import { loadAliases, loadGlobalAliases, Aliases, GlobalAliases } from "./Alias"; import { Companies, loadCompanies } from "./Company/Companies"; import { CONSTANTS } from "./Constants"; import { Factions, loadFactions } from "./Faction/Factions"; import { loadAllGangs, AllGangs } from "./Gang/AllGangs"; import { Player, setPlayer, loadPlayer } from "./Player"; import { saveAllServers, loadAllServers, GetAllServers, createUniqueRandomIp, AddToAllServers, GetServer, } from "./Server/AllServers"; import { Settings } from "./Settings/Settings"; import { loadStockMarket, StockMarket } from "./StockMarket/StockMarket"; import { staneksGift, loadStaneksGift } from "./CotMG/Helper"; import { SnackbarEvents, ToastVariant } from "./ui/React/Snackbar"; import * as ExportBonus from "./ExportBonus"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "./ui/React/DialogBox"; import { Reviver, constructorsForReviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON, IReviverValue } from "./utils/JSONReviver"; import { save } from "./db"; import { AwardNFG, v1APIBreak } from "./utils/v1APIBreak"; import { AugmentationNames } from "./Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames"; import { PlayerOwnedAugmentation } from "./Augmentation/PlayerOwnedAugmentation"; import { LocationName } from "./Enums"; import { pushGameSaved } from "./Electron"; import { defaultMonacoTheme } from "./ScriptEditor/ui/themes"; import { FactionNames } from "./Faction/data/FactionNames"; import { Faction } from "./Faction/Faction"; import { safelyCreateUniqueServer } from "./Server/ServerHelpers"; import { SpecialServers } from "./Server/data/SpecialServers"; import { v2APIBreak } from "./utils/v2APIBreak"; import { Script } from "./Script/Script"; import { JSONMap } from "./Types/Jsonable"; import { TextFile } from "./TextFile"; import { ScriptFilePath, resolveScriptFilePath } from "./Paths/ScriptFilePath"; import { Directory, resolveDirectory } from "./Paths/Directory"; import { TextFilePath, resolveTextFilePath } from "./Paths/TextFilePath"; import { Corporation } from "./Corporation/Corporation"; import { Terminal } from "./Terminal"; /* SaveObject.js * Defines the object used to save/load games */ export interface SaveData { playerIdentifier: string; fileName: string; save: string; savedOn: number; } export interface ImportData { base64: string; playerData?: ImportPlayerData; } export interface ImportPlayerData { identifier: string; lastSave: number; totalPlaytime: number; money: number; hacking: number; augmentations: number; factions: number; achievements: number; bitNode: number; bitNodeLevel: number; sourceFiles: number; } class BitburnerSaveObject { PlayerSave = ""; AllServersSave = ""; CompaniesSave = ""; FactionsSave = ""; AliasesSave = ""; GlobalAliasesSave = ""; StockMarketSave = ""; SettingsSave = ""; VersionSave = ""; AllGangsSave = ""; LastExportBonus = ""; StaneksGiftSave = ""; getSaveString(forceExcludeRunningScripts = false): string { this.PlayerSave = JSON.stringify(Player); // For the servers save, overwrite the ExcludeRunningScripts setting if forced const originalExcludeSetting = Settings.ExcludeRunningScriptsFromSave; if (forceExcludeRunningScripts) Settings.ExcludeRunningScriptsFromSave = true; this.AllServersSave = saveAllServers(); Settings.ExcludeRunningScriptsFromSave = originalExcludeSetting; this.CompaniesSave = JSON.stringify(Companies); this.FactionsSave = JSON.stringify(Factions); this.AliasesSave = JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(Aliases.entries())); this.GlobalAliasesSave = JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(GlobalAliases.entries())); this.StockMarketSave = JSON.stringify(StockMarket); this.SettingsSave = JSON.stringify(Settings); this.VersionSave = JSON.stringify(CONSTANTS.VersionNumber); this.LastExportBonus = JSON.stringify(ExportBonus.LastExportBonus); this.StaneksGiftSave = JSON.stringify(staneksGift); if (Player.gang) this.AllGangsSave = JSON.stringify(AllGangs); const saveString = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(this)))); return saveString; } saveGame(emitToastEvent = true): Promise { const savedOn = new