nFormat() Netscript Function ============================== .. js:function:: nFormat(number, format) :RAM cost: 0 GB :param number number: Number to format. :param string format: Formatting to use. Read for specifics. :returns: Formatted string. Deprecated, might be removed in 2.3 version of the game. Use :doc:`formatPercent` for formatting percentages, :doc:`formatRam` for formatting ram amounts and :doc:`formatNumber` for formatting other numbers. Converts a number into a string with the specified formatter. This uses the numeral.js library, so the formatters must be compatible with that. Examples: .. code-block:: javascript ns.print(ns.nFormat(123456789.1,"0,0")) //logs "123,456,789" ns.print(ns.nFormat(123456789.1,"0.00a")) //logs "123.46m" ns.print(ns.nFormat(200000,"$0.00a")) //logs "$200.00k"