/** * Functions for handling WorkerScripts, which are the underlying mechanism * that allows for scripts to run */ import { killWorkerScript } from "./Netscript/killWorkerScript"; import { ScriptDeath } from "./Netscript/ScriptDeath"; import { WorkerScript } from "./Netscript/WorkerScript"; import { workerScripts } from "./Netscript/WorkerScripts"; import { generateNextPid } from "./Netscript/Pid"; import { CONSTANTS } from "./Constants"; import { Interpreter } from "./ThirdParty/JSInterpreter"; import { NetscriptFunctions } from "./NetscriptFunctions"; import { compile, Node } from "./NetscriptJSEvaluator"; import { Port, PortNumber } from "./NetscriptPort"; import { RunningScript } from "./Script/RunningScript"; import { scriptCalculateOfflineProduction } from "./Script/ScriptHelpers"; import { Script } from "./Script/Script"; import { GetAllServers } from "./Server/AllServers"; import { BaseServer } from "./Server/BaseServer"; import { Settings } from "./Settings/Settings"; import { generate } from "escodegen"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "./ui/React/DialogBox"; import { formatRam } from "./ui/formatNumber"; import { arrayToString } from "./utils/helpers/ArrayHelpers"; import { roundToTwo } from "./utils/helpers/roundToTwo"; import { parse } from "acorn"; import { simple as walksimple } from "acorn-walk"; import { parseCommand } from "./Terminal/Parser"; import { Terminal } from "./Terminal"; import { ScriptArg } from "@nsdefs"; import { handleUnknownError, CompleteRunOptions, getRunningScriptsByArgs } from "./Netscript/NetscriptHelpers"; import { resolveScriptFilePath, ScriptFilePath } from "./Paths/ScriptFilePath"; import { root } from "./Paths/Directory"; export const NetscriptPorts = new Map(); export function prestigeWorkerScripts(): void { for (const ws of workerScripts.values()) { killWorkerScript(ws); } NetscriptPorts.clear(); } async function startNetscript2Script(workerScript: WorkerScript): Promise { const scripts = workerScript.getServer().scripts; const script = workerScript.getScript(); if (!script) throw "workerScript had no associated script. This is a bug."; const ns = workerScript.env.vars; if (!ns) throw `${script.filename} cannot be run because the NS object hasn't been constructed properly.`; const loadedModule = await compile(script, scripts); if (!loadedModule) throw `${script.filename} cannot be run because the script module won't load`; // TODO unplanned: Better error for "unexpected reserved word" when using await in non-async function? if (typeof loadedModule.main !== "function") throw `${script.filename} cannot be run because it does not have a main function.`; await loadedModule.main(ns); } async function startNetscript1Script(workerScript: WorkerScript): Promise { const code = workerScript.code; let errorToThrow: unknown; //Process imports let codeWithImports, codeLineOffset; try { const importProcessingRes = processNetscript1Imports(code, workerScript); codeWithImports = importProcessingRes.code; codeLineOffset = importProcessingRes.lineOffset; } catch (e: unknown) { throw `Error processing Imports in ${workerScript.name}@${workerScript.hostname}:\n\n${e}`; } //TODO unplanned: Make NS1 wrapping type safe instead of using BasicObject. type BasicObject = Record; const wrappedNS = NetscriptFunctions(workerScript); function wrapNS1Layer(int: Interpreter, intLayer: unknown, nsLayer = wrappedNS as BasicObject) { for (const [name, entry] of Object.entries(nsLayer)) { if (typeof entry === "function") { const wrapper = async (...args: unknown[]) => { try { // Sent a resolver function as an extra arg. See createAsyncFunction JSInterpreter.js:3209 const callback = args.pop() as (value: unknown) => void; const result = await entry(...args.map((arg) => int.pseudoToNative(arg))); return callback(int.nativeToPseudo(result)); } catch (e: unknown) { errorToThrow = e; } }; int.setProperty(intLayer, name, int.createAsyncFunction(wrapper)); } else if (Array.isArray(entry) || typeof entry !