import {loadAliases, loadGlobalAliases, Aliases, GlobalAliases} from "./Alias"; import {Companies, loadCompanies} from "./Company/Companies"; import {CompanyPosition} from "./Company/CompanyPosition"; import {CONSTANTS} from "./Constants"; import {Engine} from "./engine"; import { Factions, loadFactions } from "./Faction/Factions"; import { processPassiveFactionRepGain } from "./Faction/FactionHelpers"; import {FconfSettings, loadFconf} from "./Fconf"; import {loadAllGangs, AllGangs} from "./Gang"; import {processAllHacknetNodeEarnings} from "./HacknetNode"; import {loadMessages, initMessages, Messages} from "./Message"; import {Player, loadPlayer} from "./Player"; import {loadAllRunningScripts} from "./Script"; import {AllServers, loadAllServers} from "./Server"; import {Settings} from "./Settings/Settings"; import {loadSpecialServerIps, SpecialServerIps} from "./SpecialServerIps"; import {loadStockMarket, StockMarket} from "./StockMarket/StockMarket"; import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../utils/DialogBox"; import {gameOptionsBoxClose} from "../utils/GameOptions"; import {clearEventListeners} from "../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners"; import {Reviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON} from "../utils/JSONReviver"; import {createElement} from "../utils/uiHelpers/createElement"; import {createPopup} from "../utils/uiHelpers/createPopup"; import {createStatusText} from "./ui/createStatusText"; import {numeralWrapper} from "./ui/numeralFormat"; import {removeElementById} from "../utils/uiHelpers/removeElementById"; import Decimal from "decimal.js"; /* SaveObject.js * Defines the object used to save/load games */ let saveObject = new BitburnerSaveObject(); function BitburnerSaveObject() { this.PlayerSave = ""; this.AllServersSave = ""; this.CompaniesSave = ""; this.FactionsSave = ""; this.SpecialServerIpsSave = ""; this.AliasesSave = ""; this.GlobalAliasesSave = ""; this.MessagesSave = ""; this.StockMarketSave = ""; this.SettingsSave = ""; this.FconfSettingsSave = ""; this.VersionSave = ""; this.AllGangsSave = ""; this.CorporationResearchTreesSave = ""; } BitburnerSaveObject.prototype.getSaveString = function() { this.PlayerSave = JSON.stringify(Player); //Delete all logs from all running scripts var TempAllServers = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(AllServers), Reviver); for (var ip in TempAllServers) { var server = TempAllServers[ip]; if (server == null) {continue;} for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) { var runningScriptObj = server.runningScripts[i]; runningScriptObj.logs.length = 0; runningScriptObj.logs = []; } } this.AllServersSave = JSON.stringify(TempAllServers); this.CompaniesSave = JSON.stringify(Companies); this.FactionsSave = JSON.stringify(Factions); this.SpecialServerIpsSave = JSON.stringify(SpecialServerIps); this.AliasesSave = JSON.stringify(Aliases); this.GlobalAliasesSave = JSON.stringify(GlobalAliases); this.MessagesSave = JSON.stringify(Messages); this.StockMarketSave = JSON.stringify(StockMarket); this.SettingsSave = JSON.stringify(Settings); this.FconfSettingsSave = JSON.stringify(FconfSettings); this.VersionSave = JSON.stringify(CONSTANTS.Version); if (Player.bitNodeN == 2 && Player.inGang()) { this.AllGangsSave = JSON.stringify(AllGangs); } var saveString = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(this)))); return saveString; } BitburnerSaveObject.prototype.saveGame = function(db) { var saveString = this.getSaveString(); //We'll save to both localstorage and indexedDb var objectStore = db.transaction(["savestring"], "readwrite").objectStore("savestring"); var request = objectStore.put(saveString, "save"); request.onerror = function(e) { console.log("Error saving game to IndexedDB: " + e); } request.onsuccess = function(e) { //console.log("Saved game to IndexedDB!"); } try { window.localStorage.setItem("bitburnerSave", saveString); //console.log("Saved game to LocalStorage!"); } catch(e) { if (e.code == 22) { createStatusText("Save failed for localStorage! Check console(F12)"); console.log("Failed to save game to localStorage because the size of the save file " + "is too large. However, the game will still be saved to IndexedDb if your browser " + "supports it. If you would like to save to localStorage as well, then " + "consider killing several of your scripts to " + "fix this, or increasing the size of your browsers localStorage"); } } createStatusText("Game saved!"); } // Makes necessary changes to the loaded/imported data to ensure // the game stills works with new versions function evaluateVersionCompatibility(ver) { // This version refactored the Company/job-related code if (ver <= "0.41.2") { // Player's company position is now a string if (Player.companyPosition != null && typeof Player.companyPosition !