import React, { useState } from "react"; import Grid from "@material-ui/core/Grid"; import { IMinigameProps } from "./IMinigameProps"; import { KeyHandler } from "./KeyHandler"; import { GameTimer } from "./GameTimer"; import { interpolate } from "./Difficulty"; interface Difficulty { [key: string]: number; timer: number; size: number; } const difficulties: { Trivial: Difficulty; Normal: Difficulty; Hard: Difficulty; Impossible: Difficulty; } = { Trivial: { timer: 12000, size: 6 }, Normal: { timer: 9000, size: 8 }, Hard: { timer: 5000, size: 9 }, Impossible: { timer: 2500, size: 12 }, }; export function BribeGame(props: IMinigameProps): React.ReactElement { const difficulty: Difficulty = { timer: 0, size: 0 }; interpolate(difficulties, props.difficulty, difficulty); const timer = difficulty.timer; const [choices] = useState(makeChoices(difficulty)); const [index, setIndex] = useState(0); function press(event: React.KeyboardEvent): void { event.preventDefault(); const k = event.keyCode; if (k === 32) { if (positive.includes(choices[index])) props.onSuccess(); else props.onFailure(); return; } let newIndex = index; if ([38, 87, 68, 39].includes(k)) newIndex++; if ([65, 37, 83, 40].includes(k)) newIndex--; while (newIndex < 0) newIndex += choices.length; while (newIndex > choices.length - 1) newIndex -= choices.length; setIndex(newIndex); } return (

Say something nice about the guard.


); } function shuffleArray(array: string[]): void { for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); const temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = temp; } } function makeChoices(difficulty: Difficulty): string[] { const choices = []; choices.push(positive[Math.floor(Math.random() * positive.length)]); for (let i = 0; i < difficulty.size; i++) { const option = negative[Math.floor(Math.random() * negative.length)]; if (choices.includes(option)) { i--; continue; } choices.push(option); } shuffleArray(choices); return choices; } const positive = [ "affectionate", "agreeable", "bright", "charming", "creative", "determined", "energetic", "friendly", "funny", "generous", "polite", "likable", "diplomatic", "helpful", "giving", "kind", "hardworking", "patient", "dynamic", "loyal", ]; const negative = [ "aggressive", "aloof", "arrogant", "big-headed", "boastful", "boring", "bossy", "careless", "clingy", "couch potato", "cruel", "cynical", "grumpy", "hot air", "know it all", "obnoxious", "pain in the neck", "picky", "tactless", "thoughtless", ];