import { Literature } from "./Literature"; import { LiteratureNames } from "./data/LiteratureNames"; import { IMap } from "../types"; export const Literatures: IMap = {}; (function () { let title, fn, txt; title = "The Beginner's Guide to Hacking"; fn = LiteratureNames.HackersStartingHandbook; txt = "Some resources:

" + "Learn to Program

" + "For Experienced JavaScript Developers: NetscriptJS

" + "Netscript Documentation

" + "When starting out, hacking is the most profitable way to earn money and progress. This " + "is a brief collection of tips/pointers on how to make the most out of your hacking scripts.

" + "-hack() and grow() both work by percentages. hack() steals a certain percentage of the " + "money on a server, and grow() increases the amount of money on a server by some percentage (multiplicatively)

" + "-Because hack() and grow() work by percentages, they are more effective if the target server has a high amount of money. " + "Therefore, you should try to increase the amount of money on a server (using grow()) to a certain amount before hacking it. Two " + "import Netscript functions for this are getServerMoneyAvailable() and getServerMaxMoney()

" + "-Keep security level low. Security level affects everything when hacking. Two important Netscript functions " + "for this are getServerSecurityLevel() and getServerMinSecurityLevel()

" + "-Purchase additional servers by visiting 'Alpha Enterprises' in the city. They are relatively cheap " + "and give you valuable RAM to run more scripts early in the game

" + "-Prioritize upgrading the RAM on your home computer. This can also be done at 'Alpha Enterprises'

" + "-Many low level servers have free RAM. You can use this RAM to run your scripts. Use the scp Terminal or " + "Netscript command to copy your scripts onto these servers and then run them."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "The Complete Handbook for Creating a Successful Corporation"; fn = LiteratureNames.CorporationManagementHandbook; txt = "Getting Started with Corporations
" + "To get started, visit the City Hall in Sector-12 in order to create a Corporation. This requires " + "$150b of your own money, but this $150b will get put into your Corporation's funds. " + "After creating your Corporation, you will see it listed as one of the locations in the city. Click on " + "your Corporation in order to manage it.

" + "Your Corporation can have many different divisions, each in a different Industry. There are many different " + "types of Industries, each with different properties. To create your first division, click the " + "'Expand into new Industry' button at the top of the management UI. The Agriculture " + "and Software industries are recommended for your first division.

" + "The first thing you'll need to do is hire some employees. Employees can be assigned to five different positions. " + "Each position has a different effect on various aspects of your Corporation. It is recommended to have at least " + "one employee at each position.

" + "Each industry uses some combination of Materials in order to produce other Materials and/or create Products. " + "Specific information about this is displayed in each of your divisions' UI.

" + "Products are special, industry-specific objects. They are different than Materials because you " + "must manually choose to develop them, and you can choose to develop any number of Products. Developing " + "a Product takes time, but a Product typically generates significantly more revenue than any Material. " + "Not all industries allow you to create Products. To create a Product, look for a button " + "in the top-left panel of the division UI (e.g. For the Software Industry, the button says 'Develop Software').

" + "To get your supply chain system started, " + "purchase the Materials that your industry needs to produce other Materials/Products. This can be done " + "by clicking the 'Buy' button next to the corresponding Material(s). After you have the required Materials, " + "you will immediately start production. The amount of Materials/Products you produce is based on a variety of factors, " + "one of which is your employees and their productivity.

" + "Once you start producing Materials/Products, you can sell them in order to start earning revenue. This can be done " + "by clicking the 'Sell' button next to the corresponding Material or Product. The amount of Material/Product you sell is dependent " + "on a wide variety of different factors.

" + "These are the basics of getting your Corporation up and running! Now, you can start purchasing upgrades to improve " + "your bottom line. If you need money, consider looking for seed investors, who will give you money in exchange for stock shares. " + "Otherwise, once you feel you are ready, take your Corporation public! Once your Corporation goes public, you can no longer " + "find investors. Instead, your Corporation will be publicly traded and its stock price will change based on how well " + "it's performing financially. You can then sell your stock shares in order to make money.

" + "Tips/Pointers
" + "-The 'Smart Supply' upgrade is extremely useful. Consider purchasing it as soon as possible.

" + "-Purchasing Hardware, Robots, AI Cores, and Real Estate can potentially increase your production. " + "The effects of these depend on what industry you are in.