Date().getTime(); Player.lastSave = savedOn; const saveString = this.getSaveString(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { save(saveString) .then(() => { const saveData: SaveData = { playerIdentifier: Player.identifier, fileName: this.getSaveFileName(), save: saveString, savedOn, }; pushGameSaved(saveData); if (emitToastEvent) { SnackbarEvents.emit("Game Saved!", ToastVariant.INFO, 2000); } return resolve(); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); return reject(); }); }); } getSaveFileName(isRecovery = false): string { // Save file name is based on current timestamp and BitNode const epochTime = Math.round( / 1000); const bn = Player.bitNodeN; let filename = `bitburnerSave_${epochTime}_BN${bn}x${Player.sourceFileLvl(bn) + 1}.json`; if (isRecovery) filename = "RECOVERY" + filename; return filename; } exportGame(): void { const saveString = this.getSaveString(); const filename = this.getSaveFileName(); download(filename, saveString); } importGame(base64Save: string, reload = true): Promise { if (!base64Save || base64Save === "") throw new Error("Invalid import string"); return save(base64Save).then(() => { if (reload) setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 1000); return Promise.resolve(); }); } getImportStringFromFile(files: FileList | null): Promise { if (files === null) return Promise.reject(new Error("No file selected")); const file = files[0]; if (!file) return Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid file selected")); const reader = new FileReader(); const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reader.onload = function (this: FileReader, e: ProgressEvent) { const target =; if (target === null) { return reject(new Error("Error importing file")); } const result = target.result; if (typeof result !== "string") { return reject(new Error("FileReader event was not type string")); } const contents = result; resolve(contents); }; }); reader.readAsText(file); return promise; } async getImportDataFromString(base64Save: string): Promise { if (!base64Save || base64Save === "") throw new Error("Invalid import string"); let newSave; try { newSave = window.atob(base64Save); newSave = newSave.trim(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); // We'll handle below } if (!newSave || newSave === "") { return Promise.reject(new Error("Save game had not content or was not base64 encoded")); } let parsedSave; try { parsedSave = JSON.parse(newSave); } catch (error) { console.error(error); // We'll handle below } if (!parsedSave || parsedSave.ctor !== "BitburnerSaveObject" || ! { return Promise.reject(new Error("Save game did not seem valid")); } const data: ImportData = { base64: base64Save, }; const importedPlayer = loadPlayer(; const playerData: ImportPlayerData = { identifier: importedPlayer.identifier, lastSave: importedPlayer.lastSave, totalPlaytime: importedPlayer.totalPlaytime, money:, hacking: importedPlayer.skills.hacking, augmentations: importedPlayer.augmentations?.reduce((total, current) => (total += current.level), 0) ?? 0, factions: importedPlayer.factions?.length ?? 0, achievements: importedPlayer.achievements?.length ?? 0, bitNode: importedPlayer.bitNodeN, bitNodeLevel: importedPlayer.sourceFileLvl(Player.bitNodeN) + 1, sourceFiles: [...importedPlayer.sourceFiles].reduce((total, [__bn, lvl]) => (total += lvl), 0), }; data.playerData = playerData; return Promise.resolve(data); } toJSON(): IReviverValue { return Generic_toJSON("BitburnerSaveObject", this); } static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): BitburnerSaveObject { return Generic_fromJSON(BitburnerSaveObject,; } } /** Function for performing a series of defined replacements. See 0.58.0 for usage */ function convert(code: string, changes: [RegExp, string][]): string { for (const change of changes) { code = code.replace(change[0], change[1]); } return code; } // Makes necessary changes to the loaded/imported data to ensure // the game stills works with new versions function evaluateVersionCompatibility(ver: string | number): void { // We have to do this because ts won't let us otherwise const anyPlayer = Player as any; if (typeof ver === "string") { // This version refactored the Company/job-related code if (ver <= "0.41.2") { // Player's company position is now a string if (anyPlayer.companyPosition != null && typeof anyPlayer.companyPosition !