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"excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "BladeburnerSkillCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "BladeburnerSkillCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#CharismaLevelMultiplier:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how quickly the player's charisma level (not exp) scales\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "CharismaLevelMultiplier: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CharismaLevelMultiplier", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#ClassGymExpGain:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the experience gained for each ability when a player completes a class.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ClassGymExpGain: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ClassGymExpGain", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#CodingContractMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the amount of money gained from completing Coding Contracts\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "CodingContractMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CodingContractMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#CompanyWorkExpGain:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the experience gained for each ability when the player completes working their job.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "CompanyWorkExpGain: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CompanyWorkExpGain", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#CompanyWorkMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much money the player earns when completing working their job.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "CompanyWorkMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CompanyWorkMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#CorporationValuation:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the valuation of corporations created by the player.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "CorporationValuation: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CorporationValuation", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#CrimeExpGain:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the base experience gained for each ability when the player commits a crime.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "CrimeExpGain: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CrimeExpGain", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#CrimeMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the base money gained when the player commits a crime.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "CrimeMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CrimeMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#DaedalusAugsRequirement:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how many Augmentations you need in order to get invited to the Daedalus faction\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "DaedalusAugsRequirement: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "DaedalusAugsRequirement", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#DefenseLevelMultiplier:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how quickly the player's defense level (not exp) scales\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "DefenseLevelMultiplier: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "DefenseLevelMultiplier", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#DexterityLevelMultiplier:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how quickly the player's dexterity level (not exp) scales\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "DexterityLevelMultiplier: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "DexterityLevelMultiplier", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#FactionPassiveRepGain:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much rep the player gains in each faction simply by being a member.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "FactionPassiveRepGain: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "FactionPassiveRepGain", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#FactionWorkExpGain:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the experience gained for each ability when the player completes work for a Faction.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "FactionWorkExpGain: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "FactionWorkExpGain", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#FactionWorkRepGain:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much rep the player gains when performing work for a faction.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "FactionWorkRepGain: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "FactionWorkRepGain", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#FourSigmaMarketDataApiCost:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much it costs to unlock the stock market's 4S Market Data API\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "FourSigmaMarketDataApiCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "FourSigmaMarketDataApiCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#FourSigmaMarketDataCost:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much it costs to unlock the stock market's 4S Market Data (NOT API)\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "FourSigmaMarketDataCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "FourSigmaMarketDataCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#HackExpGain:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the experienced gained when hacking a server.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "HackExpGain: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "HackExpGain", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#HackingLevelMultiplier:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how quickly the player's hacking level (not experience) scales\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "HackingLevelMultiplier: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "HackingLevelMultiplier", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#HacknetNodeMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much money is produced by Hacknet Nodes and the hash rate of Hacknet Servers (unlocked in BitNode-9)\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "HacknetNodeMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "HacknetNodeMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#HomeComputerRamCost:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much money it costs to upgrade your home computer's RAM\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "HomeComputerRamCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "HomeComputerRamCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#InfiltrationMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much money is gained when the player infiltrates a company.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "InfiltrationMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "InfiltrationMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#InfiltrationRep:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much rep the player can gain from factions when selling stolen documents and secrets\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "InfiltrationRep: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "InfiltrationRep", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#ManualHackMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much money can be stolen from a server when the player performs a hack against it through the Terminal.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ManualHackMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ManualHackMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#PurchasedServerCost:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influence how much it costs to purchase a server\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "PurchasedServerCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "PurchasedServerCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#PurchasedServerLimit:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the maximum number of purchased servers you can have\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "PurchasedServerLimit: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "PurchasedServerLimit", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#PurchasedServerMaxRam:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the maximum allowed RAM for a purchased server\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "PurchasedServerMaxRam: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "PurchasedServerMaxRam", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#RepToDonateToFaction:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the minimum favor the player must have with a faction before they can donate to gain rep.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "RepToDonateToFaction: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "RepToDonateToFaction", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#ScriptHackMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how much money can be stolen from a server when a script performs a hack against it.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ScriptHackMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ScriptHackMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#ServerGrowthRate:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the growth percentage per cycle against a server.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ServerGrowthRate: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ServerGrowthRate", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#ServerMaxMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the maxmimum money that a server can grow to.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ServerMaxMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ServerMaxMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#ServerStartingMoney:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the initial money that a server starts with.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ServerStartingMoney: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ServerStartingMoney", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#ServerStartingSecurity:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the initial security level (hackDifficulty) of a server.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ServerStartingSecurity: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ServerStartingSecurity", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#ServerWeakenRate:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences the weaken amount per invocation against a server.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ServerWeakenRate: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ServerWeakenRate", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BitNodeMultipliers#StrengthLevelMultiplier:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Influences how quickly the player's strength level (not exp) scales\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "StrengthLevelMultiplier: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "StrengthLevelMultiplier", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Bladeburner API\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * You have to be employed in the Bladeburner division and be in BitNode-7 or have Source-File 7 in order to use this API.