" + "-In order to optimize your production, you will need a good balance of Operators, Managers, and Engineers

" + "-Different employees excel in different jobs. For example, the highly intelligent employees will probably do best " + "if they are assigned to do Engineering work or Research & Development.

" + "-If your employees have low morale, energy, or happiness, their production will greatly suffer.

" + "-Tech is important, but don't neglect sales! Having several Businessmen can boost your sales and your bottom line.

" + "-Don't forget to advertise your company. You won't have any business if nobody knows you.

" + "-Having company awareness is great, but what's really important is your company's popularity. Try to keep " + "your popularity as high as possible to see the biggest benefit for your sales

" + "-Remember, you need to spend money to make money!

" + "-Corporations do not reset when installing Augmentations, but they do reset when destroying a BitNode"; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "A Brief History of Synthoids"; fn = LiteratureNames.HistoryOfSynthoids; txt = "Synthetic androids, or Synthoids for short, are genetically engineered robots and, short of Augmentations, " + "are composed entirely of organic substances. For this reason, Synthoids are virtually identical to " + "humans in form, composition, and appearance.

" + "Synthoids were first designed and manufactured by OmniTek Incorporated sometime around the middle of the century. " + "Their original purpose was to be used for manual labor and as emergency responders for disasters. As such, they " + "were initially programmed only for their specific tasks. Each iteration that followed improved upon the " + "intelligence and capabilities of the Synthoids. By the 6th iteration, called MK-VI, the Synthoids were " + "so smart and capable enough of making their own decisions that many argued OmniTek had created the first " + "sentient AI. These MK-VI Synthoids were produced in mass quantities (estimates up to 50 billion) with the hopes of increasing society's " + "productivity and bolstering the global economy. Stemming from humanity's desire for technological advancement, optimism " + "and excitement about the future had never been higher.

" + "All of that excitement and optimism quickly turned to fear, panic, and dread in 2070, when a terrorist group " + "called Ascendis Totalis hacked into OmniTek and uploaded a rogue AI into severeal of their Synthoid manufacturing facilities. " + "This hack went undetected and for months OmniTek unknowingly churned out legions of Synthoids embedded with this " + "rogue AI. Then, on December 24th, 2070, Omnica activated dormant protocols in the rogue AI, causing all of the " + "infected Synthoids to immediately launch a military campaign to seek and destroy all of humanity.

" + "What ensued was the deadlist conflict in human history. This crisis, now commonly known as the Synthoid Uprising, " + "resulted in almost ten billion deaths over the course of a year. Despite the nations of the world banding together " + "to combat the threat, the MK-VI Synthoids were simply stronger, faster, more intelligent, and more adaptable than humans, " + "outsmarting them at every turn.

" + "It wasn't until the sacrifice of an elite international military taskforce, called the Bladeburners, that humanity " + "was finally able to defeat the Synthoids. The Bladeburners' final act was a suicide bombing mission that " + "destroyed a large portion of the MK-VI Synthoids, including many of its leaders. In the following " + "weeks militaries from around the world were able to round up and shut down the remaining rogue MK-VI Synthoids, ending " + "the Synthoid Uprising.

" + "In the aftermath of the bloodshed, the Synthoid Accords were drawn up. These Accords banned OmniTek Incorporated " + "from manufacturing any Synthoids beyond the MK-III series. They also banned any other corporation " + "from constructing androids with advanced, near-sentient AI. MK-VI Synthoids that did not have the rogue Ascendis Totalis " + "AI were allowed to continue their existence, but they were stripped of all rights and protections as they " + "were not considered humans. They were also banned from doing anything that may pose a global security threat, such " + "as working for any military/defense organization or conducting any bioengineering, computing, or robotics related research.

" + "Unfortunately, many believe that not all of the rogue MK-VI Synthoids from the Uprising were found and destroyed, " + "and that many of them are blending in as normal humans in society today. In response, many nations have created " + "Bladeburner divisions, special military branches that are tasked with investigating and dealing with any Synthoid threads.

" + "To this day, tensions still exist between the remaining Synthoids and humans as a result of the Uprising.