== "string") { anyPlayer.companyPosition =; if (anyPlayer.companyPosition == null) { anyPlayer.companyPosition = ""; } } // The "companyName" property of all Companies is renamed to "name" interface Company0_41_2 { name: string | number; companyName: string; companyPositions: Record; } for (const companyName of Object.keys(Companies)) { const company = Companies[companyName] as unknown as Company0_41_2; if ( == 0 && company.companyName != null) { = company.companyName; } if (company.companyPositions instanceof Array) { const pos: Record = {}; for (let i = 0; i < company.companyPositions.length; ++i) { pos[company.companyPositions[i]] = true; } company.companyPositions = pos; } } } // This version allowed players to hold multiple jobs if (ver < "0.43.0") { if (anyPlayer.companyName !== "" && anyPlayer.companyPosition != null && anyPlayer.companyPosition !== "") {[anyPlayer.companyName] = anyPlayer.companyPosition; } delete anyPlayer.companyPosition; } if (ver < "0.56.0") { for (const q of anyPlayer.queuedAugmentations) { if ( === "Graphene BranchiBlades Upgrade") { = "Graphene BrachiBlades Upgrade"; } } for (const q of anyPlayer.augmentations) { if ( === "Graphene BranchiBlades Upgrade") { = "Graphene BrachiBlades Upgrade"; } } } if (ver < "0.56.1") { if (anyPlayer.bladeburner === 0) { anyPlayer.bladeburner = null; } if (anyPlayer.gang === 0) { anyPlayer.gang = null; } // convert all Messages to just filename to save space. const home = anyPlayer.getHomeComputer(); for (let i = 0; i < home.messages.length; i++) { if (home.messages[i].filename) { home.messages[i] = home.messages[i].filename; } } } if (ver < "0.58.0") { const changes: [RegExp, string][] = [ [/getStockSymbols/g, "stock.getSymbols"], [/getStockPrice/g, "stock.getPrice"], [/getStockAskPrice/g, "stock.getAskPrice"], [/getStockBidPrice/g, "stock.getBidPrice"], [/getStockPosition/g, "stock.getPosition"], [/getStockMaxShares/g, "stock.getMaxShares"], [/getStockPurchaseCost/g, "stock.getPurchaseCost"], [/getStockSaleGain/g, "stock.getSaleGain"], [/buyStock/g, ""], [/sellStock/g, "stock.sell"], [/shortStock/g, "stock.short"], [/sellShort/g, "stock.sellShort"], [/placeOrder/g, "stock.placeOrder"], [/cancelOrder/g, "stock.cancelOrder"], [/getOrders/g, "stock.getOrders"], [/getStockVolatility/g, "stock.getVolatility"], [/getStockForecast/g, "stock.getForecast"], [/purchase4SMarketData/g, "stock.purchase4SMarketData"], [/purchase4SMarketDataTixApi/g, "stock.purchase4SMarketDataTixApi"], ]; for (const server of GetAllServers() as unknown as { scripts: Script[] }[]) { for (const script of server.scripts) { script.content = convert(script.code, changes); } } } v1APIBreak(); ver = 1; } if (typeof ver !== "number") return; if (ver < 2) { AwardNFG(10); Player.reapplyAllAugmentations(true); Player.reapplyAllSourceFiles(); } if (ver < 3) { = parseFloat(; } if (ver < 9) { if (Object.hasOwn(StockMarket, "Joes Guns")) { const s = StockMarket["Joes Guns"]; delete StockMarket["Joes Guns"]; StockMarket[LocationName.Sector12JoesGuns] = s; } } if (ver < 10) { // Augmentation name was changed in 0.56.0 but sleeves aug list was missed. if (anyPlayer.sleeves && anyPlayer.sleeves.length > 0) { for (const sleeve of anyPlayer.sleeves) { if (!sleeve.augmentations || sleeve.augmentations.length === 0) continue; for (const augmentation of sleeve.augmentations) { if ( !== "Graphene BranchiBlades Upgrade") continue; = "Graphene BrachiBlades Upgrade"; } } } } if (ver < 12) { if (anyPlayer.resleeves !