | number | Influences cost of any purchased server at or above 128GB |
|  [RepToDonateToFaction](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.reptodonatetofaction.md) | number | Influences the minimum favor the player must have with a faction before they can donate to gain rep. |
|  [ScriptHackMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.scripthackmoney.md) | number | Influences how much the money on a server can be reduced when a script performs a hack against it. |
|  [ScriptHackMoneyGain](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.scripthackmoneygain.md) | number | Influences how much of the money stolen by a scripted hack will be added to the player's money. |
|  [ServerGrowthRate](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.servergrowthrate.md) | number | Influences the growth percentage per cycle against a server. |
|  [ServerMaxMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.servermaxmoney.md) | number | Influences the maxmimum money that a server can grow to. |
|  [ServerStartingMoney](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.serverstartingmoney.md) | number | Influences the initial money that a server starts with. |
|  [ServerStartingSecurity](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.serverstartingsecurity.md) | number | Influences the initial security level (hackDifficulty) of a server. |
|  [ServerWeakenRate](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.serverweakenrate.md) | number | Influences the weaken amount per invocation against a server. |
|  [StaneksGiftExtraSize](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.staneksgiftextrasize.md) | number | Influences the size of the gift |
|  [StaneksGiftPowerMultiplier](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.staneksgiftpowermultiplier.md) | number | Influences the power of the gift |
|  [StrengthLevelMultiplier](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.strengthlevelmultiplier.md) | number | Influences how quickly the player's strength level (not exp) scales |
|  [WorldDaemonDifficulty](./bitburner.bitnodemultipliers.worlddaemondifficulty.md) | number | Influences the hacking skill required to backdoor the world daemon. |