import { AugmentationName, CityName, CompletedProgramName, FactionName, LiteratureName, CompanyName } from "@enums"; import { Augmentations } from "./Augmentation/Augmentations"; import { initBitNodeMultipliers } from "./BitNode/BitNode"; import { Companies } from "./Company/Companies"; import { resetIndustryResearchTrees } from "./Corporation/data/IndustryData"; import { Factions } from "./Faction/Factions"; import { joinFaction } from "./Faction/FactionHelpers"; import { updateHashManagerCapacity } from "./Hacknet/HacknetHelpers"; import { prestigeWorkerScripts } from "./NetscriptWorker"; import { Player } from "@player"; import { recentScripts } from "./Netscript/RecentScripts"; import { resetPidCounter } from "./Netscript/Pid"; import { GetServer, AddToAllServers, initForeignServers, prestigeAllServers } from "./Server/AllServers"; import { prestigeHomeComputer } from "./Server/ServerHelpers"; import { SpecialServers } from "./Server/data/SpecialServers"; import { deleteStockMarket, initStockMarket } from "./StockMarket/StockMarket"; import { Terminal } from "./Terminal"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "./ui/React/DialogBox"; import { staneksGift } from "./CotMG/Helper"; import { ProgramsSeen } from "./Programs/ui/ProgramsRoot"; import { InvitationsSeen } from "./Faction/ui/FactionsRoot"; import { CONSTANTS } from "./Constants"; import { LogBoxClearEvents } from "./ui/React/LogBoxManager"; import { initCircadianModulator } from "./Augmentation/Augmentations"; import { Go } from "./Go/Go"; import { calculateExp } from "./PersonObjects/formulas/skill"; import { currentNodeMults } from "./BitNode/BitNodeMultipliers"; import { canAccessBitNodeFeature } from "./BitNode/BitNodeUtils"; const BitNode8StartingMoney = 250e6; function delayedDialog(message: string) { setTimeout(() => dialogBoxCreate(message), 200); } function setInitialExpForPlayer() { Player.exp.hacking = calculateExp(1, Player.mults.hacking * currentNodeMults.HackingLevelMultiplier); Player.exp.strength = calculateExp(1, Player.mults.strength * currentNodeMults.StrengthLevelMultiplier); Player.exp.defense = calculateExp(1, Player.mults.defense * currentNodeMults.DefenseLevelMultiplier); Player.exp.dexterity = calculateExp(1, Player.mults.dexterity * currentNodeMults.DexterityLevelMultiplier); Player.exp.agility = calculateExp(1, Player.mults.agility * currentNodeMults.AgilityLevelMultiplier); Player.exp.charisma = calculateExp(1, Player.mults.charisma * currentNodeMults.CharismaLevelMultiplier); Player.updateSkillLevels(); Player.hp.current = Player.hp.max; } // Prestige by purchasing augmentation export function prestigeAugmentation(): void { // We must kill all scripts before doing anything else. prestigeWorkerScripts(); initBitNodeMultipliers(); // Maintain invites to factions with the 'keepOnInstall' flag, and rumors about others const maintainInvites = new Set(); const maintainRumors = new Set(); for (const facName of [...Player.factions, ...Player.factionInvitations]) { if (Factions[facName].getInfo().keep) { maintainInvites.add(facName); } else { maintainRumors.add(facName); } } Player.prestigeAugmentation(); Go.prestigeAugmentation(); const homeComp = Player.getHomeComputer(); // Delete all servers except home computer prestigeAllServers(); // Reset home computer (only the programs) and add to AllServers AddToAllServers(homeComp); prestigeHomeComputer(homeComp); // Receive starting money and programs from installed augmentations for (const ownedAug of Player.augmentations) { const aug = Augmentations[]; Player.gainMoney(aug.startingMoney, "other"); for (const program of aug.programs) { homeComp.pushProgram(program); } } if (canAccessBitNodeFeature(5)) { homeComp.pushProgram(CompletedProgramName.formulas); } // Re-create foreign servers initForeignServers(Player.getHomeComputer()); // Gain favor for Companies and Factions for (const company of Object.values(Companies)) company.prestigeAugmentation(); for (const faction of Object.values(Factions)) faction.prestigeAugmentation(); // Stop a Terminal action if there is one. if (Terminal.action !