== "object") { // args, strings on enums, etc int.setProperty(intLayer, name, int.nativeToPseudo(entry)); } else { // new object layer, e.g. bladeburner int.setProperty(intLayer, name, int.nativeToPseudo({})); wrapNS1Layer(int, (intLayer as BasicObject).properties[name], nsLayer[name]); } } } let interpreter: Interpreter; try { interpreter = new Interpreter(codeWithImports, wrapNS1Layer, codeLineOffset); } catch (e: unknown) { throw `Syntax ERROR in ${workerScript.name}@${workerScript.hostname}:\n\n${String(e)}`; } let more = true; while (more) { if (errorToThrow) throw errorToThrow; if (workerScript.env.stopFlag) return; for (let i = 0; more && i < 3; i++) more = interpreter.step(); if (more) await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, Settings.CodeInstructionRunTime)); } } /* Since the JS Interpreter used for Netscript 1.0 only supports ES5, the keyword 'import' throws an error. However, since we want to support import functionality we'll implement it ourselves by parsing the Nodes in the AST out. @param code - The script's code @returns {Object} { code: Newly-generated code with imported functions lineOffset: Net number of lines of code added/removed due to imported functions Should typically be positive } */ function processNetscript1Imports(code: string, workerScript: WorkerScript): { code: string; lineOffset: number } { //allowReserved prevents 'import' from throwing error in ES5 const ast: Node = parse(code, { ecmaVersion: 9, allowReserved: true, sourceType: "module", }); const server = workerScript.getServer(); if (server == null) { throw new Error("Failed to find underlying Server object for script"); } function getScript(scriptName: ScriptFilePath): Script | null { return server.scripts.get(scriptName) ?? null; } let generatedCode = ""; // Generated Javascript Code let hasImports = false; // Walk over the tree and process ImportDeclaration nodes walksimple(ast, { ImportDeclaration: (node: Node) => { hasImports = true; const scriptName = resolveScriptFilePath(node.source.value, root, ".script"); if (!scriptName) throw new Error("'Import' failed due to invalid path: " + scriptName); const script = getScript(scriptName); if (!script) throw new Error("'Import' failed due to script not found: " + scriptName); const scriptAst = parse(script.code, { ecmaVersion: 9, allowReserved: true, sourceType: "module", }); if (node.specifiers.length === 1 && node.specifiers[0].type === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") { // import * as namespace from script const namespace = node.specifiers[0].local.name; const fnNames: string[] = []; //Names only const fnDeclarations: Node[] = []; //FunctionDeclaration Node objects walksimple(scriptAst, { FunctionDeclaration: (node: Node) => { fnNames.push(node.id.name); fnDeclarations.push(node); }, }); //Now we have to generate the code that would create the namespace generatedCode += `var ${namespace};\n(function (namespace) {\n`; //Add the function declarations fnDeclarations.forEach((fn: Node) => { generatedCode += generate(fn); generatedCode += "\n"; }); //Add functions to namespace fnNames.forEach((fnName) => { generatedCode += "namespace." + fnName + " = " + fnName; generatedCode += "\n"; }); //Finish generatedCode += `})(${namespace} || (" + namespace + " = {}));\n`; } else { //import {...} from script //Get array of all fns to import const fnsToImport: string[] = []; node.specifiers.forEach((e: Node) => { fnsToImport.push(e.local.name); }); //Walk through script and get FunctionDeclaration code for all specified fns const fnDeclarations: Node[] = []; walksimple(scriptAst, { FunctionDeclaration: (node: Node) => { if (fnsToImport.includes(node.id.name)) { fnDeclarations.push(node); } }, }); //Convert FunctionDeclarations into code fnDeclarations.forEach((fn: Node) => { generatedCode += generate(fn); generatedCode += "\n"; }); } }, }); //If there are no imports, just return the original code if (!hasImports) { return { code: code, lineOffset: 0 }; } //Remove ImportDeclarations from AST. These ImportDeclarations must be in top-level let linesRemoved = 0; if (ast.type !== "Program" || ast.body == null) { throw new Error("Code could not be properly parsed"); } for (let i = ast.body.