# netburner Netburner Idle Game TESTING TODO: If a server has no more money available it cannot be hacked anymore Should work automatically...because your money gained percentage will be multiplied by 0 Adjust leveling formula. Goes up way too high at first http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/55151/rpg-logarithmic-leveling-formula - might be too slow now? Tasks TODO: Adding augmentations for Silhouette fac Factions Info page isn't formatted correctly Augmentations that decrease time to make programs New server hostname in Purchase Server Pop-up Box needs limits..don't think the ones set in HTML work Secret Servers Hack time formula needs rebalancing I think, so does hack exp formula Create new menu page for purchased servers Account for Max possible int when gaining exp (it will overflow) OPTIMIZATION https://gamealchemist.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/lets-get-those-javascript-arrays-to-work-fast/ Private beta feedback I'd suggest putting a "Back" button in the tutorial window, test for open beta but for people who have no clue about coding etc. how about, later in the game, let them buy full scripts? should make it more easy for the average user but the 50% penalty for not working 8 hours is a bit harsh