// Metadata used for constructing Company Positions import { IConstructorParams } from "../CompanyPosition"; import * as posNames from "./companypositionnames"; export const companyPositionMetadata: IConstructorParams[] = [ { name: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[0], // Software Enginering Intern nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[1], // Junior Software Engineer baseSalary: 33, charismaEffectiveness: 15, charismaExpGain: 0.02, hackingEffectiveness: 85, hackingExpGain: 0.05, reqdHacking: 1, repMultiplier: 0.9, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[1], // Junior Software Engineer nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[2], // Senior Software Engineer baseSalary: 80, charismaEffectiveness: 15, charismaExpGain: 0.05, hackingEffectiveness: 85, hackingExpGain: 0.1, reqdHacking: 51, reqdReputation: 8e3, repMultiplier: 1.1, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[2], // Senior Software Engineer nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[3], // Lead Software Developer baseSalary: 165, charismaEffectiveness: 20, charismaExpGain: 0.08, hackingEffectiveness: 80, hackingExpGain: 0.4, reqdCharisma: 51, reqdHacking: 251, reqdReputation: 40e3, repMultiplier: 1.3, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[3], // Lead Software Developer nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[4], // Head of Software baseSalary: 500, charismaEffectiveness: 25, charismaExpGain: 0.1, hackingEffectiveness: 75, hackingExpGain: 0.8, reqdCharisma: 151, reqdHacking: 401, reqdReputation: 200e3, repMultiplier: 1.5, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[4], // Head of Software nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[5], // Head of Engineering baseSalary: 800, charismaEffectiveness: 25, charismaExpGain: 0.5, hackingEffectiveness: 75, hackingExpGain: 1, reqdCharisma: 251, reqdHacking: 501, reqdReputation: 400e3, repMultiplier: 1.6, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[5], // Head of Engineering nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[6], // Vice President of Technology baseSalary: 1650, charismaEffectiveness: 25, charismaExpGain: 0.5, hackingEffectiveness: 75, hackingExpGain: 1.1, reqdCharisma: 251, reqdHacking: 501, reqdReputation: 800e3, repMultiplier: 1.6, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[6], // Vice President of Technology nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[7], // Chief Technology Officer baseSalary: 2310, charismaEffectiveness: 30, charismaExpGain: 0.6, hackingEffectiveness: 70, hackingExpGain: 1.2, reqdCharisma: 401, reqdHacking: 601, reqdReputation: 1.6e6, repMultiplier: 1.75, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[7], // Chief Technology Officer nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 2640, charismaEffectiveness: 35, charismaExpGain: 1, hackingEffectiveness: 65, hackingExpGain: 1.5, reqdCharisma: 501, reqdHacking: 751, reqdReputation: 3.2e6, repMultiplier: 2, }, { name: posNames.ITCompanyPositions[0], // IT Intern nextPosition: posNames.ITCompanyPositions[1], // IT Analyst baseSalary: 26, charismaEffectiveness: 10, charismaExpGain: 0.01, hackingEffectiveness: 90, hackingExpGain: 0.04, reqdHacking: 1, repMultiplier: 0.9, }, { name: posNames.ITCompanyPositions[1], // IT Analyst nextPosition: posNames.ITCompanyPositions[2], // IT Manager baseSalary: 66, charismaEffectiveness: 15, charismaExpGain: 0.02, hackingEffectiveness: 85, hackingExpGain: 0.08, reqdHacking: 26, reqdReputation: 7e3, repMultiplier: 1.1, }, { name: posNames.ITCompanyPositions[2], // IT Manager nextPosition: posNames.ITCompanyPositions[3], // Systems Administrator baseSalary: 132, charismaEffectiveness: 20, charismaExpGain: 0.1, hackingEffectiveness: 80, hackingExpGain: 0.3, reqdCharisma: 51, reqdHacking: 151, reqdReputation: 35e3, repMultiplier: 1.3, }, { name: posNames.ITCompanyPositions[3], // Systems Administrator nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[5], // Head of Engineering baseSalary: 410, charismaEffectiveness: 20, charismaExpGain: 0.2, hackingEffectiveness: 80, hackingExpGain: 0.5, reqdCharisma: 76, reqdHacking: 251, reqdReputation: 175e3, repMultiplier: 1.4, }, { name: posNames.SecurityEngineerCompanyPositions[0], // Security Engineer nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[5], // Head of Engineering baseSalary: 121, charismaEffectiveness: 15, charismaExpGain: 0.05, hackingEffectiveness: 85, hackingExpGain: 0.4, reqdCharisma: 26, reqdHacking: 151, reqdReputation: 35e3, repMultiplier: 1.2, }, { name: posNames.NetworkEngineerCompanyPositions[0], // Network Engineer nextPosition: posNames.NetworkEngineerCompanyPositions[1], // Network Adminsitrator baseSalary: 121, charismaEffectiveness: 15, charismaExpGain: 0.05, hackingEffectiveness: 85, hackingExpGain: 0.4, reqdCharisma: 26, reqdHacking: 151, reqdReputation: 35e3, repMultiplier: 1.2, }, { name: posNames.NetworkEngineerCompanyPositions[1], // Network Administrator nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareCompanyPositions[5], // Head of Engineering baseSalary: 410, charismaEffectiveness: 20, charismaExpGain: 0.1, hackingEffectiveness: 80, hackingExpGain: 0.5, reqdCharisma: 76, reqdHacking: 251, reqdReputation: 175e3, repMultiplier: 1.3, }, { name: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[0], // Business Intern nextPosition: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[1], // Business Analyst baseSalary: 46, charismaEffectiveness: 90, charismaExpGain: 0.08, hackingEffectiveness: 10, hackingExpGain: 0.01, reqdCharisma: 1, reqdHacking: 1, repMultiplier: 0.9, }, { name: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[1], // Business Analyst nextPosition: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[2], // Business Manager baseSalary: 100, charismaEffectiveness: 85, charismaExpGain: 0.15, hackingEffectiveness: 15, hackingExpGain: 0.02, reqdCharisma: 51, reqdHacking: 6, reqdReputation: 8e3, repMultiplier: 1.1, }, { name: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[2], // Business Manager nextPosition: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[3], // Operations Manager baseSalary: 200, charismaEffectiveness: 85, charismaExpGain: 0.3, hackingEffectiveness: 15, hackingExpGain: 0.02, reqdCharisma: 101, reqdHacking: 51, reqdReputation: 40e3, repMultiplier: 1.3, }, { name: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[3], // Operations Manager nextPosition: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[4], // Chief Financial Officer baseSalary: 660, charismaEffectiveness: 85, charismaExpGain: 0.4, hackingEffectiveness: 15, hackingExpGain: 0.02, reqdCharisma: 226, reqdHacking: 51, reqdReputation: 200e3, repMultiplier: 1.5, }, { name: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[4], // Chief Financial Officer nextPosition: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[5], // Chief Executive Officer baseSalary: 1950, charismaEffectiveness: 90, charismaExpGain: 1, hackingEffectiveness: 10, hackingExpGain: 0.05, reqdCharisma: 501, reqdHacking: 76, reqdReputation: 800e3, repMultiplier: 1.6, }, { name: posNames.BusinessCompanyPositions[5], // Chief Executive Officer nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 3900, charismaEffectiveness: 90, charismaExpGain: 1.5, hackingEffectiveness: 10, hackingExpGain: 0.05, reqdCharisma: 751, reqdHacking: 101, reqdReputation: 3.2e6, repMultiplier: 1.75, }, { name: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[0], // Police Officer nextPosition: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[1], // Police Chief baseSalary: 82, hackingEffectiveness: 5, strengthEffectiveness: 20, defenseEffectiveness: 20, dexterityEffectiveness: 20, agilityEffectiveness: 20, charismaEffectiveness: 