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (ast.body[i].type === "ImportDeclaration") { ast.body.splice(i, 1); ++linesRemoved; } } //Calculated line offset const lineOffset = (generatedCode.match(/\n/g) || []).length - linesRemoved; //Convert the AST back into code code = generate(ast); //Add the imported code and re-generate in ES5 (JS Interpreter for NS1 only supports ES5); code = generatedCode + code; const res = { code: code, lineOffset: lineOffset, }; return res; } /** * Used to start a RunningScript (by creating and starting its * corresponding WorkerScript), and add the RunningScript to the server on which * it is active */ export function startWorkerScript(runningScript: RunningScript, server: BaseServer, parent?: WorkerScript): number { if (createAndAddWorkerScript(runningScript, server, parent)) { // Push onto runningScripts. // This has to come after createAndAddWorkerScript() because that fn updates RAM usage server.runScript(runningScript); // Once the WorkerScript is constructed in createAndAddWorkerScript(), the RunningScript // object should have a PID assigned to it, so we return that return runningScript.pid; } return 0; } /** * Given a RunningScript object, constructs its corresponding WorkerScript, * adds it to the global 'workerScripts' pool, and begins executing it. * @param {RunningScript} runningScriptObj - Script that's being run * @param {Server} server - Server on which the script is to be run * returns {boolean} indicating whether or not the workerScript was successfully added */ function createAndAddWorkerScript(runningScriptObj: RunningScript, server: BaseServer, parent?: WorkerScript): boolean { const ramUsage = roundToTwo(runningScriptObj.ramUsage * runningScriptObj.threads); const ramAvailable = server.maxRam - server.ramUsed; // Check failure conditions before generating the workersScript and return false if (ramUsage > ramAvailable + 0.001) { deferredError( `Not enough RAM to run script ${runningScriptObj.filename} with args ${arrayToString( runningScriptObj.args, )}, needed ${formatRam(ramUsage)} but only have ${formatRam(ramAvailable)} free If you are seeing this on startup, likely causes are that the autoexec script is too big to fit in RAM, or it took up too much space and other previously running scripts couldn't fit on home. Otherwise, this can also occur if you have attempted to launch a script from a tail window with insufficient RAM.`, ); return false; } // Get the pid const pid = generateNextPid(); if (pid === -1) { deferredError( `Failed to start script because could not find available PID. This is most ` + `because you have too many scripts running.`, ); return false; } server.updateRamUsed(roundToTwo(server.ramUsed + ramUsage)); // Create the WorkerScript. NOTE: WorkerScript ctor will set the underlying // RunningScript's PID as well const workerScript = new WorkerScript(runningScriptObj, pid, NetscriptFunctions); // Add the WorkerScript to the global pool workerScripts.set(pid, workerScript); // Start the script's execution using the correct function for file type (workerScript.name.endsWith(".js") ? startNetscript2Script : startNetscript1Script)(workerScript) // Once the code finishes (either resolved or rejected, doesnt matter), set its // running status to false .then(function () { // On natural death, the earnings are transferred to the parent if it still exists. if (parent && !parent.env.stopFlag) { parent.scriptRef.onlineExpGained += runningScriptObj.onlineExpGained; parent.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += runningScriptObj.onlineMoneyMade; } killWorkerScript(workerScript); workerScript.log("", () => "Script finished running"); }) .catch(function (e) { handleUnknownError(e, workerScript); workerScript.log("", () => (e instanceof ScriptDeath ? "Script killed." : "Script crashed due to an error.")); killWorkerScript(workerScript); }); return true; } /** Updates the online running time stat of all running scripts */ export function updateOnlineScriptTimes(numCycles = 1): void { const time = (numCycles * CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle) / 