import React from "react"; import { Modal } from "../../../ui/React/Modal"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; interface IProps { open: boolean; onClose: () => void; } export function FAQModal({ open, onClose }: IProps): React.ReactElement { return ( <> How do Duplicate Sleeves work?
Duplicate Sleeves are essentially clones. You can use them to perform any work type action, such as working for a company/faction or committing a crime. Having sleeves perform these tasks earns you money, experience, and reputation.

Sleeves are their own individuals, which means they each have their own experience and stats.

When a sleeve earns experience, it earns experience for itself, the player's original 'consciousness', as well as all of the player's other sleeves.

What is Synchronization (Sync)?
Synchronization is a measure of how aligned your consciousness is with that of your Duplicate Sleeves. It is a numerical value between 1 and 100, and it affects how much experience is earned when the sleeve is performing a task.

Let N be the sleeve's synchronization. When the sleeve earns experience by performing a task, both the sleeve and the player's original host consciousness earn N% of the amount of experience normally earned by the task. All of the player's other sleeves earn ((N/100)^2 * 100)% of the experience.

Synchronization can be increased by assigning sleeves to the 'Synchronize' task.

What is Shock?
Sleeve shock is a measure of how much trauma the sleeve has due to being placed in a new body. It is a numerical value between 0 and 99, where 99 indicates full shock and 0 indicates no shock. Shock affects the amount of experience earned by the sleeve.

Sleeve shock slowly decreases over time. You can further increase the rate at which it decreases by assigning sleeves to the 'Shock Recovery' task.

Why can't I work for this company or faction?
Only one of your sleeves can work for a given company/faction a time. To clarify further, if you have two sleeves they can work for two different companies, but they cannot both work for the same company.

Why did my Sleeve stop working?
Sleeves are subject to the same time restrictions as you. This means that they automatically stop working at a company after 8 hours, and stop working for a faction after 20 hours.

How do I buy Augmentations for my Sleeves?
Your Sleeve needs to have a Shock of 0 in order for you to buy Augmentations for it.

Why can't I buy the X Augmentation for my sleeve?
Certain Augmentations, like Bladeburner-specific ones and NeuroFlux Governor, are not available for sleeves.

Do sleeves get reset when installing Augmentations or switching BitNodes?
Sleeves are reset when switching BitNodes, but not when installing Augmentations.

What is Memory?
Sleeve memory dictates what a sleeve's synchronization will be when its reset by switching BitNodes. For example, if a sleeve has a memory of 25, then when you switch BitNodes its synchronization will initially be set to 25, rather than 1.

Memory can only be increased by purchasing upgrades from The Covenant. It is a persistent stat, meaning it never gets resets back to 1. The maximum possible value for a sleeve's memory is 100.
); }