flags() Netscript Function ============================ .. js:function:: flags(data) :RAM cost: 0 GB :param data array of pairs of strings: Flags definition. :returns: Object containing all the flags that were parsed or default. This function allows for a more flexible way of parsing script arguments than to just pass a fixed list in a fixed order. Options can be given names, and passed in any order, while having defined default values. The flag definition is an array of pairs of values: the first value is the name of the flag, and the 2nd value is the default value for that flag. The return object is a map containing flag names to the value. It also contains the special field '_', which contains all arguments that were not flags. Example: .. code-block:: javascript /* example.script var data = flags([ ['delay', 0], // a default number means this flag is a number ['server', 'foodnstuff'], // a default string means this flag is a string ['exclude', []], // a default array means this flag is a default array of string ['help', false], // a default boolean means this flag is a boolean ]); tprint(data); */ [home ~/]> run example.script {"_":[],"delay":0,"server":"foodnstuff","exclude":[],"help":false} [home ~/]> run example.script --delay 3000 {"_":[],"server":"foodnstuff","exclude":[],"help":false,"delay":3000} [home ~/]> run example.script --delay 3000 --server harakiri-sushi {"_":[],"exclude":[],"help":false,"delay":3000,"server":"harakiri-sushi"} [home ~/]> run example.script --delay 3000 --server harakiri-sushi hello world {"_":["hello","world"],"exclude":[],"help":false,"delay":3000,"server":"harakiri-sushi"} [home ~/]> run example.script --delay 3000 --server harakiri-sushi hello world --exclude a --exclude b {"_":["hello","world"],"help":false,"delay":3000,"server":"harakiri-sushi","exclude":["a","b"]} [home ~/]> run example.script --help {"_":[],"delay":0,"server":"foodnstuff","exclude":[],"help":true}