/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ const { app, ipcMain } = require("electron"); const zlib = require("zlib"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs/promises"); const { promisify } = require("util"); const gzip = promisify(zlib.gzip); const gunzip = promisify(zlib.gunzip); const greenworks = require("./greenworks"); const log = require("electron-log"); const flatten = require("lodash/flatten"); const Store = require("electron-store"); const { isBinaryFormat } = require("./saveDataBinaryFormat"); const store = new Store(); // https://stackoverflow.com/a/69418940 const dirSize = async (directory) => { const files = await fs.readdir(directory); const stats = files.map((file) => fs.stat(path.join(directory, file))); return (await Promise.all(stats)).reduce((accumulator, { size }) => accumulator + size, 0); }; const getDirFileStats = async (directory) => { const files = await fs.readdir(directory); const stats = files.map((f) => { const file = path.join(directory, f); return fs.stat(file).then((stat) => ({ file, stat })); }); const data = await Promise.all(stats); return data; }; const getNewestFile = async (directory) => { const data = await getDirFileStats(directory); return data.sort((a, b) => b.stat.mtime.getTime() - a.stat.mtime.getTime())[0]; }; const getAllSaves = async (window) => { const rootDirectory = await getSaveFolder(window, true); const data = await fs.readdir(rootDirectory, { withFileTypes: true }); const savesPromises = data .filter((e) => e.isDirectory()) .map((dir) => path.join(rootDirectory, dir.name)) .map((dir) => getDirFileStats(dir)); const saves = await Promise.all(savesPromises); const flat = flatten(saves); return flat; }; async function prepareSaveFolders(window) { const rootFolder = await getSaveFolder(window, true); const currentFolder = await getSaveFolder(window); const backupsFolder = path.join(rootFolder, "/_backups"); await prepareFolders(rootFolder, currentFolder, backupsFolder); } async function prepareFolders(...folders) { for (const folder of folders) { try { // Making sure the folder exists await fs.stat(folder); } catch (error) { if (error.code === "ENOENT") { log.warn(`'${folder}' not found, creating it...`); await fs.mkdir(folder); } else { log.error(error); } } } } async function getFolderSizeInBytes(saveFolder) { try { return await dirSize(saveFolder); } catch (error) { log.error(error); } } function setAutosaveConfig(value) { store.set("autosave-enabled", value); } function isAutosaveEnabled() { return store.get("autosave-enabled", true); } function setCloudEnabledConfig(value) { store.set("cloud-enabled", value); } async function getSaveFolder(window, root = false) { if (root) return path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "/saves"); const identifier = window.gameInfo?.player?.identifier ?? ""; return path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "/saves", `/${identifier}`); } function isCloudEnabled() { // If the Steam API could not be initialized on game start, we'll abort this. if (global.greenworksError) return false; // If the user disables it in Steam there's nothing we can do if (!greenworks.isCloudEnabledForUser()) return false; // Let's check the config file to see if it's been overriden const enabledInConf = store.get("cloud-enabled", true); if (!enabledInConf) return false; const isAppEnabled = greenworks.isCloudEnabled(); if (!isAppEnabled) greenworks.enableCloud(true); return true; } function saveCloudFile(name, content) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { greenworks.saveTextToFile(name, content, resolve, reject); }); } function getFirstCloudFile() { const nbFiles = greenworks.getFileCount(); if (nbFiles === 0) throw new Error("No files in cloud"); const file = greenworks.getFileNameAndSize(0); log.silly(`Found ${nbFiles} files.