\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface Bladeburner " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "Bladeburner", "members": [ { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getActionAutolevel:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get wether an action is set to autolevel.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Return a boolean indicating whether or not this action is currently set to autolevel.\n *\n * Returns false if an invalid action is specified.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @returns True if the action is set to autolevel, and false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getActionAutolevel(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getActionAutolevel" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getActionCountRemaining:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get action count remaining.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the remaining count of the specified action.\n *\n * Note that this is meant to be used for Contracts and Operations. This function will return ‘Infinity’ for actions such as Training and Field Analysis. This function will return 1 for BlackOps not yet completed regardless of wether the player has the required rank to attempt the mission or not.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @returns Remaining count of the specified action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getActionCountRemaining(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getActionCountRemaining" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getActionCurrentLevel:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the current level of an action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the current level of this action.\n *\n * Returns -1 if an invalid action is specified.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @returns Current level of the specified action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getActionCurrentLevel(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getActionCurrentLevel" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getActionEstimatedSuccessChance:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get estimate success chance of an action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the estimated success chance for the specified action. This chance is returned as a decimal value, NOT a percentage (e.g. if you have an estimated success chance of 80%, then this function will return 0.80, NOT 80).\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @returns Estimated success chance for the specified action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getActionEstimatedSuccessChance(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "[number, number]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getActionEstimatedSuccessChance" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getActionMaxLevel:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the maximum level of an action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the maximum level for this action.\n *\n * Returns -1 if an invalid action is specified.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @returns Maximum level of the specified action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getActionMaxLevel(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getActionMaxLevel" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getActionRepGain:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the reputation gain of an action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the average Bladeburner reputation gain for successfully completing the specified action. Note that this value is an ‘average’ and the real reputation gain may vary slightly from this value.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @param level - Optional action level at which to calculate the gain\n *\n * @returns Average Bladeburner reputation gain for successfully completing the specified action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getActionRepGain(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", level: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "level", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "getActionRepGain" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getActionTime:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the time to complete an action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the number of seconds it takes to complete the specified action\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @returns Number of milliseconds it takes to complete the specified action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getActionTime(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getActionTime" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getBlackOpNames:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * List all black ops.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0.4 GB\n *\n * Returns an array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner Black Ops.\n *\n * @returns Array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner Black Ops.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getBlackOpNames(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getBlackOpNames" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getBlackOpRank:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get black op required rank.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Returns the rank required to complete this BlackOp.\n *\n * Returns -1 if an invalid action is specified.\n *\n * @param name - Name of BlackOp. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @returns Rank required to complete this BlackOp.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getBlackOpRank(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getBlackOpRank" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getBonusTime:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get bladeburner bonus time.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Returns the amount of accumulated “bonus time” (seconds) for the Bladeburner mechanic.\n *\n * “Bonus time” is accumulated when the game is offline or if the game is inactive in the browser.\n *\n * “Bonus time” makes the game progress faster, up to 5x the normal speed. For example, if an action takes 30 seconds to complete but you’ve accumulated over 30 seconds in bonus time, then the action will only take 6 seconds in real life to complete.\n *\n * @returns Amount of accumulated “bonus time” (milliseconds) for the Bladeburner mechanic.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getBonusTime(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getBonusTime" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getCity:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get current city.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the city that the player is currently in (for Bladeburner).\n *\n * @returns City that the player is currently in (for Bladeburner).\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getCity(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getCity" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getCityChaos:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get chaos of a city.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the chaos in the specified city, or -1 if an invalid city was specified.\n *\n * @param cityName - Name of city. Case-sensitive\n *\n * @returns Chaos in the specified city.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getCityChaos(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getCityChaos" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getCityCommunities:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get number of communities in a city.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the estimated number of Synthoid communities in the specified city, or -1 if an invalid city was specified.\n *\n * @param cityName - Name of city. Case-sensitive\n *\n * @returns Number of Synthoids communities in the specified city.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getCityCommunities(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getCityCommunities" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getCityEstimatedPopulation:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get estimated population in city.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the estimated number of Synthoids in the specified city, or -1 if an invalid city was specified.\n *\n * @param cityName - Name of city. Case-sensitive\n *\n * @returns Estimated number of Synthoids in the specified city.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getCityEstimatedPopulation(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getCityEstimatedPopulation" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getContractNames:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * List all contracts.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0.4 GB\n *\n * Returns an array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner contracts.\n *\n * @returns Array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner contracts.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getContractNames(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getContractNames" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getCurrentAction:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get current action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 1 GB\n *\n * Returns an object that represents the player’s current Bladeburner action. If the player is not performing an action, the function will return an object with the ‘type’ property set to “Idle”.\n *\n * @returns Object that represents the player’s current Bladeburner action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getCurrentAction(): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "BladeburnerCurAction", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BladeburnerCurAction:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getCurrentAction" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getGeneralActionNames:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * List all general actions.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0.4 GB\n *\n * Returns an array of strings containing the names of all general Bladeburner actions.\n *\n * @returns Array of strings containing the names of all general Bladeburner actions.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getGeneralActionNames(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getGeneralActionNames" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getOperationNames:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * List all operations.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0.4 GB\n *\n * Returns an array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner operations.\n *\n * @returns Array of strings containing the names of all Bladeburner operations.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getOperationNames(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getOperationNames" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getRank:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get player bladeburner rank.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the player’s Bladeburner Rank.\n *\n * @returns Player’s Bladeburner Rank.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getRank(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getRank" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getSkillLevel:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get skill level.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * This function returns your level in the specified skill.\n *\n * The function returns -1 if an invalid skill name is passed in.