" + "Nobody knows what happened to the terrorist group Ascendis Totalis."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "A Green Tomorrow"; fn = LiteratureNames.AGreenTomorrow; txt = "Starting a few decades ago, there was a massive global movement towards the generation of renewable energy in an effort to " + "combat global warming and climate change. The shift towards renewable energy was a big success, or so it seemed. In 2045 " + "a staggering 80% of the world's energy came from non-renewable fossil fuels. Now, about three decades later, that " + "number is down to only 15%. Most of the world's energy now comes from nuclear power and renwable sources such as " + "solar and geothermal. Unfortunately, these efforts were not the huge success that they seem to be.

" + "Since 2045 primary energy use has soared almost tenfold. This was mainly due to growing urban populations and " + "the rise of increasingly advanced (and power-hungry) technology that has become ubiquitous in our lives. So, " + "despite the fact that the percentage of our energy that comes from fossil fuels has drastically decreased, " + "the total amount of energy we are producing from fossil fuels has actually increased.

" + "The grim effects of our species' irresponsible use of energy and neglect of our mother world have become increasingly apparent. " + "Last year a temperature of 190F was recorded in the Death Valley desert, which is over 50% higher than the highest " + "recorded temperature at the beginning of the century. In the last two decades numerous major cities such as Manhattan, Boston, and " + "Los Angeles have been partially or fully submerged by rising sea levels. In the present day, over 75% of the world's agriculture is " + "done in climate-controlled vertical farms, as most traditional farmland has become unusable due to severe climate conditions.

" + "Despite all of this, the greedy and corrupt corporations that rule the world have done nothing to address these problems that " + "threaten our species. And so it's up to us, the common people. Each and every one of us can make a difference by doing what " + "these corporations won't: taking responsibility. If we don't, pretty soon there won't be an Earth left to save. We are " + "the last hope for a green tomorrow."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Alpha and Omega"; fn = LiteratureNames.AlphaOmega; txt = "Then we saw a new heaven and a new earth, for our first heaven and earth had gone away, and our sea was no more. " + "And we saw a new holy city, new Aeria, coming down out of this new heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. " + "And we heard a loud voice saying, 'Behold, the new dwelling place of the Gods. We will dwell with them, and they " + "will be our people, and we will be with them as their Gods. We will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death " + "shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things " + "have passed away.'

" + "And once we were seated on the throne we said 'Behold, I am making all things new.' " + "Also we said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.' And we said to you, " + "'It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring " + "of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and we will be his God and " + "he will be our son. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, " + "the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that " + "burns with fire and sulfur, for it is the second true death.'"; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?"; fn = LiteratureNames.SimulatedReality; txt = "The idea that we are living in a virtual world is not new. It's a trope that has " + "been explored constantly in literature and pop culture. However, it is also a legitimate " + "scientific hypothesis that many notable physicists and philosophers have debated for years.

" + "Proponents for this simulated reality theory often point to how advanced our technology has become, " + "as well as the incredibly fast pace at which it has advanced over the past decades. The amount of computing " + "power available to us has increased over 100-fold since 2060 due to the development of nanoprocessors and " + "quantum computers. Artifical Intelligence has advanced to the point where our entire lives are controlled " + "by robots and machines that handle our day-to-day activities such as autonomous transportation and scheduling. " + "If we consider the pace at which this technology has advanced and assume that these developments continue, it's " + "reasonable to assume that at some point in the future our technology would be advanced enough that " + "we could create simulations that are indistinguishable from reality. However, if this is a reasonable outcome " + "of continued technological advancement, then it is very likely that such a scenario has already happened.

" + "Statistically speaking, somewhere out there in the infinite universe there is an advanced, intelligent species " + "that already has such technology. Who's to say that they haven't already created such a virtual reality: our own?"; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Beyond Man"; fn = LiteratureNames.BeyondMan; txt = "Humanity entered a 'transhuman' era a long time ago. And despite the protests and criticisms of many who cried out against " + "human augmentation at the time, the transhuman movement continued and prospered. Proponents of the movement ignored the critics, " + "arguing that it was in our inherent nature to better ourselves. To improve. To be more than we were. They claimed that " + "not doing so would be to go against every living organism's biological purpose: evolution and survival of the fittest.

" + "And here we are today, with technology that is advanced enough to augment humans to a state that " + "can only be described as posthuman. But what do we have to show for it when this augmentation " + "technology is only available to the so-called 'elite'? Are we really better off than before when only 5% of the " + "world's population has access to this technology? When the powerful corporations and organizations of the world " + "keep it all to themselves, have we really evolved?