15, hackingExpGain: 0.02, strengthExpGain: 0.08, defenseExpGain: 0.08, dexterityExpGain: 0.08, agilityExpGain: 0.08, charismaExpGain: 0.04, reqdHacking: 11, reqdStrength: 101, reqdDefense: 101, reqdDexterity: 101, reqdAgility: 101, reqdCharisma: 51, reqdReputation: 8e3, repMultiplier: 1, }, { name: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[1], // Police Chief nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 460, hackingEffectiveness: 5, strengthEffectiveness: 20, defenseEffectiveness: 20, dexterityEffectiveness: 20, agilityEffectiveness: 20, charismaEffectiveness: 15, hackingExpGain: 0.02, strengthExpGain: 0.1, defenseExpGain: 0.1, dexterityExpGain: 0.1, agilityExpGain: 0.1, charismaExpGain: 0.1, reqdHacking: 101, reqdStrength: 301, reqdDefense: 301, reqdDexterity: 301, reqdAgility: 301, reqdCharisma: 151, reqdReputation: 36e3, repMultiplier: 1.25, }, { name: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[2], // Security Guard nextPosition: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[3], // Security Officer baseSalary: 50, hackingEffectiveness: 5, strengthEffectiveness: 20, defenseEffectiveness: 20, dexterityEffectiveness: 20, agilityEffectiveness: 20, charismaEffectiveness: 15, hackingExpGain: 0.01, strengthExpGain: 0.04, defenseExpGain: 0.04, dexterityExpGain: 0.04, agilityExpGain: 0.04, charismaExpGain: 0.02, reqdStrength: 51, reqdDefense: 51, reqdDexterity: 51, reqdAgility: 51, reqdCharisma: 1, repMultiplier: 1, }, { name: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[3], // Security Officer nextPosition: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[4], // Security Supervisor baseSalary: 195, hackingEffectiveness: 10, strengthEffectiveness: 20, defenseEffectiveness: 20, dexterityEffectiveness: 20, agilityEffectiveness: 20, charismaEffectiveness: 10, hackingExpGain: 0.02, strengthExpGain: 0.1, defenseExpGain: 0.1, dexterityExpGain: 0.1, agilityExpGain: 0.1, charismaExpGain: 0.05, reqdHacking: 26, reqdStrength: 151, reqdDefense: 151, reqdDexterity: 151, reqdAgility: 151, reqdCharisma: 51, reqdReputation: 8e3, repMultiplier: 1.1, }, { name: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[4], // Security Supervisor nextPosition: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[5], // Head of Security baseSalary: 660, hackingEffectiveness: 10, strengthEffectiveness: 15, defenseEffectiveness: 15, dexterityEffectiveness: 15, agilityEffectiveness: 15, charismaEffectiveness: 30, hackingExpGain: 0.02, strengthExpGain: 0.12, defenseExpGain: 0.12, dexterityExpGain: 0.12, agilityExpGain: 0.12, charismaExpGain: 0.1, reqdHacking: 26, reqdStrength: 251, reqdDefense: 251, reqdDexterity: 251, reqdAgility: 251, reqdCharisma: 101, reqdReputation: 36e3, repMultiplier: 1.25, }, { name: posNames.SecurityCompanyPositions[5], // Head of Security nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 1320, hackingEffectiveness: 10, strengthEffectiveness: 15, defenseEffectiveness: 15, dexterityEffectiveness: 15, agilityEffectiveness: 15, charismaEffectiveness: 30, hackingExpGain: 0.05, strengthExpGain: 0.15, defenseExpGain: 0.15, dexterityExpGain: 0.15, agilityExpGain: 0.15, charismaExpGain: 0.15, reqdHacking: 51, reqdStrength: 501, reqdDefense: 501, reqdDexterity: 501, reqdAgility: 501, reqdCharisma: 151, reqdReputation: 144e3, repMultiplier: 1.4, }, { name: posNames.AgentCompanyPositions[0], // Field Agent nextPosition: posNames.AgentCompanyPositions[1], // Secret Agent baseSalary: 330, hackingEffectiveness: 10, strengthEffectiveness: 15, defenseEffectiveness: 15, dexterityEffectiveness: 20, agilityEffectiveness: 20, charismaEffectiveness: 20, hackingExpGain: 0.04, strengthExpGain: 0.08, defenseExpGain: 0.08, dexterityExpGain: 0.08, agilityExpGain: 0.08, charismaExpGain: 0.05, reqdHacking: 101, reqdStrength: 101, reqdDefense: 101, reqdDexterity: 101, reqdAgility: 101, reqdCharisma: 101, reqdReputation: 8e3, repMultiplier: 