\n *\n * @param skillName - Name of skill. Case-sensitive and must be an exact match\n *\n * @returns Level in the specified skill.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getSkillLevel(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getSkillLevel" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getSkillNames:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * List all skills.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0.4 GB\n *\n * Returns an array of strings containing the names of all general Bladeburner skills.\n *\n * @returns Array of strings containing the names of all general Bladeburner skills.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getSkillNames(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getSkillNames" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getSkillPoints:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get bladeburner skill points.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the number of Bladeburner skill points you have.\n *\n * @returns Number of Bladeburner skill points you have.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getSkillPoints(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getSkillPoints" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getSkillUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get cost to upgrade skill.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * This function returns the number of skill points needed to upgrade the specified skill.\n *\n * The function returns -1 if an invalid skill name is passed in.\n *\n * @param skillName - Name of skill. Case-sensitive and must be an exact match\n *\n * @returns Number of skill points needed to upgrade the specified skill.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getSkillUpgradeCost(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getSkillUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getStamina:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get bladeburner stamina.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB Returns an array with two elements: * [Current stamina, Max stamina]\n *\n * @returns Array containing current stamina and max stamina.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * function getStaminaPercentage() {\n * let res = bladeburner.getStamina();\n * return res[0] / res[1];\n * }\n * ```\n *\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getStamina(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "[number, number]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getStamina" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#getTeamSize:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get team size.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the number of Bladeburner team members you have assigned to the specified action.\n *\n * Setting a team is only applicable for Operations and BlackOps. This function will return 0 for other action types.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @returns Number of Bladeburner team members that were assigned to the specified action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getTeamSize(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getTeamSize" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#joinBladeburnerDivision:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Join the bladeburner division.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Attempts to join the Bladeburner division.\n *\n * Returns true if you successfully join the Bladeburner division, or if you are already a member.\n *\n * Returns false otherwise.\n *\n * @returns True if you successfully join the Bladeburner division, or if you are already a member, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "joinBladeburnerDivision(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "joinBladeburnerDivision" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#joinBladeburnerFaction:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Join the bladeburner faction.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB Attempts to join the Bladeburner faction.\n *\n * Returns true if you successfully join the Bladeburner faction, or if you are already a member.\n *\n * Returns false otherwise.\n *\n * @returns True if you successfully join the Bladeburner faction, or if you are already a member, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "joinBladeburnerFaction(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "joinBladeburnerFaction" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#setActionAutolevel:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Set an action autolevel.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Enable/disable autoleveling for the specified action.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @param autoLevel - Whether or not to autolevel this action\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "setActionAutolevel(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", autoLevel: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "void" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "autoLevel", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "setActionAutolevel" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#setActionLevel:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Set the level of an action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Set the level for the specified action.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @param level - Level to set this action to.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "setActionLevel(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", level: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "void" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "level", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "setActionLevel" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#setTeamSize:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Set team size.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Set the team size for the specified Bladeburner action.\n *\n * Returns the team size that was set, or -1 if the function failed.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match.\n *\n * @param size - Number of team members to set. Will be converted using Math.round().\n *\n * @returns Number of Bladeburner team members you assigned to the specified action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "setTeamSize(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", size: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "size", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "setTeamSize" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#startAction:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Start an action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Attempts to start the specified Bladeburner action. Returns true if the action was started successfully, and false otherwise.\n *\n * @param type - Type of action.\n *\n * @param name - Name of action. Must be an exact match\n *\n * @returns True if the action was started successfully, and false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "startAction(type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "type", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "startAction" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#stopBladeburnerAction:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Stop current action.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Stops the current Bladeburner action.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "stopBladeburnerAction(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "void" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "stopBladeburnerAction" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#switchCity:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Travel to another city in bladeburner.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB Attempts to switch to the specified city (for Bladeburner only).\n *\n * Returns true if successful, and false otherwise\n *\n * @param cityName - Name of city. Case-sensitive\n *\n * @returns true if successful, and false otherwise\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "switchCity(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "switchCity" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Bladeburner#upgradeSkill:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Upgrade skill.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Attempts to upgrade the specified Bladeburner skill.\n *\n * Returns true if the skill is successfully upgraded, and false otherwise.\n *\n * @param skillName - Name of skill to be upgraded. Case-sensitive and must be an exact match\n *\n * @returns true if the skill is successfully upgraded, and false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "upgradeSkill(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "upgradeSkill" } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BladeburnerCurAction:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Bladeburner current action.\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface BladeburnerCurAction " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "BladeburnerCurAction", "members": [ { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BladeburnerCurAction#name:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Name of Action\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "name", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!BladeburnerCurAction#type:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Type of Action\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "type", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface CharacterInfo " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CharacterInfo", "members": [ { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo#bitnode:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Current BitNode number\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "bitnode: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "bitnode", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo#city:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Name of city you are currently in\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "city: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "city", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo#company:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Array of all companies at which you have jobs\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "company: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "company", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo#factions:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Array of factions you are currently a member of\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "factions: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "factions", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo#hp:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Current health points\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hp: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "hp", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo#jobTitle:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Array of job positions for all companies you are employed at. Same order as 'jobs'\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "jobTitle: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "jobTitle", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo#maxHp:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Maximum health points\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "maxHp: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "maxHp", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CharacterInfo#mult:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Object with many of the player's multipliers from Augmentations/Source Files\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "mult: " }, { "kind": "Reference", 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then the function will return a string that states the contract’s reward when it is successfully solved.