" + "Augmentation technology has only further increased the divide between the rich and the poor, between the powerful and " + "the oppressed. We have not become 'more than human'. We have not evolved from nature's original design. We are still the greedy, " + "corrupted, and evil men that we always were."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Brighter than the Sun"; fn = LiteratureNames.BrighterThanTheSun; txt = "When people think about the corporations that dominate the East, they typically think of KuaiGong International, which " + "holds a complete monopoly for manufacturing and commerce in Asia, or Global Pharmaceuticals, the world's largest " + "drug company, or OmniTek Incorporated, the global leader in intelligent and autonomous robots. But there's one company " + "that has seen a rapid rise in the last year and is poised to dominate not only the East, but the entire world: TaiYang Digital.

" + "TaiYang Digital is a Chinese internet-technology corporation that provides services such as " + "online advertising, search, gaming, media, entertainment, and cloud computing/storage. Its name TaiYang comes from the Chinese word " + "for 'sun'. In Chinese culture, the sun is a 'yang' symbol " + "associated with life, heat, masculinity, and heaven.

" + "The company was founded " + "less than 5 years ago and is already the third highest valued company in all of Asia. In 2076 it generated a total revenue of " + "over 10 trillion yuan. It's services are used daily by over a billion people worldwide.

" + "TaiYang Digital's meteoric rise is extremely surprising in modern society. This sort of growth is " + "something you'd commonly see in the first half of the century, especially for tech companies. However in " + "the last two decades the number of corporations has significantly declined as the largest entities " + "quickly took over the economy. Corporations such as ECorp, MegaCorp, and KuaiGong have established " + "such strong monopolies in their market sectors that they have effectively killed off all " + "of the smaller and new corporations that have tried to start up over the years. This is what makes " + "the rise of TaiYang Digital so impressive. And if TaiYang continues down this path, then they have " + "a bright future ahead of them."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Democracy is Dead: The Fall of an Empire"; fn = LiteratureNames.DemocracyIsDead; txt = "They rose from the shadows in the street
From the places where the oppressed meet
" + "Their cries echoed loudly through the air
As they once did in Tiananmen Square
" + "Loudness in the silence, Darkness in the light
They came forth with power and might
" + "Once the beacon of democracy, America was first
Its pillars of society destroyed and dispersed
" + "Soon the cries rose everywhere, with revolt and riot
Until one day, finally, all was quiet
" + "From the ashes rose a new order, corporatocracy was its name
" + "Rome, Mongol, Byzantine, all of history is just the same
" + "For man will never change in a fundamental way
" + "And now democracy is dead, in the USA"; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Figures Show Rising Crime Rates in Sector-12"; fn = LiteratureNames.Sector12Crime; txt = "A recent study by analytics company Wilson Inc. shows a significant rise " + "in criminal activity in Sector-12. Perhaps the most alarming part of the statistic " + "is that most of the rise is in violent crime such as homicide and assault. According " + "to the study, the city saw a total of 21,406 reported homicides in 2076, which is over " + "a 20% increase compared to 2075.

" + "CIA director David Glarow says its too early to know " + "whether these figures indicate the beginning of a sustained increase in crime rates, or whether " + "the year was just an unfortunate outlier. He states that many intelligence and law enforcement " + "agents have noticed an increase in organized crime activites, and believes that these figures may " + "be the result of an uprising from criminal organizations such as The Syndicate or the Slum Snakes."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Man and the Machine"; fn = LiteratureNames.ManAndMachine; txt = "In 2005 Ray Kurzweil popularized his theory of the Singularity. He predicted that the rate " + "of technological advancement would continue to accelerate faster and faster until one day " + "machines would be become infinitely more intelligent than humans. This point, called the " + "Singularity, would result in a drastic transformation of the world as we know it. He predicted " + "that the Singularity would arrive by 2045. " + "And yet here we are, more than three decades later, where most would agree that we have not " + "yet reached a point where computers and machines are vastly more intelligent than we are. So what gives?

