// Copyright (c) 2015 Greenheart Games Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // The source code can be found in https://github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks var fs = require('fs'); var greenworks; if (process.platform == 'darwin') { if (process.arch == 'x64') greenworks = require('./lib/greenworks-osx64'); else if (process.arch == 'ia32') greenworks = require('./lib/greenworks-osx32'); } else if (process.platform == 'win32') { if (process.arch == 'x64') greenworks = require('./lib/greenworks-win64'); else if (process.arch == 'ia32') greenworks = require('./lib/greenworks-win32'); } else if (process.platform == 'linux') { if (process.arch == 'x64') greenworks = require('./lib/greenworks-linux64'); else if (process.arch == 'ia32') greenworks = require('./lib/greenworks-linux32'); } function error_process(err, error_callback) { if (err && error_callback) error_callback(err); } greenworks.ugcGetItems = function(options, ugc_matching_type, ugc_query_type, success_callback, error_callback) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { error_callback = success_callback; success_callback = ugc_query_type; ugc_query_type = ugc_matching_type; ugc_matching_type = options; options = { 'app_id': greenworks.getAppId(), 'page_num': 1 } } greenworks._ugcGetItems(options, ugc_matching_type, ugc_query_type, success_callback, error_callback); } greenworks.ugcGetUserItems = function(options, ugc_matching_type, ugc_list_sort_order, ugc_list, success_callback, error_callback) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { error_callback = success_callback; success_callback = ugc_list; ugc_list = ugc_list_sort_order; ugc_list_sort_order = ugc_matching_type; ugc_matching_type = options; options = { 'app_id': greenworks.getAppId(), 'page_num': 1 } } greenworks._ugcGetUserItems(options, ugc_matching_type, ugc_list_sort_order, ugc_list, success_callback, error_callback); } greenworks.ugcSynchronizeItems = function (options, sync_dir, success_callback, error_callback) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { error_callback = success_callback; success_callback = sync_dir; sync_dir = options; options = { 'app_id': greenworks.getAppId(), 'page_num': 1 } } greenworks._ugcSynchronizeItems(options, sync_dir, success_callback, error_callback); } greenworks.publishWorkshopFile = function(options, file_path, image_path, title, description, success_callback, error_callback) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { error_callback = success_callback; success_callback = description; description = title; title = image_path; image_path = file_path; file_path = options; options = { 'app_id': greenworks.getAppId(), 'tags': [] } } greenworks._publishWorkshopFile(options, file_path, image_path, title, description, success_callback, error_callback); } greenworks.updatePublishedWorkshopFile = function(options, published_file_handle, file_path, image_path, title, description, success_callback, error_callback) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { error_callback = success_callback; success_callback = description; description = title; title = image_path; image_path = file_path; file_path = published_file_handle; published_file_handle = options; options = { 'tags': [] // No tags are set } } greenworks._updatePublishedWorkshopFile(options, published_file_handle, file_path, image_path, title, description, success_callback, error_callback); } // An utility function for publish related APIs. // It processes remains steps after saving files to Steam Cloud. function file_share_process(file_name, image_name, next_process_func, error_callback, progress_callback) { if (progress_callback) progress_callback("Completed on saving files on Steam Cloud."); greenworks.fileShare(file_name, function() { greenworks.fileShare(image_name, function() { next_process_func(); }, function(err) { error_process(err, error_callback); }); }, function(err) { error_process(err, error_callback); }); } // Publishing user generated content(ugc) to Steam contains following steps: // 1. Save file and image to Steam Cloud. // 2. Share the file and image. // 3. publish the file to workshop. greenworks.ugcPublish = function(file_name, title, description, image_name, success_callback, error_callback, progress_callback) { var publish_file_process = function() { if (progress_callback) progress_callback("Completed on sharing files."); greenworks.publishWorkshopFile(file_name, image_name, title, description, function(publish_file_id) { success_callback(publish_file_id); }, function(err) { error_process(err, error_callback); }); }; greenworks.saveFilesToCloud([file_name, image_name], function() { file_share_process(file_name, image_name, publish_file_process, error_callback, progress_callback); }, function(err) { error_process(err, error_callback); }); } // Update publish ugc steps: // 1. Save new file and image to Steam Cloud. // 2. Share file and images. // 3. Update published file. greenworks.ugcPublishUpdate = function(published_file_id, file_name, title, description, image_name, success_callback, error_callback, progress_callback) { var update_published_file_process = function() { if (progress_callback) progress_callback("Completed on sharing files."); greenworks.updatePublishedWorkshopFile(published_file_id, file_name, image_name, title, description, function() { success_callback(); }, function(err) { error_process(err, error_callback); }); }; greenworks.saveFilesToCloud([file_name, image_name], function() { file_share_process(file_name, image_name, update_published_file_process, error_callback, progress_callback); }, function(err) { error_process(err, error_callback); }); } // Greenworks Utils APIs implmentation. greenworks.Utils.move = function(source_dir, target_dir, success_callback, error_callback) { fs.rename(source_dir, target_dir, function(err) { if (err) { if (error_callback) error_callback(err); return; } if (success_callback) success_callback(); }); } greenworks.init = function() { if (this.initAPI()) return true; if (!this.isSteamRunning()) throw new Error("Steam initialization failed. Steam is not running."); var appId; try { appId = fs.readFileSync('steam_appid.txt', 'utf8'); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Steam initialization failed. Steam is running," + "but steam_appid.txt is missing. Expected to find it in: " + require('path').resolve('steam_appid.txt')); } if (!/^\d+ *\r?\n?$/.test(appId)) { throw new Error("Steam initialization failed. " + "steam_appid.txt appears to be invalid; " + "it should contain a numeric ID: " + appId); } throw new Error("Steam initialization failed, but Steam is running, " + "and steam_appid.txt is present and valid." + "Maybe that's not really YOUR app ID? " + appId.trim()); } var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; greenworks.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype; EventEmitter.call(greenworks); greenworks._steam_events.on = function () { greenworks.emit.apply(greenworks, arguments); }; process.versions['greenworks'] = greenworks._version; module.exports = greenworks;