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "returnReward: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "returnReward", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CodingContract:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Coding Contact API\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface CodingContract " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "CodingContract", "members": [ { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CodingContract#attempt:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Attemps a coding contract.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 10 GB\n *\n * Attempts to solve the Coding Contract with the provided solution.\n *\n * @param answer - Solution for the contract.\n *\n * @param fn - Filename of the contract.\n *\n * @param host - Host of the server containing the contract. Optional. Defaults to current server if not provided.\n *\n * @param opts - Optional parameters for configuring function behavior.\n *\n * @returns True if the solution was correct, false otherwise. If the returnReward option is configured, then the function will instead return a string. If the contract is successfully solved, the string will contain a description of the contract’s reward. Otherwise, it will be an empty string.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "attempt(answer: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[] | number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", filename: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", host?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", opts?: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "CodingAttemptOptions", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CodingAttemptOptions:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean | string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 9, "endIndex": 10 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "answer", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "filename", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "host", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } }, { "parameterName": "opts", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 } } ], "name": "attempt" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CodingContract#getContractType:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the type of a coding contract.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 5 GB\n *\n * Returns a name describing the type of problem posed by the Coding Contract. (e.g. Find Largest Prime Factor, Total Ways to Sum, etc.)\n *\n * @param fn - Filename of the contract.\n *\n * @param host - Host of the server containing the contract. Optional. Defaults to current server if not provided.\n *\n * @returns Name describing the type of problem posed by the Coding Contract.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getContractType(filename: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", host?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "filename", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "host", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getContractType" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CodingContract#getData:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the input data.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 5 GB\n *\n * Get the data associated with the specific Coding Contract. Note that this is not the same as the contract’s description. This is just the data that the contract wants you to act on in order to solve\n *\n * @param filename - Filename of the contract.\n *\n * @param host - Host of the server containing the contract. Optional. Defaults to current server if not provided.\n *\n * @returns The specified contract’s data, data type depends on contract type.;\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getData(filename: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", host?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "any" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "filename", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "host", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getData" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CodingContract#getDescription:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the description.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 5 GB\n *\n * Get the full text description for the problem posed by the Coding Contract.\n *\n * @param fn - Filename of the contract.\n *\n * @param host - Host of the server containing the contract. Optional. Defaults to current server if not provided.\n *\n * @returns Contract’s text description.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getDescription(filename: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", host?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "filename", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "host", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getDescription" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!CodingContract#getNumTriesRemaining:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the number of attempt remaining.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Get the number of tries remaining on the contract before it self-destructs.\n *\n * @param fn - Filename of the contract.\n *\n * @param host - Host of the server containing the contract. Optional. Defaults to current server if not provided.\n *\n * @returns How many attempts are remaining for the contract;\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getNumTriesRemaining(filename: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", host?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "filename", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "host", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getNumTriesRemaining" } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Corporation:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Corporation API\n *\n * @public\n */\n", 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"kind": "Content", "text": "shape: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean[][]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "shape", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Fragment#type:member", "docComment": "", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "type: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "type", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Gang API\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * If you are not in BitNode-2, then you must have Source-File 2 in order to use this API.\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface Gang " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "Gang", "members": [ { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#ascendMember:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Ascend a gang member.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Ascend the specified Gang Member.\n *\n * @param memberName - Name of member to ascend.\n *\n * @returns Object with info about the ascension results. undefined if ascension did not occur.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ascendMember(memberName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangMemberAscension", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangMemberAscension:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": " | undefined" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 5 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "memberName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "ascendMember" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#canRecruitMember:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Check if you can recruit a new gang member.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 1 GB\n *\n * Returns boolean indicating whether a member can currently be recruited\n *\n * @returns True if a member can currently be recruited, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "canRecruitMember(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "canRecruitMember" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#createGang:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Create a gang.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 1GB\n *\n * Create a gang with the specified faction.\n *\n * @returns True if the gang was created, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "createGang(faction: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "faction", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "createGang" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getAscensionResult:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the result of an ascension without ascending.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Get the result of an ascension without ascending.\n *\n * @param memberName - Name of member.\n *\n * @returns Object with info about the ascension results. undefined if ascension is impossible.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getAscensionResult(memberName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangMemberAscension", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangMemberAscension:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": " | undefined" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 5 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "memberName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getAscensionResult" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getBonusTime:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get bonus time.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Returns the amount of accumulated “bonus time” (seconds) for the Gang mechanic.\n *\n * “Bonus time” is accumulated when the game is offline or if the game is inactive in the browser.\n *\n * “Bonus time” makes the game progress faster, up to 10x the normal speed.\n *\n * @returns Bonus time for the Gang mechanic in milliseconds.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getBonusTime(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getBonusTime" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getChanceToWinClash:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get chance to win clash with other gang.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Returns the chance you have to win a clash with the specified gang. The chance is returned in decimal form, not percentage\n *\n * @param gangName - Target gang\n *\n * @returns Chance you have to win a clash with the specified gang.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getChanceToWinClash(gangName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "gangName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getChanceToWinClash" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getEquipmentCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get cost of equipment.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Get the amount of money it takes to purchase a piece of Equipment or an Augmentation. If an invalid Equipment/Augmentation is specified, this function will return Infinity.\n *\n * @param equipName - Name of equipment.\n *\n * @returns Cost to purchase the specified Equipment/Augmentation (number). Infinity for invalid arguments\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getEquipmentCost(equipName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "equipName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getEquipmentCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getEquipmentNames:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * List equipment names.