" + "The answer is that we have reached the Singularity, just not in the way we expected. The artifical superintelligence " + "that was predicted by Kurzweil and others exists in the world today - in the form of Augmentations. " + "Yes, those Augmentations that the rich and powerful keep to themselves enable humans " + "to become superintelligent beings. The Singularity did not lead to a world where " + "our machines are infinitely more intelligent than us, it led to a world " + "where man and machine can merge to become something greater. Most of the world just doesn't " + "know it yet." Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Secret Societies"; fn = LiteratureNames.SecretSocieties; txt = "The idea of secret societies has long intrigued the general public by inspiring curiosity, fascination, and " + "distrust. People have long wondered about who these secret society members are and what they do, with the " + "most radical of conspiracy theorists claiming that they control everything in the entire world. And while the world " + "may never know for sure, it is likely that many secret societies do actually exist, even today.

" + "However, the secret societies of the modern world are nothing like those that (supposedly) existed " + "decades and centuries ago. The Freemasons, Knights Templar, and Illuminati, while they may have been around " + "at the turn of the 21st century, almost assuredly do not exist today. The dominance of the Web in " + "our everyday lives and the fact that so much of the world is now digital has given rise to a new breed " + "of secret societies: Internet-based ones.

" + "Commonly called 'hacker groups', Internet-based secret societies have become well-known in today's " + "world. Some of these, such as The Black Hand, are black hat groups that claim they are trying to " + "help the oppressed by attacking the elite and powerful. Others, such as NiteSec, are hacktivist groups " + "that try to push political and social agendas. Perhaps the most intriguing hacker group " + "is the mysterious Bitrunners, whose purpose still remains unknown."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Space: The Failed Frontier"; fn = LiteratureNames.TheFailedFrontier; txt = "Humans have long dreamed about spaceflight. With enduring interest, we were driven to explore " + "the unknown and discover new worlds. We dreamed about conquering the stars. And in our quest, " + "we pushed the boundaries of our scientific limits, and then pushed further. Space exploration " + "lead to the development of many important technologies and new industries.

" + "But sometime in the middle of the 21st century, all of that changed. Humanity lost its ambitions and " + "aspirations of exploring the cosmos. The once-large funding for agencies like NASA and the European " + "Space Agency gradually whittled away until their eventual disbanding in the 2060's. Not even " + "militaries are fielding flights into space nowadays. The only remnants of the once great mission for cosmic " + "conquest are the countless satellites in near-earth orbit, used for communications, espionage, " + "and other corporate interests.

" + "And as we continue to look at the state of space technology, it becomes more and " + "more apparent that we will never return to that golden age of space exploration, that " + "age where everyone dreamed of going beyond earth for the sake of discovery."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Coded Intelligence: Myth or Reality?"; fn = LiteratureNames.CodedIntelligence; txt = "Tremendous progress has been made in the field of Artificial Intelligence over the past few decades. " + "Our autonomous vehicles and transporation systems. The electronic personal assistants that control our everyday lives. " + "Medical, service, and manufacturing robots. All of these are examples of how far AI has come and how much it has " + "improved our daily lives. However, the question still remains of whether AI will ever be advanced enough to re-create " + "human intelligence.

" + "We've certainly come close to artificial intelligence that is similar to humans. For example OmniTek Incorporated's " + "CompanionBot, a robot meant to act as a comforting friend for lonely and grieving people, is eerily human-like " + "in its appearance, speech, mannerisms, and even movement. However its artificial intelligence isn't the same as " + "that of humans. Not yet. It doesn't have sentience or self-awareness or consciousness.

" + "Many neuroscientists believe that we won't ever reach the point of creating artificial human intelligence. 'At the end of the " + "the day, AI comes down to 1's and 0's, while the human brain does not. We'll never see AI that is identical to that of " + "humans.'"; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Synthetic Muscles"; fn = LiteratureNames.SyntheticMuscles; txt = "Initial versions of synthetic muscles weren't made of anything organic but were actually " + "crude devices made to mimic human muscle function. Some of the early iterations were actually made of " + "common materials such as fishing lines and sewing threads due to their high strength for " + "a cheap cost.

" + "As technology progressed, however, advances in biomedical engineering paved the way for a new method of " + "creating synthetic muscles. Instead of creating something that closely imitated the functionality " + "of human muscle, scientists discovered a way of forcing the human body itself to augment its own " + "muscle tissue using both synthetic and organic materials. This is typically done using gene therapy " + "or chemical injections."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "Tensions rise in global tech race"; fn = LiteratureNames.TensionsInTechRace; txt = "Have we entered a new Cold War? Is WWIII just beyond the horizon?