== null) { Terminal.finishAction(true); } Terminal.clear(); LogBoxClearEvents.emit(); // Recalculate the bonus for circadian modulator aug initCircadianModulator(); Player.factionInvitations = Player.factionInvitations.concat([...maintainInvites]); for (const factionName of maintainInvites) { Factions[factionName].alreadyInvited = true; } Player.reapplyAllAugmentations(); Player.reapplyAllSourceFiles(); staneksGift.prestigeAugmentation(); // Apply entropy from grafting Player.applyEntropy(Player.entropy); // Gang const gang = Player.gang; if (gang) { const faction = Factions[gang.facName]; if (faction) joinFaction(faction); for (const m of gang.members) { const results = m.getPostInstallPoints(); m.hack_asc_points = results.hack; m.str_asc_points = results.str; m.def_asc_points = results.def; m.dex_asc_points = results.dex; m.agi_asc_points = results.agi; m.cha_asc_points = results.cha; } } // BitNode 3: Corporatocracy if (Player.bitNodeN === 3) { // Easiest way to comply with type constraint, instead of revalidating the enum member's file path homeComp.messages.push(LiteratureName.CorporationManagementHandbook); } // Cancel Bladeburner action if (Player.bladeburner) { Player.bladeburner.prestigeAugmentation(); } // BitNode 8: Ghost of Wall Street if (Player.bitNodeN === 8) { = BitNode8StartingMoney; } if (canAccessBitNodeFeature(8)) { Player.hasWseAccount = true; Player.hasTixApiAccess = true; } // Reset Stock market if (Player.hasWseAccount) { initStockMarket(); } // Red Pill if (Player.hasAugmentation(AugmentationName.TheRedPill, true)) { const WorldDaemon = GetServer(SpecialServers.WorldDaemon); const DaedalusServer = GetServer(SpecialServers.DaedalusServer); if (WorldDaemon && DaedalusServer) { WorldDaemon.serversOnNetwork.push(DaedalusServer.hostname); DaedalusServer.serversOnNetwork.push(WorldDaemon.hostname); } } // Bitnode 13: Church of the Machine God if (Player.hasAugmentation(AugmentationName.StaneksGift1, true)) { joinFaction(Factions[FactionName.ChurchOfTheMachineGod]); } else if (Player.bitNodeN !== 13) { if (Player.augmentations.some((a) => !== AugmentationName.NeuroFluxGovernor)) { Factions[FactionName.ChurchOfTheMachineGod].isBanned = true; } } // Hear rumors after all invites/bans for (const factionName of maintainRumors) Player.receiveRumor(factionName); resetPidCounter(); ProgramsSeen.clear(); InvitationsSeen.clear(); setInitialExpForPlayer(); } // Prestige by destroying Bit Node and gaining a Source File export function prestigeSourceFile(isFlume: boolean): void { // We must kill all scripts before doing anything else. prestigeWorkerScripts(); initBitNodeMultipliers(); Player.prestigeSourceFile(); Go.prestigeSourceFile(); const homeComp = Player.getHomeComputer(); // Stop a Terminal action if there is one. if (Terminal.action !