`); log.silly(`First File: ${file.name} (${file.size} bytes)`); return file.name; } function getCloudFile() { const file = getFirstCloudFile(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { greenworks.readTextFromFile(file, resolve, reject); }); } function deleteCloudFile() { const file = getFirstCloudFile(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { greenworks.deleteFile(file, resolve, reject); }); } async function getSteamCloudQuota() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { greenworks.getCloudQuota(resolve, reject); }); } async function backupSteamDataToDisk(currentPlayerId) { const nbFiles = greenworks.getFileCount(); if (nbFiles === 0) return; const file = greenworks.getFileNameAndSize(0); const previousPlayerId = file.name.replace(".json.gz", ""); if (previousPlayerId !== currentPlayerId) { const backupSaveData = await getSteamCloudSaveData(); const backupFile = path.join(app.getPath("userData"), "/saves/_backups", `${previousPlayerId}.json.gz`); await fs.writeFile(backupFile, backupSaveData, "utf8"); log.debug(`Saved backup game to '${backupFile}`); } } /** * The name of save file is `${currentPlayerId}.json.gz`. The content of save file is weird: it's a base64 string of the * binary data of compressed json save string. It's weird because the extension is .json.gz while the content is a * base64 string. Check the comments in the implementation to see why it is like that. */ async function pushSaveDataToSteamCloud(saveData, currentPlayerId) { if (!isCloudEnabled()) { return Promise.reject("Steam Cloud is not Enabled"); } try { backupSteamDataToDisk(currentPlayerId); } catch (error) { log.error(error); } const steamSaveName = `${currentPlayerId}.json.gz`; /** * When we push save file to Steam Cloud, we use greenworks.saveTextToFile. It seems that this method expects a string * as the file content. That is why saveData is encoded in base64 and pushed to Steam Cloud as a text file. * * Encoding saveData in UTF-8 (with buffer.toString("utf8")) is not the proper way to convert binary data to string. * Quote from buffer's documentation: "If encoding is 'utf8' and a byte sequence in the input is not valid UTF-8, then * each invalid byte is replaced with the replacement character U+FFFD.". The proper way to do it is to use * String.fromCharCode or String.fromCodePoint. * * Instead of implementing it, the old code (encoding in base64) is used here for backward compatibility. */ const content = saveData.toString("base64"); log.debug(`Uncompressed: ${saveData.length} bytes`); log.debug(`Compressed: ${content.length} bytes`); log.debug(`Saving to Steam Cloud as ${steamSaveName}`); try { await saveCloudFile(steamSaveName, content); } catch (error) { log.error(error); } } /** * This function processes the save file in Steam Cloud and returns the save data in the binary format. */ async function getSteamCloudSaveData() { if (!isCloudEnabled()) { return Promise.reject("Steam Cloud is not Enabled"); } log.debug(`Fetching Save in Steam Cloud`); const cloudString = await getCloudFile(); // Decode cloudString to get save data back. const saveData = Buffer.from(cloudString, "base64"); log.debug(`SaveData: ${saveData.length} bytes`); return saveData; } async function saveGameToDisk(window, electronGameData) { const currentFolder = await getSaveFolder(window); let saveFolderSizeBytes = await getFolderSizeInBytes(currentFolder); const maxFolderSizeBytes = store.get("autosave-quota", 1e8); // 100Mb per playerIndentifier const remainingSpaceBytes = maxFolderSizeBytes - saveFolderSizeBytes; log.debug(`Folder Usage: ${saveFolderSizeBytes} bytes`); log.debug(`Folder Capacity: ${maxFolderSizeBytes} bytes`); log.debug( `Remaining: ${remainingSpaceBytes} bytes (${((saveFolderSizeBytes / maxFolderSizeBytes) * 100).toFixed(2)}% used)`, ); let saveData = electronGameData.save; const file = path.join(currentFolder, electronGameData.fileName); try { await fs.writeFile(file, saveData, "utf8"); log.debug(`Saved Game to '${file}'`); log.debug(`Save Size: ${saveData.length} bytes`); } catch (error) { log.error(error); } const fileStats = await getDirFileStats(currentFolder); const oldestFiles = fileStats .sort((a, b) => a.stat.mtime.getTime() - b.stat.mtime.getTime()) .map((f) => f.file) .filter((f) => f !