import React from "react"; import { AllServers } from "../Server/AllServers"; import { Script } from "../Script/Script"; import { TextFile } from "../TextFile"; import { Accordion } from "../ui/React/Accordion"; import { numeralWrapper } from "../ui/numeralFormat"; interface IServerProps { ip: string; } export function ServerAccordion(props: IServerProps): React.ReactElement { const server = AllServers[props.ip]; let totalSize = 0; for (const f of server.scripts) { totalSize += f.code.length; } for (const f of server.textFiles) { totalSize += f.text.length; } if (totalSize === 0) { return <>; } interface File { name: string; size: number; } const files: File[] = []; for (const f of server.scripts) { files.push({ name: f.filename, size: f.code.length }); } for (const f of server.textFiles) { files.push({ name: f.fn, size: f.text.length }); } files.sort((a: File, b: File): number => b.size - a.size); return ( {server.hostname} ({numeralWrapper.formatBigNumber(totalSize)}b) } panelContent={ } /> ); } interface IProps {} export function FileDiagnosticPopup(props: IProps): React.ReactElement { const ips: string[] = []; for (const ip of Object.keys(AllServers)) { ips.push(ip); } return ( <>

Welcome to the file diagnostic! If your save file is really big it's likely because you have too many text/scripts. This tool can help you narrow down where they are.

{ string) => ( ))} ); }