== "string") { console.log("Changed Player.companyPosition value to be compatible with v0.41.2"); Player.companyPosition =; if (Player.companyPosition == null) { Player.companyPosition = ""; } } // The "companyName" property of all Companies is renamed to "name" for (var companyName in Companies) { const company = Companies[companyName]; if (( == null || === 0 || === "") && company.companyName != null) { console.log("Changed company name property to be compatible with v0.41.2"); = company.companyName; } if (company.companyPositions instanceof Array) { console.log("Changed company companyPositions property to be compatible with v0.41.2"); const pos = {}; for (let i = 0; i < company.companyPositions.length; ++i) { pos[company.companyPositions[i]] = true; } company.companyPositions = pos; } } } // This version allowed players to hold multiple jobs if (ver < "0.43.0") { if (Player.companyName !== "" && Player.companyPosition != null && Player.companyPosition !== "") { console.log("Copied player's companyName and companyPosition properties to the map for v0.43.0");[Player.companyName] = Player.companyPosition; } delete Player.companyPosition; } } function loadGame(saveString) { if (saveString === "" || saveString == null || saveString === undefined) { if (!window.localStorage.getItem("bitburnerSave")) { console.log("No save file to load"); return false; } saveString = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(window.localStorage.getItem("bitburnerSave")))); console.log("Loading game from localStorage"); } else { saveString = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(saveString))); console.log("Loading game from IndexedDB"); } var saveObj = JSON.parse(saveString, Reviver); loadPlayer(saveObj.PlayerSave); loadAllServers(saveObj.AllServersSave); loadCompanies(saveObj.CompaniesSave); loadFactions(saveObj.FactionsSave); loadSpecialServerIps(saveObj.SpecialServerIpsSave); if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("AliasesSave")) { try { loadAliases(saveObj.AliasesSave); } catch(e) { loadAliases(""); } } else { loadAliases(""); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("GlobalAliasesSave")) { try { loadGlobalAliases(saveObj.GlobalAliasesSave); } catch(e) { loadGlobalAliases(""); } } else { loadGlobalAliases(""); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("MessagesSave")) { try { loadMessages(saveObj.MessagesSave); } catch(e) { initMessages(); } } else { initMessages(); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("StockMarketSave")) { try { loadStockMarket(saveObj.StockMarketSave); } catch(e) { loadStockMarket(""); } } else { loadStockMarket(""); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("SettingsSave")) { try { Settings.load(saveObj.SettingsSave); } catch(e) { console.log("ERROR: Failed to parse Settings. Re-initing default values"); Settings.init(); } } else { Settings.init(); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("FconfSettingsSave")) { try { loadFconf(saveObj.FconfSettingsSave); } catch(e) { console.log("ERROR: Failed to parse .fconf Settings."); } } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("VersionSave")) { try { var ver = JSON.parse(saveObj.VersionSave, Reviver); evaluateVersionCompatibility(ver); if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().includes("bitburner-beta")) { //Beta branch, always show changes createBetaUpdateText(); } else if (ver != CONSTANTS.Version) { createNewUpdateText(); } } catch(e) { createNewUpdateText(); } } else { createNewUpdateText(); } if (Player.bitNodeN == 2 && Player.inGang() && saveObj.hasOwnProperty("AllGangsSave")) { try { loadAllGangs(saveObj.AllGangsSave); } catch(e) { console.log("ERROR: Failed to parse AllGangsSave: " + e); } } return true; } function loadImportedGame(saveObj, saveString) { var tempSaveObj = null; var tempPlayer = null; var tempAllServers = null; var tempCompanies = null; var tempFactions = null; var tempSpecialServerIps = null; var tempAliases = null; var tempGlobalAliases = null; var tempMessages = null; var tempStockMarket = null; var tempAllGangs = null; let tempCorporationResearchTrees = null; //Check to see if the imported save file can be parsed. If any //errors are caught it will fail try { var decodedSaveString = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(saveString))); tempSaveObj = new BitburnerSaveObject(); tempSaveObj = JSON.parse(decodedSaveString, Reviver); tempPlayer = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.PlayerSave, Reviver); //Parse Decimal.js objects = new Decimal(; tempPlayer.total_money = new Decimal(tempPlayer.total_money); tempPlayer.lifetime_money = new Decimal(tempPlayer.lifetime_money); tempAllServers = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.AllServersSave, Reviver); tempCompanies = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.CompaniesSave, Reviver); tempFactions = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.FactionsSave, Reviver); tempSpecialServerIps = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.SpecialServerIpsSave, Reviver); if (tempSaveObj.hasOwnProperty("AliasesSave")) { try { tempAliases = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.AliasesSave, Reviver); } catch(e) { console.log("Parsing Aliases save failed: " + e); tempAliases = {}; } } else { tempAliases = {}; } if (tempSaveObj.hasOwnProperty("GlobalAliases")) { try { tempGlobalAliases = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.AliasesSave, Reviver); } catch(e) { console.log("Parsing Global Aliases save failed: " + e); tempGlobalAliases = {}; } } else { tempGlobalAliases = {}; } if (tempSaveObj.hasOwnProperty("MessagesSave")) { try { tempMessages = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.MessagesSave, Reviver); } catch(e) { console.log("Parsing Messages save failed: " + e); initMessages(); } } else { initMessages(); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("StockMarketSave")) { try { tempStockMarket = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.StockMarketSave, Reviver); } catch(e) { console.log("Parsing StockMarket save failed: " + e); tempStockMarket = {}; } } else { tempStockMarket = {}; } if (tempSaveObj.hasOwnProperty("VersionSave")) { try { var ver = JSON.parse(tempSaveObj.VersionSave, Reviver); evaluateVersionCompatibility(ver); } catch(e) { console.error("Parsing Version save failed: " + e); } } else { } if (tempPlayer.bitNodeN == 2 && tempPlayer.inGang() && tempSaveObj.hasOwnProperty("AllGangsSave")) { try { loadAllGangs(tempSaveObj.AllGangsSave); } catch(e) { console.error(`Failed to parse AllGangsSave: {e}`); throw e; } } } catch(e) { dialogBoxCreate("Error importing game: " + e.toString()); return false; } //Since the save file is valid, load everything for real saveString = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(saveString))); saveObj = JSON.parse(saveString, Reviver); loadPlayer(saveObj.PlayerSave); loadAllServers(saveObj.AllServersSave); loadCompanies(saveObj.CompaniesSave); loadFactions(saveObj.FactionsSave); loadSpecialServerIps(saveObj.SpecialServerIpsSave); if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("AliasesSave")) { try { loadAliases(saveObj.AliasesSave); } catch(e) { loadAliases(""); } } else { loadAliases(""); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("GlobalAliasesSave")) { try { loadGlobalAliases(saveObj.GlobalAliasesSave); } catch(e) { loadGlobalAliases(""); } } else { loadGlobalAliases(""); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("MessagesSave")) { try { loadMessages(saveObj.MessagesSave); } catch(e) { initMessages(); } } else { initMessages(); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("StockMarketSave")) { try { loadStockMarket(saveObj.StockMarketSave); } catch(e) { loadStockMarket(""); } } else { loadStockMarket(""); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("SettingsSave")) { try { Settings.load(saveObj.SettingsSave); } catch(e) { Settings.init(); } } else { Settings.init(); } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("FconfSettingsSave")) { try { loadFconf(saveObj.FconfSettingsSave); } catch(e) { console.log("ERROR: Failed to load .fconf settings when importing"); } } if (saveObj.hasOwnProperty("VersionSave")) { try { var ver = JSON.parse(saveObj.VersionSave, Reviver); evaluateVersionCompatibility(ver); if (ver != CONSTANTS.Version) { createNewUpdateText(); } } catch(e) { createNewUpdateText(); } } else { createNewUpdateText(); } if (Player.bitNodeN == 2 && Player.inGang() && saveObj.hasOwnProperty("AllGangsSave")) { try { loadAllGangs(saveObj.AllGangsSave); } catch(e) { console.log("ERROR: Failed to parse AllGangsSave: " + e); } } var popupId = "import-game-restart-game-notice"; var txt = createElement("p", { innerText:"Imported game! You need to SAVE the game and then RELOAD the page " + "to make sure everything runs smoothly" }); var gotitBtn = createElement("a", { class:"a-link-button", float:"right", padding:"6px", innerText:"Got it!", clickListener:()=>{ removeElementById(popupId); } }); createPopup(popupId, [txt, gotitBtn]); gameOptionsBoxClose(); //Re-start game console.log("Importing game"); Engine.setDisplayElements(); //Sets variables for important DOM elements Engine.init(); //Initialize buttons, work, etc. //Calculate the number of cycles have elapsed while offline Engine._lastUpdate = new Date().getTime(); var lastUpdate = Player.lastUpdate; var numCyclesOffline = Math.floor((Engine._lastUpdate - lastUpdate) / Engine._idleSpeed); /* Process offline progress */ var offlineProductionFromScripts = loadAllRunningScripts(); //This also takes care of offline production for those scripts if (Player.isWorking) { console.log("work() called in load() for " + numCyclesOffline * Engine._idleSpeed + " milliseconds"); if (Player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeFaction) { Player.workForFaction(numCyclesOffline); } else if (Player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCreateProgram) { Player.createProgramWork(numCyclesOffline); } else