== file); while (saveFolderSizeBytes > maxFolderSizeBytes && oldestFiles.length > 0) { const fileToRemove = oldestFiles.shift(); log.debug(`Over Quota -> Removing "${fileToRemove}"`); try { await fs.unlink(fileToRemove); } catch (error) { log.error(error); } saveFolderSizeBytes = await getFolderSizeInBytes(currentFolder); log.debug(`Save Folder: ${saveFolderSizeBytes} bytes`); log.debug( `Remaining: ${maxFolderSizeBytes - saveFolderSizeBytes} bytes (${( (saveFolderSizeBytes / maxFolderSizeBytes) * 100 ).toFixed(2)}% used)`, ); } return file; } async function loadLastFromDisk(window) { const folder = await getSaveFolder(window); const last = await getNewestFile(folder); log.debug(`Last modified file: "${last.file}" (${last.stat.mtime.toLocaleString()})`); return loadFileFromDisk(last.file); } async function loadFileFromDisk(path) { const buffer = await fs.readFile(path); let content; if (isBinaryFormat(buffer)) { // Save file is in the binary format. content = buffer; } else { // Save file is in the base64 format. content = buffer.toString("utf8"); } log.debug(`Loaded file with ${content.length} bytes`); return content; } function getSaveInformation(window, save) { return new Promise((resolve) => { ipcMain.once("get-save-info-response", async (event, data) => { resolve(data); }); window.webContents.send("get-save-info-request", save); }); } function getCurrentSave(window) { return new Promise((resolve) => { ipcMain.once("get-save-data-response", (event, data) => { resolve(data); }); window.webContents.send("get-save-data-request"); }); } function pushSaveGameForImport(window, save, automatic) { ipcMain.once("push-import-result", async (event, arg) => { log.debug(`Was save imported? ${arg.wasImported ? "Yes" : "No"}`); }); window.webContents.send("push-save-request", { save, automatic }); } async function restoreIfNewerExists(window) { const currentSave = await getCurrentSave(window); const currentData = await getSaveInformation(window, currentSave.save); const steam = {}; const disk = {}; try { steam.save = await getSteamCloudSaveData(); steam.data = await getSaveInformation(window, steam.save); } catch (error) { log.error("Could not retrieve steam file"); log.debug(error); } try { const saves = (await getAllSaves()).sort((a, b) => b.stat.mtime.getTime() - a.stat.mtime.getTime()); if (saves.length > 0) { disk.save = await loadFileFromDisk(saves[0].file); disk.data = await getSaveInformation(window, disk.save); } } catch (error) { log.error("Could not retrieve disk file"); log.debug(error); } const lowPlaytime = 1000 * 60 * 15; let bestMatch; if (!steam.data && !disk.data) { log.info("No data to import"); } else if (!steam.data) { // We'll just compare using the lastSave field for now. log.debug("Best potential save match: Disk"); bestMatch = disk; } else if (!disk.data) { log.debug("Best potential save match: Steam Cloud"); bestMatch = steam; } else if (steam.data.lastSave >= disk.data.lastSave || steam.data.playtime + lowPlaytime > disk.data.playtime) { // We want to prioritze steam data if the playtime is very close log.debug("Best potential save match: Steam Cloud"); bestMatch = steam; } else { log.debug("Best potential save match: disk"); bestMatch = disk; } if (bestMatch) { if (bestMatch.data.lastSave > currentData.lastSave + 5000) { // We add a few seconds to the currentSave's lastSave to prioritize it log.info("Found newer data than the current's save file"); log.silly(bestMatch.data); pushSaveGameForImport(window, bestMatch.save, true); return true; } else if (bestMatch.data.playtime > currentData.playtime && currentData.playtime < lowPlaytime) { log.info("Found older save, but with more playtime, and current less than 15 mins played"); log.silly(bestMatch.data); pushSaveGameForImport(window, bestMatch.save, true); return true; } else { log.debug("Current save data is the freshest"); return false; } } } module.exports = { getCurrentSave, getSaveInformation, restoreIfNewerExists, pushSaveGameForImport, pushSaveDataToSteamCloud, getSteamCloudSaveData, getSteamCloudQuota, deleteCloudFile, saveGameToDisk, loadLastFromDisk, loadFileFromDisk, getSaveFolder, prepareSaveFolders, getAllSaves, isCloudEnabled, setCloudEnabledConfig, isAutosaveEnabled, setAutosaveConfig, };