1, }, { name: posNames.AgentCompanyPositions[1], // Secret Agent nextPosition: posNames.AgentCompanyPositions[2], // Special Operative baseSalary: 990, hackingEffectiveness: 15, strengthEffectiveness: 15, defenseEffectiveness: 15, dexterityEffectiveness: 20, agilityEffectiveness: 20, charismaEffectiveness: 15, hackingExpGain: 0.1, strengthExpGain: 0.15, defenseExpGain: 0.15, dexterityExpGain: 0.15, agilityExpGain: 0.15, charismaExpGain: 0.1, reqdHacking: 201, reqdStrength: 251, reqdDefense: 251, reqdDexterity: 251, reqdAgility: 251, reqdCharisma: 201, reqdReputation: 32e3, repMultiplier: 1.25, }, { name: posNames.AgentCompanyPositions[2], // Special Operative nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 2000, hackingEffectiveness: 15, strengthEffectiveness: 15, defenseEffectiveness: 15, dexterityEffectiveness: 20, agilityEffectiveness: 20, charismaEffectiveness: 15, hackingExpGain: 0.15, strengthExpGain: 0.2, defenseExpGain: 0.2, dexterityExpGain: 0.2, agilityExpGain: 0.2, charismaExpGain: 0.15, reqdHacking: 251, reqdStrength: 501, reqdDefense: 501, reqdDexterity: 501, reqdAgility: 501, reqdCharisma: 251, reqdReputation: 162e3, repMultiplier: 1.5, }, { name: posNames.MiscCompanyPositions[0], // Waiter nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 22, strengthEffectiveness: 10, dexterityEffectiveness: 10, agilityEffectiveness: 10, charismaEffectiveness: 70, strengthExpGain: 0.02, defenseExpGain: 0.02, dexterityExpGain: 0.02, agilityExpGain: 0.02, charismaExpGain: 0.05, repMultiplier: 1, }, { name: posNames.MiscCompanyPositions[1], // Employee nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 22, strengthEffectiveness: 10, dexterityEffectiveness: 10, agilityEffectiveness: 10, charismaEffectiveness: 70, strengthExpGain: 0.02, defenseExpGain: 0.02, dexterityExpGain: 0.02, agilityExpGain: 0.02, charismaExpGain: 0.04, repMultiplier: 1, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareConsultantCompanyPositions[0], // Software Consultant nextPosition: posNames.SoftwareConsultantCompanyPositions[1], // Senior Software Consultant baseSalary: 66, hackingEffectiveness: 80, charismaEffectiveness: 20, hackingExpGain: 0.08, charismaExpGain: 0.03, reqdHacking: 51, repMultiplier: 1, }, { name: posNames.SoftwareConsultantCompanyPositions[1], // Senior Software Consultant nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 132, hackingEffectiveness: 75, charismaEffectiveness: 25, hackingExpGain: 0.25, charismaExpGain: 0.06, reqdHacking: 251, reqdCharisma: 51, repMultiplier: 1.2, }, { name: posNames.BusinessConsultantCompanyPositions[0], // Business Consultant nextPosition: posNames.BusinessConsultantCompanyPositions[1], // Senior Business Consultant baseSalary: 66, hackingEffectiveness: 20, charismaEffectiveness: 80, hackingExpGain: 0.015, charismaExpGain: 0.15, reqdHacking: 6, reqdCharisma: 51, repMultiplier: 1, }, { name: posNames.BusinessConsultantCompanyPositions[1], // Senior Business Consultant nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 525, hackingEffectiveness: 15, charismaEffectiveness: 85, hackingExpGain: 0.015, charismaExpGain: 0.3, reqdHacking: 51, reqdCharisma: 226, repMultiplier: 1.2, }, { name: posNames.PartTimeCompanyPositions[0], // Part-time waiter nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 20, strengthEffectiveness: 10, dexterityEffectiveness: 10, agilityEffectiveness: 10, charismaEffectiveness: 70, strengthExpGain: 0.0075, defenseExpGain: 0.0075, dexterityExpGain: 0.0075, agilityExpGain: 0.0075, charismaExpGain: 0.04, repMultiplier: 1, }, { name: posNames.PartTimeCompanyPositions[1], // Part-time employee nextPosition: null, baseSalary: 20, strengthEffectiveness: 10, dexterityEffectiveness: 10, agilityEffectiveness: 10, charismaEffectiveness: 70, strengthExpGain: 0.0075, defenseExpGain: 0.0075, dexterityExpGain: 0.0075, agilityExpGain: 0.0075, charismaExpGain: 0.03, repMultiplier: 1, }, ];