if (Player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeStudyClass) { Player.takeClass(numCyclesOffline); } else if (Player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCrime) { Player.commitCrime(numCyclesOffline); } else if (Player.workType == CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCompanyPartTime) { Player.workPartTime(numCyclesOffline); } else {; } } //Hacknet Nodes offline progress var offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes = processAllHacknetNodeEarnings(numCyclesOffline); //Passive faction rep gain offline processPassiveFactionRepGain(numCyclesOffline); //Update total playtime var time = numCyclesOffline * Engine._idleSpeed; if (Player.totalPlaytime == null) {Player.totalPlaytime = 0;} if (Player.playtimeSinceLastAug == null) {Player.playtimeSinceLastAug = 0;} if (Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode == null) {Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode = 0;} Player.totalPlaytime += time; Player.playtimeSinceLastAug += time; Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode += time; //Re-apply augmentations Player.reapplyAllAugmentations(); //Clear terminal $("#terminal tr:not(:last)").remove(); Player.lastUpdate = Engine._lastUpdate; Engine.start(); //Run main game loop and Scripts loop dialogBoxCreate("While you were offline, your scripts generated $" + numeralWrapper.format(offlineProductionFromScripts, '0,0.00') + " and your Hacknet Nodes generated $" + numeralWrapper.format(offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes, '0,0.00') + ""); return true; } BitburnerSaveObject.prototype.exportGame = function() { this.PlayerSave = JSON.stringify(Player); this.AllServersSave = JSON.stringify(AllServers); this.CompaniesSave = JSON.stringify(Companies); this.FactionsSave = JSON.stringify(Factions); this.SpecialServerIpsSave = JSON.stringify(SpecialServerIps); this.AliasesSave = JSON.stringify(Aliases); this.GlobalAliasesSave = JSON.stringify(GlobalAliases); this.MessagesSave = JSON.stringify(Messages); this.StockMarketSave = JSON.stringify(StockMarket); this.SettingsSave = JSON.stringify(Settings); this.VersionSave = JSON.stringify(CONSTANTS.Version); if (Player.bitNodeN == 2 && Player.inGang()) { this.AllGangsSave = JSON.stringify(AllGangs); } var saveString = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(this)))); var filename = "bitburnerSave.json"; var file = new Blob([saveString], {type: 'text/plain'}); if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {// IE10+ window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, filename); } else { // Others var a = document.createElement("a"), url = URL.createObjectURL(file); a.href = url; = "bitburnerSave.json"; document.body.appendChild(a);; setTimeout(function() { document.body.removeChild(a); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); } } BitburnerSaveObject.prototype.importGame = function() { if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) { var fileSelector = clearEventListeners("import-game-file-selector"); fileSelector.addEventListener("change", openImportFileHandler, false); $("#import-game-file-selector").click(); } else { dialogBoxCreate("ERR: Your browser does not support HTML5 File API. Cannot import."); } } BitburnerSaveObject.prototype.deleteGame = function(db) { //Delete from local storage if (window.localStorage.getItem("bitburnerSave")) { window.localStorage.removeItem("bitburnerSave"); } //Delete from indexedDB var request = db.transaction(["savestring"], "readwrite").objectStore("savestring").delete("save"); request.onsuccess = function(e) { console.log("Successfully deleted save from indexedDb"); } request.onerror = function(e) { console.log("Failed to delete save from indexedDb: " + e); } createStatusText("Game deleted!"); } function createNewUpdateText() { dialogBoxCreate("New update!
" + "Please report any bugs/issues through the github repository " + "or the Bitburner subreddit (

" + CONSTANTS.LatestUpdate); } function createBetaUpdateText() { dialogBoxCreate("You are playing on the beta environment! This branch of the game " + "features the latest developments in the game. This version may be unstable.
" + "Please report any bugs/issues through the github repository ( " + "or the Bitburner subreddit (

" + CONSTANTS.LatestUpdate); } BitburnerSaveObject.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Generic_toJSON("BitburnerSaveObject", this); } BitburnerSaveObject.fromJSON = function(value) { return Generic_fromJSON(BitburnerSaveObject,; } Reviver.constructors.BitburnerSaveObject = BitburnerSaveObject; //Import game function openImportFileHandler(evt) { var file =[0]; if (!file) { dialogBoxCreate("Invalid file selected"); return; } var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { var contents =; loadImportedGame(saveObject, contents); }; reader.readAsText(file); } export {saveObject, loadGame};