cancelOrder() Netscript Function ================================ .. js:function:: cancelOrder(sym, shares, price, type, pos) :RAM cost: 2.5 GB :param string sym: Symbol of stock to player order for :param number shares: Number of shares for order. Must be positive. Will be rounded to nearest integer :param number price: Execution price for the order :param string type: Type of order. It must specify "limit" or "stop", and must also specify "buy" or "sell". This is NOT case-sensitive. Here are four examples that will work: * limitbuy * limitsell * stopbuy * stopsell :param string pos: Specifies whether the order is a "Long" or "Short" position. The Values "L" or "S" can also be used. This is NOT case-sensitive. Cancels an oustanding Limit or Stop order on the stock market. The ability to use limit and stop orders is **not** immediately available to the player and must be unlocked later on in the game.