/* Evaluator * Evaluates the Abstract Syntax Tree for Netscript * generated by the Parser class */ function evaluate(exp, env) { switch (exp.type) { case "num": case "str": case "bool": return exp.value; case "var": return env.get(exp.value); //Can currently only assign to "var"s case "assign": if (exp.left.type != "var") throw new Error("Cannot assign to " + JSON.stringify(exp.left)); return env.set(exp.left.value, evaluate(exp.right, env)); case "binary": return apply_op(exp.operator, evaluate(exp.left, env), evaluate(exp.right, env)); case "if": var numConds = exp.cond.length; var numThens = exp.then.length; if (numConds == 0 || numThens == 0 || numConds != numThens) { throw new Error ("Number of conds and thens in if structure don't match (or there are none)"); } for (var i = 0; i < numConds; i++) { var cond = evaluate(exp.cond[i], env); if (cond) return evaluate(exp.then, env); } //Evaluate else if it exists, snce none of the conditionals //were true return exp.else ? evaluate(exp.else, env) : false; case "for": evaluate(exp.init, env); cond = evaluate(exp.cond, env); console.log("Evaluated the conditional"); while (cond) { evaluate(exp.code, env); evaluate(exp.postloop, env); cond = evaluate(exp.cond, env); } //TODO Return somethin? break; case "while": cond = evaluate(exp.cond, env); while (cond) { evaluate(exp.code, env); cond = evaluate(exp.cond, env); } //TODO DO i need to return anything? break; case "prog": var val = false; exp.prog.forEach(function(exp){ val = evaluate(exp, env) }); return val; /* Currently supported function calls: * hack() * sleep(N) - sleep N seconds * print(x) - Prints a variable or constant * */ case "call": //Define only valid function calls here, like hack() and stuff //var func = evaluate(exp.func, env); //return func.apply(null, exp.args.map(function(arg){ // return evaluate(arg, env); //})); if (exp.func.value == "hack") { console.log("Execute hack()"); } else if (exp.func.value == "sleep") { console.log("Execute sleep()"); } else if (exp.func.value == "print") { console.log(evaluate(exp.args[0], env)); } break; default: throw new Error("I don't know how to evaluate " + exp.type); } } function apply_op(op, a, b) { function num(x) { if (typeof x != "number") throw new Error("Expected number but got " + x); return x; } function div(x) { if (num(x) == 0) throw new Error("Divide by zero"); return x; } switch (op) { case "+": return num(a) + num(b); case "-": return num(a) - num(b); case "*": return num(a) * num(b); case "/": return num(a) / div(b); case "%": return num(a) % div(b); case "&&": return a !== false && b; case "||": return a !== false ? a : b; case "<": return num(a) < num(b); case ">": return num(a) > num(b); case "<=": return num(a) <= num(b); case ">=": return num(a) >= num(b); case "==": return a === b; case "!=": return a !== b; } throw new Error("Can't apply operator " + op); }