Netscript Hacknet Node API ========================== Netscript provides the following API for accessing and upgrading your Hacknet Nodes through scripts. Note that none of these functions will write to the script's logs. If you want to see what your script is doing you will have to print to the logs yourself. hacknetnodes ^^^^^^^^^^^^ *hacknetnodes* is a special variable. It is an array that maps to the player's Hacknet Nodes. The Hacknet Nodes are accessed through indexed. These indexes correspond to the number at the end of the name of the Hacknet Node. For example, the first Hacknet Node you purchase will have the name "hacknet-node-0" and can be accessed using *hacknetnodes[0]*. The fourth Hacknet Node you purchase will have the name "hacknet-node-3" and can be accessed using *hacknetnodes[3]*. Purchasing Hacknet Nodes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following is a list of supported functions for purchasing Hacknet Nodes. .. js:function:: getNextHacknetNodeCost() Returns the cost of purchasing a new Hacknet Node .. js:function:: purchaseHacknetNode() Purchases a new Hacknet Node. Returns a number with the index of the Hacknet Node. This index is equivalent to the number at the end of the Hacknet Node's name (e.g The Hacknet Node named 'hacknet-node-4' will have an index of 4). If the player cannot afford to purchase a new Hacknet Node then the function will return false. Hacknet Node Member Variables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following is a list of member variables for a Hacknet Node object. These variables are read-only, which means you cannot assign a value to these. Note that these must be called on an element inside the *hacknetnodes* array, not the array itself. .. js:attribute:: hacknetnodes[i].name Returns the name of the corresponding Hacknet Node .. js:attribute:: hacknetnodes[i].level Returns the level of the corresponding Hacknet Node .. js:attribute:: hacknetnodes[i].ram Returns the amount of RAM on the corresponding Hacknet Node .. js:attribute:: hacknetnodes[i].cores Returns the number of cores on the corresponding Hacknet Node .. js:attribute:: hacknetnodes[i].totalMoneyGenerated Returns the total amount of money that the corresponding Hacknet Node has earned .. js:attribute:: hacknetnodes[i].onlineTimeSeconds Returns the total amount of time (in seconds) that the corresponding Hacknet Node has existed .. js:attribute:: hacknetnodes[i].moneyGainRatePerSecond Returns the amount of income that the corresponding Hacknet Node earns Hacknet Node Methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following is a list of supported functions/methods for a Hacknet Node object. Note that these must be called on an element inside the *hacknetnodes* array, not the array itself. .. js:method:: hacknetnodes[i].upgradeLevel(n) :param number n: Number of levels to upgrade. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer Tries to upgrade the level of the corresponding Hacknet Node *n* times. Returns true if the Hacknet Node's level is successfully upgraded *n* times or up to the max level (200), and false otherwise. .. js:method:: hacknetnodes[i].upgradeRam() Tries to upgrade the amount of RAM on the corresponding Hacknet Node. Returns true if the RAM is successfully upgraded and false otherwise. .. js:method:: hacknetnodes[i].upgradeCore() Tries to purchase an additional core for the corresponding Hacknet Node. Returns true if the additional core is successfully purchased, and false otherwise. .. js:method:: hacknetnodes[i].getLevelUpgradeCost(n) :param number n: Number of levels to upgrade. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer Returns the cost of upgrading the specified Hacknet Node by *n* levels .. js:method:: hacknetnodes[i].getRamUpgradeCost() Returns the cost of upgrading the RAM of the specified Hacknet Node. Upgrading a Node's RAM doubles it. .. js:method:: hacknetnodes[i].getCoreUpgradeCost() Returns the cost of upgrading the number of cores of the specified Hacknet Node. Upgrading a Node's number of cores adds one additional core. Utils ^^^^^ .. js:function:: getHacknetMultipliers() Returns an object containing the Player's hacknet related multipliers. These multipliers are returned in integer forms, not percentages (e.g. 1.5 instead of 150%). The object has the following structure:: { production: Player's hacknet production multiplier, purchaseCost: Player's hacknet purchase cost multiplier, ramCost: Player's hacknet ram cost multiplier, coreCost: Player's hacknet core cost multiplier, levelCost: Player's hacknet level cost multiplier } Example of how this can be used:: mults = getHacknetMultipliers(); print(mults.production); print(mults.purchaseCost); Example(s) ^^^^^^^^^^ The following is an example of one way a script can be used to automate the purchasing and upgrading of Hacknet Nodes. This script purchases new Hacknet Nodes until the player has four. Then, it iteratively upgrades each of those four Hacknet Nodes to a level of at least 75, RAM to at least 8GB, and number of cores to at least 2:: //Purchase 4 Hacknet Nodes while(hacknetnodes.length < 4) { purchaseHacknetNode(); } //Upgrade all 4 Hacknet Nodes to at least level 75 for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i++) { while (hacknetnodes[i].level <= 75) { hacknetnodes[i].upgradeLevel(5); sleep(10000); } } //Upgrade RAM on all Hacknet Nodes to 8GB for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i++) { while (hacknetnodes[i].ram < 8) { hacknetnodes[i].upgradeRam(); sleep(10000); } } //Upgrade cores on all Hacknet Nodes to 2 for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i++) { while (hacknetnodes[i].cores < 2) { hacknetnodes[i].upgradeCore(); sleep(10000); } }