" + "After rumors came out that OmniTek Incorporated had begun developing advanced robotic supersoldiers, " + "geopolitical tensions quickly flared between the USA, Russia, and several Asian superpowers. " + "In a rare show of cooperation between corporations, MegaCorp and ECorp have " + "reportedly launched hundreds of new surveillance and espionage satellites. " + "Defense contractors such as " + "DeltaOne and AeroCorp have been working with the CIA and NSA to prepare " + "for conflict. Meanwhile, the rest of the world sits in earnest " + "hoping that it never reaches full-scale war. With today's technology " + "and firepower, a World War would assuredly mean the end of human civilization."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "The Cost of Immortality"; fn = LiteratureNames.CostOfImmortality; txt = "Evolution and advances in medical and augmentation technology has lead to drastic improvements " + "in human mortality rates. Recent figures show that the life expectancy for humans " + "that live in a first-world country is about 130 years of age, almost double of what it was " + "at the turn of the century. However, this increase in average lifespan has had some " + "significant effects on society and culture.

" + "Due to longer lifespans and a better quality of life, many adults are holding " + "off on having kids until much later. As a result, the percentage of youth in " + "first-world countries has been decreasing, while the number " + "of senior citizens is significantly increasing.

" + "Perhaps the most alarming result of all of this is the rapidly shrinking workforce. " + "Despite the increase in life expectancy, the typical retirement age for " + "workers in America has remained about the same, meaning a larger and larger " + "percentage of people in America are retirees. Furthermore, many " + "young adults are holding off on joining the workforce because they feel that " + "they have plenty of time left in their lives for employment, and want to " + "'enjoy life while they're young.' For most industries, this shrinking workforce " + "is not a major issue as most things are handled by robots anyways. However, " + "there are still several key industries such as engineering and education " + "that have not been automated, and these remain in danger to this cultural " + "phenomenon."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "The Hidden World"; fn = LiteratureNames.TheHiddenWorld; txt = "WAKE UP SHEEPLE



" + "Yes, the Illuminati of legends. The ancient secret society that controls the entire " + "world from the shadows with their invisible hand. The group of the rich and wealthy " + "that have penetrated every major government, financial agency, and corporation in the last " + "three hundred years.


" + "It was the Illuminati that brought an end to democracy in the world. They are the driving force " + "behind everything that happens.


" + "After destabilizing the world's governments, they are now entering the final stage of their master plan. " + "They will secretly initiate global crises. Terrorism. Pandemics. World War. And out of the chaos " + "that ensues they will build their New World Order."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "The New God"; fn = LiteratureNames.TheNewGod; txt = "Everyone has that moment in their life where they wonder about the bigger questions

" + "What's the point of all of this? What is my purpose?

" + "Some people dare to think even bigger

" + "What will be the fate of the human race?

" + "We live in an era vastly different from that of even 15 or 20 years ago. We have gone " + "where no man has gone before. We have stripped ourselves of the tyranny of flesh.

" + "The Singularity is here. The merging of man and machine. This is where humanity evolves into " + "something greater. This is our future

" + "Embrace it, and you will obey a new god. The God in the Machine"; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "The New Triads"; fn = LiteratureNames.NewTriads; txt = "The Triads were an ancient transnational crime syndicate based in China, Hong Kong, and other Asian " + "territories. They were often considered one of the first and biggest criminal secret societies. " + "While most of the branches of the Triads have been destroyed over the past few decades, the " + "crime faction has spawned and inspired a number of other Asian crime organizations over the past few years. " + "The most notable of these is the Tetrads.

" + "It is widely believed that the Tetrads are a rogue group that splintered off from the Triads sometime in the " + "mid 21st century. The founders of the Tetrads, all of whom were ex-Triad members, believed that the " + "Triads were losing their purpose and direction. The Tetrads started off as a small group that mainly engaged " + "in fraud and extortion. They were largely unknown until just a few years ago when they took over the illegal " + "drug trade in all of the major Asian cities. They quickly became the most powerful crime syndicate in the " + "continent.

" + "Not much else is known about the Tetrads, or about the efforts the Asian governments and corporations are making " + "to take down this large new crime organization. Many believe that the Tetrads have infiltrated the governments " + "and powerful corporations in Asia, which has helped faciliate their recent rapid rise."; Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); title = "The Secret War"; fn = LiteratureNames.TheSecretWar; txt = "" Literatures[fn] = new Literature(title, fn, txt); })()