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 1 GB\n *\n * Get the name of all possible equipment/upgrades you can purchase for your Gang Members. This includes Augmentations.\n *\n * @returns Names of all Equipments/Augmentations.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getEquipmentNames(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getEquipmentNames" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getEquipmentStats:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get stats of an equipment.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Get the specified equipment stats.\n *\n * @param equipName - Name of equipment.\n *\n * @returns A dictionary containing the stats of the equipment.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getEquipmentStats(equipName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "EquipmentStats", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!EquipmentStats:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "equipName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getEquipmentStats" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getEquipmentType:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get type of an equipment.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Get the specified equipment type.\n *\n * @param equipName - Name of equipment.\n *\n * @returns Type of the equipment.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getEquipmentType(equipName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "equipName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getEquipmentType" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getGangInformation:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get information about your gang.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Get general information about the gang.\n *\n * @returns Object containing general information about the gang.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getGangInformation(): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangGenInfo", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangGenInfo:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getGangInformation" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getMemberInformation:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get information about a specific gang member.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Get stat and equipment-related information about a Gang Member\n *\n * @param name - Name of member.\n *\n * @returns Object containing stat and equipment-related information about a Gang Member.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getMemberInformation(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangMemberInfo", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangMemberInfo:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getMemberInformation" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getMemberNames:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * List all gang members.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 1 GB\n *\n * Get the names of all Gang members\n *\n * @returns Names of all Gang members.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getMemberNames(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getMemberNames" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getOtherGangInformation:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get information about the other gangs.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Get territory and power information about all gangs.\n *\n * @returns Object containing territory and power information about all gangs.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getOtherGangInformation(): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangOtherInfo", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangOtherInfo:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getOtherGangInformation" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getTaskNames:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * List member task names.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 1 GB\n *\n * Get the name of all valid tasks that Gang members can be assigned to.\n *\n * @returns All valid tasks that Gang members can be assigned to.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getTaskNames(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string[]" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getTaskNames" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#getTaskStats:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get stats of a task.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 1 GB\n *\n * Get the stats of a gang task stats. This is typically used to evaluate which action should be executed next.\n *\n * @param name - Name of the task.\n *\n * @returns Detailed stats of a task.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getTaskStats(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangTaskStats", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangTaskStats:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getTaskStats" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#inGang:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Check if you're in a gang.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 1GB\n *\n * @returns True if you're in a gang, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "inGang(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "inGang" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#purchaseEquipment:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Purchase an equipment for a gang member.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 4 GB\n *\n * Attempt to purchase the specified Equipment/Augmentation for the specified Gang member.\n *\n * @param memberName - Name of Gang member to purchase the equipment for.\n *\n * @param equipName - Name of Equipment/Augmentation to purchase.\n *\n * @returns True if the equipment was successfully purchased. False otherwise\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "purchaseEquipment(memberName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", equipName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "memberName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "equipName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "purchaseEquipment" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#recruitMember:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Recruit a new gang member.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Attempt to recruit a new gang member.\n *\n * Possible reasons for failure: * Cannot currently recruit a new member * There already exists a member with the specified name\n *\n * @param name - Name of member to recruit.\n *\n * @returns True if the member was successfully recruited, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "recruitMember(name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "name", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "recruitMember" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#setMemberTask:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Set gang member to task.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Attempts to assign the specified Gang Member to the specified task. If an invalid task is specified, the Gang member will be set to idle (“Unassigned”).\n *\n * @param memberName - Name of Gang member to assign.\n *\n * @param taskName - Task to assign.\n *\n * @returns True if the Gang Member was successfully assigned to the task, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "setMemberTask(memberName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", taskName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "memberName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "taskName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "setMemberTask" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Gang#setTerritoryWarfare:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Enable/Disable territory warfare.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 2 GB\n *\n * Set whether or not the gang should engage in territory warfare\n *\n * @param engage - Whether or not to engage in territory warfare.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "setTerritoryWarfare(engage: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "void" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "engage", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "setTerritoryWarfare" } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangFormulas:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Gang formulas\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "interface GangFormulas " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "GangFormulas", "members": [ { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangFormulas#ascensionMultiplier:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate ascension mult.\n *\n * @param points - Amount of ascension points.\n *\n * @returns The calculated ascension mult.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ascensionMultiplier(points: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "points", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "ascensionMultiplier" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangFormulas#ascensionPointsGain:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate ascension point gain.\n *\n * @param exp - Experience point before ascension.\n *\n * @returns The calculated ascension point gain.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ascensionPointsGain(exp: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "exp", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "ascensionPointsGain" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangFormulas#moneyGain:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate money gain per tick.\n *\n * @param gang - Gang info from {@link Gang.getGangInformation | getGangInformation}\n *\n * @param member - Member info from {@link Gang.getMemberInformation | getMemberInformation}\n *\n * @param task - Task info from {@link Gang.getTaskStats | getTaskStats}\n *\n * @returns The calculated money gain.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "moneyGain(gang: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangGenInfo", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangGenInfo:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", member: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangMemberInfo", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangMemberInfo:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", task: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "GangTaskStats", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!GangTaskStats:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "gang", "parameterTypeTokenRange": 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"Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "server", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "player", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "hackExp" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HackingFormulas#hackPercent:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate hack percent for one thread.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * Multiply by thread to get total percent hacked.\n *\n * @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}\n *\n * @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}\n *\n * @returns The calculated hack percent.