== undefined) { delete anyPlayer.resleeves; } } if (ver < 15) { Settings.EditorTheme = { ...defaultMonacoTheme }; } //Fix contract names if (ver < 16) { Factions[FactionNames.ShadowsOfAnarchy] = new Faction(FactionNames.ShadowsOfAnarchy); //Iterate over all contracts on all servers for (const server of GetAllServers()) { for (const contract of server.contracts) { //Rename old "HammingCodes: Integer to encoded Binary" contracts //to "HammingCodes: Integer to Encoded Binary" if (contract.type == "HammingCodes: Integer to encoded Binary") { contract.type = "HammingCodes: Integer to Encoded Binary"; } } } } const v22PlayerBreak = () => { // reset HP correctly to avoid crash anyPlayer.hp = { current: 1, max: 1 }; for (const sleeve of anyPlayer.sleeves) { sleeve.hp = { current: 1, max: 1 }; } // transfer over old exp to new struct anyPlayer.exp.hacking = anyPlayer.hacking_exp; anyPlayer.exp.strength = anyPlayer.strength_exp; anyPlayer.exp.defense = anyPlayer.defense_exp; anyPlayer.exp.dexterity = anyPlayer.dexterity_exp; anyPlayer.exp.agility = anyPlayer.agility_exp; anyPlayer.exp.charisma = anyPlayer.charisma_exp; anyPlayer.exp.intelligence = anyPlayer.intelligence_exp; }; // Fix bugged NFG accumulation in owned augmentations if (ver < 17) { let ownedNFGs = [...Player.augmentations]; ownedNFGs = ownedNFGs.filter((aug) => === AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor); const newNFG = new PlayerOwnedAugmentation(AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor); newNFG.level = 0; for (const nfg of ownedNFGs) { newNFG.level += nfg.level; } Player.augmentations = [ ...Player.augmentations.filter((aug) => !== AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor), newNFG, ]; v22PlayerBreak(); Player.reapplyAllAugmentations(true); Player.reapplyAllSourceFiles(); } if (ver < 20) { // Create the darkweb for everyone but it won't be linked const dw = GetServer(SpecialServers.DarkWeb); if (!dw) { const darkweb = safelyCreateUniqueServer({ ip: createUniqueRandomIp(), hostname: SpecialServers.DarkWeb, organizationName: "", isConnectedTo: false, adminRights: false, purchasedByPlayer: false, maxRam: 1, }); AddToAllServers(darkweb); } } if (ver < 21) { // 2.0.0 work rework AwardNFG(10); const create = anyPlayer.createProgramName; if (create) Player.getHomeComputer().pushProgram(create); const graft = anyPlayer.graftAugmentationName; if (graft) Player.augmentations.push({ name: graft, level: 1 }); } if (ver < 22) { v22PlayerBreak(); v2APIBreak(); } if (ver < 23) { anyPlayer.currentWork = null; } if (ver < 24) { // Assert the relevant type that was in effect at this version. (Player.getHomeComputer().scripts as unknown as { filename: string }[]).forEach( (s) => s.filename.endsWith(".ns") && (s.filename += ".js"), ); } if (ver < 25) { const removePlayerFields = [ "hacking_chance_mult", "hacking_speed_mult", "hacking_money_mult", "hacking_grow_mult", "hacking_mult", "strength_mult", "defense_mult", "dexterity_mult", "agility_mult", "charisma_mult", "hacking_exp_mult", "strength_exp_mult", "defense_exp_mult", "dexterity_exp_mult", "agility_exp_mult", "charisma_exp_mult", "company_rep_mult", "faction_rep_mult", "crime_money_mult", "crime_success_mult", "work_money_mult", "hacknet_node_money_mult", "hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult", "hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult", "hacknet_node_core_cost_mult", "hacknet_node_level_cost_mult", "bladeburner_max_stamina_mult", "bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult", "bladeburner_analysis_mult", "bladeburner_success_chance_mult", "hacking_exp", "strength_exp", "defense_exp", "dexterity_exp", "agility_exp", "charisma_exp", "intelligence_exp", "companyName", "isWorking", "workType", "workCostMult", "workExpMult", "currentWorkFactionName", "currentWorkFactionDescription", "workHackExpGainRate", "workStrExpGainRate", "workDefExpGainRate", "workDexExpGainRate", "workAgiExpGainRate", "workChaExpGainRate", "workRepGainRate", "workMoneyGainRate", "workMoneyLossRate", "workHackExpGained", "workStrExpGained", "workDefExpGained", "workDexExpGained", "workAgiExpGained", "workChaExpGained", "workRepGained", "workMoneyGained", "createProgramName", "createProgramReqLvl", "graftAugmentationName", "timeWorkedGraftAugmentation", "className", "crimeType", "timeWorked", "timeWorkedCreateProgram", "timeNeededToCompleteWork", "factionWorkType", "committingCrimeThruSingFn", "singFnCrimeWorkerScript", "hacking", "max_hp", "strength", "defense", "dexterity", "agility", "charisma", "intelligence", ]; const removeSleeveFields = [ "gymStatType", "bbAction", "bbContract", "hacking", "strength", "defense", "dexterity", "agility", "charisma", "intelligence", "max_hp", "hacking_exp", "strength_exp", "defense_exp", "dexterity_exp", "agility_exp", "charisma_exp", "intelligence_exp", "hacking_mult", "strength_mult", "defense_mult", "dexterity_mult", "agility_mult", "charisma_mult", "hacking_exp_mult", "strength_exp_mult", "defense_exp_mult", "dexterity_exp_mult", "agility_exp_mult", "charisma_exp_mult", "hacking_chance_mult", "hacking_speed_mult", "hacking_money_mult", "hacking_grow_mult", "company_rep_mult", "faction_rep_mult", "crime_money_mult", "crime_success_mult", "work_money_mult", "hacknet_node_money_mult", "hacknet_node_purchase_cost_mult", "hacknet_node_ram_cost_mult", "hacknet_node_core_cost_mult", "hacknet_node_level_cost_mult", "bladeburner_max_stamina_mult", "bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult", "bladeburner_analysis_mult", "bladeburner_success_chance_mult", "className", "crimeType", "currentTask", "currentTaskLocation", "currentTaskMaxTime", "currentTaskTime", "earningsForSleeves", "earningsForPlayer", "earningsForTask", "factionWorkType", "gainRatesForTask", "logs", ]; let intExp = Number(anyPlayer.intelligence_exp); if (isNaN(intExp)) intExp = 0; anyPlayer.exp.intelligence += intExp; for (const field of removePlayerFields) { delete anyPlayer[field]; } for (const sleeve of anyPlayer.sleeves) { const anySleeve = sleeve; let intExp = Number(anySleeve.intelligence_exp); if (isNaN(intExp)) intExp = 0; anySleeve.exp.intelligence += intExp; for (const field of removeSleeveFields) { delete sleeve[field]; } } } if (ver < 27) { // Prior to v2.2.0, sleeve shock was 0 to 100 internally but displayed as 100 to 0. This unifies them as 100 to 0. for (const sleeve of Player.sleeves) sleeve.shock = 100 - sleeve.shock; } if (ver < 31) { if (anyPlayer.hashManager?.upgrades) { anyPlayer.hashManager.upgrades["Company Favor"] ??= 0; } if (!anyPlayer.lastAugReset || anyPlayer.lastAugReset === -1) { anyPlayer.lastAugReset = anyPlayer.lastUpdate - anyPlayer.playtimeSinceLastAug; } if (!anyPlayer.lastNodeRest || anyPlayer.lastNodeReset === -1) { anyPlayer.lastNodeReset = anyPlayer.lastUpdate - anyPlayer.playtimeSinceLastBitnode; } Terminal.warn("Migrating to 2.3.0, loading with no scripts."); const newDirectory = resolveDirectory("v2.3FileChanges/") as Directory; for (const server of GetAllServers()) { // Do not load saved scripts on migration server.savedScripts = []; let invalidScriptCount = 0; // There was a brief dev window where Server.scripts was already a map but the filepath changes weren't in yet. const oldScripts = Array.isArray(server.scripts) ? (server.scripts as Script[]) : [...server.scripts.values()]; server.scripts = new JSONMap(); // In case somehow there are previously valid filenames that can't be sanitized, they will go in a new directory with a note. for (const script of oldScripts) { let newFilePath = resolveScriptFilePath(script.filename); if (!newFilePath) { newFilePath = `${newDirectory}script${++invalidScriptCount}.js` as ScriptFilePath; script.content = `// Original path: ${script.filename}. Path was no longer valid\n` + script.content; } script.filename = newFilePath; server.scripts.set(newFilePath, script); } // Handle changing textFiles to a map as well as FilePath changes at the same time. if (Array.isArray(server.textFiles)) { const oldTextFiles = server.textFiles as (TextFile & { fn?: string })[]; server.textFiles = new JSONMap(); let invalidTextCount = 0; for (const textFile of oldTextFiles) { const oldName = textFile.fn ?? textFile.filename; delete textFile.fn; let newFilePath = resolveTextFilePath(oldName); if (!newFilePath) { newFilePath = `${newDirectory}text${++invalidTextCount}.txt` as TextFilePath; textFile.content = `// Original path: ${textFile.filename}. Path was no longer valid\n` + textFile.content; } textFile.filename = newFilePath; server.textFiles.set(newFilePath, textFile); } } } // Reset corporation to new format. const oldCorp = anyPlayer.corporation as Corporation | null | 0; if (oldCorp && Array.isArray(oldCorp.divisions)) { // Corp needs to be reset to new format, just keep some valuation data let valuation = oldCorp.valuation * 2 + oldCorp.revenue * 100; if (isNaN(valuation)) valuation = 300e9; Player.startCorporation(String(, !!oldCorp.seedFunded); Player.corporation?.addFunds(valuation); Terminal.warn("Loading corporation from version prior to 2.3. Corporation has been reset."); } // End 2.3 changes } } function loadGame(saveString: string): boolean { createScamUpdateText(); if (!saveString) return false; saveString = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(saveString))); const saveObj = JSON.parse(saveString, Reviver); setPlayer(loadPlayer(saveObj.PlayerSave)); loadAllServers(saveObj.AllServersSave); loadCompanies(saveObj.CompaniesSave); loadFactions(saveObj.FactionsSave); if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "StaneksGiftSave")) { loadStaneksGift(saveObj.StaneksGiftSave); } else { console.warn(`Could not load Staneks Gift from save`); loadStaneksGift(""); } if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "AliasesSave")) { try { loadAliases(saveObj.AliasesSave); } catch (e) { console.warn(`Could not load Aliases from save`); loadAliases(""); } } else { console.warn(`Save file did not contain an Aliases property`); loadAliases(""); } if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "GlobalAliasesSave")) { try { loadGlobalAliases(saveObj.GlobalAliasesSave); } catch (e) { console.warn(`Could not load GlobalAliases from save`); loadGlobalAliases(""); } } else { console.warn(`Save file did not contain a GlobalAliases property`); loadGlobalAliases(""); } if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "StockMarketSave")) { try { loadStockMarket(saveObj.StockMarketSave); } catch (e) { loadStockMarket(""); } } else { loadStockMarket(""); } if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "SettingsSave")) { try { // Try to set saved settings. Settings.load(saveObj.SettingsSave); } catch (e) { console.error("SettingsSave was present but an error occurred while loading:"); console.error(e); } } if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "LastExportBonus")) { try { ExportBonus.setLastExportBonus(JSON.parse(saveObj.LastExportBonus)); } catch (err) { ExportBonus.setLastExportBonus(new Date().getTime()); console.error("ERROR: Failed to parse last export bonus Settings " + err); } } if (Player.gang && Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "AllGangsSave")) { try { loadAllGangs(saveObj.AllGangsSave); } catch (e) { console.error("ERROR: Failed to parse AllGangsSave: " + e); } } if (Object.hasOwn(saveObj, "VersionSave")) { try { const ver = JSON.parse(saveObj.VersionSave, Reviver); evaluateVersionCompatibility(ver); if (CONSTANTS.isDevBranch) { // Beta branch, always show changes createBetaUpdateText(); } else if (ver !== CONSTANTS.VersionNumber) { createNewUpdateText(); } } catch (e) { createNewUpdateText(); } } else { createNewUpdateText(); } return true; } function createScamUpdateText(): void { if (navigator.userAgent.includes("wv") && navigator.userAgent.includes("Chrome/")) { setInterval(() => { dialogBoxCreate("SCAM ALERT. This app is not official and you should uninstall it."); }, 1000); } } function createNewUpdateText() { setTimeout( () => dialogBoxCreate( "New update!\n" + "Please report any bugs/issues through the GitHub repository " + "or the Bitburner subreddit (\n\n" + CONSTANTS.LatestUpdate, ), 1000, ); } function createBetaUpdateText() { setTimeout( () => dialogBoxCreate( "You are playing on the beta environment! This branch of the game " + "features the latest developments in the game. This version may be unstable.\n" + "Please report any bugs/issues through the github repository ( " + "or the Bitburner subreddit (\n\n" + CONSTANTS.LatestUpdate, ), 1000, ); } function download(filename: string, content: string): void { const file = new Blob([content], { type: "text/plain" }); const a = document.createElement("a"), url = URL.createObjectURL(file); a.href = url; = filename; document.body.appendChild(a);; setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(a); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); } constructorsForReviver.BitburnerSaveObject = BitburnerSaveObject; export { saveObject, loadGame, download }; const saveObject = new BitburnerSaveObject();