1000; //seconds for (const ws of workerScripts.values()) { ws.scriptRef.onlineRunningTime += time; } } // Needed for popping dialog boxes in functions that run *before* the UI is // created, and thus before AlertManager exists to listen to the alerts we // create. function deferredError(msg: string) { setTimeout(() => dialogBoxCreate(msg), 0); } function createAutoexec(server: BaseServer): RunningScript | null { const args = parseCommand(Settings.AutoexecScript); if (args.length === 0) return null; const cmd = String(args[0]); const scriptPath = resolveScriptFilePath(cmd); if (!scriptPath) { deferredError(`While running autoexec script: "${cmd}" is invalid for a script name (maybe missing suffix?)`); return null; } const script = server.scripts.get(scriptPath); if (!script) { deferredError(`While running autoexec script: "${cmd}" does not exist!`); return null; } const ramUsage = script.getRamUsage(server.scripts); if (ramUsage === null) { deferredError(`While running autoexec script: "${cmd}" has errors!`); return null; } args.shift(); const rs = new RunningScript(script, ramUsage, args); rs.temporary = true; return rs; } /** * Called when the game is loaded. Loads all running scripts (from all servers) * into worker scripts so that they will start running */ export function loadAllRunningScripts(): void { const skipScriptLoad = window.location.href.toLowerCase().includes("?noscripts"); if (skipScriptLoad) { Terminal.warn("Skipped loading player scripts during startup"); console.info("Skipping the load of any scripts during startup"); } for (const server of GetAllServers()) { // Reset each server's RAM usage to 0 server.ramUsed = 0; const rsList = server.savedScripts; server.savedScripts = undefined; if (skipScriptLoad || !rsList) { // Start game with no scripts continue; } if (server.hostname === "home") { // Push autoexec script onto the front of the list const runningScript = createAutoexec(server); if (runningScript) { rsList.unshift(runningScript); } } for (const runningScript of rsList) { startWorkerScript(runningScript, server); scriptCalculateOfflineProduction(runningScript); } } } /** Run a script from inside another script (run(), exec(), spawn(), etc.) */ export function runScriptFromScript( caller: string, host: BaseServer, scriptname: ScriptFilePath, args: ScriptArg[], workerScript: WorkerScript, runOpts: CompleteRunOptions, ): number { const script = host.scripts.get(scriptname); if (!script) { workerScript.log(caller, () => `Could not find script '${scriptname}' on '${host.hostname}'`); return 0; } // Check if script is already running on server and fail if it is. if ( runOpts.preventDuplicates && getRunningScriptsByArgs( { workerScript, function: "runScriptFromScript", functionPath: "internal.runScriptFromScript" }, scriptname, host.hostname, args, ) !== null ) { workerScript.log(caller, () => `'${scriptname}' is already running on '${host.hostname}'`); return 0; } const singleRamUsage = runOpts.ramOverride ?? script.getRamUsage(host.scripts); if (!singleRamUsage) { workerScript.log(caller, () => `Ram usage could not be calculated for ${scriptname}`); return 0; } // Check if admin rights on host, fail if not. if (!host.hasAdminRights) { workerScript.log(caller, () => `You do not have root access on '${host.hostname}'`); return 0; } // Calculate ram usage including thread count const ramUsage = singleRamUsage * runOpts.threads; // Check if there is enough ram to run the script, fail if not. const ramAvailable = host.maxRam - host.ramUsed; if (ramUsage > ramAvailable + 0.001) { workerScript.log( caller, () => `Cannot run script '${scriptname}' (t=${runOpts.threads}) on '${host.hostname}' because there is not enough available RAM!`, ); return 0; } // Able to run script workerScript.log( caller, () => `'${scriptname}' on '${host.hostname}' with ${runOpts.threads} threads and args: ${arrayToString(args)}.`, ); const runningScriptObj = new RunningScript(script, singleRamUsage, args); runningScriptObj.threads = runOpts.threads; runningScriptObj.temporary = runOpts.temporary; return startWorkerScript(runningScriptObj, host, workerScript); }