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hackPercent(server: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "Server", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Server:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", player: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "Player", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Player:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "server", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "player", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "hackPercent" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HackingFormulas#hackTime:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate hack time.\n *\n * @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}\n *\n * @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}\n *\n * @returns The calculated hack time.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hackTime(server: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "Server", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Server:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", player: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "Player", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Player:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "server", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "player", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "hackTime" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HackingFormulas#weakenTime:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate weaken time.\n *\n * @param server - Server info from {@link NS.getServer | getServer}\n *\n * @param player - Player info from {@link NS.getPlayer | getPlayer}\n *\n * @returns The calculated weaken time.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "weakenTime(server: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "Server", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Server:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", player: " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "Player", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Player:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "server", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "player", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "weakenTime" } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HackingMultipliers:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Hack related multipliers.\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface HackingMultipliers " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "HackingMultipliers", "members": [ { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HackingMultipliers#chance:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacking chance multiplier.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "chance: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "chance", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HackingMultipliers#growth:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacking growth multiplier\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "growth: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "growth", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HackingMultipliers#money:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacking money stolen multiplier.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "money: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "money", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HackingMultipliers#speed:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacking speed multiplier.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "speed: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "speed", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Hacknet API\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * Not all these functions are immediately available.\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface Hacknet " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "Hacknet", "members": [ { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getCacheUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate the cost of upgrading hacknet node cache.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * Returns the cost of upgrading the cache level of the specified Hacknet Server by n.\n *\n * If an invalid value for n is provided, then this function returns 0. If the specified Hacknet Node is already at max level, then Infinity is returned.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param n - Number of times to upgrade cache. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer.\n *\n * @returns Cost of upgrading the specified Hacknet Node's cache.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getCacheUpgradeCost(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getCacheUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getCoreUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate the cost of upgrading hacknet node cores.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Returns the cost of upgrading the number of cores of the specified Hacknet Node by n.\n *\n * If an invalid value for n is provided, then this function returns 0. If the specified Hacknet Node is already at max level, then Infinity is returned.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param n - Number of times to upgrade cores. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer.\n *\n * @returns Cost of upgrading the specified Hacknet Node's number of cores.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getCoreUpgradeCost(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getCoreUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getHashUpgradeLevel:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the level of a hash upgrade.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * @returns Level of the upgrade.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getHashUpgradeLevel(upgName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "upgName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getHashUpgradeLevel" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getLevelUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate the cost of upgrading hacknet node levels.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Returns the cost of upgrading the specified Hacknet Node by n levels.\n *\n * If an invalid value for n is provided, then this function returns 0. If the specified Hacknet Node is already at max level, then Infinity is returned.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param n - Number of levels to upgrade. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer.\n *\n * @returns Cost of upgrading the specified Hacknet Node.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getLevelUpgradeCost(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getLevelUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getNodeStats:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the stats of a hacknet node.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Returns an object containing a variety of stats about the specified Hacknet Node.\n *\n * Note that for Hacknet Nodes, production refers to the amount of money the node generates. For Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of Hacknet Nodes), production refers to the amount of hashes the node generates.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node\n *\n * @returns Object containing a variety of stats about the specified Hacknet Node.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getNodeStats(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Reference", "text": "NodeStats", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats:interface" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "getNodeStats" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getPurchaseNodeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the price of the next hacknet node.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Returns the cost of purchasing a new Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @returns Cost of purchasing a new Hacknet Node.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getPurchaseNodeCost(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getPurchaseNodeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getRamUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate the cost of upgrading hacknet node RAM.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Returns the cost of upgrading the RAM of the specified Hacknet Node n times.\n *\n * If an invalid value for n is provided, then this function returns 0. If the specified Hacknet Node is already at max level, then Infinity is returned.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param n - Number of times to upgrade RAM. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer.\n *\n * @returns Cost of upgrading the specified Hacknet Node's ram.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getRamUpgradeCost(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "getRamUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getStudyMult:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the multipler to study.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * @returns Multiplier.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getStudyMult(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getStudyMult" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#getTrainingMult:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the multipler to training.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * @returns Multiplier.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "getTrainingMult(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "getTrainingMult" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#hashCapacity:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the maximum number of hashes you can store.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * Returns the number of hashes you can store.\n *\n * @returns Number of hashes you can store.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hashCapacity(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "hashCapacity" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#hashCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the cost of a hash upgrade.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * Returns the number of hashes required for the specified upgrade. The name of the upgrade must be an exact match.\n *\n * @param upgName - Name of the upgrade of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @returns Number of hashes required for the specified upgrade.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * var upgradeName = \"Sell for Corporation Funds\";\n * if (hacknet.numHashes() > hacknet.hashCost(upgradeName)) {\n * hacknet.spendHashes(upgName);\n * }\n * ```\n *\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hashCost(upgName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "upgName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "name": "hashCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#maxNumNodes:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the maximum number of hacknet nodes.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * @returns maximum number of hacknet nodes.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "maxNumNodes(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "maxNumNodes" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#numHashes:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the total number of hashes stored.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * Returns the number of hashes you have.\n *\n * @returns Number of hashes you have.