== null) { Terminal.finishAction(true); } Terminal.clear(); LogBoxClearEvents.emit(); // Delete all servers except home computer prestigeAllServers(); // Must be done before initForeignServers() // Reset home computer (only the programs) and add to AllServers AddToAllServers(homeComp); prestigeHomeComputer(homeComp); // Ram usage needs to be cleared for bitnode-level resets, due to possible change in singularity cost. for (const script of homeComp.scripts.values()) script.ramUsage = null; // Re-create foreign servers initForeignServers(Player.getHomeComputer()); if (Player.activeSourceFileLvl(9) >= 2) { homeComp.setMaxRam(128); } else if (Player.activeSourceFileLvl(1) > 0) { homeComp.setMaxRam(32); } else { homeComp.setMaxRam(8); } homeComp.cpuCores = 1; // Reset favor for Companies and Factions for (const company of Object.values(Companies)) company.prestigeSourceFile(); for (const faction of Object.values(Factions)) faction.prestigeSourceFile(); // Stop a Terminal action if there is one if (Terminal.action !== null) { Terminal.finishAction(true); } // Give levels of NeuroFluxGovernor for Source-File 12. Must be done here before Augmentations are recalculated if (Player.activeSourceFileLvl(12) > 0) { Player.augmentations.push({ name: AugmentationName.NeuroFluxGovernor, level: Player.activeSourceFileLvl(12), }); } initCircadianModulator(); Player.reapplyAllAugmentations(); Player.reapplyAllSourceFiles(); if (canAccessBitNodeFeature(5)) { homeComp.pushProgram(CompletedProgramName.formulas); } // BitNode 3: Corporatocracy if (Player.bitNodeN === 3) { // Easiest way to comply with type constraint, instead of revalidating the enum member's file path homeComp.messages.push(LiteratureName.CorporationManagementHandbook); delayedDialog( "You received a copy of the Corporation Management Handbook on your home computer. It's a short introduction for " + "managing Corporation.\n\nYou should check the in-game Corporation documentation in the Documentation tab " + "(Documentation -> Advanced Mechanics -> Corporation). It's the most useful and up-to-date resource for managing Corporation.", ); } // BitNode 6: Bladeburners and BitNode 7: Bladeburners 2079 if (Player.bitNodeN === 6 || Player.bitNodeN === 7) { delayedDialog(`The ${CompanyName.NSA} would like to have a word with you once you're ready.`); } // BitNode 8: Ghost of Wall Street if (Player.bitNodeN === 8) { = BitNode8StartingMoney; } if (Player.bitNodeN === 8 || Player.activeSourceFileLvl(8) > 0) { Player.hasWseAccount = true; Player.hasTixApiAccess = true; } // BitNode 10: Digital Carbon if (Player.bitNodeN === 10) { delayedDialog( `Seek out ${FactionName.TheCovenant} if you'd like to purchase a new sleeve or two! And see what ${CompanyName.VitaLife} in ${CityName.NewTokyo} has to offer for you`, ); } // BitNode 12: The Recursion if (Player.bitNodeN === 12 && Player.activeSourceFileLvl(12) > 100) { delayedDialog("Saynt_Garmo is watching you"); } if (Player.bitNodeN === 13) { delayedDialog(`Trouble is brewing in ${CityName.Chongqing}`); } // Reset Stock market, gang, and corporation if (Player.hasWseAccount) { initStockMarket(); } else { deleteStockMarket(); } resetIndustryResearchTrees(); // Source-File 9 (level 3) effect // also now applies when entering bn9 until install if ((Player.activeSourceFileLvl(9) >= 3 || Player.bitNodeN === 9) && !Player.bitNodeOptions.disableHacknetServer) { const hserver = Player.createHacknetServer(); hserver.level = 100; hserver.cores = 10; hserver.cpuCores = 10; hserver.cache = 5; hserver.updateHashRate(Player.mults.hacknet_node_money); hserver.updateHashCapacity(); updateHashManagerCapacity(); } if (Player.bitNodeN === 13) { = CONSTANTS.TravelCost; } staneksGift.prestigeSourceFile(); // Gain int exp if (Player.activeSourceFileLvl(5) !== 0 && !isFlume) { Player.gainIntelligenceExp(300); } // Clear recent scripts recentScripts.splice(0, recentScripts.length); resetPidCounter(); setInitialExpForPlayer(); if (!isFlume && Player.sourceFiles.size === 1 && Player.sourceFileLvl(1) === 1) { delayedDialog( "Congratulations on destroying your first BitNode! Make sure to check the Documentation tab. Many pages are unlocked now.", ); } }