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "numHashes(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "numHashes" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#numNodes:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Get the number of hacknet nodes you own.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Returns the number of Hacknet Nodes you own.\n *\n * @returns number of hacknet nodes.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "numNodes(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "numNodes" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#purchaseNode:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Purchase a new hacknet node.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Purchases a new Hacknet Node. Returns a number with the index of the Hacknet Node. This index is equivalent to the number at the end of the Hacknet Node’s name (e.g The Hacknet Node named `hacknet-node-4` will have an index of 4).\n *\n * If the player cannot afford to purchase a new Hacknet Node then the function will return -1.\n *\n * @returns The index of the Hacknet Node or if the player cannot afford to purchase a new Hacknet Node the function will return -1.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "purchaseNode(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "purchaseNode" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#spendHashes:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Purchase a hash upgrade.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * Spend the hashes generated by your Hacknet Servers on an upgrade. Returns a boolean value - true if the upgrade is successfully purchased, and false otherwise.\n *\n * The name of the upgrade must be an exact match. The `upgTarget` argument is used for upgrades such as `Reduce Minimum Security`, which applies to a specific server. In this case, the `upgTarget` argument must be the hostname of the server.\n *\n * @param upgName - Name of the upgrade of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param upgTarget - Object to which upgrade applies. Required for certain upgrades.\n *\n * @returns True if the upgrade is successfully purchased, and false otherwise..\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * hacknet.spendHashes(\"Sell for Corporation Funds\");\n * hacknet.spendHashes(\"Increase Maximum Money\", \"foodnstuff\");\n * ```\n *\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "spendHashes(upgName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", upgTarget?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "upgName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "upgTarget", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "spendHashes" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#upgradeCache:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Upgrade the cache of a hacknet node.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * This function is only applicable for Hacknet Servers (the upgraded version of a Hacknet Node).\n *\n * Tries to upgrade the specified Hacknet Server’s cache n times.\n *\n * Returns true if it successfully upgrades the Server’s cache n times, or if it purchases some positive amount and the Server reaches its max cache level.\n *\n * Returns false otherwise.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param n - Number of cache levels to purchase. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer.\n *\n * @returns True if the Hacknet Node’s cores are successfully purchased, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "upgradeCache(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "upgradeCache" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#upgradeCore:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Upgrade the core of a hacknet node.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Tries to purchase n cores for the specified Hacknet Node.\n *\n * Returns true if it successfully purchases n cores for the Hacknet Node or if it purchases some positive amount and the Node reaches its max number of cores.\n *\n * Returns false otherwise.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param n - Number of cores to purchase. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer.\n *\n * @returns True if the Hacknet Node’s cores are successfully purchased, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "upgradeCore(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "upgradeCore" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#upgradeLevel:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Upgrade the level of a hacknet node.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Tries to upgrade the level of the specified Hacknet Node by n.\n *\n * Returns true if the Hacknet Node’s level is successfully upgraded by n or if it is upgraded by some positive amount and the Node reaches its max level.\n *\n * Returns false otherwise.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param n - Number of levels to purchase. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer.\n *\n * @returns True if the Hacknet Node’s level is successfully upgraded, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "upgradeLevel(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "upgradeLevel" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Hacknet#upgradeRam:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Upgrade the RAM of a hacknet node.\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * RAM cost: 0 GB\n *\n * Tries to upgrade the specified Hacknet Node’s RAM n times. Note that each upgrade doubles the Node’s RAM. So this is equivalent to multiplying the Node’s RAM by 2 n.\n *\n * Returns true if the Hacknet Node’s RAM is successfully upgraded n times or if it is upgraded some positive number of times and the Node reaches it max RAM.\n *\n * Returns false otherwise.\n *\n * @param index - Index/Identifier of Hacknet Node.\n *\n * @param n - Number of times to upgrade RAM. Must be positive. Rounded to nearest integer.\n *\n * @returns True if the Hacknet Node’s ram is successfully upgraded, false otherwise.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "upgradeRam(index: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "boolean" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "index", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "upgradeRam" } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetMultipliers:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Hacknet related multipliers.\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface HacknetMultipliers " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "HacknetMultipliers", "members": [ { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetMultipliers#coreCost:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacknet core cost multiplier\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "coreCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "coreCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetMultipliers#levelCost:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacknet level cost multiplier\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "levelCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "levelCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetMultipliers#production:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacknet production multiplier\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "production: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "production", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetMultipliers#purchaseCost:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacknet purchase cost multiplier\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "purchaseCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "purchaseCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetMultipliers#ramCost:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Player's hacknet ram cost multiplier\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ramCost: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ramCost", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetNodesFormulas:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Hacknet Node formulas\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "interface HacknetNodesFormulas " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "HacknetNodesFormulas", "members": [ { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetNodesFormulas#constants:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * All constants used by the game.\n *\n * @returns An object with all hacknet node constants used by the game.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "constants(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "constants" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetNodesFormulas#coreUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet node cores.\n *\n * @param startingCore - starting cores\n *\n * @param extraCores - amount of cores to purchase (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @param costMult - player cost reduction (default to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "coreUpgradeCost(startingCore: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", extraCores?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", costMult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "startingCore", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "extraCores", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "costMult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "coreUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetNodesFormulas#hacknetNodeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate the cost of a hacknet node.\n *\n * @param n - number of the hacknet node\n *\n * @param mult - player cost reduction (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hacknetNodeCost(n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", mult: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "mult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "hacknetNodeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetNodesFormulas#levelUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet node level.\n *\n * @param startingLevel - starting level\n *\n * @param extraLevels - amount of level to purchase (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @param costMult - player cost reduction (default to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "levelUpgradeCost(startingLevel: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", extraLevels?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", costMult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "startingLevel", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "extraLevels", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "costMult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "levelUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetNodesFormulas#moneyGainRate:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate money gain rate.\n *\n * @param level - level of the node.\n *\n * @param ram - ram of the node.\n *\n * @param cores - cores of the node.\n *\n * @param mult - player production mult (default to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated money gain rate.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "moneyGainRate(level: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", ram: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", cores: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", mult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 9, "endIndex": 10 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "level", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "ram", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "cores", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } }, { "parameterName": "mult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 } } ], "name": "moneyGainRate" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetNodesFormulas#ramUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet node ram.\n *\n * @param startingRam - starting ram\n *\n * @param extraLevels - amount of level of ram to purchase (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @param costMult - player cost reduction (default to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ramUpgradeCost(startingRam: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", extraLevels?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", costMult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "startingRam", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "extraLevels", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "costMult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "ramUpgradeCost" } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Hacknet Server formulas\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "interface HacknetServersFormulas " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "HacknetServersFormulas", "members": [ { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas#cacheUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet server cache.\n *\n * @param startingCache - starting cache level\n *\n * @param extraCache - amount of levels of cache to purchase (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "cacheUpgradeCost(startingCache: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", extraCache?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "startingCache", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "extraCache", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "cacheUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas#constants:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * All constants used by the game.\n *\n * @returns An object with all hacknet server constants used by the game.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "constants(): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "any" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [], "name": "constants" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas#coreUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet server cores.\n *\n * @param startingCore - starting cores\n *\n * @param extraCores - amount of cores to purchase (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @param costMult - player cost reduction (default to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "coreUpgradeCost(startingCore: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", extraCores?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", costMult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "startingCore", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "extraCores", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "costMult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "coreUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas#hacknetServerCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate the cost of a hacknet server.\n *\n * @param n - number of the hacknet server\n *\n * @param mult - player cost reduction (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hacknetServerCost(n: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", mult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "n", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "mult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "hacknetServerCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas#hashGainRate:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate hash gain rate.\n *\n * @param level - level of the server.\n *\n * @param ramUsed - ramUsed of the server.\n *\n * @param maxRam - maxRam of the server.\n *\n * @param cores - cores of the server.\n *\n * @param mult - player production mult (default to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated hash gain rate.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hashGainRate(level: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", ramUsed: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", maxRam: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", cores: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", mult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 11, "endIndex": 12 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "level", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "ramUsed", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "maxRam", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } }, { "parameterName": "cores", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 } }, { "parameterName": "mult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 9, "endIndex": 10 } } ], "name": "hashGainRate" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas#hashUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate hash cost of an upgrade.\n *\n * @param upgName - name of the upgrade\n *\n * @param level - level of the upgrade\n *\n * @returns The calculated hash cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hashUpgradeCost(upgName: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", level: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "upgName", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "level", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } } ], "name": "hashUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas#levelUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet server level.\n *\n * @param startingLevel - starting level\n *\n * @param extraLevels - amount of level to purchase (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @param costMult - player cost reduction (default to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "levelUpgradeCost(startingLevel: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", extraLevels?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", costMult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "startingLevel", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "extraLevels", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "costMult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "levelUpgradeCost" }, { "kind": "MethodSignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!HacknetServersFormulas#ramUpgradeCost:member(1)", "docComment": "/**\n * Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet server ram.\n *\n * @param startingRam - starting ram\n *\n * @param extraLevels - amount of level of ram to purchase (defaults to 1)\n *\n * @param costMult - player cost reduction (default to 1)\n *\n * @returns The calculated cost.\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ramUpgradeCost(startingRam: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", extraLevels?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ", costMult?: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "): " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "returnTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 7, "endIndex": 8 }, "releaseTag": "Public", "overloadIndex": 1, "parameters": [ { "parameterName": "startingRam", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "parameterName": "extraLevels", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 3, "endIndex": 4 } }, { "parameterName": "costMult", "parameterTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 5, "endIndex": 6 } } ], "name": "ramUpgradeCost" } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Material:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Material in a warehouse\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "interface Material " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "Material", "members": [ { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Material#name:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Name of the material\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "name", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Material#qlt:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Quality of the material\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "qlt: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "qlt", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!Material#qty:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Amount of material\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "qty: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "qty", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Object representing all the values related to a hacknet node.\n *\n * @public\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "export interface NodeStats " } ], "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "NodeStats", "members": [ { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats#cache:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Cache level. 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Only applicable for Hacknet Servers\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "hashCapacity: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "hashCapacity", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats#level:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Node's level\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "level: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "level", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats#name:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Node's name\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "name: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "string" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "name", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats#production:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Node's production per second\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "production: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "production", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats#ram:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Node's RAM\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ram: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ram", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats#ramUsed:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Node's used RAM\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "ramUsed: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "ramUsed", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats#timeOnline:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Number of seconds since Node has been purchased\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "timeOnline: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "timeOnline", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } }, { "kind": "PropertySignature", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NodeStats#totalProduction:member", "docComment": "/**\n * Total number of money Node has produced\n */\n", "excerptTokens": [ { "kind": "Content", "text": "totalProduction: " }, { "kind": "Content", "text": "number" }, { "kind": "Content", "text": ";" } ], "isOptional": false, "releaseTag": "Public", "name": "totalProduction", "propertyTypeTokenRange": { "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 2 } } ], "extendsTokenRanges": [] }, { "kind": "Interface", "canonicalReference": "bitburner!NS:interface", "docComment": "/**\n * Collection of all functions passed to scripts\n *\n * @remarks\n *\n * Basic ns1 usage example:\n * ```ts\n * // Basic ns functions can be used directly\n * getHostname();\n * // Some related functions are gathered within a common namespace\n * stock.getPrice();\n * ```\n *\n * {@link https://bitburner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/netscript/netscript1.html | ns1 in-game docs}